(Fra) Bleeding for him MCD D.U.K.E Oh
Yeah! I'm doing more Black metal reviews, for sure I'll be a true
Black metal head in few months! Ah Ah! Come back later for nude
Hardcore photos with corpsepaints, spikes and leathers! All hailz
the trve kvlt ov hell and pvre nekrodamnation from the cliché ov
death! HailZZZZzzzzzzzzz I have mixed feelings about this BAEL
MCD! On one hand it's quite raw and primal with an aggressive
sound, some riffs sound a bit strange... but it's Ok. On the
other hand the vocals sound "strange", in my hears it
doesn't evoke a Black metal feeling (to say the best!) and the effect
used here sounds strange. Isn't there a problem on the drum playing?
So, it's Black metal in the old Norwegian style, it could sound
like a kind of mix of: THE BLACK, WAR, very old MARDUK... Nothing
good in my opinion, but it might be and Ok band for Black metal
(SPA) MCD’98 GOREMANIA BALDUCCI joue une musique allant du
death métal, en passant par le thrash, le hardcore ( notamment
pour les vocaux) et même si certains riffs et le son sont
pas mal, le tout manque de cohérence pour être vraiment

(USA) Vehemence: The Cathartic Remnants of Chaos, Virtue, and Time CD'02. Wanna
sound technical, original and complex Grinding death! Wanna play
without feeling... For some
reasons unknown they made me think a bit about ADNAUSEAM (senseless
absurd sounding breaks and riffs), EXHUMED (grinding moments), HEMDALE,
CRYPTOPSY, with touches of FALLEN CHRIST for high pitched guitar
screams and maybe CEPHALIC CARNAGE and BLOCKHEADS for the most noisy
moments... There are some classical heavy brutal death riffs here
and there. I could also notice some IMMORTAL SUFFERING for the most
classical heavy/ obscure sounding moments that for some maybe unjustified
reasons evoke some old IMMOLATION in my head. For me it really
nowhere as a lot of the stuff is too much complex! By
moments it sounds without any riff to be listenable. What's the deal
of being so technical if the feeling isn't here?!!
BARATHRUM (Fin) Okkult
CD’01 SPINEFARM/ XIII Bis. I was quite surprised when I heard
their CD as I read an old interview of the band in the mighty old
school metal dedicated TALES OF THE MACABRE zine in which they claimed
to play obscure and totally raw Black Metal. Their music, a
mix of some Heavy and Black Metal reminds me the ANCIENT’s second
album, as much as the vocals that in parts could also sound like
some Dani from CRADLE OF FILTH, this is quite happy music in fact,
this doesn't sound evil or else... Their power/thrash/ heavy riffs
makes me think about MORGOTH’s « Feel sorry … »
while their heavy metal side could remember JUDAS PRIEST’s «
Screaming for vengeance » and some quite recent THERION’s
works... Their use of keyboards sounds like some DIMMU BORGIR as their
music is sometimes some doomy atmospheric Black Metal. They could
also make me think about COVENANT’s first album but I’m not sure,
this isn't my kind of Black metal, and to be honnest this album
wounds to happy and let's say it: commercial! Isn't it cool for
a metal release? Uh! Happy and greedy, these were the two highlights
of this CD.

Anal turbofucker CD. 2019. THIRD I Recs.
I'm still not a big black metal fan, but some labels still send me CDs to
review, so I'll try to do it correctly again...
What this Spanish band plays is raw and fast black metal, in a way that can
remember of ooold MARDUK ("Panzer division..." for example), WAR (The
black metal project from the 90's) or HATEWAVE (Usa).
I saw the word "war metal" was used in the promo-sheet, I can
understand some peoples use it for the fast/ raw aspect, but for me war metal
is closer to bestial black death and some bestial bands coming from Australia,
it's not "really" the case here...
The music of BARBARIAN SWORDS is quite classical in the style, it contains a
lot of fast parts (blasts), and the riffs are often fast and raw an European
way (If I could say?), or follow a more "melodic" path à la old
Marduk. Apparently no triggers were used here.
Some listeners might also hear similarities with early DARK FUNERAL, or perhaps
a bit of mid-old IMPALED NAZARENE ('Suomi finland..." or 'Latex
cult") for some rawness or when there's a bit of "rock'n roll"
inside (It's seldom). I'm not the biggest fan of the vocals, maybe it's a
little too "rasp" or sounds like power-violence for the style.
This release sounds like an ok/ decent album in the style, but nothing stands
out much when I'm listening. I have to say my interest for the genre stopped
years ago, and when I feel like digging that kind of stuffs, I still have a
couple of old MARDUK CDs in my collection.

(Rus) The wish to bleed CD’04. MORE HATE. Raw Brutal death
metal without any melodic flower disgression of any hippifagist
influence! Only Brutal stuffs that sound suite "old school".
As raw as some old ROTTREVORE, DERANGED, with touches of old cavernous
brutality à la early GRAVE (Even if the ancient mood isn't there).
BARBARITY is the Russian old brutal death answer to INHUME: Only
Brutal the raw way! But when I say "old brutal", I mean
there is no newer influence! The more modern it gets is like old,
or old style Americanized Brutality (SPLATTERED CADAVER, early VIBRION,
few old DAMNABLE). All spikes counted, this album doesn't bring
anything new or soul fulfilling. Average and in need for highlights!
But it might be a worth seeing live. Only for the skull-collecting
brutal maniacs of simple and right in the skull brutality! Band

BASTÄRD (Russia)
Bastärd... In the name of the beast Tape Lp. 2017. REFORESTATION Recs.
There was a time when Russian bands sounded old styled, and it wasn't too
Now some of them sound even more old school, but the music is way cooler!
This tape was the first album of this band from Krasnoyarsk, they then played a
mixture between black heavy metal and black speed/ thrash.
While some tracks are clearly close to early 80's heavy metal (some in an old
JUDAS PRIEST/ Early MERCYFUL FATE manner, some in a more evil manner à la old
VENOM), other tracks are faster and thrashing in a way closer to very early
BATHORY (First album or demo) or some ugly old MOTORHEAD.
VENOM is clearly a strong influence at the level of the vocals and some more
"evil" parts, while musically it's perhaps a little more "well
played" and not as "fucked up" as early VENOM, if you see what I
mean (Perhaps it's only a detail). Perhaps there's also a bit of old CARNIVORE.
The production isn't perfect or very professional, there's even quite a lot of
echo on vocals, but it sounds quite cool, and personally I don't care since it
tastes close to the old cult albums from the 80's and adds an old underground
Well it's a pretty cool first album, some songs even sound quite cool with
catchy choruses and stuffs. Now it's not a bloody revelation, but nothing
sounds particularly bad and there are some cool songs, so I believe fans of the
style could enjoy listening to this piece of analog conflagration.

Resurgence of oblivion MCD’00 MIGHTY On their previous
CD « Perpetual mockery » released on Xtreme Records,
they were playing a quite mid placed and heavy refreshing Death
Metal that were reminding me of BRUTALITY’s two first albums for
the epic touches. Now, they perform american Brutal Death Metal
in the vein of SUFFOCATION ( « Human Waste », «
Effigy of the forgotten »), with some old CANNIBAL CORPSE,
DISGUST ( FRA) and MORBID ANGEL ( leads, ternary rythms and riffs)
elements. They own gory vocals and they include grinding parts and
screams à la old NAPALM DEATH/ BRUTAL TRUTH ( 1st and 2nd
ones). This is a kind of music that has ever made a lot of followers
in the Death Metal scene but the band plays it correctly and even if
it’s not very personnal, it might be worth the listening for fans!
Some originality and more personall parts would be welcome since
the style is quite "popular".
(POL) Pandemonic incantations CD’98. SOLISTITIUM. This
isn’t new, we all know most of the the black metal albums sound
is very weak and lacks a lot in heaviness but this is the problem
of the bands and the fans if they enjoy such kind of production.
We also know most of the actual black metal bands release boring
albums that are very weak when it’s up to the music, their songs
are very similar and their isn’t much memorable stuff! Is it the
case with BEHEMOTH? I’ll say yes for their production because the
sound of guitars is like a buzz, it cruelly lacks in power ( but
the black metal fans who eat up everythings will enjoy this...)
but musically speaking they more serious than 90% of the other garbage
black metal band wagons and for this they are Ok. This
isn’t original at all but they try to use different songs structures,
it doesn’t sound cliché so much after all... This album
is an Ok one with correct compositions. Even if this isn’t my
cup of tea ( far from this!) I must recognize this doesn’t

