(Pol) Demo CDr. 2011. This demo sounds a bit rushed and tastes
like a perfectible debauchery, but there's something I like about
it. A big part of the music is close to something like evil Death
metal. The first song is pumping the bottom of your sexy girlfriend
in a way close to the first CANNIBAL CORPSE album (Did they throw
her in a coffin or what? It sounds really close!), with some blasting
polish Death metal... The second one attempts to tit-cream her
an evil way, between old DEICIDE (Fast parts), old MORBID ANGEL
(Mid-paced) and some... Fast Polish death. The third track is
less entertaining, maybe they didn't watch enough porno movies the
day it was composed... It remains fast Death metal (Polish style,
if you wish), with some more "old school thrashing death"
riffs and a faster part à la old DEMENTOR at the end. Then the
fourth track tries to make it juice hard, as it's the faster one
and contains quite a lot of blasts that remind of old CENTURIAN....
There are also some more mid-paced thrashing death, some heavier
death metal and crazy leads à la old MORBID ANGEL (And more polish
death, of corpse... What did you expect?) From time to time they
use some strange beats (You know, these simple heavy/ rock drum
parts that left me wonder "What the fuck?" when I heard
GRAVE's "Soulless" for the first time) that waste some
efficiency, but hopefully it's not too often... And some riffs are
usual in the style, while some are better. This is not the most
serious demo I heard, but it contains some qualities, so the waves
of dark energy emanating from the puddle of hot pus let me imagine
a bit of effort and focus could help SACROFUCK to reach higher levels
of morbid pussy perversion. Email: michalpaplak(a)gmail.com

(Fra) Saigneur Demo CDr"09. The weather is fucking hot
turns everything much heavier! The putridity tastes fucking glued
as in the mouth of a giant tarantula... I'm trapped in the bowels
of morbidity! But I'll keep on moving my ass to support the depths
from the burning caves! SAIGNEUR (Which means bleeder in French)
plays some quite darkened brutal death metal taking influences from
the elder Death metal and injects a quite good bleeding atmosphere
in the songs. During the listening you could easily think about
old/ mid old MORBID ANGEL, NILE, mixed with early NECROPHAGIST (Demo),
a little of DEATH (Rather "Human" epoch), a bit of DISGORGE
(Us), a bit of POSSESSED (First eternally impaling album!)... Well,
I realize all in all SAIGNEUR could be quite close to the first
great album of BYATIS(R.I.P) with a little more technical early
NECROPHAGIST and a different atmosphere (To be a bit more bleedy)... It's
brutal and fast, sometimes quite technical, with quite cool leads,
but also contains more majestic parts, few heavier moments, old
styled boom/tchack boom/tchack beats... All melted together in quite
varied compositions. This first demo offers a quite cool listening
for a Death metal fan of the bleeding style, but it could be better.
"Why could it be better? Since it's before all a matter of
atmosphere..." will you ask... I feel like some riffings could
be a bit tighter, some better structures could improve the morbid
impact, and the drums sound a little strange by moments... In
my blinded bleeding cave-trapped vision it's a quite cool demo,
but I remember hearing an earlier recording on their myspace page
and it sounded much more merciless and relentless with killer skilled
drumming or brutal and burning production! So I'm convinced this
band can do much better! They plan to change moniker since a Canadian
"Seigneur sanglant" already exists (But is it really necessary?). http://www.myspace.com/saigneur666

(Turkey) Yolun sonu! - Limited tour CD. Pro printed CDr. 2008. Where
did she put her fingers to have a so blue looking face? What did
she try to insert in her menstrual-machine to look so blast-trembling
and hysteric? It seems there's no other answer... no other answer
than... SEX TOY ELECTROCUTION!!! Maybe these Turkish grinders
like to play with dildos... Anyway SAKATAT plays old school grindcore
reminding of S.O.B, ooold NAPALM DEATH, early NYCTOPHOBIC, a bit
of DEFECATION (First Lp) and stuffs like that, so you have a lot
of power chords, blast beats and crust parts... But the band seems
to gain some experience compared to previous records and builds
a bit more complex structures that make them sound a bit more modern
(Maybe like the HUTT CD or a bit of DISCORDANCE AXIS). Well,
this is the case of the newer songs, since the older ones from this
"Split Eps compilation" (Songs from vinyl splits with
Slaughter of the innocents, Archagathus, Cut your throat, plus a
new track) are more usual and also less punching. I forgot to
say there are also some mid-placed or heavy old HC touches. The
vocals are a bit too high-pitched in a screamy power-violence way
for me. Hopefully there are also death growls. Well, SAKATAT
isn't super killer yet, but I notice an improvement and more energy
since the last promo they sent. I guess it has some arguments to
please or refresh some underground grindcore fans. Their split with
SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS seems to be their coolest release yet. http://www.myspace.com/sakatat

