(Fin) The demoniac invocation LP'04. Exh Goetie / D.U.K.E. Garage
old styled Death metal that could sound as a totally undergroundly
drowning 3rd grade version of early DEATH/ AUTOPSY, with touches
of old thrash metal. Sometimes they remind me of AUTOPSY/ ABSCESS
for the "Fuck off and play, no matter the quality of the riffs"
side, if you see what I mean. Unfortunately it do not often bring
the best music! They do not dig under the surface in my hears, I
don't feel anything emerging from the inside, nor from the outside.
They might remind of DR SHRINKER or NECROPHAGIA 80's. I do
not have much more to say, in my hears this is only average/ very
average old death metal demo stuff that was probably composed, rehearsed
and recorded with a bloody lot of beers in the veins. Maybe you'll
like CACODAEMON if you like KARNARIUM (Swe). Maybe I should say
"Listen only under the heavy influence of beer".

CORPSE (Usa) The bleeding CD'94. This was the beginning
of the decline for CANNIBAL CORPSE! After 3 excellent Lps, they
recorded "The bleeding" that was less Brutal, expressive
and efficient! Even if the music was a bit more varied than on the
previous ones, it's less Brutal and includes more Death thrash parts
(a bit in the vein of "Eaten back to life"). as well as
heavy moments. The sound is very good, the tracks are well articulated
and the vocals of Chris Barnes were still deep as fuck! But something
special and deeply passionating cruelly lacked! Most of the tracks
were more in the Cannibal Corpse style with less very good crushing
riffs! But there are still a few very good parts! For example "She
was asking for it" includes a nice lead à la old SLAYER that's
followed by an excellent gut tripping riff at 0'50 minutes, and
the bassist does an excellent bass line to introduce the drum part
on this good riff! I almost never listen to "The bleeding",
it's not that captivating compared to their 3 first classics of
Brutal Death! It sounds pro and everything... and it's cool to listen
to, but they did better!! And after this one, CANNIBAL CORPSE
never sounded fresh anymore. Some of the following albums had some
good parts, but there wasn't as much frenezy and they started to
repeat themselves again and again! (It's obvious with their very
last releases!). I'm not a CANNIBAL CORPSE fan, I'm fan of their
3 first CDs! (I can't listen to "Tomb of the mutilated"
anymore, I've played it too much! AAARGH!) It will hurt the Cannibal
Corpse fans, but that's not a big deal! (Are they brutal or not?) Some
new bands are far more creative and Brutal that Cannibal nowadays!

CORPSE (USA) Gallery of suicide CD’98 METAL BLADE I didn't
await this new album coz I wasn't a big fan of "Vile",
their previous one, that was Brutal sounding but also quite boring
(where were the outstanding riffs? It seems there goal was "Come
on nad make some Brutal", a shame for Cannibal, wasn't it?).
So I must say I didn't rush myself on this CD when it was released,
but I was wrong because "Gallery" was really better! Their
riffs were better, more inspired, less technical, sounds like they
simply found again some inspiration in a style being nearer to their
very first releases! The music was more "easy listening",
the vocals of Corpsegrinder sounded better than on "Vile".
Notice they had good experiments on the heavy guitar ridden experimental
track that finally sounded like something both interesting, convincing
and new for their style. Nothing much more to say fro mwhat has
been said, this is a good album that's worth the listening if you're
into Brutal death metal, but if you're not so difficult with the
music you enjoy! One final word for Cannibal: after this album their
next releases bring almost nothing for me! The "Vile"
syndrome came back again and we were offered some Brutal death albums
"à la Cannibal corpse" that were only Ok at best... Hey
guys! If you don't want to Brutallize anymore try some other musics!
You'd remain true to yourselves, and you wouldn't seem like a too
professional "Mac donald" style Brutal death band!

(Can) Fractured CD’04. WILLOWTIP Recs. Punishing fucking
technical death metal that will hook you on the good old meathook
of Cannibal corpse! CAPHARNAUM shreds you with hyper technical riffs
à la SUFFOCATION/ NECROPHAGIST that always keep an understandable
melodic edge! This band is composed of skillful musicians who know
how to handle their instruments! (Remember the first albums of NATRON
or also SPAWN OF POSSESSION?) But CAPHARNAUM isn't only an hyper
brutal band since they know to slow down and inject more melody
at the right moments. Their most melodic riffs can remind you of
the Canadian scene (QUO VADIS, a bit of MARTYR) or some DEATH ("Individual
thought patterns") while I can feel a little touch of thrashing
Gothenburg melodic Death... but with a super-technical plus! Even
though CAPHARNAUM's songs remain quite varied, I can feel some feeling
of repetitiveness that might come from the fact all the tracks aren't
as good and catchy as the first one on an emotional point of view.
If each tracks were as killers as this one, CAPHARNAUM would enter
the pantheon of the 100 best brutal fucking death metal albums and
would blow to pieces the cool last SUFFOCATION album! This CD will
be too technical for some, while some will regret the vocals aren't
more brutal or deeper (it's mostly screamy of mid placed). This
is a technically impressive technical Death metal album that sounds
totally professional and has the benefits of a good powerful and
clear production! All those who enjoy bands like PSYCROPTIC or MARTYR
need to put an hear on this CAPHARNAUM album! Or they will miss
something impressive! Shame for them...
THREE LEGS (Usa) The birth of the creatures to conquer CDr'02. What
you get here is 54 tracks taken from several demos of the band.
It remains Grindcore/ gore with crust riffs and a wanna pitch my
arse vocals. The whole has got a 4 tracker sound. It sounds very
underground but also very boring as I don't hear most of their riffs.
It reminds me of CARCASS' demo days (really weaker!!) with a
bit of GENERAL SURGERY, touches of ANAL CUNT's most musical moments
with touches of very old DEAD INFECTION. What I hear gives me a
small headache. For those who like this kind of stuffs... I felt
like I heard 40 times the same riffs during these 54... very boring
in my opinion!
(Fra)/ MORGUE (Fra) Split Ep'04. SHOGUN/ EVIL BIKER. Allright!
Here's a split Ep that might appeal a bunch of brutal music fanatics!
I tried to get a copy of that piece of colored vinyl several times,
and it's finally there spreading its orange vomit in my turntable!
First side, best side, it's cool to hear two more CARMINA tracks!
Ah Ah! Brutal and crushing death metal with obscure insane feelings
à la IMMOLATION and CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Gallery of suicide")!
Worth an heavy and brutal headbanging! Fuck you! The whole has some
touches of chaos that could taste like old DERANGED or eventually
ROTTREVORE, while some MORBID ANGEL seems to take some brutal decrepitude
in some almost impious riffs! Fuck you! These two tracks come from
the same sessions than the demo the band recorded in 2004. No real
surprise but a good ass kicking the brutal and bloody vein!
I never understood
the enthusiasm all the French scene shew for MORGUE in the brutal
death days of this band; and their later discarding and core-induced
releases didn't turn me on. This time the band plays some kind of
strange death grind with a lot of discarding, core and strange sounding
riffs. It sounds like all this new wave of discardingnoisecore by
moments; calculated to sound weird, discarding, 'original'... but
what about a powerful unmatchable feeling of world crushing brutality?
Some riffs sound cool and quite destructive, but it's wasted by
a bunch of weak parts that go nowhere in my hears! Even if some
riffs sound cool, the whole remains average/ very average in my
hears! Even if MORGUE tries to be original, they offer the weakest
side of this split Ep. It might please all those who like calculated
noisecore like CONVERGE and co, but it's probably not the case of
many Nihilistic Holocaust readers! Ah! The layout doesn't look
that cool in my opinion, even though it might have been costy...
The picture doesn't evoke anything extreme in my mind (it's an old
plane image), no mood, no impact... and it taste too much like
new school core to fit a brutal terror death metal split! (Brutal
scriptures of the dead and less tiny skulls would look cooler in
my eyes). Anyway a cool Ep that could have been cooler, but remains
cool! It's probably sold out, so the best way for insidious delightment
would be to download the CARMINA Demo directly from their red website.

