ANGEL (Usa) Dissolution MCD. 2014. Self-released. DEATH
their previous demo, this American band was playing quite strongly
retro old styled Death metal. With this new recording a putrid
mind can notice the quite strong appearance of death black influences,
you can hear more blastbeats and bestiality in the engraved musical
spectrum, as you could happen to think about old ANAL VOMIT or a
little of BLASPHEMY... But the purest Death metal influences
didn't leave the hall, it's composing approx 66 to 79% of the whole
and happens to remember of old MORTEM, early IMMOLATION (First album),
MORBID ANGEL ("Abominations..."), POSSESSED, with a bit
of old MASTER and a few more American old Death outfits from the
end 80's. Compared to the previous recording, one can say the
band improved the playing and structure of the songs. I can
say some of the blasts aren't totally my style, but some of the
rolls are nice. This is quite nicely morbid metal to listen
to, and nothing is boring when you're in the mood to listen to this
kind of (More or less) "South american" influenced death...
But FALLEN ANGEL doesn't really distinguish their burning remains
from those of other bands in the style, and so might sound average
in the hears of the morbid abusers. Anyway the level is quite good
and big fans of the style wouldn't be disappointed. BURN THE PENTAGRAM. https://fallenangel666.bandcamp.com
al mundo CD’98 IPECAC. Total crazyness immortalized on a little
mirror. This insane dedicated to hyperactivity, after his several
projects MISTER BUNGLE and his several vocals intrusions in FAITH
NO MORE delivers this album composed of 30 pages. This is the perfect
music for a serial killer preparing to act or a constantly personnality
variating lunatic tripping on vortex infinite of A.I.D.S. This
perfect music composed by and for a social deviant keeps us high
during a mental crazy tripp. It mixes FAITH NO MORE like «
normal » parts with strange noises, happiness
funny fun, neometallized discordances, highdrums beating the ass
of Daffy Duck, funny cynicism, Diva heating the throat of the mirror,
spatio temporal rip, night bar’s quiet intimate mood, Mick Harris’85
tripping on his new drumkit, Evil Goblins running all around to
find the blue magick potion, Rumble of water in the defunct pot,
Klaxon keeps on fearing the new noise, Zaxxon’s spaceships attacking
the great Boss ( level 3), little boy hidden in his bed and fearing
the hidden behind the door Fantomas, Hyena’s libidinal zigzag due
to overcrash of the new drumsticks, Shut up you break my emotional
purity, Serial painter’s picnic, South African Boya Tribes experimenting
their new djumbees, new guitar chords tormented to breaking hell,
ANAL CUNT guys tripping on their new headdirts, Maximal pleasure
in the room love 69, Without emotions it’s better ( infinite choice
of lifes and experiences and personnalities, minimum choice of obligatory
depressive infinity). For those who enjoyed ANAL CUNT’s noise
absurdity or NOISM’s hypercomplex ununderstandable songs’ maximized
compression structures with a bit of MAGMA for bizzarity included.
( This band counts Mike Patton, Dave Lombardo, Buzz Osborne and
Trevor Dunn ).

(Fra) Eskhaton CD'02. Selfreleased. It's
not the coolest thing to review CDs that doesn't "turn you
on"... This first full-length album of FATAL is between
old school death/ thrash and Brutal death lines; but I found nothing
outstanding, brutal or new. Ok, the musicians are tight, they have
a decent technical level, the tracks are more or less correctly
constructed... but I found no brutal feeling here! It reminds me
too much of old CANNIBAL CORPSE. The blast parts sound weak... and
I have the feeling I ever heard their riffs! (Each riff follows
another one that does nothing more). The band has some Egyptian
influences (NILE, but less brutal), the vocals aren't bad. Some
guitars don’t sound bad, but some tremolo thrashy riffs are too...
common! And some guitars sound a bit funny! Uh! My advice would
be to do a big brutal lifting and keep only the best of the best!
