(Spa)/ DAMNABLE (Pol) Split Ep'97. Haemo were ever
playing groovy Grind death on these 2 trax. Hey! It was very much
into the very old CARCASS style for the few who don't know! But
with a little more funny touch. Some tracks from here and there
were recorded on one of their 2 first CDs (Before or later... don't
ask me, I'm not in their Illia Fossa). "Decomposers" is
a cool track. It wasn't bad, but lacked in power for the sound
and real aggression for the music... the best Haemo release I heard
is their 2nd full length "Grume". DAMNABLE offered
two tracks of Brutal Death Grind that came from their Demo'96. It's
raw and quite complex, but this kind of wanna be brutal stuffs rather
bored me. No highlight! Nothing that stands out! No feeling... Just
sterile riffs that were melted together in a complex way, their
riffs mean nothing for me. Lots of bands do it with sincerity! Useless
for me... http://www.haemorrhage.ht.st
(Spa) Morgue sweet home CD’02 MORBID. I have never been a
big fan of HAEMORRHAGE, but their gory Grindcore was quite outstanding
in parts, it was cool, and better than most of the demos and promos
I received. After and intro à la DEAD INFECTION (2nd CD)/ CARCASS
begins the gore, and well it seems they've lost most of their "funny"
touch that made a part of their personality, this bizarre gory fun
that was catchy on their "Grume" CD. Now they sound rather
like a mix of old CARCASS, EXHUMED and DEAD INFECTION ("A chapter
of accident"). Except for a few parts, it's very fast as
the drummer doesn't stop grinding. They own a grinding sound in
the vein of the last recordings of EXHUMED, IMPALED... It may sound
more compressed than their older releases, but there are less emotions
of the bizarre and shockings on the funeral threshold! "Grume"
was really better than this one! This remains gory Grindcore
that isn't badly made, it may be cool for fans of Grindcore (especially
old CARCASS maniacs!) but I need more than bands like new HAEMMORRHAGE
of THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS to turn me on, open the abscess
and choke on the necrosis of gore purulence! http://come.to/haemorrhage
(Spa)/ IMPALED (Usa) Dementia rex Split CD'03 RAZORBACK Recs. Ok.
First side of this Gore grinding split you get 4 tracks of HAEMMORRHAGE
+ an intro. It has been years since the releases of this band didn't
especially turn me on (even if I didn't hear it all) A lack of ideas
and feeling was growing as their music turned faster... Here, their
Gore grindcore isn't as blast beats ridden than their last CD sounds
more like their old CD "Grume" for example. It's the same
style and same kind of ideas: Grinding and punching Grindgore/ Crust
death with old CARCASS influences. But nothing turned me on! Nothing
special! The cover of GRAVE ("Deformed") shows how much
Haemorrhage lacks of Brutality and real brutal punching extremity
compared to old GRAVE! Ah! Their tracks are correctly articulated,
ok riffs... but no surprises! Nor gory catchy choruses (they used
before)! So I'll say it's only Ok! But there are a lot of Ok stuffs!! IMPALED's side
is also in the Gore, but they have more old school Death metal influences
and a more "elaborated" guitar work (in parts). Their
style can remind of EXHUMED, old CARCASS and they have old school
Death metal touches à la DISMEMBER/ CARNAGE (and some AT THE GATES
for some melodic Death thrash riffs which take more importance in
their style!). Notice a REPULSION cover ("Helga lost her head"
but it's not one of the best tracks of these cult Grinder!) I
prefer the IMPALED side of this purulent piece of stained glass
since it sounds more Brutal, varied and it has some choruses...
But I've heard more convincing stuffs in the style! Ross Sewage
did really better on the killer "In the name of gore"
split CD EXHUMED once released with HEMDALE! It might please a bunch
of guys anyway; but it's not ultra killer and it has no pit excavating
riffs nor gore disjoncting vocals! A cool side for IMPALED. http://www.razorbackrecords.com

(Ita) Coils of a consumed paradise CD. 2010. HORRORS OF YUGGOTH
Recs. Undead hopes. Floating... in the envelope of the
dead. My second imaginary skin, revives energies and strengths
so long buried. And I revive, at the source of what is nothing. This is quite
some time since Italian Hateful released their last recording, which
was a 3 tracks CDr demo, and the style didn't change as it's a continuation
and development of the genre they embraced: Quite complex and quite
technical death metal with an appeal for what's brutal and blasting. In
this music, I hear a clear taste for what could be called "old
school brutal death", understand something taking from the
vibes (And ways of riffing) from more or less the first 3 SINISTER
albums (It's not exactly the same style and atmosphere, but...),
blasting assaults à la old MORBID ANGEL and something "modern"
like later polyphonies à la Trey Azagtoth, complicated stuffs from
mid old IMMOLATION, some mental chaos à la GORGUTS (Last albums),
the "composed" aspect of SUFFOCATION on "Souls to
deny"... Well, I know quoting a couple a famous bands doesn't
help so much to have an idea, but the music is quite varied in the
brutally obscure spectrum so a precise description would be quite
unclear... This album could be misunderstood as "grind"
at the very first unfocused listenings, because of the quite in-your-face
approach, short duration of the songs, and fact it often changes
of riffs... But if you really listen you'll hear the guitars have
much more to do with metal. A particularity is the fact riffs
do not repeat very often, it's articulated around a lot of different
themes and changes... It won't make it easier for peoples to get
into it, contrary to the usual chorus stuffs, and I know some peoples
would reject it... But I think this is not so hard to get into since
the whole keeps an in-your-face aspect. The production wasn't
triggered at all, and sound natural, which gives a quite "hot"
atmosphere and natural rendering to the whole... It doesn't displease
me. "Coils of a consumed paradise" could be an interesting
alternative for those who like brutal death/ death metal in a quite
"complicated" manner, with some atmosphere, and don't
feel concerned with the escalations of ultra brubrubrutal, mind-over-feeling
technical stuffs or unreasonably computer manipulated performances
this scene has fed us with. I don't say it's a perfect or killer
album, but it might be worth the money, which becomes rare in this
genre... http://www.myspace.com/hatefuldeathmetal

