OF SANITY (Swe) Crimson 2 CD'03 BLACK MARK. I
was really a lot into the first chapter of "Crimson",
as it was a very inspired dark melodic death metal and it shew the
music of a guy who was totally in accordance with himself and his
soul! But unfortunately I'm disappointed by this 'following'! The
music is not as deeply emotional and personal! It still sounds
rather well composed (with experience) but the deep soul and a strong
envy are lacking. This album isn't a XX minutes tracks as it's
composed of 9 songs, and the music sounds less death metal influenced!
Even if some melodic death and few punching parts are still here,
the progressive side (both for technicality and state of mind) takes
more importance. It has also some melodic doom, melodic metal, heavy
metal, and keyboards have an important space in parts. One thing
that sounds strange is Dan used again some themes and riffs from
"Crimson" , as if a lack of inspiration was really present...
To be honest only these 'old' ideas touched my soul! As always
this is an album that sounds quite good, it has the benefits of
a good production, and it may please some guys...but it's very sad
to see a such talented guy as Dan Swano release an average album
of this kind! It was probably a label thing or a musician's working
motive to record Crimson 2. Sadly average.
(Pol) Feedback CD'03 METAL MIND. Hopefully
this is the last promo I'll receive of METAL MIND! This band plays
Thrash/ Heavy melodic death. Sounds like a mix of CARCASS' last
releases, DEATH (last one), CONTROLED DENIED, mid old MEGADETH
with screamy vocals. Some riffs are Ok, some guys might find
it catchy, but I don't give a flying fuck! It becomes repetitive
and some riffs are just drowning in averageness! Some nice ideas
are wasted by too much conventional craps. There's a track I
kinda like ("Digital future anthem") and few stuffs from
here and there. The band must take more time to compose and should
be more selective! Damnit! It's just your usual average album in
the style. Forgotten in less than few years.

SYNDROME. EMBALMING THEATRE is a nice Goregrind band along
the lines of old GENERAL SURGERY with an old DEAD INFECTION obscure
fell in the low wicked vocals and in some blasts (Point the "Surgical
disembowelment" or some Dead Infectious Eps with your scalpel!).
I may point touches of old NECRONY or very old CRACASS, but EMBALMING
THEATRE is less disjoncted and aggressive. Quite cool tracks that
are enough bizarre, gory and pathologically energical! There are
some nice bowel splashing vocals anally introduced here and there. They
own some nice tracks' titles "Catapult for steaming cadavers"
or "Monotonous copulation machine". Nothing marvelous,
but it's a nice band for fans of real old school Goregrind! (There's
no stupid shitcore induced stuffs here!) I now have
to spread a few lines about UNHOLY GRAVE. I ever met their music
on a split tape few years ago. Nothing seems to have changed. They
still play Crust Grind with slower Hardcore punk/ Death like parts.
(for the Crust). They're tight. But nothing special. It lacks of
severe Grinding energy, ultimate stress explosions and catchy parts.
Average/ Very average. http://www.embalmingtheatre.ch
THEATRE (Swi) Sweet chainsaw melodies CD'03 RAZORBACK. Here's
another piece of Gore emerging from the guts bizarre of one of the
few really cool extreme metal labels! The slab tacks shall take
its course again with splashing blood and overdriven screaming victims! This
full-length CD is the best EMBALMING THEATRE release I've heard;
it's still between Grindgore and Grindcore: simple and short tracks
with some Death metallic vocals that tend to gore. Their music reminds
me of old DEAD INFECTION (On Eps) or some old GENERAL SURGERY! Their
new tracks are more intense than their previous stuffs, as it has
more deepness, but all tracks aren't blood-spilling! Notice a bunch
of their older tracks were re-recorded. It happens that I think
about old CARCASS during this CD, but E.T's music is more simple
and less "Technically elaborated" to let me draw a real
comparison here. I'd rather compare them to GENERAL SURGERY since
some riffs sound cooler than cynical, if you see what I mean! So
this grey piece of metallic skin includes 21 tracks (with an EXULCERATION
cover) and as ever said before it's cool coz the band progresses
and offers some tracks I can enjoy when the corrosive red blood
takes over my brain, but this album becomes repetitive after a part
of the tracks coz it's always in the same lines and follows the
same kind of ideas. So, it's a cool CD some Goregrind fanatics and
internal klok fukkers can find some maroon delight in! But the possessed
hemorrhage still hasn't taken over their bodies and minds! http://www.razorbackrecords.com

And we still hate ourselves CD EREBOS PROD. Gore Grind/ Death/Black.
Strong CARCASS influences. Grind screamy vocals à la CARCASS
+ HAEMORRHAGE. Some grind parts reminding me of the 1st IMPALED
NAZARENE "Tol cormpt..." for the rebellious "fuck
off" aspect". There's also some BLOOD DUSTER for a groovy
rockin' edge... But don't read too fast. It's tightly playd (as
most of the times) but there's not much impressive here (as most
of the times also, shit!). This is tightly played, correctly articulated,
and everythings... but the killer feeling! Some parts could also remind of the german Goregrinders
MUCUPURULENT ( for the funnier apsects) and LIVIDITY's "Fetich
for the sick" CD (For guttural vocals"). Clean sound
that was produced to try to sound the way of the "Symphonies
of sickness" masterpiece (CARCASS' 2nd purulent offering). To
conclude: this band doesn't sound bad but I prefer the old grindcore
masters CARCASS and new school Gore disjoncted SANITYS DAWN who
offer more real energy. It can be Ok for the Gore grind/ death maniacs,
but unfortunately nothing distringuishes EMBOLISM from the Goregrinding
legions of Hatred.
(Ger) The exorial CD'94 LAST EPISODE. Black/ Death/ Doom
metal that only gives me the need to sleep! All the more this is
so average and lacks of real tightness by moments, they could at
least be really tight to record a CD! Fuck them! Some Death doom
riffs à la very old PARADISE LOST are here, as well as ultra low
doom riffs and more classical Death metal beats, but it always remains
very average and boring! Some vocals aren't so bad, but who cares
when the riffs are boring? The doom parts are so slow and uninspired
I feel like I'm going to drown in my own shit! It cruelly lacks
of inspiration, energy and emotions! If you don't want to get your
head bound in your metallic anus, then forget EMINENZ! http://www.eminenz-germany.de

