(Usa) Cold, dead hands Tape Ep. 2023. ETERNAL DEATH Recs. It
seems this band took his time to come up with good compositions
and this is welcome! No need for more premature ejaculation fast
food metal! Don't cum before the devil is here! The style they
practice is a melting pot of some old and quite primitive metal
genres: Think about old black thrash mixed with quite bestial black
death, old school thrashing riffs, 90's darkened Norwegian assaults,
and even some real speed influences from the old days. The first
song is probably the most influenced by the old Norwegian spirits.
It sounds like an (inverted) cross between old MAYHEM, old DARKTHRONE
with an underlying evil death metal touch and a bit of old Finnish
bestiality. The riffs of the band are quite "simple",
with no frills, but everything is well composed and falls at the
right place. And this is quite a "bestial" pleasure to
hear. Once you reach the second song you notice more thrash metal
influences appear, I also feel more black death is present (Some
of BESTIAL WARLUST's second album for some war spirit, or some old
IMPALED NAZARENE (Suomi Finland... 's fast songs)... Then the opening
of a song reminds me of old DEATH (Leprozy) and there are even more
speed/ rock'n roll waves in a track that tastes closer to old SODOM/
MOTORHEAD... But the whole remains in an old black/ thrash spirit
anyway. The production is powerful and remains raw enough, it
has a somewhat death metal aspect in the bass frequencies. The
only downside for me lies in the fact the songs sound a little "repetitive"
after a while, but I'm not the biggest “black metal” fan, so take
it with a grain of pepper... It's time to count the spikes: You
have well done tracks, with some feeling and great riffs. Perhaps
it lacks a bit of musical surprises, but the other qualities counterbalance
this point. This is a good/ very good Ep which could quite easily
please fans of quite primitive thrashing/ evil metal the old way.
HAIL GOAT METAL. https://idestroyer.bandcamp.com

(Australia) Path of attrition Demo tape’07. Yes! Impure and
soul-carnivorous obscure Death metal with a real raw assault à la
INCANTATION ("Mortal throne of Nazarene") and necroharmonies
of pain à la old IMMOLATION. This will surely sound relentless and
dolorous for the weak melodic brewers of life-metal milk, for the
simple reason it's played the morbid and ancient way that aims to
reanimate the deeply inhuman and monstrous forces that annihilate
human existence. And it's not only s superficial necro-gimmick,
no, atmosphere from the depths can be felt, as well as some claustrophobic
impious feelings and moments of bestial blasting battles. Visions
of DECREPIT, DARKLORD (Minus majesty and keyboards) or BOLT THROWER
(Very early) also occur to abominate my putrid skull. IGNIVOMOUS
is a fucking promising ancient raw Death metal council from the
sarcastic and dry chaotic tombs! Perfect for fans of old INCANTATION/
IMMOLATION. Hailz pure fucking Death! http://www.myspace.com/ignivomousmetal

(Bra) Pleasure of flesh Demo CDr'06. DERANGED FOR LEFTOVERS Recs. No
jokes, no surprises. When a death metal band from brazil choose
to play it fast, you already imagine how it will taste: Impious
and unrelentless... Almost always blasting death influenced by ANGEL
2nd and 3rd album (For more "melodic" guitars)... Some
(heavier) moments reminds me of french BYATIS (Rip) while the more
technical approaches sound like the "blurry" moments of
HATE ETERNAL.To some extent they could be linked to DISFORTERROR
but the mood for war isn't exactly the same. The low pitched
vocals differ a bit from other bands in the style, it comes much
more from the cavern: Imagine old INCANTATION (Pillard era) with
touches of Chris Barnes on "Tomb of the mutilated"... This
demo contains some quite cool riffings, while some guitars don't
particularly shred the beer-sack... All in all it could sound quite
efficient in the hears of those who like quite undigestable blasting
and hellish death... As far as I'm concerned the problem lies in
the fact IMMOLATED often wants to be super fast, or their drummer
wants to blast at all costs (It gets kinda "not-very-tight"
by moments) and it turns to be quite repetitive or mind-loosing
after a while... If they used few old styled Death metal beats or
touches of doom from hell they might sound more efficient... The
band didn't reach the higher levels of blasting compression MENTAL
SUFFERING dominates, and I receive quite a lot of demo in the style,
so I'll conclude with the fact IMMMOLATED is just an average underground
outfit... Even if they have some skills, the music isn't more appealing
than what many other demos offer. http://www.myspace.com/brutalimmolated

