(Portugal) Obra o diablo!!! MCD. 2011. VOMIT YOUR SHIRTS Recs. I
thought "R.D.B" meant something like "Rolling Dicks
and Boobs", but there's no cock'n roll or detritus-anal-brewing,
so I was probably wrong. The sounds are in the middle of blasting
death, grindcore and crustcore, with some brutal death influences.
While the numerous relentless blasting moments could sound close
to some INHUME, BRODEQUIN ("Festival of death") or SUBLIME
CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION (Around the 1st and 2nd CD), there's also
a good share of crustcore parts and an old school way of building
songs (Or the use of "impact" breaks) that remind me of
very old (And also quite newer) NAPALM DEATH. This sounds quite
"modern" in the way the blasting parts are very fast,
this sounds more old school in the way most of the crust parts are
in the classical manner. Some drawbacks: These blasts are a bit
too fast for my tastes, I imagine it will mostly kick the most focused
heads (And wasn't it protoolsified?). Some crust parts, mostly in
the first songs, sound a bit too trivial/ groovy and dissolve the
intensity. Some positive: The blasting impact might please fans
of reversed face punching, because it sounds quite extreme and skull
punching. The production sounds quite extreme, without being too
granitic... There's nothing new, particular, and the music doesn't
feel as brutal or defenestrating as old INHUME (For example), but
it also sounds quite brutally efficient and might enhance your needs
for brutal mollusk castration! Bru Bru Bru. Brew yourself in the
giant alcohol jar. http://www.myspace.com/rawdecimatingbrutality

(Can) Incinerator CD'02 SHIFTY Recs. This band coming from
Canada might sound like an unidentified flying object compared to
the Brutal death, Grind and technical death bands who infest Canada!
Welcome back to the early 80's! Even if at first ear the screamed
Black/ Thrash vocals could let you think RAMMER plays Swedish melodic
death, this is quite far from being the truth. Attentive listenings
can let you figure out the music rather tends to somekind of Heavy
metal with thrashy and death metal touches as it can remind the
early years of IRON MAIDEN, JUDAS PRIEST and some other Heavy metal
bands I won't mention simply coz I don't know their music enough.
The cover directly seems to come from a LOUDNESS LP! Some more
modern influences can remind of the Gothenburp style, while some
riffs have something to do with the spirit of the latest PROTECTOR
or earlier NECROPHAGIA. A little Death rocking aspect of the
guitars reminds me of ENTOMBED's "Uprising" album. Aren't
there some PILEDRIVER touches? Or Am I too drunk?? All in all
there's nothing to burn out your golden beer, nor to rape the fat
and ugly bank woman, but this is a decent thing that remains nice
to listen in alcoholic tranquility. It's a bit too convenient for
me, but beer isn't only an aggressive brevage. http://www.rammer.ca
(Can) Suffer MCD'04 FUNERAL GIG. This new RAMMER release
sounds a bit less heavy metallic, even though it still mixes the
same elements listed in the previous review: Some heavy metal, some
thrash, some death metal and few others. It sounds a bit more garage
with more accelerations, the Thrash metal and early death metal
influences seems to take more importance in their new compositions. The
music reminds me the spirit of ENTOMBED's "Uprising" and
possibly "Same difference" albums; that's possibly due
to a rocking touch somewhere, somekind of Thrash death accelerations
and the kinda garage but well produced sound. This time the vocals
are deeper and rawer. Well this new MCD might sound a bit more
extreme as it's less melodic than "Incinerator" (but remains
convenient. lol), I prefer the release reviewed before since it
shew more heavy metal influenced tracks that had the benefits of
few kinda catchy riffs. It's you to see if this kind of not really
extreme stuffs with some melodies but also a rocking/ and raw, yet
death thrashy, touch interests you. If so, you may have found a
quite cool band to fit your beer metal orgies. http://www.rammer.ca

SOULS (Ger) Dawn of depravity CD. 2022. BLOOD FIRE DEATH Recs. REBEL
YELL, REBEL SOULS, REBEL LANDS. Here you have a pretty good band
from Germany which comes up with their second album. Their style
is a quite "brutal" and somewhat "blackened"
kind of death metal, to reformulate this idea I might say the spirit
of end 90's/ early 00's "super death metal" can be felt
here. The compositions sound like a mix of old SINISTER, FLESHTIZED,
old MORBID ANGEL (Not so evil), SUFFOCATION (Rather "Souls
to deny" or maybe "Blood oath"), with the addition
of DEICIDE or old Cannibal corpse touches on guitars... From
reading a part of these names you might expect a blastbeats fest,
but the drums are more varied than that (No problem for me). There's
some research in the riffs, it's not always BRRRUTAL (They seem
to be interested in writing songs, which is welcomed). The vocals
are quite powerful and can sound quite catchy... The whole is well
produced but not overproduced... That's a lot of positive points,
isn't it? In fact REBEL SOULS did the job right at many levels,
yes, but now I couldn't say this album cracked my underwears from
the inside. Even if some songs are catchy/ entertaining the way
it should be, I'm not sure if I would wake up at night to play this
REBEL SOULS CD like an evil beast (AhAh). But this album is all
well done according to the expectations of the style, and it could
please those who need more from this kind of death metal. REBEL
WOUNDS, REBEL SOULS, REBEL REST... IN ETERNITY. https://rebelsouls.bandcamp.com