Abandoning the flesh MCD’00 VENOMOUS I reviewed their «
Dark entity » Demo’98 in my previous issue and I was pleased by
this nice Darkened piece of obscure Brutal death! This
time, they’re still playing their INCANTATION/ DEICIDE/ CANNIBAL CORPSE influenced Death
Metal and I can say they’ve improved it! The music is more powerfull
and brutal, it’s a bit more worked so it’s (a bit) more complex and catchy.
The growth of the vocalist are also better. I’ve found some new
influences such as NILE but also a bit of MORBID ANGEL. The sound
is also better as they now got the profit of a professional powerfull
recording, it sounds heavier! I found some interesting lyrics such as the ones of
the songs « Abandoning the flesh » or « Damnation
takes over » : « Livid hallucinations take over
my soul, vaporized blood is extracted through my pores ».
It’s an interesting picturing. Notice an Ok BOLT THROWER’s
« Cenotaph » cover that’s accelerated. There are some really obscure
and Brutal tracks here, so: The Brutallers who need it obscure,
Brutal and fucking Underground will rejoice on this piece of Darkened
Hatred! BUY OR (almost) DIE!
(Australia)/ RANDOM VIOLENCE (Australia) Promo advance
for Split Ep. The Australian obscure Brutal Death metal band
ENCABULOS still play their style with an old school touch. Still
reminiscent of bands like INCANTATION, old DEICIDE w/ touches of
NILE for some harmonies (but less technical tought). There are
here a track in the ENCABULOS style and another one that's instrumental
but still in their fields. I think these two tracks are a little
bit not as good as their MCD, and I know they agree with it (Hi
Steven!). But there are anyway good riffs the enjoyers of the old
school style will thrill and hail metal on! If you liked "Abandoning
the flesh", you won't be disappointed. Some new tracks will
be recorded in september to search for a new label. Good labels:
contact them now! http://www.encabulos.ca.tc RANDOM VIOLENCE:
This other Aussie Brutal Death band is riding along the lines of
old DEICIDE, old CANNIBAL CORPSE and other old school Death metal
bands. Some vocals made me think about FALLEN CHRIST, SADISTIK EXEKUTION
(old) and Corpsegrinder. But most of their stuffs are mid tempo
(even if some blasting parts are included here and there). For
some obscure reasons some parts made me think about MONSTROSITY's
first CD. I don't like so musch some drums' parts. Their stuff
ain't very aggressive but they seem to be morein a kind of obscure/
satanic thing. That's Ok for me, but none of these tracks branded
my depressive brain. Aussie Brutallers will find here a cool
national band to support.
(Usa) Thraakethraaeate Thraithraake CD. 2020. P2 Records. I
almost stopped listening to extremely brutal death metal... But
sometimes a recording falls on me like an ugly cadaver that was
hidden behind the cellar's door... Uh. Listening to ENCENATHRAKH,
I do not understand all that's happening, but there's an ugly atmosphere
that speaks to me. The music sounds like technical and full of tempos/
rhythms changes brutal death metal, but it still sounds quite obscure
and ugly... Sometimes there's a sense of absurdity that reminds
me of noisecore. Sometimes it seems they almost cross the path of
grind jazz (Check out the band NABEG, crazy stuff, for real). Perhaps
the content could sound like a mixture of MALIGNANCY, DISGORGE (Usa),
DISGORGE (Mex), SIKFUK, and maybe some HUMAN REMAINS, or a bit of
old ALIENATION MENTAL (Drums)... The whole in a kinda "updated"
manner... Am I right, or wrong, or just confused? I know my brutalized
references are old, but I didn't get paid, neither blow-jobbed,
or even asked to write this review... So this might remain quite
Ok? Fans of the most brutal and technical styles might be interested:
There is here something that sounds more impressive than usual tech
THE "ENUCLEATE" BUTTON! https://encenathrakh.bandcamp.com
(Nor) World downsfall 7 Ep'06. NO POSERS PLEASE! Recs. Endwarfment?
Hum no, the joke about a darkened forest and evil Christmas threes
would be too easy, and I guess the guys from this band already turned
dried-out about this kind of Ping-Pong joking months ago... And
since the strength of my magical shield is currently quite low,
I prefer to avoid any kind of misplaced joke that might lead to
the furious revenge of some Norwegian Dwarfs (After all, they might
be dwarfs for real, and dress in 'particular' clothes every Saturday
night, and play super-frightening occult dark ambiant...) So, I
won't be reckless and will prefer to speak of the music in all safety:
This is probably the "No posers please!" release I like
the less until now... It's some kind of kinda kindly grinding kind
of old styled Grind kind... Am I kidding? No, since the riffs tend
to the power chords riffage and there are a load of crusty beats.
Some Death metal influences are there to metallize a bit their (forested?) affair, but it's not a dominating element. It sounds quite garage,
but not particularly raw since the recording doesn't hurt your tiny
(teddy bear?) hears. It sounds a bit like some early NAPALM DEATH
(I think of the "Mentally murdered" MLp or some live bootlegs
from this era) or some S.O.B, but my finger might not be exactly
in the right (magical?) jam-pot. Well, this is a listenable blasture
of grind with Ok structures and ok blasts, so it sounds kinda tight
once inserted in your little hearing holes, but not much more as
far as I'm concerned. For undergrind ground fans only. http://www.myspace.com/endwarfment

(Usa) Where Monsters Dwell CD'04. RAZORBACK. I've never been
a fan of ENGORGED, so what could I think when I received this album?
Well, I was a bit suprised at the beginning coz it didn't sound
as much like the few ENGORGED tracks I heard as I expected! This
time ENGORGED decided to follow the way EXHUMED has taken on their
last few albums: some kind of Death grind meets Grindcore (Lock
Up) with strong CARCASS influences in some heavy of blasting parts.
Plus some good old Death metal riffings (old DEATH, GHOUL), few
very old thrashing elements and almost thrash"core" à
la early NUCLEAR ASSAULT. The whole sounds all pro, with a big sound
(not being that far from the last EXHUMED CD, it's powerful and
all (too??) clean). No riff sounds shitty, but I feel a lack
of real craziness or embalming madness during these 9 tracks...
a bit (only a bit?) as if it was too professional and lacking of
a third dimension burning your mind and awaking the fury! It sounds
all compressed as fuck and well packaged, but I didn't find much
real emotions expect for few well-thought tracks ("Archatuithus"
and its catchy technical opening riff). We rather might have
to consider it in terms of heaviness and fast energy. It's not a
bad album, some tracks sound good, but I feel like there's a lack
of personality (it reminds of something else very often) or a lack
of really overwhelming urges to kill and crush the whole humanity
lying in its cradle of bones. So, this album might turn you on if
you enjoy all these new Death grind meets brutal death grind grindcorified
albums that follow the blasting way of the fast ride! That sounds
very much pro and have the benefits of a good production... But
if you're a bit difficult when a band has too obvious influences,
you might not be so enthusiastic. So it's you to choose if ENGORGED
sounds interesting for your collection. I'd advice to try few tracks
from here and there coz we aren't talking about a future classic
album, but of a nice try in an old school influenced Brutality with
a quite fresh (or midly "modern") state of mind. http://www.engorged.net

