GAF (Fin) Cultivate Disdain MCD. 2010. SCROTUM JUS
This release might be a bit old, but your rectum doesn't matter. Send me promos
I agree to listen with the ass, in the depths of laziness, and I'll accept to
be updated (To the cock).
This MCD contains something like fast HC, meets grind, and fast HC, with moments
that can turn to "Big muscles" or almost crossoverish stuffs.
The faster parts will sound like post-NASUM grind for some, or maybe DR DOOM,
but it was recorded at a time when playing something different than purely
retro grind wasn't a crime (I wouldn't be against more fast parts in their
music, though, bikoz (Because) there's quite a "lot" of mid-paced, to
slower, to core-n core moments).
The production is quite big... Hmmm, it's more about the brick than the
tickling finger in the asshole, that's why we might call their stuff
"Brick'n roll" rather than "Scrot'n roll' (GAF is supposed to
play goregrind according to some websites, but I didn’t feel the gore) .
It's not bad stuff, sounds quite kweeking (Kicking), but I would prefer the
same with more blasts, and a little more savage or old school approach. JUNGLE
(Hol) Reliekrover CD’03 PESTILENCE Recs. Norwegian inspired
black metal with a tendency to play it atmospheric and symphonic
(even though it's not much melodic). I never understood the interest
of playing black metal in a so amateurish, miscontrolled way, with
voluntary fucked up skills. Even if this album sounds confused,
it at least sound quite dark (with keyboards a bit à la THOU SHALT
SUFFER, EMPEROR). But this is far from being bloody enough! Most
of the time I don't hear the drum machine, lots of riffs seems to
be quite improvised and confused... and probably funny for some
guys!! Sounds like a "bad" copy of ILLDJARN with keyboards.
It's too much confusion and nonsense. Pure fucking shit!! It reminds
me of "La soupe au choux"'s unholy spatial melodies! Brutal
bloody fart! They claim to play cruel and insensible Black metal.
I like music with feeling and sensibility, unless it's just a sterile
hobby with no emotional or spiritual resonance. Who said useless?
This might be an interesting item for the worshippers of the
black leather underpants whose spikes are lead to the inside! If
you don't enjoy to auto-sodomize yourself, then avoid this piece
of boring crap or your ass will cry the tears of brutal disappointment. Another
consumer mocking release! Another proof cash brutally rules this
world! Avoid or purely vomit your cancerous citric bile all over
your pants! Mark: 1/100 (Because their face paints seem decent).

CD'03 RAZORBACK Recs. 10 years after the "Necrology"
these shizopsychos re-open the abscess and extract 7 more pieces
of total grinding gore insanity! These new tracks are different
from the old GENERAL SURGERY stuffs! It's still in the gore region
of the anatomy of corpse, but the style is far more Brutal and aggressive!
This is total Grindgore aggression that reputrefies and necroses
the neurons of very old CARCASS, old SANITYS DAWN and REGURGITATE!
Brutal Grind that's totally in the nowadays' ultra aggressive style!
GENERAL SURGERY has never been so brutally intense as they have
nothing to envy to nowadays' most aggressive Grinding outfits (but
they've lost some personality in my rotopinion). From the intensity
and disjoncted aspect of "Pre-bisectal corrosive immersion"),
the grave robbing blasts of "Lab rat" to the very 'Reek
of putrefaction' beginning of "Mortuary wars", the energy
of Grind and the pathological explosive decoagulation are here!
I'm satisfied with their part of the split, and my doubts about
the good sense their come back are now gone! Squash the bowels of
gore and remember: Murder is the only way to kill time! Now let's add
some words about THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS; each positive thing
has got its drawbacks, if I could say so in this case. The grindcore
of T.C.M.E really sounds a lot like old CARCASS, to the point they
can seem to be a copy. It's gore, with bizarre sounding riffs and
gory vocals, it's tight and everythings, but I can no deep feeling
nor the cynical explosiveness of "Symphonies of sickness".
To the contrary of what T.C.M.E seem to think, the pathological
aspect of early CARCASS at its basis isn't a "cerebral"
lesson one learns meticulously. The early pathological goregrind
death was meant to to cynically deny this world of shit in a totally
disjoncted way. T.C.M.E can only be cool at best. http://www.generalsurgery.nu
This split
CD is very cool, so I review it one more time! Hé Hé! You saw
a zip and you thought it was two big bosoms hiding behind some sexy
disco clothes such as on the old BON JOVI's "Slippery when
wet" Lp! But no, you little putrid bastard, you're going to
kiss and lick the nice begging lips of a cold and horny cadaver!
Ah! On the first side of the morgue table are back the GENERAL
SURGERY! Even more Brutal extreme and fucking gore than on the "Necrology"
MCD! That fucking shredds the ventral with scalpels, scissors and
other nice tools of the trade borrowed from old CARCASS and SANITYS
DAWN to extract the vilest abnormal deformities from the inner neglected
deviant! This is fucking good news since GENERAL SURGERY is more
aggressive than never, even if less personal... Even if we get only
7 tracks every 10 years, the quality is here! Many "extreme"
bands should learn from this! Other side
of the morgue table, I'm introduced by force 6 tracks of T.C.M.E
in my rectum! I feel nothing, what is this shit? Even a wide caesarian
opening of the anal cavity doesn't make the process cooler! This
is grindgore wounding a lot (too much) like old CARCASS, nothing
new or thrilling, just ok stuffs! It would be cooler to torture
my now wide elongated arse-hole with scalpels and cissors for sure! http://www.generalsurgery.nu
GRINDER (Fra) Genital grinderCD’03 ADIPOCERE. I've
read a bunch of very cool reviews of this album, but I wouldn't
be so positive! What I hear on this album is common Death grind
with generic riffs... Sounds like old CANNIBAL CORPSE, old BRUTAL
TRUTH, old INHUMATE, a bit of mid old BROKEN HOPE and maybe some
old DEICIDE... with quite gory vocals. The riffs and the drums
are fast, it's tight with some changes... but I found no power nor
aggressiveness here! Few riffs are Ok, but I've heard these tremolo
riffs so many times before! Every Death grind band seems to have
used them... Take the very best riffs of this album, and you have
a cool 4 tracks Demo in my opinion! I can understand some guys find
their music cool, but don't tell me the real brutality and explosive
destruction are here! It's average music in my ears! To conclude
here's a message to the 'big' labels: aren't there some more punishing
and extreme unsigned bands in France? Yes there are! http://www.genitalgrinder.fr.st
(MEX) Blood spilled CD'99 CRYPTAS. Old school Grind/death/Crust
à la old NAPALM DEATH with some Brutal death parts. Unfortunately
the screamed high pitched vocals sounds a bit too much "Nia
nia nia", and the music isn't very impressive! (I'm bored of
saying so!! Why aren't there more KILLER bands I could review?). Their music made me think by moments about
DEPRAVED(FRA) 's first MCD and 1st CD, and this a bit for the death
metal vocals but mostly for the Grind/death elements of the thing.