And to work on the efficiency of their tracks! Coz I have too often
a feeling of cliché or ever heard music! Very average. The band
is searching for a label to release this CD. http://fataldeathtribe.free.fr

EMBRACE (Ger) Legions of armageddon CD’02 BRUCHSTEIN. War
induced cover, introduction composed of fights. that's it, old school
thrash metal. FATAL EMBRACE's music reminds me of KREATOR at the
epoch of "Pleasure to kill" for most of it, but some riffs
also sound like "Coma of souls" while some parts could
remind of old SODOM and old SLAYER. The vocals are heavier as it
sounds more like old school Death or KREATOR at the time of "Cause
for conflict". There are few SLAYER like vox. Very fast thrashing
tremolos. Few high-pitched screams à la DESTRUCTION. By watching
their clothes and many patches, you immediately see their taste
MAIDEN... There are some quite cool riffs in here, but nothing
that kicked my arse. It lacks of fucking frenezy in my opinion,
and after the 2/3 first tracks that are quite cool, I need more. They
have some correctly articulated tight tracks that can be cool for
the big old school thrashing maniacs. A shame they didn't take more
time to compose this CD, if all the tracks were as the first ones
it would have been a quite cool CD for all its length. This is an
Ok/ Quite cool CD, but hell! A bunch of other ones are really more
ass kicking: For thrash maniacs only! http://www.fatalembrace.de

(Fra) No sense CD'00 MAFIA UNDERGROUND. I don't know that
much about this album I got into a Mp3 trade. The website of the
band doesn't work, and it's not available in the distros I usually
order from. And it's a shame, because not to fall into long useless
sentences, this release is sincerely enthusiasming. Even if the
music is composed in it's whole of Total Brutal Death, it's INNOVATIVE
Brutal death you'll hear in your speakers. Yes, it exists! Some
scratches, some samples, a bass that sounds very strong in the mix
(quite similar to what the son of the CRYPTOPSY's bassist or Robert
Trujillo would have created), a perpetual groove inherited from
Hardcore and from the best moments of Death, I scream to the miracle!
It's not only innovative, it kills, there's nothing to throw away
(or almost nothing...), it remains bound in your skull, it gives
the need to dance, it's well played and well constructed, in short
words, it's all what I enjoy. In a short summary, SENSER meets CRYPTOPSY,
it gives us somekind of Saint Graal I was awaiting without hoping
too much for it anymore. If KRISIUN and all the other have revitalized
Death metal being faster and faster without really saying adios
to the Tampa style, FATE really represents the future. It's a shame
the production lacks of power, but it's not a problem. It's one
of the biggest killing stuffs I heard since "Effigy of the
forgotten"! I absolutely need the official release!!! http://www.lecommando.com

BEFOULED (Usa) Obscurus nex cultus CD'08. GASKMASK Recs. This
is satanic American Death metal with a guitarist who has eaten so
much of old INCANTATION that he went through deep internal mutations
and almost feels genetically obliged to play it close to the edges
of "Onward to golgotha" or "Mortal throne of nazarene". There's
no musical surprise, except for the fact it could all have been
composed and recorded in 1998, and so makes FATHER BEFOULED differ
a bit from other current bands with quite close American influences. This
feels really close to an older approach Incantation had when they
played quite spacey riffs that contained some kind of morbid stagnancy
and an out-of-time state of mind... There's also some quite fast
"In the battle" tremolos riffs, or heavier moments (Of
corpse)... But the whole isn't as heavy and crushing, nor as morbid
and punishing as their "idols". These heavier moments
that take quite some space show a band with a tendency to slow down
to almost doomy patterns; In these they doesn't sound so heavily
crushing but rather slowed down as fuck (As if the planet suddenly
decreased it's speed by two)... And a taste for the occult happens
to appear... The quite impious state of mind or atmospheres could
evoke FALLEN CHRIST, older MORBID ANGEL ("Covenant" and
before) or SADISTIC INTENT, even if the kind of Death metal isn't
really the same. Some epicness in the faster tremolo riffing could
sound like a slowed-down (But not slower) BRUTALITY, but all in