MORBIDE (Fra) Hurt by human race CD'02 DEADSUN. Here's
another french band! I think they released their first Demo in 1999,
I remind I listened to it but I don't remember how it sounded like... Their
style is Brutal death metal with some complex structures (not always
the most efficient) and mostly Brutal death riffs (including some
too common stuffs in my ears!). Some MORBID ANGEL influences
for riffs and structures can be quoted while there's some CANNIBAL
CORPSE for fast beats and vocals! Also some vocals à la NILE. They
own also more classical Black metal influences that are simple or
more thought ( à le EMPEROR for exemple). The whole is well
produced, tight, but I find no great riff or crushing deep emotionnal
riffings! I think they fit well hand in hand with KRONOS (Fra) for
several reasons including the one I feel nothing special in their
music. It can please some french big Brutal Death fans! mickeymorbide@aol.com

OF SHITS (Cze) Bloody Obstetric Technology CD'02 BIZARRE LEPROUS. Bizarre
Leprous releases a lot of CDs! They can offer the coolest Underground
stuffs as well as the worst Grindnoise shit stuffs! And in this
case I'm not speaking about the coolest ones! What you may hear
on this CD that gets the benefits from an ugly cover is simple Goregrind/
Death that goes along the lines of old GUT (by moments) and other
quite funny projects such as a countless amount of boring ones I
don't want to remember. The goal here seems in part to be funny,
but it fails and sounds like a loss! Sounds like very bad HAEMORRHAGE
meets DEADEN or the weakest parts of INHUMATE's old demos. This
is cliché Grind/ Death with pitched vocals, ever-heard riffs, inefficient
tracks. In one word: boring! Except from the big underground scatophiles
who spend hours bathing in their own excrements, I hardly see someone
being pleased by "Reek of shits"! And I'm speaking
here about a pro CD that costs around 16 Euros! Honestly, Roman
and his label should focus on fewer but far better bands such as
AHUMADO GRANUJO or PIGSTY! http://reek.web.worldonline.cz

(Bra) Christ agony Tape album. 2017. Rereleased 2019. ART PAGAN
Records. Let's have a closer look at some of the tapes I
got in trade, and try to extract the morbid pulp from the analog
datas lying in my cavern... Because this is the underground! I'm
not here to review what the "mainstream underground" PR
invade my mailbox with! Remember: The underground isn't a digital
dildo nor a vibrating bluebooth buttplug! REFFUGO is a quite
solid death metal band from Sao Paolo, Brazil, whose music can be
seen as at the cross between satanic death, a somewhat "blackened"
death, and old brutal death. So the listening of this album reminded
me of old DEICIDE, some CENTURIAN, perhaps VITAL REMAINS among others...
With some portions of mid old CANNIBAL CORPSE (For the heavy parts
& some faster moments). Due to the production I thought about
early ILLDISPOSED, but this might be due to the sound recording
only. At the first vaginal crucifix approach I expected the whole
to be mostly composed of hateful satanic blastbeats, but in fact
the ass-beating is quite varied... More mid-paced and double kick
moments can be found than expected. This album sounds quite solid,
and the production is also quite robust, but perhaps the music is
a bit too conventional in the style for my taste? (Maybe I expected
something more "burning"?) "Christ agony"
isn't a blood puking revelation in the style, but anyway fans of
the style might be contented and brutalized enough with this recording.
Ps: While typing this review to finally publish it, I saw the
band split up in 2021... "Rest In Purulence". https://www.facebook.com/ReffugoOficial

