(Spa) Aarstrand 7’Ep’02 KETZER. What Satan viciously introduced
in my mail box to pervert my Death/ Grind mind and soul is a one
man Black metal project. The stuff of the band is quite simple,
in the old Norwegian style, with fast parts and few slower ones
that turn to mid tempos. Some more melodic riffs remind me of old
ROTTING CHRIST (but I don’t know the band that much). There’s an
old school thrashy Death metal touch here (a riff reminded me a
bit of EQUINOX and there’s a zest of SARCOFAGO/ old thrash). I don’t
like the vocals that lack of real harsh screams or insane spits,
it remains quite clear and spoken… In parts it sounds a bit too
nice for me, too melodic! A few for bands’ names for you to imagine
their music: old IMMORTAL (a bit), NECROMICON… It’s not badly produced.
There’s a ROTTING CHRIST cover (“Fgementh, thy gift) Nothing
that quote my attention, it lacks of personality and really good
ideas, but it sounds more composed and better articulated than some
Black metal stuffs I heard. My final words will be it’s average/
very average, but it sounds better than a part of the too monolithic
Black metal scene. http://www.daemonlord.xrs.net

(Australia) Purified in pain CD’00 ROTTEN Recs. DAMAGED is
an interesting band that emerges from the Australian Extreme metal
scene that seems in a good health! My first contact with their
music was a Mp3 track, the first track of this CD, that mixes Black
metal, Death metal, Metalcore, with blast beats! You understand
the style of the band is varied! These are varied tracks that include
various styles, but it's always nicely articulated and there are
some nice ass-kicking parts. I introduce my head in the burning
effusions of this burning cauldron: the Death metal ingredients
tastes like the fast parts of MORBID ANGEL, there are some cold
and fresh salted Black metal riffs taking both from the harder or
most melodic genres, some power metal riffs remind me of the heaviness
of PANTERA on "Far beyond driven". This Brutal soup can
evoke a mix of CROWN OF THRONS(Swe), FLESHTIZED, DECAMERON(vocals)
and old MALEVOLENT CREATION as well. And they have a good drummer
that has everything needed to kick your ass! He's tight, fast (in
the blasts and double kicks) and his style is quite varied and creative
enough! I like the style of the vocals that explore several kinds
of sausages, it takes both from Death metal, Black metal and core
induced metal styles. There are enough surprises and good themes
and tempos changes in here to keep me attracted! An interview
is on its way! Well, that's a definitely cool band that can be interesting
for fans of Extreme metal in its whole who like their extreme music
well done! http://www.intoannihilation.com
(Australia) Do not spit/ Passive backseat demon engines Re-release
CD'01 ROTTEN Recs. Splattered
cavities ruptured to agony, emanations of acid fumes; infected by
the vilest vaginal cancer, the body turns to sepulchral sulfur as
the inner maggoty termites dust takes over your salacious body parts! This
CD is a re-release that consists of the two first albums of the
band, including one that's considered as Kult in the deepest pits
of Australian underground: "Do not spit". The style of
the band was some kind of metalcore grind with a bunch of Deathgrind
touches. It sounded quite aggressive but lacked some catchy parts
and really inspired riffs! Some aggressive enough blast fukk parts
were included, as well as more tempo beats à la TERRORIZER or more
'original' stuffs in the 'core' lines of aggression. The styles
it mixes up are varied, it reminds me of some old school Grindcore
bands, some old school Death metal ones such as old MALEVOLENT CREATION,
RESURRECTION, OBITUARY, there was also few thrash influences and
a bunch of Brutal death and hardcorish elements. On these 2
Lps, the music was quite aggressive, with a lot of rythms changes,
but I didn't find the memorable as a plane crash riffs that definitely
kill you! The kind of stuffs we're all searching for deep inside!
This isn't another apocalyptic revelation of death! I think with
some experience, some metal knowledge and technical skills a bunch
of musicians could do this. The production of the second album included
here isn't the best ("Passive backseat..."). This re-release
isn't bad, it can be played when you need some thrashcore grind
rhythmic fuck, but it remains average! And DAMAGED's last recorded
CD "Purified in pain" is really better! http://www.intoannihilation.com

DAMNATION (Pol) Reborn...
CD'95 Pagan records. These polish guys aren't
afraid to deliver one of the finest death metal from Poland with their first
album. It's so morbid, dark, hateful and complex, that it demands several
listening before you get the whole intensity of the stuff. A pity that
the guitar are a bit in the back, but the quality is definitly here. Les is a
guitar genius, and he knows how to write complicated yet understandable
riffs that evoke the most dark side of death metal. I mean if bands like
day because of their blasphemous and deeply dark side, then you should
enjoy DAMNATION as well. I haven't had the chance to listen to the other
DAMNATION albums, but Les played also in BEHEMOTH (which is already not
of my taste), and the killer act of deathrashing madness called HELL
BORN. It should give you an idea of how good this musician is. Listening
to DAMNATION will make you dive in an unholy and obscure universe. This
music is played with dedication, feeling and knowledge of the old metal
gods, and for sure will never please the fans of the whole posing death core
wave. Here you get death metal at its most noble state. http://www.damnation.art.pl Nathaniel
FORTRESS (Ger) Profane genocidal creations CD'03 RED STREAM. To
begin in a different way from my other reviews, I'll begin here
with the visual aspect of the thing. At first sight their logo looks
cliché, but a closer look will make you see some quite cool
details and a fortress (reminds me some full of details stuffs I
did, that's maybe why it looks cool for me...). And the cover, well...
even if there might be a mood or something here, the theme is too
common and leads to an unattractive one with no real impact. It
was done by Kris Werwimp... well a very simple drawing can have
more impact than a full of colors painting... All the more it costs
at the very least 35 Euros to get a painted cover... Now that
my artistic moment is over, let's talk about the music. It begins
in a too simple and melodic way, and then follows some Black metal
à la very old EMPEROR. They have got the same kind of melodic
riffs and the same way of using the synths. Old HECATE ENTHRONED
may be quoted for the keyboards also. Some primal black à
la old DARK FUNERAL is here as well. There are some old school
metal/ Black metal touches here and there, it may remind me of DESASTER
(Ger)'s first recordings for this reason. The first track as
well as some riffs are Ok, but the whole is melted in so many too
common and simple riffs I've ever heard so many times... very often
the arrangements and melodies sound too cliché for my ears! No,
fuck this shit! The more I listen to the tracks, the more it sounds
cliché and unimaginative! So many mags and zines will
give a good review to this one it's only laughable! Once you're
tight with almost correct tracks, you can get good reviews almost
everywhere... So sad! Nothing new nor worth the listening if
you're into Black metal since more than 4/5 years! http://www.redstream.org

(Aus) By the force of sacred magic rites MCD’93. Emerging
from the deepest fields of the Australian craters, a country where
prevails the most old school Death metal and epic war metal, DARKLORD
strives on offering the most obscure and cavernous kind of Black/
Death metal I heard from there! The music is purely low tuned à
la old MORTICIAN, with ultra low guttural sadistik Neanderthal growls,
but the style is far more impious and totally impure! Primal old
school Black Death metal riffs that opens the gates to the endless
abyss and plunge you in its deepness! Satanic occult inhumanity
awaking the undead from its silent rest, this satanic noise severely
blasts and ravages the remains of the crappy poser in me! The keyboards
are totally cold, and satanic as fukk! Imagine a possessed mix of
old MORTICIAN, Grindgore, very old DEICIDE, raw Black metal and
you are crucified!! For one time the might 666 will be used with
cleverness and merit: 666! This is metal in its pure darkened and
viciously satanic form! http://darklordfff.tripod.com
(Australia) Symphony satanika CD'01 MODERN INVASION. Riding
straight from Australia, DARLORD strikes to touch the obscure infinity
and performs obscure Suffocating old school bestial Black Death
metal with a classy touch! DARKLORD's music could be divided
in two main parts; on one spiked arm you get some raw Black/Death
à la old BELIAL, old IMPALED NAZARENE, ARCHGOAT and on the other
arm you can hear more "classy" parts composed of atmospheric
Black metal keyboards or more worked on stuffs with old school heavy
touches (leadz!!)! The fast riffings could make them sound as
a simpler version of old INCANTATION as it sounds very low and quite
obscure! They've got some very low tuned guttural vocals that
sounds fucking cavernous! As if a bestial demon was singing in a
gulf or an abysmal cavern! Ah Ah! It makes them sound lie a Brutal
and raw old school Death band by moments! The keyboards remind me
of very old EMPEROR but sound less atmospheric, it's well done.
technical leads remind me of old KING DIAMOND, it's quite melodic
and full of feeling! It creates a cool contrast with the raw parts!
I may evoke some old and obscure warmetal names such as EQUINOX
or ARCHGOAT. There's something really obscure and quite impressive. To
conclude: even if I'm not a big fan of their style I was impressed
by DARKLORD's music because it has got something really special
and obscure, I've got reasons to think those whose are total maniacs
of the obscure may find some good untrodden paths where to rest
their darkened souls and espousal all demons in agony! Worth some
listenings, that's clear! DARKLORD is worth the fucking lacking
support!! http://darklordfff.tripod.com
(Nor) Preparing for war CD'00. PEACEVILLE. DARKTHRONE needs
your money! PEACEVILE has views on your bank account! So another
useless piece of crappy compilation was released to fulfill their
needs for sport-cars and classy prostitutes! What you have here
offers nothing new or of a decent real interest: Some DARKTHRONE
tracks taken from several old albums of the band and a few demo
or live tracks coming from here and there. This sounds pretty
lame since the choice of studio tracks ain't the best (Some nice
tracks are missing, some crap is here), it's not bloody hard to
download the old DARKTHRONE demos when you have the Internet (or
even when you don't) and this release isn't announced as a "best
of". All the more, the short biographical notes written
by Fenriz himself (Hu Hu Hu!! I'm pissing my pants!! PENIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZzzzz!!!)
that do not bring anything new aren't a decent commercial argument
either. PURE GREED & DOLLARS LUST!! This doesn't seem to be
the first useless crap of this kind the band releases: FUCK OFF
PENIZ AND VAGINO CULTO!! Avoid this shit!
(Ger) Anti' christ CD’02 NUCLEAR BLAST. This album hasn't
much to do with extreme metal in its form, but DAS ICH's dark state
of mind is very close to extreme metal! This interesting album
evolves in a kind of dark electro/ Industrial style. It reminds
me of mid old LAIBACH, old FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY (no guitars era),
PROJECT PITCHFORK, the most accessible parts of SKINNY PUPPY and
eventually some POESIE NOIRE. Far more rythmic and varied than
the monolithic industrial music of the first era, DAS ICH doesn't
hesitate to include several themes and kinds of electronic music
in their compositions. Some vocal patterns are strong catchy choruses!
Full of feeling sung vocals that express despair, tragedy... Of
course some moments can remind of NINE INCH NAILS. The way some
samples are worked and some melodies are done would remind me a
darker DEPECHE MODE. Many choirs and classical music samples
are used here, a bit in the vein of some old LAIBACH releases, it
gives a side of grandeur and tragedy to this quite convincing darkened
symphonic elecro album. It has some melodies you don't fully understand
at first hear. I didn't hear a guitar note. It has the state
of mind some survivors of a world war probably had. Hallucinating
visions, total brainstorm on mankind's annihilation. Despair. Some
religious themes are also present. This is a good album with
strong tracks. I assume it might not sound so original for the Industrial
slaves but the guts and inspiration are here! So give DAS ICH a
chance to show you their visions! http://www.dasich.de

DEADFLESH (Denmark) Sic
semper tyrannis CD. 2017. Self-released.
DEADFLESH is a Danish old school death metal band that comes with this third
album packed with 12 songs. This is rather destined to those who like death
metal heavy, with a bit of "groove" here & there.
Twelve songs might be cool for the listener, but this also explains the delay
in writing a review: The more songs, the more time it will take to decently
listen to everything and have a global idea of the whole.
So, the style of the band is generally slow to mid-paced, with some
accelerations here & there. It can be felt they are Danish.
During the listening I happened to think about very old ILLDISPOSED, old BOLT
THROWER (For some "in battle" parts, think about "For
victory"), early GRAVE (Rather the second album "You'll never
see..." or a bit of "Back from the grave"), a bit of old SLAYER
(When it's more "thrashing"), and there is also some GOREFEST in
their sound for a couple of songs that tend to the groovier (Not to say
"stoner" or "death'n roll") at the end of the album.
Some songs are indeed quite influenced by BOLT THROWER, the main difference
lies in the absence of the high-pitched epic guitar polyphonies.
DEAD FLESH seems to be rather in the "cool old school" state of mind,
this means they probably make music more for pleasure than anything else like
Now perhaps twelve songs is too much, keeping only the best ones would have
ended with a recording to have more impact on the listener.
Now I'm also perhaps not the best person to write a review about this album: As
good as the old BOLT THROWER albums were ("The 4th crusade" or
"For victory"), I always found it hard to listen to the albums in
entirety (Too much of heaviness, too much of heaviness...), so when it's about
reviewing a more underground/ less good band (Well, it's pure honesty), what
could I do?
"Sic Semper Tyrannis" is a pretty cool album that could please the
hears of those who like death metal rather heavy. Might be cool to see
DEADFLESH live if you're into the right "heavy" mood.