(Bulgaria) Smashed brain collection CD'06. GRINDETHIC/ GROTESQUE. At
the first approach, you fastly understand ENTHRALLEMENT plays typically
US Brutal death à la old SUFFOCATION/ DISGORGE/ PYREXIA, with a
bit of old INTERNAL BLEEDING and few usual old CANNIBAL CORPSE riffs. Nothing
sounds wrong in the style; it's well built and happens to kick it
well quite often... The guitar production has a quite raw texture
(Sound a bit like "Butchered at birth"), it could be heavier,
but that's ok for me. I should notice that after a while (Approximately
at the beginning of the second half) the style and intensity gets
less extreme and follows a slighter "Old school brutal death"
and Death metal that could sound like some old SOILS OF FATE, old
RESSURECTION and a little heavier touch à la MORTA SKULD... It sounds
less dynamic! To be honest, even if I like both some US Brutal death
and some older Death metal/ Brutal death, I prefer the first half
of the album that sounds more kicking. Anyway, I guess ENTHRALLEMENT
would be a nice choice for a quite kicking gig, or to brutallize
your girlfriend without mercy... Unfortunately, I currently have
no girlfriend, and prefer when brutal bands have a more distinctive
style, with touches of own personality. "Smashed brain collection"
isn't bad, but it lacks what it would need to please more than big
fans of the style. http://www.enthrallment.net
(Swe) Monkey puss CD'98 EARACHE. Again another big fraud
released by Earache! ENTOMBED, as well as all the other bands, have
left the Earache's ship, and it's ex label releases this live that
was recorded on the Gods of Grind tour. Even if it's not pathetic,
Monkey Puss really offers nothing interesting, the sound of the
band isn't here, and the way they play the tracks isn't exceptional
enough to justify the invest! The vocals were still quite feeble,
even if deeper than on "Clandestine". It's tiny to release
a live CD, but if it's to get some tracks in less good ways than
the original recordings, it'd have been better to do a best of!
It would have been more judicious to release on a CD with the old
demos of the band instead of offering us what's only a ne opportunity
to swindle the fanatics of the band! http://www.entombed.com

Uprising CD'00 MUSIC FOR NATIONS. While on their previous
album "Same difference" ENTOMBED tried to include some
experimental ideas and influences coming from styles such as alternative
and neo metal in their death/rock; this new offering "Uprising"
is getting them back to some more classical ENTOMBED sounding stuffs.
now a bit more fast parts (more thrasin' than death although), and
there's still somekind of an old ENTOMBED touch (but of the "Wolverine
blues" epoch). In
parts Lars Goran Petrov sounds a lot like Tom Angelripper on a SODOM album
released in '97 or '98 (the one one which they drink milk and they've
got a big steak in their mouth). Sometimes they remind me of MOTORHEAD
for a kind of rockin' side. There are still some sorrowfull quite
slow moments these swedish musicians include in there stuff since
a few albums; some nice a little bit new ideas (for ENTOMBED of
course) are included here and there. This is a nice sounding
album with a lot of easily remindable songs. So it's an OK ENTOMBED
album you'll listen to from time to time, nothing marvellous but
it's ok. (A CDr copy will be enough,
ah ah!).
MASSACRE plays a Grind/ Crust à la old NAPALM DEATH/ S.O.B/
old DEAD INFECTION (without the "psycho hospital" spirit). Some
riffs are Ok for me but there is nothing special here. The whole
didn't impress me. Some of their tracks sound unfinished at the
level of the structures. Raw UxGx sound. Can be cool for Underground
maniac collectors...
C.A.D plays
a strange sounding mix of Crust, Death Grind à la BRUTAL
TRUTH (last releases) and discordant tunes/ bizarre breaks à
more alternative/ punked edge on a given point of view. Could
quote NAKED TRUTH for non extreme metal small bizarre breaks. It
makes me think about RUPTURE, S.O.B... These kind of wanna sound
original Grind Death Crust mix doesn't sound efficient to me and
some riffs (+ structures) sound cheap in my ears. But there are
a few cool sounding chaotic riffs. One more band for the drowning
in obscurity Underground stuffs collecting bastards.

Maleficient supreme incarnation MCD. 2014. Self-released.
A couple of years ago I got copies of the "Total possession" demo
tape recorded by this Chilean band, and it sounded quite kicking, so it
couldn't be a bad idea to check out the newer release of the band. This is a
five songs MCD.
The band plays an old styled thrash metal that comes with a good dose of early
Death metal influences... The DM parts are sometimes so present you could call
the whole "death thrash", but it won't really matter the day of the
final execution.
What has more importance is: This is quite kicking music and there are some
good riffs.
You could think about a thrashing mixture of ooold KREATOR (Extreme aggression/
Pleasure to kill), early PESTILENCE (Mostly the first album), some old SLAYER,
some early POSSESSED ("Seven churches") or ooold MERCILESS (Swe).
Sometimes they could sound as if the Brazilian FARSCAPE got more death metal influences.
This sounds quite raw for thrashing metal, there's nothing weak, some moments
are quite kicking and some riffs are great. Now I'm not able to say ENVENOMED
is a new revelation (Perhaps the music lacks a bit of great riffs, and some
moments are only kicking in the thrashing style), but this is a quite good band
in the old ways and they might please the hardening needs of old school
thrashing metallers.