all INCANTATION also had this kind of riffs. The doomy guitars could
remember of some very old MY DYING BRIDE (When they played pure
Doom death), old INCANTATION or eventually some very early PARADISE
LOST (1st album) in a way... The vocals are quite deep and follow
decently the requirements of the style. Sometimes the songs'
structures doesn't sound perfectly finished, as if some transitions
weren't really right-on, making it sound a bit more "abrupt"
or "like a demo", depending on your tastes. The drums
could be improved, sometimes I'm not sure about what he's doing... After
a while the riffing and drumming sounds a bit repetitive, making
the listening less interesting on a more than 15-20 minutes listening
duration... Maybe they should try to diversify a bit the riffing
approach, even if it's not easy because the obscurity and impiety
could decrease... Globally, I
think there are cool moments of darkened voyage, epic battle or
decent doom, but also an equal quantity of riffs I don't particularly
care for. It still feels like some kind of demo somewhere, with
quite real ways for improvements. This is rather a release to advice
to big fans of INCANTATION, maniacs of older satanic Death metal
(Who need a lot morbid injections to feel relieved) or partisans
of the occult, because I think the seldom or demanding listeners
wouldn't be too impressed generally. http://www.myspace.com/fatherbefouled
FACTORY (Usa) Digimortal CD'01 Roadrunner. The evolution
that began with Obsolete is confirmed here: Fear factory has almost
became a Nu metal band. So "Digimortal" is an album that
answers the call of the dollar god! The problem is Fear factory
isn't very talented in this style, and the typical parts of the
newest Nu metal (understand little shitty harmonics and nothing
else) doesn't fit at all to the band of L.A! Even if you don't
think about the commercial apsect of the thing, "Digimortal"
isn't a good release, and the problem is here! far more than the
a so called betrayal... Once the very commercial but efficient
"What will become" is played, there's nothing worth the
listening despite "Invisible shadows", somekind of nice
ballade (even if it includes a more Brutal part that's uninteresting).
The bonus tracks of the digipack are more energic but not really
more interesting, except for the excellent "Vs. Resistance".
The alarm bell is ringing, one more album of this kind and we'll
have to definitely forget about FEAR FACTORY!
FACTORY (Usa) Concrete CD'02 ROADRUNNER. Here's what
should have been the first Fear Factory release! Resurrected and
exhumed from old forgotten master tapes! No much difference with
their first and best official release "Soul of a new machine"!
Totally cold modern (at this time) Death metal mixed with
Indus influences and Grinding elements. A good part of these
tracks were recorded later on their first Lp... At this time
they were really original as they included clear/ sung vocals, nice
guitar harmonies' arpeggios à la HEAD OF DAVID/ soften GODFLESH
and other influences emerging from the dusken lands of Hardcore,
it was very different from the common Death metal bands. Some
riffs were fucking depressive and hallucinating on a dark futuristic
holocaust and calculating our selfless and sterile mental masturbations
and eroded revulsed conceptions. Moments of pure rage, vengeance
and cold violence! Come on! Rise above these countless individuals
and mechanisms that only wants to crush you! Imagine a deep depressive
note à la GODFLESH/ KILL THE THRILL emerging from a total
Brutal death riff! Chaos melted with thrashing heavy brutality
and compressed grinding stress! The tracks were well done with
enough variety and nice breaks/ tempo changes... but hey... I'm
almost reviewing their "Soul of a new machine" LP as I
surprise myself building these last lines with my deep remembrances
of this good old release... Well, I think this release lacks
a bit in precision compared to "Soul of a new machine"
on which the production was more powerful, compressed and tight
as a mechanical serial murder machine! Some riffs and blasting parts
lacked the precision and definition that gave them a totally pro
sense of crush on the next one. It's a quite good CD, but it
would have been better if it was released at it's time... it's the
kind of stuffs I like to get on tape, nothing more.
(HOL) Offerings to he hunger CD'00. 666!! Hail Satan... URGHH!