BLADE (Usa) Regicide Tape Ep. 2022. Self-released. The
book of hidden darken knowledge. Turn its pages, to unveil a
forgotten unpleasant reality, that was meticulously buried. The
book that opened the gates... The book that didn't burn!
What you have
here is the first Ep of a pretty cool band from California, which
practices thrash metal/ heavy thrash with a spirit and atmosphere
that seem to be stuck in the 80's. What I like in these five
songs is the quite dark thrash metal atmosphere, which leads me
back to old INFERNAL MAJESTY (Especially the Demo 88, which is commonly
known as the two bonus songs on the first CD edition of "None
shall defy"). The vocals are also quite pleasant, it's the
kind of quite low pitched/ serious/ thrash vocals (With a little
“hardcore” touch perhaps). I would say very early NEVERMORE had
a quite similar "Darkness", even if the music is different...
But musically it's probably closer to early EXODUS (1st Lp) or something
like that, I hear influences of very early thrash metal, when it
was still called "speed" (Or even “power”) perhaps. What
I don't like so much: The production is too thin at the level of
the drums (I think it removes some power), and perhaps a couple
of riffs are too simple. "Regicide" is a pretty good
Ep. Don't expect to be raped in the hears by a menacing boombox
because this is not the most aggressive kind of "thrash",
but the atmospheres and some arrangements could make it for fans
of 80's dark thrash and early "evil" power metal. Now
close your eyes, because the ancient book is now reading in you! https://immortalblade.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Grotesque fetal butchery Demo 2024. Digital. Self-released.
This is old school brutal death and it sounds a lot in the
spirit of the 90's & early 2000's, when some American bands
were starting to sound more inhuman and brutal. There's something
close to the REPUDILATION demo (For the grooves, vocals), to the
first DEVOURMENT album for the rawness (and blasts), with a bit
of CANNIBAL CORPSE (Butchered), and I would add some DISGORGE (Usa)
for a more "complex" touch (Even if this demo sounds rawer,
a bit abrasive). You will find no triggers or artificial recording
manipulations here, this is how IMPALEMENT would sound playing live
in a torture chamber, where you would be slowly (But surely) quartered
and humiliated! No fake blood was injected! It's a quite good
& sick sounding demo if you ask me. It probably will please
only underground fans of brutal death, but who else would enjoy
to be impaled on the altar of gore? Ah Ah Hope IMPALEMENT won't
follow the modern way of brutality, and won't get ultra triggered,
ultra reamped, and ultra silicone injected. KEEP IT RAW, SWEATING
AND BLEEDING... KEEP IT REAL! https://impalementbdm.bandcamp.com

ROT (Mex) Death chronology, cadaveric fauna and other postmortem
phenomena MCD/ Ep. 2022. Self-released. My next release will
be a compilation tape entitled "MORBIDLY EROTIC VOMITING SENSATIONS"
and will gather the sounds of peoples vomiting rancid mustard pizza
over the closest highway's toilets. No music, only the wonderfully
erotic sounds of peoples vomiting. Send your subscriptions to gabsk(a)wanadoo.fr
(Photos welcomed as a proof of real vomiting and MUSTARD PIZZA devourment!). Waiting
for the progress of this crepitating exciting project, I will review
the first Ep of this currently anonymous Mexican project. The
sounds escaping the speaker are a quite gory death/ grind. This
is quite nice to listen to, as it reminds me of SANITYS DAWN ("Cryptic
menu", when they were gore), a bit of very early GENERAL SURGERY
and some early CARCASS (When they were gore). Well, this is nice
to listen to, and some nice gory riffs appear here & there...
But I feel it's a bit too clean... Perhaps it's due to the production,
drum machine, or something else... But it seems the music could
enter deeper into the sickness. Even if a part of the songs remain
somewhat like "regular" death grind", I imagine peoples
with severe pathological erotic pizza obsessions could enjoy the
gastric travel, some throw some parmesan & gruyere cheese on
the pizza and push the play button. https://impendingrot.bandcamp.com