(Swe) Effortless regurgitation of bright red blood CD'94 LOWLAND.
vomit of bile, mucus and red pus. Carnal diahorrea of spasmolitic
rock hard intruders Urge explosive of cancerous vaginal cancroid. All
this shit shall explode in the smashed face of this fukked up world! Ah!
This goregrinding and splashing CD was released when REGURGITATE
were fuckin' known in the pusfilled Underground! Total nauseous
ulcer smashing Goregrind in the bizarre way of early gut disjoncted
CARCASS! Pitch shifted as fuck liquefied corpse vocals that smash
your head as a pile of liquefied pus emanating bowels! Spllllaaaaassh!
Crusty bizarre flesh mangling goregrind that has the cynical plus
aggression of old CARCASS, the gory bizarre fun of old GENERAL SURGERY
and that sounds as impressive as an explosive brutal defecation
right in your moronic face! Yeah! This is the dance of the fat
ass 100 kg perverted fukks! Fat, horny, ugly and disgusted! Dancing
in this orgy of semen, shit and black blood! Mangled green placentas,
forced sado group sex and volkanik orgasms through torture! Obscure
obese Grindcore to viciously delight the fukked up and deviants! Nothing
original, but fuck off your moronic "Well thinking" head!
The energy of gore and brutal ass exploding feeling are there! Ah!
At the first listening I wasn't so pleased, nothing really catchy
or remindable (?), but there are a bunch of gut bizarre stuffs in
there! Brutal perversion guitars, corpse blasting drums and carnivorous
worms vomiting vocals! Very cool for Grindfucks and necroperverts! http://www.regurgitate.net
(Usa)/ FILTH (Australia) Split Ep'00 PAINIAC. REGURGITATE
against FILTH! Bloody Death! The winner of this grinding Pitbull's
match could be found without listening to this Ep! While the groovy
Grind of FILTH is cool (especially their "Clitoral vision"
demo'95) the total Grindcore of REGURGITATE destructs everything
and injects so much stress and aggressiveness in a poser's arse
even the most smoked hippy would get a fucking heart attack! Ah!
this Ep wasn't certainly meant as a competition in extreme brutality
between the two bands... So I'll review it as a little bitch who
smoke too much hash to even remember its first name... well I won't!
We aren't in some other so nice French Metaaal webzines here!
tracks were goregrind à la very old CARCASS ("Reek of putrefaction"
+ demos). Total gore with splashing pitched vocals that engulf everything.
It reminds me of very old SQUASH BOWELS as well! This wasn't as
good and killer as what they play nowadays, because the drums weren't
all so tight and the sound isn't always understandable (reminds
me of SQUASH BOWELS' "Something nice" Ep). But fuck this
shit! There are some very good riffs and a total Grindcore feeling
that prevails on these underground as fuck tracks! Cool side for
It seemed to
me the style of the Australian sickos of FILTH had changed (I heard
some stuffs on a 4 ways split CD) wand this isn't false! The
style on this Ep sounds more like a mix of Classical Grindcore,
Crust and Groovy rockin' touches. The production is also rawer,
and there are less bizarre sexual motivations in here! It doesn't
suck, but it's more common while the "clitoral vision"
demo had some cool pussylights on each piece of dissected ball!
So, it's quite cool rockin' Grind/ Crust that could please very
big undergrind fans, but nothing else! Their demo'95 let me imagined
they would release some really better stuffs later on! http://www.regurgitate.net