(Island) Hollow empty void MCD. 2010. MORDBRANN Records. Sometimes
when you run a zine, you don't always receive good records, you
know? No! You don't know, because you don't own a shit-capturing
postage box... Mine is a real BULLSHIT ASPIRATOR! So, instead
of inspecting an excrement marmalade promotional record, we'll talk
about something I ordered... BENEATH comes from the land of
the isle and plays a kind of Death metal to be located between brutal
death, blasting death, and technical death. To describe the
music, I would talk about elements coming from SUFFOCATION's "Souls
to deny" for the technical aspect and "Despise the sun"
for the blasting approach, with some IMMOLATION for a more darkened
appeal, and some NILE for blasting brutal onslaughts (Even though
no epic theme appears). To make the musical picture more realistic,
I could can some SPAWN OF POSSESSION for more current brutal influences
and possible elements of GORGUTS for more tortured themes. I know
this description isn't perfect, partly because the band probably
has influences to be more modern (And I'm not perfectly informed
about it, but don't be afraid: Fans of brutal death a quite extreme
way wouldn't have to notice problems of plastic wankery). The
music is quite technical, but remains quite brutal sounding... On
the other hand it's not original or too particular, and might sound
quite common in the hears of those who download so many brutal records
on the vomiting blogs, but for a first recording it already shows
some mastering of the subject. There are little touches of black
metal on some guitar chords, or in some themes, but the previous
IMMOLATION quote could have been enough for this ingredient. Maybe
the guitars lack a bit of heaviness (Understand low frequencies).
The drumming is quite fast, with many blasts and double kicks (It
was probably triggered, but nothing bothers my castrated hears). "Hollow
empty void" is a quite good sounding record, it sounds quite
intense even if being quite technical and not showing too many particularities...
But I'm not really convinced by BENEATH yet, as I would need the
appearance of some deeply emotional or obsessing catchy riffs...
So I will check out their next recording to have a real opinion
about their brutal auditory progeny. Sodomize the bleeding!
(Fra) Insane cephalic production CD'03 ADIPOCERE. I didn't
pay attention to BENIGHTED's previous releases because they're signed
on ADIPOCERE, a label whose releases almost never interest me at
all! Finally here I am with their third full-length CD that lies,
for most of it, between Brutal death grind and death grind. It sounds
professional as the band is tight and has the benefits of a good
production. The music sounds like a mix of CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEICIDE,
some Black metal touches and few modern metal influences from here
and there. But I feel almost totally uninspired in front of this
album: apart from the fact it sounds quite brutal for the production,
the riffs sound too much everheard, to simple (easily findable...)
or simply uninspiring in my hears. In a way I have some kind of
the same opinion of KRONOS and BENIGHTED who share a bunch of common
Brutal death influences: it's professional and correctly articulated,
but the riffs do nothing for me because of the reasons mentioned
above. BENIGHTED might please some guys, plus it might be a cool
band to check live, but I ever know very well all these riffs and
those who have a big Brutal death and death metal knowledge probably
won't be much inspired!

(Usa) Soul of the martyr CD'98 RELAPSE. There are some bands
that release albums on big labels, and when I listen to their music
I don't hear why! And the quality of BENUMB's music lets me think
it's not good enough to be spread on a so wide audience. Their
style is raw Grindcore with Hardcore touches for some slow riffs.
There are touches of thrashcore, Crust, etc. The vocals remind me
some Grindcore bands of the first epoch, RIGHTEOUS PIGS for example. It
blasts, there are some riffs, but I found nothing efficient, great
or killer! All the more some tracks' structures sound hesitating!
It makes some noise (as most of the Grindcore bands) but I don't
see the point. There are discordant riffs, and some chaotic raw
parts could remind a bit of NUCLEAR DEATH. The vocals aren't bad,
but that's not enough! They've recorded some other stuffs and
may have improved, but what I heard on this CD didn't turn me on
to get some more interest in BENUMB!

MOCKERY (SWE) Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw CD'02 METAL BLOOD
MUSIC. This band that has released a cool amount of demos
in the past reminds me a lot of BESTIAL WARLUST's 2nd CD, but it's
not as much bestial sounding. There's also a bit of SATANIC SLAUGHTER
for the high tuned sound and for an old school touch. I have
heard some small influences of old SADISTIK EXEKUTION ("The
magus") for some vocals' touches and some small Death thrashing
influences. They include some simple Black metal riffs à
la DARK FUNERAL in their compositions, and I may also quote ABHORER,
IMPIETY (1st CD) and maybe VOMITORY ("Raped in their own blood")
to let you image with more details what their music is about. Yes,
old BESTIAL WARLUST is the biggest influence here. I found nothing
special here, but it sounds Ok and it's not really in the vein of
what's released nowadays. It can be a quite cool release for
those who liked the bands quoted before in this review.
(Swe) Evoke the desekrator CD'03 OSMOSE. These swedish
maniacs begin to have a quite well known name in the scene since the last 2 or 3
years. But as it is the first time that I listen to their music, I can't say to
the old fans of BESTIAL MOCKERY if the band has improved or regressed here.
Well, all I can say is that it reminds me a lot the last SODOM album "M 16"
because of the production and the way Master Motorsåg is singing sometimes. The
rest sounds like harsh and raw aggressive black metal. There are enough tempo
changes and variety in the songs so that you don't get bored while listening to
this album. Still I don't find it as excellent as some zine editors might have
said; It's not bad for sure, but I don't see anything groundbreaking here. I
simply don't get the grip with bestial mockery's metal. It's fine but I am not
really impressed, I think I was expecting something more aggressive and dirty.
Maybe it's because of the production, I find that the guitar sound is not dirty
enough. Well feel free to check it out if you were already into BESTIAL MOCKERY,
and for those who don't knowx the band, I advise you to give a listen to it
before you get it, or at least to check the band's back catalogue which might be
rawer than this album. Not bad, but nothing tremendous either, except the fine
Gustave Doré's artwork! Cuntact:
(Ger) Reflektionen auf's Sterben (Leichenfotze) CD'97 RED
STREAM. Contrary
to what a bunch of delicacy ass licking zines (whose only goal seems
to promote at any cost) think, to write some bad reviews in a zine
is a good thing! If it's done with honesty, some guys can find
of themselves in your words, or at least it can make some use their
minds! But it also creates some kind of contrast between the levels
of appreciation each release gets (it doesn't happen when everything
is so greaaat!) and then the good words make more sense! The
band can know your real opinion (which is quite rare! I can tell
you!). Finally you're not taken for a fool who likes everything!
This is a feeling I often have towards some zines... The subject
of the bad review of this days will be BETHLEHEM! I don't know what
they're trying to achieve, but it only leads me to the WC!! This
album is a kind of mix between some Black, dark, doom with keyboards
and some strange vocals (both clean and screamed). It reminds me
it always remains superficial! There's a light goal to sound obscure,
but they never reach the engulfed abysmal darkness nor open the
gates ov hell! Their tracks are varied, but always remain boring
in my ears!! I've heard from several sources the band did a
great CD and a bunch of crappy ones! For sure this "Leichenfotze"
isn't the killer one! Use it to unlock your toilets!

(Chile) Dragonflight CD'99 CONQUISTADOR. This band has nothing
to do with the Swedish one! But their style is also old school anyway! Old
school Heavy metal reminding me of the 3 first KING DIAMOND Lp's
and old MERCYFUL FATE with some arrangements ranging along the same
breaks and metallized stuffs! Some quite technical riffs are okey,
and leads sound quite good, but some riffs are also too simple and
common! Their vocals are clearly sung, they own some Black metallish
screams that try to sound like KING DIAMOND's cynical view and own
delirias but it's not so good in my opinion! Some more technical
riffs reminded me a bit of YNGWIE MALMSTEEM's heavy riffs on his
first LP. Unfortunately a good amount of riffs are too common in
my opinion. All the tracks doesn't sound good, but there are
some nice ones. About 50% of the riffs are very average in my ears,
and some parts are too common... I think it may be a nice band for
old fans of good old KING DIAMOND! Nothing is exceptional here,
but some nice parts are thrown here and there. Those who own all
the KING DIAMOND and MERCYFULL FATE Lps and need more may be interested
by this band!

FEAR (UK) Haunted by visions of a third atrocity MCD'97 UTOPIA These
english bastards who has split up because of a lack of musical recognition
played a Death/ grind that was influenced by IMMOLATION but in a
more in your face style. Even if the tracks were quite long (
About 10 minutes a song, it's rare in Brutal death metal!) it was
well contructed with a lot of changings. They also had some touches
of old SEPULTURA for the morbid sounding harmonies (Don't
know why but the sound also makes me think about very old SEPULTURA). In
parts, the drum playing that wasn't bad makes me think about a young
Pete Sandoval who'd be training to enter TERRORIZER, there's some
kind of the same incubating martial style and feeling here. It
would have been a band to support! A shame!

(Hol) The shed MCD'00 SO IT IS DONE PROD. This band has got
nothing to do with the Indus metal homonym! This BILE is a project
of some INHUME members that decided it wasn't enough to play Brutal
Grind Crust in their main band. So BILE was born under the banner
of Goregrind and Grindcrust! You immediately hear it will severely
blast out the sickness from your castrated torso, the production
is powerful and heavy with a corroded touch (a bit à la INHUME).
The stuff mixes Grindcore parts in the nauseabond waters of INHUME,
with heavier Crusty gory riffs à la C.B.T/GUT and mincing Crust
à la old AGATHOCLES for example. Ultra pitched Gore purulent
stomach emanations! Grinding insanity à la very old EXHUMED! Some
very fast blasts are along the lines of BRUTAL TRUTH's 1st CD and
DEVOURMENT. I like the bass guitar that sounds fucking overdriven!
Pure Grindcore sound! I think there's enough for a few Grinders
to blow some fuses here! This isn't one of the best projects that
were released the year 2000, but it's correctly Brutal! A quite
cool MCD Grinding freaks and Brutal pussy lovers may download between
two cybernetic orgasms!

Night of the ultimate mosh CD'02 RAZORBACK. They should throw
away this stupid logo that looks like if it was drawn by a 5 years
old child! Their Grindcore made me think about DEPRAVED (FRA)'s first CD
and there's also a touch of MARDUK for the raw grinding side, but
they of course will let your mind view some old insane "F.E.T.O"
third world decrepitude images as the Grind/ Crust they play is
very influenced by old NAPALM DEATH. Some alternances between old
school death metal riffs and Grinding moments made me EXHUMED my
"Gore metal" "In the name of gore" (This sentence
sucks a bit, eh eh, should stop the madness and directly inject
the mighty cokaine...). The aggressive noise grinding side could
make you think about old BLOCKHEADS (FRA). The drumming sounds
good, but the riffs... Don't fuck my words but it sounds like I've
ever heard it before. Don't forget some memorable riffs are a nice
addition to a 22 aggressive grindcore tracks' pile! Some vokills
evoked some old anal forgotten feelings coming from the SANITYS DAWN's "Mangled
in the meatgrinder" CD, but they're more on the "FUCK
OFF" side than anything else. The momentaneous crust/ hardcore
influences that made its appearance on some coffinfucked and carmolested
tracks psychoted DISRUPT in my ambivalous cerebral jewelry. Sure
there's a Punkalike fuck the world side into this shit! The cover
looks like a collage of some old punksih rubbish, mixed with horrible
red colors and old MISFITS photos... As you'll understand I'm
not a suicide maniac, and even
if it's very often grinding and even if it sounds aggressive, nothing
really branded my enjellyied dusty metal brain decay. Some extreme
grinders will like it as it's better than the average and quite
intense stuff! But I'd rather urge you to check out the EXHUMED/ HEMDALE's
"In the name of gore" split CD if you still don't own it, and
it you can find it!!