I found nothing exceptionnal or original here, this is just a classical
Brutal release, the band might sound Brutal on stage, but apart
from their friends and local supporters many will have forgot them
in few years... It can be
cool for the fans of old NAPALM DEATH meets S.O.B and all the old
school grinding mafia! But this hasn't the real Brutal and intense
feeling of GRIND!
the first production of Skull fucked that does the things very well
for this split: superb design and good promo in the Underground. SFP
should become more than just another label on the pile. Musically speaking,
the hostilities begin with Gerbe of life, a band from the North
of France that plays Death/ Grind. Unfortunately, there are not
any new tracks here, but it's a nice re-release of their demo reviewed
in the previous issue of my zine. Nothing more to say than the previous
time: there are good riffs, and even if the production and the vocals
lacks of aggressiveness (can one really avoid this problem for a
beginning?), we have here one of the most promising bands of the
time in the country. And they may have progressed a lot since this
time! It's one more proof this isn't the ones who play the most
technical things that are the most efficient, as Repudiate doesn't
make you forget of Gerbe of life even if they're more technical. In a style
I find near of the Brazilian one (and mostly Krisiun), Repudiate
sounds cool mainly because of the very reasonable technical level
of its musicians. But it's a bit hard to see the differences between
their tracks (it's the same for their influences as well) and nothing
remains marked in my mind. This is some bad points that may be due
to the fact the band is young, but in anyway it's the same case
of most of the bands in this style. It's up to them to try to make
the thing evolve a bit, if it's still possible. http://www.skullfucked.ht.st

(Usa) Maniaxe CD'03 RAZORBACK. This is "Horror metal",
as they call it. And this is a surprising release for RAZORBACK!
Total old school thrashing Death metal reminding me the mood of
and even NECROPHAGIA by moments! GHOUL even has the same kind of
"Cheesy" horror comics' covers some bands like NECROPHAGIA
or EXUMER once had on LPs! While the Thrashing "Crunch"
guitar riffing reminds me of old KREATOR, MERCILESS and SODOM, the
vocals are screamed à la old KREATOR/ CARCASS, and there are some
cool drum beats and breaks reminding me some good old speed thrashing
days! The first tracks which are the coolest have got some horror
catchy riffs. This is a cool old skool album, not as cool for its
whole length, but cool anyway. Those who enjoyed stuffs like the
band ENGRAVE for the nostalgic side may find some pleasant listenings
here! http://www.razorbackrecords.com/ghoul.htm
(Ita)/ RISING TERROR (Fra)/ L.A.R.D.O.N. (Fra) Split
CD'07. SMYT Recs. I thought the French label "Show me
your tits" would remain in the fields of gorenoise/ goregrind
influenced brutalisticks, but since few releases the style evolves
to something more intense and in your face! (This time you have
a pro-pressed split CD).
The first band,
GLEARGH, is a refreshing purulent surprise! Blast as fuck grindcore
compression melted with some Death blastattack and urine filled
urges to explode! It tastes like some HUTT, PIG DESTROYER (Blasts)
or few SUBLIME CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION (Vocals). The first half
is the most energesticking, and all riffs aren't so cool, but it's
an energetic piece of Grrrind!
Then there's
RISING TERROR that plays some kind of Death/ Grind with touches
of HC heaviness. I'm not so enthusiastic… The drums blast fast and
has a good double-bass assault, but the riffs are only ok… Well,
it's a first recording that doesn't suck, so they might have in
their pockets the spermfilled elements to improve the impact of
their facial ejaculations: They need to put it directly IN YOUR
Finally you
have LARDON (French word for little piece of meat) that plays some
kind of raw goregrind. They have improved since the first demo,
as the style sounds less amateurish, more aggressive and a bit faster...
I'm not a big goregrind meathole, but it sounds a bit like some
early SUBLIME CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION and stuffs like that. It's
definitely not one of the most extreme or fucked band in the style,
but they have vomited something decent here. Keep a testicle on
their future improvements (Who knows... It might be biting! Ah ah)
To cumclude,
this might be a cool split for underground fans of grindcore, and
it's sold for a cheap price... It might not be too hard to find,
just carefully search between the tits: http://www.myspace.com/showmeyourtitsrecords
(Spain) Mater tenebrarum CD. 2009. Self released Sleeping
in the stomach of the ogre. Purulence, acid gastric juice. It’s
so safe and comfortable! Even though the name of this Spanish
band might sound like doom in some cadaveric minds, their music
is much closer to Death metal. This self produced album contains
Death metal with death black and thrash elements that could sound
like an ogrish mixture between early DEICIDE, old HYPOCRISY (First
two albums), some VITAL REMAINS (“Forever underground”) and others:
There’s a melodic touch that could remind of old Swedish death/
black or old (But not early) GOD DETHRONED, while some thrash riffs
could sound like mid old SLAYER or eventually early THE HAUNTED
(Without the “commercial” approach)… But the whole remains in the
Death metal world, especially for the first half, because the second
half is a bit more black metal and melodic influenced. For various
reasons, they remind me of BYATIS’ first album or BLACK BLEEDING
from Belgium, those bands are not the most well-known comparisons,
but it’s how it is. I think the first half is better than the
following, maybe because there are more blasts and the songs contain
more riffs and changes. This album is not bad, it’s quite well
played with enough riffs changes, and some kicking moments… But
the production is a little too “high pitched” sometimes (Drums are
a bit “clinic” and guitars could have a bit more bass frequencies)
and it’s a bit too black metal influenced for me… So “Mater tenebrarum”
could be a cool release for underground freaks located between the
Death metal stomach and the black metal intestines, it’s not really
killer and might be too long in length, but it has enough qualities
to please some listeners who wouldn’t be too coprophiliac. Now
I go back to the ogrish digestion, waiting for the perfect liquefaction. Liquefied
trance, you’ll be mine! http://www.myspace.com/gloomdeath

GO ZEN (Jap) Hitoshizuku CD. 2012. Bizarre Leprous.
