TO VANQUISH (Lebanon) Applied schizophrenic science CD'06. GRINDETHIC. OATH
TO VANQUISH plays a nice varied brutal death relaxing and climaxing
the tortured corpse through the use of various testosterone influences. The
entrails happen to be warmed thanx to ultra brutal death, quite
old styled death thrashing riffs, some technical brutality, nice
fast black metal, and some more melodic yet quite extreme stuffs. Quoting
some bands' moniker to draw comparisons wouldn't be very representative
due to the varied testoterone injections our friendly corpse was
submitted to, but you could think about some mid old INCANTATION
(For the obscure atmosphere), INCESTUOUS/ CINERARY/ DEEDS OF FLESH
(For the typically US Brutal death), early DARK FUNERAL (For the
kind of black metallic intensity), HATE ETERNAL (For the technical
brutality), IMMOLATION (For the strange sounding chords) and a bit
of later MAYHEM. I dig the low pitched gut-puking delirias that
awake intestinal vibrations à la early EXHUMED, and happen to take
a little goregrind approach (early MUCUPURULENT)... But unfortunately,
most of the vocals are high pitched screams that could be characterized
as "black metal with a little bit of old CARCASS and EXHUMED". The
tracks are quite long, and are built around quite many variations
on (sometimes) vibrating riffs. Some moments aren't bad at all,
and sound quite extreme and brutal, thanx (in part) to the low pitched
vocals of gore, but a bunch of moments are often emotionally usual. This
album is quite well produced, and remains quite enjoyable to listen,
but I regret the best moments were diluted with riffs of a lesser
emotional importance. Nothing original or really personal, and
after a while the intensity decreases (Even if it remains decent
and quite solid), but "Applied schizophrenic science"
is a quite strongly packaged pile of sulfur that might be a nice
choice for big fans of correctly played underground extreme music. http://www.oath-to-vanquish.com

(Usa) Frozen in time CD'05. ROADRUNNER. Most of the reunion
albums seem to disappoint most of the old school fans who expected
something as powerful and ass-kicking as the early days of their
fave bands, when the musicians were still young, angry and needed
to take over the whole world. What could we expect from the new
OBITUARY album? Especially when we think their last really good
album dates back to a quite long time... Their last album "Back
from the dead" that wasn't cool (rather average and not worked
enough riffs, unsurprising patterns, lack of fast rythms), at best
it was only cool... "World demise" was quite interesting
because of it's midly original approach, new hardcorish influenced
and devastating sound. "The end complete" was cool and
had its moments, but it wasn't that killer and powerfull, just a
good album for the big fans of the style... So their last REALLY
crushing one dates back to the mighty "Cause of death"
(with its crushing and lifelong-catchy riffs, memorables rythms
and arrangements). I was afraid of another "Back from the
dead", but hopefully it's not really the case. There are more
refreshing ideas thrown from here and there, and the whole seems
a bit more worked on and a bit more energetic! This new OBITUARY
album would sound as a mix of "The end complete" and "Back
from the dead", with few hints of their first epoch also tending
to the heaviness, or sometimes to midplacedness. Most of the
music is midplaced or slow, some really heavy moments could remind
of "Rotting ways" for exemple. Guitarwize, it has more
OBITUARY sounding-textures than the quite boring "Back from
the dead", there are also fewer 'groovy hardcorish' patterns,
even thought a bunch of slow old school hardcore remains in there,
unfortunately. On a vocals' point of view, no need to be afraid,
John Tardy is still scorching his throat and it sounds good, no
problem! I regret the fact their are so few accelerations on
good old adrenaline death metal tempos, it would really boost some
songs. The drum patterns are too expectable in my hears, it fits
correctly to the riffs, but we need something a bit more surprising
to boost the power. (Some riffs sound cool and could have been quite
weird if the drums where in a broken tempo or something alternating