more time I'm dead by the will of REGURGITATE! Those who still ignore
this album have missed one of the strongest extreme Grindcore releases
of the last few years! Welcome to the most repugnant instincts
and most malevolent wills of the deviating human being! This is
killer Grindcore the way it was really meant to be! Killer blasting
drums! Shredding breaks! Ultra gore pitched vocals that sound totally
disjoncted! Aggressive and urban raw sound! This is true malevolent
cadaveric Grindcore! Grind/ Crust in a quite pathological way with
some old school Death metal touches that succeeds in impaling you
on the horny metal of the obscene butcher! I have found some surprises
in here, and for the Grindcore style it's simply rare as gold! This
album is almost totally killer from A to Z! A few years after
its release, I still have found some kicks and killer explosions
of brutality on this album! That shows its superior quality and
real grinding supremacy! AAAARRRGGH!! BUY OR DIE IN YOUR SHAMEFUL
IGNORANCE! http://www.regurgitate.net
BEYOND NECROPSY (Jap)/ Split Ep'01
NO WEAK SHIT. The sound on this split Ep is fucking raw. G.B.N
ain't got a good sound, it's hard to hear the riffs when it grinds.
It sounds as a fucking Demo, as if DOOM started to Grind in their
old rotten produced demos.They sound influenced by old NAPALM DEATH
with some Crust, and they add punk or rockin' funny parts here and
there. Quite cool very underground stuff. Ever heard some better
tracks from them on comp CDs though! REGURGITATE's sound isn't
very great, but no need to understand as you immediately feel the
energy of Grind in these fucking bastards' tracks!! (It was the
same for SQUASH BOWELS' side of their split w/ MALIGNANT TUMOUR,
Fuck your metallized mind!). REGURGITATE is definitely one of the
most intense actual Grind bands! Check "Carnivorous erection"
and you'll thrill and Brutallize as a fucking bastard!! http://www.regurgitate.net
(Swe) Hatefilled vengeance MCD'02 RELAPSE. The most known
of the swedish butchers are back with a new 10' that will leave
some scars! As their previous Eps let us know, REGURGITATE now plays
a music that's really faster than before, a kind of mix between
goregrind and powerviolence. And the few I could say is it has the
balls! If some mid tempo or groovy intros are still here, the whole
tends to a disjoncted orgy of sound, with a background of simple
but bloody riffs and lightning accelerations, a lot of older tracks
are worked again in this new sausage! If Sweden if THE grind spot
both with czech republic, then REGURGITATE is still the big boss!
Sensible ears: this isn't for you! http://www.regurgitate.net Pierre
(Swe) Deviant CD'03 RELAPSE. After
the totally killer "Carnivorous erection" released the
year 2000, and a bunch of ultra underground split Eps, REGURGITATE
were awaited by a bunch of Grindfreaks! The scale of disjoncting
grind was up and not much really killer albums were recorded since
then! This new album welcomes a bunch of new elements, even
if it has still a bunch of Grindcore blasts and old school Grindcore
riffs! Some heavier parts in an hardcorish way are now present,
and the Crustcore parts are more developed! While their previous
CD was cold and brutal as fuck, this one is still extreme but there's
a hot mood with burning energy! That reminds me some of the last
NAPALM DEATH releases. Several riffs also reminds me of the last
NxDx CDs: the heavier, the punching mid tempos and some crust. Burning
corrosion and explosive eroded despair!Another difference is
not much pitchshifting effect is used anymore, this is rather Grindcore
screams! Their previous CD sounded totally disjoncted coz (in part)
of the pitch, REGURGITATE now sounds more old school! (And new school!
Ah!) In a way they aren't so far from NASUM's Grind hardcore crust.
The production is also better than before: it's cleaner and powerful!
Notice and UNSEEN TERROR cover (Uh?). So this album might be
less extreme than "Carnivorous erection" (understand not
as "compressed as fuck and totally disjoncted") but it
remains more punishing and extreme than most of nowadays' other
releases! A strong extreme music album with enough variety to captivate
the fuse blowing listener from A to Z! Buy or fucking rot! http://www.regurgitate.net

OF TERROR (USA) Threnody of the impaled CD'02 EVIL VENGEANCE. USA
seems to offer less Brutal death bands than a few years ago, in
a way REIGN
OF TERROR could sastify this lack with its obscure Brutal death
metal. These bastards play a Brutal sounding style that can make
you think of CENTURIAN and a bit of mid old INCANTATION. I've heard
here some heavy riffs à la MORBID ANGEL ("Domination"),
BRUTALITY ("In mourning"), or in the classical American
Brutal Death style (old DEEDS OF FLESH). The blasting parts made
me think about old BRUTAL TRUTH (if you see what I mean). I may
quote some DEVOURMENT, but CANNIBAL CORPSE is of course an influence
here. So, the whole is correctly played, the tracks are more
or less well articulated, but I've heard some more memorable riffing
ideas before! It's always the same problem... "Threnody of the impaled" can be a nice
release for those who always want more Brutal death (might it be
gut ripping or not), but it doesn't blast the past release of the
old school Death metal masters! http://www.geocities.com/rotdomain/

(Hun) Harc! CD'05. Professional sounding “ Thrash metal ”
taking both from METALLICA (mid old), FORBIDDEN (mid old), some
mid old TESTAMENT and newer things à la NEVERMORE. The whole doesn’t
sound so fast (it might be half of the time) that’s why I’d say
this band plays heavy/ thrash, or thrash/ heavy. It sometimes
sounds quite a lot modernly influenced (too much for me) and it’s
really nicely produced as everythings sound clear… too clear to
be aggressive! To clear to be thrashing! The vocals also seems well
worked and over-dubbed (some chorus could sound like “ hits ” or
radio-station friendly… Errrk!!). Even if this sounds totally
professional, over-dubbed, and well produced, it also sounds to
convenient! No riffing surprise or catchy riff from hell! It lacks
the rage, stress and aggression of skull-breaeking metal. Only for
those who like overproduced “ thrash ” that get it milky and smilee
with modern things… Real thrashers would kinda fall asleep and wonder
when the vocalist would finally scream! This is only “ coooool ”
metal for cool “ thrashers ”. -Thrash : 50/100 -Metal : 40/100 -Spikes :
0/100 -Beer : 0/100 --------------------------------------------------> Total of Impact : 22,5/100