INFECTION (Pol) Surgical disembowelment CD'93 MORBID Recs. This
is not the most acclaimed DEAD INFECTION CD, but it's by far the
most obscure and pathological! Not as aggressive sounding as
"A chapter of accident", but it's extreme in its own way
of grinding the pathological gore and most bizarre fantasms of the
human being! They were taking the most insalubrious feelings
of primal CARCASS mixed with touches of old Death metal tending
to NAPALM DEATH. Slow parts à la BLOOD, good punching
Death metal à la CARCASS, mid tempo parts à la DEFECATION,
grinding stress explosures à la NAPALM DEATH's "Death
by manipulation" (unreleased tracks). Fucking disjoncted
leads that explode your speakers à la CARCASS "Reek
of putrefaction"! I remind we had good times playing the
first track of this CD when I was in GERBE OF LIFE, it was somekind
of an hymn. So, it's a cool album fans of bizarre Death metal
and Grinding obscure of the gore will enjoy! http://www.deadinfection.ht.st
the mighty abscess of convulsed perversities and bizarre pathological
abnormalities! BRUTAL GRINDCORE with Bizarre CRUSTcore and
never-ending INHUMAN blasting purulence from the bowels of the dead!
VOMITED gore pathology with a ripping production à la "From
enslavement to obliteration"! Totally gore obscure brutal
grind vocals that vomits all the darkened filth in your hypnotized
face! As purulent as a pus ball exploding in your cheesy cunty facial!
SPLLAAAASSSHH! Brutal anus headfuck. Convulsive rejoice in black
sperm. Drowning in liquefied carnivorous pus! The carnivorous pustulent
darkened juice takes all over your body and then begins the corrosive
acid bath: infected, infested, dissolved and sucked from the inside
of the pathological depths! IN THE NAME OF GORE! Bizarre in the
disjoncted blackened vein of early CARCASS, old GENERAL SURGERY
and fukking gore REGURGITATE! Crushing brutal goregrind with strength
and real abilities to annihilate the deviating patients! This is
the perfect release to definitely clean the overcrowded hospitals
from their crawling piles of putrid corpses! Ah Ah! The third head
bangs and bangs until the splashing cum fiesta is complete! The
fucking thrill of bestial repugnance! True old school Grindcore
feel in the drumming; skillful bastard who has the never-ending
blasts, the crusts and the catchy 'grooves'! Tracks titles such
as "From the pathological depths", "Hospital",
"Airplane crash" are brutally inspiring! This album sounds
more brutal and aggressive than DEAD INFECTION's debut "Surgical
disembowelment", but in a way it's more common in the grindcore
style! Less brutal disjoncting pathology and more Grindcore on a
matter of bloody riffs. The whole album might sound 'boring'
as all the tracks are in the same pus and shit infected vein, but
the first half of the cadaver is brutally and gorily inspired enough
to make of this album a very good piece of GORE for any Brutal grind
or Grindgore perverted maniac! BUY OR FUKKING ROT! http://www.deadinfection.ht.st
SEISMICISM! GORE! This new DEAD INFECTION album many grinders
expected as the International Gore-messiah is far from being disappointing!
"Brain corrosion" even sounds a lot like their previous
and intense as a multinational hospital-targeted plane-crash shredding
CD "A chapter of accident"! AAARRRGGGHH! DEAD INFECTION
remains full of gayness-freezing blasts, skull-crunching guitars
and shocking neckbreaks! But some midly pathological elements could
disappoint the fat anus grinding fans: the vocals aren't anymore
distorted in pathological gore dementia (it's a "natural"
gory grunt most of the time; few clean "core" can be found,
some looser-bastard vocrass... et-scatologia!). The production is
almost as distorted and corrosive than the mighty "Chapter
of accident", but it isn't as raw and ununderstandable (the
sound made this album even more extreme and hard to get into), and
some more convenient parts like bearable slow riffs or some midly
punching crust do no sound that Extreem any gore! At the final
point of scalpel cut avulsion, remains a good album filled with
hatched kloks of good tracks as well as less hammer-catching decent
grind pukes that happen to lack of vomiturial power or frenetic
patholosexual erections! DEAD INFECTION is a band who keeps on
playing good grind, more or less at the same level than their last
studio album, but the band didn't progress much since then as it
doesn't sound anymore over the top of the rancid pile of decomposing
cadavers! I don't feel as much like headbanging and moshing in a
cold livid hospital! Ah! It's a strong album with a bunch of tracks
opening the gates to a string dementia access, my semen remains
black, for grinders only! http://www.deadinfection.ht.st
(Usa) Hymns of the sick CD'98 UNITED GUTTURAL. This wasn't
a good CD at all! Only after a few weeks I got it, I sold it back
to the first second hand store I found! Cliché Brutal
death with riffs I've ever heard in any other release of the style
before! Flat as fuck! It's quite tight but who cares when there's no surprise
nor idea at all? So boring and predictable... All the more the
fast drums lacked in brutality... Just very average and lacking
of any feeling! So why are you reading this review? Fastly switch
on another one before I shoot you with my mighty axe katapult! http://www.unitedguttural.com

(Can) Descend dethrone CD'06. CDN Recs. This is quite intense
extreme Death metal à la BRODEQUIN, ORIGIN with some testicle crushing
influence of DEICIDE ("Legion"). Expect something fast
and controlled, brutal as a vicious castration, quite unrelentless
and almost fucking pro (But no Plexiglas!). The DEICIDE influence
can be seen in the inhumanity the band had at the time of fucking
"Legion", precision of some guitars and riffing style,
while the ORIGIN aspect would rather point the previous album and
in particular the not-too-modern moments. DEAMON is quite brutal,
but unfortunately after some songs the impact tends to lower down,
maybe because I'm not totally into this super-extreme-brutal stuff
anymore or because the style is always in the "same" lines
of priest-defenestration (It's quite varied, but always "fucking
brutal"... Few years ago it could have been sticked as "super
extreme", but now these words mean something else). There's
no particular atmosphere to be found, the style is focused on brutality
(But with some guts! It doesn't sound too plastic or triggered).
I miss a little something more catchy, to make their songs a bit
more particular, but those who need pure brutality without influences
from the current "boring plastic brutal/ faster than my viagra-reanimated-cock"
of Us Scene might find here a right place to dismember the entrails
from their suffocating schizophrenic social self. http://www.deamon.ca
(Swe) To cure the sane with insanity CD'03 WOODCUT Recs. Totally
professional Death/Grind/Crust with a powerful production hailing
from the most martyrized lands of Sweden! At first hear the powerful
production and the punishing blasts makes it sound kinda outstanding!
Sounds like the last NAPALM DEATH releases (for the Grind and crust),
DISFEAR (For the powerfully produced Crust), MASTIC SCUM (For the
grindcore edge) MARDUK's "Heaven shall burn" (for the
never-ending blasts and kinda black death tremolo riffs) and some
mid old IMMORTAL (For the black metal riffs that got it insane and
frozen!) To be honest there's not much that infests your brain
and remains marked to death, but at least DEATHBOUND knows how to
do it with more anger and brutality than most! I regret there aren't
much more variations on the drumming blasting patterns: it sounds
kinda uniform. Some fukking architectural surprises would be welcome
also! This CD can be a nice one to have if you haven't ever a thousand
albums shredding your enemies in the total blasting mania style! Anyway
I think DEATHBOUND would be an impressive band to see live if they
perform their tracks so tight! As aggressive as rotative razors
shredding your fleshless bones! http://www.deathbound.net
DESTROYER (Fin) The First Bestial Butchery CD'04. BESTIAL BURST. Urgh!
Well, even though the band's monicker sounds quite old school, the
war metal way, DEATHSPAWNED DESTROYER's raw death metal doesn't
kick many fat bottoms! It's only average Death grind at the right
border between Raw black death à la BLASPHEMY, "Old school
brutal death" the American way, and slow old school Death metal.
few IMMOLATION/ INCANTATION... Some obscure riffs seem cool, and
the total fuck off! state of mind doesn't displease me, but this
album suffers from many defects! First, the blastings
and drumming skills aren't the best, that's clear. Then the tracks
sound common and ever heard for most of it! Average and standard
raw death black that lacks of apocalyptic energy! (What about bestial
explosions of apocalyptic metal?). All the more it rather sounds
like a demo than a full-length. A very average full-length CD
that won't please many Death metal heads! Under the average of albums'
releases. http://bestialburst.blackmetal.fi
(Usa) Utopia in the eyes of a beast CD'03 COMATOSE Music. Here
we go in the pits of American Brutal death. DEBODIFIED is a quite
new band in this over crowded part of the Extreme metal spectrum. Most
of the riffing is based on American Brutal death metal with few
Death/ Grind touches, the riffs vary from more or less Ok parts
to very average stuffs for a CD. There are a bunch of quite cool
stuffs in here. The musician who attracted my attention is the
drummer: good one with very cool breaks and toms' rumbles, plus
fast double kicks. Alive enough and intense drumplaying, that's
what I need. Here are a few of their influences/ similar bands
for you to get a brutal overview: FLESHTIZED, FLESHGRIND, SUFFOCATION,
are both some heavy/ groovy riffs, some fast Death/ Grind or Brutal
death parts, a bunch of double kicks ridden tremolos and few more
melodic parts. The problems are the riffs are too common, some
tracks could be more efficiently constructed, and I need more intensity
for a real CD! This would have been a very cool demo, but what I'm
listening to is a pro release. That's not bad, an encouraging
CD that can be cool for the fans of underground Brutal death who
support their extreme music! http://www.comatosemusic.com

(Swe) My shadow CD'96 NO FASHION. There are some bands that
put so much of themselves into a release they stop everything after
their first album! And DECAMERON was one of them! I remember I was
very amazed by this CD when it was released! The band played a well-composed
Death/ Black metal with a bunch of melodies and cool breaks everywhere!
At the first listenings, it was killer! Imagine melodic riffs à
la old DEATH, some melodies à la THE CROWN (better said CROWN OF
THORNS!), heavy induced melodies à la old KING DIAMOND, Black Death
melodies à la SACRAMENTUM Thrashing riffs à la SWORDMASTER, and
maybe touches of EDGE OF SANITY/ old IN FLAMES and you get it! The
whole sounded fresh and awaken my mind from purulent Death trips
on gore an nekrorealism as it was a bash of fresh air between 10
underground and cavernous as only Neanderthal may know demos! I
liked a lot their screamy vocals at this time, and the drummer wasn't
a badass bastard as he had a quite varied and well felt playing!
The "Satanized" track was very catchy at the time, more
old school Death/ Thrash with a drumbeat specific to old PESTILENCE
in it's beginning! It was simple, there were some nice ideas
and breaks everywhere and the tracks were very well articulated!
(Not tracks composed by 1 year metallers who have got so big heads
and are so naive they think they'll sign on a label and etc, etc
with 3 unfinished tracks and no knowledge of metal! When I see some
of the albums released, I wonder if they're aren't right! Shit sells
more than hot cakes!) So it was a bash of fresh metallic air; some
napalm have rained since this time and I don't find DECAMERON so
original and fresh, but it was a good CD with well done tracks!
It may be interesting nowadays for the fans of DEATH and melodic
Death/Heavy/Black metal bands that keep some crunch! Does anybody
know what the band members did later? The Dutch band DETONATION
had a bunch of similarities with Decameron (According to the promo
2002 of the band).
(Swe) Deceiver MCD'04. IRON FIST Records. If you think speed
metal is a moniker that fits exclusively to bands like HELLOWEEN,
GAYOWEEN, HELLOBEER or MILKOWEEN, or some melodic "heavy metal"
bands, you'll have problems with DECEIVER, motherslurper! This
is old school thrash metal in the initial form, with speed metal
touches and few hints of old heavy metal. Cool sounding old thrash
metal with the right mood of hell (which means the aura is quite
obscure and burning, and the explosions of hellfire smash the pitbangers!).
A bunch of nice influences can be drawn: early SLAYER (Show no mercy!),
very early METALLICA, early BATHORY (Bathory) and even the most
speed metal influenced moments of early VENOM and old MOTORHEAD!
There happens to be a SOUBURN/ PENTACLE touch in the vocals. The
particular influence that might distinguish DECEIVER from the other
old school thrash bands is the mid old KING DIAMOND like riffs and
arrangements used on some guitars, it sounds nice. I'm not that
much into the drum playing, even if it fits Ok with the music, the
production is a bit too "plastic" and a bit more playing
surprises would be nice. The guitar parts sound cool, but I regret
there aren't manifestations of over the top meteoritic genius. Beer!
The 5 songs composing his MCD are nicely structured, executed and
metallized. Nothing new of that would turn the mighty spiked
unwerwears inside out, but the atmosphere is here from A to Y and
this sounds like a fine MCD with a nice potential of beer to plunge
the old school metallers in the mighty burning mood of ancient enthusiastic
metal! Sweating, beers and metal! http://www.deceiver.tk
SERENITY (Australia) Please don't die yet... I'm not done
CD'02 BLACK HOLE PRODS. What is this shit?? Fast Grindgore
with Death metal touches, including a drum machine boosted at its
maximum. The fast grind parts with splashing funny and gory vocals
really sound stupid, it's not very far from the noise delirium.
The riffs are hard to understand in the fast parts, and it's almost
noise by moments. Some slower Death Metal parts makes me think
about COMECON. This isn't the same style, but some childish parts
wouldn't have displeased he mighty (!) VONDUR on their "The
galactic rock'n roll empire" MCD (Fuck them!). Notice they
include some cover tracks of S.O.D, MEGADETH, ANTHRAX, DEATH ANGEL...
and other classical metal bands' reminded tracks... But it doesn't
help the tracks and I don' t know if we could consider it as a tribute..
eh eh! It would been Ok for me on a demo tape, but in no way
do I see this released on a pro CD. http://www.blackholemag.com/bhp

