(Chile) Demo 1 Tape. 2023. Self-released. No, the feast isn't
over, you little wired cybernetic worms. The entrails of the
old rotting corpse keep on being ecartelated to bring forth death
metal repugnance in painful expulsion.
What you have here
is a pretty good demo in a somewhat "satanic" and "war
fields" death metal. My wireless cauldron resonated and vibrated,
as if he was exposed to the sounds of DEICIDE, early NILE (Less
epic), BOLT THROWER, ENCABULOS ("Abandoning the flesh")
or old MORBID ANGEL... In no particular order of cooking recipe.
Sometimes the music is a bit closer to "black death" but
you already got the point. The songs are pretty cool to bang
your coffin, or even ride the wheelchair (It's quite compact). The
vocals in Spanish language are quite cool. There's something
that bothers me a bit at the level of the guitars, sometimes it
sounds a bit "artificial"... Perhaps it's due to a strange
compression effect? (Or to the Mp3s I downloaded on an obscure website?
Last time I heard this "effect" was on old music making
softwares like mad tracker or fast tracker). Anyway, this 3 tracks
release is a pretty cool & quite entertaining first demo. Now,
you can turn off your wireless crucifix. This review is finished,
and it's time to rest for the unholy dildo from hell. https://baladro666.bandcamp.com

(Swe) Devouring human flesh Demo 2022. Digital. Self-released. This
is the first demo of a band that aims to emulate the style of CANNIBAL
CORPSE, at least the American brutal machine was a big influence
on this recording. This contains death metal/ old brutal death
with a good percentage of "thrashing beats" (Close to
the most old school parts of mid to later Cannibal C.). I didn't
find a lot of blastbeats for brutal death, but it doesn't matter,
as long as the meat remains quite burning. You can also hear
some mid-paced 90's alike "death metal/ hardcore" parts
that remind me of early SKINLESS, or perhaps some end 90's MALEVOLENT
CREATION (Maybe there are too much of it for my own cavernous preferences). The
red blood-filled atmosphere and decapitated "no brainshake"
spirit from Cannibal Corpse are there... But after a while this
gets quite boring... Perhaps due to the fact the last quarter of
the demo isn't as tight/ efficient... Some die hard decapitated
C.C. fans could dig this release, but I think there's a (cadaver-filled)
room for improvement. This demo is not awful in the style, as opposed
to what my word-play could let bleed in your mind, but this can
be improved. https://balamuthia.bandcamp.com

BANEFUL STORM (Fra) Invocations Ep. 2017. Digital.
This is a new Death metal project from France that sounds very inspired by
early MORBID ANGEL ("Altars of madness").
While some bands that also followed the path of old Azagtoth mostly took the extreme/
blasting side (For example of CENTURIAN), this french one-musician project took
the style in all its variety: The different kinds of beats, different kinds of
riffs, the same kind of vocals, the same kind of rasp production... (Perhaps
there aren't that much of two-guitar polyphonies tough). This is clearly
influenced by old MORBID ANGE, to the point of worship, but there's also some
intensity and energy in the songs, which isn't always the case of worshippers
or "clone" bands. I also hear some early DEICIDE in the riffs
(First album or AMON days) and some guitars have a little more thrash metal/
black thrash approach (Think about SODOM "Persecution mania" for
example), but the whole still sounds like satanic death. The leads can sound great
and nicely chaotic.
I believe the drums are actually a drum machine, Metal-archives says there's
only one musician but the drums don't sound so mechanic or clinical, so I have
a doubt.
Well, this isn't as great and emotionally intense as "Altars" (Not a
real surprise here), but it's a quite good recording.
Now a shame the beginning of the third song sounds so much like an ANGEL CORPSE
track from the second album. (Very close riff, same beat, same kind of break...
Oups), the last song sounds a little more common, and perhaps the whole is a
bit too close to "Altars" to totally kick the ass?
Anyway, this is a quite good recording and worshippers of old Satanic Death
metal à là early MORBID ANGEL/ early DEICIDE/ AMON wouldn't have problems to
swallow it up.

GRAVE (Swe) Unmarked grave Demo tape. 2014. Self-released. At
the first approach, you could be seriously tempted to believe this
new Swedish band is strictly influenced by the first albums of DISMEMBER
and ENTOMBED (I mean only the first one for each), but a closer
listening lets other influences appear. Most of the music, riffing,
production is close to the two bands quoted before, but there are
also more "melodic" guitars or arrangements that could
remember of the first NECROPHOBIC album and what EDGE OF SANITY
were doing on "Unorthodox". There are also quite a
couple of riffs to be closer to later ENTOMBED (From the "Uprising"
album, minus the MOTORHEAD vibe) and also a bit of the deathrock/
groove death era. There's no metal of death/ thrashing death
influence from the post REPUGNANT followers we quite often meet
in our Hifis... Perhaps this is due to the fact the musicians have
a more hardcore than metal background? Anyway I didn't feel that
much of Hc influences, expect for some vocals, there even are quite
few dbeat drums for the style. To come back to more metal matters,
one could also hear fast parts to remind of the first VOMITORY album
from 1996 (When they were more old school). Well, I didn't find
really thrilling riffs or juicy surprises, but the songs are packed
in a quite neat manner, with quite a lot of changes, and even if
this tastes like "One more swedeath" band in my mouth,
some stuffs are rather well played. I imagine those who dig this
kind of swedeath might dig this tape a way or another... I don't
listen to ENTOMBED or DISMEMBER a lot anymore, so that might explain
I was averagely impressed. https://bastardgrave.bandcamp.com