EPISTEMY (Slo) Death in
agony CD. 2014. Self-released.
I could say this Slovakian band plays "varied death metal" in an end
90's manner...
Their two stronger influences are 90's mid-paced death metal and half melodic
death doom from the same era. I would say the band to be the closer musically
is GOREFEST on the "Erase" album; Then you have various other
elements in smaller doses: Some old brutal death, some mid-paced 90's thrash,
During the listening, I also thought about these bands (Random order): Six feet
under, old Cannibal corpse, old Paradise lost, Loudblast (Sublime dementia),
mid old Amorphis, Forbidden /Testament (For mid paced 90's thrash), Anasarca,
or mid old Sinister (Mid paced parts).
With some of the mid-paced death or "melodic" parts, EPISTEMY seems
to try and develop a story, or perhaps an atmosphere... Some of it isn't bad,
and some death doom or old fashioned brutal death parts aren't bad either, but
some simple parts à la SIX FEET UNDER are too simple (Boring?) and some thrash
parts leaning a bit too much towards the "core" stuffs are borings.
The production is clean, ok it gives a sense of power that might taste a bit
like SINISTER ("Hate") or ALTARS (Hol)'s 2nd album, but it's too
clean for my death-metalllic needs.
Globally, some moments aren't bad while some are less interesting (Or even
quite "meh" sometimes). It's a quite professional product that might
please those who like the more "melodic" styles of Death metal in a
90's manner, but in my opinion it's an average release.
Web page: https://www.facebook.com/Epistemy
(Fra) Rektaliation CD'03. GALY Recs. Brutal death with a
strong will to play it technical around the lines of old NECROPHAGIST
(Demo) or CANNIBAL CORPSE (The bleeding) with some fine melodic
death touches à la DEATH (Individual) towards some riffs and cool
sounding bass lines, plus some typically USBDM à la DYING FETUS
and a notable core influences for some screaming vocals and few
powercore touches! ERADYKATE sounds more impressive than on their
previous demo, as they now have a real drummer and a better production.
In my opinion half of their tracks sound interesting: I kinda
enjoy when the band uses some "old" brutal death riffs
à la old DEICIDE (Legion)/ INFESTDEAD, nicely arranged brutal death
technicality or death-thrashing tremolos that should definitely
sound brutal during gigs! I don't like much when they try to
be too technical or too follow a strictly Brutal death style (might
it be American or Czech) since it looses some efficiency and the
readability in the tracks' structures. Some riffs also sound too
much like old CANNIBAL CORPSE. ERADYKATE could also remind of
and few CYNIC in the softer moments. The tracks have few surprises
such as funny jokes (short length) or few other varied influences.
Their power/ core touches sound ok and decent. The main problem
in my hears is the abuse of the technical/ complex aspect that do
not reach efficiency half of the time. For a first album it's
a cool and rather encouraging one! The band still has ways of improvement
towards the song writing and brutal inspiration, but some underground
supporters who like Brutal death with some technicity, core, melody
and few other things might bang their burning heads and smash their
packs of beer! Not memorable, but a nice amount of cool and brutal
riffs are there! http://www.eradykate.fr.st

PERDITION (Swe) Burnt offerings CD. 2022. BESTIAL INVASION Recs. Eternal
perdition is a satanic death metal band from Sweden. They changed
of name somewhere between the release of their previous demo and
the recording of this album... I reviewed this previous demo from
2018, that came out under the name DISGUSTOR, and the style didn't
change a lot: This is old school evil death metal in the veins of
very early MORBID ANGEL (Abominations and Altars) and early DEICIDE
(Rather the old AMON days) for the main influences. Then fans
of underground exploration might also hear some old EXHUMATOR (Belarus),
ABHORER (Full-length album) in fast parts, perhaps the other AMON
(From Switzerland) for some mid-paced evilness, or maybe very early
CENTURIAN (First demo) in the fast blasting parts. Similarities
with DEGIAL (Swe) might also be drawn. Compared to the previous
demo, the production is better and makes it easier to appreciate
the crucifixion (It keeps some raw/ evil textures but makes it easier
to comprehend). More musically speaking, perhaps the "thrash"
elements are a bit less present, and maybe there are a bit more
leads and mid-paced parts in the spirit of mid old MORBID ANGEL
(This is only a detail, and I might not have noticed if I didn't
re-read my older review in comparison). The music isn't all fast
and blasting/ bestial, the tempos and kinds of riffs are varied
in a satanic DM context... This is welcome as it helps to develop
some atmospheres (Check out the last song with classical choirs),
but if you're a very "nervous" guy you also get your share
of "commando" blastbeats in the face. Nothing new on
a matter of evil riffing or suffering, those who don't really enjoy
OSSDMBC (Old School Satanic Death Metal Burning Crucifixion... AhAh)
might not really get in the turmoil of souls, but here the wheel
of torture keeps on turning and breaking bones in an efficient manner. This
is a good/ quite good album in the style, fans of the genre could
be interested to lend their hears to ETERNAL PERDITION without religious
THE FINAL INFLAMING. Label: https://www.bestialinvasionrecords.com

(Swe) Evocation CD’04. MERCILESS Records. The past Death
metal has revealed most of its gems since a long time, but it happens
some nice old school surprises cross your hears. Nice obscure surprises
such as this album containing the 2 demos EVOCATION recorded years
ago, when the planet stopped to turn and some absolutely killer
Death metal bands emerged from the deepest pits of Sweden and changed
the face of Death metal! Lets begin with the first of these
two EVOCATION demos since it's the best one. The band was playing
good old Swedish Death metal being very reminiscent of early DISMEMBER/
CARNAGE, while the dark atmosphere would rather remind of eroded
old GRAVE. Some few melodic touches and arrangements sound like
the very first CEMETERY album (when this band was playing quite
catchy 'melodic' Death), but it's not abusively melodic, don't be
afraid. This band also had rotting ways of flesh mutilation being
parallel to GOD MACABRE, if you see what I mean. The keyboards touches
sound nice, it was used occasionally to underline a mystic ancient
feeling. (Nice keyboards in the old tradition). All in all, these
3 first tracks (+ an intro) offer nothing memorable or drastically
killer, it sounds very much like the cult Death metal entities quoted
before (riffs aren't far from carbon copies), but it had what it
needs to be pleasant for Swedish and old school Death metal nostalgics!
The obscure mood is here and the corrosive & carnivorous Thomas
Skoksberg production still perfectly fits pure Death! The second
demo appearing on this CD didn't impress me that much... even thought
it is a decent kind of old Swedish Death metal, much more melodic
guitars were injected in the songs... Even though it was a bit faster
( à la Death-thrashing GROTESQUE for example) and more complex,
I'm not a big fan of the old melodic Swedish Death and the whole
only sounds decent. Some cool sounding moments lies in there, but
it's too much like trying many things and not touching catchiness
and memorability. This 2nd 4 tracks demo might be nice for fans
of old "original and melodic" stuffs like old EDGE OF
SANITY mixed with some DISMEMBER, GROTESQUE and few old PARADISE
LOST ("Gothic"). Too much melodies to kick my ass,
and the production isn't as corrosive and inhumanly eroded as the
first one. This album doesn't stand as an essential piece of old
school Death metal: it has what it needs to entertain obscure Death
metallers (The first demo) but also what it needs to calm down their
metallic anger (The second demo). All in all, an average release. Try
and taste the golden liquid before nostalgically investing in the
big pack of beers! http://www.merciless-records.de