OBLIVION (Ger) "Reincremation" Split CDr'07. NIHILISTIC
It's 2007,
the world still sucks, and Gab still manages to select distinct
acts from the deepest insalubrious pits of the underground. This
new Reincremation split CD-r forecasts 4 European bands best described
as follows.
a brand new demo up their sleeve. Compared to their previous efforts,
these 3 tracks somehow are an improvement. Musicianship and production
have tightened, more work can be felt through arrangements. Ambition
seems to have led them through the conception of these new songs
as their style clearly progresses into a more epic feel, almost
narrative in the vein of masters such as Nile. This is overall pretty
impressive, but being the tough critic asshole I am, I also must
point out the weaknesses of their songwriting. The first two songs
are each built around one single tone, every riff revolving around
it. I don't know if this is intentional, but it's pretty strange
for a death band, and the riffs end up sounding a bit like a continuous
strain of notes from the same minor harmonic scale. This monotony
is only broken in the third song, this one has a completely different
structure and as it keeps the qualities of the other two, this is
in my opinion the best track by IMPUREZA. Rhythmically, however,
they constantly manage to bring surprising breaks and tempo changes
which is a more positive point. Plus, the acoustic parts are absolutely
brilliant. All in all, this band is growing, yet it needs to get
rid of the somewhat gimmick-ish aspect of their music and convert
these elements into real genuine originality.
a more conventional NYDM outfit in the vein of Cannibal Corpse,
by that unmistakable combination of dowtuned muffled power chords
with blast beats. Add the low pitched vocals of typical Bill Steer
fashion, sex/gore sadism and a handful of rawer grind parts, and
you obtain the formula for an ARSONIST song. Although there’s barely
anything groundbreaking here, one can say they do their thing pretty
well as the song distinct from each other, thanks to a certain sense
of «melody» that this band has not skipped contrary to most of their
brutal death peers. The song structures are catchy enough, and the
numerous tempo changes are well balanced too.
Gab may hang
me by the balls for saying this, but to me the next band on this
comp is barely distinct from the previous one, at least after the
first two or three listens. The vocals, drums and production of
the SUDDEN DEAH demo are very close to that of ARSONIST. Listening
more carefully though, the riffs actually have a much different
feel, and the general atmosphere of this demo is way darker. SUDDEN
DEATH indeed have a more substantial lyrical contempt than ARSONIST
and focus their views on the real world, in the grind tradition.
This is yet again clearly influenced by CARCASS at least for the
fast and grinding stuff, yet they add to this base a darker melodic
personality. The fourth track «Broken Wings» is the most promising
to me. Nothing groundbreaking, again, yet still a cool demo to listen
to. I’d say this is musically better than EXHUMED, and perhaps IMPALED
OBLIVION close this comp with a return to a more typical Floridian
death metal edge. I must say this 3 track demo is overall impressive,
despite being 3 years old already. But maybe that’s because I’m
more «sensitive» to that kind of death metal than the previous 2
bands featured on this CD. There can be no doubt that I.O. have
listened to HATE ETERNAL a lot. They captured that chaotic/melodic
feel and restitued it effortlessly on these tracks, despite being
not as fast as HATE ETERNAL, and perhaps a little less messy. Don’t
get me wrong, this is tight and intense as bloody hell. The guitar
solos are also in the vein of Erik Rutan’s, eeric and veloce at
the same time. The slower parts, and there are a good bunch of them,
feature some repetitive rhythms and pinched harmonics typical of
IMMOLATION, or MORBID ANGEL (‘Gateways’ period) but to me it is
clear that INGURGITATING OBLIVION are mostly influenced by HATE
ETERNAL. I’d even say they sound better because their sound has
more variety and more rawness (the drums sound like, well, drums,
if you know what I mean). A very solid work to sum it up, admittedly
not very personal but definitely challenging to the listener…or
should I say, to Erik «King Of All Kings» Rutan as well? T.G.