(Peru) Inminencia del Fin 7 Ep. 2012. Putrescense Recs/ Crypts of
Eternity Recs. Abstract crucifixion of the tortured energetical
coil. Mixture of the opposite negative energies. Compression
of all past and future entities in a voracious ball of dark energy. Astral
repugnance won't be mistaken, again.
I never heard about
this Peruvian band before, probably because they could only release
a demo in 1999 and didn't have the same funds than the European
or American bands (Even the most underground ones)... According
to the liner notes, they seemed to be systematically cursed by new
problems, and vanished after few could be accomplished... Finally
their only demo was released as a 7 Ep, to immortalize their past
existence, or something. The music was obscure Death metal,
influenced by the mercilessness of old/ early INCANTATION (In a
less doomy manner), with a technical approach close to the first
end 90's obscure technical Death metal bands who played obscure
"techno death" (These were mostly demo bands, so no quote
will be given), or sometimes you could simply link this resemblance
to the abstract approach of IMMOLATION... This last name might even
be a bit more than a resemblance, and even a big influence. I
might be wrong with a retrospect analysis of bodily emanations so
I won't risk the infernal underground curse, but I think it wasn't
common to cross the path of abstract/ compositionally advanced obscure
death of this kind in the end 90's. Don't misunderstand my quite
morbid words of lividity, the music isn't SO technical neither always
"complex": A part of the songs contains what you could
expect from demos of a band like DEMONIC RAGE in 2013, quite obscure
and bestial death metal, but this was recorded in 1999. A shame
the production isn't the best, it varies from a track to another:
While some contain quite "Cavern edible" obscure 4 tracker/
8 tracker unpolished demo sound, others are closer to a rawer rehearsal
or a concert recording (Even if it remains understandable, in the
cavern). This is quite a shame nothing more from the corpse of
REPUGNANCIA was developed and recorded, because the best moments
of these 4 songs let me imagine REPUGNANCIA might have composed
something more obscurely powerful and abstractly interesting than
what we know from Peruvian metal (Including MORTEM, I imagine this
could have been) if they had the possibility to do so... Now
the content of this Ep might better be taken as a documentary, it
might not please every Death metallers and the crucifying process
of enjoyment would need a tolerance for deep underground carbonized
explosions, in the cavern, and perhaps some knowledge of what had
been and what could have been immured in the depths, once. Putrescense
Recs: vomits(a)hotmail.com

(Usa) Repudilation CD’01 BURNING DOGMA. Dance motherfucker,
Dance! Dance! I remember listening to these horny melodies and abysmal
death metal tunes in my first years of Underground pit fuck brutality!
And here's the re-release of the various REPUDILATION recordings.
First you get their "Purging of impurity" Demo'96 + 1
track from a split Ep with DISFIGURED: Groove mosh Brutal Death
with ultra guttural pitch shifting fuck, and blasts and punches
of course. Sounds quite inhuman, and it may be cool for Brutal death
headz who search for something inhuman sounding but there's nothing
that stands out. Cool heavy grooves and various breaks, but eh!
More is needed! It wasn't a bad demo for its time. On the contrary
I don't like the other tracks on this CD (from the Frozen Dawn compilation
II), still heavy groove Brutal death, but it's predictable, less
breaks are here, and over all the riffs were very average and common.
It shows very average and boring bands can evolve in the right way.