PRIEST (Swe) Merciless insane death Demo tape'08. ZOMBIE RITUAL
Recs Cryptic entrapment of the skull. Force fed trepanation
with broken razors. Underground impaling of the mind and consciousness. Will
they need more when we'll be dead? If you try
to listen to this demo with the deep underground approach and search
to feel the obscure waves from the depths, you might be disappointed.
BASTARD PRIEST isn't about the death atmosphere, but globally punch
and energy to go somewhere like in your face, or in the belly. Most
of this demo is based around 90's Death metal, but not in a particularly
retro or nostalgic manner, I guess they don't care too much. -The first
track especially reminds me what DISMEMBER did just after their
great first Lp, with a bit of ENTOMBED. It's always fast, with a
"raw an unhearable" sound and few melodies. -The second
song is more D-beat like and especially reminds me of early MASTER
(Crusty and simple style). -The third one has a totally mystic
REPUGNANT alike intro of melodic riff, and the remaining is based
around a fast REPUGNANT/ NECROVATION beat, yet with something from
Black metal 'Like early IMPALED NAZARENE?) -The 4th one begins
with simple but big chords à la ENTOMBED, and most of the song is
located in the fast Swe-Death of CARNAGE/ ENTOMBED ("Tchuka
tchuka" style). -The last song is a cover of an old
Swedish HC punk band. The production
has something raw that makes it very Dismember alike. The vocals
aren't the deepest, sometimes it spits more than anything or sounds
like early HC with many echo effect (It could come deeper from the
caves, to make it more "Death" and morbid). There's something
a bit punk in the playing, something like "Fuck off".
Some riffs sound a bit too simple or already eaten before, but some
quite well built structures help to make the rendering more impressive.
Because of the vocals and crust approach (And a little of guitar
sound?) you sometimes forget it's Death and feels in the middle
of a crust CD... :-) It's not my
fave demo of the last months, I need more atmospheres and morbidity,
but some songs show some punching promises (Hope they'll stick to
this style and develop the right way (If there's only one, or two,
or more...). Nothing new, but it contains enough energy and freshness.
Isn't it what some peoples call great? http://www.myspace.com/bastardpriestsweden

(Switzerland) De Mortis Eloquentia Demo MCD. 2010. Self-released. Did
you say review? I'm sorry but I don't know what this means... All
I'm doing is typing on little pieces of plastic to try and represent
the noises crossing my head... You know, I'm swimming in warm
cadaveric juice, and if the sounds escaping the speakers do not
find resonance in the said juice (Aka macerating corpse likor),
I won't be able to tell much more about the gastric metal values...
I'm only transcribing the vibrations of the juice. This is the
problem with a lot of metal records today: It was built by the minds,
for the minds, everything precisely set to fit some intellectual
standards... But strangely enough the cadaveric juice is often not
taken in account, and even denied, as if it was totally forbidden
to write music with your inner feelings and entrails... So if you
try to listen to these said records an instinctive and natural way,
mind disabled, you often will feel unconcerned, dumb, as if nothing
escaping these complicated sounds speaks to yourself, your insides... This
is more or less the problem of BEANSIDHE, even if I could have found
worse to develop the previous idea: Their music sounds fresh, well
built, and contains a certain biting and enthusiasm, but doesn't
it remain in the scale of cerebral emotions? Their stuff is
between black metal and death metal, with more thrashy touches.
Most of the beats are fast or blasting. During the listening I occurred
to think about old DISSECTION (This is clear) or MAYHEM (Maybe "Chimera"?).
There's sometimes a thrashy, sometimes more death metallic melodic
touch that remembers me DECAMERON, but they do not have the same
atmosphere. Some quite technical, and more original thrash influences
sound like some old AUDIO PAIN. For reasons of modernity and "efficiency"
they sound like the last albums of YRKHOON. This is well produced
and retargeted in a software studio to make the whole sound more
precise, tight, with more "brilliance", and there's no
problem at this level... But it's not really the kind of music to
concern me... So this is all well built, and some peoples will
like it without doubt, but isn't there something lacking somewhere?
I mean in the rendering of the inner... http://www.beansidhe.ch

BEAUTICIAN (Uk) Analysis
of beauty Ep. 2015. Digital.
I don't listen to a lot of death grind or brutal death anymore, because the old
school sounds embalmed my brain to cryptic decerebration (AhAh), but from time
to time you find something you dig, and then it's nice to clean your undertaker
BEAUTICIAN is an underground deathgrind band from Uk and their stuff is quite
"fresh" and quite cool to listen to.
What you have is short tracks with quite a lot of changes. I feel they are
quite close to an old INTENSE HAMMER RAGE demo I own, they also have perhaps
something of old PIGSTY (Cze) riffing-wise, and some quite frenetic blasts
remind me of old ALIENATION MENTAL. I also found something that remembered my
skull of old HEMDALE (Minus the gore), at least there's something from the end
90's/ early 00's brutality here... Something like the early 00's brutal death
before it became ultra complex, ultra brutal, ultra abrasive, and ultra...
I can hear some fun in the playing and the songs are built in a quite efficient
Now the production is somewhat natural, without over-overdriven abrasion,
that's perhaps a reason for I like it... Uh?
Well, this remains underground stuff and it's not a new underwear-reversing
revelation, but this demo is quite fun to hear in the brutal style.
(I wasn't sure about the meaning of their moniker, did it stand for
"beautiful mortician"?... Until google translation shew me it's
closer to "Cosmetic surgery).

OF CACOPHONY (Usa) Demo CDr'07. The CDr format isn't
always very good for reviewers... My CD player is growing old, and
I needed to insist at least 20 times so that it detects the existence
of this Demo...(I'm not sure if a tape player ever refused to recognize
a tape, but that's another matter). Hopefully for me B.O.C's music
has nothing to do with James Blunt (Who's "Back to bedlam")
and the listening was a bit more rewarding than rehashing pop music.
It is something like half modern sick brutal death, with a technical
and cacophonous edge. Now all old schoolers have gone, in fear of
the "sick shit", I can describe the content. Well,
it's clear someone viciously put an CEPHALIC CARNAGE CD in their
moses basket when they were little babies, because the music reminds
me both old CEPHALIC CARNAGE, SKELETON OF GOD (Less brutal death
though), HUMAN REMAINS, mid old BRUTAL TRUTH and things like that...
You know: We are ultra sick, and complex, and we'll fuck your listener's
brain as fast as our fingers humanly can... I have to say most of
the time it's not my sick-shit... Even if some moments work quite
well (The sick way), there's too much of "We must be fast and
technical and fucked up and put the baby in the washing machine"
without something really deep, or emotional (The third dimension
of pain and horror). It's the same problem for many bands of the
style. Hopefully there are few more "old styled" bruta
riffs and some more edible parts (that contain more depths) to make
it more "fucked-up-friendly". I'd advice them to take
more time to compose a song, and keep only the best of the best...
So the sickness could transform into a soul-infecting whirlwind
of pure horror... But for now it's only something you can listen
and feel some aggression from, which would be quite okey for a lot
of peoples... http://www.myspace.com/bedlamofcacophony