seeker Demo tape. 2015. Self-released. Cryptomorphic Resurrection. NecroCavernous
rejoicing, in excelsis. Even if the name of the band might let you
imagine the music is pure INCANTATION worship, the content is quite
different. You'll find quite a lot of old school Death metal influences
resulting in a genre being closer to early UNLEASHED (Demos and Eps, with fewer
"grooves"), early GRAVE (First album, in a not so "brutal" manner), CARNAGE
(With really fewer crusty/ dbeat influences), played with quite a lot of fast
old DM beats, and then with some faster blasting patterns that might remember of
INCANTATION (Perhaps the "Diabolical conquest" or "Blasphemy" albums) or maybe a
less modern FLESHTIZED. You could also add few breaks to contain something like
more mystery. The recording is pleasant to listen to, the dark atmosphere
present during the songs is nice, and there's nothing wrong sounding, but I feel
it lacks a bit of deformity and/ or crazy ideas (Revelations from the depths) to
hook the listener with an hellish trident. Anyway it's not bad and for a
first recording it even sounds more professional than the average demos; Fresher
fans of fast old Death metal won't have problems to swallow it
up. https://inobscurityrevealed.bandcamp.com

(Fra) Guts Demo 2020. Digital. Self-released. This is pure
underground grindcore in the old way. This new project from Brest
(France) plays it a way that reminds me of very old BLOCKHEADS,
DESECRATOR (France), or perhaps SAYYADINA (Swe). I also heard some
very early SUBLIME CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION (The old stuffs, before
the albums... But rather for the underground appeal than a purely
musical point of view, there's no gore here). You can hear plenty
of blastbeats, angry vocals, with a few punk parts here é there. This
sounds "Live", understand the drums or guitars weren't
reprocessed or genetically modified in a fucking software... So
ok, it's not always a perfect "precise" playing, but you
get more GRIND spirit in exchange! This is a pretty grinding
first recording in the style, not bad for a first demo. This
said, the project name "IN/OUT" doesn't sound too grinding,
but the most important is the music, right? https://inoutgrind.bandcamp.com

flesh macabre MCD. 2017. PUTRID CULT Recs.
I remember that ten years ago and more, the lungs of rancid death-metallers
were intoxicated by the fumes of polish necro death and black metal, there were
a lot of morbid metal emerging from the polish lands... And now it seems the
morbid flow has reduced... Or perhaps it's not so brutally promoted anymore?
Anyway we will now talk about a new polish band whose style might be
interesting for fans of 90's Death metal.
To sum it up roughly, and gruesomely (AhAh), their style can be located right
in the middle between 90's old school death (The one that took influences from
thrash, but not too much) and very early brutal death metal (The one that were
very close to early Death metal, it was only the same in a more "brutal
So, the revived hears of the once-petrified deathmetaller might hear
similarities with old outfits such as early DEICIDE (First album), old
DEMOLITION HAMMER ("Tortured existence"), early MORBID ANGEL
("Altars of madness"), ooold VADER, some PROTECTOR ("The
heritage" perhaps due to the guitar
sound?), with a portion of regular old European death metal...
Then to add a couple of names concerning the early brutal death influences, you
could think about oooold CANNIBAL CORPSE (Mostly the first one I believe), a
little of BAPHOMET (Fast parts) or perhaps (Very) early BROKEN HOPE.
Well, I'm conscious this description might be half crucified since it's not
very precise, but I hope in all purulent modesty that it's not a too bad appetizer
The music of the band remains quite simple/ Not too complicated in approach,
there aren't really new innovative influences and structures, but there is
quite some tension in the riffings, the "brutal" vocals are cool and
the atmosphere is here.
Now perhaps there will be too much of "blasts" for totally old school
bangers, but INCINERATOR is globally a cool/ very cool band in the old style
and they bring enough of morbidity to satisfy fans of 90's Death metal who like
it with a quite powerful yet underground sound.