(Swe) Hecatomb Ep'99 TO THE DEATH. The first thing that quote
my attention in the music of these swedish old school Death thrashing
metal heads is they remind me by moments a lot of the swedish
MERCILESS's 1st LP, both for their harsh screamy vocals and for
some aggressive sounding Death thrashing riffs! In their obscure
style I found some touches of old NIHILIST, some old KREATOR, CARNAGE,
and some old POSSESSED of corpse!! 666! The way some riffs sound...
I know it can sound fucking great and cult for guys who discover
the old thrashing mania! Remember the first time you heard PESTILENCE,
old ENTOMBED or DEATH? Ah Ah Ah!! And I've noticed touches of
old PESTILENCE here and there! As well as very little touches of
very old SEPULTURA when their thrashing style was called DEATH METAL!!
When Morbid vision's hellish screams and Bestial devastation prevailed!
there's a cool CELTIC FROST cover that doesn't sound old or as if
it was exhumed 10 years ago, just cool! So it's an actual old
school Death/ Thrashing band that I find cool, nothing exceptionnal
in my opinion, but it's worth the listening for fans of the old
school style!
(Swe) Epitome Of Darkness CD'06. SOULSELLER Recs. This album
should remain a one-off, since Sweden’s Repugnant decided to call
it quits shortly after the release of the disc. Mainly the product
of one mastermind’s efforts, singer-guitarist Mary Goore (huhu),
the conception of this record seems to have taken a lot of time
and sweat. But whatever it took, the end result is worth the dime,
it’s a solid piece of thrashing death metal, sweating both DIY,
handcraft passion and experience (these guys sure ain’t newbies)
by every pore. I for sure am no Swedish DM fan boy. I like very,
very little stuff from that scene and even Entombed’s ‘Clandestine’
fails to convince me. Despite its undeniable qualities, Repugnant’s
album is unlikely to change my mind, but they do it so good it just
can’t be ignored either. These guys shamelessly but successfully
try to recapture the feel and sound of their scene’s golden days,
not the Sunlight era but actually the garage/demo days of Nihilist,
Grotesque, Unleashed etc (hence the Morbid cover at the end of the
album). Such a project requires total control over what they’re
doing, that’s why they produced it themselves and did all the artwork
too, even the photo shoots and members nicknames seem to have been
thoroughly chosen. To cut it short, while never betraying their
underground ethic, the band’s attitude and work is 100% professional.
Nice tour de force! The music’s seemingly been conceived the same
way. It’s raw and dirty as shit, but honestly not the scariest or
most morbid stuff I’ve heard, despite the album‘s title, lyrics
or imagery. This stuff’s been beaten to death for so long…I guess
it’s only here to fit the ‘back to the roots’ approach. To me these
songs’ appeal is elsewhere. They’re full of thrashing groove and
head banging-friendly speed. There’s a certain melodic feel too,
otherwise this wouldn’t be an old school Swedish DM album, but the
music almost totally focuses on energy. Sound-wise, and this is
also a hint about these dudes’ in-depth knowledge and specialist
craft in old school DM, the listener will find pretty much everything
buried under echo, especially the vocals. Those are totally in the
vein of what could be heard in the late 80s on this side of the
Atlantic : sharp, harsh, raspy screams with all available echo effects
on ten, see Hellhammer, Bathory, early Sodom & Kreator and the
likes. Keyword : E-V-I-L hehe. Interesting piece of work overall,
only weakened by a somewhat zealous ’tribute’ approach resulting
in a lack of personality. But out of the bunch of old school revival
acts I know, this has to be the most convincing I’ve heard by now.
of Death) http://www.myspace.com/epitomeofdarkness
(Ger) Raping whores CD'98. This german band blasts in a Pork
Brutal death that sounds a bit like DEICIDE, but there's nothing
really catchy. The sound isn't bad, but I never hear the toms of
the drummer who isn't always tight! The guitars are Ok, but I can't
hear it enough! So this is an average album, with a sound that lacks
of power and suffers from a strange mix... (Mat) http://www.resurrected.net

(USA) Reinsertion of aborted remnants MCD'01. In some webzines,
this band is announced as the new extreme UxGx sensation... But
I wouldn't say so! Even if their Brutal Death metal is correctly
executed and articulated in a nice way, their riffs are no highlight
for me! And the use of a dum machine doesn't help them very much
to reach their goal of aggression. Their vocals are gory (but
no pitch is used), it's the kind of vocals REPUDILATION had on their
Demo'98; mixed with some DEEDS OF FLESH textures. Their music
is in the american Brutal Death style as it includes more or less
technical SUFFOCATION influences, some CANNIBAL CORPSE ("The
bleeding" touches). Some heavier guitar chords reminded
me of JUDECCA. Their sound and drum machine reminded me of some
CDs DROGHEDA released in the past. Even if you may think they
include a cool mix of influences in their music, there's nothing
that'll froze your neck with thrills here! It remains more or less
average... http://www.violentvomit.com