(USA) Everybody dies CD’98 PAVEMENT Comme Rob Barett ayant
quitté CANNIBAL CORPSE, il a pu consacrer plus de temps à
ce qui n’était alors qu’un projet pour le fun et nous voilà
avec l’album de HATEPLOW comptant également en ses rangs
Phil Fasciana, guitariste de MALEVOLENT CREATION ainsi que Kyle
Simons, ancien vocaliste de SICKNESS (USA). Après deux démos,
le groupe préparant l’enregistrement de son album vit son
batteur, Larry Hawke condamné à une peine de 9 mois
de prison. Heureusement Larry eu le temps d’enregistrer ses parties
de batterie avant d’être interné mais celui ci fut
retrouvé mort par asphyxie dans sa maison alors que le groupe
n’avait pas fini l’enregistrement. Larry n’a donc pas vu cet album
sortir. Parlons maintenant de la musique qui est assez proche des
derniers MALEVOLENT CREATION, les mosh parts sont dans la veine
de CANNIBAL CORPSE « Gallery of suicide », gros son,
un album OK.
(Usa) The only law is survival CD’00. HATEPLOW is the project
of Rob Barett (Cannibal Corpse) and Phil Fasciana (Malevolent Creation).
I received the promos of their first and previous CD in 98 when
it was released, and well there was some speeches around it as the
drummer died just after recording his parts of the CD, but this
was only an Ok album. Here's now the second album of this project
that luckily includes the excellent drum playing of Dave Culross
(SUFFOCATION, MALEVOLENT CREATION) and this is the most interesting
point of the whole CD! I read in some reviews the style of the
band was Grindcore, but I'd call this Death Grind with Grindcore
parts as well. You have guitar tremolos, raw power chords and few
heavier riffs that remind me a bit of some MALEVOLENT CREATION albums.
After some tracks these riffs can turn boring and repetitive. There's
nothing very special for most of these riffs, it's common but ok
ones. What makes the whole intense id the Brutal and efficient drum
playing of Dave Culross! (He's not as killer as on SUFFOCATION's
"Despise the sun" MCD, but that shredds!). Very good toms'
rumbles, tight Blasting energy, nice breaks and heavy doubles bass
drums' artillery! The quite raw vocals are ok/ not bad for the style. Well,
there’s nothing special at the level of the riffs. It's just an
Ok/ Average CD with an excellent drum playing. http://hateplow.cjb.net/

KRUSHER (Indonesia) Opprobrium Tape Lp. 2021. DESTRUKTION Recs. At
first, when I opened the package and read the band's name "HEAD
KRUSHER", it seemed to me they would be influenced by old GODFLESH...
But I was wrong, and it would be surprising to find something "industrialized"
(Even the old way) on DESTRUKTION Records. What this metal band
from Joggjakarta (Indonesia) plays is very old school evil thrash
with influences of "morbid thrash" in the way of the mid
80's. It seems to me the listeners will have to wear spiked armors
to suit the musical content. While listening, I happened to think
about early SEPULTURA ("Morbid visions/ Bestial Devastation"
for morbid thrash riffs), old POSSESSED (First album), some old
SLAYER ("Hell awaits"), touches of very early SODOM (Rather
"In the sign of evil"), the demos of Swedish MERCILESS
(Rather than the albums), and a bit of old NIFELHEIM. I know
my early evil metal references might sound a bit "gross"
sometimes, but this is the bands I know better (This is what we
had "easily" access to in the 80's and 90's)... If you
want to be a bit more "precise" you could also add some
80's South American thrashing mania from the underground. I think
you got it, this is quite evil and underground sounding, and this
is also quite seriously "retro"... Then around half of
the album it seems some black metal influences take more importance
(More NIFELHEIM, more old BATHORY...) and a bit of Scandinavian
touches also appear... But my hears might be tricked by the quite
raw guitar production... I'm not always a fan of the drumming,
or perhaps it's due to the production. This is a cool release
in the evil thrashing style; In my ogrish opinion the music lacks
a bit of rough power & thundering catchy riffs, but the hellish
atmosphere is here and the provided head-krushing is not bad! Undergrounded
& spiked fans of the raw thrashing style could enjoy the hardening
IN VOMIT. https://headkrusher.bandcamp.com

(Fra) Insanity in the depths CD’02 Self released. Where the
fukk is this fucking beer?? A juicy demonic cunt has probably one
more time absorbed this bottle of putrid liquid of hell! Fuck that!
It will be another cunt smashing night for sure! Brutal cunt squashing
party of the mangled and shredded corrosive steel vagina! Speaking
about HECATOMBIC, I can immediately tell you Satan is not with them!
To be more precise, I listened to this album several times but I
found few to turn on my morbid interest of bloody death, hell, war,
plague, damnation, rebellion, alcohol, sex and metal! Here you
have 8 tracks of Death metal that tends to somekind of "Old
school brutal death": something that would be influenced by
DEICIDE, old IMMOLATION, early DEATH... But most of the riffs sound
everheard and do nothing! It happens this kind of Death metal based
on tremolos awake a darkened mood of death, but in this case not
much happens. Unfortunately not much stands out from the tracks
as it sounds almost uniform (The production that lacks of clarity
is probably one of the reasons). Of corpse some riffs sound Ok and
some could be used in cool compositions, but what HECATOMBIC plays
is only a Death metal in a common and too 'convenient' death metal
way! Few black metal touches are here. Some guys will probably
find it ok, but I think they need to work on their tracks' structures
and to be more selective towards the riffs they compose! Damnit
keep only the most usefull of the usefull riffs you find since some
sound allright! With more experience HECATOMBIC could sound like
UNFRAGMENT's cool first CD! The band plans to record their 2nd
album soon, I can only advice them to wait, work and rehearsal more!
Between the average and very average in my opinion! http://www.hecatombic.fr.st
(Fra) Delights of the despicable CD'04. MELANCHOLIA Recs. Here's
the second release and 2nd full-length of HECATOMBIC who have improved
since their first album. First of all the production is really
better: more powerful and understandable! Then, their Death metal
tracks are better constructed as they have thrown away some useless
riffs that were really flat. The musicians seem to have improved,
the drummer does some cool (but everheard) things for example. So
the rather old school Death metal of the band sound more impressive,
it remains in the same vein than their first CD: rather obscure
sounding Death metal with 90's Tampa influences. It has quite a
lot of old DEICIDE influences at several levels (Both fast and mid
placed parts), some CANNIBAL CORPSE. The most morbid sounding riffs
remind me of good old MOROGTH and early DEATH, even if HECATOMBIC
haven't got the same killer feeling of death. Notice few dark black
metal influences from here and there. A shame there aren't catchy
riffs to make some of these tracks memorable. All in all, this is
a cool album & the band has improved, it might seem interesting
for those who like their death metal quite obscure and brutal, even
if HECATOMBIC sounds repetitive after few songs. I would have
rather seen the 3-4 best tracks of this CD released as a demo, in
this case the band could have been seen as promising... but we are
talking about a second full-length album that flattens and sounds
repetitive after few tracks. So it's an average CD with cool and
nice ideas from here and there. Not bad, but real Death metal
needs years of hard labor, creeping search for killing melodies
and brutal thoughts about the most intense structures to reach its
inhuman quintessence! Only for underground supporters! http://perso.wanadoo.fr/hecatombic
(Ger) Gold fur eisen CD'02 INTERREGNUM. Here's another band
that's meant to be original and exceptional... Bullshits! Labels:
stop masturbating into the promotional biographies, it would just
be decent! What we have here is in parts old fashioned thrash
metal tending to the German style with old SODOM and DARKNESS in
particular and with obviously DESTRUCTION riffings. But they use
a drum machine while a real drummer is essential for this style,
and their german sung vocals aren't very convincing! The other influences
of their music are more melodic: thrashy Black, melodic/ athmospheric
Black and slow melodic breaks... Some thrashy riffs are Ok, but
some slow moments are fucking boring... and some riffs are in my
opinion to cliché to be released on a CD! The tracks are
built in an unefficient way. So they try to add a variety od
influences in their music, but the fucking mark of cliché
is always there! Cliché! This isn't something I want to
hear after I paid 14 Euros!