OF FLESH (Usa) Inbreeding the anthropophagi CD’97 REPULSE. I
didn't like that much this CD when it was released, because it wasn't
as rough, neverendingly blasting and Brutal sounding as their first
full-length. But eh, I've won the old promo in an Xtreem music contest
that was meant to get rid of some old REPULSE Stuffs, and I must
say I find it better now! (Yes!) This was Brutal death Grind
à la CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Butchered at birth") with many
breaks breaks, tempos changes. Of corpse there were many blasts
with double bass kicks à la Alex Webster. "Inbreeding the
anthropophagi" is a quite good 'n catchy track that quote my
attention in 98, and it still does the ass kicking shit. "Infecting
them with falsehood" is cool also. There are some interesting
shredding riffs thrown here and there between the ultra brutal pukes!
Complex tracks. DEEDS OF FLESH was never that groovy, only hyperfast
blasts and Heavy Brutal metal riffs of the bloody. One thing I don't
like so much about this CD is the cover's colors (too much video
games like). Final words: there are some good tracks in here, and
it might be interesting for musicians of the Brutal, but one who
isn't a fan of American Brutal Death will be bored after a few tracks
(as it gets quite repetitive...). A fine one to burn on a rotative
bloody dead meat part! http://www.deedsofflesh.com
(USA) Mark of the legion CD'02 UNIQUE LEADER. Their last
production I heard was their 2nd album. And I must say I heard at
the first listening they've improved the impact of the songs! While
before it was always very technical and complex, it's now by moments
far more catchy and right in your face while keeping the complex
edge. There are still these elements each American style Brutal
death metal band owns: hyperfast double bass drums, lots of riffs
per song and gut snipping breaks, guttural vocals and moments of
pure technicity. The drummer now sometimes adds some different parts
that gives some diversity to its style (such as grinding the way
the HYPOCRISY blaster did on their 2 first albums, with the snare
drum and the bass drum at the same time). I can hear the appearance
of some new not uninteresting double guitars harmonies that 'd be
not so common for their style. Their concept seems to evolve, while
at the beginning they were in to Gore/ repugnant stuffs, they now
seems more into the infernal war and some strong human values and
ideologies. But as a whole it remains some hyperblasting DEEDS OF
FLESH with many tracks sounding the same! It doesn't stop blasting,
and it will please some guys, but something misses for me! I like
to listen to some track of it, and then it's repetitive. To conclude: this is still the brutal DEEDS OF FLESH
but some parts are better!

SANITY (Ger) Prelude to the tragedy CD'04. GRINDETHIC Records. It's
time to fight the zineomaniacal damnation that putrefies and disintegrates
any will to upload something metal online. Only paper is real,
and any underground or old school feeling has died on the "metal
web", but what could we do in front of this massive paradoxal
nonsense? Ignore, absorb, embalm. The radical path of massive
brutality is a quite worthy choice, even if it's not the most clever,
and DEFEATED SANITY isn't of the worst current choices in terms
of technical Brutal death metal, no. Their nicely produced (the
heavy way) and full of tempo-changes mixture of brutal death grind
the US and European way has quite liquefying opportunities to entertain
fans of the style. It has the blasting and technical brutality of
the US bands, as well as fewer old school patterns (and older way),
but there are changes of riffs everywhere and some more technical
patterns that will make them sound efficient in the hears of technical
music fans only. Some nice bass-lines and some cool atmospheres
are here to diversify the thing. Nice and obscure burning little
atmosphere. The vocals aren't so brutally rude, it's rather some
kind of raw obscurity à la old GORGUTS/ old IMMOLATION. After
a while my spirit is less attracted as some catchy hooks are lacking,
and I'm not a fan of too technical breaks-focused brutal music,
but fans of technical, yet obscure, blasting brutal death with many
riffing variations might have found a nice plastic girlfriend for
their week ends' torture and spikefuck sessions. More catchiness
and interplanetary intensity are needed for me! They're yet under
the ground of this sole earth. http://www.defeated-sanity.com
(Uk) Intention surpassed CD'03 NUCLEAR BLAST. There were
some rumors circulating about the fact DEFECATION would reform with
the two Harris brothers! It was great news since I really enjoyed
"Purity dilution"! But Mitch Harris was the only one to
compose this CD, he also played all the instruments here. And
well, it's not as killer and impressive as I thought it would be.
I'd rather consider it as another one of the numerous side projects
of some NAPALM DEATH members than a real DEFECATION release! What
you have here is extreme metal with various influences ranging around
Death metal, Grindcore, Crust, Punk and Hardcore. It sounds a lot
like NAPALM DEATH's last releases! Most of the stuffs here are
fast, with plenty of blast beats, the tracks are well articulated
and it has the benefits of a good production, but nothing marked
me as it remains only cool... I don't like so much their vocals,
somekind of high-pitched screams with a lot of distortion. In a
way, it sounds fresh like NAPALM DEATH's "Inside the torn apart".
There are some good moments fans of NAPALM will enjoy, but I can't
avoid thinking a part of it was riffs Napalm Death didn't use because
it wasn't good enough... As a whole, it remains Ok, quite cool,
but there are so many NAPALM DEATH CDs circulating I wouldn't order
it! I know I won't listen to this CD more than 3 times because I've
listened a lot to NAPALM DEATH's new releases ("Inside the
torn apart", "Words from the exit wound", "Enemy
of the music business"...) and there's nothing really new or
better than these 3 albums. If another "band" had released
this CD I would have been more positive, but Mitch Harris did it
and I had higher expectations! You enjoy new Napalm Death's stuffs?
You haven't listened to their last CDs too much? Why not...
(Pol) Project torture 005 CD’05. SKULLFUCKED/ DEFORMEATHING. Well,
since one of DEFORMED's previous recordings (a demo) didn't turn
me on anything worthy, I can't say I was happy to see their new
release in my mailbox... Hu! No!... but let's go, with or without
Satan... The band still plays some death grind/ grindcore with a
machine-drummer. It might sound like some American Brutal death,
old DAMNABLE (Pol) or eventually some Czech bruuutal stuffs. As
always there's a lot of riffs and tempo changes, but it does nothing
at all. Ok, the 2 guys know of to handle their drum-machine, and
play fast, but there's no riff standing our, or beat punching out!
It's just one more collection of many riffs that will enter the
left hear to exit the right one few minutes later... (Please notice
I'm a polite bastard and we could go deeper in hell). Note to
the vocalist: It's useless to scream as a chicken to impress me!
Lord_Gayball_Gayblow strictly sodomizes fat mamas. Since the
label does an efficient promo-job, those who might be interested
probably already know this band, if you have doubts try an Mp3 in
there: http://www.skullfucked.ht.st

DEICIDE (USA) Insineratehymn
CD’01 ROADRUNNER This sounds a lot more like their 1st CD «
Deicide » . It’s well constructed and tightly played but
I don’t find the inspiration and memorability that reigned on their
1st 3 albums ( « Deicide », « Legion »
and « Once upon the cross ») as most of the riffs sound both uninspired
or quite Happy!! (Incredible for a DEICIDE release! What the fuck
happened in their heads??) Some some riffs sound like
if they had been cut away from these old albums and gathered together
in another way, it’s rather collage than inspiration! Plus, in parts it sounded bizarre... They’ve tried to include some Grind
and Black Metal touches but for DEICIDE it sounds quite
strange! I may not be astonished as Glen Benton ( the main
composer) doesn’t want to Play Brutal stuff anymore and keeps his
place in DEICIDE only because of the wanderings of his partners
in brutality! They’ve tried to calculate their music to find
different riffings, but where's the goal when the feeling isn't
here? I’ve tried to listen carefuly to their music
to find new reasons to appreaciate it, unfortunately I didn’t! B.O.R.I.N.G!
TREMENS (Ger) Thrashing warhogs CD'04. MERCILESS Records. I'll
avoid a second rate joke about their alcoholic band name, since
it's obvious DELIRIUM TREMENS are into alcoholic metal! And what
else could be the best transcription of Beer metal than old school
Thrash metal? Nothing else for sure! So these German bastards play
a mix between old school German Thrash metal (No cult band name
quote! You have to know your metal classics if you read this Zine!
Ah Ah) an some old European Death metal. The whole is mostly fastly
placed with the fast tremolo thrashing riffs, while some mid-placed
parts or harmonies rather remind some mid-placed Thrash metal in
an old American way, or eventually few heavy/ thrash. Some Death
metal touches can be felt in the typical tremolo parts underlined
by fast tempos or double bass drumming beerkit. (Sounds almost like
some old Swedish Death in few accelerating moments). This album
is quite cool to listen to, there's a nice ancient metal mood and
some energy is put into their music, but I must say nothing new
crossed my hears, and I didn't find much memorable or that really
turned me on.The tracks are correctly constructed and the riffs
doesn't seem to suck for most, but I heard more energetic bands
in the style. So I guess it might be a cool album to listen with
beers and beers for those who like old thrashing metal a lot and
have kinda crossed the point of strong worship! Notice an old GUNS'N
ROSES cover song. I think DELIRIUM TREMENS could easily please
the fans of Beer metal bands such as DESASTER who don't check too
much their brains when it's up for thrashing (as long as it thrashes
with decent power) and rather pay attention to the remaining amount
of evil beers! Conclusion: A cool sounding album that didn't
turn me on much and that wouldn't surprise you that much, but a
possibly nice one for big fans of the style. It might be a cool
live band I guess... http://www.delirium-tremens.de

(Swe) The dead amongst MCD’02 NUCLEAR WINTER. Yeah!!
This is death metal the way I like!! Imagine KAAMOS meets GROTESQUE,
and you'll have a good idea of what this swedish act is playing.
This mini cd produced by the greek label Nuclear winter recs proposes
4 (good) songs plus an intro. The layout is total death metal the
old way, really "necro". And the logo has been drawned
by Thomas "Clitcommander" Westphal from NECROMANIAC zine/MORSGATT.
The production reminds a lot what KAAMOS offered on their "Curse
of aeons demo" or how GROTESQUE sounds like on "Incantation".
Straight in your face, with understandable and memorable riffs,
you can only be pleased by this band, if you are already into the
afforementionned ones and bands like REPUGNANT, VERMINOUS, MERCILESS,
MURDER SQUAD. You get the point: old school death metal the good
way. No ripped off riffs, just pure necrocult. ARRRRGH! It seems
that Sweden puts again some death into its metal, and it's totally
fine with me. Definitly not a record for frog noise brutality addicted!
Maybe not the most original stuff around, but the feeling is here. http://www.nuclearwinter.cjb.net
(Usa) Empire of the fallen angel CD'03 RED STREAM. I
asked the label to stop sending me their promos, they didn't, so
I'll keep it short! DEMONCY plays a kind of Black metal that's meant
to be fast, raw and pure. Ok, it's fast and quite well produced
but a bunch of their riffs doesn't sound so evil! Some riffs are
too nice (lack of real darkness). Some are quite epical... The problem
with this album is it's fastly predictable... it reminds me of SACRAMENTUM,
old MARDUK, DISSECTION (less complex) and NECROMICON. There is a
nice mood here. This isn't a bad album, it might be pleasant for
those who haven't listened much Black metal, but keep in mind this
is only another album on the pile of averagely "Evil"
CDs! Average. http://www.infernalhorde.com/demoncy
(Mex) Demonized CD'03 OSMOSE. Wow,
the kind of covers that makes me shit in my pants… A pentagram with
the goat head ! ! ! ! Hell, that’s what I call something completely
unseen in the metal scene since VENOM ! hahahaah ! Well, the cover
doesn’t make the music, so, what do these barbarians have to offer
to our exhausted ears ? Well, imagine a mix between IMMORTAL during
the last period in a less clear version, and IMPIETY during
the “ Skullfucking armageddon ” era, in a less effective version.
Doesn’t sound bad, eh ? But the problem is that I get the feeling
to have already heard such music somewhere else. DEMONIZED tends
to sound like a sub IMPIETY. Allright it’s well played, with a kind
of acceptable production for this kind of agressive metal, but hell,
the scene is already flooded by DARKTHRONE or SUFFOCATION clones.
I don’t need an IMPIETY clone. Please try to do something by your
own instead of playing the same good old formula again and again.
It’s the kind of release you can’t categorize as shitty, because
the musicians are able to produce something really acceptable, but
where is the interest to listen to something that can’t match the
quality of the influential bands ? I think DEMONIZED is representative
of the kind of bands that kill the potential of bands with a real
originality. Ok, it’s sometimes hard to go away from your influences,
but even if INFERNAL MAJESTY, for example can’t deny its influences
from SLAYER, or even if PENTACLE can’t deny its influences from
CELTIC FROST, these bands still manage to create something by their
own. And that’s not the case for DEMONIZED. Listen once and you’ll
forget it quite quickly. Cuntact : www.osmoseproductions.com
(SWE) Deathrain CD'02 ARCTIC MUSIC/ PLASTIC HEAD. The intro
of the album sounds a bit in the vein of EMPEROR and old KING DIAMOND
in my ears: dark synths with some a bit cynical/obscure touches.
But what DENATA plays is more a kind of Thrash/death metal, there
was a revival of this kind of stuffs in the underground a few years
ago. I could notice of course influences such as old DESTRUCTION,
SODOM but they made me think also about DARKNESS (« Death
squad ») and a bit of MERCILESS (« The awakening »). There’s
a touch of Tom Angelripper (SODOM) in the vocals, the way these
screams sound also have got some textures similar to CARCASS («
Heartwork »), and maybe old KREATOR. There are gory vocals
here and there. DENATA could be compared to nowadays’ bands
such as SWORDMASTER but without the black metal edge, a band like
HYPNOSIA (SWE) would be nearer of their style. They seem totally
in the old school thing: the way the lyrics were written could make
me think about the old simple KREATOR’s lyrics and each musician’s
description was done in the old VOIVOD (« War and pain »)/
real metal lore. Nothing turned me on as it's the old school
Thrash metal riffs, that doesn't turn me... ah. It's tight and ok,
the production could be better, but one year after it's release
there's still nothing that really attracted my attention. Can be
Ok for the fans of the old school Speed thrash mania, but a bit
more than fanatism would be needed to record a really good CD ;-)

