- DEMOS - OLD STUFFS - FANZINES - GIGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDs/LPs/Eps reviews:
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(Pol) De profundis CD'95 IMPACT Recs. In my opinion, it's
by far the best VADER release! More expressive and efficient than
their first one, and far from their wanna be fast and quite uninspired
following albums that didn't do much for me! It seems to me the
success has one more time perished the inspiration and quality of
a good band's music! Even if this album isn't as fast and in
a Death/ Thrashing grind style as the "Morbid Reich" Demo,
it was just their most intense effort! Their tracks were simply
very well done with enough great variations to keep your attention
more than fucking awaken! Full of frenesy vocals that makes you
feel on the very top of the highest mountains of a desert land!
Good old school SLAYER influences in the riffings and for some breaks!
riffs that were done and thought to hypnotize your skull! Some old
school Death metal influences à la POSSESSED can be felt here! It
may remind me of old BRUTALITY by moments. Small technical touches
in the breaks that make it more interesting. Old school metal leads
that are both simple and chaotic ( à la old SLAYER) or more melodic. There
are here some very good Death metal tracks any Death metal head
should hear at least one time in it's life!
(Pol) Litany CD'00 METAL BLADE. Vader, it's the living proof
than in the metal scene, to become a cult band, you only need to
move your ass and to tour a lot. Because even if Vader was nice
enough this time to boost the thing and to play a music that's a
bit more energic than usual, it doesn't reach the level of what
will make the biggest Grinders cum! Some Morbid Angel without the
intensity, as a whole it's the only thing VADER can offer with this
release. It's well done and it's fast, that's certain, but where
are they going? That's a mystery... Maybe a more nervous singer
would help them to sound less repetitive? Anyway, I can't stand
more than half the album. An in anyway, after two tracks you ever
know the remaining of the CD! Pierre

FODER (Por) Poço CD. 2017. MURDER Recs. HELLD PROD Recs. This
brutalizing orchestra located in the north of Portugal comes with
a band name that's easy to understand: In Portuguese it means "FUCK
YOU!" AhAh. Their style mixes crust punk, grindcore with
elements of hardcore and even crossover thrash... This is a quite
cinderblock throwing mix. During the listening, I happened to
think about NAPALM DEATH in grind parts, DISRUPT in crust parts,
or perhaps DISFEAR in more "rock'n roll" touches... (But
maybe it's not representative of the whole) Globally this sounds
like a quite energetic mix of all the quite kicking "core"
styles you could find in the 80's and early 90's (Minus the post
Hc stuffs, or the sludge style, if you consider this to have emerged
from Hc). On one hand, the riffing is a bit classical in the
style, on the other hand it's quite well compacted/ structured,
and there are some great riffs here & there. As always with
this type of bands that mix grindcore and crust and other "fast
only" types of HC, I feel like there's not enough of blast
beats AhAh... Cool cover artwork à la "Scum". Due
to the global quality of this album, I would say it could please
the needs of those who dig old school grind'n crust'n punk Hc. VAI-TE
FODER could be a kicking live band! Send me bootleg VHS tapes housed
between two big bricks to verify! (Or don't do it, postage would
be too expensive AhAh... POSTAGE BRICK SUICIDE)

VALGRIND (Ita) Seal of
phobos MCD. 2017. Everlasting spew recs.
I enjoyed a lot the first album of this Italian Death metal band, because of
all the moods, old school atmospheres it contained, and the early IMMOLATION
Then they released a second album which was different, more brutal and
influenced by old MORBID ANGEL, but I wasn't able to really dissect the content
because of musical overload :-)
Now the band is back with a new MCD that roughly follows the same path.
This is death metal very influenced by old MORBID ANGEL, early HATE ETERNAL
(First album), with something a bit more technical from here and there that
might remember of old BRUTALITY or perhaps old EMPEROR ("IX Equilibrium"
minus the synths), some EULOGY (Usa) or maybe old PESTILENCE when it gets a bit
more thrashy.
The BRUTALITY influence might be a bit more important than what I pointed out,
sometimes the riffs coming with a little touch of "melody" and some
great sounding riffs that also take some "melody" (And don't sound
like the chaotic hell of old Trey Azagtoth for example) bring an interesting
plus of "beauty" into the whole.
Some peoples might also hear similarities with FLESHTIZED (Especially the demo
from 2006) or perhaps some older releases of AURORA BOREALIS (Usa).
This is pretty neat, with well-built songs; Some leads are great and it's a
solid sounding MCD, but I still prefer the first album "Morning will come
no more" because of the atmospheres (But I think it's logical since this a
part of this said album was composed of old songs written in the 90's). A quite good recording.