LUST (Fra) Whores of violence CD’03 DIAMOND Prod. In
its first tracks, this new CARNAL LUST release sounds more brutal
and heavier than their previous demo. We're speaking here about
old school Death Grind with a thrashy touch on some guitars. Do
not expect American style Brutal death with mosh, heavy groovy or
hypertechnical riffs, most of it is based on 90's Death metal with
many tremolos. Unfortunately after the 3 first tracks the whole
intensity decreases and it sounds less brutal, less interesting.
the riffs aren't especially original nor personal. For example an
obscure riffs on the first track reminds me very much of the Satanic
blood" cover of VON DARK FUNERAL did on their first CD, and
it has many usual morbid melodies à la CANNIBAL CORPSE. It could
remind of CANNIBAL CORPSE on "Vile" (less technical),
plus D.A.B, GURRKHAS or eventually BAPHOMET. There are some Black
metal touches from here and there, and some few melodic Death touches,
but it remains Death metal driven. There's a nice mood on this
album, as well as some darkened hatred. But after some tracks I've
got the feeling the same happens as it lacks in diversity and real
surprises! Some nice riffs loose some efficiency because of too
classical tracks' structures. The first tracks aren't bad, but
the following is too common and lacks of energy and brutality. This
CD might be cool for the big French supporters or for the big
90's Death metal maniacs, but not much more!
(Nor) Rising up Ep. 2010. DUPLICATE Recs. I usually don't
pay attention to the automatic invitation-emails labels send to
reviewers so that they download some virtual promos... More mp3s,
more mp3s, more mp3s... It's already too much of these files on
my hard drive, so why should I download theirs? But today it
might have been a little different: I was quite bored, and the name
of this band sounded quite cool in my liquefied brain, CARNIWHÖRE
seemed like an old black man tried to say the word "Carnivore",
with a banana in mouth or something more explicit...So I played
the game of the little leprositic pet, and visited the promo page
to click each link with my decrepiting fingers (Yes, I own a tactile
screen, with leprosy it's perfect you don't have to prepare the
lunch, the mashed meat is already on the table) and download the
files... According to the name I would have expected something
a little cooler... But it's not really my kind of mashed rusty metal,
just usual black thrash. The promo page says this band was inspired
by Aura Noir, Audiopain and Nocturnal breed, I would say "more
or less"... At least it's not the same playing level. AUDIOPAIN
generally have much more technical and "originally" thought
tracks, they were a bit particular and not only "drunk".
The first AURA NOIR album I had years ago was more technical and
dynamic, but a comparison might be made, these whores of the carneus
could be seen as a simpler version of this precise album, if you
wish. In my hears, the style would be quite close to DEATHHAMMER
with more blackmetallic vocals, and a bit of very early SODOM ("In
the sign of evil"/ "Obsessed by cruelty") and it
has the same kind of unproduced raw production than their Norwegian
neighbors. It's just the usual stuff: Quite raw sounding guitars
that are thrashing most of the time, but also contain the usual
"punk" black metal power chords, rasp vocals, the whole
a little drunk alike and voluntary not perfectly tight... Big
fans of drunk black thrash might like it, but I guess it won't be
something specially cool for other rusty-metal mashers...
CRAWLER (Usa) Rot crumble collapse MCD'05. RAWKER Recs. This
is the kind of underground release that might not please the current
metal scene: It's not over produced, the cover is not beautiiiiful
and it doesn't contain over the top of fame selling arguments. But
since music matters much more than the $$ invested in production
or any over the top jet setting points, and the current scene is
over saturated with crappy means and abusively lazy valours, let's
put our fingers deeper into the bowels of this underground release. CARRION
CRAWLER evolves between grindcore, brutal death and grindgore. Each
side of the spectrum is more present depending on the song: One
of the ugly faces is quite gory, following an almost goregrind approach
that could remind of old SANITYS DAWN, early EXHUMED, with a little
bit of old GENERAL SURGERY, old FILTH (Demo tape), old INTENSE HAMMER
RAGE (Am I wrong?) or eventually IMPETIGO (For some moods... But
it's not the same style). The second ugly face would tend to
quite complex US Brutal death fornicating with Death grind, while
the third face of purulence sounds like "Complex grind"
GREEN and quite fukked things like that. Even thought some parts
are cool and quite entertaining, there's also a bunch of moments
that don't develop much the putridity (You could also insert the
words "Sickness" or "Brutality", depending on
your mood), and would even dissolve the efficiency with demonstrative
manners. I also don't like a part of the drum-playing that much,
it feels like some blasts could sound stronger or some patterns
could kick much more. Finally, we have an anticommercialy packaged
release (Attractive cover) that contains its cool moments, but there
are too many average parts to really turn me on. It might be a cool
item for underground maniacs who dig demos and can't get enough
of the various styles and bands quoted before.

Ah Ah! Thanks to RAZORBACK Records for collecting all these
pieces of mental insanity and perversion taken from Eps (and various
comps) of the band on a full CD! I’ll be able to satisfy my vicious
perversions and inner cynic serial killer instincts! I had to
cut a bosom to each of my 2 synthetic girlfriends and see them screaming
imaginary complains as I sodomized their plastic arses! But do
no misunderstand my gorefied bowel tuned words, Catasexual isn’t
a fucking great band. It’s very cool with nice ideas and bizarre
sounding riffs along the lines of old NECRONY with some old CARCASS!
A few hyper low riffs melted with a synthetic drum machine makes
them sound a bit like GODFLESH in little corners of perversion!
Nice obscure and bizarre mood DEAD INFECTION also had in some well
hidden pustulent tracks! They have the Old MUCUPURULENT’s goregrind
influence and vicious rectal revendications! In dark head bang
bang bang parts their goregrind reaches the extreme repetitive side
of Hardcore techno! It has its own personality in totally brain
crushed and zero cerebral activity parts! As well as PURULENT
check for a few tracks from time to time, but a full album could
be boring! And I think the 27 tracks here aren’t all very good,
but there are enough nice pussy berserks here to make it worth the
(USA) The cleansing CD’01 METAL BLADE. This is the new band of
John Tardy ( Ex- OBITUARY’s lead guitarist ). They remind me
of all OBITUARY’s albums, for the riffs, the hellpits arising leads.
There are some old CELTIC FROST influences here but also some MASTER
(« On the 7th day, god created master) and some old SLAYER
touches... But what the fuck happened to Trevor? Does he remind
he composed the two first OBITUARY albums that were Excellent
Death metal albums? It sounds too much boring for me, I can't understand
how a once so talented guitarist finally composed boring stuffs
such as this CATASTROPHIC CD! Ok, the last Obituary releases weren't
that good either, but I'm starting to be fed up with all the old
school masters who release more and more falt stuffs! Some guys
of PYREXIA also play on this release, it should have been a point
of quality (as Pyrexia have some strong releases) but they brought
nothing more than fast and grinding parts that bring nothing special...
As an evidence, it could also make
think about SIX FEET UNDER’s 2 first CDs and 1st MCD. I was disappointed
when this CD was released, but now that I have listend to this 'useless'
release a bunch of times (it was released 2 years ago now) I can
say it's absolutely not worth a bean! Positive points: tight musicians,
correctly tracks... but that's all! No killer riff, no real feeling...
Welcome to boredom land!

(USA) Catheter EP'00 HEADFUCKER The cover of this Ep is fucking
cool!! What CATHETER plays is a kind of aggressive Grind/ Crust
with some Hardcore influences by heavier edges. I could name
a bit of PHOBIA for a noisy Grind side and some scorched guitars
melted with ragefull screams à la old S.O.B. Small touches
of old MORTAL DECAY could be spelled for bizarre fun like elements,
but keep in mind these american grinders don't play technical Brutal
death but aggressive sounding Grindcore. I could quote a few
bands like SOILENT GREEN ("A string of lies"), RUPTURE,
old BRUJERIA, old EXHUMED (of corpse!) or even BLOOD for very few
slow and heavy grind/death riffs. The snare drums sound is a
bit too much "saucepan" like for me by moment, eh eh...
They also play two cover tracks of old NAPALM DEATH and REPULSION.
Their songs structures are by moments the thing that would make
them sound original in my ears, this is also for this reason I'd
compare them a bit to SOILENT GREEN's "A string of lies"
MCD. I didn't specially tripped into their hears sacrifical
grindcore, but an Ep isn't enough to judge a band; and I think a
lot of Aggressive Grinding heads may enjoy the way this band sounds!
(Usa) Preamble to oblivion CD'02 SMG Recs. Here's a band
that doesn't evolve in the way I had imagined they would... Well,
I have their "Catheter" Ep'2000 that sounded really more
disjoncted with harsh screamy vocals, and the style is quite different,
sounds rather like a classical Grind/ Crust band as a whole! It
may be defined as Grind crust Death metal with hardcore parts. Their
vocals are also tending very much to the hardcore style while some
screamy ones are still here, but its not prevailing anymore! It
makes me think about old NAPALM DEATH, NASUM, TERRORIZER (on some
breaks) while some RUPTURE, ALL OUT WAR and CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER (?)
may also be noticed. It seems to me the SOILENT GREEN like parts
have totally disappeared! Some low placed hardcore riffs sound
too much like old Hardcore in my opinion, I find it too common!
not bad but I imagined something really more outstanding! Some parts
are quite intense or aggressive tought, there are some nice extreme
moments! Notice there's a NAPALM DEATH's "Unchallenged hate"
cover here, but it brings nothing new in my opinion, and some riffs
aren't played in the right way! Looses in fucking efficiency! Some
ACCUSED and REPULSION covers are also here. So this isn't a bad
album, but I expected something really more aggressive! Their previous
Ep could have let me imagine a really more agressive and disjoncted
next release, this CD is just a bit more than Ok in my opinion!
Nice cover, still in the vein of their selftitled Ep. To be honnest,
I would copy only a few tracks on a tape. Can be nice for Grinders
who have nothing against the Hardcore/ Crust style.
(Usa) Lost chronicles of the war in heaven CD'98 UNDERWORLD. Welcome
to crapland! Even if Satan isn't always so clever, a minimum
of decency is needed to be satanically acceptable! And the pseudo
original Black doom metal of Catholicon is too boring to be Ok for
the unclever one! B.O.R.I.N.G Black doom who wants to be original
but plays inefficient riffs that can only scare the tiny little
angles who fly 100 kilometers above! Ah! Even if some riffs are
ok in the obscure Doom style, it's too much the crappy mess, but
also predictable as a traffic light to sound ok! Ah! I forgot they
want to sound like old SAMAEL meets old MOONSPELL, but it's a cruel
failure! CATHOLICRAP isn't Ok for a pro CD!