from the expected beat). Most of the riffs sound like heavy or
mid-placed OBITUARY; nothing really soarprising, but cool in the
style... Hopefully there are fewer ideas that sound fresher (The
middle of "Insane") and some songs are more inspired than
the whole! "Back inside" is a quite efficient song
in a kind of midplaced death metal, with nice flirting double bass
drums, somekind of nice 'chorus', a nicely structured track with
cool riffs and John repetitively screaming "Back inside". The
song "Stamp alone" has a faster tempo and sound quite
a lot like good old CELTIC FROST, or some early OBITUARY (Cause
of death), it's a nice song with a vibrating opening riff that might
sound hiiiiips cool when you're drunk! It would have fit 100% on
their first albums! This IS a REAL OBITUARY song! Ah! To conclude,
I regret there aren't more surprises in this album, and some moments
could seem too expectable or convenient, while some riffs are too
easy and remind too much some of their previous ideas, but
all in all it's a cool album with some good tracks. Obviously, this
album won't be a classic one and won't turn your head inside out
the brutal way, it's a quite 'good' album with both its negative
and positive points. For sure we could have expected much more from
the band who recorded the mighty "Slowly we rot" and "Cause
of death", but this album sounds really better than the 'quite'
boring "Back from the dead" (who let me think the enthusiasm
of the band was quite dead) and shows OBITUARY are still able to
record decent quality albums who remain quite varied and cool enough
for the big fans of Death metal! I think this album would fit in
a discography, between "The end complete" and "World
demise". It will be pleasant for those who are a lot in the
old school death metal trip, who like their Death metal heavy, with
a quite obscure and insane mood, and who are not too demanding!
For big Death metal fans only. http://www.obituary.cc

TORTYR (Swe) Obligatorisk tortyr CD’01 OSMOSE. O.T plays
a mix of old school Death, Death Grind and Grindcore with few "original"
touches" (discarding riffs, etc.). I've got very mixed feelings
about this one. Even if it has some qualities, it also has its share
of bad points and defaults. As I feel as nice as a little bird that
awakes in a lighty and beautifull day, I'll begin with the negative
points! Eh eh! Most of the riffs here are your cliché Death/
Grind riffs, with the kind of tremolos or few heavier ones I've
ever heard before. Some tracks doesn't sound well done(smells the
composed in a hurry stuffs), and the whole is repetitive! But
there are hopefully some nice parts in here, such as the drummer
who's tight, fast, and does some cool stuffs from here and there. There
are some few quite Brutal riffs from here and there ("Snart
bryter kriget ut" is a cool Grind death track the old school
way. "Avloppsbunn" is a quite cool track also.) Some vocals
remind me a bit some old school Death bands like old ENTOMBED or
CARNAGE... and there are a bunch of Grindcore vocals (à la new BIRDFLESH
for example). As a whole they could sound as a mix of S.O.B,
bit) and some Death/ Thrashing bands like REPUGNANT or old VOMITORY. My
conclusion is it isn't too bad, but don't buy this album and try
to ear some tracks from here and there. It was unfortunately composed
ways too fast! They could have done a very cool MCD or Ep while
they offer here 23/25 average tracks that lacks the cool ass kicking
edge few of their tracks own. Insert coin, and try again. http://come.to/obligatorisk_tortyr
(Swe) Damnations pride CD'98. SCARLET Recs. My first vaginal
meeting with OBSCURITY wasn't cool. At first hear I thought this
was too old, not tight and not cool! So this album was fastly sold
back to a friend running a cheesy old school zine (Ah Ah)... But
I experienced this old crap one more time in an almost drunk state
of HHHHUUUUUUuuuuu!! And something cool could be felt! Ok, this
sounds old, but the alcoholic urge made me realize some of these
old primal and almost punkish thrash riffs followed the 'Fuck off'
spirit of SLAUGHTER! Ah! Abrupt hardcore thrash riffs with harmonized
vocals à la old CARNIVORE! Few more beers tasted like early NECROPHAGIA
(The dirty mood), old BATHORY (Blackened tremolithic powerchords).