(Pol) Sewer surge CD. 2023. DYING VICTIMS Recs. It seems
the old school never ends! With the appearance of more bands digging
deeper and deeper in the past, to sound closer to the earliest incarnations
of metal every month. Here we have VENGEANCE from Warsaw/ Wroclaw,
Poland, which plays a mix of early speed/ heavy/ thrash that really
tastes like early 80's. Roughly their music sounds like a cocktail
of the first speed thrash bands, with a shovel of speed 'n rock'n
roll ugly MOTÖRHEAD, and a good dose of 80's heavy metal. Listeners
with a more or less experienced hear in the old might feel similarities
with VENOM (Rather "Black metal"), old MOTÖRHEAD (For
the vocals and some riffs), EXODUS (First album), TANK (For the
rock'n roll), CARNIVORE (For the "street" aspect)... Then
maybe BULLDOZER ("The final separation"), old AGENT STEEL,
and other clearly more heavy metal bands I won't quote (I have to
stop the name dropping machine here, it consumes too much of gas). The
music of the band isn't "brutally spectacular" at first
hear: This isn't violent raw thrash, and the production is quite
"modest" (Or natural), but the atmosphere you can find
here counterbalances, and there are nice guitar parts. In some
riffs I find a very nostalgic feeling that due to some darkness
leads me back to VENOM's second album... Then in some heavy metal
parts the mood is closer to MERCYFUL FATE's first album "Melissa". It's
a bit hard for me to conclude clearly this review as I'm not the
biggest heavy or speed expert, and I'm used to listen to a bit more
"violent" music... But I hear qualities in there which
could please fans of early heavy/ speed/ thrash coming with a quite
dark atmosphere. If I was speaking polish, I could end this
review with something like "zemsta ciemnosci i krwi",
but it's not the case and I used google translate to transcribe
"Vengeance of darkness and blood" in this language...

overdose of suffering Tape. 2016. FISTBANG Recs.
This Chilean band isn't really new since a couple of demos were released
before, but this is still quite ripping thrashing metal.
Even if a part of you putrid readers probably heard about the band before (This
album was released on CD and Lp by IRON PEGASUS recs, so it's not totally
obscure anymore), I will anyway write some kind of description, because it's
easy to do (Ah!), and it's quite cool...
In no banging order of preference, during the listening I used to think about
ooold KREATOR (Perhaps "Pleasure to kill"/ "Terrible
certainty", but not THAT much of the second), early MERCILESS (Sweden/
First album), old SLAYER (Rather "Reign in blood"), old POSSESSED (I
would say "Seven churches" but not the most totally DM songs, even if
death metal influences appear the style of Venus Torment is rather about
thrash), then perhaps a little of early DARKNESS (Ger)...
There are quite a lot of fast, kicking/ Thrashing riffs, but the riffs/ tempo
changes are more numerous than for average thrash, then there are also more
epic tremolo riffs.
The more you insert the skull in the analog, the more the tape shows little
more varied influences: Some 80's speed metal riffing here, a couple of early
heavy metal influences here, a bit of very early technical stuffs à la ooold
DEATH ("Leprozy"/ "Spiritual healing"), and even a bit of
So the whole remains varied enough, it's not the same thrashing riffs all the
VENUS TORMENT is almost a solo project, as the main musician plays everything
(Except the drums), well you wouldn't notice since it doesn't sound cold or
sterile in the playing.
This is a quite good sounding and kicking tape, I can't guarantee if every
putrid readers will find this recording to be absolutely kicking or mind
obliterating (After all it's not only a matter of tastes: Someone to be 85%
deaf might not hear the same riffs than a banger with fresh hears... Ah Ah) but
it's a quite good recording, so fans of the style who are subject to
underground attraction should try it. Quite original band name for thrash by
the way.