EMBALMING (CZE) Necrosadistic surgery CD'02 Bizarre Leprous
Prod. Not very good cover reminding me of AUTOPSY's first
album illustration (the first one they used for "Severed survival,
with the psychopathologist doctor doing the general surgery). They
style is a mix of Grindcore and Brutal Death (not the technical
style but rather the more direct kind of Brutality...). I can
tell ya there are grindgore riffings à la HAEMMORAGE, old
EXHUMED influences (Demos days and split w/ HEMDALE) here. There
are a good bunch of old Death metal riffs in the vein of what EXHUMED
used to add in their disjoncted tunes, the classical tremolos stuffs
mixed with punching beats. The vocals sound by moments like BENEDICTION's
2nd growler, Barney Greeway (especially when he was singing on the
"Subconscious terror" LP of the old style Death metal
band from UK) or ALTAR (Netherland)'s vocalizing brutallizer. There
are some nice parts. I've found nothing exceptionnal or
very good here, and nothing would give me the need to listen
to this CD more times later (as I've found no deep and personnal
ideas). But the tracks sound cool and are correctly played. EXHUMED/
HAEMMORRHAGE fans may find in this case a cool item to copy on tape.
The real problem is it would cost you at least 13 Euros to get the
CD, and one can wonder if it is really worth these 13 ones!
CANDLE (Bel) The faceless angel CD'02 PW Productions. This
is the kind of CDs you don't want to hear, this is the kind of CDs
you don't want to receive! But you have to talk about it anyway... This
is Black metal in the Norwegian trend that reminds me of old DARKTHRONE.
There is some old CELTIC FROST influences. Cliché riffs, inefficient
structures, 'Kult" logo and cover... Fukk this is the kind
of basic riffs I've ever heard so many times! Every serious enough
Black metal fan with 6 months of guitar-playing can find these riffs!
This band is in the underground since several years, but I find
nothing interesting no especially "evolved"! (Only maybe
the vocals... but is it enough?). Black metal isn't my cup of
black blood, but while I can understand why some DARKTHRONE tracks
may please some guys, I hear nothing that could interest those for
which Black metal means more than trollish dances in the nocturnal
forests. Anyway, if you follow the way of the "K", the
"V" and the "Z", you may find here something
to move your tiny corpse-painted ass on!
MASS OF ABSU (Usa) Looting the tomb of the aramathean Ep'97.
FUDGEWORTHY. Boring sludge doom "band" who tries
to be occult and evil with the uncontrolled use of quite gay samples/
gayboards or low tuned black metal vocal-farts. This sounds totally
out of fuel and as fucking boring as the slowest GONKULATOR (boring
as fuck) noises! It could eventually remind of an early CATHEDRAL
who would have eaten a lot of "Think positive and sodomize
yourself" piles and would be in a very good mood! Fucking shit!
Doom was never meant to sound happy! As I told you: boring!! Minimalistic,
amateurish, uselessly improvised and without any musical basis...
any 15years old numetal kid who would have heard a BLACK SABBATH
track once could only do better! This shit doesn't deserve to
exist! This is not a surprise to see this kind of utter crap released
on the label of a GONKULATOR (boring as fuck) member. Avoid this
crap at all costs if you haven't lost respect for your Hi-Fi and
decent music collection! Url: no waste of space.

SISTER (Uk)/ KRUPSKAYA (Uk) Split Ep'09. PROBLEM? Recs. Title:
"Short pukereview from the lands of my rotting week end". Big
sister is watching you, big sister is watching you with massive
sexual insistence... And she's black... I'm afraid, she probably
listened to a lot of black metal... The band BLACK SISTER is
back with some thrash on this Ep, this is the band of the Problem
recs guy who's always so busy but keeps on piling releases over
another (Doesn't it remind a Swedish guy?). Well. First song begins
like BOLT THROWER, epic melodic, then acceleration in the thrash
asstick way with a little old core-crossover touch.... And high-pitched
vocals that make it a little strange/ not too serious sounding.
Next song is more punk, less "dense", sounds a bit
like some IMPALED NAZDROVIEJ (Hmmm, Nazarene). Maybe it's a cover
(It's written "Sodom", but I don't recognize it). KRUPSKAYA sounded
quite interesting on their "Clouds over..." MCD which
offered complex tortured HC Grind... Here they play a cover of KREATOR
("Flag of hate") in a totally classical way, with a raw
sound which make them sound like some old ABSU Ep, and some surprisingly
high-pitched vocals which make them sound like... An agonizing hamster
in the washing machine at full regime? (Stop playing with pets,
please, there are better sex tools in life :OP). The sound is quite
raw indeed. I wasn't too impressed by this Ep; Ok it was apparently
done for fun and some thrashers could like it for the fresh spirit
of the thing, but I expected something different, a bit more wound-threatening.
(GER) Soulless and proud CD'01 SPV I checked this one out
at Carsten Otterbach, an ex MORGOTH guitarist, was a part of their
management staff and I thought, if a guy form the great old MORGOTH
supports a band, it musn't be bad. But I'm disappointed as
it's not Death metal nor heavy! It's really softer than what
I thought it would be, would remind me some soft rockin' MOTORHEAD
mixed with BAD RELIGION and ENTOMBED on it's last albums ("Same
difference" and "Uprising"). There are some melodic
death/ black touches in the vein of the Gothenburg style that would
be near of a small nice melancholy of bands link NIGHT IN GALES.
Sometimes it's not so far from what PARADISE LOST did since "Icon".
There are some cool a bit bizarre sounding vocals in the vein of
the SPERMBIRDS ("Shit for sale") The sound is clear,
it's well produced, but nothing turned me on during the listening
of this CD as I faced another musical deception!