BEHEAD (Chile) Awakening
of a murderous soul Demo tape. 2015. STREET METAL BLASPHEMY Recs.
BEHEAD is an old school thrashing band from Talagante, Chile.
On this tape they remind me of SEPULTURA ("Schizophrenia" and a bit
of "Beneath...") for the fast mix of thrash & death with kicking
drums, while they also remember of SEPULTURA (But "Morbid visions")
for some morbid sonorities and partly for the vocals.
You can also hear some early KREATOR ("Pleasure to kill"), some early
POSSESSED, maybe early DARKNESS (Ger), and perhaps a bit of the first CANCER
You got it, this is full of fast beats and fast tremolo guitars, there's
(almost) no surrender for the fans of the slow.
Perhaps this is the "clearer" produced tape of BEHEAD, at least more
than the other cassettes I heard from them, so it puts more emphasis on the
thrashing side than the death metal/ morbid side. This sounds quite tight and
BEHEAD might not offer pure juicy metallic masturbatorium (If that really means
something AhAh), but this is quite solid and fast skull metal, to bang the
hears of underground thrash metal fans. Chile strikes again.

(Fin) Temporal bliss surrealms MCD. 2021. EVERLASTING SPEW Recs. This
is quite kicking and punishing old school death metal influenced
by the early 90's, that takes the path of the "thrashy"
Swedish genre, then embarks other neighbor elements on the travel. The
core of the music tastes like the kicking thrashy parts of old DISMEMBER,
early ENTOMBED/ NIHILIST or DEATHBREATH, while some sludgier pieces
could call back MURDER SQUAD, and some darker/ blackened tones also
appear... Even if the guitars are based on old school riffs,
I feel something not so "retro" is also to be found (Perhaps
some "Depressive" black/ doom guitars, or the blastbeats
going at somewhat full-speed-grindcore... Or perhaps the production?)
Hmm, maybe this impression is also due to the fresh energy of the
whole (So I would say this quite kicking, old school, but they have
their minds in 2022). Even if nothing new was really heard in
there, this feels like a quite refreshing and kicking Ep. I'd
say BENOTHING is worth the hear for fans of old death metal who
aren't 100% exclusively stuck into the "old school". Now
I feel like masticating a menthol chewing gum, sat on a Scandinavian
tomb at full night... And a stranger lends me a DISCHARGE Lp entitled
"Hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing"... And I scream
"BE NOTHING!" in return. https://www.facebook.com/benothingdeath

Split MCD. 2022. MORBID & MISERABLE Recs. Nice 3 way
compact disc! Angry bear fucking the corpse fisting the zombie!
In a blood-filled grinding agony.
The first band BIFID CORPSE
comes with a name that reminds me of these very biological yogurts
you got 15 years ago, but their music contains no fermented milk.
This sounds like angry death grind with a powerviolence side. Perhaps
like very early PHOBIA (Eps) meets old BRUTAL TRUTH (Need to control).
The second song is slower for most, almost sludge. The vocalist
is an angry bear.
The second band SURFER JAMES is more "fucked"
musically, hear something between hardcore/ punk and grindcore with
some kinda fucked powerviolence structures (Understand "fucked"
as a synonym of somewhat crazy/ sick and noisy). They insert 3 songs
plus a DISRUPT cover.
The third band PYTHIAN is different,
their sound is heavier, between "chaotic" hardcore and
sludge stuff. It sounds quite heavy and "dark" (Or distressed?).
Uh, their second song is an industrial noise one, so perhaps they're
dreaming of creating a Merzbow or Einstürzende Neubaten cover band?
(Just kidding).
I appreciate the underground feel of the
whole release, and this could be a nice 3 way for fans of "core"
stuffs. Bifid corpse: https://bifidcorpse.bandcamp.com Surfer
james: https://surferjames.bandcamp.com Pythian:
https://pythian.bandcamp.com Label:

MAGIC MOUNTAIN GOAT (Swe) Demo 2013. CDr. Self-released. Even
though their name might seem like they play 70's influenced doom/
hard rock, the music is closer to what could awake the interest
of rancid coffin swallowers. This new project was formed by previous
members of REVOKATION or DE TVEKSAMMA and plays old school death/
necro metal the way we knew it 6 to 7 years ago, or more. While
the whole could rather remind the first album of VOMITORY (Which
sounded much more old school than their following brutal records)
for this mix of regular old Death metal and "blasting"
faster moments, I know some peoples might hear a bit of REPUGNANT
in there, a bit of early DEATH (Scream bloody gore... For the kicking
drums) in there, and the fact some riffs are thrashier (Especially
the second song) leads my mind to the thrashing guitars of VICTIMIZER
("Communist crusher" Ep for example). The production
is simple (Should I say "unproduced"? Not really because
it's better than 80's rehearsals), for this reason I imagine some
peoples could hear reminiscences of the first ANGEL CORPSE album
(Or Eps) in the fast moments, but there's nothing much similar on
a riffing point of view. The fast patterns with old styled thrashing
Death metal beats are quite kicking, the framework of the coffin
isn't bad, but I wasn't particularly thrilled with the riffs. I'm
currently less interested in underground necro/ necro stuffs, so
this might explain a part of my impressions? I must disagree
with the statement of the band who claims to bring "Brutal
Swedish death metal. Not old school, not contemporary, just vulgar
brutality"... In my rotting hears this is typically the kind
of old school/ necro metal you could often see in underground death/
black fanzines 5-6 years ago, or more... But I imagine the goal
of this statement was to avoid any link with the current old school
death fashion. Blog: http://bmmgoat.blogspot.se

