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CDs/LPs/Eps reviews:
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(Pol) Murder concept CD’00 SEASON OF MYST. I didn’t know
the band that much until now, I’ve just burnt this Cd and… AAARRRGGHH!!
“BRUTAL” is the only word that comes through my mind! This is a
long time I haven’t discovered an efficient band in this quite complex
and technical Brutal Death style! Their music definitely owns
some old school Death metal roots in which are flesh burnt some
newer elements as it reminds me of SUFFOCATION, old VADER, old MORBID
ANGEL, old SINISTER, DISGUST (Fra). It also reminds me of NATRON,
but YATTERING is better! It’s cool to hear a band that doesn’t
sound like a CANNIBAL CORPSE copy! Their tracks are fucking complex
with well-done arrangements! Efficient and unrelentless stuffs!
That’s for sure! Yeah! One more time I’m dead! It fucking kills!
And they own some apocalyptic sounding leads from hell à la old
MORBID ANGEL/ POSSESSED! They share the same influences with
the French band KABBAL and it can be felt! There are quite complex
and “jazzy” drumbeats between, the punching beats, bass drum’s rumbles
and Brutal grinds! Very good drummer! There are so many changes,
ideas and riffs here, this is the kind of CD you can listen a lot,
and you’ll discover some new elements each time! I don’t enjoy
all the tracks here, the first 2 ones are excellent, but the whole
remains more than Ok! That’s clear!! A good and impressive CD
to advice to Brutal Death maniacs!! It deserves its 9 fucking skulls!
(Pol) Genocide CD'03 CANDLELIGHT. This is a fucking killer
weekend of Death! I've just uploaded two YATTERING albums: "Murder
concept" and "Genocide" and I must say my Saturday
was fulfilled with excellent Brutal death metal, with technical
and killings riffs (including a quite obscure and ancient touch)
thanks to "Murder concept"! Now I've had a good time
of Death metal brutality and anger on this CD they released the
year 2000 and I've penetrated their style enough, it's time to pay
a morbid attention to this new "Genocide"! After a
FEAR FACTORY ("Demanufacture") like heavy intro begins
the album, this is the time to feast! What immediately attracts
my attention is YATTERING have added several new elements in its
Brutal Death. There are some new Metalcore, Hardcorish and almost
"Techno Death" (but not melodic) elements in here, as
well as a few heavier parts. But don't be afraid, there are still
a bunch of blasts and aggressive elements. These new influences
could remind of bands such as CRYPTOPSY (last CDs), some MESHUGGAH
(in the heavier riffs), some old ATROCITY (first LP "Hallucinations")
may say this is more complexly constructed. I preferred their
previous LP "Murder concept" that was more right in the
face and more emotional. The whole is totally pro with a good sound,
hyper tight tracks, etc. It's you to see if you want a Brutal death
CD that tends to be quite complex with different elements.

(FRA) Dying sun CD’02 ANVIL CORP. Great obscure soulfull
cover painted by Thierry Demarez! This french band plays a mix
of heavy metal/ thrash metal with death metal and black metal touches,
and I mist say there are some good stuffs in here! There are Leads sounding in the old KING DIAMOND’s vein. They’ve
got some obvious old MEGADETH’s « Peace sells... but who’s
buying » and « Rust in peace » riffing influences.