(FRA) Sexual depravity... and pleasure to suffer CD’98 This
french band offers us with each new production a music of a better
quality. This first album scillating between Death metal, grindcore
and some sorrowfull fast ripping tremolo black metal riffs in the
vein of MARDUK is a quite enthusiasting one! This is a quite good album even if all the riffs
aren’t as aggressive as we’d like it to be, but some feeling is
here: the brutal emotions it pulls your face with are both aggressive,
brutal sorrowfull... Surprising for a French band isn't it? The drummer has got
a good style influenced by NAPALM DEATH at the time of « SCUM
» and « F.E.T.O », a good part of the riffs is
aggressive enough and contains an atmosphere, the vocals are powerfull! A
special not for the track that has a cornemuse intro! Nice idea :)
It sounds like a dream to hear real good french brutal bands nowadays.
It’ll be useless to say anything else, get it! And mosh!
(FRA) Decadence and lust CD'01 WARPATH. I
really enjoyed their first CD as their mix of Grind death and Black
metal included some real personal emotions and grinding energies. Unfortunately,
I must
say I'm disappointed by this new release! It's still in same style, but I can find really
less real good emotions and ideas... It's
still Grind/ Death that's alsmost fast, with some old school Death
metal drumbeats... There are fewer sorrowfull Black metal influences
à la MARDUK and they doesn't use as many double bass drums
parts (understand by this word the drum playing is a bit less varied).
I expected much more from them! It doesn't suck, but some riffs
are too common to be recorded on a second album, and fuck after
an album in the vein of their first CD I simply awaited something
great! It's only ok... Of corpse, some guys will dig it, but
I'm not impressed.
(AUSTRIA) Mindgate CD’96 Selfreleased. The raw production
makes them sounds like DISMEMBER at times. The music seems to
be influenced by very old BOLT THROWER, and they remind me very
much the old school deathmetallers on a '91 live bootlegg tape I
had.... but fukk it sounds only average! Ok the sound is raw, but
it lacks the highlights and great riffs of the once Death metal
godz! Some more melodic moments are more in the vein of DISMEMBER
("Indecent and obscene") They sometimes try to sound
a bit more original with more HxCx elements but it's not much
convincing. Somewhere it could remind me a bit about the German
band VIOLATION (Death metal). This band might fit the tastes of
very big BOLT THROWER fans, but what they offer on this
release is very common, and let's say it's not exceptionnal.

(Swe) Rated X CD'95 REPULSE. This first full-length attempt
to brutalize the deviant and crush the weak wasn't successful for
DERANGED! I remember nothing pleased me in here (musical wize),
and this fact hasn't changed. Ultra common riffs, classical tracks'
structures, repetitive ideas; the whole remains flat even if it
was fast, not very cool for a pro CD! And there were no special
deep energy nor anything special... only your common riffs that
were sterile revampirized from the old CANNIBAL CORPSE recordings.
DERANGED was then the perfect example of the Cliché Brutal death
band that does it without any feeling (But with a good sound...
Unfortunately money doesn't pay for inspiration!). Hopefully for
them and for their fans, they had improved on their "III"
CD that had some intense enough tracks! I haven't followed them
since then, so I can't tell you more... But I don't hope for much. http://mitglied.lycos.de/deranged
CD’00 LISTENABLE. Great CD of Brutal Death in the vein of CANNIBAL
CORPSE, Brutal and intense with a great raw and aggressive sound!
Nothing original, but for the time when it was released it was a
fucking bash of Brutal death energy rigt in your poser's face! Moron!!
This is one of the best DERANGED CDs I've heard (not to say the
other ones were boring... eheh) Get
this one of you’re into this kind of music!
(Spa) Call thee ancients MCD. 2013. PATHOLOGICALLY EXPLICIT Recs.
It sometimes seems the last years every "cool"
old death metal demos were re-released, everything from the great,
to the average, to the quite useless... Hopefully you still happen
to fall on unexpected good releases. Here this is quite good Death
metal from 1993 à la early DEICIDE (First album only) with a bit
of MORBID ANGEL ("Altars of madness") here and there.
This is indeed very influenced by DEICIDE from the ultra-fast
parts (For this time), to the mid-paced moments, to the double-kicks,
to the evil sounding vocals. I also feel touches of ALTAR for
quite "strange" riffs here and there (First album "Youth
against Christ"... In a less "core" or should I say
"modern" manner (For this time)) and some little remains
of old SINISTER. The music is not original, but there's a quite
good energy of the burning and some moments are kicking the balls
of the crucified one (Hey?). When it was released in 1993, it
was probably a great demo that shew promises of evil brutality and
thrilled some guts/ skulls/ corpses (You choose). Strange the band
split up and the musicians apparently didn't do much later...
(Uk) Inhuman CD'00 COPRO Records. Here's a British brutal
band that has ever played gigs with big bands such as CANNIBAL CORPSE,
VADER etc. Their stuff is quite well done Brutal death! It reminds
me of old MALEVOLENT CREATION for the Death thrashing riffs and
CANNIBAL CORPSE/ SKINLESS for the Brutal death pukes, while there's
some old DEICIDE/ old MORBID ANGEL. Some riffs are powerful while
some were ever heard, but as a whole it's Ok. The production is
direct and aggressive, it's a quite good work! It will please some
Brutal death maniacs while it won't please others, so try to put
an hear on their stuff if you might be interested! http://www.desecration.co.uk
ICON (Can) Syndicated murderers Ep'04. Self released. For
once I'll betray the deadly laws of the scourge since this very
core influenced release has some real hatred in its bag of tricks!
This band ran by musicians of NEURAXIS/ ex HIDDEN PRIDE (vocals),
NECROTIC MUTATION (guitars) and others plays very core/ modern influenced
brutality. This sounds like a melting rot of some deathcore, brutal
deathcore, brutal death, heavy hardcore, technical brutal death...
(Don't ask me for comparisons, I'm not aware about all the new school
core). Hopefully, no hippie-core could be found and this isn't abusively
technical or discarding, to the contrary of many new school core
bands I don't like much than a bottle of tasteless water during
a cold winter. What first stroke my attention are punishing brutal
death and death grind moments that could remind of SUFFOCATION or
MALEVOLENT CREATION. I'd like them to use more riffs of this kind!
There are also influenced of mid old DYING FETUS, mid old and early
ICON offers a nice descalling to the heavy washing machines of those
who have nothing against blasting brutal core. The sound is heavy
and powerful, the tracks sound at least ok... It's a cool Ep! http://www.despisedicon.com

(USa) In ancient beliefs CD'01 REPULSE Recs. Open wide
the gorgeous cunt of hell and many desecrated blasphemies! Our mother
perversion rejoices in sulfur and petrified cold fuck sodomies.
Old school is the style of DETERIOROT who lies in the sulfur-fuck
remains of the first years of existence of INCANTATION! The Death
metal remains epical tuned in the way of the ancient Death metal
bands, and always heavy, even when it blasts, as it reminds me a
bit of the first Doom Death years of MY DYING BRIDE and very old
PARADISE LOST for the most sorrow crushed guitars. the sound is
raw and heavy. This isn't blast beats ridden, for fans of ancient
Death metal and pure Doom Death only! DETERIOROT shares the same
ancient Death metal beliefs and influences than some actual bands
OF NAILS. Nothing revolutionary in here, but this album might be
very pleasant for the fans of the ancient obscure entities mentioned
before! http://www.deteriorot.com
(Swe) Apathyphus MCD'07. NUCLEAR WINTER Recs. This is the
new release of Swedish Death metallers DEVIANT. It was recorded
after the release of the first album, but apparently the master
tapes were trapped in a cavern, under the bottom of the fat mama
that sleeps eternally, so it was hard to get their hands on it ;-) The
small-sized packaging looks well rounded, like a tight pussy (Who
said there where white stuffs inside of my copy?! Shut your filthy
mouth, or I'll have to insert my horny gun of orgasmic shoots deep
inside!) The band still plays a quite fresh mixture between modern
death and old school stuffs, even though the whole has a tendency
to refresh it again & again following the "modern"
way. Imagine some kind of ultrablasts and cool "melodic"
riffs à la early CRYPTOPSY, Brutal death à la INSISION (Old), Swedish
death/black melodies HYPOCRISY wouldn't have denied in their best
moments (So, the first 2 albums, obviously!) mixed with punching
beats of VERMINOUS, touches of death'n roll and zests of various
extreme metal stuffs. DEVIANT is not really for fans of old school
creeping death, but rather for quite open minded death metallers.
The feelings I'll remember are: Fresh, energetic, aggressive, with
catchy sounding ideas. http://www.deviant.se
(Fra) Pagan at war CD'01 CRIMINAL Recs. I think I heard some
DEVILIUM tracks on comps before, but I wasn't especially hooked.
But I've read in an interview the drummer of the crushing Brutal
Death band KABBAL plays with them, so I needed to hear this album! This
is fast Death/ Grind with Brutal Death parts, the tempo is set on
the "Fast" position most of the time. Most of the riffs
are tremolo like, it sounds like Death/ Grind with some heavier
and mid tempos riffs that sound more Brutal death like. They sound
as a mix of DEICIDE ("Legion"), old MORBID ANGEL, old
CANNIBAL CORPSE, KRISIUN (a bit), old PYREXIA (a bit). But there's
nothing very special, nor special at the level of the riffs. It’s
only Ok riffs for most of it, with a few cool ones. The tracks
are correctly articulated, but after 3 songs it becomes repetitive.
That blasts a lot! The point that really quote my attention is the
drumming: there are some nice Brutal and aggressive touches added
here and there! And some nicely placed tempo changes! Notice
a cover of "Blasphemer". It's ok and renews a bit the
old SODOM's track, but the cover of LUCIFERION that was on their
first album ("Demonication") was more effective and hasn't
been matched until now! Tight musicians, good sound, deep enough
vocals. Even if nothing sucks, this is only an average CD with
some cool parts from here and there. For big fans of Death
metal Brutality only!!
DEVILYN (POL) Artefact CD’01 BLACKEND Here's
the new prod. of these polish brutallers, it seems to be a bit
more american Brutal death influenced! More complex than their first
album "Anger", but with more face pulling impact and anger! Influences ranges from
DISGUST (Fra), MORBID ANGEL (Fast parts of "Formulas fatal..."
and some heavy "Domination" touches, yes, the mysterious sides of "Domination" is an influence for
(For the complex morbid harmonies), SINISTER, CANNIBAL CORPSE
("Gallery of suicide"). Notice the appearance of some
cleaner vocals not so far from D.A.B (France- for the way it's said
more than for the tone). There are lots of riffs per track and
it's very complex but there's maybe too much in some tracks for me.
complex side sometimes makes them sound as a kind of free death/
jazz formation by moments, but it remains Brutal ridden anyway.
Some acid spacing morbid arpeggios touches made
me think about OSSUARY INSANE (but I'm not sure if it's the right
comparison). The way the vocals are placed and sounds makes me
think a bit about Corpsegrinder but the main vocals' influence is
David Vincent ("Domination" epoch). This is the best
DEVILYN release so far! "Anger" didn't turn me on (where
was the feeling? Tight and fast but...) but this new one has got
what is needed to please some Brutal death metal fans! Brutality,
Anger, Complexity and Blast beats.