EVS (Jap) The Devastators From The Black Continent
CD'07. NEGATIVE FEDERAL FUNDS Records. Chaos, chaos and more chaos. This could sum up the attitude
of this band which, while maintaining a somewhat coherent sound, explore further
the direction started on their ultimately raw live recording from 2006 (Live In
Koenji). Did you think they’d go back to a more polished sound for this second
full length studio offering? I did, and fooled myself after hearing this album.
This recording is not just almost as raw as the live EP, it also sounds great!
The band goes deeper into the territories of chaotic hardcore-grind but without
losing an inch of their identity and, most importantly, without embracing the
usual clichés of this scene, like the self-seriousness, repetitive riffing or
annoying angry vocals of HxC singers. The overall sound is very intense, as
if it’s been recorded live with little or no overdubs, especially the guitar,
which sounds like there’s only one rhythm guitar track on the record. This could
explain why it’s sometimes buried in the mix, in favour of the rhythm section.
Like if the band wanted to make it clearly audible that they are a solid-as-hell
power trio, and guess what, it works. I really enjoy the way the bass and drums
sound, with virtually no effects, and thus dynamics intact. I only wish the bass
drum was more distinguishable in the faster parts, and the cymbals less present.
This contributes to the chaotic aspect of the music so maybe they kept it like
that intentionally, but I’d preferred it more bassy. Similarly to the
production, the music is also more straight-forward. Compared to the first album
there’s more fast parts, more blasts, more fast riffage, also more craziness, to
give you an idea it’s a bit like a modern version of the late 80s Napalm Death,
with certainly less garage but just as much savagery. What doesn’t change in
EVS though is the use of dissonant chords when the riffing gets heavier or
slower and this particular sense of humour of theirs. KojiHara still has his
half-growled/half-shouted type of vocals, which you’ll generally either love or
hate, as well as those emo-rock parody vocals which sound so weird among all the
noise it’s hilariously twisted. In the end I don’t know what more to say
about this release, save that it’s pretty unique and entertaining. It’s not the
kind of boring experimental stuff you need 20 listen to get into, myself I enjoy
it every time I listen to it but I won’t listen to it every day either. I’d say
it’s a sort of crossover between stuff I’m familiar with and stuff I’m not, so
see for yourself but it might appeal to anyone in need of something fresh in a
sea of imitators. http://www.myspace.com/exvxs
of Death
MISSIONELLS (Jap) Japanese real underground statement split
CD'06. NEGATIVE FEDERAL FUNDS Recs. 4 ways to definitely
burn and brutalize your anus? Not really. ### EVS is
still so strange and fukked, discarded to nonsense and chaotic to
the truculent nauseous. It sounds like some kind of modern technical
grind, but it's much more fukked, complex and never-heard than the
usual. Not easy to get into, but worth the little effort! ### SETE STAR
SEPT: Average thrashy Death metal with blasts. They try to be quite
fukked with some breaks and use of few techgrind ideas, but it remains
average. Nothing special for now, but many beginnings were worse. ### CUNTS:
About 8 minutes of live grindnoise. There's no guitar or bass, so
the only noise could come from the overdrive of the drums. It sounds
improvised and I don't give a fuck. Many grindnoise bands used to
be more intense. ### HELL MISSIONELLS:
Old styled thrash metal with a core side that makes them quite similar
to some NUCLEAR ASSAULT, with few SOD or old SOIA... But the vocals
are a problem for me (Too high pitched or nasal) for this kind of
"Thrashcore", and it's a bit too mid-placed... Headbanding
deserves asskicking fast beats. This is average stuff for now. EVS: http://evs.hp.infoseek.co.jp

(Usa) Thou shall repulse CD'07. KITCHEN VOMIT Recs. ZOMBIFY
MEAT RESURRECTION! This time you have old school US Gore Death
metal that kinda sounds like old NECROPHAGIA (1st album), with some
old AUTOPSY/ ABSCESS (Gory vocals), some early DEATH/ MASSACRE with
a bit of old IMPETIGO or even DR SHRINKER. Oooohhh, it sounds like
an unexpected mixture to escape the so oftenly raped doors from
our beloved coffin of metallic sins! It's not the usual necro old
school mournance; What they choose to play is a bit more fun and
no so dead-serious! There's some kind of 3rd degree/ B movies humor
that wouldn't make them displaced on RAZORBACK Recs, but the music
doesn't seem to be at the right level of entertainment yet. The
production would have been considered good 15 years ago: No trig,
no overdub, no inhuman production... This is the natural sound and
it tastes quite cool. Now, on a musical point of view my feelings
are mixed: Some riffs are too generic and usual to brand my brain
or stop the brainstorm of daily life. Ok some fast, heavy or impact
riffs are cool, but some guitars could be improved a way or another
to match more morbid vibration. And the drum playing is a bit too
simple in some fast parts. The vocals are great in the style;
And it helps to cover the riffs that do not shake the coffin and
keeps the whole entertaining... So if you don't storm your brain
too much, you might dig the whole as if the doors of the tomb were
wide opened and welcoming ;-) I would be quite necro-appealed
to see them live with beers in the guts. Old school gory death fans,
keep an eye on them, coz future improvements might kick your face
a zombifying way... For now EX DEMENTIA is just a cool/ average
and quite entertaining band... HOT FOR ZOMBIES!!! http://www.exdementia.net
(Slo) Despair shall forsake me CD'06. GRODHAISN More unwanted
promos, more minimal efforts... Hum, not really since this album
sounds more interesting than the 5 other ones I got in this forced
promotional package... At first hear this reminded me the SOILS
OF FATE demos, with a bit more diversity and much more old styled
influences à la MORBID ANGEL... But more few more listenings shew
me this band goes a bit more far than the usual death'n brutal death,
they have tastes engraved in the technical stuffs that help them
to bring well put together moments of techniques and cool melodies
(Not the gay way, more between proud heavy metal and progressive
heavy) as well as quite complex breaks and cool 90's death metal
moods à la DEATH... You might understand the whole lies between
Death metal (For the atmosphere) and brutal death (For the brutality),
do you? The band seems interested in building songs with a lot of
riffs and changes, hopefully they have skills that help and their
noses don't fall in the waters of mediocrity... Some of these riffs
are quite cool when they tend to a rage à la old DEICIDE/ MORBID
ANGEL or when the technical "melodic" stuffs are well
put together, some technical parts doesn't sound bad either, but
a part of the riffs also don't do much in my hears/ heart... Ok,
there's no problem concerning structures or skills, but I'm afraid
this album won't be played so often in my Hi-fi: Despite of some
great ideas and cool atmospheres, a part of the riffs sound kinda
too usual or not emotionally deep enough in my Death-metal-molested
hears... Anyway EXALTATION seems to be in the right triggers to
kill sometime and could be a cool choice of gig for Death metallers.
So wish them good luck. http://www.exaltation.sk