IMPEREM (Usa) The stagnation of centuries Demo CD'08; Here
seems to come a nicely anti christian, or at least anti religious,
Death metal band that follows the paths of older hell-burnt US Death
metal bands: For most of the content, their music reminds me
of mid old INCANTATION mixed with the first album of INFAMY... Burn,
burn, jesus... burrrn! Even if the tempo isn't always focused
on the fastest beats (There are also quite a lot of slow and mid
placed parts) you often have a feeling of "fast" because
the double kicks like to sound like a marching tank of some sort...
Somewhere someone said Sanguis imperem sounds "militant"
and it's not particularly wrong... I can also feel some similarities
with FLESHTIZED or some old MORBID ANGEL, while some "Races
towards the war" of midplaced moments or some slow patterns
sound like mid old BOLT THROWER. A rawer and little black metal
aspect could remind of the first VOMITORY album "Raped in their
own blood". This demo sounds pretty intense and this band
might be cool to see live (Especially if you're a Death metal head
who like it burning the older impious US Death metal way! 666!),
I can listen with some pleasure but on a purely riffing point of
view my feelings are mixed: It tastes a bit too everheard/ common
once you know what occurred in the underground 10-14 years ago,
and some moments' intensity could be hatefully amplified... We might
need to conclude this is their very first demo, and the band is
on the right way to burn your ecclesiastic assholes to roasting
agony (And god knows how much we like roasted chicken here in France!) http://www.geocities.com/sanguisimperem

SARCATOR (Swe) Visions of
purgatory Ep. 2020. Digital. Self-released.
The last years, I didn't find as much interest in the newer Swedish metal
bands, because many wanted to sound like ENTOMBED so much (Or sometimes wanted
to be so professional) that a part of the underground fun got lost... But here
is a nice surprise for fans of energetic & old school Swedish metal.
SARCATOR is a young band from Trollhättan that plays nice "blackened"
thrash metal reminding my crucified skull of old MERCILESS (Swe), old
SWORDMASTER, or early KREATOR (Pleasure/ Terrible era), perhaps with a zest of
NIFELHEIM (Less "drunk")...
And if you want to be more underground, they share some spirit with the thrash
bands you could find in Sweden in the 2002-2006 era (LEPROZY, LETHAL, CAUSTIC
STRIKE etc...).
The songs are built on a quite energetic thrash metal basis, then you can find
some black metal influences (Fast "blast parts", screams), or touches
of death metal and even speed thrash...
There's some kind of "teenager" enthusiasm in the playing, which is
quite good to hear, for this reason they have something of the first CROWN OF
THORNS/ THE CROWN album (Even if their style is clearly more thrashing).
Well, the songs are quite well built, and some riffs sound quite catchy (And
even great), but I also find less enthusiastic points: I find the music to be a
bit more common when they tend to play closer to old school DM or 90's black
metal. Also the last two songs sound less great than the two first ones (I
don't say it's bad, but I feel less catchiness).
To conclude, SARCATOR didn't reinvent the wheel of torture, but this Ep is very
pleasant to hear, and might please the needs of those who like it thrashing,
with touches of black and death, and also with a Swedish enthusiasm.

SAVAGE REALM (Uk) Nocturnal savagery Demo tape 2016. SUPERFI Recs.
Sometimes you're so used to hear a kind of metal, that some releases create
some kind of "problem". The name of this band is death-metallic, the
cover looks so... At the first listening I felt the music was heavy and
somewhat crushing, but the way of riffing didn't suit my mind... Then another
listening made my impression somewhat clearer, there was definitely something
quite strange about the riffing... A few researches on the web, and I
understood why: SAVAGE REALM is a side project of musicians from the quite
"tortured" hardcore/ post hardcore band LICH...
I would say half of the music sounds like INCANTATION (Fast and slower) minus
the obscure atmosphere, with a couple of chaos moments à la very old BOLT
THROWER, and then half could be closer to beginning 00's post hardcore (I have
in mind the French ANANDA (R.i.p)) but it might also remind of HIS HERO IS GONE
(Which is older), with fast moments, little more "mathematic" beats,
or slower old styled Hc beats. Everyone might not really have the same
impression, coz I'm kinda a purist when it comes to defining Death metal
stuffs... The vocals are quite screamed.
The guitars are quite seriously downtuned and there's quite some heaviness. ..
But if you try to listen with the mind set on Incantation, you'll be
disappointed... It's not metal stuff for the black death world :-)
It's not a bad demo; it's a quite nice mix between obscure death and mid old
post hardcore, it might sound quite crushing live.