(Mex) Saga Bélica CD’03. Some years ago, I read unholy reviews
of their releases in the cult LIQUID OF LIFE zine. I built myself
some unholy representations of hellish raw and epic old school war
Death metal inked with Black blood in my head since then. Thanks
to an evil and obscure Mp3s hub I finally discover their very last
release. I feel like King Diamond will awake from "El Castillo
del Mortes", Eh eh... The style of the band is clearly bound
in some old school fields, but not in the fields of war and agony
I imagined. CENOTAPH has got it's share of old school Death/ Thrashing
influences à la very old DEATH, KREATOR ("Pleasure to kill"
and a bit of the following Lps), old SODOM, INCUBUS (a little bit).
They could remind a bit of "newer" bands such as MORTEM(Peru).
There are few Death metal elements that sound more actual, such
as blast bets, but it remains damn old school! You will have to
wear your patched clothes to listen to this! Ah Ah! The screamy
vocals emerge with fumes of hell and evil spells from your old 80's
vinyls! Sounds like very old DEATH meets Mille Petrozza and old
bands like ONSLAUGHT in some choruses of agony! Nothing that
marked me nor blasted out the fuck from my head, but it's a pro
band and I must say they've got some nice punding thrash metal riffs!
That can be a quite interesting band for fans of old school Death
and total Thrash metal maniacs! 666!
(Turkey) Pseudo verminal cadaverium CD'04 UNITED GUTTURAL. Some
technical and complex Brutal death albums are interesting to listen,
but some bands really go far beyond my level of tolerance in this
kind of Brutal music! This is the case with Czech CENOTAPH who does
it too fucking endlessly complex (not too technical though) to be
enjoyable! It's simple: the riffs doesn't stop changing again and
changing again... it fastly becomes boring since there's not much
to maintain your attention on! There are some ok riffs from here
and there in this kind of Brutal death metal being in the vein of
PYREXIA ("Sermon of mockery") and old SUFFOCATION, but
some real and stronger tracks' structures would have made them sound
more acceptable for fans of Brutal US Death who will feel in front
of a CD full of filling riffs mixed with some ok parts and abusive
complexity! A shame since this album sounds better than one of their
previous releases I reviewed in 1998!
PARALYSIS (Russia) Cycles of evisceration CD. 2014. PERMEATED
Recs. My first approach with this band was quite great,
I heard a song on Youtube and thought "Whaaa, brutal death
without blastbeats, with a natural sound and an atmosphere à la
Cannibal Corpse "The bleeding"...". Well, the
kind of music is "Slam brutal death", and I already got
in touch with online "teasers" recorded by other agents
of the deformed-booty-groove and it didn't tease me too much at
all... But CEREBRAL PARALYSIS doesn't taste so eroded nor addicted
to the (Moderately enjoyable) taste of the sewers. Most of the
cougar-huge-booty-pace is mid-paced to slow, with an emphasis on
groove, and influences of old deathcore (Old Misery Index, old Pyrexia,
perhaps some old Skinless) and a big touch of DEVOURMENT in a not
so corrosively dripping manner. Some grooves are quite cool,
and the way gory vocals accelerate on slow grooves is funny (Doesn't
the vox sound like turntables then, uh?), but it's a bit too simple
for me and I'm not enough of a groovemaster digger to insert one
more euro in the slot (And get another fat mama gloryhole ride).
There's nothing bothering and I find it to be more pleasant
than average ultra-brutal-gore "Where is my riff" tech-death
(Or even the couple of "booty representatives" I heard
in the slam genre), but apart from some great songs I find the riffs
to be generic and I would rather use this disk as a musical background. Fans
of the style could find here 40+ minutes of variations on the theme
of "Groove".
OF SHRED (Spa) Epitome MCD'02. INFINITY Records. When
the horny and evil brutality is lacking, it can be good to come
back to the files of decent Brutality! In the unholy chamber of
shred where purulence overtakes any kind of moronic being to infest
and corrupt its bones and veins with the mighty putrid crass of
evil! Even thought CHAMBER OF SHRED's brutal death is very influenced
by early SUFFOCATION's technical brutal death, they also have some
old heavy MORBID ANGEL touches and few old DEICIDE guitars injected
in the bloody corpse of sublime perversion. The guitar riffing has
an important technical edge sounding a lot like SUFFO and some Cannibal
Corpse, but the mood and state of mind has a little impious side
that isn't unpleasant and could remind a bit of FALLEN CHRIST/ old
MORBID ANGEL/ old INCANTATION. I appreciate the fact there isn't
much mosh and core here! There are few grooves. Some bass lines
sound nice. Approximations can be felt. It's obvious these riffs
offer nothing new and the SUFFO like guitars sound repetitive after
a while, but I've heard worse pieces of Brutality, that's for sure!
So I guess CHAMBER OF SHRED might be a cool band for those who are
still fans of technical brutal death and keep a certain pleasure
blaspheming the superb ass of the horny nuns! Hé Hé! Only for the
nausea embalmed and pus breathing bastards! This CD is better
than the average, but not brutally ass-kicking? A cool band for
fans of the style and a nice outfit to see live between thirteen
burning evil candles! Email:
OF BODOM (Fin) Trashed, Lost & Strungout MCD'04. SEASON
Kannibal. Le pervers de boucher n'en pouvait plus de mater, ses
charmantes clientes toutes en rondeurs. Ses visions étaient toujours
plus profondes et gustatives: saucissonnées, hachées, farcies. Cuisinées
avec l'amour du travail bien charcuté! Raymonde serait une superbe
côte de porc grillée à l'huile de noix, Julie la bombée se verrait
hachée, retournée, et mitonnée comme un lot d’andouillettes grasses
à jouir; sans parler de la succulente Marie Josette dont les rondeurs
joufflues ressemblaient trop à de fondantes extases porcines...
ou les jambonneaux excitants de la Thérèse qui semblaient déjà jouir
d'une caressante cuisson, dans le grand four à bois. Le regard
du boucher jouit un jour sur la grosse Petra. Rondeurs proéminentes,
air populaire faussement distingué, subtiles toiles imitation cashmir
saturées par des courbes cachères pas très ecclésiastiques. Extase
charcutière! Bonheur fumant du cuisinier! Echo de la mort. Il
trépigne secrètement, attendant une faille de son attention envers
de fumantes saucisses fraîchement sorties du fourneau! Il espère,
que les jambons encore suintants du plaisir tranchant la fassent
détourner du regard. Le boucher est ailleurs, dans son monde
de rondeurs bovines et de saveurs pourpres... Petra est bien là. Le
boucher se retrouve assommé, retourné, attaché sur son établi; avec
boyaux de porcs! La gueule emplie de farce bovine. Le sang de vache
laitière mal baisée coulant sur le torse... Elle lui mord les
oreilles d'une façon d'abord subtile; puis devenant rapidement une
vraie dévorade sanglante sans saveur. Elle balance sadiquement
sur son visage, la brûlante sauce de cuisson... peut-être pour mieux
l'anesthésier... La grosse Petra découpe avec l'amour du repas
alléchant, ses doigts, suivant les secondes phalanges. Elle lui
trucide le bide pour extraire la pulpe, l'intimité charcutière du
travailleur. Le rythme accélère frénétiquement, tout comme l'intensité
du désir buccal. Haché, découpé, plié, grillé, émincé, rongé, macéré...
tous les membres, sauf la croûte du pain bientôt garnis, y sont
quasiment passés. Haché, saucissonné,
farcis. Le boucher s'en retrouve en milles pièces de plaisirs buccaux,
toutes plus visuellement goutteuses et attrayantes que les autres.
Mais ou donc se trouve la saveur dans cet ensemble de sincérité
inhibée, de créativité ignorée? La vérité dort cachée, dans les
tripes du porc.
OF BODOM (Fin) Hate crew deathroll CD'03. One
more time I'll speak about anything else than music and fulfill
this review with concepts coming from another world! Ah! Where and
when will the buzzy buzz fly when you'll play this CD? Oh... How
many red penguins are printed in the inner-sleeves and the booklet,
and is there a subconscious link with some deep traumas of my youth?
This may be a reason for unconsciously buying this CD for sure!
Red penguins are everywhere menacing you! The worst penguins wear
spikes, leathers, Black metal shirts and run "Extreme metal"
webzines that deals with anything else than metal! So next time
you see a penguin, might it be evil looking, happy, red, green or
menacing, don't hesitate to shoot its fast ass a football balloon!
It will only clean the so "nice" metal scene! Some
webzines would have finished the review here with a few lines such
as "This is excellent penguin metal, but it without hesitations!"
or "These penguins are so skillful, experimented, and they
release so many CDs, they deserves respect! So buy this CD now!
But I'm not a penguin sucker, and I can only finish with: Who
gives a fuck about CHILDREN OF BOREDOM? I don't!!