Fast powerchords tremolo mania was in use years before Satan possessed
all the Norwegian schools!! The metallic mood is obscure and
angry, the music is fast as fuck and simple as a crude brutal fuck!
Cool stuff for burning heads who need it simple, alcoholic... and
who overall worship early SLAUGHTER! This album contains the
2 OBSCURITY demos and 2 lately recorded tracks. The second demo
entitled "Damnations pride" sounds like their only worth
material in 2004, while the other stuffs sound too fucking old or
uninspiring. This is average/ very average, but those who like this
kind of old stuffs will dig their graves on this almost kitsch morbid
old metal alcoholic first banging mania!
(USA) Biomech CD'97 USG This album that's not very new but
still very good is the deepest and most achieved project of Devin
Townsend (STRAPPING YOUNG LAD). Oscillating between a melancholy
and a freshness near of U2, and some certain metal, indus and rock
(POLICE?) influences, this album that is the result of ten years
of writing disappoint me in no way. The whole is quite varied and
counts for exemple a track in the depressive vein of GODFLESH or
another one with and aquatic mood. This is emotionally engulfing
in it's freshness! Totally face bashing Metal with a big structured
sound that makes your head travel in the finest places of the infinite
ocean! Listen to the 7th wave ;-) All the more, this isn't
only simple metal/ metal since a nice amount of samples are mixed
in the background and give some consitency to the guitars. Words wouldn't be enough convincing
to make you foresee the quality of this album that is more powerfull
and intense than a good amount of death metal bands! This is
great for those who like me need a good bash of fresh air between
two sulphurous albums.

(Spa) Sounds from beyond the grave MCD. 2011. Self-released Intra-coffin
crepitation. This is the worms' dance. This is the worms'
morbid dance.
Beware sensible
readers who are only able to tolerate the sweetest perfection: This
review was written from 3 mp3s tracks while the real release contains
6 songs... This isn't the most serious way to get your brain inseminated
with a band's rotting music, but what should I do when nothing else
can be found to download? So here I inspect half of the entrails:
This Italian band/ project plays some kind of old styled gory Death
metal with old grindcore influences... Smell the odors of the first
album), plus touches of this gory bowel and that ancient graveyard... Some
decrepiting cadavers might be tempted to quote old (but not early)
CARCASS, and I understand the riffing similarity, but I find the
style of OLTRETOMBA to be less extreme and not so totally-sick-in-the-mind...
So the General Surgery and Sanitys Dawn quotes should be enough. At
the first listenings I found the songs to be more influenced by
old Swedish Death metal (Some early ENTOMBED and some old DISMEMBER
in the fast parts, some muddy CARNAGE etc), while this impression
vanished and the whole now gives me a more gory and "bizarre"
mind feeling. There are not a lot of blastbeats at the
end, so some peoples might argue about the grindcore word, but I'm
talking about something else than powerchorded-blasting-grindstressXplosion.
This Mini-coffin-disc doesn't awake the spirit of the 80's bombastic
milf who came with deliciously appealing big tits (And could even
tease the stone cold corpse), but it's not bad to listen to and
contains some quite funnily bizarre riffs. Fans of CARCASS-clones
might enjoy it enough to add this Mini-crepitating-disc to their
collection. Webpage: https://myspace.com/oltretombaasturias

(Australia) Womb of infinity CD. 2015. GHASTLY MUSIC Recs. Quite
interesting sounding brutal death metal. Contrary to quite a
lot of new underground releases in the US brutal death genre (Those
you can find on obscure blogs), this album isn't an agglomeration
of hundreds of complicated riffs that doesn't have more impact than
gore noise: Here there are quite a lot of riffs, but it sounds like
riffs, and there's some research for it doesn't sound too usual. I
hear some old DEFEATED SANITY (For the most technical moments for
example), old DISGORGE (Usa), some DEEDS OF FLESH (Less epic), and
touches of MARIAH CAREY (Exclusively when she goes through the meat
grinder). Now this is quite hard to judge this kind of release
in a few listenings, there aren't instantaneously catchy riffs or
"radio friendly" choruses, but the whole gives me a quite
good impression for the style. Perhaps I could say it sounds "Quite
dark and tentacular". The production isn't too much of
triggers, botox and under-fingers plastic injection: It remains
quite "natural" (For the style), the guitars keep some
heaviness and you can hear the bass. I couldn't say if OMNIOÏD
would be considered as some kind of highlight in the purely brutal
spectrum of brutal death metal, since I stopped following the big
names of the genre for most, but at least I could suggest fans of
quite technical brutal death to lay a couple of hears on this recording.

