(Usa) Ultimate whirlwinds of incineration Tape album. 2014. RESCUED
FROM LIFE Recs. Discogs tells me P.L.F stands for "Pretty
little flower", but I believe the real meaning is PRETTY LATE
FUCKER! Yes, pretty late, because I received this tape in trade
a couple of years ago, found it kicking, and then it was absorbed
by the personal collection of cassettes located under the bed...
Then it reappeared at the top of my (rotting) head only recently...
So, I'm now reviewing the molested body parts jumping from the speakers
of the tape-player. This is brutal grindcore with extreme blasts
and what you could expect from the style... But wait, there's something
else in the chainsaw-fucked cadaver: Some parts almost sound like
old school DM, or brutal thrash! The more you listen, the more you
hear "brutal thrash" riffs! Indeed compared to regular
grind, it seems like they replaced the crust/ punk influences with
thrash riffs, and there are even (Compacted) thrashing guitars during
some blasts. I could say the whole sounds like a mixture of
early (brutal) KREATOR, SODOM ("Tapping the vein"), TERMINATION
FORCE, some old BRODEQUIN, or the french SUFFICIDE ("Material
thrown out" demo). I think it's quite valid to underline
the similarities with the US band Termination Force (Who plays a
mixture of thrashing death and grindcore), but the outcome of P.L.F
sounds more on the grind/ brutal side. Also, while some grind/
P.V. bands are very explosive, here the feeling is more like a mentally
ill patient is subject to numerous strong spasms but that remain
enclosed inside... It keeps on coming and exploding from a point
to another as if you were the metallic ball in a giant flipper.
You could also feel like a corpse sealed in a body bag, enclosed
in the trunk of a fast-driving car, and the road is very damaged
so there's a lot of shaking AhAh. Well, perhaps there's a bit
too much of corpse molestation for my convenient belly... You know,
I like things very simple and easy to digest (I'm a big maniac of
cover bands! AhAh). To sum it up, this album sounds quite compressed,
brutal, thrashing, and molesting. Perhaps I would have enjoyed a
couple of "easy" catchy riffs here & there, but this
is a nicely kicking tape and the title sumps up the content quite
well. https://www.facebook.com/PLF-175466989192244/
DEATH (Ger) Homicide chaos MCD'02. This band plays the
classical cliché Thash metal a lot of young beginning bands
choose to practicize. Understand it's very much METALLICA influenced
with some little touches of old NUCLEAR ASSAULT/ old SLAYER and
few Thrashcore like riffs. In my ears it sounds fucking sterile,
outdated, flat and predictable. In my opinion it doesn't deserve
a pro pressing, and some band that offer 100 times more personality
and expression in their music even can't find a deal! A minimum
energy is needed to get a decent review of an aggressive style here! http://www.painful-death.de

(Rus) Selfdestruction anthems CD. 2020. WINGS OF DESTRUCTION Recs. I
received a package with some CDs from Wings of Destruction records
in Russia, I will try to review of part of it. Hopefully it's not
(all) chicken wings AhAh. PANZERGOAT comes from Tula Oblast,
and plays a suspicious liquor brewed with elements of crust/ hardcore,
grindcore, death metal and black metal... I think this description
might sound like an unidentified flying orchestra for some readers,
so I will develop a bit... To me, to try to capture the whole
spirit, and taking in account some strange riffs and breaks... I
would say this band might taste like a powerviolence outfit that
wouldn't use too many blastbeats, but more crust/ hardcore rhythms,
and would insert some old death metal and a bit of black metal influences... Globally
this might sound like a mix of "kicking" fast or mid-paced
"hardcore", with some old death metal riffs à la NAPALM
DEATH ("Utopia banished"), some DEFECATION (First album...
For some "HC" and some "thrash") and some very
old PHOBIA (Usa) for some grind... This sounds quite "eclectic"
in the brutal world, it's even a bit of a mess (AhAh). The screamy
vocals sound like your favorite powerviolence (Or sludge?) band.
This could be a quite important element, since you hear these screams
clearly in the mix. Well... During these 11 tracks, I feel like
some parts are quite kicking and there are good moments... But I'm
not interested in all the riffings (Hardcore, Hardcore...), the
whole is a bit too "diverse" for me, and I'm not a big
fan of the vocals (Kinda sound like a "crushed cat"). So
I feel like this is an average release with some qualities and defects,
this might please some supporters of the style but also might not
really... It's you to judge. Send me the UNIDENTIFIED FLYING
WINE BOTTLES! https://panzergoat.bandcamp.com

Here's a release I've been waiting for since some months! PATHS
OF POSSESSION is the new band of Richard Brunelle (ex Morbid Angel).
I imagined and expected some old emerging feeling coming straight
from the hellish "Blessed are the sick"! But fucking deception!
While I imagined something creative and special, what I hear is
mid-placed "Deathcore" with thrash metal riffs, the whole
reminds me of SIX FEET UNDER (Especially the "Warpath"
CD) plus some few punkish riffs. Notice the presence of Georges
"Corpsegrinder" fisher on vocals. Well it doesn't suck,
it's rather well constructed etc etc but I expected really more
from a guy who played on absolutely killer albums such as "Altars
of madness" or "Blessed are the sick". The MORBID
ANGEL fans who have understood the true sulfuric essence of the
band's first releases won't find something for their intense Death
metallic interest here! It's only the kind of stuffs which is cool
or Ok, if you see what I mean! Sadly enough, I think the real
creativity and Brutal obscure expression rather have to be found
in the younger bands than in the experienced deathbags of the older
death metallers! The other band
on this split is DARK FAITH who plays somekind of Black death metal.
While they have a thrashy/ heavy touch on guitars, it's mostly fast
and reminds me of DECAMERON, SACRAMENTUM, the few I know of DISSECTION,
old IN FLAMES... The kind of quite but not too much stuffs. They
have more or less correctly articulated tracks (with some errors),
but nothing that turned me on. I've ever heard this kind of riffs
before, and as I'm not a fan of the style I can't say more than:
it's Ok or average. Notice a DEATH cover ("Zombie ritual")
that's quite different from the original, but not impressive. To
conclude, this split offers really less quality than I hoped it
would. Very average! http://www.geocities.com/splattergod_records