CHUGUN (Israel) Virus CD. 2015. Self-released.
This is a promo CD I received for review and it took some time because I don't
listen to this style much anymore. This band plays thrash metal/ thrash death
in a not too old school, neither really modern manner.
This could remind of mid old TESTAMENT, mid old EXODUS, with a few modern
"core" touches and zests of THE HAUNTED, well this could have been
released in the 00's.
The production is quite big and tight, which makes it sound quite efficient,
and there are no playing mistakes... But I'm not into big sounds anymore:
Sometimes I would be curious to hear some of these bands with a very retro
production (A la early SLAYER, or even 70's hard rock), would the music be
impressive? Ah Ah (I have nothing particular against CHUGUN, this is a global
thought). I'm not a big fan of the vocals, it doesn't sound too natural,
reminds me a bit of Rachel in SINISTER.
Well this CD is a professional product that might please big fans of the style.
I don't know what the name of the band means, but it reminds me of the
CHIKUNGUNYA (A tropical disease spread by mosquitos). This was my review.

(Usa) Rituals of desecration MCD’01 DEEPSEND. From the gutted
remains of INCESTUOUS emerged a new formation covered with sores
using the name of CINERARY. This new output is following the
style of the nice "Brass knuckle abortion" of their fathers.
Understand it's totally American Brutal Death à la very old PYREXIA,
at birth"). The whole is based on fast blasts and double bass
drums. It has a good production, the drums kick hard, the tracks
are quite complex and the vocals are quite gory growls... but where
INCESTUOUS had some quite catchy parts, I'm here in front of another
totally American style Brutal death release that offers nothing
really special in the riffs. It doesn't suck, it's pro, but it's
damn common in this style as I've ever eaten a vast bunch of Brutal
death and reincremated my arse several times in this style (Ah!). It
can be cool or quite good for fans of the style, but where SUFFOCATION
had a deep soul, CINERARY offers only professional surface brutality.
at best. They try to blend elements of hardcore, grind, death metal,
and even black metal together but the result doesnt inspire me that
much. Nothing really stands out except the song '10 fingers' which
is damn cool. Try to get some mp3's to make your own opinion.

CIST (Russia) The frozen
casket MCD. 2018. METAL RACE Recs.
The fans of 90's thrashing death metal with scorched vocals could dig their
grave listening to this MCD.
CIST is an old school Death metal band from Russia that plays a style being
very close to early DEATH and old PESTILENCE, and the result is quite good to
As you can imagine reading the names of the two cult bands quoted before, the
style is quite kicking but also quite varied enough musically (Even if it
remains death/ thrash).
The reminiscences of DEATH lead back to "Leprosy" for the more angry
thrashing death metal, while some more technical riffings leads to
"Spiritual healing".
The reminiscences of PESTILENCE would globally lead back to "Testimony of
the ancients" because this is quite neat and controlled music: You can
find some technical touches, some playing tricks, and it's not ultra raw... But
some riffs also remember of "Malleus maleficarum" or "Consuming
impulse" (Even if the feeling isn't as savage of consumed).
Speaking about the vocals it's quite scorched and can remember me of Chuck Schuldiner
at the time of the two quoted DEATH albums, or also Patrick Mameli on
Musically, nothing sounds wrong or repetitive here, which is nice... The
content didn't reach the emotional level or aggressive power of the two
aforementioned deadly references, but this fact is close to become a common
place for many newer bands, so I might say "Who cares?".
This is a neat sounding MCD, with some nicely kicking riffs, some interesting
sounding guitars, and it could rejoice the hears of the old DEATH and
(Pol) Graphite CD'03 METAL MIND. This
CD comes from a pile of promos I was almost forced to receive! So
do not expect a good review! do not! I don't know what they pretend
when they send these stuffs to extreme webzines! This is soft rock
metal with female vocals and keyboards! Even THE CRANBERRIES sound
more extreme! May sound like old MOONSPELL with female vox, but
I don't give a flying fuck! This sounds too common and flat to entertain
me a bit! (And I enjoy some calm music!) Fuck that!
Split Ep'01 FLESHFEAST. C.B.T: The part of split of these
Goregrinders was recorded 2 years after the "Opus(sy)VI"
CD that wasn't bad, but here C.B.T is more classical in the goregrind
style, with less quite impressive ideas and nice energized tracks.
It's too much average in the Goregrind style to please me. (Goregrind
isn't my cup of bowels). "Opus(sy)VI" wasn't bad, but
in the case of this Ep I remain indifferent. I didn't really
know LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY before. I only checked a few tracks on
comps, some tracks that didn't sound outstanding... and I heard
both positive and negative opinions about them... So I wasn't on
the hunt for fresh flesh! What you got here is very fast Goregrind/
Death with gory vocals... The sound is quite raw... But the blasts
are too fast to impress me (it's too fast to grind your head with
the real grinding energy!). And I found only average riffs here. So
I remain on my position and the goregrind part of my personality
won't see it's libidinal urge increase to more than 4%!
a band that starts to build an important following in the underground
scene! What you deserve is what you get! So you get total goregrind
in your little perverse bitch's rectum! It's totally in the style
of MUCUPURULENT's first CD "Sicko baby", but the vocals
are more gore and ultra distorted with a pitch shifting effect that
could only be spewn in a pile of gore as fuck bowels! There are
some nice funny tracks' titles. I'm not a goregrind fan as very
often the bands play some riffs that go everywhere... anywhere else
than where I'd like it to go. But COCK AND BALL TORTURE ain't bad.
But I'm not so much into their stuff, after a few tracks it
gets repetitive... Powerful sound, not bad music, but it fastly
gets repetitive in my opinion. Not bad for the big goregrind
fans, but nothing more.
AND BALL TORTURE (Ger) Sadomachismo CD'03. Here's the
second full-length CD of C.B.T, full of delicate pussy incisions,
leg-fuckings and transsexuals' castrations! And I could reproach
to this new one the same points than their "Opussy IV"
CD, I mean it's cool for a few tracks but the, it becomes repetitive
and quite predictable! For those pussy slashers that yet don't
know their style, I can cum in your sunny face a nice juicy description
that follows: C.B.T plays Goregrind with a strong emphasis on Heavy
or mid tempo beats. Not that much rectum splashing blast beats to
be found here, it's rather heavy with a little vicious touch emerging
from the sicko babies of old MUCUPURULENT, and there are "funnier"
parts à la GUT. Sensual vinyl breath of the slave. Of corpse
the vast vaginal elongations on acid trip are materialized under
some pitched as fuck vocals! Even the most spermful mouth of a scumbitch
couldn't sound as gore and splashing! Ah Ah! Good powerful and
clear sound! I think they would win some jewels of preliminary sexy
dances with a rawer sound and more diversity fistfucked under the
form of real ass-pounding blast beats! If you know the gangband,
there are no surprises here! If you enjoy bizarre music that tends
to awake the sexual libido airbag in you, try to check a few tracks
from here and there!