Split your skull in half with a grinding split CD!
RETORTION TERROR is a quite crazy death grind/ grindcore band from Japan teasing
the abscess with a touch of chaotic hardcore riffing (Coming from the era of
DISCORDANCE AXIS and the likes). The
quite sick rendering and tendency to blast-as-fuck and scream reminds me of
very old EXHUMED (Especially the "Chords of chaos" split CD). I read
the guitarist is a part of MORTALIZED and GRIDLINK, it's not a surprise, some
kind of "technical grind" or "chaos hardcore grind" touch
can be found in the riffing.
This band can sound quite crazy, it can also sound quite abstract sometimes.
It's not musically too usual apparently, which is nice. Fans of more
"Fucked up" yet quite "technical" grinding might be interested.
The style of INVIDIOSUS is different, they come from Minnesota/ Usa and play a
style closer to death grind, angry death metal and early brutal death.
I know some ugly angry bears could enjoy punching some ugly faces listening to
this, as it reminds me of PYREXIA, FLESHTIZED, old CENTURIAN, old MISERY INDEX,
old BEHEMOTH (The more Death metal epoch), with a touch of NAPALM DEATH (Death
grind epoch).
This could please the hears of those who enjoy quite brutal stuffs, with a
bunch of blasts, quite epic riffs and tempo changes. As you can see, it's not
only brutal/ brutal/ brutal: There are riffs (Lots of tremolos, some more tech
stuffs) and some quite crazy leads.
I couldn't say if INVIDIOSUS is over the top of the "brutal" genre
since I didn't follow everything in this style, but this band sounds quite
brutal & compact and there is enough to unleash the angry bear.
This is a quite brutal and sick split CD that might please fans of blasting
brutality with a "musical" touch.
(Usa) bombs on faces...americans on fire CD'01
RDM. Cool unreadable
logo! Unfortunately I couldn't say so about
their music! It's maybe due to the poor, not heavy at all guitar
sound, but their style sounds flat in my grinded to the brain over
metallized ears! Sounds like old SODOM (1st LP) with thrashing and
more Death metal and Hardcorish moments... Most of their riffs sounds
like the average noise metal band ya can check out in a rotten garage!
Cool drummer. But nothing special at all! It's even very average!
So why was it released on a CD?? Seems like a label needed an extra
release to avoid the bankrupt! http://xrdmx.tripod.com

(Romania) Sewer fiends Tape album. 2018. FUKK Recs. I don't
know how other fanzine makers are working for this matter, but I
write everything with a pen on a real piece paper first... It comes
out more naturally than typing the words directly on a computer,
and I noticed the tone and content wasn't really the same: Perhaps
my words are more "bestial" and in and old school mood
when it's first written on something "real"... And so,
I kind of collect piles of pages consisting of few words, reviews
in-the-work, almost finished reviews, ugly drawings, and finished
articles... Recently, while browsing one of these piles (of human
skin), I found this review that was almost finished, so I decided
to rework the whole to finally publish the content. I
don't know a lot about Romania, except they have a lot of truck
drivers working in France, and some of them almost speak french
correctly (Even if they pretend they don't, Ahah)... ROTHEADS is
a pretty young death metal band from Romania that released a first
ep in 2016, now we will talk about their first album released in
2018. The band clearly plays old school death metal that approaches
and melts a couple of genres from the end 80's/ early 90's. First
you have this quite morbid and muddy sounding approach you could
find in old Finnish death metal bands, perhaps like ABHORRENCE,
DEMIGOD or ADRAMELECH (Not so "technical"). Then you have
a more "doomy" or little melodic approach that flirts
with the old Finnish and Swedish genres, it can sound really cool
and open the gates to marvelous mysticism (Perhaps à la ooold AMORPHIS
or eventually DEPRAVITY). Then they can also use more regular old
death metal, it can sound thrashing like early MERCILESS (Swe),
very old SEPULTURA, or it can be more European alike (The old simple
version) à la MORGOTH "Cursed" for example... I also used
to think about early DARKTHRONE (When they were a death metal band,
but less "technical") or THOU SHALT SUFFER (The pre Emperor
band)... (Well, that's already a lot of name dropping (Aren't you
saturated in vulgare necro evocation?)) On one hand ROTHEADS
can come up with really cool doomy riffs, melodic guitars of mysticism
or morbid "grooves", on the other hand some riffs are
a bit too usual or sound like "standard death" for me
(Well, I listen to DM since more than 25 years, so that might be
a part of the reason), and by moments I would have preferred the
playing to be a bit tighter. Well, this is a quite cool album
with some really great riffs here & there. I wouldn't reach
the burning point of saying ROTHEADS are a revelation, but they
have some really promising riffs, and I was surprised to hear this
musical content from a Romanian band. The band still seems to
be alive, so keep your bowels crossed for more morbid macerations. https://rotheads.bandcamp.com