CRUELTY (Usa) The devil's mayhem CD'08. OSMOSE Records. Evil
and fast Death metal with doses of evil thrash that could re-warm
your cold entrails if you like it evil, burning and hateful. This
new band ran by Gene Palubicki is in fact more old styled than what
you could be used from the latest ANGEL CORPSE, it goes back closer
to the sources of evil and the influences are clearly more along
the lines of POSSESSED's "Seven churches" (Many morbid
tremolos from hell, some fucking technical tappings…) with touches
of ooold RIGOR MORTIS (Evil speed metal!), some SARCOFAGO ("I.n.r.i")
or a bit of early SODOM... One could feel by moments somekind
of the same atmosphere than "Hammer of gods", which doesn't
displease me, but there's a difference in the fact it sounds less
"Raw and rock'n roll" and fewer two-guitar-polyphonies
are present (So the Morbid angel reminders decrease) Maybe someone
could hear some vicious BLASPHEMY by moments, but the previous Sarcofago
quote could suffice for this aspect.. There are more thrash
metal patterns that could taste like early "Evil metal",
maybe something like early DESTRUCTION, the second POSSESSED album
or KREATOR’s “Pleasure to kill”, but it's a different atmosphere.
The apocalyptic leads are cool. I read some peoples complained
about the snare-drum sound... Well, it didn't bother me, it sounds
quite military (Which fits) and if it was released in 1988 few peoples
would have bothered... This album has great moments when it's
fast as fuck and right to the point, but on the other hand some
tracks or parts are more mid-paced and I don't like that too much
(It wastes the hatred). This is a quite good album you could
dig if you have "old styled" tastes and if you burn in
hell! At least I preferred BLASPHEMIC CRUELTY than many current
war, evil, black death bands who rather flame a few cigarettes than
the gates of hell... It might only be a subproject or something,
and this album might not turn into a classic (Who the hell could
record a classic Death metal album in 2009? Seriously…), at least
BLASPHEMIC CRUELTY is burning in hell! So keep on burning!
(Fra) Last tribes CD’95. France, 1995, while most of the local
scene is still cast in amateurish music and ass-licking behaviors,
some sick minds record one of the most extreme Grindcore stuff for
the French scene of this time! I even wonder if a correct Grindcore
release was recorded in France before! Ah! After a tribal intro
begins the aggression! Total Grindcore right in your face, with
some real blasts, energy distress disjoncting screams, packaged
anger! Right in your face! And it's obvious the fucking BLOCKHEADS
were in their own deliria: nothing to do with the French scene of
this time! Real raw Grindcore! With blasting stress energy and slower
parts or tempos the old school way! At this time, they reminded
(A little bit). This was ever chaotic, few riffs tended to chaotic
depressiveness. The low vocals were ever very low and disgusted!
Cool. Ok, there were some approximations, and all wasn't that
good, but the first track is excellent, there are some cool parts
from here and there, they had a real drummer, and it was fucking
welcome! It was promising as fuck! And they have improved a lot!
(Fra)/ MASTIC SCUM (Aus) Split Ep’97. STUHLGANG Rec. Well,
nothing very cool these days, so it was needed to download this
quite old Grinding split Ep! Unless the damnation of pure fucking
shit would have once again taken over my putrid brain! Fuck you
all! This Ep appeared few years after BLOCKHEADS had releases
their first CD, and it introduced the French underground to the
style they have been blasting on their following releases: fast
Grindcore the old way, with some influences of Hardcore, and a production
being much more powerful than the one of "Last tribes". Musically
speaking, there's no surprise (including no bad surprise): ass kicking
Grindcore with real energy and rebellion! The drummer blasts as
a maniac who'll destroy the whole world, while the riffs are primary
as fuck, and chaotically raw! Reminds of early NAPALM DEATH and
the good grinding state of mind of this epoch! This is almost the
same spirit. The vocals have your high pitched screams, your
grind growls, some hardcorish vocals and some low pitched screams
that sound like an ugly cromag blowing a big fuse in his morbid
cavern! Ah! If you have few BLOCKHEADS releases, this Ep isn't
essential or really needed, but it tastes like a cool collection
item for the fans of energetic and emotional Grindcore! On the other
side you have few tracks of MASTIC SCUM who also plays old school
Grindcore influenced by early NAPALM DEATH! But with some newer
influences. It's full of blasts, crusty parts and angry growls.
Mastic sounds more "polished" than BLOKCHEADS since their
Grindcore is less chaotic. It also seemed less HxCx influenced at
this time. Its sounds quite energetic and motivated to the ass bone,
but I prefer the BLOCKHEADS for the destructive chaotic power! A
hips cool Ep for Grinders! Motherfuckers!
(Fra) Watch out CD’98 BONES BRIGADE. It’s always cool to
review older albums! And especially when it's as powerful as the
ones of BLOCKHEADS! After a cold and nihilistic war intro begins
the grinding carnage! Total old school Grindcore in its purest form!
Full of energy and rebellion! Ass blasting drum grinding energy!
Guitar riffings that has both the raw old school Grindcore edge,
but also some heavier HxCx touches and some Crustcore. Urban explosive
Grindcore with social views of this rotten world and disjoncted
screams on overwhelming distress! Scum! They have varied vocals,
but the lower hardcorish Death grunts are great! Power! And there's
a chaotic and explosive aspect I enjoy in here! Fuck the world!
Ok, all the tracks in the BLOCKHEADS albums aren't excellent,
but the whole sounds good, the energy is here, and fuck off! It
shreds your big mother! The fucking BLOCKHEADS haven't released
a flat or boring album, and it's rare in this style! Grind on, and
support them!
(FRA) Human parade CD'02 BONES BRIGADE. Here's an album that should deligth everyone that is into grind. With Human
Parade, the BLOCKHEADS give us the lethal shot. During the 20 tracks that
contains this album, intensity rarely falls in, on the furious hi-speed
parts (Face yourself make up your mind, Dead men working) as on those
heavier, between the heavy and the sludge way of playing ((.), that's the
title of the song). Musically emerging more from the grind scene, the crust
parts (great) linked to the ultra-speed ones can make you remember NAPALM
DEATH (both first essentially), EXTREME NOISE TERROR (the first ones too),
ENNEMY SOIL (Garden of Eden's period) and other DISRUPT. The vocals have a
hardcore and live approach (hardcorolic ? !), a bit as DISRUPT or ENNEMY
SOIL, even a power violence way as OTTAWA or PLUTOCRATY. All of this raised
with an excellent production and a very good artwork. So I won't add
anything except every grindcore lover should know this album. Gauthier
(FRA)/ NOSTROMO (SWI) Split Ep'02 BURN OUT. This split
Ep artwork wouldn't have caught my attention in a CD store for sure!I'm
not too into 50's sensual jazz'n rock, eh eh!But it looks quite
cool anyway. The concept here is: each band covers a track of
the other one and adds one of it's own creation. So NOSTROMO
covers a BLOCKHEADS track that seems to come from the "Last
tribes" CD of the french Grinders, doesn't sound 100% as the
original, so it's cool for a cover.On its own track, NOSTROMO
offers a mix of Grind, HxCx and discordant tunes with screamy High
pitched vocals emerging directly from the Hardcore scene, but the
whole keeps a Grindcore highline. That's cool. BLOCKHEADS's
nostromo cover and personal track sound in the vein of their otehr
lastest releases? If you liked their Grind/ HxCx/ Crust with low
delirium vocals and screams, quite chaotic parts and with a real
Grindcore spirit, check it! It's worth the listening for the grinding
(Ger) Impulse to destroy CD'94 IMPULSE TO DESTROY. I never
understood why BLOOD had so much support! Except from a few "hits",
their music is fucking boring and common as fuck! And this album
is the worst I've heard from them! (The 1st one I guess...) Grind
Crust with weak riffs, a flat sound, flat drums, boring tracks...
Too much reverb on vocals... They tried to do it raw, but even
a fly in an overdrive effect would sound more extreme! Sounds
like a 1987 Demo, Forget this! No guts, no glory!
DUSTER (Australia) Yeest CD'95. Here's a band that was
influential on a part of the Grind scene, and especially for bands
such as FILTH (Australia). The whole prostesist puke on the patient's
wide open rectum was a Grindcore that tended to Grindgore (especially
for some vocals), but what built a bit of BLOOD DUSTER's personality
was they included some rocking groovy riffs in their menstrual soup,
it wasn't common at that time! Not so original in the grinding sessions,
but there's you share of intensity and blast insanity in some good
old school grinds à la old NAPALM DEATH. Plus add a few catchy riffs,
some Dark grind, low gore or high-pitched vocals! The 10th track
crushes everything with its excellent grind riff of an intro, and
the opening snare. Drumbeat is totally catchy and killer! We
were playing this one when I was in a Grindcore band named G.O.L. Notice
“Yeest” includes the whole “Fisting the dead” CD as bonus tracks. All
the tracks here aren't excellent, but you've got a little bunch
of very good ones, and all the tracks don’t sound the same! I can
play half of the CD without being bored at all. Good production.
If you can put an hear on this CD, go on! It's worth the last remaining
hours of your hearing until you turn fucking deaf. Ouch!

RITUAL (Usa) At the mountains of madness CD'98. MORIBUND Recs. Fantomatic,
as the throat that never speaks. Subtle, as a cancerous scorching
breathe. The unholy deities of ancient sarcastic Death metal
slowly but surely take over your consciousness and fucks up each
and every positive aspect of it. As a cryptic puzzle that slowly,
but surely grows, takes a more afflicting path of desolation with
each disintegrated piece of will, Until the game is finally
complete: PURE FUCKING DEATH!!! The only common
link between BLOOD RITUAL and SAMAEL's second album would be the
occult and satanic approach; but this almost forgotten Death metal
band sounds more perverse and vicious when their occult face re-materializes. The
main lines of BLOOD RITUAL could sound like a melting pot of ATROCITY
("Hallucinations")'s complex and weird techno death, and
the occult and sulfurous from IMMOLATION's "Dawn of possession".
Of corpse, other influences and soundalikes such as AMON (pre-DEICIDE),
very early MALEVOLENT CREATION, BEYOND FEAR (Uk. R.I.P) or early
SUFFOCATION can be blood written. Even if some moments of the
morbid or occult are quite embalming, if some technical desecrations
are quite appealing, and some brutal parts sound cool in my hears,
I feel like it's an average album with good moments. A bunch of
riffs do not bring much to the songs, when it doesn't slow down
the course to intensity. (Some sound even common and tasteless in
2005). The band happens
to procure this feeling the morbid riffs awake an aura of morbidity
flying in a blackhole circle, as a suffocating fume calling and
preceding the end of times. The raw production isn't always the
most understandable or powerful, but it doesn't displease me as
a 10 years old+ form of resonance can be found, and it leads me
back to some memories of beginning 90's brutal Death, an extreme
kind of music you had to pay attention to, and make an effort to
really understand what was happening, as everything weren't so clean
and crystal clear... There happens to be a strange chorus effect
on the vocals; it's ok for me, but wouldn't necessarily please every
Deathmaniacs. This album
might be of interest for big fans of the style, wicked schizophoniacs
of the technical shred and embracers of the occult, but I don't
really conceive some who do not dig the sulfurous, deep underground
and past Death metal to get into this album that much. For fans
and maniacs only! I could hear
few songs from BLOOD RITUAL's last album released on MORIBUND Recs;
and it didn't do much for me. The style of the band seems to have
changed quite a lot, as they explore underground landscapes that
can not be transplanted on the sarcastic carcass of my tastes. Corrosive
compatibility unachieved. One more transplant rejected.