PAVOR (Ger) Furioso
CD'03 Self-released This kind of release tends to be
a rarity in the death metal style. This is hyper technical but still stays
musical and has enough breaks and mid paced rhythm so that the listener doesn't
feel lost. Believe me this is what we can call "progressive death metal", 'cos
it's so complicated, and full of influences external to metal, like "progressive
rock". I think these guys must enjoy quite a lot bands like WATCHTOWER, KING
CRIMSON (especially the last period), SPASTIC INK, DEATH (last period as well).
Son I think that necro fans shall have problems to listen to this album. But if
you're a musician or enjoy jazz and progressive music, I advice you strongly to
try PAVOR, 'cos it is really an impressive band. Personally, I can sincerely
enjoy it, but my grim heart belongs definitely to the old school in a matter of
Death metal. I remember to have listened to an old song of PAVOR from the "a
pale debilitating autumn" from 1993 (if I am not wrong) and it was already quite
gloomy and technical. But here, ten years after, the technical level is really
amazing, and still the music stays dark. You have to listen to this record more
than once in order to get into it, but be sure that after several listening
sessions it might still reveal some surprises. What I appreciate with this
release, despite its technical complexity, is the fact that it still keeps
somehow a metal touch. The guys master their instruments, and it shows, but I
don't find it boring, which is very seldom with this kind of approach to the
music. I specially like the statement into the booklet of the cd saying: "to all
wimps, dilettantes, kiddies, fakes, and other boring lowlifes out there,that
keep making fools of themselvesby trying to be evil, brutal or even musically
relevant; STAY AT HOME AND PRACTICE!!" hahaha! Cool! Cuntact: www.pavor.com

(Ger) Wildfire CD. 2022. HEADBANGERS Recs/ BIG BAD WOLD Recs. Sometimes
I get some CDs for sell in the distro, but it doesn't sell so fast,
even though it doesn't suck... So I try to understand what happens.
This is the case with this album of PAXTILENCE, it seemed to be
a quite cool release in my humble necropinion, but the copies I
have are kinda watching for the passing customers, like dogs waiting
in doghouses for their new owners... The style of the band is
old school thrash in an early 80's style, this is not the most violent
one (And it's sometimes nearer to speed), as it's clearly closer
to early EXODUS, ooold METALLICA (From two centuries ago, it seems),
a bit of old RAZOR, a bit of early/ old MEGADETH, maybe some RE-ANIMATOR...
Plus some old underground American bands whose names don't pop up
at the moment. The songs of the band are quite well composed,
it doesn't last too long one some riffs and there happens to be
some coming surprises. Also some guitars here & there are quite
swinging. Now as said before, they don't play the most extreme
kind of thrash, so don't expect a ripping early SODOM/ early KREATOR
or Chilean thrash assault... That's perhaps why my customers didn't
"thrill at first sight" AhAh. What could the name of
the band mean? Perhaps something like "Pact + pestilence",
so some middle-age men of power might have set a "pact on pestilence"?
Perhaps. I find the cover of the album to look cool, it has something
like a mid 80's/ early 90's feeling, but perhaps it also reminds
me of old electro industrial bands like early Front line assembly
or Front 242? Before concluding, I can also add the music also
reminds me the first releases of the Swedish thrash band LETHAL. Well,
PAXTILENCE is a pretty cool band in the old thrash/ speed thrash
style. This album isn't musically orgasmic or redefining the headbang,
but some fans of the style and nostalgics of the early thrash days
might be interested... https://paxtilence.bandcamp.com

(Slo) In the garment of lust CD'02 PERENNIAL QUEST. Here's
the new release of a very new French label. And when you see
the cover you could expect something really more extreme... Ok it's
rather technical Brutal death, and it sounds Brutal, but nothing
IS Brutal here! And I didn't feel the fucking stench of overwelhming
perversity taking the control of the musicians! It's complex
and more or less correctly played tracks, but nothing stands out here! Old CANNIBAL
CORPSE like riffs that were so fucking over abused during
all these years of Brutal death! It reminds me of NATRON's first CD
for the quite technical guitar riffings, and some SINISTER touches
could be named for the same reason. They own quite melodic tremolo
Death metal riffs GOD DETHRONED once used in 1998 (haven't heard
their new stuffs). There's also some DAMNABLE (Pol) and for example
touches of old ATROCITY for wanna sound different breaks, but it's
just average riffs that attract nothing in me. By moments they also
include more Techno Death metal like parts with self evolving bass
lines. Nothing impressed me during this CD's 9 tracks, I had
the feeling I heard all their riffs before, and it sounds quite
outdated. For me, it's just one more Brutal death release on
the pile of cruelly lacking of soul CDs I almost never listen to...
And I was as nice as a little objective bird when I wrote this review! http://www.perversity.host.sk

SON (Chile) To the abstract MCD'06. Self Released. Oh
purulent serenades, keep on seeping on my torso and drowning my
brain in the mysteries of oblivion... Even if their band name
might be a little strange at the first incestuous approach, PERVERTED
SON's music is quite interesting and also different from the usual
south American alcoholic metal vomiturition. Imagine something like
techno thrash/ death embracing the strange musical behaviors some
metallers choose in the late 90's, when they discovered the virtues
of the 3-legged dog... Most of the pictures emanate from the
old CORONER toy box, while few gimmickal photos could seem like
ATHEIST (First album) or some old riffing parchments might remember
of KREATOR (In the middle of their thrash epoch), with a little
zest of SABBAT (For some atmospheres or quite strange vocals) and
some PESTILENCE ("Spheres") contained in the "mathematic
future" fumes of some leads... The CORONER comparison would
rather fit for some state of mind, little atmospheres and riffing
gimmicks, because it's clearly less technical... And so "Mental
vortex" might be the closer record to link... Sometimes I would
like to quote MEKONG DELTA, but the perverted son plays with fewer
Russian dolls and occurs to have darker thoughts. I feel this
little assortment of serenades could be a bit more emotionally intense
by moments, but the band kinda develops some mysterious or quite
intriguing atmospheres you don't hear every week. There's unfortunately
nothing for Satan to steal your teddy bear yet, but this is nicely
made technical music, with a neat (natural) sound and cool cover
illustration. It might please big fans of the style who still have
a spiked boot in late 80's. Email:

(Fra) Hate at first seed CD'04 OSMOSE. This one is a quite
strange album. What you hear is some kind of melting between fast
black metal original black metal and few rock'n roll plus death
influences. While the fastest Black metal riffs can sound like some
MAYHEM ("Wolf's layr abyss") or DAK FUNERAL, the most
original and 'powercore' black metal riffs remind me of "A
grand declaration of war", strange isn't it? Quite a lot of
moments are composed of mayhemish arpeggios in the vein of their
last epoch (it's not so far from the dark depressive movement).
Ok, there's an obscure atmosphere, but doesn't it lack of frozen
suicidal dementia? Some zests of ENTOMED or MOTORHEAD could be
felt for the rock'n roll, but it's only a zest in a big glass of
blackened whisky. On one fist there are cool stuffs such as
the quite deep sounding riff of the first track, or the punching
death grind influenced track entitled "Forest recipe"
other fist you have strange sounding things that might sound like
a 3 legs dog trying to run fast. Even though this album is quite
varied and remains decent thanks to good skills musicians, there
aren't much more interesting ideas than some riffs from here and
there. Some good punching riffs are here, but one should dig many
graves on an experimental latest epoch MAYHEM to get into most of this album.
Not much memorable, but quite strange. http://www.osmoseproductions.com

(USA) Enslaved EP'98 SLAP A HAM These americans remain loyal
to their original style: a good Grind/death not so many bands play
nowadays. It's the same kind of of raw grind/death with a raw corrosive
sound à la old NAPALM ("F.E.T.O"). This EP can
be adviced to those who enjoyed their previous MCD, they can buy
it without any problem! Total shredding Grind exploding right in
your face! Once the Ep is on the player, it's too late coz you're
Dead!! Get it you moron!
(Usa) Enslaved Ep'96 SLAP A HAM. This EP of PHOBIA sounded
nearer of the first releases of the band (Return to desolation MCD)
while their following releases included more discordant riffs, Hardcore
and Crusty touches. There are here a lot of Grindcore blast parts,
and when it slows down it sounds like old school Grind a lot! The
tracks are very energetic and aggressive with this fucking insanity
the Grindcore of the first epoch had! This is the third world war
in the head of the guitarist! Ah! Good Grind à la "F.E.T.O",
"Mentally murdered" and "Purity dilution" for
those who remind these very good vinyls! Gindcore in its purest
and most aggressive form! That was a very good Ep that announced
the Grinding comeback of PHOBIA that didn't release anything for
years at the time! You Grind bastard: BUY OR DIE!! http://www.jellobung.com/phobia
(Usa) Means of existence CD'98 DEATHVOMIT. I've switched
on the player this CD to compare it with the following one that
seems to really lack of energy! And Yeah! This one was far more
energetic and fucking Grinding! Brutal Grind with corrosive discordant
riffs that continuously blast your head! Fucking efficient short
tracks with the real grinding energy, compress as fuck explosive
tracks that crust your arse in its most moshing parts! Good
drummer, good vocals, good sound. PHOBIA is worth seeing live!! Nothing
bad to say about the first tracks that are truly excellent in the
style! Yeah! The following isn't always good, variating between
some quite good ideas and average parts, but it remains Ok. An
album you'll gladly download or dub on a fucking rotten tape if
you ever find it! I wouldn't advice to buy this CD at all costs,
but it's a quite good album with some real enthusiasm for Grindcore! http://www.jellobung.com/phobia
(Usa) Destroying the masses CD'99 PESSIMISER. All the previous
PHOBIA releases I heard gave me a good impression, and I personally
own a part of it. It's now time to get an hear on one of their other
releases to judge if they're still playing quality Grindcore! The
style of PHOBIA is old school Grindcore with some Crust and discordant
touches, it hasn't changed much since their previous CD "Means
of existence". Their grind reminds me of DEFECATION and obviously
of very old NAPALM DEATH while some crusty punches ride along the
lines of old DISRUPT. There are a few tracks I enjoy, but to
be honest I prefered their previous releases! What I hear on this
CD doesn't turn me on the Brutal! The whole remains correct and
may be quite cool if you're into old school Grind. The Grindcore
mood and energy are still there, but it's boring in parts. But it's
less crazy and aggressive than before! I've switched on the "Enslaved"
Ep'96 to compare, and it's obvious PHOBIA was ways more punishing
at the time! And more catchy! I'll try to get a spiked hand on
one of their last releases to judge if it was a momentaneous lack
of energy and grinding stress! This isn't the best PHOBIA release,
no one I'd advice to check out, nope. http://www.jellobung.com/phobia
(Usa) Serenity through pain CD'01 DEEP SIX. The previous
PHOBIA CD didn't turn me on. It's now time to hear if this new one
is more energized and inspired than "Destroying the masses".
And the first track I hear doesn't especially confort me in
the good opinion I had of PHOBIA's older releases. It's tight Grind/Death/Crust.
Correctly done tracks with riffs that doesn't suck, but there's
nothing special. And unfortunately the remaining of the CD is in
the same vein: Ok Grindcore with Crusty and Death touches, there's
nothing that stands out. Nothing catchy. If a new band came with
these tracks on a demo, I would have a better opinion of the thing
(it doesn't suck), but PHOBIA did some very better stuffs that were
totally crushing, energetic to the bone and slam induced Grindcore
violence. I remember and interview I did with them in 1999 in
which they said they'd stop if the total Grinding passion wasn't
here anymore. Well, I haven't found traces if a Grinding insanity
nor total crushing passion for extreme grind on this CD. It seems
to me they keep on playing because they're a band and this may be
one of the only important things in their lives, but I found no
real crushing passion here. It's an Ok release, but as many releases
coming out it offers nothing special. And PHOBIA seems to offer
nothing special anymore since some years now... http://www.jellobung.com/phobia