The quality of the average goregrind stuffs released the last years was quite
frightening to me, and I never instantaneously turned into a gore-fan, so
downloading whatever the blogspots could vomit in my face was forgotten a long
time ago... But the quite bleeding manga artwork of this album led me to try,
it seemed this band wouldn't provide deep-water-closets-gore-noise, and
hopefully that wasn’t the case :)
This Japanese band sounds like Goregrind/ blasting death and comes with a
decent production, real riffs and decent song structures.
If you weren't an expert of all things gore, the music could remind you of some
DEAD INFECTION (Rather the old Eps, not the most extreme stuffs), some AHUMADO
GRANUJO (Minus the electronic interludes), touches of PIGSTY (Blasts) or
BUTCHER ABC, and maybe LORD GORE (I said "Maybe", ok?). A couple of
websites wrote GO ZEN is heavily influenced by the band JIG-AI, ok, but I'm not
familiar with their music.
This is not the most bizarre or disgusting music, sometimes it's more about the
energy/ grind "freshness" than gore disjonctation... There's also a
"fun" side that could remind of what Razorback released 8-10 years
ago or something (Or I could simply insert the Ahumado Granujo name again for
this matter)
Nothing seems especially wrong in this album, maybe except the fact a couple of
tracks located after the first half get boring.
This is a recording I can listen to, I don't get enthusiastic or
submitted to an urge of cooking some deliciously disgusting intestine-pancakes,
but maybe someone will...?
So the subliminal message of crepitation is: If you're a fan of goregrind with
riffs, try to listen to GO ZEN, maybe you'll like it...?

(Hol) The grand grimoire CD'97 METAL BLADE. In its very first
years GOD DETHRONED was a Death metal band, they released a demo
and a CD entitled "The christhunt" that wasn't that great. After
some years of break, they finally reformed and recorded this new
CD that saw the evolution of the band's music around new musical
lines. The style of the band may at the 1997 year be defined ass
Death/ Black metal with some thrashing touches on guitars. I
must say that it sounded better than their previous recording, with
influences ranging around some old ALTAR (Hol), some AT THE GATES
for melodic Death riffs, DECAMERON, CROWN OF THORNS' first CD and
a bit of DEICIDE as well. There are more melodic sorrowful tunes
as well. Nice more "Heavy metal" like parts that are
more sorrowful and assorted to nice leads for some of it. I
especially enjoyed the third track "The luciferian episode"
for its very good slow chorus that was full of keyboards and emotions! Their
sense of melody would rather remind me bands like AT THE GATES or
old THE CROWN (in their nicest parts) than MORBID ANGEL since it
was rather a melodic and nice sounding (yet extreme) Death than
a totally apocalyptic one, if you see what I mean! But there are
a good amount of blast parts or punching Death metal beats. Correctly
done tracks without bullshit breaks nor flagrant track filling riffs.
I can't tell you anything about their musical evolution since I
didn't listen to their following CDs, but this one wasn't a bad
album at all! http://www.goddethroned.com
"RAVENOUS" CD’01 METAL BLADE Here's the new
God Dethroned disc and in my opinion, its their best to date. The
album starts with 'swallow the spikes' and 'the poison apple', two
extremely catchy and powerful songs, showcasing GD's knack for mixing
perfectly the brutality of Death Metal with awesome heavy metal
guitar solos. 'Villa Vampiria' has a convincing Thrash feel to it
while 'Consumed by darkness' (a cover of Macabre End) draws your
attention with an eerie, hypnotic dark melody. Unfortunately the
next song 'the mysteries that make you bleed' has one of those lame
tremolo riffs, that plagued GD previous releases. 'Deathride iconoclast'
is one of my favorite songs off 'ravenous'. mid tempo from start
to finish with a rather memorable fade out solo! 'The crown for
the morbid' is short, fast and brutal. A cool song. The rest of
the cd is pretty bland except the Death cover ('Evil Dead') they
do at the end which is fun to listen to. all in all, 'ravenous'
is despite a few flaws, GD's most solid release to date and as such
is a good opportunity to discover 'em if you dont know them yet.