Cognizant Tape album. 2017. OVERFLOOD Recs.
When your head is too filled with perpaings, liquid grindcore can be a nice
choice to rehydrate and resurrect decades-old-dead brain cells. My mind's mine.
My mind's mine, again!
This is quite "technical" grindcore with strange moments that could
remember of old CEPHALIC CARNAGE or DISCORDANCE AXIS. I know this isn't a very
precise musical dissection, and it might sound like dissecting a delicate
corpse with a chainsaw in the hears of some grind specialists, but anyway some
of these stuffs sound quite sick and might have very nice visual effects once
you smoked the green stuffs.
Hopefully for the listeners who have only one brain, the music of COGNIZANT
doesn't get too technical and remains approachable once you are used to strange
A part of it also reminds me of old BRUTAL TRUTH (When they got weirder,
starting with "Kill trend suicide") or some strange old brutal death
like SKELETON OF GOD... Or perhaps TON's demos (For some strange bass guitars).
There are many blasting parts, which sound kicking, but also some jazzy parts
and stranger breaks, it doesn't sound demonstrative once you're in the hydro.
Great sounding tape for fans of strange/ technical/ smoke/ hydro-grind.
Satan is also in the bottles of water!
MOON (Usa) Carnivorous lunar activites CD'01 ATTACK Music. On
a demo I would have said: Ok! But it's a pro CD... C.M plays Heavy
metal influences by old MERCYFYL FATE and the likes, with few Thrashy/
death riff that's make them sound like SIX FEET UNDER!! (Bad point).
The riffs sound common, the leads are cool, I don't like their vocals
(from thrashy to heavy) even though they try to chorus the stuff.
So I have a taste of an average stuff with not much than leads being
Ok for a CD! Average at best! And don't send anything that's not
extreme here! And where did you get my adress? What is this shit?

GRAVE (Ger) Dehumanized CD'06. TWILIGHT VERTIEB. It might
be safer for me to avoid reviewing a band called COMMON GRAVE on
NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST, because some poseurs might think I'm even
more a fucking nazi than before, and dream about the carbonized
corpses of some immigrants... But why bother with such small "wide
opened" brains? Let them eat cakes! :P The COMMON GRAVE
is filled with 10 bodies that were almost surgically hammered (Ha,
microscopic hammers?), cut and mashed through a mixture of death
grind, Death metal and quite old school brutal death. The first
listening do not immediately awakes the names of soundalikes, because
the influences of the band aren't so modern... So wait for a minute,
focus deeper on the inner death and past traumas, and what do you
find? Old DEICIDE, old SINISTER ("Hate"/ "Bastard
saints"... For some grooves and riffing precision), Mid old
CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEATH (old to mid old), some old BROKEN HOPE (Before
their era of technical diahorrea), some NAPALM DEATH (Utopia)/ TERRORIZER/
ROTTING HEAD for a quite "In the face" death grind approach...
And various other soundalalalikes waves of the groovy (Huh?) that
could remind PROFANITY (Ger/ For the guitar control), DISGUST (Fra),
some VIBRION (Early: not the current nu metal core crap!) and maybe
some early SKINLESS, and maybe some current NAPALM DEATH bleuargh
bleuargh (bleuargh?)... There's an influence I do not know how to
exactly define... It might sound like some old thrashcore, but it's
not that 'core', it's quite thrashy and focused on the aggression...
But did you really get an idea of the whole? It's not certain, so
few more lines might be needed: The style of the band is quite brutal,
controlled, more based on the "In your face" than the
technicality (Even though it's not devoid of skills) and there are
quite a lot of "old styled" influences and atmospheres
(Even thought the band isn't retro at all). The whole is very
tight, even though it's wasn't surgically over-manipulated in protools
(So it might taste too raw for some myfart pussies Ah ah), quite
well structured (In a quite varied way that makes it flowing like
a well rounded bottle of fresh... Milk)... In fact, I don't find
much to complain, expect from the fact some thrashy controlled guitars
sound a bit too controlled, and there's nothing really killer, mind-blowing
as an unforgettable fuck or new (As an extraterrestrial fuck?)...
It's a quite solid and varied Death metal meets brutal death album,
in the vein of what you can quite often find in the current underground.
Anyway, it might be a good idea for them to work a bit more on the
originality, I noticed the band does quite more original riffs that
sound quite strange when they play very fast with their right hands
(No cock involved, of corpse!) it tastes a little bit like COMECON... As
often, it will be a matter of tastes: It seems big fans of the style
will dig it (If they aren't fed up) and those who didn't like the
style won't like it... A very expectable conclusion will follow:
Check it and make your own mind.

(Jap) Contempt for authority and take off the lie Ep'84. If
I were one of these evil clickers who praise only the maelstrom
of Mp3s, I wouldn't have noticed this nice good old fast Japanese
band! CONFUSE played some kind of Thrash hardcore punk with the
good old "Chuga chuga" tempo many Death and thrash metal
bands used later on! The riffs sounds quite punkish and "light",
but it sounds quite entertaining and energetic for its time! Simple
and fast music. (If I got it well, no D-beats were in use at the
time... only "Chuga chuga"). The tracks were well constructed
and the drummer had nice tendencies to rumble the drums! Some ideas
remind me of what DISRUPT, or TERRORIZER used later on. A nice Ep
for its time; not that face punching, but for a 20 years old extreme
music record, it remains entertaining! Ps: Didn't Lee Dorian
has the band band name "CONFUSE" written on his trousers?
(Backside photos of the "Mentally murdered" MLP). Hé,
a nice little curiosity of mince is fulfilled...

FROM WITHIN (Usa) Only the strong CD'04. FOREVER UNDERGROUND. Holy
shit! I've been actively searching a release of CONVERGENCE FROM
WITHIN for the last 6 months, and the mourning Death metal beast
is finally beating the shit out of my hypnotized head! Pure fucking
Death metal with an obscure sulfuric hellish energy opening wide
the gates of infernal inhuman affliction and showing new Death metal
bands can still play it with real passion! These American revengeful
death metallers are very influenced by rather old MORBID ANGEL (first
3 albums) for the ancient death metal hate riffings, or the infernal
leads of apocalyptic dementia. Some fast tremolo riffs displaying
epic two guitars melodies sound like old ANGEL CORPSE, some old
thrash influences are there, some heavier elder demonic entities
evocating riffs could remind of "Gateways to annihilation"
or "Formulas fatal to the flesh"... But no boring everlasting
slow parts that need patience to remain ok! All the tracks are well
structured and performed! Eventhough some might think this album
isn't really memorable or sounds too much like MORBID ANGEL, my
spiting answer will be simple: CONVERGENCE FROM WITHIN plays their
Death metal with a lot of brutal feeling from the guts and displays
various severe Death metal feelings of revenge, and hatred that
can only turn on the most die hard Death metal fans! Of corpse some
'mistakes' could be found: the songs might sound a bit repetitive
after a while, the drum production is a bit too thin and the guitars
might lack a bit of heaviness, and the band don't have totally a
style of his own... but these are really minor points when you face
this piece of pure fucking Death metal! In my opinion: One of the
best pure Death metal albums of 2004! Recommended for fans of old

(Chile) Genesis CD'02 SEKHMET Records. Now the ball-sucking webzines, the full of honey and money Parisian groupies
has almost all calmed down, and the promotional campaign of this album is over, we're
be able to approach and analyze the music of COPROFAGO in a pure
way (understand without any promo or homo influences!). At the first
approach, and in theory, we're in front of something that could taste cool:
Techno death metal influenced by PESTILENCE (Spheres), ATHEIST, CYNIC and few
other jazzy ones. But in reality, things aren't so bright. The main
problem remains the abuse of MESSHUGAH influenced riffs, with all its breaks
and very 'rhythmical' aspect (It doesn't open much little-surprise-boxes to
unreal futuristic feelings and remains 'rhythmical') and those who where
searching for something that really stands for "Techno death metal" might
have been really disappointed. Then the drummer has a tendency to abuse the
"technical" aspect of his playing. It seems like he always wants to do a lot
of stuffs (even though it doesn't sound that technical, when you pay a closer
listening) and tries to do a lot of variations... on the same kind of tempos!
I really think if he calmed down his beating will and played some very simple
and soften things by moments, it would underline some softer jazzy parts and
so the following heavier riffs would sound more powerful. Then the riffs
taking from the last PESTILENCE's work, "Spheres", are quite numerous. Ok it
doesn't sound bad, but I feel like it's too much calculated... while it lacks
of deep calculation! Seems like a bunch of the riffs where built in the
'tradition' of spheres, thought and arranged to fit some techno-death
criterias... but the inner inspiration and original creativity lacks. All
in all, this isn't a bad album. It sounds professional with some correctly
built tracks and enough things to entertain those who need a fucking big lot
of "techno death metal" albums... And I could find few other arguments to
catch your interest for original metal (from the past?). But, unfortunately,
it becomes fastly repetitive, some real feeling and burnt futuristic visions
and total space jazzy delirias are lacking... And one should really be a
MESSHUGAH fan to dig this album. As said so many times, make your own mind
about this release, these lines are only my opinion. COPROFAGO has a
potential to sound good in the hears of those who need something professional
and quite 'different' from the usual releases (Even though originality really
becomes unoriginal, even in its deeper patterns) but those who need something
to trip on outer space and torturing paradoxes from past and future will
remain unaffected. Professional and skilled musicians who do it Ok is cool,
but quite superfluous when the feeling and jazzy deliria isn't there. No
mark needed, music and personal tastes are ways too complex things to
be bound to two single numbers, with serious.