ORCHID(Usa) Split Ep'97 AMENDEMENT Recs. Here's one
of the first releases of PIG DESTROYER! The improvement since
this time is quite impressive! In 4 years they've reached a more
important level of efficiency! Their tracks on this split are
quite strange, understand it's new school Grind with a bunch of
very Hardcore and discording riffs! That screams a lot! Yeaaarrr!
There was a bunch of Heavy mid placed HxCx riffs, sludge depressive
fuse-blowing and new school Hardcore riffings as well as a bunch
of blasts and fast tempo beats. A few very technical riffs à la
BRUTAL TRUTH (latest releases). The whole in unconventional tracks'
structures. A few Grind induced riffs quote my attention, but it's
too much weird new school Hardcore Grind discordance and weird bizarro
to please me. Bizarre tracks with many ear-piercing screams. At
this time PIG DESTROYER didn't suck, but this style wasn't and isn't
for me. Their "Prowler in the yard" CD'01 impressed me
ways more as it's more Grinding and a bit more conventional with
some remains of these wicked discordances. http://www.relapse.com/high/relapse/pig
The style of
ORCHID is softer. Somekind of slow Hardcore with few discordances
and more thrashcore riffs. They have a few riffs à la GODFLESH?
The vocals are quite high pitched, more or less screamy. The
riffs are near of Sludgecore in many parts. The band has split up. Well,
I've got nothing else to say about it since it didn't please me
and since I know very few about this kind of music. http://hamp.hampshire.edu/~brw97/oldOrchid.html
(Usa) Prowler in the yard CD'01 RELAPSE. I had a few problems
to get into it at the first fast listening, this because of bizarre
tracks' structures and new school Grind weird tracks' structures
and new school Grind weird elements. But hell, a few minutes of
careful adaptation to get out of my old school let me discover
something efficient! Yeah! Total old school Grindcore with obvious
TERRORIZER influences, both for the fast riffs and groovier tempo
approached. And fuck hell, this is quite original since it gets
out the head from its old school Grindcore! Read some of the influences
I've found: old and new NAPALM DEATH, metal powercore rage and heaviness
of mid old PANTERA, a bit of KRISIUN(!), TERRORIZER, new and old
BRUTAL TRUTH, some technical riffs à la old DEICIDE, a bit of some
sludge like heaviness, punk, Hardcore... Very good drummer that's
tight as a "commando" in the blasts and that's varied
and expressive enough! Punch, Punch! Blast! The whole with vocals
ranging from the classical Grindcore ones to more hardcorish or
saturated screams. Ok, the riffs aren't very deep and all the tracks
aren't excellent, but it has got it's share of compressed intensity
and controlled Grindcore explosions, and it's quite well done! Fans
of Grindcore à la TERRORIZER should put an hear on this PIG DESTROYER
release! Yeah! http://www.relapse.com/high/relapse/pig

Here's the previous release of PIGSTY, a band that was a
nice discovering with their "The return" CD'02. And that
was ever fast at this time, not as endlessly blasting as "The
return" since it includes a good amount of less fast (but fast)
parts. I don't like that much their blasts and fast riffs that are
common. Sounds as a mix of old CRYPTOPSY ("None so vile"),
technical on a riffs level. (It's not technical riffs for 90% of
it). Some riffs may sound a bit like some old EXHUMED stuffs by
moments, but it's very much Death/ Grind like guitars. Some cool
shredding mid placed riffings. Gory nasal growls are used by moments.
I'm not so much into this one, it includes some average parts and
some stuffs I'd avoid since it's too common and lack of brutality.
But it remains correctly brutal. They've improved since this
time, "The return" is more efficiently constructed, blasted
and shows the appearance of cool mid placed and quite catchy parts.
So, this part of the split wasn't bad, but it offered nothing special
and was average in parts. "The return" is better and PIGSTY
is a blasting band that evolves in the right way.
must say nothing impressed me in the TU CARNE tracks. It's Grindcore/
Death metal with pitch chifteed/ gory vocals reminding me of BRUJERIA...
Could sound like old SQUASH BOWELS, old MALIGNANT TUMOUR, etc...
But the riffs are very common, it lacks of rea ltightness and grinding
energy... So many bands play this style I see no reason to listen
to an average/ very average one. There are no picks in purulent
gore nor ultimate stresscore explosions. Flat tracks. The sound
ain't bad. In my ears it sounds flat and uninteresting. http://www.pigsty.webzdarma.cz
PIGSTY (Cze) The
return CD'02 BIZARRE LEPROUS. From the eastern Europe are coming more and
more bands that play an extreme style that tries to challenge the limits of the
style, but also include some quite fresh elements. In this case we are
talking about PIGSTY who come from the Czech Republic. Their style could be
described as a cross between DeathGrind and Grindgore with some touches of Heavy
Brutal Death, Crust/Hardcore or even Nu metal! Most of their tracks are very
fast as it's organized around the blasts, and this is what I'd reproach to them.
Too fast, too fast, it looses a bit the listener. These blasts could remind of
CRYPTOPSY or old BRUTAL TRUTH, and I may compare the band to ALIENATION MENTAL
for several reasons, including the drumming point. Here are a few more names
for you to get a better idea of their music: DEVOURMENT, TON (Heavy parts), old
NOSTROMO (a bit) AHUMADO GRANUJO. They own a good drummer that does some pretty
cool stuffs when he stops the blasts. Notice a RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE
COVER. So there's nothing exceptional here but it's a totally pro band, with
compact and quite well done tracks that includes some cool or fresh stuffs from
here and there! It has got its chances to please the fans of extreme metal, and
especially the grinders! http://www.pigsty.webzdarma.cz

(Gre) Abyssdiver MCD. 2014. ANOPSYS Recs. It's quite surprising
to hear how this band was influenced, and probably worked hard to
sound like DEATH. Most of the music they play is close to the
style of Schuldiner, right in the middle between "Leprosy"
and "Spiritual healing". You can hear quite immense
similarities at the level of the guitars (themes and ways of playing),
of the production (Quite "clear" and warm), and the drums
also share quite a lot of common patterns... (Only the vocals differ,
it's more regular Death metal vocals). Sometimes you could wonder
if you're in front of a carbon copy... But this could be pleasant
for fans of the style. I also heard a few influences from later
DEATH releases, but not for technical or progressive reasons (It's
rather about some "melodies" or themes, even if some riffs
sound quite "proto-progressive" the way "Spiritual
healing" did). Even if the music of PLAGUE is close to the
compositions of Schuldiner and lacks of "instinct of survival",
this two tracks MCD contains quite well composed songs and comes
with a quite cool production, this could please fans of DEATH who
could hear a quite cool homage. Listen: http://youtu.be/Ja6QisQf8YY

(Bra) Atentado sonoro CD'04 PECULIO Records. Here's another
Grindcore induced band with a guy from the grinders HUTT! What you
hear is HC induced Grindcore with a lot of fast parts (both blasting
and punching in an old Death metallic, better said thrash Hardcore,
way). This could sound as powerviolence (Not far from new SANITYS
DAWN) since it has a goal to display raw noise and coz some vocals
are screamy. The vocals are also fast Hardcore shouts the old way
(Not far from new SANITYS DAWN). The music also has some mid-placed/
slower HC that could remind of the BLOCKHEADS or mod old MASTIC
SCUM. Some riffs are almost Death metal like, but it's not that
morbid feeling... rather like early BRUTAL TRUTH, if I could say
so. It sounds nicely aggressive, but some riffs and breaks are
too strange to please me! And there's too much core to turn me on!
Nothing seems memorable, just brutal or aggressive, so it’s average.
I guess some brutal and aggressive music fans who like it CORE
(like new SANITYS DAWN?) might be interested, but it's not
my cup of beer and I prefer HUTT! http://www.peculiodiscos.com.br