(Pol) The past against the future CD’03 METAL MIND. No
this CD isn't the new DEVILYN album. It's a collection of more or
less old tracks recorded by the band. First you have their "The
rule" Demo'94, which includes 7 tracks of Death grind in the
same lines than their first CD "Anger" that didn't turn
me on for several reasons, including the one nothing catchy stands
out. Ok, it was fast, heavy and quite complex Brutal death grind
reminding of MORBID ANGEL and old MONSTROSITY, but the special thing
missed! Then this CD also includes the promo 2000 of the band,
3 tracks of Death Grind (including one that was on the "Artefact"
CD). These tracks are in the style of their last album "Artefact":
fast Death grind à la MORBID ANGEL and old MONSTROSITY with some
complex technical arrangements; but these songs aren't in my opinion
of the same quality than the best moments of the CD I just mentioned.
It lacks some real anger to be outstanding! Then you have a cover
of CARCASS ("Heartwork") which is Ok, plus the video of
the track "Reborn in pain". To be honest, this CD doesn't
offer much interesting stuffs. I had a cool opinion of DEVILYN coz
their "Artefact" CD had some real anger, but there's no
real brutal food here! Apart from the DEVILYN fans and some maniac
collectors, I don't see who could be interested in this release.
And who needs another release of this kind? Hey DEVILYN: Record
a new album instead of feeding a label's too big need for releases!
Damnit! http://devilyn.metal.pl

CD CORPSE GRISTLE RECORDS This cd is the re-release on one cd
of Devourment's debut demo 'impaled' along with the first cd 'molesting
the decapitated' (originally released by United Guttural) and a
new song called 'baby killer'. 12 songs, 49:54 minutes of extremely
brutal, sick death/grind with insane guttural vocals. Ranging from
slow mosh grooves to all out blasting insanity, this is one extreme
as all hell cd that all people into the most destructive music shouldnt
miss! Nicolas
(Slo) Corrupting the evolution CD'06. GRODHAISN More unwanted
promos, more minimal efforts. This is typical Us brutal death,
with the gore low pitched vocals and quite sick-sounding songs...
The band can play, it sounds quite brutal and sick once you really
want to listen to this kind of stuff, but nothing special stands
out from the amount of brutal death metal that can be found worldly...
It's brutal and that's all, no riff to especially impale the guts,
to thrill on an infinity of suffering etc... Nothing sounds bad
in the style, but that's all I could say. Only for big fans of DEVOURMENT,
REPUDILATION and the likes... http://www.myspace.com/diftery
DA GRIND Split CD'05. DEAD CIRKUS Records. Here's the new
release of DEAD CIRKUS Records, the label of a guy who likes
to dress like an old farmer-woman (from the old styled country)
and sings about drunken farmers and dance halls in his "death
guinguette" band GASTRIK BURST. Ah Ah!
I already reviewed this demo months ago, I'll be able to have a
more distant point of view this time. The music sounds brutal enough
for the style, quite "modern" and quite professional for
a demo record, but I must say I didn't detect much that brands the
brain and keeps alive something morbid in the deepness of your mind.
Brutal stuff with correct structures, and a brutal drummer, but
average music on the long term.
a mix between grindcore, hardcore and death grind that can remind
of NAPALM DEATH ("Utopia banished/ Harmony corruption"),
DISCORDANCE AXIS and others... Even if some riffs sound quite extreme
and/ or well thought enough, after a while the surprise gets lost.
And I'm not a fan of these kind of screamy vocals... Cool, he almost
doesn't stop scorching his throat lol.
style of this band has changed quite a lot since their first demo...
It was some kind of Death/ grind, it's now strange discarding hardcore/
death/ grindcore. (Not only Grindcore, as they call it). It's definitely
not my kind of music (A CEPHALIC CARNAGE CD was played only few
times for a curiosity purpose), too much strange discarding riffs
and wanna sound wicked stuffs. I heard better things of this kind
that succeeded in surprising the uninterested listener with extreme
enough shredded ideas and wicked vocals... In this case, that just
sounds ok/ tolerable in my hears, but some fans of the style might
dig it...
These are the same songs than the promo 2005 reviewed elsewhere
here... Intense and fast as a whipped fuck, with touches of hardcore
injected a nice way. I enjoy their unrelentless will to blast your
ass, and it works a brutal way: DESECRATOR sounds extreme! I
didn't notice it before, but some of their song titles sound quite
crappy. Fans of underground grindcore may probably find in there
a worthy-grinding band to kick their ass. I'm curious of how DESECRATOR
will sound with a corrosive and heavy production. This is not your
usual French asleep grindcore! Ah!
Dada grind
in da houz ov zuffering? Yo, Yo, jump'n da ztreetz 'n totalzz zubkonziouz
powerzzzz...Aïdi aïda, Aïdi aïda!! Take away the fix and get nude,
you fix-sniffer!!... The styyyle of the title is something I don't
like in there... it sounds like some rap whatever from the "bronx"...
All in all,
it's an average split CD. But since it's sold for an honest price
(under 10 euros p.p.), and the bands sound decent and brutal, it
might be a pleasant choice for fans of underground music whose tastes
strongly tend to grindcore and HxCx. http://www.deadcirkus.com
MURMUR (Austria) ...And Hungry Are The Lost CD'01 PERVERTED
TASTE. I listened to their "Rhapsodies in red"
LP'92 released on OSMOSE and even if a few cool tracks were included,
the style wasn't very interesting as it was common and midly boring. With
this new album, they still play a Death metal style that's
average! Some thrash metal influences make it's appearance in the
music... quite Heavy/ Power metal also appears. I've noticed
a few new IMMORTAL elements for harmonies here and there, but their
style hasn't almost changed. It sounds deeply engraved in the
90's as it reminds me of DISASTROUS MURMUR'90, SODOM' 90-95, JUDECCA,
OBITUARY (for slow parts). I've got the feeling their name helped
them to find a deal to release more albums because I think a lot
of bands play the same style than they do, including a good amount
of new formations who do it with more energy and anger! I really
more from a band that have released several albums!! http://www.disastrousmurmur.at

(Hol) Perceptive deception CD’01 UNIQUE LEADER. The problem
with these American Brutal death influenced bands is I could switch
the reviews between the bands as the main high lines of my writing
would remain the same. For example I could have used the one of
fast Grinding Brutal Death with a strong American "touch".
It especially reminds me of bands such as old SUFFOCATION, PYAEMIA,
CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Butchered"), old PYREXIA (1st CD). You
get everything you'd await from a release of this kind; fast ass-blasting
beats, doubles bass drums, some heavier parts. But DISAVOWED "varies"
a bit from their brothers in Brutality as their tracks are built
on hyperfast tempos and blasts for most of it. (Few groovy or heavier
parts are here). The vocals sound a lot like Frank Mullen (Suffo)
on "Effigy of the forgotten": Brutal, intense and raw. The
3rd track that isn't only fast but includes some heavier and mid
tempo riffs sounds more worked. To conclude, nothing especially
attracted my attention! It's a pro band in the style but nothing
really catchy happens. This is correctly brutalized. It's a tight
as fuck band with pro tracks that may be cool for fans of Brutal
death who aren't fed up with the American brutality and enjoy it
damn fast! http://go.to/disavowed
OF MOCKERY (Usa) Prelude to apocalypse CD'04 NECROHARMONIC Recs. D.O.M
is an obscure Brutal death metal band that was born from the ashes
of INCANTATION's line up for their best piece of obscurity recorded
under the impious title "Onward to golgotha"! To be exact
D.O.M has the same line up than this album, except for the guitarist;
so what kind of obscure insanity could you expect?! I am semi disappointed
since DISCIPLES OF MOCKERY are more polished and less insane than
early INCANTATION, even if the band remains in somekind of the same
style. Fast obscure death metal along the lines of INCANTATION,
old DEICIDE and ENCABULOS, with some creepy and suffocated doom
parts. The vocals of Craig Pillard aren't as raw as it used to be;
in the death metal parts his vocals are more understandable (Like
somekind of Glen Benton meets David Vincent on "Covenant/ Domination")
while in the doom moments he speeches in a dark and deadly way that
sounds quite inspiring (A bit like Type o negative on the "Nativity
in black" Tribute to Black Sabbath #1, their only recorded
tracks that has something obscure.). Some BOLT THROWER can be found
in the guitars evoking some darkened wars, with an epic touch. I
think their heavier riffs doesn't remind me of old INCANTATION,
it's less rhythmic and more static as it could sound like old ASPHYX. So
I think it's an average album with quite interesting moments, but
the mourning brutal bastards may find some obscure emotions and
darkened visions that would definitely pervert the ecclesiastic!
And D.O.M might be interesting for the fans of INCANTATION who would
die for the ancient doom! http://www.necroharmonic.com

AXIS (Usa) The Inalienable Dreamless CD'00. DVD box. Hydrahead. Here's
a band who plays a kind of Grindcore I'm not so fond of: it's a
new school Grindcore based on many discordances and quite "original"
structures. At the very first listenings I didn't get into this
piece of Grinding noise. The band could remind of some mix of PIG
DESTROYER's most chaotic parts, BRUTAL TRUTH's last releases, SCALPLOCK's
Grinding parts, and a zest of ANAL CUNT. It's full of screams, discordances
and strange breaks or rythms' changes. It sounds bizarre with a
bunch of bizarre riffs. With a bit more of an attentive listening,
I found some nice things at the level of the drum-playing, and some
tracks are quite compressed or sound enough aggressive to be ok.
A part of the riffs sound like crap in my opinion. Notice
their drummer is/ was also a part of BURNT BY THE SUN and HUMAN
REMAINS. This isn't the kind of eroded razor strips I'd met with
my putrid soup, but some guys who enjoy some weird and strange grinding
stuffs like CEPHALIC CARNAGE may find here another piece of noise
to explode their heads on!
(Mex) Forensic CD'00 REPULSE. I don't see the point of all
this support and recognition DISGORGE gets in the Underground! Ok,
it's very fast, complex and Gore at every levels (vocals, riffs
production) but when I listen to their CD, I understand nothing!
And I need more than distorted guitars, fast as light blasts and
Gore everywhere to enjoy a Brutal death release! It has to be made
with the guts and with some real crushing riffs! When I listen
to DISGORGE, I've got the strong feeling it's only thought to be
Brutal, and all the more very complex... but my boelws move in circle
as I understand nothing! ( 'Gore metal' breakfast regurgitation
is near!) Nothing sounds catchy, I can't find any highlight... Where's
the use of doing so much noise? I remember I listend to their
"Chronic corpora infest" Tape Lp in 98, and some riffs
were nice, but you've got to be a total Brutal death cracked head
to listen to this, and I need more now! I've tried to listen
to this CD carefully with some headphones, but what I understood
didn't convince me... This is kind kind of CD, well you can appreciate
the work that's around, technicity... but what do you feel in this
case? If you want BRUTAL, BRUTAL, BRUTAL, then you even know
DISGORGE and own all their CDs! If you aren't only an ass blaster
and need real riffs like me, check actual bands like EXHUMED, INSISION,
REGURGITATE, KABBAL or FATE for exemple, they're at least
as extreme and more expressive! http://www.disgorge.hpg.ig.com.br

(Mex) Necroholocaust CD’03 EXTREEM MUSIC. Bloody cunt of
hell! DISGORGE definitely evolves in the right way! I didn't enjoy
their previous releases that were always bound in the hyperfast
grinding tempos! But on this new Brutal offering these Mexican bastards
are fare more brutal and interesting: more old school Death metal
from the pits of hell and heavier Brutal death riffings are brutally
included! The tracks are more varied. Their compositions aren't
only ultra blasting anymore since it's also heavier or punching
in the old Death metal way, so they remind me of CZNNIBAL CORPSE
("Butchered at birth" and "Gallery of suicide"),
EXHUMED (for the Grinding gore metal and melodic leads), DETERIOROT
(For the doom), some raw old INCANTATION (Impure and blasphemous!)
and the rawest of IMPALED (For the CARCASS touch). Their vocals
are still total gory, and the sound is fucking Brutal! Anyway,
I think a part of the riffs is still somekind of fillers, or average
ones. I'm still not a fan of these Mexican spiked bastards, but
I appreciate their evolution and I can play this piece of putrid
flesh with some Brutal and gore rejoicing. Keep on vomiting! This
rotten world only deserves the vilest and blackest vomit! http://www.disgorge-mex.com
FOETUS (Fra) The gore party CD'02 IMPHALTE. Ouch! I
heard one of their demo in 98 or 99 and I didn't appreciate their
music at all! And their style hasn't changed that much... This is
very low tuned and slow Death metal that just sounds very average
and very boring in my opinion! I didn't find 1% of energy here! It
could remind of ATAVISM's Demo'98, some old PUNGENT STENCH's heavy
stuffs and a cheaper version of early MORTICIAN! Their riffs are
so uninspired I feel like I always heard the same riffs after the
first track... They use some pitched vocals. Some very early
CARCASS' punky riffs are here also. BLEUAAARGH!!! This is so boring
I'll vomit this day's 3 "Gore metal" breakfasts!! One
time more the French magazine "Metallian" makes me laugh
and shows their so "great" musical tastes! Read what they
said about Disgorged Foetus: "With D.F you'll have in the ears
one of the European references in shocking Death metal!" Ah
ah! These French ass-licking reviewers are so full of shit they
should be mouth and brain washed with a sand carsher! Ist das eine
grosse scheise? For me it sounds like nothing else than a very
very average demo. I don't see the point of releasing on CD! http://www.chez.com/imphalteproductions/disgorgedfoetus