(Swe) Smell the birth of death Ep'03 NUCLEAR WINTER. Emerging
from the old skool as fukk Swedish obscure Underground, VERMINOUS
plays total old skool Death metal! This is fukking fast as the tempo
reminds me of MERCILESS' 1st LP "The awakening" but the
style is more into the putrid lines of Nekro Death metal: REPUGNANT,
KAAMOS, POSSESSED (old), UNLEASHED (old), SEPULTURA (very old) with
and old ANGEL CORPSE! Kontrary to a bunch of old skool Death bands,
they doesn't sound asleep! The kuite dynamik aspekt of their
tremolo ridden Death reminds me of KAAMOS! Spiked fist fukking of
the poser! Bleed now bastard! I'm not so much into their stuffs
(a bit too fast in the temp Death metal parts...), but that may
sound katchy and it's kompressed morbid sounding Death metal with
a bunch of nicely placed breaks and morbidly pakkaged trakks that
kould please the fans of KAAMOS, REPUGNANT and Nekro Death metal!
(Swe) Impious sacrilege CD'03. XTREEM MUSIC. Black putrefaction,
obscure cancerous semen and malignant pus! Pure fucking Death invades
the minds of the filthy morons to grind their overwhelming stupidity
to celestial dust! Brutality will prevail! Imagine a good mix of
REPUGNANT (for the fast as fuck old school), ABSCESS (for the dirty
as fuck deadly putridity), KAAMOS (for some energetik as fuck rotten
energy) and other morbidly reincarnating early Death-thrashing metal
entities such as early MERCILESS (Swe), NIHILIST/ ENTOMBED, old
UNLEASHED and you have the right fatal portrait of the way this
"Impious sacrilege" hatefully devours your flesh! This
album vomits the inhuman filth of the deepest ancient abyss during
10 fast as fuck tracks that has severe torturing and bloody chances
to kick the bottoms of old school Death metal fanatics who like
it fast as fuck and undergroundly necro-perverted! This might
not be a long-time standing classic album since I didn't detect
real Death metal hymns, and there's nothing that new, but VERMINOUS
is worth listening and hailing for sure! OLD SCHOOL WILL PREVAIL!!

(Ita) Nightmare holocaust CD'03 WITCHES BREW Recs. From
Italy comes this blackthrashing act. If you are into GROTESQUE,
I think that VEXED might please you, ‘cos it has this little aggressive
swedish old school touch. Of course, the dudes have also listened
to SLAYER and all the old thrash metal masters. Well two things
are not of my taste on this record. First, the production, because
it lacks too much of bass, which tends to affect the power of the
music. Second, the guys felt like they had to cover SODOM’s “Blasphemer”…
Well after LUCIFERION, which did a killer cover, and numerous ug
acts which covered this song, I guess that VEXED could have chosen
something else from SODOM or other old thrash metal gods to cover.
It doesn’t sound bad, but it’s used to death, and brings actually
nothing to the album. But there are things that I enjoy on this
album, like the riffing, which is very aggressive and reminds DESTRUCTION,
GROTESQUE, and also the vocals, which are very hysterical between
Schmier and Tom Angelripper in the early days, in a more high pitched
version. I also find that the song “warcorpse machine” which is
an instrumental with electronic sounds sounds abit like a
filler as it’s a bit too long for my taste and doesn’t bring anything
very essential to the album. All in all, it’s a quite good album
which has its moments, but I think I’d rather go for TOXIC HOLOCAUST,
which is signed on the same label. Still I think that future releases
of VEXED might bring some cool headbanging shit to my metallic ears!
Give it a try before getting it. Cuntact:
(Pol) Testamentum (In hora mortis nostre) CD'03 METAL MIND. Poland.
Melodic heavy doom. Good sounding female vocals. Few black metal
vocals. Kinda like old TYPE O NEGATIVE + mid old PARADISE LOST...
(Insert your blah blah here: ...). It sounds Ok, the female vocals
sound quite good and clear, the tracks are correctly done, but I
found no highlight nor any part that would remain engraved in my
head and soul. Average music and ininterested listener!