(Ger) Dead man rotting CD'02. Here's a German Death/ Grindthing
that was meant to make me forget GRONIBARD and anything else, but
as I'm not a GRONIBARD fan at all, it won't be a big deal, eh eh! So
they play Death/ Grind Crust with somekind of a mid old MORTICIAN
sound's texture, heavy riffs à la MORTICIAN's "Hacked
up for barbecue" (more or less). They sound like a Goregrind
band by moments and they make me think about LIVIDITY's "Fetish
for the sick" MCD (less technical). Remind me also INHUMATE's
1st CD for the way some voxxx are placed. Their drummer blasts a
bit à la KADATH/ old KATAKLYSM. Some quite raw vocals can
also remind the canadian Brutal death headz of KATAKLYSM. They remind
me by moments some fucking funny Death grind projects I heard some
years ago. And there's nothing here that would make anyone forget
any other band. PROFANITY follows the lines of the bigger bands,
their tracks are correctly played, but they offer nothing new or
never heard before. More guts, ideas and energy of the dead is needed!! Grindmaster_hippi@yahoo.de

(Ger) Slaughtering thoughts CD'00 CUDGEL. I have ever reviewed
some PROFANITY stuffs here, and also interviewed them. There might
be other band to review first, but cool bands deserve extra support! After
a very metallic intro begins the technical Brutal Death carnage! What
you've got here is Brutal Death Grind along the lines of old SUFFOCATION,
CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Butchered at birth" and "Vile"),
MONSTROSITY with a zest of old GORGUTS' less melodic parts. Some
parts are chaotic, lead by technical riffs that make the sulfur
fume! A bit à la very old MORBID ANGEL ("Altars of madness").
Some riffs aren't so far from the unrelentless Death metal brutal
threshold of intense thrills! Good drummer that includes some nice
technical touches in his playing. Cool leads that own a touch of
melody. The tracks are quite complex with plenty or riffs (not much
rooms for approximations here). There's nothing damn original,
but it's quite intense and efficient stuff in the style! It's powerfully
produced! A cool band that has its severe chances to please intense
Death metal fans! http://www.profanity.de
(Ger) LIVIDITY (USa) Split Ep'00 CUDGEL. Bloody cool
Ep! Blasting from Germany PROFANITY keeps on offering quite
intense and technical Death Grind à la old CANNIBAL CORPSE, old
SUFFOCATION, old GORGUTS (a bit), MONSTROSITY! Good drummer with
efficient and energized blasts that includes some brutal subtleties!
a bit of old DEATH in here. Quite intense tracks! It severely ravages
the burning flesh! Notice a POSSESSED cover ("The exorcist")
they have arranged a bit in their own bloody sausage! Not bad! Their
tracks are technical and complex! This isn't the kind of stuffs
every metal head will enjoy since it's quite complex in structures,
but it's intense tracks of total Death/ Grind! Yeah! The burning
energy is here, this is the only thing that counts in Satan's eyes:
666! I haven't heard
anything of LIVIDITY since their "Fetish for the sick"
CD'98. I'm not into what I hear there. The first track is way too
simple and ever heard in 97 and 98. Where's the burning energy?
two following tracks are a bit better, Death/ Grind along what they
did on "Fetish for the sick" with old CANNIBAL CORPSE
influences (without the technical edge) or similarities with bands
like IMMORTAL SUFFERING and INSATANITY(?). The sound is the same
kind of thiny one they had before, lacks of heaviness and Brutality
for the style! It's two ok tracks but there's nothing special! Just
Ok stuffs. I don't understand the enthusiasm these pussy lovers
get in the underground! http://www.profanity.deFlesh Ep'02. Here's the very last PROFANITY
release! Fucking Brutal and more blasting than never! On the
first side you get their "Humade ME Flesh" track that's
quite surprisingly fast for PROFANITY as most of this track is based
on blast beats! Brutal Death Grind à la old SUFFOCATION, old PYREXIA,
old CANNIBAL CORPSE that's still technical and quite complex! Still
intense and gut Brutal! Some technical guitars lead to sulfurized
chaos! Burning rotten energy! Some guitar elements are specific
to MORBID ANGEL's last releases. Good drummer, quite intense riffs,
cool leads, that's a quite good track! On the other side of this
full of fumes of Death Ep, you get two covers. The first one is
"Zombie ritual" of DEATH that doesn't sound bad! They've
arranged it a bit in their own bloody sausage, and you can hear
the appearance of some blast beats (for example)! Then you get a
TERRORIZER cover, this is "Fear of napalm". I think this
is too fast on the first mid-placed part and the whole looses a
part of the initial grinding energy, but I've heard worse TERRORIZER
covers and it remains Ok/ Decent. So, it's a quite good Ep for those
who'd like to discover PROFANITY, and for the sick maniacs of the
vinyl cult! PROFANITY remains an intense band that may please intense
burning Death metal maniacs! http://www.profanity.de

(USA) Contagion CD'98 PAVEMENT Not to be confused with the
American Brutal death band! At the first listening this
band sounds interesting: FEAR FACTORY ("Demanufacture")
influenced for the heaviest sides with some dark and cleaner vocals,
the sound is quite powerfull and I thought this surprising CD (I
got if for only 4 Euros as a second hand CD) would grow on me. But
unfortunately the following tracks sounds more and more FEAR FACTORY
influenced, and certainly too much for me. I wouldn't go to the
point of telling it's a rip off band but I'm not a big fan of FEAR
FACTORY. So, it might be cool for fans of "Demanufacture",
but I'm still very hungry and on the hunt for fresh flesh!