(Usa) Century in the boilpit Ep. 2022. Digital. Self-released. This
Ep reminds me the end 90's when I was discovering underground brutal
death, back then the styles "technical death" and "brutal
death metal" weren't clearly defined and often mixed together,
back then the releases weren't overproduced/ processed/ sterilized
until silicone petrification... And it was also more fun than it
is today... Well, enough rambling? This band from Massachusetts/
Usa plays a nice mix of brutal death, technical death and death
grind that comes with an end 90's and early 00's something... Not
sure if it's about the production (It's quite "natural")
or only the musickal influences yet... While listening I happen
to think about old CRYPTOPSY (First two albums for the drums &
some cool riffs), old SPAWN OF POSSESSION (For the technical riffs),
ALIENATION MENTALE (For the drums and the death grind aspect), some
ooold PSYCROPTIC (For a technical side) and maybe MORTAL DECAY's
first album (For some "funny" riffs... Even if this "F"
word doesn't totally fit to describe). Some peoples who are more
accustomed to this side of the spectrum might also hear some old
Canadian bands... You know, when lots of Canadian musicians used
to be more technical than the average. In my humble liquefied
opinion this is a pretty good Ep on a "pleasuring" point
of view... I can listen to this release without displeasure (It's
already a success for a modern "tech album"), the musicians
are skilled and the songs are pretty well compacted... But even
if there are cool riffs here & there, I couldn't say I was as
thrilled as the second CRYPTOPSY album or as entertained as the
first CRYPTOPSY full-length (Ok the bar is a bit high, it's true...). Anyway
fans of the style might feel like lending their hears to the scalpel,
it probably wouldn't be an unnecessary loss of hearing. https://scalpel.bandcamp.com

(Pol) Lobotomic genocide MCD. 2021. R'LYEH Recs. The sentence
"Never judge a book by its cover" might be as old as times...
It still works for me in 2022. You see, while reading the band
name SCHIZODEATH and looking at the CD cover, I expected ultra obscure
and strange brutalizing death metal from the depths of the psychopathic
caverns... Something that could be a little too heavy for your stomach
(And mental sanity) if you're not in the right mood... But that's
not the case. In fact, what you hear on this 3 songs MCD (Plus
intro and outro) is somewhat old school death/ thrash in a simpler
manner, sounding much more like the end of 80's... In fact this
is Big Bear retro mood thrash! This reminds me of SEPULTURA ("Beneath...")
for fast & slow parts, SLAYER (Rather "South of heaven"),
or METALLICA (The old albums, perhaps more precisely the 3rd one),
with some old American thrash metal bands (You know, some of these
Roadracer records "unknown bands" you found on the SPEED
KILLS compilations). To be totally honest, it's not the most
violent kind of death/ thrash they choose to play... It even sounds
a bit convenient, and closer to thrash than death metal in my volcanic
hears. I remember we had quite a lot of bands playing this style
in France 15-20 years ago, something like "relaxed" thrash
influenced by the BIG 3 (No Anthrax to be found here). This recording
is more destined to those into a retro nostalgic mood, than those
spitting blood into an epileptic assault of thrashing rage. The
spiked big bear is in a good mood, and holds you a beer. https://schizodeath.bandcamp.com

SCORCHED EARTH (Usa) Marauders Demo tape. 2013.
Damned by skulls and nuclear beers.
I expected this release to be old school death, and it seems to be at the first
rough approach (If you listen to the beginning of the first song only), but the
content shows up to be more influenced by old school thrash and crusty/ dbeat
It might sound like a mix of old SODOM, early BATHORY, EXTREME NOISE TERROR or
perhaps MOTORHEAD, with a bit more of thrash and black thrash in some corners.
It's not bad stuff, but too much based on the same kind of fast/ dbeat rhythms
for me (More breaks and tempo changes would have been cool in my book of the
dead) , and the quite heavy'n epic introduction entitled "Thy kingdom
doomed" kinda put me in conditions for heavier morbid Death metal. But as
written before it's not bad.
Those who dig this kind of simple thrash/ dbeat/ black thrash might like
listening to this (3 tracks) "cassingle" (That contains a Scepter
cover). The band split up in 2013 apparently.
Possessed by nuclear beers.
Tchernobyl addiction in the thirst.