Set de sang CD. 2018. HECATOMBE Recs.
According to Google translation "Vidres a la sang" means something
like "Visions of blood" in Catalan; Perhaps this band was more
oriented to gore death metal at the beginning, or perhaps this has more to do
with effusions of blood resulting from satanic murders, who knows?
What this Spanish band plays is black metal. The style isn't really modern, but
neither too old school, I would say it could relate to the 00's genre.
About half of the songs is up-tempo with blastbeats, while the other half is
rather mid-paced to slow. The whole isn't really brutal, even during the
blastbeats, there's some kind of "atmospheric" or a little
"disconnected" tone in the guitars.
I think you can find some mid old MAYHEM for a "post black metal"
touch, then perhaps (?) a bit of early MOONSPELL ("Wolfheart") during
some mid-paced parts (But not so melodic)... (I think this last description
isn't very precise and might have needed to be avoided... But I'm in front of a
promo CD to review, and it's not always easy... At least no one will send me
Euronymous ahah).
'Set de sang" doesn't sounds like a badly made album, it's quite
professionally played and recorded, nothing sounds bad in the style, etc...
But this review will have to stop here, I'm not a big black metal fan and my
knowledge is reduced to a little piece of tissue once you're not talking about
the early/ old bands...
CROWN (Usa) Banished Rhythmic Hate CD'01 SEASONS OF MIST. Once
some musicians get a bit of recognition and some good relationships
with labels, it's so easy for them to record any crap project and
release it! Every kind of fart or vaguely musical flatulence will
be recorded! This album is nothing more than fart! But who gives
a fuck about the farts of Phil Anselmo or Killjoy? Bad Black thrash
metal with a horrible sound! Simplistic every heard as fuck riffs,
common song structures! Cliché! Boring drum-machine! Cliché! The
vocals seem like the guy imitates Dead. There are many boring interludes
that don’t turn my slip inside out! Fuck that pure crap! It
sounds like the some demos, but we are in 2003! Wake up and face
the bloody truth: the music in itself is boring and it sucks even
more when you think it was released as a pro CD on a quite big label! I
can understand some guys play such kind of projects for themselves,
but no one apart from the stupid PANTERA groupies will ever need
to buy and listen to this!! It doesn't fly above the poorest pieces
of shit any dog have shitted on the ground! Send them your excrements!!

(Ger) Peace was never an option Tape album. 2016. RODEL Recs.
This is a brutal band from Berlin/ Germany and they like to play with big
blocks of concrete.
This is a tape rerelease of their first album from 2015.
While I reviewed quite a lot of raw grindcore stuffs that could tend to
powerviolence the last months, this tape is a bit more in the
"metallic" (Or perhaps I could say "brutal") style, even if
it globally remains grind.
During the listening I happen to think about new NAPALM DEATH as well as old
NAPALM DEATH (Harmony & Utopia), old BLOCKHEADS (Second album I think),
MASSIVE CHARGE (France), old NYCTOPHOBIC, with a bit of ooold MASTIC SCUM...
(Did you notice my grindcore references aren't really sunny, fresh and updated?
This is grindcore, but with some deathgrind inside, and more deathmetallic
riffs here and there... As well as a couple of heavier hardcore riffs. (For the
vocals you find some deathmetallic growls as well as more "crazy"
Some fast blasting moments convey quite some energy and quite destructive
stress, some fast parts in the fast death metal/ Dbeat style can sound quite
kicking, and the songs are built in a quite brutal manner.
This also comes with a quite big brutal production... Now perhaps the music is
a bit classical in the style, but the energy is here, and you don't necessarily
want to listen to complex/ chaotic/ post hardcore...
This tape could please fans of the grind/ deathgrind/ brutal style, as the
spirit reminds me of the french scene from 10-15 years ago.