caverna de fuego CD. 2016. EQUINOX
Before listening to this album I expected something a little more brutal, but
the music of this new Spanish band is very old styled. This is old school death
metal with strong thrash metal influences, and no traces of modern music.
On a purely musical point of view, you could think about old names such as
early DEATH (First two albums), old MORTEM (Peru), some old POSSESSED, a bit of
old SLAYER (Rather "Hell awaits") and perhaps some old PENTACLE. I
think you imagine the kind of old school affair.
There are also seldom black metal touches that can remember of 90's Norwegian
BM or early DESASTER (Ger).
The compositions seem to be based on the development of moods, in this meaning
this could remember of old thrashing metal albums such as SLAYER "Hell
awaits", MORTEM "Demon tales" or INFERNAL MAJESTY "None
shall defy".
The vocals sound like Peruvian MORTEM in the meaning the morbid style isn't
screamed or grunted, it is... Morbid :-) (Perhaps the Spanish written lyrics
add a bit of that impression).
This is all decently played and constructed old school metal that doesn't
bother the old school atmosphere and ancient boundaries, but I found the
listening a bit too "quiet" in the meaning it lacked a bit of
craziness or aggression. (Perhaps it's due to the recording, some bands pay
attention to playing everything properly, and so can't blow a fuse).
This is a very decent first album, with nice atmospheres and cool influences.
Worshippers of the previously mentioned thrashing bands would be interested in
checking out and listening to ONIRICOUS.
Webpage: https://www.facebook.com/Oniricousband
Label: http://http://www.equinoxdiscos.es

(Usa) Pillars of perversion CD'07. Self released. When will
peoples realize the most famous bands aren't necessarily the best?
For example, I downloaded this ONTOGENY album by hazard on some
brutal death blog, and their self produced first CD doesn't sound
worse than many of the "Official albums released on professional
labels", no! What this cool brutal death band practices
is at the middle between technical things à la NECROPHAGIST/ old
SPAWN OF POSSESION and heavier or brutaler moments sounding like
ORIGIN/ UNMERCIFUL. Fewer elements could also remind of CAPHARNAUM,
COPROPHAGO ("Jazzy" touches), QUO VADIS, DEICIDE ("Legion"
for the technical brutal) or later PESTILENCE (Futuristic moods,
especially in some leads or special chords), but the whole is right
in the middle of the technical and the brutal. ONTOGENY never
really abuses of their skills, and so they do not sound too complex
or "arrogant", but rather quite varied. The second
part of the CD is less complex, less "In your face", as
it follows more usual patterns of brutality and melodic technicality
(A la DEATH ("Symbolic") or UNLOGICIST) that often sound
less impressive. During the studious listening, I detected nothing
really new or as emotional as a frightening spiked fist in your
partially awaken face; But some riffs sound good (Quite catchy),
the first part of the album has quite some impact and nothing from
the compact whole sounds invalid in this quite demanding style.
After 4-5 tracks I feel kinda bleuarghed, but it might be due to
the fact I've never been a voracious fan of the style. ONTOGENY
isn't the next technical brutal death revelation (A touch of genius
would lack for this), but they do their thing well and professionally.