(Hol) Osculum scrotum Demo CD'08 I'm a bit dubitative once
receiving the demo of a band called SCROTUM, even more when the
title seems to make a joke of an old HYPOCRISY album ("Osculum
obscenum"). I don't particularly like to be scrotumized, and
goat knows the process of scrotumization can be painful for your
little asshole, and isn't it another joke band? Goats inside,
goats outside. Goatfully the music isn't utter scrot, but lies somewhere
between brutal death and Death metal. Think about stuffs like CANNIBAL
and touches of old (But not early) GOD DETHRONED. Even though
it's not a German band, when I listened this demo I would have bet
they were, because they're quite close to the typical German Death/
brutal death, with a bit more US influences on the corners. The
sound makes them seem a bit like ROTTING on the "Crushed"
CD, especially for the drums, but guitars tend to go to the CANNIBAL
CORPSE/ DEFLORATION/ Brutal red atmosphere way. Nothing new,
or especially killer, but this demo has its goat-punching moments
and parts of intensity. It could please undergoat fans and crush
some milk bottles during gigs. http://www.scrotum.tk

(Israel) III Ep. 2023. Digital. Self-released. This band
split up in 2023, but I'll review this Demo/ Ep anyway... After
all they might come back to the front in a few months: This is how
it works with many bands projects nowadays: Clandestine, uncertain,
no tomorrow... And you can kinda hear it in the feeling of this
recording. This is pretty aggressive grindcore/ death grind an
old way, with some elderly punk Hc parts. In my rusty hears,
it sounds like a mix of PHOBIA (Usa... The Eps), with some early
NAPALM DEATH's peel sessions, a bit of early BOLT THROWER (Death
grind epoch), some old DISCHARGE... And probably more old grind/
early powerviolence that is inserted by force in your suffering
mouth (Argh). There's something quite old school in the "structures",
maybe it's not so focused on "blast beat only" to the
contrary of some recent grind, or perhaps I have this impression
of "freedom" due to the somewhat live recording, it was
perhaps not live recorded but it was probably captured in one take
in the studio. The production is quite raw/ aggressive, but it
remains clear enough if you're used to old grindcore recordings
(Phew, I'm not too old for this noise!) This Ep is not really
my favorite release in the style, but it remains quite punching
and enjoyable. There's some aggression & live energy here. SCUD
should be worth seeing live in an "inside out" bar (AhAh) https://scudxschur.bandcamp.com

SHIT (Usa) Sea of shit Ep. 2011. Self-released. Massive
artificial brain failure. Trapped in concussion. Global transplants-rejecting
convulsions. Explosions/ Implosions/ Explosions/ Implosions in
systematic reversal. S.O.S... S.O.S... S.O.S... Are you receiving?
is fucked. Pessimistic fucked music. Mostly Grindcore/ Powerviolence,
with some heavy Hc sludge and old school chaotic hardcore in between. The
blasting parts are kicking, not bad. Some moments of noisy "larsen
and chaos fiesta" are not bad either. The sudden changes
in structures could remind of old noisecore sometimes. I'm not
fond of the main vocals, seems he's shouting in a megaphone, sounds
a bit too political for me. The second half of the demo contains
more "dbeat" rhythms I don't like so much. This is
a bit too much of a pessimism, concrete and cement rumble in my
face, probably not prescribed for metallers, but S.O.S could turn
on fans of intense sounding Grindcore/ PV/ Hardcore from the Core
side of things. S.O.S... S.O.S... Failed to transmit. http://seaofshit.bandcamp.com