(swe) Breeding death MCD'99 CENTURY MEDIA. A few years ago,
a guy I knew who was totally into the most complex and Brutal death
metal stuffs almost forced me to buy him back this CD, but I was
in a totally crushed sorrowful and depressive paintings deliria,
so I didn't pay much attention to this. But now I've heard their
last full length and enjoyed it, I hurried up to download it through
a nice files exchange software! Still in the old school Death
metal style, this MCD is a very nice mix of old DISMEMBER meets
old EDGE OF SANITY! Quite polished and not so raw for a Death metal
band, but it sounds good and well done! Nice riffs that are quite
catchy, more melodic interludes, nice vocal choruses and good powerful
sound! The only negative point is the drum parts are too simple
by moments. This is a bit behind "Resurrection through carnage"
in terms of quality, but it was definitely a nice download! A cool
MCD for Death metal freaks!
(Swe) Resurrection Through Carnage CD'02 CENTURY MEDIA. Pure
fucking Death metal! I didn't dream anymore about discovering
a new old school Death metal band that would procure me the mighty
thrills of Death and inner dehumanized revelations again! But this
CD has a part of it! I revive the storms, thrills and victories
of the past listening to this CD! I die! Old school Death metal
played with a real enthusiasm! Ahhhh! It was produced to sound
like old school Death metal bands of the early 90's with the raw
and quite corrosive sound that made the tremolo riffs à GRAVE,
ENTOMBED and old DISMEMBER more tremendous and brutally vicious!
Like a fucking reptile! It has the sorrowfull swedish melodies that
made DISMEMBER and EDGE OF SANITY good! I feel fucking sorry
I haven't more time to give to this (few) kind of releases because
of my websites, webzine and other metal activities... but it's a
fucking metallized choice! This CD isn't 100% essential, but
it's fucking welcome in a scene so full of shit loving Goregrind,
ultra technical Brutal Death and poor as fuck Black metal!
FREAK (Usa) Sleaze merchants CD’03 RAZORBACK. This is
an old piece of rotten perversion exhumed by Razorback records.
This was in recorded in 1990 but never released before. For
unknown reasons I didn't expect much, but Uh! This album has its
moments! This is goregrind Death crust fuck with a sense of 3rd
zone gore and horror movies that gives this album a bizarre fun
spirit. The spirit of the vicious fisherman who slowly awaits the
bathing girlees to swim totally nude, until he shreds them off with
the flying maxi-size hooks of Death! Dance fucking horny bitches,
dance in your own splashing blood! The music is quite near of
CARCASS at the time of their second killer album, even if BLOODFREAK
sounds less serious and deeply extreme, more joking in their perverse
joke. But the music is ok for most of it! This is no crappy noisegore.
Somewhere the state of mind would be quite near of GENERAL SURGERY
with a meat portion of 3rd zone films, but the music also putridly
reminds me of IMPETIGO, SANITYS DAWN ("Cryptic menu"),
early MUCUPURULENT and eventually some NECRONY. If has few riffs
that sound almost rock'n roll! Uh! Do you want a tit portion with
your cup of vaginal beer? Some vocals sound like a screaming
gnome fucking little perverse gnome who's so crushed by his sadistic
boss he disjoncts in sarcasm! but all in all the vocals tend to
every kind of gore: guttural gore, pitch shifting, blood splashing,
cynical erosions... Anyway some high pitched screams are funny haha! The
perverse woodcutter who stocks his hunting trophies in his morbid
hut of perverse love awakes from his silent rest. Darkened perversions
in the eyes, a big blood soiled axe in his large worker's hands,
all the machiavelik ass fucking plans will finally be achieved!
Brutal axe fucked in the wood of trolls, fucking yeah! Some riffs
have grown old, of corpse they have, but most of it sounds okey
in 2004! To conclude, this isn't a masterkiller piece of bloody
meat, but there are some really cool disjoncted tracks from here
and there, plus this might have enough delicate balls' dissection
to please the big fans of gore!

BLOODLUST (Australia)
Cultus diaboli CD. 2015. IRON, BLOOD AND DEATH CORPORATION Recs.
This is an Australian band you might not have heard about.
This is quite great sounding black thrash... I know some readers will imagine
something very raw and cavernously fucked while reading "black
thrash", but the style is a bit different.
I would rather describe it as old styled 80's thrash metal in a quite compact
manner, with screamed black metal vocals, and some black metal influences at
the level of riffing (Including a bit of 90's Scandinavian influences, that can
happen to sound a little melodic (No problem)). There's also a little speed
metal touch sometimes.
So if you want another kind of description, you could also read the following
list of name-dropping: I heard some old SODOM (“Persecution mania”), early AURA
NOIR, early MERCILESS (Swe), early DESTRUCTION alike riffs (First albums, even
if the whole sounds different), a bit of NIFELHEIM (For an "exuberant"
touch) and perhaps a little of AUDIOPAIN.
Well, the songs are quite nicely compacted with a nice amount of great sounding
riffs, and so some tracks can sound really great. This said perhaps the first
half of the album contains more great riffs than the second half.
I'm not a big expert of the style, so I'm not able to say if this album could
be located above of under the top of the best black thrash albums, but this is
a good/ great sounding release in itself.

(GER) Bloodshed CD'01 SELF RELEASED. Here's
a common death metal/ brutal death metal style band hailing from Germany.
I can feel some PESTILENCE influences about some discordant sounding
riffings, some low placed guitar power chords and (a few for) some
leads.... They would make me think about EXHUMED for some part
on which they mix some slow death vokills with high pitched screams,
the whole wounds rather raw, Death grind like, because of a raw
production and some approximations at the level of the drums, guitars...
Some riffs sucks in my ears, it makes sounding worse a song
that could have been Ok. To
conclude, this is played Ok but it's also very common and can
be boring as it's not new stuffs...
(Fra) Warped In The Macabre MCD’02 SNAKEBITE Recs. Gore and
vile pus emanating from an intro à la old DEEDS OF DLESH, vile suffocation
and morbid rejoicing! BLOODSHED is a Brutal death band that evolves
in the French underground since a few years, but my morbid consciousness
didn't cross their ways of repugnance until now. Their style
is Brutal death grind that could remind of the first BRODEQUIN CD,
or some CANNIBAL CORPSE stuffs, but surprisingly enough this isn't
so technical. The fast parts could remind of DISGORGE (Mex) but
it's less raw, and it's the kind of stuffs I've ever devoured a
lot... More surprises and deep inner brutality would be hellcome!
Most of the time it remains average, and unfortunately quite repetitive.
Some slower riffs could remind of the most doomy and occult riffs
of old MORGUE (Fra). They could also remind of INHUMATE (1st CD)
and old DEEDS OF FLESH. The opening riff of the 2nd track has
got more substance and obscure deepness, in the gateways to annihilation
of the last MORBID ANGEL releases! Real heavy crushing riff with
an enormous morbidity! So, I'm not so much into their stuffs since
it's too common in the fast Brutal death style, but there are some
good ideas and BLOODSHED could offer something really good if they
were morbidly developing these heavy riffs! Quite promising!

SIGN (Fra) The third escape Ep'08. BLOOD HARBEST. The
wide opened hellish asshole of Alsace keeps on procreating some
abominations, and hopefully all of it doesn't suck. This new
release probably has the rawest sound BLOODY SIGN recorded the last
8 years, it makes the listener more able to dream in the most abstract
patterns, the moments of war taste more like the battle and the
feel is more chaotic. The first song sounds like old MAYHEM (First
album) mixed with IMMOLATION and the production of the first BESTIAL
WARLUST album. The second song is more in the kind of stuff the
band played on their first album, with addition of some nice hellish
early Death metal leads, but the production makes them sound less
controlled than usual. The third song is closer to the more complex
and complicated paths the band follows on their second album, some
gimmicks aren't unlike later MAYHEM (Way to change from a pattern
to another with quite "mathematic" cuts... Or some funeral
arpeggios). The cover picture isn't very good, just an average
drawing with a little atmosphere.... This is a cool Ep that shows
a face of the band I enjoy a bit more than their usual releases:
I don't mean their last releases and musical development aren't
interesting or unworth the hear, but it doesn't really fit my needs:
When I need it morbid I go for the "simple" things, when
I need it complex or technical my mind flows in other paysages...
Choose your death:
tormenting ways to death" Split CD. BLOODY SIGN
opens this 4-ways split CD with 3 tracks. This is more or less the
same style than their first album: Quite old school blasting death
metal with reminiscences of some early PESTILENCE, SADISTIC INTENT... These
songs sound a bit more black metal influenced than before, this
isn't something for my tastes. Some of the morbid riffs and old
school as fuck thrashing death riffs have disappeared, so
I'm a bit disappointed. But that remains above the average demo
stuffs. Notice a cover of AUTOPSY (Critical madness) that has
lost the initial mood of the songs... and sounds more like some
ASPHYX ("Last one on earth")... but that might come from
the production, coz I saw them live and this cover-song had the
severed mood. LUCTIFERU plays
old school satanic Death à la early DEICIDE/ KRISIUN/ RAEBELLIUM,
with influences of MORBID ANGEL ("Domination" 's heaviness).
That sounds Ok, and tightly played, but I didn't find something
hellishly burning or hatefully above the average. This is Ok/ quite
cool demo stuff, and it might not betray the covenant during gigs... CROMB: This
sounds strange! It's somekind of Death/ Black metal with low-scaled
vocals... and an hammond organ! Some moments really sound like an
infernal circus, with imaginary cynical clowns laughing behind you!
It might remind of the strangest moments of DEVIN TOWNSEND's "Infinity"...
But all in all, I'd rather compareCROMB to some simpler EMPEROR,
very early ENSLAVED, mixed with the Hammond organ of the DOORS...
Ah! Nothing really good, and after a while it becomes repetitive
(the songs could have been more surprising in the structures), but
it's quite surprising music at the first approach, and the band
at least tries to do something different that remains obscure. MORTIFICY:
The last one isn't necessarily the best one. Boring blasting
death metal that seems to be satanic... The riffs are average, and
this isn't tight! (The drummer seems to play in another room, all
alone). And the failed GOREFEST cover (Too badly played and too
fast!) won't help. On a scale of aggression, I would rate them:
5%. Verdict: Very average! Practice again, and again until you're
SIGN (Fra) Vana Vigala Loïts CD'03 Self-released. The
winds of putrefaction spreading the caustic plague over this human
filth that only deserves the vilest crapicide! Exterminate them
all! The purulent maelstrom of a thousand generations' filth
invades the dark cities! Deformed bodies drowning in acid purulence,
eroded carcasses explode under disjoncting overdriven fuses crash.
The annihilated assbone fucked humanity can now rejoice! Putrefaction
shall dominate again! Putrefaction remains! Here's the new BLOODY
SIGN release and I can immediately say it's better than their previous
releases! The music is still an old school mix of Death metal and
Brutal death with thrash metal and some 90's Black metal parts. These
new tracks are more catchy, extreme and better articulated than
before. Some moments are more complex, it could sound like the more
worked on moments of PESTILENCE on "Consuming impulse"!
There's also some old DEATH (2 first Lps), old MORGOTH, a bit of
Black metal touches. I might talk about old SINISTER in someDeath
grind moments as well. I found their previous Demo "Estonian
sessions" nice because of well articulated tracks and some
nice riffs, but on this album the riffs are more intense! (As always
some moments see the decrease of intensity, but I guess it won't
be a big problem for those who live in an acid bath of hate!) Some
of these riffs are in the intense gutt-tripping vein of very old
obscure MORGOTH! This album is composed of 6 studio tracks (including
a cover of PESTILENCE's "Parricide"), an intro and a live
recording. To conclude, there's nothing really new here, but
I enjoy listening to this album and the band keeps on progressing!
There are some deeply obscure riffs here! I can only say the old
school Death thrash maniacs may be interested in this album! Try
it or the vilest putrefaction will devour your cheezy flesh!