ITSELF (Australia) Self skinned MCD. 2011. GRINDHEAD Recs. Elder
gods of gruik, I summon thee! Awake your ancient spongetex vomiturition
of the absorbing gore. Well, the music of this Australian band
doesn't contain much gruik or gore. What I hear while listening
to this 3 tracks MCD is between Death metal and brutal death, without
a lot of fast parts. It happens to remind me of SINISTER on the
"Bastard saints" MCD (When they used to insert something
more "core"), with double kick ridden heaviness à la later
MORTA SKULD (Or seldomly old RESURRECTION), with regular brutality
à la mid old CANNIBAL CORPSE (Less brutalligore) and something a
bit more controlled in the playing or half disarticulated beats
that could remind of older MESHUGGAH (Or not so recent Deathcore).
You could also feel the remains of some technical metal atmosphere
sometimes (Coprofago, or Pestilence on "Spheres") but
without the technical skills. The fast parts that can appear
are few, it's mostly mid-paced, double-kick ridden, or calculated. The
music is quite modern, even if it's not uber up-to-date, I would
say it belongs to the last ten years of extreme metal. The most
Death metal parts aren't bad according to my understanding of the
womb, but I'm less fond of the more controlled/ "disarticulated"
influences that do not really warm my statue of petrified sickness. This
isn't really my style, and I miss something, but some peoples might
like to hear HELL ITSELF if they dig quite heavy/ mid-paced Death
metal with something more core in the sculpture of the skeleton. http://www.reverbnation.com/hellitself

(Can) Dark age descending CD’02. Self released. Finally
I'm in front of this full-length that promised to be a pure evil
piece of raw crushing underground! But well, this isn't really!
It's fast, quite crushing and aggressive, but a super-dose of evil
supremacy lacks to make of this CD a truly outstanding piece of
evil iconoclastry! The first deceptive point is the production:
they have a too clear production (à la MARDUK "Heaven...")
that makes them loose the raw aspect of their Demo! Ok, it sounds
more professional; but it has lost the raw U.G. aspect that brought
a real crushing evil side! Then the band seems to have 'lost' a
part of its thrashy metal side to evolve in some more Swedish black
metal fields (So: blasting with melody) meets Death grind. HELLACAUST
sounds more 'common', more or less in the vein of what many Black
metal bands recorded few years ago... Hopefully some thrashing
riffs are still there, but it's mixed with so much blast beats you
couldn't distinguish a Thrash riff from a raw Black metal one. The
drummer is a blasting maniac! It's total blastfukk that erases any
kind of non metallic conception from your cheezy head! I appreciate
the drumming style of this nervous bastard who has the kind of breaks
and alternate drumming I enjoy. It's not always ultra-tight, but
at least their tracks weren't enhanced in a supermodern studio!
On a musical point of view, this album could sound as a mix
of mid old MARDUK ("Heaven shall burn"), old IMMORTAL,
thrash metal parts à la DESTRUCTION. To conclude, I expected
more from that album, but it's not bad and flying above the average
pieces of boring black metal! Professional, quite honest and in
my opinion not far from the level of the best releases in the style!
If you did your own grave with an evil Black metal background that
needs to be blasting, quite raw with a notable old school thrash
metal side, then try to listen to HELLACAUST since they have good
enough attributes to please you! Finally, they deserve more
support and recognition than the almost zero points of hate the
underground currently bring them! SUPPORT THEM OR BE PERVERTLY CRUCIFIED! http://www.angelfire.com/ns/heaveninashes

HELLBORN (Can) Pillage
in the land of god Tape. 2018. DAWNING SCEPTIC Recs.
The global appeal for old school & retro atrocities has reached a point you
do not always need to dig in the past and the piles of old obscure demos to
revive the past... Some newer outfits really sound VERY old school!
This is the case with this Canadian metal band that plays a kind of death metal
that leads you to the end 80's, a time when the genre was still evil, dark, and
remaint very close to thrash metal.
In fact the music could be described as located between old school death,
morbid thrash/ proto death and old school thrash, if you need to be precise
with the crucifying pentagram.
During the spiked listening, I occur to think about early MORGOTH (First MLp,
for screeched vocals and fast parts), KREATOR ("Pleasure to kill" for
some frenzy), early POSSESSED (For the hellish metal atmosphere, even if the
playing is less technical... There's also kinda the same frenzy in some
vocals), some ooold SLAYER, some early NECROPHAGIA (For some morbidity), very
early MORBID ANGEL ("Abominations of desolation", or perhaps also
some older demos), and possibly a bit of INCUBUS (The band from Usa that
released only one demo). I'm not totally satisfied with this description, but I
think you'll get a decent metallic idea.
I enjoyed the metal atmosphere, quite burning vibe, some frenetic parts are
quite cool, then perhaps it's a little too "old school" for my morbid
tastes, and I'm less a fan of some heavier riffs... And once my hears reach the
second part of the album, it seems to be less interested.
There are some good vibes and hellish feelings in this recording, now some
songs sound better than others, and perhaps the playing isn't always over the
top (It gives an old school retro touch).
Perhaps HELLBORN didn't record a morbid revelation for the past year, but this
could be a quite promising announcement for future atrocities, and this tape
remaint quite good to hear or might please fans of retro underground death