CORTEGE (Pol) Touching
the void CD. 2016. LET THEM COME Recs.
Six years ago I reviewed the previous album of this polish death metal band, I
remember this was a solid album in a style that was very influenced by MORBID
ANGEL (In the heavier style, with dark atmospheres). Then, I received a
physical promo CD of their last album, so I will write some words about it.
The style remains influenced by MORBID ANGEL, but globally the emphasis isn't
as much on the atmosphere. I feel the style is a bit more varied, and also a
bit more influenced by "modern" sounds.
Some tracks are pure death metal, close to what you would expect from a polish
band (With brutal blast beats, fast guitars, etc), while others sound simpler
and more "oxygenated", with fewer double kicks and more
So sometimes the content might remember of later CORONER (Rather
"Grin"), perhaps mid-old to later TESTAMENT, or maybe some GOJIRA
(For more "modern DM")... I also feel in a couple of tracks a
similarity with more recent MORBID ANGEL for the simpler DM riffs, but it's perhaps
only an impression...
So some tracks remain in a "classical polish death metal" style with
some brutality and heaviness, while some moments aren't so compacted in
brutality neither sickening the obscure... It's just simpler metal.
There are songs I still find enjoyable on this album, while others do not sound
too interesting for me. I understand a band active since more than 20 years
might need to evolve and try other things, but a part of this release doesn't
concern my inner bleedings.

(Pol) Anachoreo CD. 2012. LET THE COME Recs. Welcome to the
new corpse, you hungry worms of the coffin. In fact you should
already be addicted to blood and red wine if you want to penetrate
the dark flesh of this new corpse in decent macerating conditions.
Because the atmosphere of this first album is dark and red,
close to something like blood or wine. CORTEGE is not a new band,
they released 3 demos from 2000 to 2004, but your bleeding eyes
were probably unfamiliar with their moniker if you weren't reading
some of the many old school Polish metal fanzines. The style
of the band is clearly (Or should I say "darkly"?) influenced
by MORBID ANGEL, but contrary to many who embraced the superfast,
hateful, sometimes dominating aspect from Azagtoth's compositions,
Cortege is globally closer to "Gateways of annihilation"
(For the quite massive embracing of the heavier (And sometimes quite
mysterious)), then you can also find some gimmicks closer to "Formulas
fatal..." and a bit of "Domination" for some atmospheres
or classy touches. As written before, most of the music isn't
really fast (It's rather slow to mid-paced, with some double kicks,
or not); Even if you find blast-beats here and there, the goal of
the music is to create some atmosphere from the deep of the dark
flesh. In this manner, the style isn't so far from what the French
band THE SEVEN GATES composed on their demos and first album (Minus
the progressive influences). To be a bit more critical than describing,
I would say the music is a bit too focused on the heavier side of
ancient dominations for my taste, and on the first songs the "Formulas
alike" gimmicks do not really coincide with my morbid needs
(But this more "modern" influence disappears once 1/4
of the album is gone). This is a quite solid album with some
atmospheres of blood and ancient dominations, it could be a bit
boring for the quite extensive use of "heavier" moments,
but this could also be an interesting flesh investment for fans
of the MORBID ANGEL albums spelled before.
atavistic triad CD’01 DARK SYMPHONIES It’s a 4 songs CD but 3
of the songs are more than 11 minutes long. Their is some kind
of nazi/ Svastika influenced design both on the CD and the booklet
so I have doubts about their political positions. It would
make me shit to promote some guys who follow such stupid ideologies!
It’s some kind of mid placed melodical and atmospheric Black
Metal with fast parts ( not enough for my tastes) and varied acoustic
parts. They may sound like DIMMU BORGIR or a bit of EMPEROR but
I’m not a specialist of this kind of music, but one more time nothing
special attracted my attention! It sounds OK, but I didn’t
find it personnal. It’s all I can say about their music.
CAKE HOUSE (Ger) Lighting up the night sky MCD’02 FIREFLY. Even
if I'm quite open minded on a musical point of view, this isn't
the kind of stuffs I like to receive since it's average and I don't
know much about this style. So, not many comparisons or lines of
thinking are possible for me. I feel in a way forced to write some
stuffs that remind me the stupid bullshits some guys in "metal"
zines write about some styles they doesn't know a shit about: Death
metal and Grindcore. COSTA'S C. H. plays a style I'd qualify
of commercial Heavy meets "Black metal". The fast parts
are too nice and sounds like "Wanna add some Black metal riffs"
to sell few more CDs. The heavier riffs are more Ok, sounds like
some of the last CARCASS recordings. There are also some melodic
"Death" like stuffs à la old IN FLAMES. But where is the
feeling? Is it extreme? No! So why did they send it to a webzine
entitled NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST? The whole is average and nothing
special stands out. What I don't like here is an under-taste of
commercial music.
DE NOCTE (Fin) Carpe noctum CD'02 MAD LION Recs. Horny!
Horny! Horny! And waiting to fuck! Nope, COUNT DE NOCTE doesn't
play a satanic goregrind drowning in abject perversions. What you've
got here is somekind of a Black metal and melodic death mix. The
kind of stuffs that sounds quite happy and high flying as the sun...
The music in itself doesn't suck, but it's somekind too happy and
nice in some melodies to fit in an extreme metal band! The vocals
weren't also one of the highest pleasures since it sounds high pitched
and very thin à la CRADLE OF FILTH! Some musicians should stop sodomizing
each others during rehearsals! This could sound as a mix of old
CRADLE OF BURGER, HECATE ENTHRONED and other bands of this kind
plus some stuffs à la IN FLAMES, etc etc. Hopefully the drumming
isn't bad! Varied enough drum-playing with nice ideas. The music
in itself isn't so bad, it's jus average stuffs, but it reminds
me too much some old melodic "Black/ Death metal" stuffs
I want to remain forgotten!
OF FILTH (UK) Live bait for the dead CD'02 ABRACADAVER. Wanna
think like some big semi pro fanzine or big french "Extreme
metal" magazines? Yeah!! This is the 100th best album of the
year! Everythings here are so great, powerfull, nice and overall
mighty and original! Ah! Since mostly each new release is said to
be the best one of the band, the originator of a new style, and
pure fucking excellence from its beginning to its end... How is
it possible to see if an album is decent? This is pure
fucking shit in its most repugnant form! With wanna sound evil sodomized
nun's screams, flat as fuck wanna blast cheezy drums, happy as 5
years old child during christmas keyboards, uncreative and everheard
everywhere before riffs of shit! The sound for a live sucks! Avoid
it now!! To be honnest
I even haven't listened to this album and I won't since it isn't
my style! It's just so easy to say blah blah and beautifull words
on a CD without listening to the CD itself and with a few biographical
TO KILL 4 ways split CD'02 BONES BRIGADE. Here's a good
4 ways Split CD including 4 bands that are quite important in nowadays'
two tracks including the first one "Days of decline" that's
very good! Totally blasting and energized! The kind of riffs you
know you'll enjoy for a while at the very first listening! It's
just far better than their full length CD I don't find great, and
even boring in parts!
still so bestial and primal! Their cover of DEAD INFECTION's "From
the anatomical deeps" is simply efficient with inhuman and
cold growls, a good cover! Also includes a L.D.O.H cover and one
of their own tracks. This band is Brutal!!
they own some good riffs in their Brutal Death tracks that are quite
technical in parts. This isn't too much my style anymore. Brutal
death fans will find a very cool pro band for their Brutal tastes
here. Notice they cover NAPALM DEATH's "Suffer the children".
The 1st thing
that attracted me in MISERY INDEX is their skillfull and very tight
drummer! This guy shredds! Their style is Brutal Death with little
technical touches and more Hardcorish riffings, but it remains very
Brutal Death like as a whole. It can obviously remind of DYING FETUS!
Their tracks are well done, they own some good riffs and their drummer
shredds! Smoke and drunk Death metallers will hail them during Extreme
Gore metal Fiestas! That's almost sure!
This is a good
4 ways split CD being worth the listening if you want to discover
new Brutal bands and if you're fed up with boring compilations! It's
in my opinion one of the best Bones Brigade releases... and I'll
keep it in my slowly growing extreme metal collection!