the priest CD'02 METAL BLADE. Basical
old school Death metal with touches of OBITUARY (« Back from
the dead »), SIX FEET UNDER (1st and 2nd CDs) ASPHYX (a few)
mixed with a lot of more heavy Brutal death parts à la CANNIBAL
CORPSE (« Vile » and « The bleeding ») plus
BAPHOMET’s « The dead shall inherit ». There are
vocals with Corpsegrinder textures and also some few MASTER and
John Tardy (very small) inclusions. Some slower melodic or heavy
moments remind me a bit of SLAYER’s « Divine intervention
» obscure moments but also the « seasons in the abyss
» track. OBITUARY could also be mentionned for some lead
guitars, while some heavy hardcore thrashing moments reminds me
of ATROCITY (Germany, « Willenskraft ») when they were
still in the heavier stuffs. The few thrashin’ elements aren’t
so far from KREATOR’s « Cause for conflict ». By
moments they made me think a bit about the german Deathcore band
CRAWLSPACE but I don’t know if it’s a good comparison. Very good
and powerfull sound. To conclude: this is a correctly done and powerfuly
heavy album but there’s nothing special here! For the big fans of this
style only!

HOLOCAUST (Fra) Flesh for the cannibal god CD. 2018. NO BREAD!
Recs. I checked out a release of BLUE HOLOCAUST a long time
ago, when it was still a solo project, and I remember not liking
that much... But it was a long time ago, and things have changed!
B.H. is now a full band and the slash sonic dementia is much more
disjoncted! Here's the short description I wrote as I had a couple
of CDs and tapes for sale: "Goregrind/ Gore death grind for
fans of very early CARCASS ("Reek..."), old DEAD INFECTION,
or very early SQUASH BOWELS". Well the early CARCASS influence
is very present for the gory vocals (Gore & low pitch) and for
the sickening style as a whole (But the production is less "fucked").
Concerning SQUASH BOWELS I thought about the "Something nice"
Ep (And a split CD I had an eternity ago, perhaps it was with Malignant
Tumour) for some "uncontrolled brutality". I also heard
some similarities with GRUESOME MALADY from India. So, now BLUE
HOLOCAUST also counts several musicians of VOMI NOIR, which also
plays "Gore grind", but in comparison I would say B.H.
sounds a bit less conventional in riffings and tastes a bit more
crazy/ fucked in the old Carcass way. Musically this is better
played than the average computer goregrind projects you usually
find (which went very low...), and rhythmically or riffingcally
(Uh) it's also quite "varied" (Not "variété française"
yet AhAh). I tried to listen to this album again, after reviewing
it, when I was in a softer death/ doom mood, but it didn't work
so well AhAh! So I guess this is destined only to gore maniacs and
fans of exploding purulent sickness. I can't plunge into a deep
analysis because I don't listen to that much of gore, but here I
feel Blue Holocaust has really improved the level. Inject your
daily dose of green radioactive vomit!

THROWER (Uk) Honour, valour, pride CD'01 METAL BLADE. Bolt
thrower has change its vocalist, but thisis the only thing that
has changed on this album... All along the listening, I've got the
painful feeling to listen to a band that has switched on the
automatic piloting. As well as an IRON MAIDEN or an AC/DC of the
bad days, it seems they satisfy themselves with writing only two
good tracks to enjewel their playlist and justify a tour! (Bolt
thrower didn't play live in Uk since 7 years!) This time the only
two good ones are named "Inside the Wire" and "Suspect
Hostile", and the remaining, even if it's correct, can't beat
the classic tracks of the band (far from this). Bolt thrower
has choosen the perpetual mid temp (despite of a track such as "Inside
the wire" that's quite speed and quite near of a track like
"No guts, no glory"), and the strong lack of dynamism
on some tracks doesn't help to fight the boredom that very fastly
takes it's place, all the more the tracks are often too long for
what it contain! Infact, BOLT THROWER sounds near of the bands
they have themselves influenced, but they seem tired and outmoded
by some of their disciples (the excellent ALL OUT WAR for exemple)
even if they play on warlines they have themselves created! The
band is appreciated by its fans since they doesn't offer bad surprises
such as MAYHEM, but the need of something new is cruelly felt! A
riff you have ever heard 1000 times, even if it's quite efficient
(such as "7th offensive" for exemple) isn't enough to
build a good track, and I'm waiting in vain during all the album
the riff or the vocal line that will add this little more that transforms
the "not to bad" into something "good". In
the primitive but brutal style, some dozens and dozens of Hardcore bands
inflict a serious pain in the face of this "Honour, valour,
pride", and I ever own thousands of "not too bad"
releases. Pierre

BONES (Usa) Bones CD. 2011. PLANET METAL Recs.
Spiked penetrations and bleeding responses.
Are you receiving? Are you receiving the vulvar fist?
I requested the catapulting of this album, since the style seemed to be Death
metal, but in the boulder-ejecting reality this is different: I would say the
content is located in the arbalested middle between old Death metal and black
The 3 arrow providers used to play in USURPER before, and you can feel it for
various "black thrashing" reasons, you can also hear some old CELTIC
FROST influences...
Sometimes I use to think about old MASTER (This is for the Death metal
influence) and perhaps some old DESASTER (Ger) (For more black thrash...). Add
some "rock'n roll" influences here and there, and you could have a
not too rapidly catapulted vision of the whole musical spectrum.
Now one thing you should consider before preparing for the battle, is the very
heavy and powerful production... It does sound quite "modern" (At
least for 90's/ Beginning 00's), with a very present overdriven bass guitar,
and wouldn't suit the needs of those who need relaxed old school metal with an
almost bluesy flavor.
This is a quite solid album with some qualities, this could even be a
continuation of USURPER, but my tastes wander in other arbalested paths were
arrows might be more bloody and gory.
AND GAGGED (Usa) Fornicate the gutted CD'02 UNITED GUTTURAL. Very
technical sounding Brutal death metal that made me think about NATRON's
first CD. They've got their bunch of American style Brutal death
influences: SUFFOCATION (1st and 3rd), DYING FETUS, PYREXIA (old),
REPUDIILATION, SKINLESS... On one hand some wanna sound complex
or technical moments really make them loose some efficiency (and
could even sound hesitating!), on the other hand some heavier Brutal
death riffs or more blasting parts are cooler and would have been
well cum between two gut tripping riffs. But I found no excellent
riffs that makes me compulse on this execrated review. They're influences
as fuck by SUFFOCATION!! They include more "original"
elements from here and there, but their style remains very commonly
bound into a Brutal death metal style. Their style didn't convince
me, but it doesn't suck. It remains quite raw, Brutal, Technical...
but it's common. Some outstanding guts exploding tremolo sufferances
or hypnoticizing obscure heavy brutallizing riffs are needed to
make a good Brutal death album and to get a great review here!

FAMINE (Usa) Die in the vortex CD. 2022. Self-released. With
a band moniker that rather sounded like powerviolence (To me) and
a duet or artwork/ title that rather evoked industrial black metal
in my mind, I didn't know what to expect from this album... But
in fact the music is great: This could roughly be described as a
mix of death/ grind, with great medical leads, some compact technical
thrash and a quite sickening technical touch. Old and mid old
CARCASS seem to have been a quite big musical influence on these
American cup of tea berserkers, you can feel it in the blast parts,
the vocals, the more technical guitars (Or "leads" which
also evoke old IMPALED). The abrupt nature of some compositions
evoked the American P.L.F ("Ultimate whirlwinds of incineration"),
while some semi technical thrash reminded me of TERMINATION FORCE. The
technical side happens to take some importance at the level of the
riffings, and occurs to drive the ambulance closer to some old DEEDS
OF FLESH recordings, but a more death/ grind tone often comes back
on the (Not so clean) dissection table. There's indeed quite come
cadaver-compacting to happen in there, understand the songs' structures
aren't so simple and come quite often with breaks/ tempo/ riffs
changes to mutilate & recompose the Frankenstein body better...
So perhaps this recording isn't so easy to masticate, this isn't
old school corpse maceration convenience... This sounds more like
90's and 00's death/ grind with technical approaches of this era. Now
perhaps the production is a little too "thin" to eliminate
all alien mental intruders, I would have preferred to find a bit
more low frequencies, but this remains very reasonable in the "death
grind" approach. "Die in the vortex" is a great
sounding release, perhaps BRAIN FAMINE didn't touch the G-point
of bizarre riffing frenzy, but their ambulance is on the right way...
The way to the cold morgue!