OF SUFFERING (Usa) Annihilation race MCD. Self released. 2010. Waves
of the enormous ugly bitch. Bizarre surfing on mountains of obesity. Energetic
zigzagging between sudden ups and low of the lard. Average promo
CD reviewing. This American band plays a kind of Death metal
that could be defined as rather close to the mid old American genre,
with elements of more "satanic" blasting death, elements
of black metal, touches of early Brutal death... And something from
the old Morrisound genre, both in the spirit and production... At
times it reminds quite a lot of DEICIDE (Old and not so old), while
you can hear some blasting moments to be around MORTEM (Peru) or
ooold MORBID ANGEL, and some riffs to be closer to BRUTALITY (But
with fewer of melodic and technical arrangements), and something
nearer to VITAL REMAINS (On "Dawn of the apocalypse").
I could add a bit of MORTA SKULD ("As humanity fades"...
For some mid-paced, and kind of production) and INFESTDEAD. The
black metal influences could roughly remind of some old DARK FUNERAL
or a bit of very early MARDUK (While a bit of early IMMORTAL can
be felt, but in minor portions). The rhythms are varied, sometimes
fast, sometimes mid-paced, sometimes blasting and sometimes slow...
The vocals are also varied, some not too repetitive low death growls
and high-pitched screams, and it tries to be quite "spectacular"
or something... I could listen to this kind of Death metal, the
atmosphere fits the genre and the songs' construction is quite compact,
but some problems more or less turn me off depending on my location
in the obese surfing (Some riffs sound a bit too simple or ever
heard, for example one in the first song is too close to a BAPHOMET
track to be swallowed, or some black metal influences could go away
without problem...). On a matter of listenership, the main problem
for this band could be their music is quite out of fashion: On one
hand it doesn't fit the various nowadays' standards, on the other
hand it's not old school enough to belong to a revival of some kind...
But taking trends or not in account, I think my conclusion will
remain: It's an average demo with both qualities and defects...
Some peoples will like it, some won't... http://www.seasonofsuffering.com

(Fra) Light out Demo CD. 2018. Self-released.
Septentrional Depths is a new doom death metal band from France, I received
their first demo as a promotional item to review, and I knew it wouldn't be
easy to achieve because I'm not very accustomed to this style. Yes, this is the
very slow kind of doom death, while I'm used to more dynamic kinds of metal.
But sometimes the natural elements that could be seen as a disturbance can also
help, here we had a couple of days with a very hot weather, and the crushing
warmness kinda helped to set my mind in the right "elongated" mental
To describe the style a bit more precisely, I would say the band evolves
between the very slow doom death quoted before, old school death doom in a
regular manner, and dark ambient moments that can appear in between (Or in the
middle) of songs.
For the slowest riffings, I can't really compare due to a lack of precise
knowledge, but even if the playing is really slow I wouldn't say the guitars
sound monolithic... Perhaps it has more to do with feelings of emptiness,
infinite boredom, and visions to be more detached from the speed of everyday'
Then you can find mid-paced to slow old school death doom moments that really
remind me of very early ASPHYX (It can be "The rack", but would be
even closer to "Embrace the death" because of the deaf sound and
cavernous death metal growls). A bit of (Slow) INCANTATION wouldn't be a really
misplaced quote, even if "Incantation" becomes a common word in my
reviews AhAh.
Then you have dark ambient moments, it's often very quiet and can sound
"relaxing", you can also find small early industrial influences (For
the use of iron percussion for example).
While the more death-metallic moments can sound nice in my necrotic skull, I
can't really judge for the slower moments. Then I sometimes noticed something
isn't always really tight at the level of drum-playing or guitars, this is
something they could improve for next recording.
Listening to the first track/ Introduction, I thought the whole could be
running on my nerves because of repetitiveness, but hopefully most of the songs
don't play on the repetitive side to create some doom atmosphere.
This is a first recording with both positive points and less interesting
moments, this remains a quite "special" style as far as I'm
concerned, but I think big fans of underground doom death might find some
interest here if they aren't against some imperfections.