TERROR (Usa) Divided we fall CD’98 PESSIMISER. Escape
this world of shit, dogmas, false conceptions, crushing your head,
explosion cerebral, death. Crushing the last remaining sense of
humanity into this dehumanized carcass. Grind! Grind! The only way
to survive! Explode your head, smash the filth! EXCRUCIATING
wasn't bad o, the aggressive Grind/ Crust core! Many blasts; raw
aggressive as fuck sound. It severely ravages the bitch into your
arse! Short tracks, compressed riffs, raw guitars à la TERRORIZER
with high-pitched screams and raw low vocal rebellion. Chaos in
the head. E.T could sound as a Grinding mixture of "Scum"
(Napalm Death), TERRORIZER, REGURGITATE, old DISRUPT and a bit of
RIGHTEOUS PIGS. There are some pretty aggressive brutal riffs in
here. Head crushing food for Gindcore blasters! Nothing exceptional,
but crush my head, it will be an aggressive enough CD for those
of krackheads who need always more fucking Grindcore to explode
their heads of dogmatized lies and illusions! Aggressive! http://www.geocities.com/kungfu_action

(Nor) Language of the dead MCD. ENTARTETE MUSIK Recs. The
recording of this new Norwegian Death metal band might please fans
of IMMOLATION who need a bit more, because they're quite strongly
influenced by this outfit, in various areas such as the "ghostly"
fast, the development of obscure moods and the depressive. But since
the playing and structures aren't so complex I might say the similarity
rather locates between "Dawn of possession" and "Here
in after". You could obviously find other elements from
European and American Death metal, some SUFFOCATION ("Souls
to deny"), MORBID ANGEL ("Domination"), some 10 years
old Us brutal death, NILE (Not the most technical, rather for "harmonies"),
DEADBORN (Ger)'s demo or some mid old BOLT THROWER... I might
say about half of the playing is slower, between the doomy, the
mid-placed and the "melodic" (Some kind of dark arpeggios
à la majestic MORBID ANGEL or AUTOPSY, even if Trey doesn't play
arpeggios :-P), in this case it's not bad... Even maybe the best
moments. Some fast riffs also work quite well, some "depressive"
guitars and doomier moments aren't bad at all! But I reproach them
the fact a part of the riffs sound too usual (It could be a bit
more worked) or doesn't particularly fit the obscure (Some brutal
death alike blasting moments)... And some cool parts could be more
emotionally developed (The listening impact could be much enjoyable
with not so improved structures and a little lifting towards the
riffs). The drumming is Ok and fits, but it could be a bit more
"over the top". In front of this release, my feelings
are kinda mixed: While some riffs are cool or explore the right
continents, you sometimes feel like it could kinda conclude the
deal without particularly happening, and some guitars don't do much...
If you keep in mind "Language of the dead" is actually
their first recording (So, some kind of demo that was released as
a pro CD) it's not bad at all and quite encouraging. They have potential
and cool ideas, but probably needs more time to mature and target
the composition towards their most vibrating inner energies. http://www.execration.no

(Cze) Festerfiction CD'05. BIZARRE LEPROUS. Not bad. But
not to be confused with the Swedish leprous-mince inhalers using
the same name. Members of BIZARRE EMBALMING decided to form
somekind Grindcore project with strange influences à la DISCORDANCE
AXIS and discarded brainfukked others. A half of the music sounds
strange and quite chaotic/ complex, but the other half is quite
energetik and neat, blasting grind an Hatergetik way! Sounds
like some SUBLIME CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION (Blablablast it raw!),
CRUSHER (Cze- Last album: Diskard it to the blasting kore), some
BRUTAL TRUTH (A bit of all times, both for the hyper blasts of first
era, and the strange inCOREifying noise-scream-fukk stuffs of the
folllowning) some EXIT 13 ("Ethos musick" for the niiice
as an hear-obliterating train at full regime of raw guitar sound)
or some kind of accelerated OBLIGATORISK TORTYR with more distorted
guitars. Ok, this isn't a special or outstanding album, just
something intense enough to refresh the dying libidinal motivation,
but I don't really understand when a so called "Grinder"
and "Brutal death maniac" says it's "boooring"!
Many fast moments are blasted the right way!? And all these riffs
everywhere, even if it can be quite boring, it also could be taken
as something exxxtreme! Fukk the slow brains! Think fast or die
fast! Some web "grinders" should definitely awake from
their pathologically boring illusionary little world of cyyyber
friiiiends. I regret this album isn't more blast focused on the
grinding edge and right to the fukk fukk fist; after a little while
a bunch of riffs don't sound that sexpressing (it's just the quite
cool riffs you sexxxecrate when you're in a right rehearsing mood)
but I think EXHALE is better than many Bizarre Leprous releases
that drown in the goreshit average EUURK! Gore doesn't mean asleep!