God Dethroned's Cathedral of Abomination : P.O.Box 206, 9410
AE Beilen, Holland Web site : http://www.goddethroned.com
(USA) Determination CD’01 CENTURY MEDIA. I went a few times
on their website and I would have expected some Brutal death metal
from them. But I was quite surprised when I played the CD,
it’s quite complex and varied music. They use a good amount
of musical discordances but there are also melodical touches. Unfortunately
complexity and variety aren't always (often) sinonymous with really
good tracks! In
a way they remind me of BRUTAL TRUTH’s « Sounds of the animal
kingdom », there are Hardcore metal influences for the screamed
vocals and some heavy riffs. Sometimes not so far from GRIP INC’s
first CD, but old SLAYER, old MACHINE HEAD, KORN (melodic parts),
DEATH (« Sounds of perseverance » / heavy metal touches
and leads), Iron Maiden (In small letters, Ah, Ah ah!) can also
be noticed. This is complex stuffs, but I think it's somekind
of too much 'demonstrative' to be efficient, nothing attracted my
attention for real (and I say this while I have this CD since a
few years!) I'm not too fond of it. It could have been a cool
CD for those who wanted something a bit more varied, ecclectic in
the extreme style... but a bunch of bands do and did it better since
then! So it's only average/ Ok in my opinion! The deep feeling is
the only way, might it be technical, original, complex or not! THE
FEELING! http://www.godforbid.com

(Swe) The winterlong Lp'93. Rerelease 02 RELAPSE. Numerous
are the rereleases and almost every albums released in the 90's
are proclaimed as cult ones (at least by the labels...) For those
who may have forgotten for promotional reasons what the word "cult"
means, I'll make a short history for you: "cult" means
the album was by far above the average and strongly influenced a
part of the scene of its time. Every band that releases a cool Lp
can't be labeled with this mighty label unless the word "cult"
simply doesn't mean anything anymore! Before recording this Lp,
the band was previously called MACABRE END and released the "Consumed
by darkness" Demo'90 and an Ep of the same name and content in 1991.
Then they changed their name for GOD MACABRE and recorded "The
winterlong" Lp in 1993. This album I discover right now
in 2003 is very much in the old school Death metal style that emerged
from Sweden and kicked more than one arse! Their style was a cross
between early ENTOMBED, the heaviness of GRAVE's two first Lps and
the punk/Hardcore influenced Death metal of CARNAGE/ DISMEMBER.
I've noticed some doomy riffs and two guitars melodies à la old
DARKTHRONE, when this cult Black metal band was still a Death metal
outfit and released the "Soulside journey" Lp. It may
remind a bit of PARADISE LOST's "Lost paradise" for the
doom. Notice there are 3 bonus tracks that might be the only
MACABRE END officially recorded tracks if I don't do a mistake.
is quite cool to listen to "Winterlong" to detect their
influences and awake some old memories buried by time and dust,
but nothing is very good on a musical point of view. This is totally
in this old style, and there's nothing particular nor mind-blowing
here. Some riffs remind me too much of the bands mentioned before
as I feel a lack of real inspiration, but it's enough well done
to please an old school Death metal fanatic who wants a cool CD
to play in the backlines! You're a die-hard maniac of NIHILIST,
CARNAGE, old ENTOMBED and GRAVE? Don't miss this Lp they recorded
for you years ago!
(??) Summon the age of supremacy CD'2001 MERCILESS/ BREATH OF NIGHT Simple
norvegian sounding Black metal. Reminds me of DARKTORNE but also
IMMORTAL's "Pure holocaust" and 1st CD (for fast parts
only). In fact, it's nearly always fast, but also so common in
the style that I unfortunately can't say anything else than: it's
your cliché Black metal stuff with unconvincing riffs! There are 2 tracks in
the vein of MARDUK's slowest depressive moments... I didn't found
much drums' variations, but it's the style. It didn't please
me. Big maniacs of this kind of bands should choose for
themselves if this band is their kind or not... but you must know
this is far from being marvellous (only tight and Cool at best)
and sincerely who remembers this CD as a great one? After all the
great reviews they've got!
AT WAR (Ger) Postmortem CD’02 HEAVY METAL ROCK. Uh! Uh!
Uh! What we've got here is another so nice "Black death metal"
band! Ah Ah! I haven't received this kind of stuffs since a long
time! There are some so niiice melodies everywhere! Stupid sounding
clean melodies assorted with high-pitched screams that make it funny!
Do you want to dance polka with me? Come on, it's the right time!!
They try to sound like PARADISE LOST ("Draconian times")
but it sounds flat and boring! There's also some melodic "Death
metal", the kind of boring riffs I could have played after
one year of guitar! There are some Heavy metal parts that sounds
less cliché, but it's fastly wasted by pseudo atmospheric Black
metal parts à la CRADLE OF FILTH that makes me want to dance disco!
Ah! (I've got nothing against keyboards, but here it sucks). This
is the kind of CDs labels such as HOLY Recs would appreciate and
enjewel in heaven in their mailorder! They want to be original,
but they fail as Satan deeply laughs! They only positive point is
they can handle instruments, and I've increased my polka and disco
dancings! Ah Ah! So, this is a very very average CD that isn't only
boring, it's also funny!
(POL) Wolfthorn MCD'99 MORDGRIMM. If you're not too smoked
to see, and if you watch the cover of this MCD, you'll immediately
understand it's Norwegian Black metal! Well, after the intro,
the first track begins in a rather good way! This heavy riff à la
IMMORTAL "Pure holocaust" sounds quite strong and dark! Unfortunately
the remaining of the track is totally common Norwegian Black
metal: very fast with simple riffs along old IMMORTAL. Nothing particular
I've never heard before! The other tracks are all almost fast, it
doesn't suck but I feel like I've heard it so many times before,
and it lacks of strength!
Cliché riffs for most of it... and the arrangements are also unfortunately
common... It could also remind of old MARDUK; WAR, DARKTHRONE, very
old BURZUM... cool Norwegian like sound. There are a few nice
ideas, but it would have needed to be more worked and developed!
Something really better would have been possible... So this band
seems to have a bit of potential, or at least right influences,
but it suffers from what I told before: being too common and too
much bound in its influences... http://www.goetia.metal.pl

NO WEAK SHIT. The sound on this split Ep is fucking raw. G.B.N
ain't got a good sound, it's hard to hear the riffs when it grinds.
It sounds as a fucking Demo, as if DOOM started to Grind in their
old rotten produced demos.They sound influenced by old NAPALM DEATH
with some Crust, and they add punk or rockin' funny parts here and
there. Quite cool very underground stuff. Ever heard some better
tracks from them on comp CDs though! REGURGITATE's sound isn't
very great, but no need to understand as you immediately feel the
energy of Grind in these fucking bastards' tracks!! (It was the
same for SQUASH BOWELS' side of their split w/ MALIGNANT TUMOUR,
Fuck your metallized mind!). REGURGITATE is definitely one of the
most intense actual Grind bands! Check "Carnivorous erection"
and you'll thrill and Brutallize as a fucking bastard!! http://www.regurgitate.net

(Can) From wisdom to hate CD'01 OLYMPIC/ S.O.M. Excellent
crushing innovative Brutal death metal for the big maniacs of BRUTALITY!!