Good sounding melodic heavy metal influences in the vein of old
IRON MAIDEN (« Powerslave » and all the good old Maiden
albums! plus « A real dead one » and « A real
live one ») and KING DIAMOND (« Abigail » for
some high pitched melodies). The clear vocalized 90’s Heavy metal
choruses sound good. Sometimes, the leading parts wouldn’t be
so far from the JOE SATRIANI’s ones when he’s into his heavier and
most metallic feelings. Some few cooler
parts could make think the soft Heavy metal bastards about ANGRA’s
first CD for the nice riffs, the cool clear vocals and some nice
breaks. There are a few death metal tremolo riffs that are taken
on a mid tempo timing with some double bass drums. There are athmospheric
parts with clear vocals à la EMPEROR’s 2nd CD. Small
rockin’ touches in the vein of AC/DC (AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!). One
could speak about ANNIHILATOR touches here and here, but it’s not
be an obvious influence for sure. Fuck you, these guys must be
big MEGADETH fans!! There are a few entertaining tracks that
include some cool ideas, YRKOON sounds better than some heavy metal
revival shit bands that are released nowadays! This review was probably
too dexcriptive to get a clear idea of their stuffs! Ah... Here's
a cleaner conclusion: This album offers you some Good quality Heavy/
Thrash metal with few Death metal touches! It has some more melodic
parts. Even though I think their tracks are quite long, the quality
is here (you can be sure) and I can only advice YYRKOON to those
who enjoy a lot the Good Heavy metal of the 80's! Note: 75%

RITUAL (Jap) Night of the zombie party CD’04. RAZORBACK. Zombies,
zombies, zombies, there are zombie-pictures and zombie-titles everywhere
in this album... it's cool if these apparently sick Japanese death
metallers are possessed by the zombies, but it would be just better
if they really displayed in their music the real power, will to
kill and necrotic envy to cut your flesh, cut your ass in half and
mangle your fleshly leeched brain of the mighty ZOMBIES!! Not that
this album is bad, but it lacks some really morbid haunting riffs
of death that takes you from behind and brutally sodomizes you on
the altar of pure fucking death metal, the impious and satanic way!!! To
keep it short, this album sounds very much influenced by early Death
metal bands such as early DEATH; early MASTER (not as raw), some
MASSACRE, some old ENTOMBED, CARCASS, AUTOPSY... there are also
few things that could sound like some Thrashcore (Follow my finger,
you see some old NUCLEAR ASSAULT, or S.O.D for an half fun spirit
fueled with fun & energy). There are also some blasting influences
on could draw as being near of old school grind... So you think
it' tastes like a cool album, and yes during the first listenings
it sounds cool! But when you pay a deeper listening, some kinds
of metallic betrayals can be felt! Some riffs sound too much like
early DEATH in my rotopinion, fucking shit, and the second track
literally steals a riff from the cult first COMECON album "Megatrends
in brutality"!! This is exactly the same riff (that couldn't
be misleaded with another one) and some following arrangements of
the song also follow the strange style COMECON had back then...
If you can't find ideas of your own, what's the use of releasing
an album? (Every band isn't as imaginative INFERNÖ, that's for sure,
but at least do some efforts! Ah Ah). All in all, this album
has some energy and will probably turn on a bunch of guys, but I
don't like when a band rips off too obviously the compositions of
a past cult band! So, some younger metalheads will probably enjoy
this album, and drink a bunch of hellish beers listening to "Night
of the zombie party", but the older ones, those who know their
classic albums won't be fooled too easily and might not be so enthusiastic.
Try few tracks and judge of this is some worthy entertainment in
your hears, but one thing is certain: this is not a cult album (To
the contrary of some past Razorback releases that might gain a good
status in few years).
(Swe) Zombified slaughtermachine CD. 2010. SHEPHERD OF ROT Recs. The
goat penis of Damocles; Enormous, hard and obscure... Moving left
and right under your nose, just in case you move the wrong finger
in the wrong direction... Well I had to move this finger, just
to see the black semen turn to fluorescent green... And toxic fumes
immediately began to emerge and awake hallucinations in my confused
mind... For sure every green substance isn't good to be swallowed!
Ah Ah The music of this Swedish band could grossly be situated
between Death metal and "brutal death", but a little description
would be needed to better understand in what kind of green stuff
our tongue is lying... All in all, I would point something like
a mix between old DERANGED (The fast parts of the old albums), old
INCANTATION (Fast obscure moments that keep some heaviness), with
some Dbeat/ Crust (DISFEAR?) and slower Death metal parts that really
becomes heavier and remind me of old GOREFEST (And maybe of ooold
ILLDISPOSED (But I'm not certain about this)). To have a more precise
definition of the green color, you could also add touches of MYTHOS
("Abduction ritual") but with a more "grind"
state of mind, touches of AVULSED for older Death metal influences
(As well as a "big sound"), some GRAVE ("Back from
the grave") for more old Death metal riffs, and also some EXHUMED
("Gore metal") because of the "We're bigger and gorier
than you" aspect, but it might quite strongly be due to the
sound. For a couple of songs it's entertaining, but after a while
it gets quite boring, I feel ten songs is a bit too much (Maybe
because the best riffing jelly is located in the first third?) and
this guitar sound might be a bit tiring for inner listenings...
Anyway this isn't meant to be spiritual Death metal, it comes with
a quite massive sound of bricks and plans to entertain the acid
juice from your brutalized skull... I didn't read the lyrics, but
there's some drunk and "fuck off" state of mind (That
doesn't reflect in the quality of music... It's not sluggish string
wankery) and something like "X-rated masochist razorwired penis
elongation" would fit the quite sharp content. ZOMBIFIED
isn't juicy from A to Z, but this CD sounds like a quite solid reekording.
Fans of underground Death metal with a big sound who would feel
quite teased by a jellyfied mix between old DERANGED, old INCANTATION,
old EXHUMED, AVULSED and Dbeat touches could like it.