EXHUMED at their very best epoch!! Understand 96-98 Exhumed
style, in the same vein than their part of the mighty "In the
name of gore" split CD!! Totally Brutal disjoncted and old
school Grind Death insanity from the deepest pits of what hell could
offer!! Far better and crushing than their releases following
the split with Hemdale that lacked in fucking sincere expression
and disjoncted death metal deliria!! I still cum and hail brutality
as the first days on these few excellent tracks! (Notice it includes
an Ok Sarcofago cover). Buy or fucking DIE!!! The other bands
on this split CD are very very average, not to say it sucks!! (Ear
Bleeding Disorder is Ok though). Wanna sound Grind death whatever...
but wanna bore me as the frenetic Grinding death feeling and inner
total brutality isn't here!! So EAR BLEEDING DISORDER, EXCRETED
ALIVE and NECROSE are bands I've ever forgotten... and EXHUMED is
still riding hard in my grinding playlist!!
(Usa)/ NO COMPLY (Usa) Instruments of hell Split
Ep'96 OPEN WOUND Recs. Fucking
Carnacious carnage absolute!! I didn't know about the existence
of this Ep until I explored an almost buried underground webzine!
Here are two fucking welcome EXHUMED tracks in the old EXHUMED style!
When the band was more fresh and fucking disjoncted! The sound is
fucking raw, the old gore growling vocals are here! These tracks
are totally in the gut-shredding style of the CHAOS Chord 4 ways
and EXHUMED Split with HEMDALE! Goregrinding Death metal with a
strong old school feel, some punching beats, some heavier stuffs,
good leads and some excellent growling and screaming vocals! Very
cool for any fan of old EXHUMED! NO COMPLY plays
"original" Grindcore/ Hardcore with strange rock stuffs...
There's no guitar, only a distorted bass, and this isn't good! The
drummer doesn't seem bad but the track isn't built and it sounds
like experimentations à la NAKED TRUTH, or Grindnoise à la ANAL
CUNT... and sometimes there's no riffs... Very average stuff in
my opinion. If you can find this Ep, don't hesitate to get it for
the two fucking EXHUMED tracks!! http://e2net.org/exhumed
MUSICK. Here's an Ep I got in a trade with a shitty Demo!
Ah Ah! EXHUMED played total Grinding Death metal with the excellent
gut explosions of their first vocalist that had the fucking balls
in the Brutal growls! This is cool to hear some tracks in the vein
of their very first releases (Split with HEMDALE and Chords of Chaos
4 ways) even if that's not so great... but good! While the first
track grinds out and blows the crass from your sack, the 2nd one
is more mid placed groovy Grind. A cool side for fans of EXHUMED,
but not much more. Now that I've
had my sweet cum on EXHUMED's side, I have to review the other side.
PANTALONES played hyperfast Grind/Death with screamy vocals, but
at this game of wanna boost the drum machine to its maximum many
bands have cruelly failed! PANTALONES is one of them! It's fast
, screamy noisy, but sterile and no good riff of the damned sociopath
were played! So only the
EXHUMED side is worth the intense headbanging! This split is
hard to find, but a compilation with all the Eps, Demos and rare
stuffs or EXHUMED will be released in the following months! Prepare
to blow all your fucking fuses! http://go.to/exhumed
(Usa) Gore metal CD'98 RELAPSE. A few years after the so
excellent from its very beginning to the last notes split CD with
HEMDALE that will endlessly remain a cult jewel of the Brutal Grind
scene, EXHUMED is back with another full-length. And high pitched
was the crescendo of their past torso Genocide Grind Fuck! the opening
of the abscess propulsed them on a so high level of quality it was
hard for them to match the punisher of a Grind past! Same player
shoot again! But same player doesn't hit as hard! I must say
I didn't admire as much the syphilitic flesh of this little mirror
because their previous impact of death was so full of rotten energy!
this is Grinding Death with an excellent aggressive production,
but some really casket krushing tracks were less numerous in here!
are some good ones such as "Open the abscess", splashing
their bloody vaginal cums in some best choice meat's parts! But
the whole puke on lacerated ventricles didn't appeal to turn on
the Necromaniac as horrifying and sepulchral as "In the name
of gore"! The previous gustening cunt growler was more fulfilled
with delight of necro-atrocities and emetic cunts! From these
meat's scattered remains I collected a few choice meat's parts,
a good album this piece of "Gore metal" is, but the sweetest
perfection in post mortem ejaculation would be the full of sodomy
and lust chainsaws of "In the name of gore" with the casket
crushing production of "Gore metal"! This would have been
the impurest perfection! http://go.to/exhumed
(Usa)/ SANITYS DAWN (Ger) Split Ep'00 DEADLY ART. Here's an Ep
that materializes some of the wetest dreams of the biggest grinders!
It includes SANITYS DAWN at the time of their second CD "Mangled
in the meat grinder" and EXHUMED (the year 2000) on the same
Split Ep! This sounds bloody cool! SANITYS DAWN's
side is very goregrind like, à la old CARCASS, in the same lines
than their two first CDs "Cryptic menu" and "Mangled
in the meatgrinder", but there were some better tracks on these
two CDs. I expected something better. Anyway it's quite aggressive
and intense, better than "Chop copper". Surprisingly
enough, the 2 EXHUMED tracks here entitled "Emeticide"
and "Pus grinder" are more along the Goregrind lines!
There's not much old school Death here! But there's still some old
school Grind Crust, it's obvious! It's not one of their best releases,
but it's the kind of cool stuffs you play in a long extreme Grind
sickness session to maintain the energy! A cool Ep to
own if you're a lot into one of the two bands!
(Usa) Slaughtercult CD'01 RELAPSE. The Grindcore all-star
bitches saw their abscess for gore and total Grind Brutal perversion
beginnings close itself, so they needed to inject the regurgitated
guts and baptize in blood and leprozy to revive the sulfurous scream
bloody gore! In this slaughter cult was the sulfurous nuclear fog
of death even more shocking than never! With some open casket
leads of leprozy, pounding beats of Mutilation, primitive ways of
the riffing, 4 sepulchral slaughters revived the merciless death,
burning of sodom and procreation of the wicked in a burning rot
cauldron of Goregrind! "Carnal epitaph", "Decrepit
crescendo" and "Funeral fuck" are lessons in old
school pathology that will open you casket and awake the evil dead!
if this cult of the slaughtering wasn't as fucking killer as "In
the name of gore", some fucking corroded black blood was extracted
through the pores of the torn to pieces! Very Brutal CD for those
who are already dead! Buy or fucking die! http://go.to/exhumed
(Usa) Anatomy is destiny CD'03 RELAPSE. Okey!
Here's the new EXHUMED album I didn't put many hopes into... Since
a few releases the style of the band was changing to some cleaner
and more Death metallish music, this new album follows this change
since it's cleaner and more controlled than what they did before,
even if it remains extreme! The disjoncted Grindcore aspect now
left the place to some kind of Death grind with grindcore touches
and technical parts. What immediately strikes your attention
are the strong common points with CARCASS' "Necroticism",
EXHUMED has always been influenced by CARCASS, but this time the
presence of Bill Steer's guitar influence is even stronger! The
style of this album is somewhere between the previous EXHUMED album
"Slaughtercult" and "Necroticism", it has a
bunch of blasting parts, some punching death metal parts, some heavier
quite bizarre sounding riffs à la CARCASS, some melodic heavy metalish
leads; most of the riffing is rather controlled. Controlled 'cynic'
death thrashing riffs à la mid old CARCASS. All the musicians
are very tight, the drummer plays the whole in a good way, good
clear and powerful production, it's all pro... but I expected more
BALLS and GUTS! I heard some guys saying this album was almost a
CARCASS rip off, and I don't totally disagree with them! I enjoy
some parts of this album, but I often have a feeling of ever heard!
EXHUMED did really more surprising, crushing, inspired and inspiring
Brutal music before! This album might please those who don't listen
to extreme metal since a too long time, it remains more extreme
than the average, but I think it's only an average release for EXHUMED!
Remember: OPEN THE FUKKING ABSCESS!! http://go.to/exhumed

money Tape album. PSYCHOTHERAPY Recs.
Stench of the rotting corpse. Horrified.
Stench of the rotting corpse. Horrified.
This tape contains old school grindcore in a quite good kicking manner. This
reminds me of NAPALM DEATH ("Mentally murdered" or split with S.O.B)
and old PHOBIA.
Quite good kicking old school grindcore with cool blastbeats and angry vocals.
I like the production, it's quite heavy and contains bass frequencies... For
this reason some punk integrists might say it's "too metal", but it's
less metal than the Napalm release quoted before (Fewer tremolo "death
metal" riffs). I think the "stench" word included in their name
fits quite well, there's something quite ugly here (And there are a couple of
riffs that sound like old sludge, stenchcore, perhaps).
After writing this review, I noticed this tape was initially recorded in 1999
and released the following year... Well, the past WON again! Ah Ah... Quite
good old school grind tape.
Web page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Existench