666!! I noticed a guitarist wears a CRADLE OF FILTH T-Shirt and
this is not a avery good influence for sure! Some parts of their
music reminds me of HECATE ENTHRONED and Dani Filth's CRADL OF SHIT
(quite melodic "Black"/ Death w/ keyboards). Some EMPEROR's
dark moods and discording riffs , Some DIMMU BURGER, some
Heavy metal riffs influenced by a traditionnal beat/ style can be
found here. Their tracks are fucking long (from 6'30 to 10' and
more...) with no real surprise that keeps your attention and frozes
your skin. I mean everythings here are so common for my tastes their
music would be an Ok demo, but I found nothing that would make
a good album here. (All the more- not my style).
FINAL (USA) The first
millionth of a second CD’96 MANIFOLD. This is a bit old but every
extreme metaller should know this as this is a project of Mick Harris
( Ex. NAPALM DEATH) and Justin Broadrick ( The man behind GODFLESH).
from the tracks titles to the CD layout are mind catchy when you’re
into the void. It must be totally tripping when you’re into a
depressive, self punishing – mind overactivised – self existential
tormenting maelstrom. This isolationist rythmless music is mostly
composed of bare bass lines with low tuned earth breath suffocating
samples – imploring effects. All this without vocals and so few
melodies it could be understood as a prostrate crushed version of
PINK FLOYD’s « Echo ». The only last track
could get what we would understand as an industrial slowed down
rythm of some GODFLESH’s track. This CD sounds like if these
guys are totally disconnected from reality and tripping on their
inner visions! Total brain maelstrom without any realistic aspect. Somewhere, it’s not very far
from GODFLESH’s « Go spread your wings » track
( As much for the music and the lyrics ( « I need your limits,
I need your hell », this is what we’re all deep inside)). Even
blacker than GODFLESH’s « Godflesh » album and colder
than GODFLESH’s « Selfless » album ? It’s you
to judge.

(Usa) Live in germany MCD'01 UNITED GUTTURAL I haven't heard
news of FLESHGRIND since a long time, didn't hear about a new release
and their website still being in contruction since several months...
This small "Piece of shit" was recorded live during
FUCK THE COMMERCE II and their show is quite tight. The sound
is cool for a live, only the guitars lack of clarity (but it's normal
for a live recording). In fact, I haven't listened to any of their
releases since 98 and I kept a better remembrance of their music:
it blasts with some typically americanized Brutal & Groovy &
Moshy riffs mixed with double bass rumbles & Groovy rythms,
but the great thing is lacking. It will only be a cool release to
put in the background during another extreme activity. So many
bands were influenced by the SUFFOCATION/ PYREXIA Brutal & groovy
style that I need more than technically skilled and musically experimented
musicians to impress me in the Brutal death style. Will a new Brutal
death brand my Putrid brain? Hope they'll include some more deep
and actual Brutal elements in their next release if I ever get the
promo! For those being fond of INTERNAL BLEEDING (One of my Brutal
deceptions), SUFFO (still fucking kills!!), PYREXIA (Good suffo
clone!? r.i.p), SKINLESS(Vocals kills, but the riffs?), REPUDIILATION
(Did you check the riffs?), JUNGLE ROT ... Brutal bastards who
haven't eaten thousands of CDs and tapetraded tapes as big motherfuckers
may find it cool and quite impressive anyway! http://www.fleshgrind.com

(Usa) Divide and conquer MCD’00. The lack of severely Brutal
Death metal bands who play their extreme music with a deep soul
and a quite spiritual side can be felt in nowadays' scene, while
almost every bands want to be as technical, complex and fast as
possible. Without soul, they can only cruelly fail! And I often
have to search in some older stuffs to find something very good
to review, it's better when the band is still alive of course. And
I noticed I didn't review this FLESHTIZED MCD. The band is still
offering some good Death/ Grind, that will be a right hole to fulfill
in my webzine! FLESHTIZED played (and still plays!) a fast Death/
Grind with strong old school Death metal roots materialized under
the form of old MORBID ANGEL influences. Of course the band wasn't
as punishing as the first releases of MORBID ANGEL, but it was done
with enough feeling and convictions to please an enjoyier of real
Death metal! The whole music being fast for most of it, with few
double bass drums, the riffs leading the rats around the obscure
abominations of inferno, the technical brutality and some heavy
domination. Good musicians! On this self-released MCD, FLESHTIZED
weren't at the same level than on their "Here among thorns"
full-length CD, but it was ever convincing and could only lead to
a deal! Promising... and these promises weren't betrayed!