(Usa) Instruments of torture CD'99 UNMATCHED BRUTALITY. First
official release for this primal Brutal death outfit! Even if
I'm quite bored with the American Brutal death style, this album
flows quite well without a real problem. But there's no big originality
here... you'll certainly ask me why! Well this is quite Brutal
stuff, with quite simple riffs à la old CANNIBAL CORPSE!
Quite efficient but not exceptional stuff. What inhuman and cold
vokills! I enjoy the numerous pucks on the splash cymbal! Sounds
bestial! In fact, no riff sounded new to me, but some tridimensional
parts sound enough Brutal and efficient to keep me alive! Ah! So
it's a quite cool album to burn for big Brutal death heads! If
you need to buy a BORDEQUIN release, then go for "Festival
of death" (their second CD) that's more brutal and intense
both for the music and the for production!
(Usa) Festivals of death CD'01 UNMATCHED BRUTALITY. While
watching their logo anf their artwork cover, I imagined somekind
of a sophisticated and a bist melodic Brutal death metal. But
in fact their style is very primal and quite INHUMAN sounding Brutal
Death! This fucking inhuman aspect was present on some MORTICIAN's
stuffs! Long repetitive blast beats mixed with very low (and
sometimes gory) vocals that could make them sound like a Grindcore/
Grindgore band à la DEAD INFECTION's "A chapter of accident"
at the very first listening. But if you get a carefull ear on their
stuff, it's Brutal Death riffinfs. A few mid tempo heavy riffs
in the American style are included between all these head lacerating
pounding parts. To conclude: BRODEQUIN isn't one of my fave bands,
but they own some cool riffs and they're quite professional and
efficient, that makes me think they're will be a quite important
band in the Extremely Brutal scene if a good promo job is done on
their work!
(Usa) Prelude to execution CD single 2003. Ah
Ah! This is a pleasure to hear some new BRODEQUIN's music since
their last releases (4 ways split CD and full-length CD) convinced
me about their true will to brutalize the weak, in an intense and
ultra primal way! This 2 tracks promo was released to 100 copies,
given for free to any consumer who buys from their label! (But search
for the Mp3s on DC++!) It includes 2 tracks totally in the BRODEQUIN's
style on their last CD "Festivals of death": fast, brutal,
unrelentless, inhuman, cold and primal! Good hyperblasting drummer,
guttural growls and simple but brutal riffs. The sound lacks of
some brutality in my opinion, it may sound like a good live recording,
but that's really enough to kick your lazy ass! Not really memorable,
but outstanding for it's shredding brutality! Two brutal tracks
that confort me in the idea their next one will be at least as Brutal
as "Festivals of death" the raw and "right in your
face" way! AAARRRRGGH!!!

HOPE (Usa) Loathing CD'97 METAL BLADE. In a scene that
was so overcrowded than the metal scene of the 90's, a wrong path
is hardly forgiven and two ones can't be forgiven! So the fact "Loathing"
would be a success was crucial for BROKEN HOPE, so that they doesn't
finish In the thrashcans of the metal history! And "Loathing"
is in fact a success. BROKEN HOPE has came back to the style of
their beginnings, the highly technical aspect added, and the result
is rather efficient. "Loathing" isn't an especially extraordinary
album, neither an especially original one, but a given sense of
composition they've found back makes you able to enjoy a good bash
of shooting riffs as well as carnal blast beats, the whole cut by
slower moments that for one time aren't used as fillers. The technical
aspect is also to the service of the tracks, while it's very often
the opposite. And "Loathing", being rich and always going
to the essential, has got what it needs to satisfy both the demanding
musican and the most kracked head brutallizer! Pierre
blessings CD’98 MARTYR This is the review of an
album I never heard about, I found it in a market for a very reasonable
price. It was released on a small label. BROKEN HOPE still
plays the same kind of technical Brutal Death they played on their
«Loathing » album, with hypertechnical riffs and
bizarre sounding harmonies. They maybe have improved their technical
guitar playing habilities and the songs seems to be more substantial
and contains more cool ideas. Those who liked the band will like
this album even more. Those who didn’t like the band won’t change
their views about americans’ Brutal Death

(Mex) Marijuana MCD'97. The track "Marijuana" is
a 0,5 $ cover of the dance song we all know: "Macarena"...
but here they do it in their own Thrashy dance style and it's just
bad. You can find here the track "Matando guerros" in
a '97 version and 3 old live tracks. It seems to me it's just useless
and ininteresting. Their "Matando guerros" CD was really
better! The musicians of the band seems to have forgotten a project
isn't synonymous with shitty fastly written music. A MCD I wouldn't
advice, even to a fan of the band...
BRAIN DAMAGE (Por) Brain soup CD. 2012. VOMIT YOUR SHIRT Recs. This
is the new release of the portuguAIDS label who's so hungry, that
he eats your Tshirts. The content of the CD picks a bit of pussy
hairs from the following styles: Old styled Death grind, groovy
grindgore, mid old brutal death, grindcore and mid old styled Death
metal, to try and reconstruct a new pussy wig. During the hairy
vaginal examination, I could detect some hair parasites that apparently
often visited the erogenous pubic zones of NAPALM DEATH, old IMPALED
(When they were not melodic), LOCK UP (?) and more seldomly old
MUCUPURULENT (In a less gory manner), old HAEMMORHAGE (In a cleaner
manner), old SANITYS DAWN (Before the powerviolence days) or old
GUT (With fewer pussy), with some regular Death metal parts here
and there. You might get it, this is globally between death grind
and blasting death, with something groovy gore and vocals not far
from the gore either, even if the music is cleaner produced. The
tracks are all short, which adds a bit more of grind in the cunt. The
music is not bad to listen, even quite cool to hear sometimes, but
it could be more crazy or demented by moments... This is not a subatomic
cunt smasher. This is ok. I should even say this is extremely
ok. Extremely ok music for extremely ok peoples? The juicy cunt
owns the answer :- )
MASTICATION (Usa) Rage uncontrolled CD'03 HOOK’n’MOUTH recs. Hell,
what a band name! Hahah! What can you expect with such a monicker?
Well you’re right it’s brutal shit. Actually it’s brutal deathrashing
metal with some hard core touches here and there. The cover loks
like it’s been done by a Todd mac Farlane addict! Ha! It reminds
me a lot of MALEVOLENT CREATION. The production is quite powerful
and each riff and instrument are recognizable and understandable…
which is a good thing. Well I am not really into this kind of grooving
brutality, even if here I can’t complain too much, but definitely,
I don’t get the grip. The problem to me is that it’s too long. 13
songs quite in the same line, and I don’t know if you can keep your
attention at its top during the listening session. There are for
sure some typical breaks reminding a lot the hardcore new school
style. But I prefer when my metal is pure, without hardcore touches.
So, I can’t really give you a good opinion about this album, even
if it’s above the average in this style. I think if you are a reader
of this zine, BRUTAL MASTICATION won’t be your cup of beer either. Cuntact:
underground label that begun in a good and interesting way, with
the releases of BYATIS (R.I.P), GERBE OF LIFE (R.I.P) and REPUDIATE.
Since they released the split CD with the boring PUNISHMENT, it
sounds less interesting.. . and this last release gives me the feeling
friendship and relations take an important place in their choices
of bands: there's nothing special I'd see on a pro CD, nor promote
as hell. In my opinion the music remains at the level of demos and
would need few more years of putrid maturation.
The split CD
begins with CYNICAL BASTARD who plays something at the right border
between death grind, deathcore and brutal death, with some mid-placed
old school death. It could remind of old CANNIBAL CORPSE (these
riffs were abused years ago), few mid old BOLT THROWER and some
deathcore bands I don't know well... It sounds like decent/ cool
demo stuff, but apart from few nice riffs it lacks of surprises,
supremacist power and brutal urge to kill! Average.
some kind of deathgrind meets brutal death and deathcore. It could
remind of old CANNIBAL CORPSE, some INHUMATE, few old DYING FETUS,
few old FATE... Ok some riffs sound cool and aren't bad on a brutal
point of view... but I already head these tremolo riffs so many
times before... A brutal lifting might be needed! UNFORMED sounds
like decent/ cool demo stuff, but it remains far from the destruction
and quality of a pro-pressed album!
the lyrical and "conceptual" side of their music wouldn't
let you think so, GASTRIK BURST is the most professional sounding
band on this split. They play some kind of extreme metal sucking
most of its elements from brutaldeath, deathcore, hardcoregrind,
grindcore... IT happens to remind of DYING FETUS, CEPHALIC CARNAGE,
not my cup of purulence and some riffs sound strange (the uncool
way!) and I don't know if their music will pass the test of time!...
I must say these tracks are well structured and the band might sound
aggressive and fresh enough in the hears of those opened to the
newer schools of "brutality". A shame their lyrics and
attitude follow the French "tradition" of stupid noise
grind deliriums...
All in all,
it's an average split CD with nothing that convinced me nor gave
me a need to play it again, Sam. It might suit the collections of
extreme metal fans who need a lot of (more or less) underground
releases, but I'm really more demanding towards professional CDs!
An album is meant to be totally Over the top!
TRUTH (Usa) Kill trend suicide MCD’96 RELAPSE. What is
this disappointing thing? Crust, Grind, Stoner and wanking guitarist
mixed altogether in a quite unimpressive pot!? Uh! "Extreme
conditions..." had some good riffs, it was a catchy and impressive
album back then! "Need to control" had some good moments
of chaos and grind! But this MCD does nothing for me! Dan and friends
should have stopped abusing the green stuffs, narcotics and other
"conscioussness emphasizing" stuffs! Avoid it... or sell
it second-hand it the CD isn't for use in your personal bar!