PERVERSIST (Cze) Split Ep'99. PIGEON SHIT AGENCY. Eventhough
I never was a big fan of PROPHECY, their side of this split Ep sounds
cool and warms up the package of cold beers. Seems like blood-vomit-splattered
vinyl is the perfect format for this kind of brutal sex ablation.
What you hear is brutal death metal the American way with some old
school Death influences... The cool thing remains the band isn't
abusively technical when they're influenced by old SUFFO/ PYREXIA,
plus I found a bunch of old Brutal death influences emerging straight
from the burning past! Read: DETERIORATE, EMBALMER, HEMDALE, some
groovy moments could remind of old FLESHGRIND while some very old
DYING FETUS can be found in few less serious riffs actually wasting
the tension. The drum sound tastes like old CRYPTOPSY/ HEMDALE. So
you guess these 2 tracks have various kinds of rhythms, riffs and
beats that makes it cool and pleasant to drink beer and raise up
many middle fingers in the face of this world of shit! This stuff
might sound a bit outdated, but I don't give a flying fuck since
this is more enjoyable than all the technicrap deaf metal wankers!
Despise the wankery, soulful effigy of necrotic brutality! PROPHECY
remains between the very cool and the average in my hears. Some
deeply intense riffs would help them to reach the threshold of memorable
fucking brutal death metal! Good for big fans of the style.
The other side
is my first sexual penetration with the Czech PERVERSIST, and well
it's not really orgasmic or impressive. I have ever felt brutaller
and more convincing cocks in my little sweety cunt! As the PERVERSIST
keeps on moving from up and down, I feel nothing special. As he
keeps on screaming and growling, I wonder why I didn't try to fuck
a real nasty dog. This tastes like the brutal death stuffs I heard
few years ago: rather US influenced, but with strange riffs. Maybe
his sperm is tasteless? Eventhough the gory screams of the PERVERSIST
could have make me cum and scream like a tiny teenage, the Czech
bastard didn't seem much turned on by my flat tits and black leather
underwears. So he didn't get nervous and kept on brutalizing my
juicy ass the usual way. Conventional brutal death fuck that might
Czech sickos, but he lacks of brutal passion as well as some tightness.
He needs a strong will to fuck with brutal conviction! This fuck
wasn't that cool, Uh, and it will be fastly forgotten by my tight
juicy cunt! Please fuck me the Brutal way!! http://www.prophecysdomain.com

I'm not a fan of the scato noise scene, I had serious doubts on
the quality of their style when I saw their necrophiliac cover and
the sadomasochist artwork. But they're playing Brutal Death grind,
the whole being tight. At first sight, I noticed some cool growled
vocals that sounds as if a pitched shifted effect was introduced
by force in the bastard's nasal system. The drums sounds like a
drum machine, and it makes me think about MORTICIAN for this reason.
may quote some influences such as old HYPOCRISY, VOMITORY. Some
riffs sound too much ever heard before. I have nothing else to
say as I found no inner apocalyptic emotionnal expulsion and no
riff sounded new to me. It may please the extreme metal
"newcomers" but those who have ever eaten hundreds and
hundreds of Brutal death metal kilometers in their blasted heads
won't get the awaited thrill of Death! Too Average... http://www.aufderaxe.nl/prostitute
has lost a drummer and adopted a drum-machine since their last demo.
The style is still quite complex Brutal death, but well it sounds
more like being complex to be complex. No riff stands out as it
sounds like a mix of riffs and too many notes. Could sound like
old NATRON... but the riffs are too average: it goes everywhere!
Sorry, it may get an ok/ average review for a demo, but it's a pro
sounds more interesting. They're a more simple style in the vein
of the new Grind/ Death - Death/ Grind scene that emerges from the
Czech Republic. H.V could remind a bit of PIGSTY or AHUMADO GRANUJO.
Cool accelerations on Grinding blasts à la ALIENATION MENTAL (increases
a bit the intensity) . The Grinding parts that could remind also
of very old BRUTAL TRUTH aren't so bad. Some old school Grind influences
could remind of PHOBIA (old), BLOCKHEADS. They can improve some
tracks' structures, and catchier riffs are needed, but it's not
bad! To be honest, I'd rather see these tracks of HYBRID VISCERY
on a full demo, then it would have been cool! Good luck guys! http://www.hybrid-viscery.be.tf

(Australia) The isle of disenchantement CD'01. Australia
really seems right to the point and fertile as the horn of abundance
in terms of quality extreme metal bands. PSYCROTPIC is an aussie
band I've gladly discovered recently, and an interview is on its
way! Their style is Brutal and technical Death metal that takes
both of SUFFOCATION and old AT THE GATES. But they also reminded
(a bit of the last albums). You see this is a quite varied band
with compositions that remains in the extreme Death metal spectrum. Between
the Death metal parts, there are various thrashin techno death or
technical riffs. Their tracks are composed of many riffs that are
constructed altogether in a cool way: with many cool breaks and
changes. The vocals are quite varied also, it has both the death
metal growls, some high pitched screams, some Hardcorish parts and
some few more "sung" parts that has something quite thrash/
heavy metal like. Quite good drummer that has both the double kicks,
the blasts and various other beats melted in a cool way. PSYCROPTIC
could sound as if PROFANITY (Ger) had included more variety and
melody in its compositions. The most melodic death metal tremolo
riffs could remind of MORTAL DECAY's 1st album, but also of DECAMERON
meets ANATA. The interest is kept burning and the morbid attention
remains repugnant as it isn't repetitive. Compressed professional
wide range Death/ Grind! PSYCROPTIC will be a very cool band
for fans of Death/ Grind who like it quite technical and varied
in the style! http://www.psycroptic.com
FIBROSIS (Fra)/ AGATHOCLES (Bel) Split CDr. Here's
a very Underground split CDr. PULMONARY FIBROSIS's tracks begins
in a Brutal death vein à la old CANNIBAL CORPSE, wut their
sound is so raw and crude I don't understand most of the riffs when
it blasts. Was surely recorded on an old taperecorder of the 2nd
world war! I'd say they mix some Brutal death, some Grind (old
Napalm) and some few Crust parts. Vocals are quite low and gory.
The drums aren't veyr tight during the grindings but it could remind
me of some old DEVOURMENT's stuffs... Some old AGATHOCLES or DESECRATOR
could be named also. Their two live tracks that finished the part
of the split are fucking messed up by moments. They seem to be
a quite new band and nothing attracted my attention here & the
whole sounds two much messed/ blurry to please me. I should listen
to a more produced release of them to really get an opinion, but
I haven't got a very good feeling about it for now!
The other side
of the split is composed of 5 AGATHOCLES' live tracks recorded in
93 (for most of it). If you know their Grind Crust/ Mincecore,
there's nothing to add. The sound isn't bad for an Underground live
(even if it's quite low by moments), but I see no special interest
for those who own AGATHOCLES' numerous split Eps/ tapes/ Lps whatever...
REMAINS (Bel) Split CDr'02. With
tracks' titles like "Crap", "One more crap"
and "The worst crap you ever heard", this band BOILING
REMAINS can only be the crap n°1 band, or at least a challenger
in the top 10 crappy bands!! And I was fucking disappointed since
they didn't achieve their mighty goal of sounding like a crap!! Their
Death grind with a poor sound is boring, there seems to be as much
movie samples as music, but the real crap shit noise core thing
isn't here! You failed! And it sucks!
This is certainly
the best produced PULMONARY FIBROSIS release I've heard, but their
music (Death/ Grind- Goregrind) still doesn't please me! Their tracks
on this split evoked in me a bit of boredom and a zest of nervosity.
The only positive points I can find are they know to play some riffs
and drum beats, because their riffs are as common as the fucking
old bitch you'll have fucked everydays for 40 years! There are
some problems of tightnes and tracks' structures. Why releasing
some many poorly produced and very average releases? Slow down,
introspect and find inside the Brutal answers to your metallic masturbations! PULMONARY
FIBROSIS C/O Guillaume Bery, Fromenteau, 37290 Yzeures sur Creuse,