EXCREMENTS (Singapore) Demo 2023. Digital. Self-released. This
is quite intense sounding grindcore/ deathgrind/ blastasfuck! After
a noisy intro full of dysfunctional subterranean sounds comes the
testicle punishment. A grinding mix of old SUBLIME CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION,
old INHUME (Minus the gore), and maybe some old NAPALM DEATH's "F.e.t.o"
for a more classical grind side... The whole with a production to
be a bit more noisy and underground, but it's a demo and this is
not a problem: Noise is your master :) I previously quoted two
“gore” bands, but they should be taken in account for their brutality
not for their gore side, because there's not much of gore to be
found here: It's brutal grindcore with a blastasfuck side. If
you're into more obscure bands I might quote FIEND or maybe (maybe)
((maybe)) HATEWAVE's demo. This release is a bit short and contains
only 3 tracks, but this is enough to feel the intensity... Ok,
nothing NEW here, but what did you expect? Peoples into relentless
blasting grindcore might dig it... So take your favorite shovel,
and dig your grave! Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHLLL4Fwm3c

FROST (Swe) Frozen entrapement Demo tape. 2019. DYRKA DÖDEN
Recs. Thornicus Doomicus Metallicus. This new Swedish
band plays pretty cool underground death doom in a quite old fashioned
manner. The content of this tape is quite "varied" into
the various kinds of death doom you could find during the 90's:
Some slow tempos, some mid-paced parts, a couple of "groovy"
beats, some lighter moments, and even a few thrashing accelerations.
This could somewhat sound like a mixture of early PARADISE LOST
(Not the first album), early CELTIC FROST (For the mid-paced, some
doomy, and a couple of "punk" moments), a bit of early
MY DYING BRIDE, perhaps some SORROW ("Hatred & disgust"),
and some more 2nd/ 3rd grade doom outfits no one knows... The
label compared their music to WINTER, I could agree in part only
if you're talking about a less extreme variation, that would be
less suffocating... Because SEPULCHRAL FROST is not playing the
most extreme kind of death doom, they even sound a bit light/ "melodic"
by moments (Partly due to the quite clear production). I also
sometimes found similarities with ASPHYX's "God cries"
album for some blackened riffs (Yes, this wasn't the typical Asphyx
release) When you listen to this tape, you hear some riffs that
are quite cool to hear, and the whole isn't unpleasant... But some
guitars are a little too simple or "easy" (If that’s the
word), and I will repeat myself but I feel like the content sounds
a bit too "light" for doom by moments... So I think
more experience in composition will probably help them to plant
the crosses deeper in the burial ground, to extract a more intense
sour juice of the mourning dead. https://sepulchral-frost.bandcamp.com

(Ger) Back from the dead Demo CDr'07. Eventhough this German
band doesn't play the typically German brutal death many peoples
don't like very much because it's "heavy on your stomach",
but rather choose something like "old death black metal",
SEQUESTER has something from this german heavy brutus state of mind,
if you see what I mean... It sounds quite "obese", relaxed
and not particularly cerebral. When I received this demo, I expected
something more savage and burning, but it's not so extreme or morbid
in fact... It could be somewhere between the cool no-brain-shaking
Death metal and the too convenient riffs... The first song reminds
me some old DERANGED albums I didn't like very much (With a bit
more blasts maybe). The second track sounds like a mixture between
"black'n roll" and some early SIX FEET UNDER. The third
tune is a bit more 'melodic', between a death thrashing manner and
overdriven arpeggios like DEATH(?) or IMMORTAL's last records, with
few nice fast tormented riffs. The fourth song begins like some
early black death metal à la early GOD DETHRONED (Second album),
and kinda keeps this vibe but with less "Swedish melodies";
some nice blasting moments sound quite ventral. The 5th song is
mid placed, between some BAPHOMET/ SIX FEET UNDER and black metal
stuffs... The last song is fast, with some fast MASSACRE alike riffs... SEQUESTER
plays relax week-end Death metal with influences from neighbor styles,
there's no will to be over the top nor to surprise you with killer
guitars, even though some quite tormented pure-Death riffs occur
to show their crooked noses... Sometimes it works quite cool with
some of the riffs, while half of the time it doesn't turn me on
because of too much convenience (And maybe black metal influences?).
I would have found their music to be much more intense and interesting
if they threw away the mid-placed or black metal influences, to
work only with the tormented or quite dark, obese, or faster Death
metal riffs... I see no use for these early SIX FEET UNDER alike
parts that can only bore me for example... I feel like SEQUESTER
can currently be a cool band for local supporters, to check their
tunes during gigs etc, but not much more... http://www.sequester-music.de