(Hol) Slachtbeest CD'03 UNITED GUTTURAL. This is total primal
Brutal death grind without any subtleties! Neverendingly pounding
blastbeats, butchering brutal death riffs and ultra guttural vocals.
With influences such as CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Vile"), HATE
ETERNAL and all the most brutal sounding US Brutal death bands,
you imagine what kind of brutal sodomy you'll be trapped in with
this CD! And here lies the problem: BRUTUS doesn't stop blasting
in a primal (sometimes technical) brutal way that fastly becomes
repetitive! All the more nothing bloody original is here, and some
riffs are not much inspired: just brutal sounding riffs. So it can
be a brutal enough CD for maniacs of totally deafening Brutality!
Others can forget it! Despise of that, there are brutal elements
I brutally enjoy on this album! "Slachtbeest" and "Doodsvrees"
are two cool brutal tracks I enjoy since they have quite outstanding
elements: the first on has cool heavy crushing MORTICIAN guitar
touches and a nice pounding break, the 2nd one has an introductive
riff that sound Brutal somewhere between DEICIDE and CANNIBAL CORPSE. I
like the heavy guitar sound that gives them a MORTICIAN touch by
moments. BRUTUS makes me think about BRODEQUIN for its primal
Cro mag "Brutal death without any melodies" aspect. There
will be in here some cool tracks for maniacs of Brutality who always
need more and more brutal stuffs to feel the urge to kill and explode
their brains through ultimate brutality! Nothing memorable, but
this tastes a rude brutal ass-fuck!
INVOCATION (Turkey) Rituals of the grotesque MCD 2010. DARK
DESCENT Recs. Well, aren't you tired seeing some people claim
"This is the best death metal demo I heard since 10 years"
each time a new cool band appears? Cool underground Death metal
always existed, you only had to search a bit, and it wasn't so hard
to find (Unless you were too busy with the current trends? Ahr Ahr). Now
let's talk about BURIAL INVOCATION, that formed in 2008 and already
had the opportunity to see its first demo released both on CD, tape
and vinyl through 3 different labels, which shows Death metal has
became quite marketable again... Hopefully for the listeners, the
current disease of releasing many (and only?) Death metal the old
way didn't appear in this case, since this band is cool. To sum
it up quite clearly, these Turkish guys play something in the middle
of old INCANTATION, old Scandinavian (Rather Finnish) death and
some doomy death metal... All in all the tempos are equally mixed
between the fast, mid-fast and slow, always with some kind of dark
or heavy approach. As said a few lines before, the INCANTATION
influence is strong, but it's not the only element since you can
find a good portion of Finnish riffing (In some slow and quite "apocalyptic
damnation" induced riffs, or in some fast patterns that remind
me of DEPRAVITY's "Silence of the centuries" MCD but in
an heavier manner), some fast guitars could come from 90's swedeath,
some doom death might be quite close to early MY DYING BRIDE ("As
the flowers wither"... Ok there's probably closer, but I'm
not a doom expert... If you want precision, let's say Burial Invocation
is less on the melancholic side), while the beginning of the third
track is very close to BOLT THROWER ("IVth crusade" and
"...For victory"), and some riffs could remind of ENCABULOS
("Abandoning the flesh" MCD) or older FUNEBRARUM. My
personal opinion would be: This is a quite good recording, it's
quite dark and heavy while a few ideas could be characterized as
great; But some riffs also sound quite common in my hears and it
lacks some few really great/ killer parts to reinject divine madness
in the whole. It's only a first recording, let's see how the
band evolves and improves. Hope they won't receive too many unrealistic
unmoderated awards as it could lead to self satisfaction and stagnancy...
(Too much too soon isn't good, especially when there's potential
to procreate much better... Did you read this line you cock suckers?)

GOD (Ger) Dark revelation CD'02 MERCILESS Recs. The cover
of this CD didn't let me expect something very good? Unfortunately
nothing turned me on during the listening. This is old school
Thrash/ Death that could remind of old SODOM, old KREATOR and MASTER.
They have few Black metal like touches. The tracks are submitted
to many changes, but the riffs aren't special, and a good part of
these riffs are too common. Where is the real aggression? I can't
avoid thinking a part of the riffs haven't got their place on a
CD. I can't stand more than 1/3 of the album. There are some
Ok riffs of corpse, but the mark of averageness is too present for
a professional CD! So, it's a correctly contructed CD, but the riffs
are too common, it lacks of fucking thrashing speed aggression and
anger! Nothing more than a few nostalgic listenings in a big Thrash
metal fan's collection, Nothing more!

Here we have a band featuring Richard Christy, drummer of Death,
Control denied, Iced earth and surely some other bands I havent
heard about! This band is just fuckin too technical. They play old
school floridian influenced Death metal with ultra technical riffing,
soloing and drumming and while they manage to always have something
interesting going on in every song, the overdose of riffs, drum
arrangements and changes of tempo make most of the songs sound sloppy
as fuck. They just go in too many directions in the same song! Pass
on this one unless you really like COMPLEX stuff. Nicolas

PLACE (Lithuania) In the light of the burning churches CD. 2022.
INFERNA PROFUNDUS Recs. Random trades and surprise packages:
This is something very cool, because when you do this kind of “unexpected
exchanges” you can discover some good music you would have never
thought about in any way… For example, Mindaugas from Lithuania
sent me a package with CDs of bands from his country, and there
was an album of BURYING PLACE inside. This is BRUTAL death metal,
but it also keeps roots in the evil side of this old metallic genre. In
my humble rotting hears this sounds like a mix of mid old to recent
SUFFOCATION (Blastbeats, brutality & technical touches), with
a good dose of old DEICIDE ("Legion" for the brutality
and evil side) and VITAL REMAINS (Last albums for the evil brutality)... I
might add a zest of old ORIGIN, perhaps a sprinkle of old BRODEQUIN
(Not as raw but I feel something brutally evil in common), and maybe
technical touches that differ from the SUFFO world (I could possibly
say something like DIVINE RAPTURE) The level of the musicians
is above the average, I was a bit surprised because they almost
have the level of a "big band". The style practiced
here and the production might be a bit too modern for a part of
the old school decrepited metallers wandering on this zine (This
said the guitars remain "real" and warm enough for me),
but those who dig brutal death metal with an evil side and a technical
touch might dig it. BURYING PLACE didn't reinvent the methods
of interment, but they are quite brutally efficient at doing it.

BUTCHER ABC (Jap) Butchered at birthday MCD. 2004. OBLITERATION Recs.
In the underground, ten years seems to be the length of time before which
things can't repeat, if you're too quick an exhausting feeling of
repetitiveness will appear... For example I interviewed some bands for the
second time and didn't really feel like "the same again"... So maybe
we can consider I'm not so late reviewing this recording, counting ten years as
"zero" as if the counter came back to "0" on the first day
of the 11th year (Or if it was the second life of my virtual underground
Anyway, splitting the hairs of the patient in micro-particles might not help us
with music this time, as microscopic as the scalpel might get...
This is/ was the 2nd release of this Japanese band, the first to be more
"official"/ professional (First shoot was a demo).
To arrange the bowels in the right order, I will say the music was seriously
influenced by old/ early CARCASS, but in a less technical manner (Yes, even
"Reek of putrefaction" was quite technical compared to certain
stuffs), and displayed a more "fun" aspect that could remind of early
GENERAL SURGERY (The MCD from the 90's), with real remains of PURULENT
SPERMCANAL, and touches of groove to be closer to early MUCUPURULENT (Perhaps).
This wasn't the most brutal/ seriously blasting nor obese kind of grind/
deathgore, on the contrary the music was rather quite simple stuff... This
explains why I didn't get into their stuffs that much at the time, but this MCD
contains real thickness of red meat and colors of blood. This could be a nice
bowels brioche for fans of gore in a quite relaxed manner.
I liked in smaller aperitif doses what the band did later (When they used Bolt
Thrower alike artworks), didn't the riffing and the descanting of the
insalubrious sound more shitty/ rushed or something?
For those who don't know, "Butcher A.B.C." stands for "Kill the
analphabets" or something.

(Fra) In Dark Abysses of Memory CD'03 SKULLFUCKED. While
some musicians begin to "enhance" and adapt to the raw
Black metal and old school death styles as the hyper technical Brutal
death wave starts to decline, some musicians stay true to their
technical and Brutal death metal, with feeling! BxC AxD, here's
the first real CD of BYATIS, a Brutal death metal band who evolves
in the burning obscure fields of France's northern suburbs since
a few cursed years! Their style is quite technical, complex and
Brutal, but yet with a touch of melody! There are a bunch of blasts.
Their tracks are quite long with a bunch of breaks and technical
leads. The listening of this CD evokes in my putrid brain the first
ungodly album of NILE (Under the fucking catacombs, you bastard!),
MORBID ANGEL, CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Gallery of suicide"),
some old MALEVOLENT CREATION, some touches of AT THE GATES of eventually
ANATA for the melodic aspect. Ok, no you've read my words of
damnation, here are my reproaches towards their music: I think their
tracks are a bit long, too complex/ technical in parts. Some shorter
or more impact ridden songs would have sounded more efficient! And
I think their obscure grinding metal is more powerful live! But
don't mistake these last lines: this is a good CD, the quality and
brutal emotions are here! If you enjoy Brutal death metal with complex
and technical tracks, BYATIS has got their chances to fit your likings!
Adrenalin MCD'02. Both the sound and the music reminds me of
MERCYFULL FATE's "Melissa" CD, so this is very old metallic
sounding stuff. I've also found a bit of IRON MAIDEN's 2 first
CDs (with Paul Di Anno) but BYFIST hasn't got the excellent and
eternally remindable riffs of Steve Harris' formation that'll remain
branded in my brain until I die. Some riffs are really very common,
but there are a few nice technical guitar touches. The guitar parts
sound old nowadays, and it's like it has ever been played before.
I think it would have been a cool release around 1986... But it
sounds old and flat now! A cool band
for the big fans of very old MERCYFULL FATE.