(Jap) Undermankind MCD'01 MASK Records. I
heard some DISGUST tracks from a split Ep few years ago, and the
band is more professional and more crushing now! Forget any of their
old releases that might sound quite amateurish! Total professional
Crust with an aggressive powerful sound, nailed to the core riffs
and menacing spiked bombs! Aggressive enough Crustcore à la DISRUPT,
DISFEAR and old EXTREME NOISE TERROR! Cool angry vocals! Few screams.
They have few Blast parts that sound raw in the old school Grind,
and also some old school punk mid tempo parts! Jesus is crucified
one more time! To be honest, there are no really killer riffs, but
it's energetic enough to bomb-blast your arse! DISGUST are one
of the best Japanese Crustcore band I've heard, and they have reached
the needed level of aggression to enter my Brutal collection! A
very cool MCD for aggressive Crust fanatics! http://www.disgustweb.com
(Fra)/ SCARVENGER (Fra) Split CD'05. GREAT DANE Recs. This
split CD featuring two bands from the Death metal scene of French
North was apparently expected by a couple of death metallers, probably
since the musicians are in the scene since more than few years... First
approach, the cover picture and various layouts do not look good.
Many current demo-releases have better illustrations. The side of
DISGUST contains 3 tracks from each of their previous releases that
were reworked, plus a new tune. The production is brutal and
raw, yet clear enough (There's an old MORTICIAN texture I like).
The influences are quite varied, in a brutal and old school Death
metal spectrum. It reminds me of some BANISHED/ BAPHOMET (R.I.P),
shame the snare drum isn't present enough in the blasts, because
it takes away some power. I also regret the embalming obscure atmosphere
I used to dig on some previous DISGUST releases (The mighty "Inquisition"
Demo'97!), it's not present on half of the songs. Some tracks
sound good in 2006, some do not sound so good (everheard and not
especially efficient) but some tunes are old... I don't think
it would please the fans of modern and ultra technical brutal death,
but these 4 songs sound brutal, heavy and might be of interest for
those who like it old styled, might it be brutal death or death
metal. I have been
following SCARVENGER for few years, seeing them evolve from technical
Death metal à la DEATH, to some simpler and more old school conservative
Death metal. This first real recording evolves between old styled
death, thrash metal, with heavy metal touches...It could sound like
some DEATH, KREATOR, CIANIDE, while the vocals could remind of John
Tardy and Chuck Shuldiner... BUT I feel their style currently lacks
of energy and urges of pure fucking death! Even if there are
some cool sounding riffs and a little mood, the music sounds unfortunately
convenient and flat half of the time. The drum playing is too simple
and lacks of energy. I really preferred when SCARVENGER played technical
death metal, with many interesting ideas, cools riffs, and technical
bass lines everywhere! Their current songs sound more simple and
quite "dispirited" in my hears (where have gone the explosive
thrashing rage?). While some fast death metal parts are energetic
enough, most of the mid placed and heavy keeps me rather cold and
it sounds too long. These average songs sound more like a demo
than something Professional. It might be cool for those who
like it old sounding, and like to rest with old metallic sonorities,
but it's definitely not for those who like their death metal fast,
frenetic or extreme: It lacks of urge to kill! Global conclusion:
I feel it's an average split CD, both on musical and visual points
of view. Both bands show some qualities, but I know them quite well
and I'm sure they can do better! And it's a shame to release
a professionally printed CD with such kind of amateurish "artwork". Good
luck in the future to both bands! http://www.disgust.fr.st
DISGUST (FRA) In aeternum
CD’00 SHOCKWAVE. I remember I loved their « inquisition
» Demo’98 as it was one of the first truly brutal crushing
Death Metal bands I heard from France. Remember ? « Heavy
as hell Death Metal with grinding parts and some fucking killer
technical riffs ». « I’m sure their unrelentless Brutal
Death will kill you ». « I’ve listened this tape
to death and I want more ! ». They’re still
playing the same kind of technical Brutal Death Metal in the vein
of CANNIBAL CORPSE, SUFFOCATION, but they have now added MORBID
ANGEL and KRABATHOR influences. Technical riffs, heavy and more
simple guitar parts. Good double bass drums playing.
Powerfull satanic Death Metal growls. DISGUST have got some similarities
with BRUTALITY’s « In mourning » album,
there’s maybe a bit of good old BAPHOMET for the heavy riffs. There’s
also a nice depressive track reminding me of GERBE OF LIFE. I
regret there aren’t so many haunting full of emotions riffs
on the new tracks! Plus they changed their bassit and and some bass lines of the Demo’98 aren’t here anymore ( it was improving the
songs’ musicality and diversity). And it seems to me they wanted
to be too fast in the studio, the tracks sound too fast for their
Brutal style that needs some obscure heaviness! It wastes some pleasure... Anyway,
this is a good Brutal
Death CD with some good tracks and an honest sound of one of France’s
once best Death Metal

(Ger) Beinspender CD’01. Hailing from the Brutalized guts
of Germany DISINFECT plays a Brutal death grind that sounds quite
impressive! The heavily produced Brutal death in here has got a
bunch of blasting moments, but also some old school Death metal
riffs (90's era). This mix of modern and more old school Death metal
styles could remind of the following past Death metal entities:
OBITUARY and old GOREFEST. They have got some common points with
their Brutal country mates of PROFNITY. The vocals are quite low
and could sound like old INCANTATION meets old CANNIBAL CORPSE.
There's no riff that deeply hooked my guts on this CD and there
are some approximations, but this correctly Brutal and professional
CD isn't bad and may be quite good for the Death metal and Brutal
death maniacs! http://www.disinfect.de
TO OBLIVION" CD DEADSUN Nothing really relevant
here, lame, non memorable old school death metal is what Disinter
is all about. Sometimes sound like a bland version of old Gorguts.
(Usa) Graveyard fornication CD’05. NICE TO EAT YOU. "Well...".
That's the first word emerging in my mind, it sums up my half embarrassment
concerning this release. What you could hear is American influenced
Brutal death, but it lacks of power and brutality compared to what
could be heard in a real brutal album! The style takes both
from the "ultra technical", the quite groovy, the blasting
and the slower... On one hand some riffs can sound cool (some grooves
and quite old styled brutal death), on the other hand most of it
don't move me and doesn't sound like it would do much more in few
more listenings. There are quite too many traces of weakness in
the drum playing and some riffings. Brutal death is meant to
be brutally over the top and played an inhuman way; so I guess the
band has to work more and keep only the best of the best to throw
the average in the crapcan. The cover artwork (A drawing showing
some quite deformed blue (?) monsters devouring each others) is
quite cool, but the music is nothing special. It might sound
quite cool, average, or boring depending on your tastes... But we
are in 2005, and in my opinion it sounds more like a not completely
achieved demo than anything else.

(Fra/ Bel)/ INTESTINAL DISEASE (Ger) Split Ep’02. LOCUST
down the hairy assault, and let’s begin with 20 seconds of history:
2 members of BLACK BLEEDING (A band you might know if you happen
to visit this webzine, or some obscure underground tape distros)
used to play in an underground Grindcore band called DISJONCTOR!
They occured to play a nice amount of very underground gigs in Belgium
and North of France. I have their old first album somewhere in my
chaotic underground mess, and they had a quite good name here, in
the very North of France. Finally, I got a copy of this last
release, and it’s not bad! The DISJONCTOR side contains 6 tracks
of quite energetic Grindcore with a raw aspect, quite noisy moments,
and fewer not so serious (Almost rock’n roll) interludes. There
are the old styled grind riffs, but also more ‘thrashy’ guitars…
What makes it good are the fast punishing grind patterns! Some real
energy is here and I regret I didn’t occur to see them live! URGH!!
The other side
of the split contains songs of INTESTINAL DISEASE, and since I have
never been into this band, there won’t be much to satisfy my needs.
What you have is some kind of grindcore, with hardcore and powerviolence
influences… Sounds a bit like the «Insects» album of NYCTOPHOBIC
in my hears… It would be better if the drummer blasted with his
bass-drums! Huh! Some drummers are lazy bastards! I heard nothing
special on a riffing or structures’ poinf of blast, and detected
nothing emotionally deeper than the average… So this is just another
underground band in the middle of countless others that do the same…

(Usa) Unrest CD'94 RELAPSE. DISRUPT was a Crust band (some
punk but more powerfull, energical and faster) that has splitted
after the release of this album, and this is really a shame! But
be carefull, we aren't speaking here about melodic punk à la NOFX,
DISRUPT plays a more adult and realist way of the nice and happy
punk of GREEN DAY and co: they aren't here to do the fiesta but
to vomit their bile and their disgust of a society in which the
human being is over conditionned at every levels, blows a fuse and
starts the rip off, extensive pollution and mass genetic manipulations
(consequences still unknown!)... and this without a shame. For those
who doesn't know the style, throw away the grind parts and the most
Death metal riffs from the "F.E.T.O" of NAPALM DEATH and
as a whole remains some punching Crust! Notice also a few touches
grind and punk touches of the very first days. The tracks go well
the ones after the others and some riffs are really memorable and
100% efficient. All the more the production is excellent and powerfull
(quite rare in the style where it's quite raw usually). As a whole,
30 tracks that are efficient for most of it, we can say it's a classic
release in the style! But it should be kept for the fans since it
crusts all along.
(USA) Crusting the life Bootleg CDr. Here's a fucking cool bootleg
with 40 track coming from 7 DISGUST releases (mostly Eps). All the
tracks aren't as good as some memorable Crust violence songs that
were on their "Unrest" CD (seems to include the oldest
stuffs of the band as well as newer things) but there are anyway
some great gut tripping riffs you'll cum on at the very first listening!
Crustcore with old school punk riffs à la DEAD KENNEDYS and
a few Grind parts! The sound ain't always very good, but their
tracks from the split w/ DESTROY ("Equalize" is very good!)
and from the "Deprived" Ep ("Deprived", "Give
it back") include some good stuffs, la patate!! And their
drummer does some cool stuffs on his kit for a Crust/ punk bastard.
DISRUPT fans must get it!! The others will eternally rot for
not knowing one of the best Crust punk bands.