garbage Demo tape. 2014. DAWNBREED Recs.
Where iron cassettes grow.
There are thousands of hungry hears to absorb the morbid sounds.
Where iron cassettes bleed.
There are thousands of thirsty tongues to swallow the petroleum of gore.
This new band plays very PESTILENCE influenced old thrashing death, I'm mostly
talking about the "Consuming impulse" album since you can find the
same kind of raw guitar sound, the "thrashing" riffs that give the
same kind of impression, and the scorched screamy vocals...
Now if you're not drowning in a too big pile of cassettes, you might also hear
some old DISMEMBER (For more "melodic" riffs on one song, and some regular-death
guitars that used to come with a kinda buzzsaw production), some early DEATH,
and a bit of SLAUGHTER (Especially the song "Incinerator") for a few
more punkish/ rock'n roll riffs.
The first track "Slaughter" is probably the best one on the tape, the
riffs sound more aggressive and it's a bit more "varied" in tempos...
Other tracks sound a bit more usual in comparison.
I regret the PESTILENCE influences didn't come with the acid guitars and
tortured power chords, the drum sound (Drum-machine) is also a bit too thin/
high pitched... And finally, if I put the first song aside, apart from the
aggressive/ wall of sound impact of the whole, I'm not sure if I was coffinly
hooked by the riffs. But the whole sounds aggressive and might turn on the
maniacal tape needs of zombified tape collectors. Not bad, and sometimes quite
great for a first tape. It might be interesting to hear how the band evolves
with future compositions... Until then smoke more cigs, and incinerate the
inner corpse.
Falsebook: https://www.facebook.com/Incinerator

INFAME (Chile) No hay
quien nos salve Tape. 2017. MANIFESTATION Recs.
This is surely a quite extreme and underground release. This Chilean band from
Antofagasta plays an extreme form of doom that tends so much to the slowness
that you might define the content as "doom death" or "black
Most of the music is slow, to very slow, there's a quite big portion of
hopelessness filled with an overdose of filth, this can be quite tortured and
As you drown deeper in an inner dimension of cadaveric dust and vile dejections
from the obese king, you might see the reminiscences of older recordings from
WINTER, old ABRUPTUM, SYMPTOM (Us doom death band) or SORROW (The old death
doom band from Usa). Sometimes the craziness in some spirit reminds me the
doomy parts of old/ early SADISTIK EXEKUTION releases (Yes, they had slow songs
Well, this review might let you imagine the music is all extreme, but after a
while the filth happens to become not-so-dense and you hear the appearance of
more regular death doom riffs. Perhaps the content is a bit repetitive after a
while, I'm not sure (The band used some bestial blasting moments at the
beginning, perhaps more of these fast parts could help to re-energize the
decrepiting brain, but as I said before, I'm not sure).
I'm not acquainted enough to the extreme forms of doom to give a clear opinion
about this recording, but I can say this sounds quite sick, and those who dig
quite extreme/ underground stuffs and wouldn't bother compositions to be quite
disjointed (Or abruptly "incoherent" perhaps) might be interested. https://infamechile.bandcamp.com