(Ita) Demoniac assassination CD. 2023. DYING VICTIMS Recs. To
drink the blood from the goatskull itself. Oh, this Italian band
sounds very old school... To draw a spiked comparison, I will say
HELLCRASH sounds like if early VENOM took a more "thrash metal"
path (Or to explain that another way, perhaps if you take the fastest
speed thrash songs of early Venom and accelerate that a bit, you'd
have the same result... Amphetamine psychotic reptile!) Since
a goat never travels alone in hell, I will also say I heard some
old BULLDOZER, some very (very) early MEGADETH in some guitars (First
Lp), a bit of old MOTÖRHEAD... And for a quite apocalyptic reason
I also felt like listening to very early VOÏVOD ("Rrröööaaarrr")
in the most angry thrash parts of "war"... Feel the sweat
of the headbang. This music sounds quite energetic and kicking
in the style. The production is quite fitting for the genre, it
keeps a live feeling (Listen to the drums) but remains clear &
thrashing enough. In my humble ecclesiastic opinion, this is
a pretty good album. I didn't find the definitive "goat hits"
to start the war against disco lovers, but this is quite kicking
evil speed metal with enough qualities to please fans of the style. Drink,
all, the, blood. https://hellcrash.bandcamp.com

HELLISH CROSSFIRE (Ger) Bloodrust scythe CD. 2010. I
HATE Recs.
Ten years ago the guitarist of this German band used to run a fanzine entitled
BLOOD OF THE ANCIENT were many old, forgotten, early thrash metal bands were
interviewed, so it's not a surprise to see his current outfit follows this
musical path: Quite cool old styled thrash metal.
The content of this album is a bit more old styled than usual old school
thrash, so it can cross the borders of old speed metal (Not the melodic one).
This is quite seriously influenced by old German thrash (DARKNESS, early
DESTRUCTION, early KREATOR (Anything before the third one "Terrible
I find resemblances with very old DESASTER (Ger) for the mix of thrash/ black,
and perhaps some vocals. I also heard some POSSESSED ("Seven
churches") on the third track, while the last one has something of the
speed metal SLAYER played on "Show no mercy".
Perhaps their most black metal approaches have something in common with what
the Australian SHACKLES played on their (Only) album "Traitors'
According to my tastes, some songs are better than others, some riffs are a
little too simple and a few structures are a bit "too much", but the
"problems" I could have found were counter-balanced by a cool warm
The production and playing sound very natural, as if the band was playing live,
but there's no raw noise or parasite.
This is a quite good/ cool album in the retro thrash style, perhaps not a
thrashing revelation nor top 10 of the last decade, but it's nice enough to
please enthusiasts of old thrash done in a natural manner.
(I'm not an early thrash/ speed expert, so any lack of precision in this review
is logical)

(Fra) Slave of my art CD. 2010. Self-released. Even though
I'm not a big fan of the most modern brutal death metal genre, some
quite good albums occur to fall in the voracious holes of my hears...
In fact this record has quite a lot to do with modern brutal
death, but it's not exactly the same, or should I say it doesn't
try too hard to follow every boring sterile criterias of the brutal
boredom? The songs often contain some quite catchy or interesting
guitars and the riffs are quite varied (As opposed to ultra gore
noise brutal death), there's a nice little red burning atmosphere,
and the production isn't over abusing on the plastic bullshit... All
in all the music could sound like a mix of ORIGIN's last albums,
with the fastest of NILE on "Black seeds of vengeance"
or "Annihilation of the wicked" (As well as some epic
touches), some great tappings à la old CANNIBAL CORPSE, and some
later SPAWN OF POSSESSION or older PSYCROPTIC (Second album) for
more "melodic" touches... I read reviews of peoples
regretting HENKER were always so fast and brutal that they (As listeners)
lost their focus and interest or something... Of course it's brutal
and quite relentless, but there also are quite a lot of heavier
and less "extreme at all costs" patterns: It's not as
if music was blasting all the way with the same kind of riff... Another
thought: Sometimes doesn't it sound like a more modern and extreme
version of BROKEN HOPE on "Loathing"? With more ultra
blasts, double-double bass drums and quite spectacular (But not
abusively used) attributes... Of course the music remains quite
seriously modern, sometimes it's a bit too much of "spectacular"
to be listened as a real human band effort, and you'll hear a bit
of Messhugah and core influences from here and there, so the "regular"
death/ brutal death heads might not get half of the juicy point...
But I really prefer this album compared to HENKER's previous MCD,
because it's much more in the brutal death genre, there's something
like a "real brutal death" atmosphere from now and then,
and there are much fewer "core" influences... I don't
say it's perfect, and I don't mean I thrilled like your girlfriend's
juicy pussy on the "Just-released-from-ten-years-sentence"
prisoner's nail, but those who like the genre a lot could dig this
record as an appealing juicy cunt ;-) I couldn't really replace
"Slave to my art" in the current brutalizing context because
I don't check out so many modern extreme brutal death releases,
but at least it sounds quite strong, intense and not boring for
the genre... Fans of extreme and technical brutal death should try
this record and make their own molested schizophrenic opinion, it's
quite good to listen when your mind is faster than thoughts and
brutallization has reached a certain level or "normality"... http://www.myspace.com/henker1

all evil MCD’98 COP. ( Re-review) The band plays a quite
melodic Death/ thrash with little PARADISE LOST touches (for leads). Even if they’re not original,
and remains in the average field of Underground bands, I found it
quite pleasnt to listen to. It reminds me of the french band
NOCTURNAL FEARS when they released the « F.I.G.H.T »
Demo in 96 ( vocals + music). The vocals also sometimes sounds a
bit like John Tardy ( OBITUARY). This isn’t a band of a very professional
level of quality and it’s certainly going to stay underground, but
it’s Ok to listen to.