DIVINE EMPIRE (Usa) Doomed to inherit CD. 2000.
Thanks to the morbid tattoo artist who used radioactive ink without caution...
Your morbid tattooes will begin to morph, take the control of your skin and act
independently from your own will... Strangely moving leeches inside of your
shirt. Uncontrollable zombies and demons inside. Bruce Banner 2.0 in your
DIVINE EMPIRE was a quite solid American Death metal band. The style was close
to what MALEVOLENT CREATION did on their first albums (Minus "The ten commandments")
and the later ones from the end 90's/ beginning of the century (Even if there
clearly were fewer blasts here): Understand quite solid American styled Death
metal, with enough riffs and tempo changes to keep it un-boring.
Most of the music is DM based, with fast and slower moments, while you could
feel small black metal influences, or even more "hardcore" manners in
some heavier moments... Well, this is a bit the same approach than Malevolent
Creation who used to take influences from various metal genres at the time.
You noticed I quoted MALEVOLENT CREATION a couple of times, this is not really
a surprise since the 3 musicians used to play in that band's first albums, and
you can feel it.
I find the drum sound is a bit too "high pitched", especially the
snare that reminds me a bit of EXHUMED ("Gore metal"); It's not that
triggered, but...
This is a quite solid album, it remains quite cool to listen to, even if
there's nothing exceptional. It could please the needs of those who dig the
style quite a lot.
The only way to cure the poisonous-tattooed-curse will be to remove not only
the skin, but also the flesh. METAL IN THE SKIN. METAL IN THE BLOOD. METAL IN

DIVINE EVE (Usa)/ VEX (Usa) Split CD. 2010.
Divine Eve aren't a new band, they were formed in the 90's, released two demos
and an Ep, but then mysteriously disappeared... Apparently they have some kind
of cult status in some occult retro metal sects, but I wasn't able to hear
their new recording until 2013 (Yes I'm not cult magnetic, even sometimes the
contrary, so things might take their time by moments)
While breathing the vapors escaping the cool atmosphere of these four new
songs, you could be tempted to call the music Death doom, since the tempo has
tendencies to embrace slower speeds, but the safer could be to simply call this
"Old school metal". This is old school, the way it was quite commonly
understood 4-5 years ago, or a bit more.
Looking closer at the music, something important is the influence of the first
3 CELTIC FROST records (Morbid tales, Emperor's return, To megatherion) for
various reasons, including the way of riffing, some song structures, some
beats, the production, and a bit more...
Then you also happen to feel a bit of this or that band (Little touches of
Order from chaos in there, some Slayer (Hell awaits) in that riff, perhaps
Hellhammer during these fast moments, etc) but it is minor elements in the
global spectrum.
This is old school metal in the cool way: No abuse of drunkenness, no voluntary
lo-fi production, no voluntary fucked up raw sound, this was done in the
natural/ simple/ relaxed manner: Old school metal with a warm atmosphere, the
way we knew it a bit more than a couple of years ago.
My first and only previous contact with DIVINE EVE was a song from a
compilation CD entitled "5 years Nuclear blast" that I got during my
first years of metal interest. It didn't move me too much back then, maybe
because it was hard to fight the good songs of Sinister, Brutality, Hypocrisy,
Dismember, Amorphis and Resurrection that were also featured.
I'm more embalmed with what DIVINE EVE procreated more recently, this is quite
embalming and coolified music (Even if no really killer riffs and no orgasm of
metal were provided in the package).
So I wish you hell, and I hope these old school metallers from Texas will brew
more warm old school metal of this kind in the future!
Marching towards the Megathrone, we will await the procreation of the new
morbid tales!
The other part of this split CD contains 3 songs of VEX from Texas.
I would say their music is located in the middle between black metal and death
metal, with an equal quantity of fast and mid-paced moments.
Unfortunately for them, the music they play isn't really my kind, so the
description will be short.
I would say some fast melodic black metal riffs could sound like DISSECTION/
SACRAMENTUM, while some mid-paced to slow parts could sound like ASPHYX (It
might be due to the quite "big" production)... And there are also
some mid-paced rhythms black metal bands used more commonly a couple of years
The songs are constructed and played in a correct, quite professional manner,
and the content sounds like it could be pleasant for those who like the style.
Instead of trying hard to draw ambiguous comparisons with a lot of vagueness, I
will shorten the review right now. (End of transmission)
Divine Eve: http://www.myspace.com/divineeve2008 Vex:

RAPTURE (Usa) Divine rapture CD’99. The promo 2001 of
DIVINE RAPTURE was quite convincing with good blasting and Brutal
moments as well as few more melodic and more personal touches. I
ordered this album in a French distro to get some more from them.
First impression, their new stuffs are different: far more convincing
and Brutal. In this older recording, the Death metal of the band
was a quite melodic one with few more blasting pr classical Death
metal parts. There were some cool riffs à la mid old DEATH meets
old ATHESIT like breaks. Quite technical Death/ Thrashy guitars
in parts. Touches of MORBID ANGEL meets old VADER. The presence
of the drum-machine doesn't help that much in this case, their new
drummer is efficient and fucking brutal! It's not some bad stuff,
with some nice ideas and little melodic touches, but the whole remains
average. I consider it as a demo, since someone had the very
bad idea of inverting the tracks' sound, and adding is as bonus
tracks. You get about 5 inverted tracks with an aspirated sound,
and I don't see the use. So there are 6 tracks of real music here,
and not 11... At this time DIVINE RAPTURE was more the kind of
band you listen to with a little interest and to support them, than
by real pleasure. To conclude, this wasn't a bad demo and it
had some nice moments, but their last promo is ways better! They've
strongly improved and I must say I'm waiting for their next full-length
CD that should be released soon! http://www.divinerapture.net
RAPTURE (Usa) The burning passion CD'03 Listenable. It's
nice to follow the evolution of some bands since a few years: you
can see them slowly growing, releasing some demos and finally recording
a full-length CD! DIVINE RAPTURE started to begin convincing
with their promo'01, and this first full-length effort is in the
same lines: this is a Brutal death grind that includes some melodic
and small original touches. So, the music of DIVINE RAPTURE is constructed
at its basis on a Brutal death grind that can remind bands such
bit) and SUFFOCATION (a bit). They have some very fast and brutal
parts, while some more obscure melodies remind me of MORBID ANGEL
("Domination" epoch). But the music if these American
bastards isn't only hyper Brutal since they have a bunch of more
melodic touches or more original parts that could make think of
(old) ATHEIST for the spirit, or bands such as DECAMERON, (old)
SACRAMENTUM or eventually (old) IN FLAMES for the worked on aspect
of some melodic stuffs. They have a super drummer who is hyper-fast
and hyper-brutal, with a style being quite similar to Pete Sandoval's
one! Good sounding technical leads. It's now time to speak about
the bad points of this release! The production is good, brutal and
clear; but the guitars lack of some raw power and heavy sonic destruction!
Some original melodic riffs which are added from here and there
could be a problem for some big Brutal death maniacs (too nice...);
I personally find it nice, but it had to be said. Some Brutal
death riffs aren't especially original, these are Ok riffs in the
style, but taking the whole in consideration this is Ok! This
Cd includes some new tracks as well as some ones that were previously
recorded on their two previous demos, plus some keyboards interludes.
This is a good Brutal death grind CD with just enough original and
melodic elements to distinguish them from the hyper-brutalizing
hordes! It may take some listenings to enjoy it though. http://www.divinerapture.net
(Ukr) The end of humanity CD. 2011. MORE HATE Recs. Frozen
worms under skin, revive! And devour all the flesh, until the bones
shall appear totally clean, totally fucking white! This is a
quite well gathered but also quite common collection of riffs reminiscent
of mid-old CANNIBAL CORPSE, in various meanings of the riffing style. They
have the tappings and morbid melodies many bands used to borrow
in the beginnings 00's. Surprisingly there aren't that many really
fast or blast parts, it's a mixture of various tempos that remain
quite dynamic because of many changes. The music of DIVULTION
isn't surprising, but the atmosphere is quite nice and from here
and there they have quite cool riffs that could sound relatively
catchy or haunting, and make it more interesting to hear than the
dead end consanguineous dullness of "later" Cannibal Corpse. They
might not be the best band in the clone-close genre but they might
provide some cool listenings to fans of the "Barnes" era. http://www.myspace.com/divultionband

diabolae Tape album. 2018. MESSE NOIRE Recs.
I received the two previous tape releases of the band in trade and found it to
be nice, but I wasn't able to really dive into the sound, so it felt like a
good idea to do so with this new release.
This is their second album and the style it contains is old school metal,
somewhere between old school doom metal and old school black metal, with
touches of other genres.
You could imagine the style to be very obscure, but the band is rather into delivering
their feelings than getting over the top.
The doom they play doesn't reach the extremes (Slow), can stay mid-paced, and
can come with (nice) clear vocals.
The black metal influences they come up with can remind me of old SAMAEL
("Blood ritual") or some other 90's bands like early GORGON (Fra) or
perhaps a touch of early DESASTER (Germany/ Before they went more thrashy).
Well it remains globally mid-paced to slow music. Perhaps the black metal
influence is more present than on previous recordings, and perhaps there's a
bit fewer of old CELTIC FROST this time? (It remains a shade globally).
I appreciate the simple approach of the band: Natural production without many
effects, "simple" compositions without lots of arrangements, I
imagine they "simply" follow their feelings and this is the way
DOOMENTOR sounds live.
The music is quite varied, in an old school universe, and also tends to be more
"melodic"/ "atmospheric" here and there... (Anyway don't be
afraid since it remains close to the melodies and approaches of old doom/ hard
rock/ 80's metal).
There are also keyboards here & there, it's seldom and sounds traditional.
The first song is great, sounds like mid-paced BM à la BATHORY ("Blood
fire death").
It's cool to see we're in 2018, I'm listening to underground metal since more
than 25 years, and some bands still release albums that don't sound too much
like what came out the last decade... Well, I didn't say DOOMENTOR sounds that
original, but they come with enough of personality and different influences not
to bore the morbid skull. Now all the styles they approach aren't necessarily
my thing, but there are good songs and fans of old school metal/ doom/ black a
"natural" way might be interested.
(Ger) Disharmonic CD'03. Even if the band's name could let
you imagine some doomy stuffs, he music of DOOMSTONE isn't doomy.
The whole sounds like all times CANNIBAL CORPSE (a bit less technical)
and DEATH with some almost Hardcorish or Thrashcore riffs. Some
more melodic death or thrashing riffs are added, as well as some
very soft parts. They could also remind of ESQUARIAL or CONTROL
DENIED. The vocals are in the thrashy way of singing, quite high
pitched, etc. But what can I add positive about them since they
doesn't sound different, nor better, no more inspired than other
nowadays average bands? This musical eclecticism could be a positive
point, but the way the tracks are composed and built doesn't help
so much to increase the energy. Of corpse some parts are Ok or quite
heavy, but add to the previous points various elements that doesn't
turn me on (Average blasts, structures, useless approximate arrangements)
and you get a well produced average CD that suffers from a bunch
of misconstructions. It doesn't suck, but it wasn't the time to
release a CD! Insert coin. http://www.doomstone.de

FROM THE WOUND (Philippines) Agony Through Rituals Of Self Purification
CD'07. SEVARED Recs. After a quite promising demo'06, the
Philippinese brutal death heads of DOWN FROM THE WOUND come back
with a first full-length recording. Do not expect something new,
original or standing out, you little trendy piece of shit! There's
nothing to fit your clerically vampirized 2007 criterias that lamely
forgot the guts, the pain and the agony! Anyway the goal of the
band isn't to be original or "Zzzzpezzziiiial"... Would
you reproach a grindcore band to blast? Would you reproach a black
metal band to scream like little cats? Would you reproach a metal
band to play with guitars? So, In this case it's almost the same:
It would be quite useless to reproach DOWN FROM THE WOUND to play
fucking brutal US Brutal death, devoid of any melody or so called
"Original" influence (In case some didn't notice, in the
early years Brutal death was fucking original and over the top,
as it inserted many new ideas and took the whole affair much deeper...
In your suffering asshole!... Ooooh! It's not so original anymore?...
And then? How long will your current trend be original and fresh?
How many months? How many weeks? And how long will you care when
the style will be denied or forgotten by most? If you're not convinced,
go ask Mozart or Bach if they wrote a new masterpiece each month
and created a new style each semester)... But as always, many bands
played the same again, and again, and again, so the minds and guts
of the brutal maniacs got machine-washed with too many usual riffs,
and the longing for brutality was declining... But sometimes, I'm
happy to hear bands such as D.F.T.W who focus on a very specialized
style and do their best to kick your ass... And it's quite good,
yeah! Imagine US Brutality like old DISGORGE (Usa), old SUFFOCATION/
early PYREXIA, old NATRON ("A taste of blood" Demo) with
some possible REPUDILATION, touches of BANISHED and other obliterating
things like that... DOWN FROM THE WOUNDS sounds motivated, rigid,
brutal and it works. The production is cool: It's not your overproduced
clinical gay plastic guitars of 2007, No! Even if it's rigid, there's
an heavy sound brutality once had (With quite vibrating bass frequencies
to exterminate your speakers) and I like it! "Agony Through
Rituals Of Self Purification" is more appealing than many of
the Us brutal death albums I tried to listen this year... Ok, it
isn't the brutal album of 2007, but this band is efficient enough
to kick the ass and should be supported! (To enjoy, listen with
your brutality, not your exhausted brain) http://www.myspace.com/downfromthewound