They might be a good alternative for fans of the aforementioned
bands who need more. http://www.ontogenyband.com

(Australia)/ CAPTAIN CLEANOFF (Australia) Split Ep'99
IN LEAGUE WITH SATAN. Finally I found some OPENWOUND's stuffs
on a Grinding Mp3s hub! I discovered them some months ago with a
Mp3 on a label's website (No escape Recs), I put it on my Comp CDr,
but it was impossible to find anything of them anywhere... But
stop these blah blah and here we go for the review. OPENWOUND
plays refreshing Grindcore from the land of jumping and boxing kangaroos!
It's fast Grind with some Crusty punk touches, quite energetic and
refreshing, but nothing totally destructive à la old NAPALM DEATH!
There are some Grinding riffs as well as "newer" sounding
parts that would go along the lines of some punk stuffs, these riffs
have got something to do with some of the last Napalm Death releases.
Nice tracks! It's not constructed in a so conventional way. Most
of the screams are high pitched, but there are some deep growls.
It's energetic enough! Unfortunately OPENWOUND has split up,
two of the guys have another band called THE KILL that's different,
more Grinding raw noisecore, with simple tracks and mostly blasts
only (but it's not bad, more raw and underground as fuck stuffs...).
OPENWOUND was a definitely cool band! Nice food for open-minded
grinders! I've ever reviewed
some stuffs of a CAPTAIN band, but in this case the guy has two
legs only (shitty intro isn't it!?). CAPTAIN CLEANOFF hopefully
doesn't suck as much as CAPTAIN 3 LEGGS. They play somekind of
Grind/Death/Crust. There are Heavy Death metal riffs à la HEMDALE.
Blasts, Blasts. Heavy raw vocals and scorched screams. Crusty riffs
à la DISRUPT, Grind parts à la old NYCTOPHOBIC. The Grindcore
riffs are common, even if I detected a few mid placed guitars that
didn't sound bad, there's nothing special here. An Ok/ Average band. http://www.geocities.com/blastasfuk
PARK" CD’00 MUSIC FOR NATIONS Here we get one of 2001's
best releases for sure. Opeth are one of the most unique metal bands
I have ever heard. Words are lacking when it comes to describing
this wonderful album.I often see Opeth described as melodic Death
metal in mailorder lists but thats crap in my opinion. No Death
metal here, except the powerful guttural vocals of Mikael Akerfelt.
To me Opeth sounds more like emotional, dark Doom with progressive
influences due to the original ideas they put in each song.The vocals
are unique, mixing as I said low death like vocals with beautiful
clean vocals (done by the same person surprisingly enough! Great
job!). The guitar work is pure wizardry, and as on Opeth previous
releases the songs are still full of superb acoustic interludes.
this cd smells perfection, IT IS BRILLIANT!!!!!!!! If you're open
minded, go get it and enjoy it!!! Email : doug.wright@music-for-nations.co.uk Web
site : http://www.opeth.com/

(BRA) Anti-Evangelistic process CD'02 EVIL VENGEANCE. This
release offers you somekind of a technical/ obscure Brazilian Brutal
death with hyper fast blasting moments à la KRISIUN. They've
got some riffs strongly influenced by DEICIDE's "Legion"
album, and this is not a bad point. I could find some technical
touches à la NECROPHAGIST and some discording riffing tunes
à la CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Tomb of the mutilated").