ELEMENT (Usa) Career criminal MCD'06. EMETIC Recs. All
star extreme metal project making it well balanced between the grinding,
groovy, the mid placed and the faster; thanx to the injection of
various styles such as Grindcore, Death metal, Crustcore, old Deathcore...
This is quite simple in conception and didn't seem too brainstormed
on matters of composition (Even if things fall in a right order),
so it tastes as some kind of project. It's quite good, but something
lacks... Even though some riffs are too easy, some parts aren't
bad but quite entertaining and groovy. There's a quite good heavy
production. It doesn't reach the extremes, and it lacks of some
urge by moments, but some fans of last years' NAPALM DEATH or DYING
FETUS (For example) could dig this release I might categorize as
"fine" or "cool'.
BASTARDS (Ita) Desperately insensitive CD'03 NECROPOLIS. The
few C.B stuffs I know didn't especially turn me on (I own their
Split Ep'99 with REGURGITATE). They now have got a new drummer,
and what I hear on this CD is quite different from their older stuffs.
It's more professional and more "varied" while the older
stuffs were more aggressive and screamed in everyways. The drums
are now more pro, and a bit cooler as it's more varied. The music
goes along the lines of old school Grind, with some punk/ Crust
touches, some Death metal like riffs and also some few "original"
stuffs (discordances, new school Grindcore touches). Nothing is
gore in here. The blasts parts are typical of some Brutal Death
bands: snare and bass kicks at the same time, it sounds more compressed
than destructive. It reminds me a bit of old NAPAL MDEATH ("Utopia
banished"), SQUASH BOWELS' last CD "The mass rotting",
PHOBIA, INHUMATE or maybe strange stuffs like CONVERGE or PIG DESTROYER
(old). Nothing especially crucified my brain during a gruesome
rejoicing, but I can listen to some tracks of it. It's an ok one
in my opinion. Can be a quite cool one for fans of the style.
CRUAC (HOL) Meadows of madness CD'01. Their stuff includes
a good part of Heavy metal riffings and influencesthat could make
me speak about DEATH (at the time of "Symbolic" and "Sounds
of perseverance"). Something in their music reminds me of
the "Groove" track of DISHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, a bizarre
groovy track that was included on the great VISIONS OF BRUTALITY
video comp, but their style is more "easy listening" if
I could say so. But they doesn't include the blasting moments and
quite brutal ideas DISHARMONIC had in some parts of their stuffs.
could find sorrowfull elements à la PARADISE LOST (not so
old) and AMORPHIS (latest releases)while I could speak about some
Heavy metal riffings à la MERCYFULL FATE ("Into the
unknown" or "9"). Notice the drum playing includes
some cool jazzy touches here and there. A few discordant riffs sounds
a bit à la PESTILENCE ("Spheres") 's tormented
cathodic future. Some riffs sounds too much calculated for my
tastes... Remember complexity and technical riffs can flow from
an inner bastardized humanity if it's sincere. Most of their
music is composed of a bit bizarre articulated melodies, nothing
is aggressive or full of rage. To this last fact, I could add nothing
in their style really my attention, so I guess it can be
a pleasant CD for musicians or for those who like a bit different
but yet classically influenced stuffs, but there are no really good
tracks here... After a few tracks their
style becomes repetitive for me... maybe it could please a
bit some big DISHARMONIC ORCHESTRA fans who like swedish melodic
(SWI) Braindrain timeslavery MCD'02 FASTBEAT Entertainment. I
saw CROPMENT would be interviewed in the next issue of my friends
of SKULLFUCKED fanzine, so I asked the band a promo as I imagined
something interesting. In fact I'm quite disappointed as their style
is a more classical Death metal than what I expected. Death/ Grind à la DEICIDE (3rd and 4th album) with CANNIBAL
CORPSE touches here and there are the main lines of their style,
but there are some old school Death/ Thrash influences on some riffs.
There were a few Black metal harmonies on some tremolo riffs. I
could notice some DEICIDE influences at the level of the vocals
(cool vocals). The whole is tightly played, with a bunch of fast
parts, but I found nothing
catchy I would remind later and nothing kicked the shit from my
ass! DEICIDE fans may find a nice item for
their collection here.

OF THORNS (SWE) The burning CD'95 BLACKSUN. This is by
far the best and only CROWN OF THORNS album I enjoy! It was released
years before they change their name for "THE CROWN" and
start releasing soulless albums that only vampirizes their old stuffs
and own metal influences! This album offered tracks melting Death/
Black and melodic Black death elements! This new band had all the
more a cool dynamism, nice drum beats and a good sound! Some
Death/ Grind riffings were a lot into the old DEICIDE style with
right hand suffering riffs and 3 mesures beatings! Quite good burning
metal energy! It was more hot and burning that cold and obscure,
just like the cover of their CD! A cool album of a band that did
some musical promises they didn't respect! (A guitarist of the band
left for musical differences just after this one... that may be
the reason why the following stuffs didn't do much for me). I still
listen to this CD from time to time, and I don't care about THE
CROWN! Even if you don't like THE CROWN, try to get it on a dubbed
MORTALS (Usa) Converted by decapitation MCD'04. STIMATIZED. Swimming
in beer? Engulfed in the hot'n sweaty cocoon of metal? This MCD
might embalm you. CRUCIFIED MORTALS is an old school thrash metal
band who chose to play it with a quite cool mood. My feelings towards
this MCD are mixed; on one hand you have cool riffs and elements
reminding of PROTECTOR, early INFERNAL MAJESTY or some KREATOR,
on the other hand you have some common or average guitars and arrangements
that kinda waste what could have been really better. Remains
a quite cool MCD with a cool production, cool influences, but a
lack of surprises and thunder-gutted riffs can be felt. Because
the strike of the beast needs 100% power and an hateful urge! CRUCIFIED
MORTALS will currently sound cool, or average, depending on your
metal likings. Notice some of the inner notes could really sound
like a big-headed trip...

(Cze) Untearable Off Colossus CD'02 SHEER Recs. What an evolution
since the CRUSHER release I listened to about 6 years ago! This
band has evolved from a common old Death metal to something more
original: wicked and corrosive death grind in the vein of the most
bizarre COMECON moments, with a lot of wicked schizophobic and distorted
harmonies awaking the crushed and devouring sociopathic schizophrenia
from your pathetic corpse! There's also a bunch of blasting grind
influences, and CRUSHER could often sound like a mid-old VOÏVOD
who would have eaten a lot of Death and Grind. Some of the sufferance
and distress remind me of MORGOTH "Odium" , but it's rather
for the mood and state of mind. There's also a bunch of old school
Death metal influences that could remind of COMECON, old DISMEMBER
(Less melodic) and eventually CANCER's 1st Lp... but there are always
wicked discoherent riffs to make it sound modern... the way a bunch
of Death metal bands were trying to evolve around 90-92! And that's
why I like it! No high flying incoherent elements coming from heaven!
Only destructed and bizarre devouring ideas from the deepness of
the infernal cauldron maintaining the collective human affliction!
There are also some early GODFLESH touches and possibly some mid
old DISHARMONIC ORCHESTRA. All in all, this album isn't really
ass kicking or memorable, but it sound wicked and different enough
to offer several interesting listenings to all you broken heads! At
least try it because it sounds quite different!