(HOL) Under
the hex of Amdusius MCD'00 SKULLCRUSHER. Nice choice for
the cover: a painting by John Martin, a good apocalyptic and deeply
expressive painter from the 19th century! To
my ears they sound like a mix between old MORBID ANGEL, CENTURIAN
and ANGEL CORPSE with an old Death/thrash touch. A riff reminds
me of ATROCITY's "Hallucinations" CD, but they aren't
into the kind of bizarre techno death metal the germans played. The
death metal vocals aren't very deep and sounds sometimes almost
thrashy, but it was done to sound like David Vincent on the two
first MORBID ANGEL albums. By moments, the vocalist also made me
think about ANGEL CORPSE's vocalized scorched satanic cults. Some
quite complex riffs mixed with some blast parts and some of the
vocals mentionned before make them sound even more like ANGEL CORPSE
(2nd and 3rd CDs). They have got a dark and occult touch reminding
me a bit of EQUINOX's first CD. There are some old NILE sounding
like harmonies in some mid placed tremolo riffs. But they also
have got a few riffs influenced by the new MORBID ANGEL's albums.
After all these wors that may have lost you, here's a sharper conclusion:
This is Death/ Grind with some old school touch and it can be cool
for the big fans, even though nothing really good is present here.
An Ok MCD!
(HOL) Azoth
MCD'02 I like the
cover, it reminds me an introspective and irrealistic painting I
did. The band is still playing a Death/grind influenced by old MORBID
ANGEL/ CENTURIAN. The sound lacks a bit in heaviness compared to
their previous MCD "Under the hex of Amdusius" though.
On this one, the drumming + the drums" sound reminds me of CENTURIAN's
"...Of purest fire" Demo CD'98. The skullfull vokills
doesn't sound anymore like ANGEL CORPSE's but it's now more in the
classical David Vincent ("Domination")/ CENTURIAN vein.
Notice the arrival of some fast raging black metal on a riff. I prefered a bit their
previous MCD, but this one includes less songs (it's more a CD single),
and so it's not very easy to judge their musical evolution.
Check out the review of their MCD'00 to get more infos! Anyway this is still an
band with nicely constructed songs! Still can be cool for Death
metal fans.

REMAINS (Usa) Let us pray CD'92 Peaceville. First album
of the americans, "Let us pray" doesn't shine for its
personality. Bound somewhere between Nocturnus for keyboards (that
remains not too oftenly used), and the Tampa scène (the oriental
melodies à la DEATH on the first track, the rythmics à la MORBID
ANGEL), VITAL REMAINS looses itself in its own structures, melting
some average parts with some really bad ones (leads are pathetic),
and we don't know where they are going... The tracks, all being
between 5 and 7 minutes, are really to long for what that bands
has to say, and it's very painfull to listen to a track until its
end without needing to switch to the next one to see if it's not
a bit better. But the next one, even if it's sometimes better, is
never good. Do yourself a favor, and avoid to loose 56 minutes of
your life. Pierre
REMAINS (USa) Forever underground CD'97 Osmose. 3 years
of break, a totally new line up, and VITAL REMAINS is back with
an album nobody would have awaited from them/ "Forever underground"
is one of these albums that have shown, these last 5 ears, Death
metal hasn't said its lastest words and it's still possible to make
evolve a music known for its quasi sterility. As they went back
to the sources of Death ( thinking about SLAYER, POSSESSED and mainly
MASSACRE), VITAL REMAINS comes back to the long and complex tracks
of its first album, but they discover a given sense of the efficiency
(The very Hardcore like cymbal playing on "Battleground"
for exemple) and of the crushing riff. Not many bands are able to
do so long tracks without being boring, but VITAL REMAINS deals
wuite well with it without using an incredible amount of riffs.
A few new sounds (Very inspired from Black metal keyboards, acoustic
guitars), well felt blast beats, well placed vocals, in short words,
an album with an immediate charm that longs. It's destined to become
somekind of classic. Pierre
REMAINS (USa) Dawn of the apocalypse CD'99 Osmose. This
review could be made in only one word: Deception. The excellent
"Forever underground" will only have been a good and almost
unvolonteer surprise, and Vital remains was caught back by it's
sins if youth. 'Dawn of the apocalypse" is without any doubt
the faster and most brutal album of the americans, but if Blast
beats were enough to make Death metal passionating, we all would
know this since years and years... "Dawn of the apocalypse"
lacks what all the bad albums miss: some good riffs, and their presence
is the needed but not sufficient condition for the succeed in the
composition of a good album. And as the tracks are always
10 minutes long, I want to sleep, even if this is tighly played
and if the little gimmicks of the band haven't disappeared (a bit
of classic guitar, some parts with a very Black metal mood). The
new vocalist does quite well his job, but it's not sufficiently
interesting to save VITAL REMAINS from the desaster, and even if
the tracks are quite interesting by moments, there are no highlight,
none keeps you attracted from its beginning to its end. I told you
it was a deception... Pierre