(USA) Spectral Magnitude CD'02 RED STREAM. Their
space cover that looks a little bit in the vein of Rodney Matthews'
artworks let me imagine their music would be some kind of 70's influenced,
acid injected and dreamy black metal or another a bit originaland
darkened style. In fact, I'd rather say they play some common
mid placed Death metal with fast black metal touches. There are
a few Ok bass lines touches. I could quote JUDECCA,
EVOKEN, NUNSLAUGHTER and maybe old INCANTATION to define a bit their
style. There are doomy touches à la old CATHEDRAL and some
parts could be heard as old CELTIC FROST influenced. I'd rather
have seen their music on a demo tape! Even if I found a few Ok
parts, it remains very average and classical in my ears! One more
time, I feel like a band isn't ready to release a pro CD (on a big
label all the more!)! More time is needed to record something good! http://www.redstream.org

IS GONE (Usa) Fifteen counts of arson CD'97 PRANK Recs. Some
bands achieve to catch your attention even if they play a style
you're not fond of! It was he case with HIS HERO IS GONE I noticed
thanks to some of their depressive riffs. The music of HIS HERO
IS GONE is a pessimist hardcore metal with a bunch of depressed
parts and some grinding, crust or sludge touches. The emotions the
band develops are some of the followings: rage, sorrow, distress,
heaviness, semi depression, aggression... Some heavy hardcore
parts almost ten to doom as it reminds me the few I know of CROWBAR.
Darkened urban heaviness. Some nowadays bands like ANANDA (R.I.P)
or NAPALM DEATH have probably been influenced by HIS HERO IS GONE
coz I hear a bunch of similarities, at least they share the same
influences. One may hear in this album the premices of what later
became 'Emocore'; one could also think about THE HEAD OF DAVID and
GODFLESH, engulfed into some nice darkened guitars. Two points I
can notice are the length of the tracks (around 1 or 2 minutes for
most) and the fact the style is quite different from a track to
another. The songs in themselves include varied styles, with few
surprising structures. Some riffs sound full of truth in my ears.
Visions of a realistic pessimism. Cold and rebellious, next to urban
chaos. Of course the whole isn't perfect, and there are strange
stuffs I would have changed myself, but on an objective point of
view it's really not bad! Those who felt this description close
to their tastes might enjoy HIS HERO IS GONE, those who dig ANANDA's
music will probably find more pleasure during the listenings of
this album.

HOATH (Fin) Codex III:
Crown of the mind CD. 2016. SATURNAL Recs.
Occult spiritual strangulate.
Immaterial death.
Abstract hanging through the third eye.
This is the second album of this Finnish band/ project which is described as
playing occult death metal. What I hear is a quite dark Death metal filled with
blast beats and that could roughly remind a mix of fast INCANTATION (The less
tumultuous), old MORBID ANGEL in their fastest moments (And so without the
heavy parts), some polish bands, and perhaps old CENTURIAN, with a bunch of
regular or slower death metal parts here and there.
For the last influences, which take a quite more old school approach, I guess
some peoples could hear some early ANGEL CORPSE (First album, when they were
more retro/ old school), VOMITORY (First album, when they were more retro/ old
school) or early UNLEASHED (First album when they were more retro/ old
school... Well, most of their old albums are) with a couple of slower riffs.
What makes the band more occult than the average fast DM outfits is: The quite
obscure production, the quite cavern vocals, and the quite dark atmosphere of
the whole... But it's not as sulphurously drowning as some current obscure
black death outfits.
I enjoy some of these fast parts, and the band shows they can be very efficient
when they take a totally old school path (Listen to these great riffs à la
early UNLEASHED on the third song "Crown of the mind"), but there are
definitely a bit too much of blastbeats during the album and a part of the old
DM riffs are just average...
So I can dig a part of the songs, but unfortunately the album gets repetitive/
quite boring after a while.

(Swe) The sacrament seed MCD'06. UNHOLY HORDE Recs. I kind
of appreciated and liked the previous release of HOLOCAUSTIA, a
tape demo entitled "Tyranny through honour", that offered
a quite energetic mixture between old school thrash and black metal.
It was well built and could announce some good things for the future. So,
I was quite happy to receive their new MCD... But a surprise that
wasn't so enthusiasting took over my metallic expectations: Most
of the old school thrash metal guitars have vanished into oblivion,
and the whole sounds much more like a common decent black metal
band. The 4 songs sound rawer, with more blast beats, and some riffs
that wouldn't displease the big black metal fans (Some kind of simple
and leading epic high-pitched guitars an early 90's way, it could
sound catchy in some peoples' hears)... But even if few thrashy
touches are present, I don't find anymore the traces of blood-spilled
efficiency and know-how I detected on the tape demo. And the
(session) drumming isn't always very tight in the blasts. It's an
average release. As always, many grave desecrators will have
fun digging new holes and exchanging the cadavers from their tombs
(Huh?) with this MCD as a musical background, but I need more than
cemeterial sexchanging dementia to be impressed or ass-kicked. http://holocaustia.cjb.net

CANIBAL (Por) Opusgenitalia CD'06. CUDGEL AGENCY Recs. I
remember listening to some HOLOCAUSTO CANIBAL songs that didn't
please me much few years ago, so it was a real pleasure for me to
receive this promo CD... I felt like I would have to face hundred
of common USBDM washy washy riffs and un-tight blablablasting triggered
plastic drums... So it took me some time to find the patience to
really explore this CD, especially since I'm not currently fond
of browsing the cadaveric feels of average USBDM bands... But even
if the washy washy riffs and blablablasting triggered drums are
there, and this is usual brutal stuff, I noticed some cooler songs! From
time to time, in the middle of these 18 tracks and almost 18 intros,
you will find songs that kicks a bit more for a reason or another
(Quite punchy riffs and blasts the way I like it (Track 4 for example),
some cool little crazy leads à la old CARCASS, classy leads à la
MORBID ANGEL "Domination"...) but there's not that much
to finally catch your skull on the long term. This record happens
to sound like some DISGORGE (Usa), old NATRON, CENOTAPH (Cze), early
SUFFOCATION, some CARCASS/ old SANITYS DAWN (For strange riffs),
with touches of MORBID ANGEL for some leads and few riffs... While
most of the songs contain a lot of riffs, few are really short and
almost sound like grindcore in a way, which isn't bad. All in
all, this remains average stuff (Especially for an album! Where
are the overwhelming guts? Next time open the abscess!!!), since
there's not much that stand out a way or another, and the whole
doesn't sound so chirurgically tight (It's needed for this quite
complex style), and some riffs from here and there are really shitty
(Urgh!) and there are intros before almost every songs... Some fans
of the style might kind of dig it, but others will fall into the
spiked arms of boredom. This is average stuff, especially for an
album! Ps: Notice there are few electronic music remixes at the
end, but it didn't sound much more than Ok... http://www.holocaustocanibal.com