CRUZ (Spa) Culto abismal CD. 2016. SELFMADE
GOD Recs.
There are so many new old school death metal bands and releases that it's hard
to follow the maelstrom. It sometimes seems you would need to spend all the
day, full time, to listen to everything correctly...
This band coming from Spain isn't totally new, they released a demo tape in
2015, before recording this album that saw the light of the cave in 2016. This
is old school death metal with strong 90's Swedish influences.
The first ENTOMBED album, and the first DISMEMBER full-length, are both strong
influences, this said CRUZ might take mostly the death/ thrash elements since
there aren't many punk Hc influences inside, and not that many slower parts in
the inside. The music is also sometimes closer to thrash metal the old way, you
can think about SLAYER (Hell awaits/ Reign in blood) or perhaps a little of
Some riffs have a little of epic touches, I think about these old Scandinavian
influenced tremolos that might remember of early UNLEASHED, or perhaps early
NECROPHOBIC (First album).
The production is quite close to the Swedish sound, with quite over-saturated
guitars; Perhaps some peoples will "complain" it is not exactly the
same Swedish guitar tone, but it doesn't matter here.
This is a quite solid album, nothing sounds wrong in the style, and it's quite
pleasant to hear once you're in the mood... But it also sounds a bit repetitive
after a while, and as said in the beginning there are so many DM album coming
out nowadays, that "Culto abismal" might be destined to big fans of
death only?
(Spa) Raising deads…Burning alives CD'03 Self released. A
black metal band coming from Spain with a d-drum, playing the harsh
and brutal way, but still keeps some melodic lines into its music.
The vocals are saturated to add to the feeling of hate emerging
from this “ album ”. Yeah, CRYFEMAL considers this release as an
album. Ok, well, but it’s a pity that the sound is more like what
you can get on an average demo. The d-drum doesn’t really serve
the compositions, according to me, and it’s far way too much in
the back, so it turns the compositions into something a bit linear.
Some guitar riffs show that the guys might have some good ideas
from time to time, but it smells to much like a cut’n’ paste of
riffs and not really like compositions that are coherent in their
entirety. Moreover, I have sometimes the impression to hear the
same basis for the high tuned aggressive riffs in all the songs.
You know, the guys has found a cool riff and he plays it with some
light variations in all the songs. It sounds sometimes influenced
by ABIGOR and early IMMORTAL, as well by the “ De Mysteriis… ” album
from MAYHEM (for the vocal parts, if you try to avoid the saturation
effect on the voice). But it’s far to awake some feeling of cultness
into the CRYFEMAL music. I am not convinced by this release which
I consider more like a demo than like an album. CRYFEMAL needs to
improve its compositions, and get more maturity. If you are into
raw and ultra aggressive black metal with some riffs showing a light
“ thrashy ” influence, you might like it, maybe. But I really don’t
like to see on the CRYFEMAL website that these guys seem to show
too much pride for the work they did on “ Raising deads… Burning
alive ”. Not totally shitty, but hell, is it possible to that Black
Metal could mean something else than ”pretentious so called elite”?
Convince me with your music and not with empty words and used to
death evil posing, thanks.
(Can) None so vile CD'96. I was fucking blown away by this
CD when it was released! I was working in the 2nd issue of my paper
zine and it was by far outstanding from the other releases of this
time! Blasting as fuck total Death Grind! Full of frenesy and
excellent riffs you take in your face as a fucking plane in full
speed! Good punching Death metal, excellent breaks and catchy as
the very first leech riffs! Very varied tracks that were full of
freshness and efficiency at these times! This was full of destructive
aggressiveness! A lot of good American Brutal Death ideas were here
but they also had some more melodic ideas! The first minutes of
"Split your guts" are very intense and emotionally deep!
Death metal riffs that appeared in front of my mourning Death metal
face as another Death metal revelation! Even the worst ass licking
fool could only feel the awaken of Death with these multiple killing
riffs! And the vocalist who was so full of worms had also some
nice growling delirias! Expressive raw growls and hysterical screams
were the shit here! Good drummer who included a good amount of good
ideas everywhere! And he was fucking tight! Multiple grinding destructive
blasts were added very often! And I remember there was a good piano
outro on this CD. They weren't a band totally bound in the Brutal
death style even if their music was total Death grind! And that's
why it was so fresh contrary to a good amount of nowadays bands
whose goal seems to be CANNIBAL CORPSE tribute formations only...
that's sad! These bastards were totally honest with themselves
when they composed this CD, and this wasn't really the case with
the following ones! I didn't really enjoy their first CD (A few
tracks were nice) neither their following ones that were more complex
but also played with less inspiration and crushing energy! "None
so vile" Ruled!

(Usa) Cumplete CD’02. UNMATCHED BRUTALITY. Ultra brutal grinding
brutal death metal with a raw corrosive production of Doom!! And
unfortunately quite convenient grindcore and crusty stuffs... The
first nice feeling is: "What we have here remains blast focused
Brutal death sodomizing the clerical bottoms along the curves of
BRODEQUIN, with some heavier moments drowning in the impiety of
INCANTATION or some "traditional" heavy US Brutality". One
could imagine something brutally intense will occur, but something
else takes its place and waste your hopes for brutality... call
the intruders "Grindpunk" and "old Brutal death",
and kick their asses, because they aren't motivated enough! And
these intruders getting into the room during an hellish brutal fuck
had the good idea to decrease the power of the F***K with their
average influences: old LIVIDITY, EMBALMED (R.I.P) or some old grindpunk
for example. If CUMCHRIST had focused on the perverse way of
the total blast and impious impiety, they could have been taken
as a solid moron-molesting machine... Unfortunately, after a bunch
of tracks the intensity decreases as the band chose to let the convenient
grind, crusty-core and more usual brutal death flow... There remains
cool moments à la old SUFFOCATION, PYREXIA, but... it turned to
something simply common! Some of the lyrics doesn’t seem serious,
which isn't that cool, some songs follow a drunk grind-punk fun,
which isn't cool either. The tracks are short lengthen for most. To
sum it up: the first third sounds brutal à la BRODEQUIN/ INCANTATION!
Then it varies and there are too much average stuffs uninteresting
me the American way. This album is only and half-cum, and gaysus
remains quite confident. It could have been much more intense! Fucking
CÜMSHOTTE (USA) Baby's First EP'01
VICIOUS INTERFERENCE. They claim to play killer grindcore. But
in my ears it sounds as nothing more than very average punk/crust with fast
parts and some slower parts à la old NAPALM DEATH ("Scum").
The riffs doesn't kill anything at all! This is in my ears an
average/ very average underground band that can be Ok during the gigs. The
fact is it makes me shit when some bands claim to play some killer
shit while they don't.(and CUMSHOTTE is far from being a professional
killing band!).
(Ger) Escaped from madhouse CD'02. King Diamond live at the
Dynamo fest, you get? David Vincent coming back in Morbid Angel,
you get? Cunt Grinder's funny Death/ Grind/ Noise Demo CD...
you don't get!!
Here's another
project that was meant to make me forget GRONIBARD! Seeing them
using a childish spaceship game comix cover, wearing some
hoods à la AGATHOCLES/ GURKKHAS and posing as polka dancers
(such as Gronibard, but I don't know if they were influenced by
Polka, but who cares?) I couldn't expect something great here! Only
the old school NAPALM DEATH poster on their rehearsal room's photo
was a good visual point for me! eh eh! The whole begins with
a "come on fuck my arse" sample taken from a movie I don't
know, and finally the music comes when the man cums on the bitch's
face. Expect your average Death/ Grind along the lines of old AGATHOCLES, HEMDALE,
MUCUPURULENT, mixed with Crust riffs à la E.N.T and gory
pitchshifted voxxx à la GUT (a bit). This supposed to
be funny project didn't make me laugh and didn't sound funny most
of the time though. It doesn't suck as much as I thought it would,
but it doesn't mean it's good! I had the feeling I heard these riffs
many times before, and all the tracks sound the same. Just keep it on Demo tapes!! Why investing so much money in releasing
"funny" projects of this kind? (I still don't understand
the inner motive!)
FLESH (Cze) Torture is medicine CD'07. GRODHAISN Records. More
unwanted promo CDs are blasting the door of my pink little mailbox
to try a brutal mental sodomy? Is my jellified brain so sexy that
many promoters need to rape it with their promotional needs? Anyway,
what you have here is brutal death metal that sounds like brutal
death metal... No joke! It sounds the way many US bands used and
use to do: Fast, blasting, with many double bass drums, fast and
quite sick/ technical riffs (For this kind), numerous guitar changes,
guttural gruntages... There are almost no groovy or deathcore this
time. Ok, it sounds quite brutal, well packaged and produced...
But there's nothing particular to extract the CUTTERED FLESH from
the piles of rotting bodies playing it brutal, and so my little
pink mailbox remains pale and sad: No light is turned on, it does
in no way look like a Christmas three :-// To make the reviewing
job a bit more interesting for some readers, I might say this band
could sound like some DISGORGE (Usa), PYAEMIA with few SOILS OF
FATE but in a not so clean-and-tight manner (It's not ultra
trigged nor computer modified), so it might taste a bit more putrid
(Better said underground?) and could evoke some old DEVOURMENT or
eventually some old DISGORGE (Mex (You know, their early recordings
when the production and skills weren't ultra tight and it kinda
increased the gore inhalation))... Or maybe some MALIGNANCY, old
FERMENTO (1st album), MORGUE (Fra/ 1st album), CANNIBAL CORPSE,
FALLEN CHRIST (Minus the evil) (No, this wasn't a random quotes
sentence) This album might be a cool one for big fans of the
style; But it will probably only please the brutalizers, not those
who need something more (Like a cherry of genius over the cake of
brutality)... The band might need a bit more experience to offer
a more personal music (And more personal doesn't mean more melodic
or to insert gay influences! It's possible to diversify and insert
strange elements that sound very fucked!). Brutalizing music for
brutalized peoples, and that's all.
(Usa) Methods CD'99. This
CYANOSIS release is a good example of the fact some albums only
need a few years to grow old! Their mix of heavy brutal death and
faster death grind might have sounded cool few years ago, but we
are only in 2003 and some weakness can be felt! On one hand you
have quite cool common brutal death tracks with groovy touches,
on the other hand you have too common and boring songs! The style
can remind of old SKINLESS (both for some heavy and faster tremolo
riffs), FLESHGRIND (groovy), JUNGLE ROT (heavy and groovy), OBITUARY/
VIOGRESSION (few doomy death touches), old LIVIDITY, and DEADEN
for some boring riffs and flat blasts! There are nice parts such
as on "Bludgeoned" , but as a whole "Methods"
is too common and unsurprising to distinguish them from the emerging
Brutalizing hordes! And their Demo'98 was cooler! Don't
order this CD unless you're a fat ass 100kg lazy bastard who drinks
two packs of beer everyday! This is an average and 'easy composing'