(Fra) Into the necrosphere MCD. 2023. Self-released. Welcome
to the new evil. INFAMIE is a new band from the "center"
of France which practices something between black death and black
metal, with some DM influences, the whole in a pretty old fashioned
manner. While inhaling the fumes from the cauldron, I mostly
thought about the 90's, but also some 00's memories. Here are some
name of bands that came to my mind while listening, in a not so
particular order: DEMONCY (Empire of the fallen), early MARDUK (The
first albums from the 90's), old BLOODY SIGN, some old DISSECTION
(Not so complex), a bit of early IMMORTAL (First two albums), or
maybe old BLACK BLEEDING. The music of the french guys is quite
varied in a blackened spectrum, some parts are more aggressive,
others are more "melodic", some are more hellish... And
others are much closer to old death metal. I can feel a spirit
and atmosphere closer to what we once felt (more often) in the french
underground 15-20 years ago... For some reasons, this Ep reminds
me of the NECROS/ ABNORM split tape I released a long time ago,
which featured two bands between obscure death & black metal...
Well, INFAMIE might seem in the same state of mind, and they might
be seen musically as in the middle of both (With a bit more of "Dissection"
inside)... But, Ok, these words could only be the old rant of an
old fart with a burning cauldron. This Ep sounds quite well in
the style and feels "natural" sounding... Every songs
do not taste as cool in the resonance of my old cauldron, but it's
ok, I'm an old fart with a cauldron. INFAMIE tastes like a quite
promising band for fans of blackened underground metal. BURN
CAULDRON, BURN! https://infamie.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Desecrate the church Demo CDr’08. Here’s a new band
from the united slaves of America which plays thrash metal in an
old school, yet not particularly nostalgic manner, probably because
they aren’t more than 25 years old. What I hear is not new,
yet quite fresh sounding thrash that reminds of old KREATOR, SLAYER
(“ Reign in blood ”), or more underground acts like TOXIC HOLOCAUT
and maybe DEATH HAMMER… Perhaps with a little of early EXODUS and
OVERKILL in mid placed patterns. The KREATOR influence fits for
the screams vocals, the fast riffings while the style and production
points to something like “ Terrible certainty ” but less technical.
TOXIC HOLOCAUST is quoted for the thin sound and not too heavy kind
of thrashing, while DEATHHAMMER is generally a bit more drunk yet
not too far… For an obscure unidentified flying reason, I also think
about CAUSTIC STRIKE’s demo… I feel the band spent quite some
time to make things clear sounding and neat, but maybe they lost
some energy trying to clean things up… Isn’t it a bit too thin ?
Doesn’t thrash need more parasites ? The quite okey songs occur
to contain quite a lot of tempo and rhythm changes, a little more
than the average thrash band… Some are a bit superfluous or could
be perfected tough (Target the intensity!) To conclude, I’ll
say it’s an honest demo with decent music… But it’s not too thrilling,
maybe coz of the production that makes it quite scholar… I think
some younger thrashers who like it neat, quite fresh and influenced
by the old styles could dig it during their thrashing street walks. http://www.myspace.com/thrashtokill

CONJURATION (Mex) Tremendous plague Demo CDr'07. Old school
satanic Death metal with strong influences of early DEATH ("Scream
bloody gore") and POSSESSED ("Seven churches"). There
are energetic infernal tremolo riffs, heavier patterns of the skull
crush, chaotic leads the metal way and nice screamy vocals from
the gorges of sufferance that taste like Chuck Schuldiner (80's)
or some MORTEM (Peru). The music also sounds a bit like some
MASSACRE (First Lp) or PESTILENCE (Pure death metal years). A
shame the drum patterns aren't always so tight, but it might improve
with more hard work (And that's a demo, right?) Well there's
nothing particularly killer or personal (It's rather somekind of
DEATH worship (That hopefully doesn't sound asleep)) but it's a
quite well rounded underground demo with enough morbid and energetic
attributes to stick fans of Death thrashing metal the real way!
At least you can't deny it shows cool Death metal tastes. http://www.myspace.com/infernalconjuration

INFRAHUMANO (spa) Echoes
of decay Promo CD. 2019. Self-released.
Infrahumano is a relatively new death metal band from Spain. They are promoting
their first album and I received a 3 songs promo CD for this reason, so I will
talk about it.
The style of the band is somewhat "morrisoundish" death metal taking
from the old European and old US genres. During the listening I occurred to
think about mid old MORBID ANGEL ("Domination" for fast parts,
"Gateways..." for heavier riffs), the first MALEVOLENT CREATION
albums ( For drums/ Structures), with some Polish death metal inside (The
"obscure" one), a touch of old "death grind" à la NAPALM
DEATH ("Harmony corruption"), with some regular European death, and
maybe some stuffs of the first HATE ETERNAL album (With fewer blast beats, it
more varied here). Well, perhaps this "quote-list" is a little too
large to be clear, but the music of the band remains quite varied in an old
death metal genre, both for the kind of riffs and rhythms.
(Quite cool drum playing, some grooves somewhat remind me of the CORPUS ROTTUS album,
of perhaps the first IMMOLATION Lp).
Well, these 3 songs are built quite seriously, it sounds quite solid, there's a
quite dark atmosphere in some riffs, and some moments aren't bad at all... But
I can't say I was really thrilled by the riffs in itselves, and some mid-paced
moments kinda bored my 25 years of death metal listenings (Yes, it's not really
fresh anymore).
So, even if the outcome is quite professional and comes with some qualities, my
feelings are quite mixed... But this doesn't mean I wouldn't like to hear some
songs from here & there, or check out the band live... There's so much
death metal coming out lately that a natural selection has to happen, otherwise
you will never sleep at night AhAh.