(Hol) Dr Doom MCD'07. CRASH LANDING Recs. Dr Doom Von Fatalis
is a quite surprising bastard. According to his layout you would
rather imagine a sorrowful, deeply melancholic content... So you
take few cigarettes and prepare to mourn, deeply sat in your contortion
sofa. One beer, two beers, three beers, and more ruminations to
come... But no! Absolutely no mourning is to be found! These
Dutch extreme music fans choose something evolving between Grindcore,
death metal and crusty HC, with black metal and emocore (No emopop,
ok?) touches. So you could imagine a blasting mixture between DEATHBOUND,
mid old ROTTEN SOUND, REGURGITATE (No-gore epoch), early CROWN OF
THORNS (Minus the Gothenburg and Deicide feels), quite current NAPALM
DEATH, some mid old ferocious MARDUK, HATEWAVE etc... The style
is relatively "modern", but also contains some old school
approaches in the way of riffing. Just see it as a quite varied
grindcore-ridden approach of the extremes. I especially appreciate
the kind of drum-playing: There are quite powerful ideas and blasts
the right way. Most of the vocals are high pitched, between the
grind and corish screams. The production is good, professional and
quite "abrasive", but easily penetrable and "lightning". DR
DOOM might not be the yearly discovering that kills, but their MCD
is a solid recording of extreme music with enough balls to please
fans of energetic blasting music. http://www.myspace.com/drdoomgrind
Records is a really cool label in terms of old school releases and
this DRR SHRINKER album is far from displeasing me! This band
was total cult in the underground as their first demo album entitled
"Wedding the grotesque" was heavily tape traded in the
burning network of obscure underground maniacs! This album contains
the "Wedding the grotesque" 12 tracks Demo'89, as well
as the "Recognition" Demo'88 and "The eponym"
2 tracks Demo'920; the whole remastered for your bloody pleasures!
The music is pure old school Death thrashing mania with an obscure
mood of hellish death! The music in itself is very near of very
early DEATH, as well as early CANCER, early SEPULTURA (Morbid visions
of total annihilation!) . You need to add some SLAYER's "Hell
awaits" for the morbid thrash metal energy coming straight
from hell! The vocals sound sick and strange, screamed and spit
words of death announcing your forthcoming brutal death as a vicious
snake that is bloodily strangulating your throat and spiting in
your face, eyes in eyes! These vocals have some early NECROPHAGIA
for the sickness and some old CANCER for the tone. The often reminds
me of Killjoy as I'm drowning in a pile of red hot dematerializing
petrified chunks. Some tracks are in the same spirit than REPULSION
on their most Death metallic tracks! Grinding death metal with no
blasts, if you see what I mean! Necrotic perversions, this reminds
me how much I'd sometimes like to kill my boss! Oh! There are
a lot of new and young extreme metal fans and left hand guitar masturbators
who won't get into the secret room of the doctor! Shame for them
coz they won't experience the fucking nice instruments of sexual
torture and bodily dismemberment! But who gives a fuck anyway?! Thanks
to the nice booklet illustrated with flyers, posters and photos,
I can see a guitarist was wearing a NIHILIST T-shirt! No weak shit!! Beware
motherfucker: this is pure old school blasphemy that won't please
everybody, that's for sure! Only for perverted maniacs of ancient
death and fan of morbid albums like "Morbid visions",
"To the gory end" or "Scream bloody gore". This
is 2nd zone death metal ,but 2nd zone with a burning atmosphere
of the obscure that revives the castrated once silent cadaver!
The undead will fucking feast! http://www.necroharmonic.com
OF DAMNATION (Usa) Let the violence begin MCD'00 NECROPOLIS.
DARK ANGEL was a totally excellent band that never got all
the support and recognition it deserved! How many actual bands can
beat the excellent aggressiveness, intensity and hellish creativity
of "Darkness descends"? They aren't numerous! Far from
this!! Even the following albums of DARK ANGEL included some
very good ass kicking parts each trasher can only enjoy! And bang
his fucking head on! Due to several problems, and a lack of motivation
the band finally split up. We all know Gene Hoglan did some excellent
drum parts on Death's "Individual thought patterns" and
"Symbolic" and also appeared on other projects such as
a STRAPPING YOUNG LAD CD... But what about the other musicians? I
didn't know much until I read a good interview of DREAMS OF DAMNATION
in the old school as Fuck VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE webzine! Tim
Durin, one of the once guitarist and composers of DARK ANGEL has
formed a new Thrash metal band named DREAMS OF DAMNATON! So when I saw
this CD with a very KREATOR like cover in a second hand market,
I immediately bought it without hesitation! After an hellish
introduction that reminds me the very first minutes of "Darkness
descends" begins the headbanging fiesta! The music of the
band is total thrash metal that reminds me of old SLAYER's recordings!
Fast thrash metal that doesn't stop punching à la "Hell awaits"
and "Reign in blood"! Some riffs also remind me of old
SODOM and a bit of DARK ANGEL, but strangely enough it doesn't sound
as much DARK ANGEL like as what I expected... The vocals are quite
raw in the trash metal style, not so far from Hardcore by moments.
I've visited the website of the band, and it seems a female vocalist
have joined them in their will of reviving the great old thrash
metal days! In it's most obscure moments, the 4 th tracks entitled
"Demonic celebration" that's the only slow one reminds
me of some heavier stuffs SLAYER have written on "Seasons in
the abyss" and "South of heaven". As a whole,
this isn't bad. The tracks are quite aggressive and well constructed.
I expected more from an ex DARK ANGEL member and I'm quite disappointed,
but it doesn't suck any of your pleasures to kill! Fans of old school
Thrash metal à la old SLAYER can find some interest in here as SLAYER
keeps on releasing stuffs that can only bore thrash metal fans! http://www.dreamsofdamnation.org
(Fra) Intended to... CD'03 PERENNIAL QUEST. Here's the first
official CD of a Death heavy metal band reminding me a lot of DEATH
(3 last CDs) and CONTROL DENIED! Even if it's full of riffs, leads
and stuffs melted altogether in correct structures, most of it didn't
attract my attention more than that. I think it sounds like Chuck
Shuldiner's compositions a lot, but I found nothing gut tripping
nor with the excellent ideas that make you love the release immediately!
The lead guitarist has got a good technical level. There are
a few riffs with a cool futuristic feeling not so far from the last
PESTILENCE release, a few themes' tonalities are nice since it sounds
like being influenced from progressive metal (I think CONTROL DENIED
had it in parts). The leads sound good but a good part of the
riffs are only Death/ Heavy à la DEATH in a too common way! After
a few tracks I enter the vortex of who's not who's to be the who's
to be and not to be... becomes repetitive! Honestly, I found
nothing special here or that took my attention at the level of the
riffs! There are some nice parts between the whole stuffs (I find
average), but I don't find in their music the potential and excellence
I read about in other reviews! http://perennialquest.free.fr
DUSK (Pakistan) Through corridors
of dead centuries MCD. 2014. CYCLOPEAN EYE Recs.
Bring your shovel to the undertaker,
For he shall complete your funeral service.
Inhumed with your own shovel of love,
This is more than some vacant souls would request.
This band plays great sounding death doom, exploring both the harder and more
sorrowful patterns of the style. I hear some early MY DYING BRIDE (First two
albums), some CATHEDRAL (First one only) and perhaps some ORODRUIN.
The songs are quite varied; while some are harder, deeper and get close to
monolithic doom, others are more "melodic" and explore the more
sorrowful patterns of the style. This said, there doesn't appear to be
superfluous embellishments, and most of the vocals are close to the death metal
The playing and recording is more professional than what you could expect from
Pakistan... This could come from a German band for example.
DUSK is active since 1995, released 3 full-lengths and seems to remain in the
deep underground... Perhaps because of the labels, or perhaps their style was
different, I don't know.
I'm not an expert at handling the doom or funeral shovel (Well, there's not a
lot of funeral doom here), so talking about originality, personality and other
mind-tormenting affiliates wouldn't be easy, but at least I can say the music
of DUSK sounds good and conveys some dark feelings. Fans of doom could dig it.
FETUS (Usa) Purification through violence CD'96 PULVERIZER Recs.
the last DYING FETUS recordings aren't impressive and drown in pure
brutal death weakness, it could be nice to come back to their first
and good recordings! When the real brutal passion was still here,
and most of the band's musicians didn't leave for MISERY INDEX!
That first full-length album was highly acclaimed in the brutal
Death metal underground back then! It was totally efficient and
original! American brutal death grind with both tremolo riffings,
technical parts, grooves, obscure guitar pukes... Brutal death grind
in the style of... DYING FETUS! (Try to find 6 bands who created
their own kind of riffing and personal sound in Brutal death grind
since 98! Hard! Almost impossible!) Of course influences of bands
such as old PYREXIA or SUFFOCATION are obvious (it could be found
in some blasts or obscure parts for example). Endless bleeding of
the razors fukked ass! No bitch shall remain an anal-virgin! The
rhythmical and riffing points of spike were varied. The band had
real compositions that were logically and correctly constructed
enough to sound like real tracks! The technical riffs sounded like
some kind of melody, not your ununderstandable left hand wanking
Brutal brutal brutal 'musicians'. The grooves were really groovy
as it didn't sound like an old fat lazy bastard trying to groove
while he doesn't know the fuck what it is and finally falls asleep!
Cut in stone catchy riffs that incrust your brutal head and haunt
you to DEATH! Brutal torture of the weak and nailed dildo sodomy
of the moron! Of corpse there were a bunch of blasts! Wall crushing
headbanging, no wall shall remain! DYING FETUS never had a really
metal state of mind, it was brutal music, fuckk off yet controlled
brutality, with somekind of core touch in the spirit. Brutal
death metal growls with screams. Professional in the right way (compositions
& production... not $$!) Of course a bunch of bands copied
all these riffs many times since then, it doesn't sound as fresh,
and many guys may vomit on this release as it's no more "In"
to be into Brutal death metal; but don't let yourself being fooled
by the newbees of old school death, noisecore wanabees, gorecrap
wankers and true black metal opportunists! This album was a good
and original punch in the face, and it's still enjoyable in 2003
for those who dig Brutal death metal! http://www.dyingfetus.com
FETUS/ DEEP RED Split Ep'01 RELAPSE. It's more
than modest to say the new DYING FETUS is one of the most awaited
albums by the Extreme metal microcosm! As much by convinced fans
(I'm a part of them) than by the mockers who can't wait to spit
their venom. But the mockers will only rejoice here: they won't
have to wait for the album and can start to mock and spread their
venomous words, because in a brief summary, this Ep let me see nothing
good will come! I must add before the release of this Ep, 3/4
of the DYING FETUS guys have gone in MISERY INDEX. John Gallagher
being alone, it's not enough to crush and kill! The band we have
here is more Death metal than never, it has lost almost all its
Hardcore touches, but it's hard to distinguish them from the whole
average bands! The first riff isn't bad, the remaing sucks! About
DEEPRED, it's still simply pathetic! Even worse than the album!
All the more I rarely heard a so badly produced release this year
(maybe the CABAL/ MUCUPURULENT split CD). According to the disgraceful
price this Ep is for sale in most of the distros, avoid it at all
costs!! http://www.dyingfetus.com
(Australia) / PASSENGER OF SHIT (Australia) "Search
downloaded few songs of DYSPHEMIC, expecting some kind of grindcore,
brutal death or extreme metal in a way... But what a surprise! There
are absolutely no guitars, no vocals, and nothing "rock"
to be found in there... But DYSPHEMIC sounds extreme. This extremity
lies in the complexity and intense compression of the songs that
could sound like old styled jungle pushed at the paroxysm of rythmic
changes! In the most "intense" moments, the beat-changes
are so numerous and varied you often don't have the feeling about
hearing it two times... (Maybe it doesn't sound as beats anymore,
but should be understood as new piles of sounds). Each new inner
irritating assault of self destruction is neutralised by a new rythmic
change or evolutive sample deformation. Perfect to keep the concentration
of your putrid mind focused and neat. But beware, we aren't in
the realm of noise or power electronics, since no traces of distorsion
or chaos can be found in there, to the contrary it's totally controlled
and enormously fulfilled with beats. I can't say I found much
emotional in there (although some samples sound quite nice and offer
a litle atmosphere) but DYSPHEMIC might be a nice healer for the
enjoyers of complex music who are fed up with always hearing the
same usual rythms, everheard melodies and predictable patterns in
their usual audio habits. It cleanse your mind. The other side
of this split didn't please me much. All in all PASSENGER OF SHIT
could fit in the same style than the previous project, even though
the whole sounds less serious and even includes a bunch of "funny"
sounding samples... P.O.S. is a bit more noisy; and even if their
songs are more varied and full of samples, it also sounds more predictable
on matter of rythms, breaks and "ideas"... It sounds more
like a weekend project meant to fulfill few hours of boredom than
anything... There are even some common (bad) techno and hip hop
influences... Some beats aren't bad, but it's not enough. Just an
average/ very average project I will forget soon. http://www.geocities.com/dysphemic0
(SPA) Restablishing the equilibrium MCD'02. Emerging from
the once Brutal as Fuck Spanish scene, DYSPRAXIA makes me think
about FALLEN CHRIST for the guitar technicity mixed with low suffocated
vocals. CANNIBAL CORPSE at the time of their "Tomb of the
mutilated" album will of course being noticeable (for heavy
riffs and low vox in this case) as the band is playing Brutal Death
metal. I may quote their buried country mates of UNCREATION for
some classical American Brutal Death similarities in the style,
but some touches of SKELETON OF GOD and CRYPTOPSY could also be
named. I found some nice SUPURATION ("The cube") touches
for discordant and indus touches on some riffs and for a few clear
vocals. There's a good amount of slapping bass parts. They've
got some Techno death elements following the lines of old ATHEIST
or COPROFAGO. Even if their music is correctly played, they really
loose some intensity and they drown the listener in his
liquefied purulent bowels during a bunch of too technical and complex
parts! Remember you must write tracks! To conclude: They mix a lot of influences from the various
Brutal death metal styles, it's rather well produced but no riff
engraved itself in my head dust (and there are some stagnant riffs). This
is a cool band to support for underground involved spanish brutallers,
but no real brutal energy was here :( http://www.impactofecal.go