SISTER (Uk) Unreleased Demo CDr. 2007. I got this CDr
from the guy of PROBLEM? Records who usually releases Crustcore
and old school HC stuffs... It was surprising to hear this project
lies in the potter fields of old thrash metal, with enough punch
to offer a pleasant listening. This is a quite energetic and
motivated thrashing mania that lies in some kind of old VIOLENCE
meets old NUCLEAR ASSAULT, with touches of early AURA NOIR, DESTRUCTION,
DARKNESS (Ger), AUDIO PAIN and crossover à la old SOD. I could also
quote old MERCILESS as an influence, for some screamy vocals and
the enthusiasm/ freshness of the young thrashers who will split
your skull, but the whole state of mind isn't so metal or "evil",
there's some kind of fun hidding behind. A fun that occurs to show
its crooked nose in the quite hysteric screamy vocals (These vocals
might be improved, because it's the less good point in my opinion...
And fuck the high pitched background screams: Cradle of chicken
was never good). The production isn't bad at all, there's an
old crispy and crushy aspect that gives a taste of DISMEMBER and
improves the impact of the music. Even if BLACK SISTER is only
a subproject, it's not bad and sounds better than many thrashing
parallel projects... Nothing immortal or really killer, but those
who need to thrash and break more skulls from their neck might dig
the headbanging. Nothing from this (6 songs/ 13:57 minutes) CDr
is released yet, but it might see the impure lights of the underground
under the form of some split Ep... c/o PROBLEM? Recs, Pillars
Strathmiglo, Road fife, KY15 7AD ALBA, UNITED KINGDOM.

(Fra) Blame Demo CD'07. I was a bit afraid about the content
of this demo, because the "Blame" name reminds me some
bands who used to play not really metallic "Thrash/ Death"
12 years ago... But it's not particularly the case, since they might
not have liked the Machine head, the Sepultura (Roots moody roots),
the Pantera or the Kickback... The whole sounds as a mixture of
Death/ thrash, blasting death, and mid-placed thrash "core"...
You find a bit of every sub-genres, for example influences of some
DEATH ("Symbolic"), DUNGORTHEB (1st CD), KRONOS' first
album (If I remember well), with few slower "core" riffs
à la PITBULLS IN THE NURSERY. The vocals kinda remind me of
Crass from CRUSHER ("Act II - Undermine") and might sound
too "core" to really suit the music. The band sounds
motivated, and the tracks are correctly played or structured, but
I don't feel much on an emotional point of view... For example,
it's the same problem with French KRONOS (Who seem to have relative
success), even if both bands aren't at the same level of playing,
what they procure remains some kind of motivation/ "brutality",
yet without awaking some emotions to come from under the surface.
Well, BLAME have some kinda cool thrashy riffs, almost heavy metal
guitars, or ok leads... So, why don't I get into their music? -Maybe
the production is a bit too thin for the style? I heard "worse"
and I'm able to ignore the production. -Maybe some riffs are
too generic? Maybe, but it doesn't particularly bother me. -Maybe
the mix of cooler thrash/ heavy riffs and blasting patterns doesn't
help convenience? That might be a reason, because the two don't
require the same mood as far as I'm concerned. -Maybe the band
is too motivated and plays it a bit too "fast" to macerate?
Well, I like some faster and more compressed things... Maybe
there's no particular reason after all, I don't get much into BLAME
and that's all... Some peoples might like it, but I'd rather
think about local supporters and underground fans, since it's only
Ok underground stuff as far as I'm concerned. http://www.myspace.com/blamemetal

(Indonesia) Burned in hell Demo tape'07. METAL ZONE Distro. This
tape demo shows it, almost proudly, a nice ortographical mistake
written in big letters on the front cover... But we should pay much
more attention to the feeling than matters of lesser importance...
So, here you go: BLASPHEMOUS practices a kind of Brutal death that
doesn't plague the scene anymore, these Indonesian brutallers chose
to play it quite old school and with a nice aura that directly leads
me back to the brutal death demos I inspected, once engulfed in
the darkened bowels of underground convenience around 1996 and 1997...
The style kinda sounds like some old SUFFOCATION mixed with early
PYREXIA (1st album), a bit of old MALEVOLENT CREATION (With more
purulence), some early BROKEN HOPE (When their minds were full of
grindcore and gore atrocities), plus some old style and more simple
Death metal that could doom it like JUDECCA, some BAPHOMET/ BANISHED
or eventually old SADISTIC INTENT. You should notice BLASPHEMOUS
aren't the proud owners of over the top skills, in a way this isn't
especially technical (Half of the time it's just enough, sometimes
a bit too simple). I think what lacks is: A bit of differences/
changes between the tracks, it sounds a bit too much the same. I
wouldn't advice this demo to every maniacs of flower pot violence,
it would rather please those who need an atmosphere of energy through
not-too-modern brutality and do not care to explore the bowels of
the impure underground, might it be surgically masticated or not.
For underground maniacs only? As south east Asian brutal hordes
keep on improving, we masticate your greedy balls with iron teeth,
and we can't wait for your bleeding! You overground label employee
who kill the music! Email: metalzonedistro@yahoo.com.my

OFFAL (Usa) 2009 promo. CDr. Here's a quite short review
for a quite cool promo. This Us band plays obscure Death metal
à la INCANTATION, I'm especially thinking about "Mortal throne
of Nazarene" (For some epic rawness in the blasting battles),
with a little of ANGEL CORPSE ("Hammer of gods"), mixed
with excerpts of BAPHOMET/ BANISHED in some heavy/ mid placed patterns...
And maybe some little eruptions from old EXHUMED (Split w/ HEMDALE).
The quite deaf, yet quite cool, heavy sounding production could
make them comparable to ARCHGOAT (90's). The two last songs have
a different sound, more like a rehearsal, with much fewer bass frequencies...
Which makes it sound like black metal (Bad idea, if it was volunteer). This
is not a definitely crushing collection of crunching reekordings,
BLESSED OFFAL takes the form of an "usual" band of the
kind and everything doesn't seem perfect yet, but there's enough
transpiration and nice atmospheres to listen in brutal obscurity
and imagine their upcoming release could fire some sulfur from your
corroded skeleton. Hope this CDr is a nice appetizer for future
destruction! http://www.myspace.com/blessedoffal