COLD (Aus)/ MONOLITH (Aus) Split CD'03. Ok fistfucker
mellows, and anal ripping fellows. The ROTTEN
COLD side is somekind of Death/ Grind/ Crust that could remind of
old Mexican DISGORGE (For the blasts, coz R.C ain't gore), ROTTEN
isn't it? The problem is the shit is almost always fast hyper-blasts
ridden and the tracks sound almost the same: fast, fast and fast
with some few slower moments. This is a strange style: some riffs
are somekind of Metalcore/ Power metal with blasts. I like the
2nd track coz the vocals are cool ("Just a pain in arse!").
The guitar production could remind me of the second DEAD INFECTION
CD. Ok Krapp-fukker, the sekond trak is kool and there are nice
ideas from here and there, but I wasn't especially impressed. It
lacks some really catchy stuffs, and some riffs are bizarre. But
there are some worst stuffs, I'd only say it's average! They may
evolve in the right aggressive way! I ever heard
a MONOLITH release few years ago and it was somekind of Grind, but
what is this crap of their side? I didn't hear any really aggressive
shit or blasting pus vomiting! It's only somekind of metal/ grunge/
rock that sounds like THE PIXIES or SONIC YOUTH than anything else.
Don't misunderstand me: I like some rock bands, but in this monolithic
case I'm not impressed! It's too much (very) average, convenient
and happy (by moments). They sound like a "not very serious
band" who records anything and everything, and it's not my
cup of putrid crass! So ROTTEN COLD
is Ok while MONOLITH stands under the average! http://www.rottencold.com
SOUND (Fin) Drain CD'99 REPULSE Records. This Finnish
band offers a style that's quite opened for its influences, one
can find some Death, Grind, Crust and Black metal. All in all this
CD isn't bad even if the tracks sometimes loose of intensity and
become repetitive. On a technical level the drummer has got a very
good level, I had a bunch of pleasure when I listened to his attacks
on the kit, because it's neat while it remains efficient, brutal
and tight. They have a big sound that's brutal! Even if the music
is not at the top, it let us imagine some good forthcoming things.
(Mat) http://www.rottensound.com
SOUND (Fin) Murderworks CD'02 NECROPOLIS. I heard several
stuffs of ROTTEN SOUND that didn't turn me that much (Including
the "Drain" CD'99), it was only Ok. But hell! I heard
a quite intense Mp3 of this "Murderwork" on the web, this
CD had to be reviewed! AAARRRGH! This is far more intense than before!
Total old school Grindcore insanity along the neverending blasting
explosiveness and crushing fists in the face of EXHUMED, INHUME,
MULESKINNER!! Listen to the 8th track "Seeds" and prepare to
be totally annihilated! There are a bunch of fucking aggressive
tracks in here! Some tracks are still in the vein of their previous
recordings: more original Death grind crust. Good drummer! Fucking
powerful crushing and aggressive production! I would have imagined
the ROTTEN SOUND of some years ago would have reached this level
of Devastation! This is a very cool CD with some Brutal tracks!
This album isn't as intense as INHUME's 1st CD or REGURGITATE's
"Carnivorous erection", but brutal grinders will fucking
break their necks! http://www.rottensound.com

CD'98 UNITED GUTTURAL ROTTING did obvious improvements since
their previous demo. This time, these american brutallers offer
us a Brutal death metal that's right in yer face, more Blasting
than before, but still with some heaviness
and a good dose of energy! So it's now faster and rawer, with a crushing
sound à la old GRAVE ("You'll never see..") while
their demo was more in the heavy vein of the old school swedish
darkened brutal death masters! This band has got some real energy
to offer and I can feel the small touch of what I'd call the beginning
of a musical personality. The sound is powerfull and aggressive.
Some tracks may sound a bit long, but that's ok. This CD is
better than any of their previous recordings, and even if there's
nothing original here, the brutality is here. I didn't hear a band playing this style since a good moment and
I think I can advise fans of brutality to check out ROTTING!

FLESH (Bra) Submandible lymphatic muscles CD'96 LOFTY STORMS
Recs. I
remember some friends of mine played some tracks of ROTTING FLESH
during some drunk parties few years ago. Ah! It was good times!
Total Brutal Grindcore, Aggressive as fukk and obscure old school
Death mixed with some everflowing alcohol and nice smoking stuffs!
I only reminded this band recently while I was searching for some
new good stuffs to review... but finally found nothing! ROTTING
FLESH were a raw Grindcore band composed of ugly and angry Brazilian
bastards! Their music was old school à la old NAPALM DEATH, but
the music wasn't that good: quite average and everheard riffs with
nothing really special and hesitations! The great stuffs were the
vocals! Ah! This ugly and angry bastard of a vocalist was fucking
vomiting all the shits of this world! Total old school Grindcore
raging vocals with few touches of pitch shifter straight from the
guts! Fukk! This bastard is vomiting all over myself and my bedroom!
Ah Ah! Don't buy this CD, coz even if the vocals have some good
delirias it's not really worth it (and there's no band to support
now as they've probably split up). Try to get a tape or some Mp3s!
And don't fool yourself trying to download the crappy keyboard-ridden
Black metal band from Greece who actually uses the same name! The
only true ROTTING FLESH came from Brazil! and the guts are here
to prove it!