DECAY (Usa) Demo 2023. Digital. Self-released. Here's
a pretty cool project that worships the early, the 90's CANNIBAL
CORPSE, and you can feel it during the listening. Most of the
music is influenced by the 90's Cannibal records, and the vocals
follow the same spirit (I can feel some Cookie monster porn). There
are also more regular 90's death metal parts here & there: Sometimes
a bit more old school, sometimes a bit more "satanic"....
I could quote some band names, but my monthly Name-Dropping-Quota
has exploded... There's nothing wrong in the style, it flows
in a cool manner if you like this kind of early "brutal death"...
Perhaps the production of the guitars could be a bit more powerful
for the style, but it didn't bother me. My rusty orgasm-detector
didn't locate something really thrilling, but this remains a pretty
cool demo to check out for fans of 90's death metal brutality. So,
it seems to be the time to open wide the legs of the cadaver, and
explore the innards! https://innardsdecay.bandcamp.com

INSINNER (Malaysia) The
world that decayed Demo tape. 2014. Self-released.
INSINNER is a new old styled Death metal band from Malaysia. Even if the
outfits to play this style of metal aren't numerous in this zone of the planet,
the five tracks contained in this demo tape are decent. This is old school
Death metal that can remind of very early GRAVE (The stuffs before the first
album I would say) in a not so brutal manner and with a more natural
production. I could also hear a bit of CARNAGE, a bit of early NECROPHAGIA
("Season of the dead") and perhaps a little of AUTOPSY.
The style is quite simple: Nothing fancy, but also nothing wrong... The guitars
sound okey, and there's even a quite cool warm atmosphere that could rewarm
some blood in the ancient uncolored cadavers. Now, the drum playing isn't
always the best, especially during some mid-paced/ not-so-fast moments where it
could be more powerful.
Since the music isn’t THAT heavy or powerful, it might sound a bit too much
like proto-death/ morbid thrash in the livid hears of some listeners, but I
know some peoples like this kind of stuffs.
INSINNER is a decent band that might please the cavernous hears of the old death
metal fans... I see they have released new stuffs since then, so it might be a
cool idea to check out the decrepiting evolution.

TORTURE (Australia) Lust and decay Demo tape. 2010. AKNE Recs. Mummified
in the giant web of the human devouring spider, my hears might not
exactly reflect the same sounds than normal human perception, especially
since the acid saliva of my host already started digesting myself... This
band sounds quite fucking brutal, for blasting reasons and matters
of eroding production I can say it sounds like the first two EXHUMED
albums ("Gore" metal and "Slaughtercult"), there's
also the same kind of savagery; Now they take more from the brutal
death side of killing, the simple and energetic kicking reminds
me of an old DERANGED album while there are elements of more bru
bru brutality (Something like old Us DISGORGE, but with a less tight
sound), and few heavier parts à la old DEVOURMENT. Some riffs
show it's more than brutal gore noise: There's something quite "melodic"/
technical in an IMPALED/ quite recent EXHUMED manner, or sometimes
quite early NECROPHAGIST, but with a raw sound that shaves the pink
hairs of your artificial vagina transplant to lunar perfection. I
can't say the riffs branded my spirit in an haunting crescendo of
phantomatic orgasms, but at least my skullcage remembers the kick
of their hammer. Quite intense stuff. http://www.myspace.com/insidioustorture