LOSS (Usa) Rehearsal Demo '23.Tape. Self-released. I
know I'm not always very objective when I review some kinds of death
metal, especially some of the old styles, I tend to often use the
word "cool", because it's "cool" and can be
"very cool"... But I'm basically a fan of old death metal
from the (cool) early 90's... BLOOD LOSS is a pretty young death
metal band from Arizona/ Usa. They recorded a couple of demos with
a cleaner/ better production before, but this tape contains rehearsal
recordings with a "rawer" production which gives it a
more underground approach. The style of the band is very influenced
by the early 90's American genre, and this is cool if you ask me.
Some of the tracks are typically in the cool old 90's death metal,
with thrashing parts and heavier moments, while others are closer
to very early brutal death. A part of it reminds me of early DEATH,
early PESTILENCE (First two albums), the second CD of MORTA SKULD
(Before they went "fatter"), or perhaps GORGUTS' first
album. Other moments are closer to early SUFFOCATION (Blasts &
quite technical riffs) or very early MONSTROSITY (Early Ep &
first album only). Also some stuffs at the end kinda sound like
early 90's french "techno death", or the mid old DEATH
("Human") era, so this tape could be a bit more varied
than you expected... This is pretty cool influences, isn't it? The
quite raw production didn't help to understand every riffs so clearly,
but it offers underground brutality in exchange so it's okey...
I think this gives a more rusty/ raw/ impression while BLOOD LOSS
will sound a bit more polished/ heavier and perhaps "Morissound"
alike with a better recording. This tape will probably please
only the fans of the old underground, but it shows the musicians
are technically alright and are able to write decent songs in the
style... I think in the future BLOOD OFFER will be able to please
fans of 90's death metal more generally... So you can encourage
them and send them love letters :) https://bloodloss1.bandcamp.com

OATH (Chile) The line between Ep. 2017. Rereleased 2020. DIABOLICAL
SUMMONING Recs. "Two minutes to midnight!!!"...
This is when you have to stand two minutes of advertisements on
Youtube before the MIDNIGHT album begins... AhAh, just kidding. Let's
explore the Chilean underground once again, this time with another
pretty young band that came here with their third release (After
a demo and a single). Their style is old school death metal in
the late 80's approach, as it musically reminds me quite a lot of
the first DEATH album (Scream bloody gore), as well as portions
of old MASSACRE, some old POSSESSED, some old AUTOPSY (Not as fucked).
This is pretty cool to listen to, and everything is made in an old
80's vibe... Nothing is unpleasant, and some moments are even cool...
But perhaps the riffs are a little too usual for my old rusty hears,
or perhaps it lacks a little of cadaveric juice? (Or zombie semen?
You choose) to engrave the riffs in your mind. Now, I didn't
mean this is a bad release, I found nice moments such as: Nice appearing
bass guitars, cool technical riffs à la early POSSESSED, mid-paced
moments à la early DEATH... And there's a somewhat "All analog"
feel in the playing that somewhat reminds me of SEPULTURA ("Morbid
visions"... With perhaps not so cheap hardware)... But maybe
the band needs a bit more of time spent in the rehearsing torture
chamber to find more mental-incrustating riffs... This remains
a pretty cool Ep in the style, and could please big fans of underground
thrashing death à la early DEATH. Watch them evolve in the future,
through the influence of morbid lust and rites of cruelty. https://bloodoath.bandcamp.com

SPORT (Fin) Steel system/ Agitator Demo. 2020. Digital. Self-released. Speed
kills, but who's bleeding? Oh! What you have here is very cool
old school speed metal with a strong 80's influence! When I say
"Speed", in this spiking case I'm talking about a mix
of faster heavy metal style, with a dose of more rock'n roll riffs,
and a portion of "pre-thrash" fast riffings (So Blood
sport might take both of the early speed metal genres, if you want
to be a precise old fart). The music is warm & cool to listen
to, the songs are developed in an 80's heavy atmosphere (Variations
on themes, etc). This reminds me of the first ENFORCER Demo (Sweden/
When it was still a solo project), with some old MERCYFUL FATE ("Don't
break the oath"), then with some early DESTRUCTION or old RAZOR
in the more thrashing moments, and perhaps with something from BATHORY
(Think about the "Burning leather" bonus track) for some
speed metal riffs (But the spirit isn't so evil here)... Uh,
there are some GREAT technical & rock'n roll speed riffs here,
it stands out and catches your rotting skull! (Notice the drumming
is probably a machine, but it doesn't bother). This demo contains
two very nice songs in the old school style! This is quite promising. At
the moment I'm writing these words, these songs were also released
by the band in a small quantity of tapes, but I imagine it shouldn't
be too long until a label boosts the distribution... SPEED OR BLEED https://bloodsportz.bandcamp.com

mass of putrid decay Demo tape. 2019. VISCERAL CIRCUITRY Recs.
BLOODFIEND is a Chilean black/ grind band in the vein of old toxic BLASPHEMY
and early satanic vomiting BESTIAL WARLUST.
This is mostly fast stuff with a fucked up goat zombie spirit emanating from
the piles of vomit.
This said some moments can be more punk and remember me the dbeat parts of old
AGATHOCLES, but this is only a seldom bizarre impression since the whole is
more about black death/ black grind.
During the abject listening I also happen to feel a sense of absurdity à la old
ABHORER ("Zygotical sabbatory anabapt").
Perhaps the content isn't always as fast as I orgasmically expected, I would
like a part of the blasts to be faster, but perhaps it brings a touch of end
80's extreme music (If you know what I urinate!)
Notice this band/ project contains at least a member of DEMONIC RAGE.
This is a cool project full of vomits and quite fukked up riffs, for fans of
underground toxic dementia only.
I initially got this demo on CDr, but it was also rereleased on tape, after
this review was written (I’m slow publishing the reviews Ahah)