(Philippines) We are brutality Demo CDr'06. NOISE RIFFS Recs. It's
time to insert my venomous penis in the rotting pile of promos! This
brutal demo was catapulted in my anti-atomic mailbox few weeks ago,
and the level of playing is higher than the rotting average Philippines
used to feed our putrid hears with... What you hear is mostly influenced
by KRISIUN, fast and revengeful Death metal that's riding the soniferous
limit of blast beats most of the time, but also embraces some mid-placed
in the "military/ ready for war" manner. There are also
few thrash elements à la ooold SLAYER, some early DEICIDE's satanic
touches, and quite bestial solos that could avulse à la BESTIAL
WARLUST. Listening to this demo, I can feel some anger; And some
epic riffing isn't bad, which lets me think it's not a bad piece
of subterranean revenge. Now the production remains quite raw,
it has some power but the hears addicted to honey-honey metal recordings
won't easily understand everything... On one hand it adds some extremism
and underground appeal to the whole, on the other hand it's a bit
hard to get the riffs sometimes... Now SERVORUM isn't very original,
the style is very close to KRISIUN and affiliates; I guess it could
instantaneously petrify the potential listeners who got an upset
stomach on brazideath... And the putrid reviewer I am would like
to really hear every riffs to judge of the riffing quality of the
whole, because I can't give a precise opinion about it. I feel like
the intensity decreases after a while, but can't analyze it to certainty. So,
to conclude I'll say maybe fans of the KRISIUN/ War metal styles,
whose heads are stuck in the underblocks of the underground, could
like it. And to conclude the conclusion, I'll write "SEVORUM"
sounds a little funny once you read it in French phonetics, something
like "BRAIN RUM' or the brain full of rum... Alright, there
are many pirates in Philippines! http://www.myspace.com/servorum

(Australia) Coup de grâce Demo'06. After a mid-placed intro
that sounds like what I remember of DESTROYER 666 (Oh well... 1998
era), the music begins... And what you get is what you might deserve:
Old school thrash metal with speed metal influences. This especially
reminds me of early KREATOR ("Endless pain") for the quite
savage thrash riffings, the vocals, and quite punkish speed metal
sonorities. Later you'll also have few more black metal/ heavy metal
riffs that wouldn't have disfigured an old DESTROYER 666 song, some
ancient metal influences (Almost melodic, but far from the pink
gay hemorrhoids), almost rock'n roll touches, but most of the music
remains brewed by thrash. I appreciate the fact SHACKLES sounds
more convinced and alive than on their first demo, but something
bothers me: I'm not sure if it's due to a tightness problem (It
might be a bit too rawly played by moments, or the drummer might
be a bit too technical) or some hesitations in structures... Anyway,
there are some quite cool moments that could deserve to be arranged
a more impressive way... They seem to try to write real songs, so
it might improve in the future... Apart from the too "raw"
aspect, this is a cool demo that might please the hears of underground
maniacs whose minds are definitely locked in the past. Vapors
of alcohol are emanating from there. Who said alcohol?? Shocking!!! http://www.shackles.tk

(Usa) This is not for you Demo 2014. Self-released. As they
pile up perpaings. As they juxtapose the means of mental erosion. As
they build meters high walls of ignorance and close-mindedness. Someone
has to react and collapse it all. This band plays death grind...
I mean DEATH GRIND the way we knew it. While the frenetic drums
have something of early CRYPTOPSY (First two albums!) and old PIGSTY
("The return"), the guitars have something of straightforward
grindcore/ death grind and something more "brutal death"...
Or should I say "The brutal death released more than 10 years
ago that wasn't complex for useless reasons"! And so it might
remind of a less technical DISGORGE (Usa), with touches of PYREXIA,
and "heavier" motivated moments not so far from old MISERY
INDEX.... Yet with a more angry state of mind that draws them closer
to power-violence by moments. I read on a blog the instruments
were recorded live, this would explain a part of the frenzy (The
drummer is faster than a bunch of trigger-addicts anyway... And
it's not a computerized sound, it's nice to hear little variations
on the level of each snare hit, if you see what I mean...) I
imagine some peoples might also hear old ALIENATION MENTAL here.
On a purely emotional point of hammer, I couldn't say I was
catched by the riffs or felt the "big deal", but there's
some more than decent brutality in there and it's nice to hear a
quite frenetic drumming that sounds like real drum-playing. A
straight stroke of shovel on your balls, perfect to wake up in the
morning. https://shroudma.bandcamp.com