IRATUS (Gre) Knowledge... their enemy MCD'02 ARCTIC MUSIC. The
first track is in a thrashing death core style reminding me of FEAR
FACTORY's "Soul of a new machine" meets "Demanufacture"
at every levels. They've got on this track the same power heavy
riffings giving birth to more depressive sounding guitars, the whole
reminds also of NAPALM DEATH (From "Fear emptiness despair"
to their actual releases with fewer grinding parts) and they own
some mechanical heavy riffings as well. The 2 following tracks
coming from their previous CD are still in the FEAR FACTORY/ NAPALM
DEATH style with different vocals (it's less powerfull, maybe due
to an computerized effect?) but I prefer the 1st one "Protection
through surveillance" that'd be quite well placed on the last
1/3 of "Demanufacture" or on a "Words from the exit
wound" single's B-side. The last one is a SEPULTURA "Roots
bloody roots" cover. Everybody including CANNIBAL CORPSE seems
to have definitely included this track in their top 50 best tracks,
it's still not my case as I was disappointed with this release and
I'm still not a fan of it... Conclusion: There's only a new track
here, and it sounds better than the two other ones... the band doesn't
seem bad, but I need more to get a real opinion about HOMO IRATUS. http://www.homoiratus.com

(Fra) Aberration CD. 2023. CRYPT OF DR GORE Recs. HOROH is
a new band/ project/ teleportation council that aims to transport
you in a time when gore movies and metal were different, perhaps
when the red corporal juice and the bowel serpentine were expulsed
more regularly. The cover artwork of this release is very much
Cannibal Corpse alike, so you wonder if you will hear the same bro
bru-brutality once pushing the play button... To my surprise,
most of the tempos are in the mid-paced to slow beating... The
spirit is quite very close to Cannibal but rather in the "Gallery
of suicide" meaning, with an important presence of heaviness
and atmospheres. I can also draw comparisons with the first two
albums of SKINLESS (For the heaviness) or MORBID ANGEL on "Gateways..."
(For the heaviness and "epic" guitars). Sometimes the
riffing almost tends to doom/ sludge or something... Even if the
style is different I feel something in common with AUTOPSY (For
the "loose" aspect of something). To describe the whole
a bit more, I might add a bit of ooold MORTICIAN (But less mechanic/
inhuman) and also the old demo of ROTTING from Canada ("Drown
in rotting flesh" from 1995) for a more OSDM side. I kinda
enjoy the atmosphere escaping the songs, it's dark and quite "bleeding",
and some epic guitar parts are nice. This is Cannibal C. influenced
but doesn't really take the elements you'd expect from a Cannibal
influenced band. I'm not really a fan of the drum parts in some
fast moments (It sounds a bit "draft", perhaps partly
due to the production?), but since most of the music is into the
heavier... It's a quite good underground release, with its qualities
and imperfections, but I think there are well enough atmospheres
and heaviness to please the decapitated fans of the style. https://horohdm.bandcamp.com http://www.cryptofdrgore.fr

(Hol) Embrace damnation CD'00 DISPLEASED. It's sad to see
some musicians who were in a good band such as SINISTER had to form
another band that's useless in my eyes! I got this Houwitser CD,
I listened to it several times to be certain I didn't get hooked
or detect a special mood, but nothing of it happened! I didn't feel
anything during this CD that remained totally sterile! Ok, the band
is more or less tight, there are a bunch of blasts during this album
that may remind of SINISTER in parts, but they also have some strange
and useless riffs that make the whole quite boring! The kind of
riffs and breaks that can waste a song's efficiency and makes me
think a bunch of these tracks were composed very fast! Just to write
new tracks, Mac Donald's style! If you see what I mean ;-) I
thought this 'band' would always remained a secondary project with
no much promotion and attention from the scene and the labels because
of their proof of a lack of feeling and great ideas... I'm sad to
see I was wrong and the band released more albums and got support
from bigger labels! If you listen to Brutal death, might it be
done with feeling or not, might it be everheard or not, you might
listen to Houwitser... But if you like Brutal death metal done with
Sincerity and a great killer feeling of Death, you won't find much
in their music to satisfy your needs!

ERROR (HUN) / LYCANTHROPHY (CZE) Grindcore split vol.1
CD'02 ECLIPSE Recs. This split CD is announced as a 100%
Grindcore split but I wouldn't cross this point as it'd be in my
mind a lying selling point. Coming from Hungary, HUMAN ERROR
includes only a few Grind touches in their music as their style
is mostly focused on Punk/Hardcore with Crust parts. They make me
think about some old DEAD KENNEDYS, AGATHOCLES, S.O.B and DISRUPT
for the Crusty riffs. Some riffs are quite cool but it's fucking
not original (It'd be difficult to create original and new sounding
Crust riffs nowadays, woudln't it?). Some songs' structures could
be improved though. The drumbass isn't very earable, and it's
important for the Crust beats. So, HUMAN ERROR play a style that
can be cool to check out for gigs, but there are a lot of bands
that play this style more professional (including some who do it
in a better and more personnal way). Can cool for the big Crust/Punk
Underground collectors, but nothing relevant... disbeatrawpunk@freemail.hu
fits more the announced Grindcore style of this split. Thier
production is better than HUMAN ERROR (cool guitar sound). Their
music is very classical and correctly executed Grind/ Crust along
the lines of old NAPALM DEATH (without the rage, energy and fucking
hatred) and AGATHOCLES. They own some hyperfast Blast beats à
la BRUTAL TRUTH (1st CD). Their vocals are emerging from the
Punk/ Hardcore Grind scene (If you see what I mean, quite nasal
screams vocals à la BLOCKHEADS for exemple...). In some parts,
they may let you think a bit about BLOCKHEADS, but the french Grinders
are far more intense and extreme. There's in their riffs a Grind
gory touch making me think about BLOOD and DEAD INFECTION's old
Eps. Some riffs are cool but they lack the fucking emotional
explosion and aggression Grindcore need! More personality needed...
My brain remains unbranded as I wouldn't remind one of their tracks
on a Grindcore compilation. Ok stuff for big Grindcore maniacs
only! ondra.lycanthophy@seznam.cze