(HOL) Second to none MCD'99. I can feel some strong SIX FEET
UNDER influences for some vocals gimmicks and guttural textures
(Some Chris Barnes vocalizing stuffs that were on the 2nd 6.F.U
CD). Their music is composed of slow/ mid placed Death metal
à la SIX FEET UNDER (2 first CDs) with some Thrashcore/ Death
metal riffs thrown here and there. Some old school Death riffs made
me think about JUDECCA and very old OBITUARY ("Cause of death"'s
slow parts). Some remembrances of the German Deathcore band CRAWLSPACE
also emerged to my mind during the listening. Nothing sounds
great or original here, but the tracks are correctly packed and
the addition of some cool sounding vocals here and there could make
of this MCD a quite nice piece to own for some big SIX FEET UNDER
fans who don't dislike heavy Thrash metal with a core edge, but
are there some SIX FEET UNDER fans who are still awake enough to
go on and buy this MCD?? (Pm: Chris Barnes: Wake up!!) http://cal018064.student.utwente.nl/~pulverizer

SPERM CANAL (Cze) Puaka balava CD'98 LEVIATHAN. Horny!
Horny! Horny! Horny! Yes there are some nice horny tits elongations
here! The whole album of the Czech Grinders who killed the guys
of PURULENT SPERM CANAL and released a CD using their name (lol?)
isn't very good. The whole remains very average in my opinion. With
long intros all the more. But there are some nice goregrinding tracks
being worth the listening for fans of the style! There's a real
bizarre feeling inside! The sphincter of this nice emaciated
bitch slowly enlarges itself as my cock penetrates her scrotum harder!
Harder! Harder and Harder!!! Ah! And my fucking purulent spermcanal
now ejaculates petrified semen in her nice bloody arse! Ah! The
delicious production of my petrified, happy as a 6 years old child,
and knockin' balls now infiltrates this bloody ass of forbidden
pleasures! The bitch slowly turns to a fucking rock/ statue that
will be so good to touch! Excellent cold as ice tits, perfect wide-open
mouth that never says no! Excellent Spanish masturbation of the
tits with hard ridden bosoms that makes me both bleed and cum as
I never hoped for so perfect pleasures! Now that's I've broken
it's perfect and long legs and arms in a so intense sterile fuck...
Yes!! I can penetrate my exploded arse with what have became my
4 elements of a so great anal enjoyment! And finally, here comes
the best of the beast! Now as I ass fucked myself with these 4 petrified
legs and arms that remains fucking bound in my anus of war (Oh...!),
I pile her torso to dust and smoke it as fucking hash! Ah! Fucked
petrified and smoked, this bitch was so perfect I'm searching for
the next one to cum!

(Hol) Body bits MCD'02. The first feeling you get while listening
to PUTREFIED is: "Very cool!". They play low tuned
as fuck Brutal death metal that seems to emerge from six feet under. The
first track "Invocation" is very cool with enough variations
and few cool ideas and the vocals are very low à la Chris
Barnes in CANNIBAL CORPSE. Unfortunately the following tracks are
too classical and no real surprises as it rides along the same brutallized
war lines, I could even say the ideas in these other tracks are
the same than in the first song. To let you imagine their style,
I'll tell you it's quite simple Brutal death that's rather based
on a heavy aggressiveness than on an explosive one... they own sontrong
CANNIBAL CORPSE influences, a few touches of HEMDALE in the midplaced
parts's drums, some CRYPT (Australia - Demo'98) and some ENCABULOS's
"Dark divinity" Demo'98, some SUFFOCATION (Pierced from
within)'s heavy parts, or even ROTTING (heavy parts) or EMBALMER
(Ep'96). But after the first track, I got the feeling all their
riffs and ideas are the same! There's nothing exceptional, new or
I found exciting here! I guess it can be a pleasant band for
big fans of Brutal death with a strong heavy side, but it fastly
turns common and boring for me!. http://come.to/putrefied

PUTRESCENCE (Can) Mangled, Hollowed Out and Vomit Filled CD. 2004. NO
This first album of Canadian PUTRESCENCE was a quite cool piece of bizarre
brutality: Gore grindcore/ death grind with an obscure mash of "dark
material" to bury your brain in the "compote of the molested".
There's something of ooold gory REGURGITATE, as well as gory splashes of early
CARCASS and MUCUPURULENT (Sicko baby). This reekview might let you imagine the
content is purely goregrind, but it's not true: The playing consists in a quite
equal mixture of goregrind, grindcore and old styled "brutal death"
(For example, one could hear touches of more "technical" SKELETON OF
GOD), but with an obscure production and vocals bringing a gorier and more
sickened impression to the whole.
(Some French peoples might also hear quite bizarre similarities with the demos
of French SUFFICIDE (R.I.P)).
This was a quite finely crepitating album for fans of pounded underground
I'm not too fond of their newer releases (Even if I didn't try to insert each
one in the anal slit of my dead-meat CD player): The band turned to something
closer to regular grind/ death grind (Or even Power violence sometimes) with
much smaller tendencies for the gore and obese.
(Personal message: I saw they recorded a demo entitled "Occult Blood and
Excrement" before this first album, but wasn't able to find songs online
or anything... Perhaps someone owns a copy?).