VENGEANCE (Ger) Promo CDr'07. It seems this band once
practiced black metal, released a demo, an Ep as well as a full-length...
To finally turn its cross towards the side of Death. What you
hear is blasting Death metal à la MORBID ANGEL/ HATE ETERNAL that
was compressed with enough conviction to sound kicking. The musicians
have a quite good level and decent knowledge of the style, so what
they built contains no disturbing element. Unfortunately, I didn't
feel much emotional on matters of atmosphere or hatred, and they
lack of very-own personal ideas for my death-infested hears. But
I heard worse reconvertions, for a new beginning it sounds quite
kicking. Let's see how the feeling will manifest during the next
recordings... If it does... http://www.bloodvengeance.com
(Spa)/ MOUFLON (Hol) Split MCD. 2024. BRUTAL INSANITY Recs. Are
you morbid? This is a quite good release! The first band is the
Spanish BOCC, which more or less plays the same style than on the
demo I reviewed: Something like obscure death metal/ death doom. This
time I detected some ooold IMMOLATION in the opening riff, then
I felt some "Finnabrarum" on the last part (Something
between old Finnish death and old Funebrarum)... And maybe some
crawling deathheads would also hear some Boltthrowerism in the middle
(For the heaviness). This is thick and obscure stuffs, it's sometimes
also a bit "Abstract". There are some nice riffs in
there, so prepare for the BRUTAL ORGANIC CORPSE CONTRITION (If that's
the real meaning of B.O.C.C. ahah).
The second
band is MOUFLON from Netherlands which plays a mixture of a more
traditional form of death metal with a touch of doom. In my hears,
it sounds like a blending of early GOREFEST, old BENEDICTION, perhaps
a bit of DEATH ("Leprosy"), and maybe a touch of MORGOTH
("Cursed") in slow parts. A riff reminds me of BRUTALITY,
but without the "technical" elements of the riffing...
So this might be only for the "theme". This is a pretty
cool song in the old traditional style, and the production follows,
so it could please old-school-death retro lovers... It could also
be nice to plant more flowers around the graves, or not?
This split
CD comes with only one track per band, but it's okey: I see it as
a split 7 Ep released on CD format, the track of BOCC is quite long,
and it's sold for a decent price… Support underground death metal!
Bocc: https://bocc.bandcamp.com Mouflon:
https://mouflondeathmetal.bandcamp.com Label:

(Spa) Demo II Tape. 2022. ROMANTIC SONGS Recs. If you like
sensual music and romantic songs, this demo isn't really for you...
Unless romantic means something like Neanderthal knocking his sex
slave in the cavern with a cudgel, then, you could be at the right
place. BOCC is a somewhat neanderthalish band from Spain, they
released a couple of other recordings but here I'm talking about
their second demo. It contains old, perhaps archaic, death metal
that sounds quite thick and cavernous, with some death doom influences. In
my obliterated hears, it sounds like a mix of CIANIDE, AUTOPSY,
WINTER and SORROW, minus the "epic" parts Autopsy had
by moments (And perhaps minus the more metallic spirit of Cianide). This
is quite cool to hear, there is some thickness in there and the
content tastes quite ugly... Like a horde of dark dusty worms in
the depths of a cavern... Sometimes it even reaches the territories
of ooold sludge... But perhaps it's a bit too much of heavy/ thick
stuff for my own sensible romantic needs. Anyway fans of doomy death
metal absurdity and cavern ugliness from the underground might be
interested. PILE UP THE TAPES, AS NEANDERTHAL PILED UP THE BONES. https://bocc.bandcamp.com

ASPHYXIATION SCIENCE (Uk) Gravitational blood art Tape Ep. 2022.
GURGLING GORE Recs. Tired always drinking the same beverages? Tired
always feeling the same taste in your decayed mouth? What about
replacing water by blood in your coffee? "BLOOD COFFEE!!! The
best solution to keep flies and posers away from your "BIG
4" mug, especially if served cold and sugar free. GET IT NOW!!
>>> Insert your credit card number and profit from this
exceptional offer! It's easy... INSERT THE CREDIT CARD & MAGICAL
the day!!!" As always I'm reviewing new or unknown bands,
that seem too "underground" for the "mainstream underground"
guys... Here I'll be talking about the first E.P. of B.A.S. that
comes after a demo, a single, and a split tape. Their style
is death metal with a quite modern approach, that could be understood
as an intermixture of later GORGUTS, HATE ETERNAL, MORBID ANGEL
(Later) or ALTARS (Australia). Depending on the songs, some dissonances
can really be present at the level of guitars, it can taste quite
acid or refreshing depending on the theme... But the music isn't
SO complex or hard to swallow, you can also find a decent amount
of kicking parts or blast-beat ridden moments. The opening song
really gave me an impression of “COMECON goes blastbeats” (Or even
reminded me of the Czech CRUSHER (The "Untearable off colossus"
album)), but B.A.S. evolves in a different world, with different
feelings... Some parts almost seemed blackened at first, but then
it evolves in some acid "aerial suffering", if I could
say so. This Ep might be taken as an updated extreme kind of death
metal (The one from 10-15 years ago, Hate eternal etc) with more
dissonances... I often find the bands in the modern/ dissonant
kinds of the genre to be hard to swallow, but I found BODY ASPHYXIATION
SCIENCE to be quite interesting and pleasant to listen to (Repeatedly,
to write a review...). So I imagine the fans of extreme genres that
sound a bit different might be interested... You don't need to put
blood in your coffee to taste something different. Ah! https://bodyasphyxiationscience.bandcamp.com

Enchanted fruity melon esculents Tape. 2018. LOFI OR DIE Recs. PINK SATANIC BEARS AND EPYLEPTIC MANGA PANDAS.
This is noisegrind with touches of noisecore.
It reminds me when I was younger, when I was listening to grindcore &
didn't understand the riffs... It's kinda the same (s)experience: Focus on the
chaos created by the guitars and blasting drums. This said, I can't write
BOLLOCK SWINE crosses the borders of shitnoise/ shitgrind because there are
some skills in the drum playing (It's not weak noisecore with 2 weeks of
drumming behind lol).
The raw abrasive side reminds me of some old ANAL CUNT stuffs, but there are no
vocals here, and no traces of jokes/ humor...
This is quite raw/ abrasive stuff with traces of harshnoise or some effects on
Give the manga bear a chance, and insert this tape right in his ass.

WEAPON (Usa) Thrive or starve Demo tape. 2023. TRANSYLVANIAN
Recs. Neanderthals fighting Neanderthals with carved bones,
in this dark age of a fog. Who will win? Most probably the stomachs!
Since no piece of flesh will remain... This demo sounds gritty,
fattish and obscure. The band's music is described here & there
as "death doom", which isn't wrong, but I also often feel
something close to sludge (The dark one). They sometimes sound
like MORBID ANGEL (Covenant)'s slow tracks, the old album of SORROW
(Usa), AUTOPSY, perhaps ASPHYX ("Embrace the death" minus
the epic doom parts... This might be due in part to the production,
but there's something "bestial" in common), with more
sludge injected in the veins. Most of the tempos are balancing
between the slow and mid-paced, with few abruptish accelerations....
Well there's also something quite "abrupt" here since
it doesn't taste like "embellished" doom. Not sure
if I would listen to "Thrive and starve" very often, but
this is a quite obscure & cavernish demo. https://www.instagram.com/boneweapondeath