Far more extreme and inspired than their two first cool albums,
this release isn't only Death metal the fast or heavier obscure
way, it is also fulfilled with excellent discarding riffs and bizarre
dissonances mastered by skillfull musicians who know what they are
doing and where the hell they go! Right in fucking hell!! GORGUTS
is innovative and original in the right way: the way of extreme
brutality! No 'wanna be different', lamely original or pseudo symphonic
folkloric pop influence! This is the reincarnation of real human
torture, dementia, hatred and mourning! GORGUTS knows to slow down
in wicked ways of dementia that could remind the martial or asymmetric
moments of MAYHEM's "Grand declaration of war" for example.
"From wisdom to hate" will crush any atom from your moronic
carcass and turn the weakest consciousness into vacant void! This
album is an excellent masterpiece of Brutal death metal that will
please those who know how to enjoy... pure genius!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!
BUY OR DEFINITELY FUCKING ROT!!! http://www.gorguts.com
(CAN) From wisdom to hate CD'01 OLYMPIC. Après un album relativement
difficile d'accès ("OBSCURA", qui comporte néanmoins
quelques passages intéressants et un morceau que j'apprécie:
"subtle body"), ils nous reviennent avec un nouvel opus
particulièrement convaincant. On peut définir celui
ci comme un mélange d'obscur et de quelque chose de plus
traditionnel, ce qui fait qu'il est beaucoup plus percutant et mature
que son prédécesseur. Pour ce qui est de l’ambiance
de leur musique, c'est technique, sombre, violent, et emprunt de
mysticisme; ceci des passages lourds bien sentis (on perçois
que Morbid angel ont eu une grosse influence sur leurs goûts
musicaux, surtout celui de la période "Blessed are the
sick", le morceau de GORGUTS "The quiets of equilibrium
en est la preuve !) A noter que le son d'ensemble est assez correct,
je trouve que la batterie claque relativement bien (surtout les
grosses caisses); la vocale est bien expressive et change de tout
les vocaux hyper gutturaux et grave que l'on écoute dans
les groupes de brutal death actuels; cela me rappelle les différents
vocalistes qu'il y avait dans les groupes de death des années
90. Pour résumer, c'est un album original, technique, avec
une identité propre. Cela devrait ravir les fans de death
brutal qui savent apprécier un groupe pour sa recherche musicale
et émotionnelle plutôt que ceux qui jouent à
200 a l'heure pendant tout un cd! Note: 8,5/10 Seb.
(Pol) Blastphemous sindecade CD. 2008. PAGAN Recs. I know
this album was released at the end of 2008 and might be close to
5 or 6 years old now... But to explain this unearthly delay I might
tell you the story of this cardboard promo CD: It first needed
two years to travel from Poland to France, where it reached my house,
and particularly the "Pile of CDs to check out again, but later"...
Then, despite of a few sexual attempts , the album needed something
like two more years to travel (For real) from this pile of CDs to
the mighty CD player... I still don't know if this was sent
as a promotional item or as a gift (It didn't directly come from
the band or label... The polish fanzine editors often send promos
to each others), but at least a review will finally be written!
(This is the real, deep and slow underground! AhAh). A reason
for such a "blasting" speed lies in the fact GORTAL doesn't
exactly play the kind of Death metal I'm naturally inclined to ingurgitate
until total demonification... There's something too "modern"
inside. Even if the roots of their music are roughly located
between polish death and MORBID ANGEL influenced recordings, the
main problem for me is the tempo: It was generally too "accelerated"
for the taste of morbidity to reach my nostrils, and the drums often
blast very very fast... So, this is fast and quite technical
death metal, with something like a burning atmosphere but also a
more "modern" approach... A few more names could be given
to describe the content: It also reminded me of mid old HATE ETERNAL,
CENTURIAN, maybe some later VILE or a bit of NILE. It's a shame
quite too much of emphasis was put on the speed and brutality, because
some slower moments can develop some quite nice atmospheres, some
riffings can show some class, the songs doesn't seem to suffer from
a band composing, and each fingers from the hands of the guitarists
seem to be skilled enough. I would say there's nothing objectively
wrong in there, but the listening of this album should be offered
only to fans of sped up "satanic" and quite technical
death metal. http://gortal.com.pl
BLISTER (Ita) Art bleeds CD'04. SEKHMET Recs. Technical
Death metal strongly reminding of Death (from "Human"
to "The sounds...") with probable similarities to old
MEKONG DELTA or old ATHEIST. All is decently played and sounds
professional, well produced... But the main problem of GORY BLISTER
lies in the fact they almost never stop changing the riff for a
newer one... At the loss of efficiency! Yes, some riffs sound quite
interesting and could have deserved to be more developed. After
a while, this will of always trying to be surprising and complex
leads to the opposite: You know they will always change the riffs,
so it creates some kind of "big whole of changes"... or
the mind naturally takes some distance... Everything at the same
time isn't always good, expect once you're a in front of a totally
full fridge! Ah Ah! This might be the kind of album you have
to listen 50 times carefully to really enjoy it... Well, I don't
have the time or will to spend 25 hours listening to an album, simply
to know if I'll like it. But few very focused listenings in the
right mood were enough to say that, even if a cool atmosphere it
there during all the album, I didn't detect much burning or emotionally
deep that could grow much bigger on me. (And the fact the riffs
change really often didn't really help... And is that all well structured,
or is it only riffs coming ones after others, without burning logic
most of the time? I have doubts... I also wonder how the band occurs
to play these songs live: hey probably should be very focused, do
not move, and do not have much fun... No neck break this time héhé). I
think if the band develops the best riffs, there's a potential to
do it much more emotional, yet while keeping a quite strong technical