(Usa) Here among thorns CD'01 MIGHTY MUSIC. I'm on the threshold
of Death watching all this pain and damnation surrounding me! The
unrelentless Death metal of FLESHTIZED awakens some long forgotten
frustrations and angers! The blood will flow in my veins as hatred
day one! Blasting and tight as MORBID ANGEL, strong as KRISIUN
("Apocalyptic revelations" Era) FLESHTIZED tears my guts!
Glen Benton would remind now what real Death metal is! The hellish
Death metal riffings of Trey Azagtoth are here very present! I'm
now deeply engulfed in the inner wars and frustrations afflicted
to the human slaves! I have the vision of these bastards tripping
on their extreme Death metal as the very last days of their existences!
of hatred for this life of shit and the now consciously realized
numerous undone goals and ideals and betrayed inner valours! FLESHTIZED
is definitely a band worth checking out! http://www.mightymusic.dk

(Ukraine) Age of machines Tape album. 2014. NO NAME Records.
From Ukraine comes the storm!
This is great sounding stuff, old school grindcore the way I dig it, with
enough of blasting destruction to erase the parasitic free-masonic bones in
your body!
Some songs are very influenced by early NAPALM DEATH (Scum, Feto, and the
following Mlps), some are closer to ATROCITY (Usa, the grind band) and a couple
have a more punk edge (Let's say à la ooold DISRUPT), but most is into the
grindcore spectrum...
No need for more band-name vomiting, this is great sounding old styled grind.
The blast parts are kicking and quite energetic, then you'll find all kinds of
other tempos: Dbeat crust, mid-paced to slow hardcore... Etc crucifitera.
Contrary to many new grindcore bands, there Ukrainians are not much influenced
by powerviolence or "perpaing" hardcore/ sludge. Most of the vocals
are quite lower pitched, it's not death metallic, sounds angry and full of
Conclusion: Some great moments, some destructive blasts, FOIBLE INSTINCT is a
good band for fans of old school grind.

(Hol)/ INKBLACK(Hol) Split Ep'03 OAK KING Recs. Here's
a quite nice looking Ep. On the first side INKBLACK plays old
school Death metal à la DEATH meets old MASSACRE. Few touches reminded
me of BRUTALITY and INFERNAL MAJESTY. The riffs are ok, but the
whole didn't turn anything on in me, and some of the (varied) vocals
aren't very good. All the more, their riffs are common/ everheard.
Nothing special, nothing I'd listen to one more time unfortunately. FONDLECORPSE
plays some kind of Brutal death grind with old Death metal parts.
Sounds like old CANNIBAL CORPSE meets DEICIDEE and some other death
metal bands from the 90's. Sounds like INFESTDEAD by moments, and
they have a BRUTALITY like riff. But it's a project with a drum
machine. Some parts sound like old SIX FEET UNDER, I don't like
that! It sounds tight and clearly produced, but highlights or
deeply emotional choruses are missing! FONDLECORPSE sounds better
than the band on the first side, more brutal with some tracks that
are a bit better constructed, but I can only say it's Ok or quite
cool as nothing brand my brain. They'll release a CD on RAZORBACK
quite soon, hope more brutality will be on this forthcoming piece
of CD! http://www.fondlecorpse.nl
OF IMPALED (Usa) Forward the spears CD’03 RED STREAM According
to several facts such as the band's name or the label on which the
CD was released, one could easily have imagined a boring "True"
black metal release. But it's not really the case: FOREST OF IMPALED
plays a kind of extreme metal at the right border between Black
metal and Death metal. The vocals being screamy. A bunch of the
riffs being in a death thrashy style, while some pure Black metal
guitars can be felt. The tracks are done correctly and professionally
enough to make of this album a very listenable one, but I didn't
find the catchy parts or very emotional moments that would give
me the need to play "Forward the spears" again. The
production being quite high pitched reminds me the albums SATANIC
SLAUGHTER recorded few years ago. Could remind of DEICIDE (1st LP),
old MARDUK("Before heaven shall burn"), SATANIC SLAUGHTER,
DISSECTION... but after some tracks I have the feeling of a 'repetitive
thing'. So this is a professional album that stands out from
the other releases in the style thanks to the band's experience
and correct sense of extreme metal, but the final kick and inner
inspiration that would make of F.O.I more than a 2nd rate band lacks!