(Rus)/ SLAVEHAND (Rus) Split tape. 2019. PEACHSHKN Recs. Short
releases demand short reviews. Hopefully, I'm not a porn actor
trying to transform or represent noisecore songs into movies (What?
should be "well-trained" for that Ah Ah...) Well, this
release is not really about noisecore, and not about porn at all:
What you hear is located between grindcore, powerviolence and death
grind. The first band is BONER from Moscow, which plays Powerviolence/
Grind. They have quite short songs with some absurd/ surprise breaks
here & there. This is quite "classical" PxVx stuffs
with lots of blasts, some fukked up spirit, and few punk/ HC touches.
I preferred them on the split with WARTHOG because the production
here is not as good, but this remains decent powerviolence noisy
stuff. The second band is SLAVEHAND from "Tits Petersburg"
(Aka Saint Petersburg) which plays old school grindcore meets angry
death grind the old way. This reminds me of what you could find
in the 90's and early 00's (But I forgot the names of these obscure
demo bands... So you will have to read "famous" comparisons):
Ooold NAPALM DEATH ("Mentally murdered" and a bit of "Utopia
banished" sometimes), old PHOBIA (Usa/ For the 90's stuffs
such as the first Eps), maybe some old DAMNABLE (Poland/ On a split
CD I got in the previous century... But this would have to be verified),
and perhaps a little of old EXHUMED (On the split with Hemdale,
minus the gore). Sometimes the vocalist sounds like the angry
bear in your fridge, when there's nothing left to eat! ANGRY. SLAVEHAND
provides your fridge with nice obscure anger, and some nice kicking
(body) parts, but there's also a bit of stagnancy sometimes… This
is not original, but quite kicking stuff in the style anyway. (Well,
this review wasn't so short!) Boner: https://goodpowerviolence.bandcamp.com Slavehand:

MELTING (Fra) Demo CDr. 2010. Self-released. Even if
I shook it quite hard, there wasn't much juice to escape this CDr...
What I hear on this deep underground demo is brutal death metal
reminding the first NECROPHAGIST album and some old VADER, with
some riffs à la old CANNIBAL CORPSE (Tappings), touches of GORGUTS
for discarding riffs, and more thrashy guitars here and there...
It also reminds me a bit "Voluptuously minced" of the
Turkish CENOTAPH (But I didn't hear this record since a decade,
so nothing should be bet on this quote). There are quite a lot of
riffs, some doesn't bother in the brutal death style while some
are easy or too average. The production is so thin: There's only
one guitar, apparently no bass guitar is present, and a drum machine
is used... So it doesn't sound powerful and would rather remind
the personal recordings you to do to check ideas (A few free softwares
can be used to record multiple instruments and get a quite better
sound, for free (Or crack? No, I don't use hard drugs, except Hard
rock sometimes :justonefix:)). At least the guitarist is tight and
doesn't make mistakes (Even if there are quite a lot of changes). This
is a deep underground demo... Do I really need to develop the analysis
and criticism? I'm not sure since the band recently split up...
At least this review could be used as an announcement to their death...

BROTHER (Usa) Demo II.
Tape. 2019. MA GLORY Recs.
I was bored and went on Bandcamp to discover some new old school grind bands,
to perhaps review them... But now it seems many musicians insert any imaginable
keywords to reach as many peoples as possible... When you type
"Grindcore" you don't necessarily want to hear raw black metal, or
auto-tuned technical deathcore, so you skip that "crap" very quickly!
This time, instead of grindcore, I found this hardcore band from Massachusetts
which isn't bad!
This is pretty old school influenced hardcore, somewhere between the fast punk
hardcore, heavier Hc, with some grindcore moments. It sounds quite straight to
the point & the songs are quite short and flow well.
They have a female singer, but she doesn't suck, she sounds quite motivated and
Great bass guitar overdrive, it sounds very much like old school grind.
This is a pretty sweet demo, I imagine they could kick fat ass live... F.A.T.

(Usa) Ruins of humans Demo. 2013. Self-released. Oooh yes...
After problems that occured at various levels and seemed to really
block the band when their previously reformed in 2003, BRUTALITY
seem to be back for good! What we have here is a two songs digital
Ep that contains cool music to embalm the decrepited hears of Brutality
fans. I would say these compositions doesn't sound closer to
a BRUTALITY album in particular, it reminds in more or less equal
portions of their 3 full-lengths: You can hear heavy riffs, epic
guitars, beautiful melodic leads, deep and powerful vocals, double
kicks, or some faster parts to energize the corpse from here and
there... It generally contains what you would expect from a recording
of theirs (This said, there might not be as many blast and fast
parts as "Screams of anguish", and sometimes the content
might take a little more of an "adult/ progressive" approach
(In the state of mind, not the structural complexity), so peoples
who need something quite frenetic could remain in hunger). On
a level of quality, I would say these two songs could be situated
in the average of "When the sky turns black" and
"In mourning", it has very cool moments and nicely embalming
riffs but doesn't top the average level of "Screams of anguish",
if you understand what I'm trying to mean :-) It's just an analysis,
there's enough to please the Brutality fans and they wouldn't need
to force themselves to be pleased (Ah!). The only negative point
I would quote, if I would be to be picky, would be that some riffs
are repeated a bit too much for my tastes... But for a comeback
demo I heard real worse. The production is heavy and quite natural,
nothing triggered or plastic-injected: This is good to get in the
atmosphere and see the colours of the songs. An interesting
point lies in the fact the current line up is almost the same than
on "Screams of anguish", so we could dream about the magical
effects of a sinergy that could lead to new realms of creativity
:) I didn't know what to expect since their demo from 2003 wasn't
particularly enthusiasming, but these 2 new songs are very cool
and let me imagine their forthcoming album won't be a metallic disappointement.
Now cross fingers, and pray for the burning creativity
shall rise! http://www.brutalitytheband.com