side. It would only be a matter of right dosage. http://www.goryblister.com

OF THE HORNS (Australia) A call to arms CD'02 INVICTUS. After
the really convincing 4 trackers "Eve of the conqueror"
whose song "Desolation descending" is really to become
a classic, these Australian dirty metal addicted strike back with
another piece of fine blackthrashing heavy tunes! I find it more
direct and to the point than the last DESTRÖYER 666, if I may
establish a comparison between these two raw and old school oriented
bands. One can feel that the band is more mature now, and really
masters the composition. Some aggressive parts, mixed with some
epical passages, and a shrieky hateful voice are to be found on
this release. A song like "Slaves" is really a cool metallic
anthem worth to listen. The production is quite clear and dirty
at the same time... Yeah it sounds strange, but it is so, and that’s
definitely cool that GOTH didn’t abandon the dirtiness in their
sound. The only musical critic I could do is that I find this album
less aggressive than the previous release. But I guess that the
new songs must be quite effective on stage. The title track is a
cool instrumental with a great DESTRUCTION feeling. GOTH delivers
a really honest piece of black thrash that could please all DESASTER
and DESTRÖYER 666 fans. If you like it raw, then check the
aussie scene, because it has some angry bands to offer... http://www.gospelofthehorns.cjb.net

(Swe) Extremely rotten live CD'97 CENTURY MEDIA. I've got
quite mixed feelings about this album! On one hand you get their
old tracks that sound quite good here! For exemple the track "Hating
life" that had the fucking Death metal punch and energy! Bang
your head and brutallize!! On the other hand you get tracks from
their "Hating life" CD that are just flat and boring,
I would have prefered it with really more guttural vocals, and some
older tracks aren't played the best way! For exemple the opening
riff of "You'll never see..." that's meant to be heavy
as fuck is here too fast! You get 50% of the tracks worth the
listening! The sound is quite good for a live. It would have
been better if it was recorded at the time of "Soulless"
for exemple!! Not essential, that's for sure! Do like me and
burn it on a CDr if you enjoy GRAVE's Death metal. Will be largely
enough! http://www.intothegrave.com
(Swe) Back from the grave CD'02 CENTURY MEDIA. Here are finally
back these old Death metallers that haunted a lot of my past Death
metal playlists with their two first Lps! When hated, corrosion
and hateful spits prevailed! Ah! Hopefully this one is better
than "Hating life" that was only able to bore me! It's
more into an Heavy Death metal style with nice double bass drums
and few assorted tremolo riffs! But there aren't anymore punching
and aggressively crushing parts in this new release! Here it's heavy
and Brutal, mid placed and Brutal or slow and melodic. There are
some cool tracks such as the heavy and quite catchy "Rise",
the quite ASPHYX influenced "Dead is better" but some
other tracks remind me a lot of other releases I've heard before
(ex: "Behold the flames" sounds a lot like ASPHYX's "Last
one on earth"). The sound ain’t bad but lacks in low and
super heavy frequencies that would have boosted a bit their style!
album is better than "Hating life" that was boring as
fuck! I find it a bit behind "Soulless" in term of quality!
Those who over abused alcohol and old school Death metal LPs may
not be very enthusiastic with this back from the grave, but as a
whole I consider it as a very cool CD! It's cool to hear they're
back with a very decent CD! http://www.intothegrave.com
(Pol) Memory and destiny CD'03 NO COLOURS. Hmmm.
I didn't know much of GRAVELAND's music until I received this CD,
only few Mp3s, and it's not the best way to correctly review the
music of a band who has got a bunch of CDs and somekind of a name
in the scene it belongs to. Anyway, I found in this CD somekind
of a little sorrowful mood, while their music seemed influenced
by BATHORY ("Blood fire death" and "Hammerheart"),
but a bit more complexly articulated. There are a bunch of quite
atmospheric/ nostalgic/ epic keyboards in here, some interludes
remind me of the music of the movie "Conan the barbarian"...
The first problem is the drums sound strange, almost misplaced by
moments! The second problem is the tracks sound too long in my opinion!
The third problem is it lacks of real catchy parts and highlights!
To a point I wonder if the guys aren't asleep by moments?! This
is an album I can listen to a bit when I'm calm, and especially
when I don't need some fukking Black metal (Which is strange! Isn't
it?). Their music doesn't seem much DARKTHRONE influenced, this
isn't a bad point, I've rather been thinking about some very old
EMPEROR. There are some Ok keyboards parts. My conclusion will
be: each possibly interested individual ever knows this band and
probably owns this CD. If you don't know GRAVELAND, you only have
to know it's not one of the best bands in the style (!) as they
can't match the emotional intensity of the BATHORY albums mentioned
before, and even not the first EMPEROR's releases! http://www.vinlandwinds.com/graveland
(Cze) Happy birthday gride Ep'01 INSANE SOCIETY Recs. I
discovered this Czech band on the CRIPPLE BASTARDS tribute CD with
their nice cover of the track "Hate her", and finally
I can lay my hands on one of their releases. Unfortunately I'm quite
disappointed! This compilation Ep composed of various unreleased
tracks of GRIDE doesn't sound as direct, grinding and Brutal as
I had expected it to be! It's a mix of Hardcore grind with some
touches of crust and discarding guitars. Their tracks are composed
of many riffs, breaks; from the fast to the mid placed, to the slower...
but most of the riffs are at best only Ok or quite aggressive! Not
much special! The drumming is cool: quite varied and tight in the
blasts! They remind me of RIGHTEOUS PIGS, old grinding NAPALM
DEATH, BIRDFLESH... and possibly some Powerviolence bands. The production
isn't very good, average and raw sound... More power is needed!
And some of the tracks on this Ep are jokes... or 10 sec. tracks!
I can live without it! It's an average/ very average Ep with
nice parts: nothing vital... but this compilation is surely not
their best release! I'll keep on searching for a real GRIDE release!