(Uk) Primitive shrines Demo tape. 2022. DYING VICTIMS Recs. The
days of wrath. Impossible to separate the internal neuro-delirium
from a hard reality. Good mourning, hellish Vietnam.
you have quite dark thrash metal influenced by the 80's, with an
influence of the blackened. In the crackling speakers, their
tunes might sound like the most evil parts of old BULLDOZER, with
something like a darker early 80's DESTRUCTION, with some early
SLAYER, some blackened "speed" riffings à la old BATHORY,
and blackened thrash à la AURA NOIR or NEKROMANTHEON. I wonder
if the beer they drink is actually black, because their music is
darker than regular thrash metal, somewhat like a dark cloud is
entering the room and the vocalist is screaming over the top in
a semi demented manner. I feel some energy in there: Some kind
of emergency you might feel in the middle of the battle camp. There's
some research at the level of riffs, and even if everything isn't
catchy, I feel some guitars to be quite close to early BATHORY (Rather
"Blood fire death") are quite intriguing. I'm not totally
sold on this demo, but I recognize the qualities and intensity.
So some fans of underground thrash/ black thrash might feel the
rise of the internal spikes. PIERCED WITHOUT MERCY. https://insurgencythrashuk.bandcamp.com

EXCORIATION (Australia) Prognosticate the decreptide Demo CDr'06. Quite
strange underground and obscure brutal Death. It clearly has Us
influences, but the playing is far less cleaner and rejoices into
a quite sickened brutal death à la SKELETON OF GOD that occurs to
be tortured like later GORGUTS. The production is raw, the bass
frequencies overdrive and vibrate the ultra dooom way of once: It
gives a touch of chaos à la early BOLT THROWER I like. The strange
state of mind and atmosphere could also remind of old ATROCITY (Ger),
TIMEGHOUL (Minus the dark/ depressive approach) or old DEVOURMENT
(Heaviness and production) with eventually a bit of FUNEBRARUM (For
the chaotic emptiness of doomy Death metal). The vocals are fucking
low pitched and dripping. I know it could displease some peoples,
it only makes the whole more inhuman. This isn't a demo to advice
every extreme metal listener, but rather underground maniacs who
like it deep in the grave and enjoy the textures of a claustrophobic
crushed production that drowns the mind. For a first demo it's not
bad at all! http://internecineexcoriation.net

MALEFICENCE (Usa) Relapse demo tape. 2021. UNHOLY DOMAIN Recs. MUTILATING
let's be a bit more serious for a minute (And also inspired) and
talk about the music of this Californian quartet. From a 2022
point of view, one might call their style "Quite old school
death", but nowadays almost everything is old school.... So
I will be a bit more precise with my menacing sausage and would
say they mix 90's death metal, early technical death, and some old
brutal death elements. Depending on the songs or the moments,
the style can be a bit different, and so, while the morbid sauce
was invading my jacket and trousers, I happened to feel the taste
of old MONSTROSITY, old DEICIDE, a bit of old DEEDS OF FLESH, some
EXHUMATOR, perhaps touches of early GORGUTS... And also some early
the grooves of the later) etc etc etcaetera... (I think you got
the mix of 90's and sometimes early 00's influences). Well, the
3 songs have quite different productions, and it's also a bit raw
for the genre sometimes (Perhaps it makes the music sound more old
styled than it really is?)... But it shows the musicians are quite
skilled and know how to write quite compact songs. So this tape
is something like a cool first visit card, and the future will show
BOWELS! https://intrinsicmaleficence.bandcamp.com

(Gre) That of the swamp Demo CDr’09. This is something like
blasting death meets death grind, with some grindcore influences.
This could sound quite old fashioned, but could also have been genitalized
5 years ago. In my hears, it sounds like mid old DYING FETUS,
maybe a little of MALEVOLENT CREATION. Quite straight to the
cunt music with a lot of riff changes. Most is fast or blasting,
but some slower parts also come (There’s a little of core, but not
in a crappy modern way). They could still improve this or that to
sound more extreme, but this is quite fresh sounding and alright.I
don’t know what their name manes, but it could be a demon in an
old tribe from the jungle.. http://www.myspace.com/ixpapalotl