VIOLENCE COMMANDO (Ita)/ FETISH (Ita) Split tape'07.
GRIND BLOCK. Recs. B.V.C. plays usual noisecore/ grindnoise.
There are many short songs (30 according to the title). In the style
it sounds ok, but I heard more intense and/ or surprising. Some
low pitched growls are quite cool. It might entertain big fans of
the style, but BUKKAKE VIOLENCE COMMANDO needs more intensity to
kick the ass of seldom listeners. FETISH plays
techno gore, and it sucks: Boring superficial "Boom boom"
beats with under the average gore vocals, and some movie sample
interludes. It's probably nothing more than another 1-hour-lasting
subproject that would find it's right home on myspace! (Why bother
releasing that crap on tape?). I don't give a fuck about such "funny"
crap! Avoid at all costs... Or consciously sodomize yourself! http://www.myspace.com/grindblockrecords

CURSE (Usa) Untitled Demo tape. 2012. VERMIS MYSTERRIS Recs. Even
thought I didn't register at the local goat milk brewery, I still
receive black metal promos from time to time... Hopefully for
me, the demo of this young band isn't pure Bm, as it contains some
old Death metal influences, as the sound isn't particularly high-pitched,
and about 66,6 % of the vocals aren't screams. The listening
leads me back to 90's black death. You could think about a mix between
old ARCHGOAT, BESTIAL WARLUST in a less bestial manner, with some
old INCANTATION and some regular black metal. I happen to feel
some slow sludge moments aren't far from old SADISTIK EXEKUTION
("We're Death..."... But the content is not fukked), while
some seldom touches of the first IMPALED NAZARENE record could be
heard (Rather in the attitude or vocal gimmicks?) and few simple
riffs could remind of VON. A part of the vocals are deeper death
metal voices, some are a bit more bestial and echoed, a few are
quite "smoke" and detached from reality. Now don't
blame my rotting consciousness if my old black/ death descriptions
aren't precise or putridly adequate, this genre isn't the kind of
old metal I listened to the most. At least I can say there's
a will to develop some kind of occult atmosphere (Sometimes it works
quite well, sometimes I find it less sulfuring). To be more critical,
I must add some riffs are too simple and would need a little more
of development... The structures of the songs help (Riffs
aren't repeated too often and changes occur quite often), but some
riffs remain a bit too simple. I was a bit bored when the music
turned too much into regular black metal, but it remains tolerable. I
wouldn't be totally surprised if BURIAL CURSE was re-released one
day on a label like Sepulchral voice (And sold to you for cult prices,
thanks to the last necro selling points). This is a classical
recording with some elements to improve and some mistakes to diminish,
but it's also not badly felt and it contains some atmosphere here
and there. Not bad for a first demo. http://www.myspace.com/burialcurse

Into the Tombs Demo CDr. 2011. Self-released. The words "In
worms I lay" might fit the music of this band. This demo
composed of two songs (And an intro) is in the regular old school
Death metal style. The first song is close to OBITUARY (Rather
"The end complete" era). It's mostly mid-paced, with
no accelerations, with some simple tremolo guitars or heavier riffs.
Nothing particular, but fans of old Obituary might find it nice
to rest in worms. The quite gromph vocals make it a little closer
to early Six Feet Under. The second song is based for most on
a blasting pattern reminding of the first BAPHOMET album (Or is
it some NAPALM DEATH "Harmony corruption"?), with a mid-paced
part here, a doomy riff there and a quite amateurish guitar close
to the end. Was it really recorded in 2011? According to Methane-archives.com
the band is composed of two musicians, so it could be something
like a sub-project. Their music is usual old school death stuff,
this sounds like a demo, and drums could be improved by moments,
but it's listenable and those who like the bands quoted before might
not be displeased if they like underground demos. Conclusion: BURIED
needs to find the tip to make the worms dance (A morbid way). http://www.myspace.com/buried-metal

VICTIM (Can) Pinto Demo 2014. Self-released. Modern pyramid
necro. I collect the corpses that were mummified in cement. I
pile them up in the undergrounds, and make pathways of cemented
death. -------------------------------------------------- 5
songs in almost 3 minutes. This is grindcore/ powerviolence mixed
with hardcore (Fast and slower). There's no modern, technical/
weirdo influence. The blasting parts are quite energetic, kinda
like a grey brick in your morning cereals. The production is
quite abrasive, kinda rasp like perpaings. But the blast parts
aren't SO numerous... I'm listening to Grind/ PV mostly for blasts,
so there aren't enough for me. To conclude, we can say the flesh
of the victim is burnt because the music sounds abrasive and quite
screamy, but next time I hope they will burn the corpse to the bones. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Advertising:
VERY SPECIAL prices on cement bone prosthesis! Don't miss
this chance to get your own UNBREAKABLE and UNMOVABLE cinderblock
foundations! Contact: Bricks.mangler(a)cement-vomit.bru ++++++++++++++++++++++ https://burnvictummmmm.bandcamp.com

PATIENT (Denmark) Catenation of adversity Demo CD'09. Beware
filthy reader, for the 5 coming minutes this webzine will change
it's name to BY THE PROMO! Ah Ah! Yes, I received a not totally
well targeted promo CD, but I'm in a very nice mood so I'll try
to decently write a review... It's often the same with
these new bands who play modern brutal death/ death core/ extreme
metal (Call it as you wish, I'm not sure), I globally can listen
to their music but don't really get into what escapes the speakers...
Hopefully for my macerating tastes, their music isn't too core,
too headbreakingly complex or too gay... Globally I can say it sounds
like quite modern brutal death metal, with touches of melodies and
dissonant or heavier core stuffs from here and there... It's often
fast or blasting, with few heavier riffs and quite a lot of guitar
or tempo changes. Some moments seem to work quite well on an impact/
brutal point of view. The production is good powerful and clear
at the same time. On a matter of influences, I hear something
a little of DEVOURMENT, ZUBROWSKA, some technical Hc à la NOSTROMO
and few touches of heavier distress à la ANANDA, plus little zests
of thrashy melodic swedish death... But I guess all these names
are a bit too old styled to be make adequate quotes... What else
could I say? I'm not informed about the what's-good-and-what's-not
of this musical spectrum, but BY THE PATIENT seems to be a decent
band with correct skills, maybe a bit too clear/ scholar on some
borders, but perhaps big fans of the style would get into it? I
guess I won't soulfully get into their music until they go more
putrid and change their name for BY THE DIPHTERIA, AS WE MACERATE
or AS WE CATAPULT THE GORE IN HEAVEN, but putridity doesn't seem
to be their goal... http://www.myspace.com/weirdoldeddie