GRIDE/ Jindrich Zika/ Nam. Pratelstvi 658/ 383 01 Prachatice//
CZECH REP gride.core@worldonline.cz

(Africa)/ CAPTAIN 3 LEG Split Ep'95 FUDGEWORTHY. Fucking
shit! I didn't enjoy any of the GROINCHURN full length CDs I heard!
It was too much wanna be technical Grind, wanna be different or
shit...and maybe wanna sound like BRUTAL TRUTH... But here, at
this time, it was a real good band! It was real old school Grindcore
with Death metal and Brutal death moments à la NAPALM DEATH ("Harmony
corruption"). Good grinding stress blasts! If it doesn't remind
new school (!) Grind bands as TERRORIZER or NAUSEA, you're so fucking
deaf! Ah Ah! It was extreme and aggressive! And there were some
old school punk Crust riffs as well as few old school Hardcore influences
(check the intro you putrid bastard!). They reminded me of VIBRION
as well as old TERRORIZER/ NAUSEA a lot for the raw grinding parts
and for an old Grinding death yet heavy groovy feeling! Their short
tracks were quite varied! It was surely a good band with really
efficient tracks!! It has nothing to do with what they procreated
later... If you're a fan of old school Grind à la TERRORIZER/
NAUSEA/ old NAPALM then try to get some early GROINCHURN's releases!
You won't be disappointed!! I'm not interested
by the stuffs of Captain 3 leg, it's very average Death grind crust
with a very poor sound... Very common, very very average... http://groinchurn.vs.ore.org
(South afriqua) Thuck – Grinding south africore, the early days
CD’03 MAD LION. Before turning into a bizarre Grind death
band and releasing some CDs I didn't enjoy for the ones I heard,
GROINCHURN was a good Grindcore band! Into the old school fucking
Grind vibe they released some demos, Eps, split Eps and a part of
their early days are re-released on this CD! Thanks to MAD LION
Records, it's a great idea! Good Grind death with the energy and
inspiration of the early days. It reminds me of NAPALM DEATH ("F.E.T.O")
+ "Mentally murdered"MLP + "Harmony corruption"
see it had the right influences! Ah! There are the good mid tempo
energetic beats, the total Grind old school insanity, the thrashing
Deathcore riffings, some Crustpunch, the (few) disgusted of life
riffs; and some well done riffs had the fucking feeling! The
quality of the sound varies a lot according to the tracks (it goes
from the 4 tracker like recording to the powerful studio sound).
I don't like as much all the sessions, the older stuffs in here
are the ones that kick the arse! This CD includes: "Every
dog has its decay' Demo'94, "Human filth" Demo'94, the
GROINCHURN tracks from the 4 ways to misery split CD w/ NYCTOPHOBIC/
CAESAREAN SECTION/ WINTER OF DISCONTENT and 2 tracks from some Compilation
Eps ("Noise against the machine" and "Chards of civilization").
Strangely enough, it doesn't include their side of the split Ep
with CAPTAIN 3 LEGS that kicked some serious arse! This is a good
CD I'd advice to Grindcore bastards who like it old school, energized
and for whose a quite raw sound isn't a problem! I read a split
CD with SUTEK CONSPIRACY was released few years ago, it includes
tracks from Eps and stuffs not released on CDs. If you want all
the old GROINCHURN stuffs you'll have to get this one as well! http://groinchurn.vs.ore.org
(POL) Leave us alone CD'02 BIZARRE LEPROUS. These polish
Grindcore bastards play their thing since 11 years now, and here's
the 1st time I meet one of their releases. They play Grindcore
à la DEAD INFECTION ("A Chapter of accident") with
touches of old NAPALM DEATH ("F.E.T.O" and "Mentally
murdered" Ep) including more or less pitched (but not always
gor) vocals and very few old CARCASS meets GENERAL SURGERY elements.
some Crust punk riffs added here and there. Their riffs didn't
especially please me as it sounds quite common in the Grind style
and as all their tracks sound more or less the same. Not easy to
write new Grind riffs as it's a quite primal music and lots of stuffs
in the style have ever been written, but I didn't feel the fucking
Grinding energy in their riffs! It sounds Grind, but it doesn't
crush!! I think their drummer is quite good as he adds some nice
R'N'B (Rythms 'N ' Breaks lol) and toms' rolls à la old NAPALM
(and he's tight). To conclude, it's an Ok band that benefits
of a quite good drummer and that suffers from too much classical
riffs. It can be cool for big grind fans, but nothing more. http://www.bizarreleprous.cz

MALADY (Ind) Infected with virulent seed CD’02 BIZARRE LEPROUS. This
band comes from India, a country I don't know that much for its
music. The little dozen of bands I heard from there didn't please
me as it remains amateurish. First approach, the artwork of Goregrind
Pierre (who runs the BRAINDEAD Webzine) doesn't look very good,
not one of his best works for sure! Second approach, the music
that's a mix between technical Death/ Grind and Goregrind has definitely
no impact for me! It's fast riffs that goes everywhere, but you
understand and remind nothing, even after several listenings. It
could sound like old DAMNABLE (less technical and complex), old
DISGORGE (Mex) or other projects that want to be fast to be fast...
but where's the feeling?? The vocals are very gore, seems like
the guy is growling in the water by moments. There's an AUTOPSY
cover that sounds like nothing else than noise and capharnaum. I
found it totally uninteresting, and even boring at the very first
minutes! This isn't one of the best Bizarre Leprous releases,
far from this!! http://www.bizarreleprous.cz
OF DESTRUCTION (Australia) We are vermin CD. 2009. GRINDHEAD
Recs. Jigsaw slumfuk. Australian metal doesn't always mean
very bestial or very old school burning. My first, not so attentive,
approach with this album made me feel the band was quite seriously
influenced by (old/ mid old) MORBID ANGEL and (Not so old) DEICIDE...