Not bad, but the final kick lacks! http://www.forestofimpaled.com
(BRA) Descendants of the degenerated race Promo MCD'02. I
initially received this 4 tracks promo from their next full length
CD to see if I could release it, but since I'm nit interested I'll
review it! FORNICATION plays a Brutal Death Grind reminding me
of old DEEDS OF FLESH, old DEICIDE with some KRISIUN in some riffs.
They could also make think about SEVERE TORTURE, PYAEMIA or a bit
of ENCABULOS... As a lot of nowadays' Brutal releases, it's quite
tight, but their riffs remain common and average in the Brutal death
style! There are a few good ideas that stands out I enjoy a bit
such as the good crushing blast part à la SUFFOCATION around
2:12 on "Malignant devotion", the cool drum break à
la TERRORIZER around 2:14 on "Omnipotent ones" or the
cool fast Brutal death riff on "Degenerated race" around
1:02! But I found no real surprises in the tracks' structures: they
own correctly articulated songs but they could add some efficiency
by shortening some riffs or adding some 3 mesures schemes! Their
drummer blasts quite well, but more diversity and inventivity is
fucking welcome! As a whole it remains Ok or average for me,
they own a few parts I like. According to what I heard here,
they can be a cool band for big Brutal death fans and they'll probabmy
find an Underground label to release their CD. http://fornication.cjb.net
with moments of goregrind , crust/ hardcore and "funny sounding
" rock things... It could sound like some old school Grind
with touches of early MUCUPURULENT and old MORTICIAN. The drums
sounds as a machine, especially in few "danceable" beats. But
there's nothing crushing or shocking, it's too convenient and it
lacks of extreme intensity, crushing surprises and anything I need
from Grindcore! Some grinders might enjoy it if they want something
convenient to relax, or listen during a party, but the thrills of
insanity aren't here. Not extreme and emotional enough for an
album in my opinion! Average.
(USA) Split CDr. What's the
fuck in the underground? I hear more and more experimental noise
releases and I don't see the point of listening to this!
"offers" here a 17:55 minutes long track composed of low
noises, computer sounds, and a few familiar or street sounds...
no rythms, no music, nothing that'll keep your interest nor keep
you awake. Nothing else to say than: "it doesn't suck, it's
FUCK THE FACTS are a Grind crust band, but
on this split they also play some experimental noise. Their
tracks may be more alive than CONURE as there are more things happening...
Maybe some guys will find it funny, but I think they should keep
for themselves this mix of overdriven sounds, spaceship video games
finishing the big boss, screaming cats, 200% slowed down trip hop
with a church choir, guitar larsens, spacing smoke metaller during
a shit reception... F.T.F should at least avoid this kind of
delirias under their name as I would avoid at all costs their other
grinding releases after hearing this! Nothing that should be
released! That's for sure!! http://www.fuckthefacts.com

(USA) Beneath the columns of abandoned gods CD’02 NECROHARMONIC. Incredible!
This is typical finnish death metal in the vein of FUNEBRE,
DEMIGOD, DEMILICH (are there still people still remembering these
old gods? I hope so, because they still keep on kicking some ass!)
but it is played in 2000, by an american band!!!! As for KAAMOS,
FUNEBRARUM is on a good position in the ranks of the true contemporary
uncompromising death metal bands. Imagine a sound that is as heavy,
And yes it is a young band (born in 1999) but absolutely not done
by new comers. Nick Orlando plays also in EVOKEN, and Daryl and
Dave play in ABAZAGORATH (http://www.abazagorath.com).