WÖLF (Russia) Forgotten frozen lands CD. 2021. GROTESQUE SOUNDS/
WINGS OF DESTRUCTION Recs. Penetration is not mandatory! Here
you have a band from Magnitogorsk, Russia, that plays a mixture
between black metal and punk. The two styles are very present, as
you hear quite a lot of black metal guitars and dbeat punk rhythms...
It's often melted together, so you don't remember if you're listening
to a BM or punk riff (AhAh). These are the main styles, but I also
hear a bit more traditional 90's BM, some blackened thrash, as well
as things clearly more punk than crust/ hardcore. On one middle-finger
hand some blackened riffs are cool (Ex: The speed black opening...
Why do not they use more of that?), on the other hand every guitars
aren't so cool... I even found some punk riffs to be too common
(Or sounding too "melodic", and seeming closer to BAD
RELIGION or perhaps LES THUGS than hard hitting crust hardcore)...
Maybe I'm a bit difficult to please in the fist-fucking dbeat style,
but I enjoyed quite dynamic and hard-hitting bands like DISRUPT,
which were clearly more powerful than "just punk", so
hearing "only punk" often feels like something is missing...
If you enjoy things to be "only punk", you might feel
a bit more like a wolf than I did... So as far as my listening
experience occurred, I would say this album is something like an
averagely finger-fucking recording... Perhaps the guys of HUNGRY
WÖLF should try to finger fuck without the gloves (Or maybe pierce
the gloves, or shred the condoms, to embrace the spreading of evil
emanations AhAh... (No I'm not a part of the A.C.S.S.O.C.P (Anti
Contraceptive Secret Society of Condom Piercers), I was just playing
with words...). https://hungrywolf666.bandcamp.com

(Bra) Monstruario CD. 2011. CRIMINAL ATTACK Recs. Some grinders
might remember HUTT, because I used to run a website and released
a tape of this band 6 years ago... After all I imagine those who
were in touch with my activities 6 years ago didn't all turn to
glamcore or Zomb' hip hop... So the Brazilian grinders of HUTT
are back with a new drummer and a new CD. Their music is still composed
of a lot of short and fast songs, with quite a lot of riff changes...
You might imagine it's still the same, you even don't "might"
since you already imagined, didn't you? But it's wrong to think
so, because a part of their grinding ingredients has changed: While
the first album was very much into grindcore guitars, with experimental
noises, almost noisecore influences, the new one takes a more "Death
metal" approach: First for the sound which is less raw and
"punk" (It sounds heavier, hotter, in the middle between
old Morissound recordings and some ooold BLOOD DUSTER stuffs), then
I feel the riffs contain more metal alike tremolos, and then the
drumming is a also a bit more metal (Fast DM parts à la NAPALM DEATH
"Utopia banished", some blasts with kicks & snares
at the same time (Which leads back my brain to brutal death)). Overall
this keeps a grindcore taste, it's more grindcore than Death metal
anyway (It's even a little fastcore by moments), but now HUTT has
more hot attributes to please metal fans... Maybe they're now
closer in sound and approach to what RAZORBACK recs released before
they suddenly went all old school death (Yet more experimental and
less comic book influenced)... But Fuck me, Fuck me, Fuck me! I
was pointing Razorback because of the "fun" aspect of
the music, while you could really have a closer idea if you imagine
something like a mixture of old BLOOD DUSTER (93-96... Without the
grooves), for the fast stuffs, the sound, an humorous touch, current
SQUASH BOWELS (With a less abrasive sound), some SUPPOSITORY (But
less lazy/ relaxed/ comfortable), some touches of INTENSE HAMMER
RAGE (Demo) for the craziness... (For personal hearing reasons I
would add the first MORTAL DECAY album, pointing some "cool"
sounding riffs here and there... But I wouldn't bet a damaged hear
on that, I might have fallen into subconscious unreality during
some songs). Is that juicy and creamy enough? Yes, I think so. While
this new album is less surprising and refreshing than "Sessao
Descarrego", it's also more pleasant or easier to hear (On
a coolifying relaxed point of view), plus it contains some energy,
good parts, and a quite good dose of energetic fun (Without falling
in the trap of the cretinous or scato-scato)... So why don't you
try to get a copy from a distro or taste the flesh through some
Brazilian ball thrilling gloryholes? The juice will thank you from
advance. http://www.hutt.ca.tc http://www.myspace.com/huttgrind
(Bra)/ NOISEAR (Usa)/ GATE (Jap) Split CD'06.
BLASTASFUK Recs. This is a cool split CD released on the
new Australian label BLASTASFUK (New sexual tool of a blastomaniac
from THE KILL). Of corpse the 3 bands are very close to Grindcore
and like to blast the drumkit hard.
The first is
HUTT from Brazil, a grinding grind band who blasted a grind CD and
a cool demo before hand. The style is very close to what blasted
the hears of grinders on the "Sessao descarrego" CD...
But I have the feeling it's not as soarprising (Fewer cuts and surprises
in structures, less noisy experiments) and there are a bit more
heavier parts... This is not bad, it still kicks, and it might turn
on fans of "Opened" grind who also dig thrash HC, power-violence
and other affiliates of the urban Satan, but I expected more.
NOISEAR blasts
from Usa and offers 5 tracks of grindcore mixed with chaotic hardcore,
plus some moments of fukked craziness, old style thrash (From the
HC side) and few others things. This sounds quite fucked and blasting,
some dissonances are nice and I like the quite technical playing
of the drummer... But the music penetrates kinda too complex or
dissonant noises to really entertain me (It's not really my cup
of cyborg's oil, otherwise it's totally disfukked à la EVS). It
would be both "too much" and "not enough" to
turn me on... Anyway, fans of old CEPHALIC CARNAGE, (Some) PIG DESTROYER,
SPAZZ, AD NAUSEAM (Usa) HATEWAVE (Demo) and stuffs that blast the
hole of absurdity might dig it.
GATE blasts
hard and choose the way of massive intensity! ARRRGH! Imagine a
quite energetic mix between grindcore and blasting Death (The best
of BIRDFLESH ("Night of the ultimate moche"), few MORTALIZED,
French MORGUE (But better in my blasting opinion) with deliciously
fukked up touches of disjoncted cerebral emptiness à la DISCORDANCE
AXIS, and you have a blasting zigzag brain overview of the way it
could annihilate your brain. In fact, the first half is emotionally
intense, while the other half is generally more common on a gut-feeling's
point of view... Anyway this is promising "New school"
Grindcore for fans of Intense (But also quite modern) Grind!
This split
CD isn't bad at all, each band offers enough quality to potentially
lead me to other brainblastings in the future... Even though it's
not over the fucking top of everything, it seems to be one of the
best underground grindcore releases I heard the last years... It's
far from the convenience of the asleep "Grindcore" grandads
the scene has problems to keep in its putrid mouth, and even can't
stop regurgitate with nausea in our poor disappointed faces... It's
fresh and aggressive Grind the way it was meant to scorch your banging
skull! Ah! Welcome home sanitarium. Label: http://www.geocities.com/blastasfuk HUTT:
http://www.myspace.com/huttgrind NOISEAR:
http://www.myspace.com/noisear GATE:

(Bra) Sessao descarrego CD'04 2+2=5 Records. HUTT's previous
demo was a nice discovering of raw underground Grind with blasting
as fuck drums... This new album shows a real improvement at almost
every corners! This time HUTT offers you an album of 28 blasting
short tracks displaying various kinds of extreme music that rather
tend to blast as it rather follows various kinds of Death grind
and grindcore. There's a bit of everything in there: new school
(Prowler), old school Grind à la NAPALM DEATH meets some NASULM,
Death grind, plus touches of old school HxCx, early (Immolation
influenced) riffing EXHUMED, few crust, and even noisy Grindcore
or some ANAL CUNT. Few more soundalike bands: BIRDFLESH, OBLIGATORISK
TORTYR and maybe MORTALIZED. I found some cool riffs à la MORTAL
DECAY, you know this kind of midly strange riffs that sound cool
and quite positive... The drummer has a good punching style in the
old school way of grinding the drumkit! Even if HUTT plays some
kinds of music I don't enjoy (like noise or noisecore grind), their
tracks are short and the "unwanted" elements remains acceptable.
All in all, there are both quite catchy/ cool tracks and not
much impressive songs, but the whole remains listenable since it's
well structured and the less efficient songs sound aggressive enough.
"Sessao Descarrego" sounds new school, but I appreciate
the fact it's rather done in a not so weird riffing way (that remains
hardly listenable for some bands)... So it's old school in a way,
uh? It's a cool album with its highs and lows, I'd rather advice
it to those who are into the new school kind of grindcore and who
like many diverse influences in their thing! Or maybe to those who
like it old school and would need to refresh their old skull of
misery with blasting fresh multiblast! Not really memorable,
but all well structured, varied enough and blasting as fuck! Worth
an hear motherfuckers! http://www.2plus2equal5.com

In blood we trust CD’00 MORBID It’s mostly Death Metal with a
cooler song in the middle, some of it is fast while some is more
heavy. It reminds me : SIX FEET UNDER( for a riff), old Thrash
+ music), CROWN OF THORNS ( « The burning ») and others.
Nothing I found really great. There are correctly played melodic progressive Heavy Metal guitar leads
reminding me of DREAM THEATER and the golden age of IRON MAIDEN.
It’s quite diversified. The is album sounds like if it was played
by several bands, as if it was a sampler. That’s an OK album
but I don’t think we’ll remember this one in several years!

(FRA) Dead and hungy CD'01 WARPATH. Here is the band of the
guy who runs the XENOGLOSSIE fanzine. The line up also includes
a guy who played in EVITERNITY (FRA)'s Demo'95. There are tremolo
riffs à la CANNIBAL CORPSE in their music, but the whole stuff
is more in a thrash metal vein with Death metal riffs here and there.
As riffing influences, I could quote KREATOR ("Coma of
souls" and "Cause for conflict") and SLAYER ("Hell
awaits and "Reign in blood"). I can notice some old
school sounding Death metal riffs à la old CENTINEX
and I may quote a bit of DECAMERON for a melodic Death/ Black metal
touch. This sounds Dark, but nothing turned me one, even after a
few listenings. Some vocals touches sounds a bit à la GURKKHAS/
D.A.B, but these mid tuned Death metal vocals tends a bit to some
screamy high pitched mouthes as it reminds me the vox on the 1st
a little swedish Death metal touch in their guitar sound, that isn't
unpleasant. It's rather a good production. I think the drums
parts were done with a drum machine. Some riffs
sounded Ok, but I found nothing exceptionnal here!
It may be pleasant for some Death/ Thrash metal fans, but there's
nothing killer nor catchy in this album I would define as an Ok

(Hong kong) The noise of time CD'05. OBSCURE SOMBRE Recs. What
the fuck happened in there?? On their previous album, HYPONIC
were playing very much INCANTATION influence Death metal, and now
they turned to slow Doom death!! A good portion of this album
is slow, sometimes so simple it almost reaches the point of nothing...
nothingness. A mourning mixture between sulfuric Death and Doom
Death could have been nice, if it was well balanced enough... But
that's not the case! Slow, slow and slow, and repetitive, with few
'accelerations' that could be vaguely taken as 'mid tempo' moments... That's
almost definitely not for me, but I'm not a fan of very slow doom
death, and some who like the style might enjoy a sleeping session
with HYPONIC. In my hears it sounds average and too simple to embalm
my head in massive drowning of torment! I'm disappointed! Adios
HYPONIC? http://www.obskure-sombre.tk
(Hong Kong) Black sun CD'01. Here's a band I'd advice to
fans of INCANTATION, even though I'm not a fan of this band that
has somekind of cult status in the Underground. HYPONIC have got
a wide range of similarities in this darkened style. This is
old school Death metal obscurity that's more based on the sulfurous
and ancient obscure mood than on pure brutality, it remains nevertheless
heavy and low. The vocals are also low and suffocated such as on
the earlier INCANTATION's recordings. HYPONIC tries to write
epic riffs between the sulfurous old school evil emanations. Stagnant
heavy riffings that may be catchy and death dreaming for the undead!
may speak a bit about old IMMOLATION's slowest and most suffocated
riffs, and may evoke some old forgotten names of an ancient Death
metal kult such as old DEMIGOD or old BELIAL. They way the keyboards
are used on the second track are very simple, and totally old school.
In my opinion, it has much to do with old School Doom death than
ancient Death metal. Well, nothing that sounds bad. I'd advice
it to big INCANTATION fans who need to drown in the ancient obscure
abyss to feel alive, if they aren't already dead! http://www.angelfire.com/band2/hyponic/