close to the fire CD. 2016. EQUINOX DISCOS Recs.
Some peoples believe reviewing music is useless because they have access to almost
everything online, but since we are more than animals and we also have a brain,
it can be quite interesting to think, dissect what you hear, and exchange
feelings or opinions...
So here we go with a review of this new Spanish band that released a demo in
2015 and now comes with this first album. Since the doom metal genre is quite
large, it will be needed to be a bit more precise: What you hear contains a mix
of heavy doom and doom death, with black metal vocals. Some soundalike bands
and influences could be: old CELTIC FROST and the more "recent" C.F.
influenced bands (USURPER for example), ORODRUIN, mid old CATHEDRAL (The
"midnight mountain" epoch, even if the style is less groovy/ rock'n
roll induced), old ASPHYX for the slow moments, and perhaps a little of GRAVE
("Back from the grave").
You have it, the style is rather slow to mid-paced, or more "rock'n
roll" depending on the moment, you won't find melodic embellished guitars.
I'm not a fan of the vocals, even if I leave out the fact I'm not a black metal
fan, I think it sounds a bit too fucked up compared to the music. The
production is quite powerful.
This is a quite cool first album, even if I wasn't thrilled by the listening it
was globally pleasant to listen and I didn't hear too much of bad points
(Expect for a couple of fast parts and the vocals).
The fans of the doomy genres who felt my description was quite pleasant might
enjoy checking out these doomy moods.
Web page:
(USA) Jesus killing machine CD'94 MOTOR This album counts
the following musicians: Dave Lombardo, Chuck Shuldiner, Waldemar
Sorychta and Mille Petrozza plus others I didn’t know before. A
part of it ( the tracks ritten by W. Sorychta) really sounds like
the 1st GRIP INC CD « The power of inner strength »,
and it’s the best sounding tracks on the CD in my opinion, these
3 tracks are quite cool. The remaining is most classical and
common heavy thrash
with some faster parts and let’s say it more « punkish »
moments, and I must say it not really good, it even touches my metallic
boredom! It lacks of energy! I don’t find it being a very memorable CD as I’ve got
the feeling most of the guest musicans present here only did their
« job » with any personnal involvement and the
found member of this project invited all these « extreme metal
celebrities » to give some more promotional impact to its
CD! Good relations helps a lot!

(Swe) Revelation Nausea CD'00 Hammerheart. “ Throw Angel
corpse and Marduk in the thrashcan ” said Holy records about this
album. Not much is needed to awake the attention of the most de
hard brutallizers like me, all the more I often saw the guys of
DERANGED with Tshirts of this band. Even if this quote is, as always
in all the French metal distributors, exagerated, I must say the
band isn't bad. And the comparison is well thought. Because even
if VOMITORY is considerably less savage then ANGEL CORPSE, they
also own as the band of Jene Palubicki some Black metal touches
that can distinguish them a bit from the mass of ultra fast Death
bands. Our swedish bastards doesn't hesitate to slow down the
temp, for exemple during a "Beneath the soil" that's well
done, that evocates as much the "Woman of dark desires"
of BATHORY as well as OBITUARY or BRUTAL TRUTH at the time of "Extreme
conditions..." on some parts of the track. So this is a
band with a relatively varied style, that doesn't hesitate to take
influences in all the really extreme styles to feed its carnage,
and they've got a good sense of dynamic and construction. The
little Grindcore touches bring the groove addition that brings a
soul to the record, and VOMITORY lacks only some really catchy vocals'
parts to join the bigger level in the scene. Very encouraging.
(Swe) The galactic rock'n roll empire MCD'98 NECROPOLIS. Here's
a pseudo Black metal project that does here badly played covers
of BATHORY, JUDAS PRIEST... It's one more useless CD which
goal is only to make cash! $$$!
(Usa) Lord of storms CD'01 FROZEN SOLID MUSIC. I imagined
they were playing hyperfast, technical as fuck and dark futuristic
American style Brutal Death, I was just surprised... Their style
is rather mid placed, very much à la old OBITUARY/ DEICIDE!
With some double bass drums and reminicences of Heavy Cannibal Corpse. IT's
just slow and very simple in parts, for this reason it would make
me think about some SIX FEET UNDER's stuffs... or even JUNGLE ROT
(but it's less groovy). Point OBITUARY, shoot "Back from the
dead", and you get a part of it! It sounds quite heavy,
and no riff really sucks, but I found no urge on testosterone and
nothing memorable. Just average old Death metal stuffs with Ok arrangements...
old the OBITUARY's demos still makes me thrill and hallucinate on
the old school obscure feeling, VORE makes me feel nothing.