The album consists only of five songs, but as they are all quite
pretty long, but absolutely not boring, it is not a problem. FUNEBRARUM
brings the auditor in the deepnees of the dephts of the death metal
genre. And Daryl´s voice is heavier than every trendy boring
"froglike vocals" that bands like DEEDS OF FLESH, LIVIDITY
and the likes are praising. Absolutely no trendy stuff can be heard
in this music. And what is also cool is that even if it is not so
original, one can feel a huge identity in FUNEBRARUM, and this becomes
rare nowadays. This band is definitely worth to check out. It´s
always cool when bands like this show that there are some truely
dedicated fans and musician in this scene polluted by trends. Straight
from the guts! If it´s too doomy or heavy for you, then fuck
off and die! Ha! http://www.abazagorath.com/funebrarum.html http://www.necroharmonic.com
(Indonesia) Anthems Of Disenchantment CD'02 WARPATH. Formerly known under the monicker BLOODY GORE, this indonesian band
is a new one, with a new drummer. I have not had the chance to listen to
BLOODY GORE, so I don´t know how to describe any evolution in the band´s
sound... FUNERAL INCEPTION is delivering pure brutal death metal with quite
technical riffs and knows how to stay effective. Some influences are
evident like the one of SINISTER ("Agressive measures"), or the old
MALEVOLENT CREATION for some thrashy elements. It is really well played and
each song is recognizable. It is a good point to hear that this band
doesn´t follow the trendy way of the death core movment. FUNERAL
INCEPTION stays metal, and it is important. But I don´t know if my speakers
are rotten or if it´s the band´s fault, but it seem that the sound has a
trend to saturate too much, which is of course dirty and raw, but which
doesn´t make any favor to the musicianship of the guys... Another problem
is a lack of identity one can hear in this band. It is not bad at all,
and can be really effective, but it is the kind of album I would have lust
to listen once in a while, and forget really fast. That´s a pity because
FUNERAL INCEPTION delivers a really good brutal death metal. I think this
band must be better to watch on stage. It is fast music but enough well
composed not to annoy too much the listener. If you are into brutal
shit, give a chance to these dudes. You can feel a big work behind this
album. http://www.warpathrecords.com/funeral.html

(Usa) The misery season CD. 2000. CRYONICS Recs. I wasn't
aware about the existence of this band until quite recently. Some
underground dust-sniffers might be more familiar with CONTAGION,
since the band recorded two demos, one Ep and apparently got some
kind of cult UG status in Usa under this name, before changing of
moniker for FUNEREAL and recording this album in 1994... But the
recording wasn't released before the year 2000 (Limited to 250 copies). Sometimes
roughly described as "Death doom", the style of the band
was a globally mid-paced Death metal, with quite strong doomy influences
(But no really monolithic moments, it was rather in the riffs &
arrangements), but also more powerful patterns putting an emphasis
on double bass-drums (You could think about mid old BOLT THROWER
for example), some faster patterns here & there, and something
like an emphasis on "Groove" (I generally dislike the
kinds of metal sorted in that category, but we aren't talking about
groove metal neither groovy death... It's rather closer to MORTA
SKULD's 2nd album "As humanity fades"). Add a bit of accelerations
à la old IMMOLATION (First album) or more old styled fast DM beats
à la early DEATH/ MASSACRE. To come back to the doom influence,
I think the FUNEREAL guys probably digged early PARADISE LOST ("Lost
paradise" & "Gothic") or MY DYING BRIDE (Everything
before the 2nd album) since some moments of the spoken album could
seem like the two mentioned bands got the benefits of a more skilled
drummer. Some peoples might hear some early JUNGLE ROT similarities
for some "grooves" and for the "fun" (2nd album
"Slaughter the weak") but FUNEREAL sounds better and less
"chuga chuga" in my opinion. Later on, one of the
guitarists and the drummer went to play in CIANIDE, and even if
I can see a logical follow in style, the two bands procreated something
quite different. This album sounds quite sold and well packed,
with nice doom riffs here and there. I couldn't say the compositions
are that catchy or absolutely killer, but this could be a very nicely
bone-crunching album for fans of 2nd rate 90's death metal with
a taste for the heaviness. Listen: https://youtu.be/EAlCmQ20ZBE