While the leads are in an apocalyptic way à la KRISIUN, a
good part of the riffs reminds me of some American influenced Brutal
death metal. But there are no mosh parts here as the whole is very
technical and almost blasting. The guttural vocals tone reminded
me of the French Brutal death band DISGUST. Some bands I may
quote for their technical guitars' aspects are SINISTER, SUFFOCATION
(of course) and maybe NATRON. Their dissonant blasting riffs could
remind me of WICKED INNOCENCE that would have decided to Grind on
their bizarre sounding riffs. I'm not too much into this kind
of very technical and articulated in a complex vein bands, but I
can tell you it sounds pro and totally tightly executed. So the
ones who enjoy this kind of brutality may have found a band to satisfy
their need for (soulless?) technical and compex Brutality. Email: EVIL666VENGEANCE@aol.com
(BEL) Echoes of the void CD'02. While their previous demo
reminded me a bit the sound and the style of some bands that released
average doom/ death metal albums around 1991, they're now far more
"happy" with rocking melodic touches and all what a rocking
happy death metal head doesn't need. All the more, their logo
have been done in an old Death metal way, as if Dan Sea Grave
has taken his pen to do a second SEANCE logo, but it's absolutely
not ancient Death metal influenced! . I could
quote influences such as PARADISE LOST ("Icon") for the
most sad parts, but the whole is more melodic in the vein of NIGH
IN GALES and Co. Happy. Happy. Happy, do you want to dance with
me? This seems to be correctly constructed and played
in an OK way, but it's not my style anyway. It's you to see if you
like this kind of melodic and lets say happy bands.
HARVEST (Fra) Bowels waltz CD'02 DEADSUN. Even if the
band has got some demos, I haven't hear them before. They've
just released a CD on DEADSUN Recs and it wasn't a special
mark of quality as I think most of the releases of this label are
fucking boring. ORGAN HARVEST plays somekind of Brutal death
grind reminding me of old INHUMATE ("Internal life" CD),
BRUTAL TRUTH ("Sounds of the animal kingdom" for technical
riffs), MACHIAVELIK and a bit of DYING FETUS. They have a good bounch
of American influenced Heavy Brutal death riffings mixed with double
bass drums. Its not the same style but they remind me of SUBLIME
CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION (who said they were impressive?)'s first
full length CD for the unhearable and blasting noisy side. They
own quite gore death grindgore vocals. No riffs stands out and
some Grindings parts also sound confused. It was done to sound
Brutal and gore, but it doesn't impress me! (Hey DEADSUN Recs,
there are far better bands that haven't got a deal in France!!)
some guys who enjoy the old INHUMATE's stuffs will find it being
a nice piece of bowels to fit their gory tastes, but my opinion
that's clear and that could seem hard for big undergrounders is
I awaited really more from a pro release. Nothing that impressed
me here. http://organharvest.brutal.free.fr

(Uruguay) Black winds of conspiracy Tape Lp'03. TERROR FROM HELL. The
first track begins in a cool way! This DEICIDE-like riff à la INSISION
sounds cool and quite catchy! Then follows a quite good Death grind
with strong old MORBID ANGEL influences (right at the burning border
between "Blessed are the sick" and "Covenant").
A nice track of Brutal death meets Death grind with a clean epic
interlude and a good powerful production. Not far from the top notch
and worth the best 2nd rate Death metal bands who currently crowd
our extreme underground! Unfortunately, the remaining of this release
is less impressive: it rather follows an older kind of Brutal death
(These are the older demos of the band, dating back to 95, 96, 00...)
that reminds me the demos the typical death metal influenced Brutal
death bands from Russia (or other kinds of eastern countries) could
record few years ago. It's not as tight, not as well performed and
all in all average/ very average, even if an obscure underground
mood could be felt. Some tracks sound like somekind of "melodic"
death grind, this sounds quite cool, this kind of death metal is
actually totally forgotten. (Except by DIVINE RAPTURE). Notice this
discography Tape Lp finishes with few cover tracks of SARCOFAGO,
MANOWAR, POSSESSED and MOTLEY CRUE. To conclude, the first track,
which is the last one recorded by the band, is promising in this
kind of Death grind from which emanates some cool old school atmosphere
and brutality; the other tracks aren't essential for your Death
metal collection since it's more or less the average kind of brutal
death many bands played few years ago. (It doesn't suck and remains
quite cool, but many are the decent bands in the style). So, only
the biggest fans and insane collectors should put their hands on
this tape, I'll keep the first track "Sex Magik Spell"
in mind while it lets us imagine the best for OSSUARY's Brutal death
metal future! Email: Ossuary@adinet.com.uy