13 (Usa) Green is good CD. 1990. ECOCENTRIC Recs. Roasted
rat balls assorted with wormy beans. It is today's menu! There's
no more "real meat" on earth, so we have to eat whatever
is available for our greedy stomachs... Roasted rat balls! I
discovered this album in reverse of the chronological order, owning
the following one "Ethos musick" since the school years,
so I must say I'm quite surprised with the content. When I discovered
"Ethos music" around 1996, it came with a very heavy and
overdriven production for the time, it was even too much of overdrive
pedals, it was too difficult to enjoy and took me a few years to
really get into... So, more recently, when I intended to press the
"play" button for "Green is good!" I had the
same expectations of heaviness and extreme production... My head
was ready for a massive punch of the gigantic cement aggressor!
But, what a strange surprise, the production was very very much
more natural: No overdose on overdrive, no heaviness, it gave me
a feeling of weakness at the first approach. It's strange to
notice, even though some of the songs were re-recorded on "Ethos
musick", it really doesn't sound the same, it doesn't give
the same extremely heavy and extremely extreme impression: Globally
this tastes like the old grindcore bands from this time, think about
some ATROCITY (US), some CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER and some early Earache
stuffs, but also some WEHRMACHT (For a more "delirium"
aspect), yet still with this touch of craziness, strange influences
and strange structures that weren't too common in 1990... (Maybe
EXIT 13 weren't already playing jazzy grindcore, but it was quite
smoked and fucked). The playing of instruments is ok, it could
be a bit tighter and more right-to-the-cunt from here and there,
but I think the main problem is the too "natural"/ low
budget production (Wasn't everything recorded live, in one take
or something?) while it's better to have things more powerful for
crazy grindcore/ jazzy blast-beast whatever. This is not a bad
album, and I have in mind the idea it could please those who like
the current wave of grindcore/ powerviolence that comes with a very
simple/ natural production, but those who were used to the "big
sounds" of extreme grindcore records coming from the 90's might
feel something is lacking. Green is good / Grind is good. Band-cramp:
(Usa)/ HEMDALE (Usa) Split Ep’96 VISCERAL Prod. None
of the EXIT-13 records I heard pleased me. There was a few Ok stuffs
on "Ethos music", but nothing great. But on this Ep,
Ah Ah! It's far more intense and aggressive than anything else they
did I heard! Unrelentlesss total Grindcore insanity with a bizarre
emphasis on old school Grind à la very old NYCTOPHOBIC (demos) meets
old REGURGITATE and primal psychopathological CARCACASS. It sounds
like EXIT-13 on "Ethos music": quite bizarre Grindcore
with a raw sound and hyper overdriven vocals, but more gut filled
energy is here! (There are no jazzy stuffs here though). This first
track is excellent, the 3 next ones are Ok. And the two final live
tracks are live ones with a quite poor sounds... This side contains
the best EXIT-13 stuffs I've heard until now! I didn't know
much of HEMDALE except from their split CD with EXHUMED ("In
the name of gore"! AAARRGH!) and this side of roaaararing vinyl
is in the same style (it was released at the same time). Understand
cool Grinding death with small crusty if Grindcore touches. Not
bad. Heavy sound, cool vocals. Notice a NAPALM DEATH's "Rise
above" cover that doesn't match the unchallenged hate of the
original, but it's not bad and there have been worse Napalm covers...
Uh! There's also an old GRAVE cover ("Extremely rotten flesh"),
it doesn't suck but I prefer the Napalm Death cover. HEMDALE was
brutal and aggressive enough. It was a cool band! http://brutaltruth.com/exit-13

weighed itself in silver. Album. 2018. Digital. Self-released.
This is EXTREME music!
This anonymous project from Ontario, Canada, provides your (already damaged)
hears with some twisted death-metallic (un)symphonies of sickness.
Imagine a mixture of strange DEMILICH, with more modern influences à la
GORGUTS, coupled with ultra low vocals, and you've got a decent crucifying
picture of the whole.
There's a research on strange sounding guitars and polyphonies, which sometimes
tends to "noise" or "post music". Fans of underground brutalization
might also hear similarities with CHTE'ILIST, very early NECROPHAGIST, or
perhaps the tortured futuristic jazz world PESTILENCE sometimes explored.
Well, this is not for fans of old school metal I believe, this it too
experimental and fucked under some angles... But fans of obscure and brutal,
technical death metal could be interested, if they aren't already familiar with
this recording.
(Chile) Pact 7"Ep'08. NUCLEAR WAR NOW! Recs. This reminds
me when I heard CONQUEROR for the first time (On an Osmose recs
compilation entitled "World domination" or something like
that), I didn't understand anything because of the noisy production.
Hopefully few seconds are enough to distinguish the punishing noises,
but also to understand you don't need to understand everything to
feel the quite infernal urge of EXTERMINATE. This is bestial
black death metal that especially reminds me of the first BESTIAL
WARLUST album for some hellish riffs, moods (Even if it's not the
same), some perseverance in molestation, and for the quite fucked
"Echo from the depths" production that fits well... You
can also hear the influence of BLASPHEMY (The coolest parts of the
second album) both for the low vocals that vomit loads of desecrating
acid and some grind touches on an impact state of punch (Notice
a Blasphemy cover at the end). This isn't a real revelation,
but a quite enjoyable release that might please big fans of the
two aforementioned bands who can't stand anymore their addiction
to the lack of original war metal desecrators. Now, there are
quite a lot of bands to practice this style worldwide and I'm not
sure if EXTERMINATE would stand above ... At least they wouldn't
particularly fall under the average... http://www.nwnprod.com
(BEL) Mirror images CD'00 TVA MUSIC. Here
are old school thrash/ death metallers hailing from Belgium. The
first thing that attracted my attention is one riff from their first
track is almost the same than the one on the chorus of MYTHOS' "Hung
on the wings" track (in their 1st CD). The band plays tight
thrash/ Death metal that really lacks of energy and rage for me!
It's correctly articulated and tight, but I feel nothing that'll
make me move my arse or bang my head during a gig! The strongest
influences here are old thrashing KREATOR and SODOM ("Agent
orange"), but I could also quote a bit of old PROTECTOR. They
include some more melodic and classical tremolo Death metal riffs
while there are a few nice sounding female vocals here and there.
The 6th track is slower and more melodic, in the vein of some cool
swedish melodic bands. Nothing special, not really brutal and it's
unfortunately quite flat! Iit's
pro done, but I think it lacks in punch and personnality. It's you
to see if you 'need' it....