PILE (Usa) Collection of butchery CD'03 UNITED GUTTURAL. The
Brutal death trend have seen the birth of many bands that sounded
in every little details so similar to the original bands! This CD
sounds too much like this band or like that one to be convincing. It
sounds like a mix of old DEEDS OF FLESH (less technical), NAPALM
DEATH ("Harmony corruption"), FLESHGRIND, old CANNIBAL
CORPSE (less technical, less gore)), SICKENING GORE, MUCUS MEMBRANE.
But the riffs are kinda too common for a pro CD. Ok, some will say
it doesn't sound bad, this is well produced and tight, but it lacks
some really brutal riffs and extreme deformity to be more than Ok!
There's nothing more than Ok stuffs at every levels. It might be
nice for the newcomers in the scene, but those who have been listening
to Brutal death since a few years won't be impressed! Some real
guts, blood and tears are needed to get a really good review of
a pro CD here! http://www.putridpile.com

PYAEMIA (HOL) Cerebral
cereal CD’01 UNIQUE LEADER Recs. This brutal band reminds me
of SUFFOCATION ( « Effigy of the forgotten » CD
and last MCD for special heavy low harmonized parts) , DEEDS OF
FLESH ( 1st and 2nd ones for riffs and vox), MORBID ANGEL, DISGUST
( (FRA) Demo’98 and CD’01) + EXHUMED’s vocals for Low grunts and
high pitched screams. But they also makes me think about BROKEN
HOPE = « Loathing » for the riffs and the drum sound
in some parts, ENCABULOS’s « Dark divinity » Demo’ 98
+ MCD’01, a bit of NECROPHAGIST(GER)’s CD for the drum's playing
and some SUFFO’s technical sides. There’s some PYREXIA’s 1st
CD « Sermon of mockery » and some CANNIBAL CORPSE
( all times). There are also some touches of MORTAL DECAY (USA)
for strange cool sounding riffs/ harmonies while tremolo riffs reminds
me a bit of KRISIUN( « Apocalyptic revelations »). I thought
it sounded nice when I got it, but some attentive listenings let
me figure they had almost the same riffs than CANNIBAL CORPSE on
"Butchered at birth" in some parts, and even I've listend
to this album a bunch more nothing really turned me on: the first
tracks are cool, but the remaining isn't ass efficient! The band
starts to build a name for themselves in the Underground, but this
album can only be a cool Brutal death release with tight musicians
and correct tracks, if you see what I mean! Remember: BRUTALITY
(Ger) Sweet X-Rated Nothings CD'95. NUCLEAR BLAST. Another
good proof all these trends of so called "Originality",
melodic shit and personality fucking sucks! And do not remain decent
for long! This crap that was once said to be so original and innovative
turned gay, funny and laughable!! What you hear became gay in less
than 10 years!! So called melodic and atmospheric "Death"
that sounds as happy and grass licking as the happier and most FM
targeted moments of THE CURE! No fucking joke, it was just standard
easy listening and easily remindable shit for a lobotomized wide
audience! Fuck off!! NYMPHOGENESIS is gay ass liqueur!! Totally
undrinkable! It tastes like they merely ripped off mid-old PARADISE
LOST the gay way, and they probably did the same with their country-girlfriends
of CREMATORY!! PYOGENESIS: Up your legs! My cock is burning and
wild for your pop metals bottoms!! Ah Ah! It sucked! Later on they
Shaw their real faces as they recorded some really lame milky pop
for juice teenages's pussies! Ah! They thought they were "in",
but now this lame trend had died (Unfortunately not really, but
Uh...) and they are definitely out, my cock is ready to be in!!
Ah Ah!! Brutal sodomy of the trendy turncoats! On an objective
point of view, this was average, not very convincing, while it sounds
expectable and total gay few years later... Avoid it!! Avoid it!!
I read their very early recordings were doom death... but according
to this shit, I'm not interested! NUCLEAR BLAST had signed some
better bands such as... well... few others like DEFECATION or early
HYPOCRISY... Forget PYOGAYNESIS and face the real deal: PURE FUCKING

(Usa) Cruelty beyond submission CD'04 CRASH Music. So here's
the new PYREXIA CD! A release that was anguishly awaited by Brutal
death maniacs... eventhough it's not a real album but a 3 songs
MCD with older tracks as 'bonuses'... How would they sound in
2004 while their early releases were in a total Us Brutal death
style and their following compositions adopted a more Deathcore
approach? Would we have to enjoy a new musical approach? Endure
somekind of Numetal meets Death metal thing? Or to expect some comeback
to their earlier Brutal death likings? PYREXIA didn't really choose
any of these paths! There are no new approaches nor any kind of
Numetal influence here! Their actual compositions sounds rather
like a melting pot of what they did before, somewhere between Brutal
death, Death grind and Hardcore influenced extreme metal! (With
somewhat less complexity and technicality than their earlier releases). You
can expect some total professional Brutal shit that can remind the
likes of PYREXIA (all times), SUFFOCATION (Last MCD), some MALEVOLENT
CREATION and some few actual NAPALM DEATH. The tracks are rather
well composed, the musicians do their 'job' in the allright asskicking
way, the production is powerful and clear. (Notice a lead by Guy
Marchais/ SUFFOCATION) These 3 new PYREXIA tracks are flying
above the average extreme metal releases of these last years! But
even if the younger fans of brutal death will find it very much
to their licking, I miss some totally strong ass-kicking stuffs
or catchy as fuck riffs that haunt you to death! It's intense stuff
of course, but I remind PYREXIA kicked my ass with more unrelentless
riffs and merciless 'original' ideas. The aspect that doesn't
please me much with this album is only 3 new tracks are offered
while the remaining titles are taken from their older released!
So you have only 3 new tracks for the price of an album! It might
be interesting for the newest fans of Brutal death metal, but all
the other ones probably possess or know quite well the previous
PYREXIA releases! Uh! It would have been surely better to release
a MCD with a few more tracks and demos as bonuses! It's a quite
good burning brutal release, but the choice of format is quite ass-sucking...
I'll have to say that one more time: burn it bastard, burn it! Anyway
PYREXIA is back! and in a really good health! Hope to hear a full-length
album next year! http://www.pyrexia.us