But while these two influences remain valid considering the whole
musical spectrum, one would have to say the style is also quite
much more varied, with some "modern" influences here &
there, and quite important black metal material in the riffings
or vocals. In the most extreme moments I feel some REBAELLIUM
(& hellish alcoholic friends) could be quoted, while in the
"softest" ones we aren't so far from some DISSECTION influenced
outfits. I like to quote names, so I can add some more (minor)
ingredients for you to have an idea of the global taste: Some OPPRESSOR/
later BROKEN HOPE (90's) (For some 90's Death metal in an Us vein
that was more "technical"), some MAYHEM ("Wolf's
lair abyss" for more "experimental" moments), some
BYATIS (France… Not the most well-known/ representative, but well),
some DECAMERON/ SACRAMENTUM (Early) in the most melodic/ black death
moments, with a little of thrash or thrash black here & there. The
music is correctly executed, composed, recorded (Even if drums might
be a little too triggered sometimes), but I'm a little disappointed
since I expected something with a more burning old school atmosphere,
and I don't listen too much anymore to the black death/ more melodic
(or Even BM) spectrum of their music... Anyway this is a quite professional
recording that doesn't suck, so those who have a good decanting
chemistry with the mentioned genres might enjoy listening to these
tunes. http://g--o--d.150m.com
GUT (Ger)
Cumback CD'06. NECROHARMONIC. The GUT comeback has created
some controversy in the gore underground, some peoples complained
about the fact their cumback is fuelled by the testosterones of
cash and turned to gay hip hop. Since there seemed to be some real
arguments and disappointed fans' hatred behind, I had to insert
my putrid hears into this controversial hole! Ho Ho! Let's go. In fact, I
can't really say the band turned to Hip Hop. Ok, there are a good
amount of hip hop and "rap metal" songs, as well as few
gore'n bass (when they try to mix it with grind), but at the first
approach it would only represent some kind of 1/3 of the entire
length... So we could deal with it in a way, huh? Of puke there
are still an amount of goregrind grind stuffs (Between the old GUT,
and some quite rockin' things) that could represent about 1/3 of
the entire length... It's not that much... Hmmm…. Since I wasn't
a fan of their music, humor, and humorist "music" I couldn’t
say much more about this aspect… A problem could surely be the
massive use of movies' samples everywhere... It reduces the total
amount of gore and grind, and since there's already 1/3 or hip hop,
1/3 of intros, there remains only about 1/3 of old GUT (From 37
minutes... About 12 minutes of gore and grind? lol) Butt, you buttfukker,
even if I'm not an hip hop bigbutt slammer, I can't say much of
the hip hop stuffs could move that much the slime from your fat
rounded bottom of love, it even sounds quite empty in various dumb'n
bass ways... The mixture of hip hop and grindgore wouldn't have
necessarily been a bad idea, if the music was really well done...
But it's not the case (What about double bass drums? Aggressive
cancerous rap throats? Scaring dark samples? Zombifying complex
beats? I didn't get of this... It's not hard enough!!) as it would
rather sound like some usual MTV and easy listening hip hop of the
loom, or some "Yo, were drvnk so we play the hiphop fastfood
kvlt! 666!" Those who really don't like hip hop could always
avoid all the tracks being longer than 50 seconds... But is a CD
good when you spend your time pushing fast-forward to the next track?
I don't find it good or especially innovative... Just imagine a
weaker old CYPRESS HILL (Metal epoch) trying to make it gore... Maybe it was
the style of GUT to fulfil a CD with bad jokes and blabla interludes
(Even if I have doubts), but anyway I could find bad jokes and fillers
at will (And even more!), and for free (And even with beggars trying
to flood you!) on myspace! It seems the
band took less than a week to "compose", record, and do
everything concerning this full-length... And it shows... Beware
where you insert your coins, because most of the gloryholes from
this piece of plastic aren't very glorious. If the band keeps
on releasing other things, I guess they’ll have to either retarget
on the grinding side to save back some older fans’ appreciation,
or to work much more the hip hop aspect to make it better (It wouldn’t
be hard) and follow a personal way. http://www.gut-grindcore.de
(Cze) Shitbeast MCD. 2011. BIZARRE LEPROUS Recs. Death metal
seems to be too morbid and deadly to gain juicy pussies, I will
have to try something else to expand the size of my Vaginal local
area network... Hmmm... What else than Goregrind could attract the
pulsating vibrations of gorgeous milfs? I ask you, what else? Yes,
I'm not a big fan, neither a specialist of the genre, but a little
of gore can be nice to expand the pleasures of the putrid cake! What
Robert (The underwear monster) choose is GUTALAX, a band from Czech
republic who apparently fornicated too many Cze-Cze flies. Their
music is quite classical in the goregrind genre, it has many mid-paced
and fast (But not too fast... Let's say "Crusty") parts.
The listening reminds me of GUT (Before they turned hip hop), early
MUCUPURULENT ("Sicko baby") and some ooold MORTICIAN (In
the heavy riffs). There's also something Czech in their stuff,
it might be due to some screamed vocals that remind me of AHUMADO
GRANUJO... But notice there are very very few blasts in here, so
don't take it as a 100% granulating ahumadovoral audioprothesistic
comparison. The song titles are in the "funny" manner
("Anus ice scream", "Cursed Fart In The Pet Bottle",
"Robocock", "Anal error") and you can hear it
from time to time in the music (For some vocals, some not so serious
«groovy» affairs, etc…) I can't say I thrill like an hellishly
teased beast, but at least I can listen to a quite good part of
this record without too many underwear problems, and some parts
in the "fat bastard absurdus delirium" coming with quite
gore vocals remind me of old MUCUPURULENT (Which is a quite good
point). Then after some songs I tend to get quite bored, I feel
there's a lack of cuming surprise, punishing blasts and voracious
cock battles! This release is not a super killer cuming beast,
but I find it "tolerable" when I'm in the mood for bizarre
Gore... So maybe the fans of the genre would be quite pleased with
some Gutalax in their grizzly coffee in the morning... Give reversed
premature ejaculation a chance! (And make it last longer, swallow
it again and again, do as our friends the cows…) http://www.myspace.com/gutalax