SILURE (Fra) Route de
troche Demo CD. 2019. ANTINOMIE Recs.
Comme le vomi sempiternel et moyen-ageux remplira vos anses,
Les têtes tranchées de ceux jugés comme impies réciteront les psaumes du
maudit, dans l'éternité.
SILURE is a new death metal band from France, and
they come with this first demo (That contains two songs and a cover).
At the first approach they reminded me a wave of death metal we often
experienced in France 10-15 years ago, something like a quite
"brutal" kind of death metal, yet that remained quite obscure and
But with a bit more of listening impropagation, the style appears to be a
little different,
I find more "blackened" influences and the music is also more old
school influenced than what I had in mind.
Listening to these two songs I happen to think about OSSUAIRE, MERCYLESS
(France/ The last albums), early ANGEL CORPSE (Not so devilish) or maybe
SANGUIS IMPEREM... And perhaps some polish death metal wouldn't be misplaced.
As a bonus you get a cover of the band S.O.D.
This is a quite good/ cool first recording. I would need a bit more of
substance to really have an opinion about their style and qualities, but this
demo can be a quite good underground visit card.

Demo'18. Digital. Self-released.
Welcome to the cave! This band rising from the graves of the darkest cemeteries
of San Antonio, Texas, plays old school death metal in the quite simple and
"thrashing" manner.
Do not expect a lot of fancy melodico technical riffs, this is old death metal
in an end 80's/ early 90's manner that can remind of early DEATH (First two Lps
only), with some old GRAVE (Fast and heavier parts), some old MASSACRE, a bit
of early OBITUARY, then a touch of early MORGOTH for more epic melodies, or a
little of old DEICIDE in little more satanic or blasting parts.
The content finally occurs to be a little more varied and colored than a hammer
blow in the face, you can find touches of epicness, or some (heavier) parts
even remind me of BRUTALITY's "Ruin of humans" MCD (Less technical).
Hmm, for a reason located in the riffs, or atmosphere, they also remember me of
ENCABULOS from Australia (Probably the "Dark divinity" Demo tape).
There is nothing new or orgasmically killer here, but nothing sounds wrong and
the whole is morbidly pleasant to listen to.
SLAUGHTER WITCH isn't currently over the top of the hill of rotting skulls, but
what they offer is cool old school death metal in the old manner, it could
please fans of the style who aren't against an underground appeal.
SLAUGHTERDAY (Ger) Ravenous Demo tape. 2014. DEFYING
This is very Swedish influenced Death metal. But hopefully you'll find more
thickness à la ooold GRAVE or juicy slime grooviness à la old AUTOPSY, because
too much of ENTOMBED/ DISMEMBER reheating can severely damage the furnace.
You'll find some stuffs to enjoy in the present moment, when you're in the mood
to feel old school Death metal with some fat and lard, there are some nice
atmospheres and quite cool riffs... But I didn't find much particularly
This said, some little-more-melodic guitars give a touch of EDGE OF SANITY (Or
perhaps mid old GOREFEST?) and might make a little difference from the usual
The production is quite cool and quite heavy.
I find the first two songs to be better than the two later ones (That include
an Acheron cover...Never got into this band even though they got the quarter of
a cult status).
The guitarist used to play in OBSCENITY, I don't hear many common points (But
my last meeting with this German band was probably at the end 90's, so...).
Due to some online praises I expected more depths and thrills from
SLAUGHTERDAY, but this remains a cool/ quite cool Demo/ Ep to check in the present

(Uk) Slave Demo 2013. Self-produced. SLAVE TO THE BRICKS SLAVE
new releases on Bandcamp following the "Grindcore" keyword,
the demo of this English band kinda stood out... Even if the music
is not really my style, something caught the attention of my internal
"grindometer". What you can find in the concrete mixer
is something like "fast hardcore" and "slow hardcore".
Oh, yes, in the middle of the sand and water your fingers can feel
something like old school grindcore, old school hardcore, crustcore
and fastcore, the whole melted with more or less "illogical"
structures that happen to take from Powerviolence (It's not THAT
fucked and doesn't sound like mathcore or whatever... It's rather
some structures are not so usual, or perhaps some songs are very
short). I initially thought it was old school grind for real,
because some of the riffs are quite straight to the point, but there's
quite a lot slower hardcore moments the "older" way (Some
of these almost tend to sludge by moments.) The production is
quite cool, it's a bit heavier than the usual grind records, yet
not relapsified. Some grindcore parts are nice, it blasts and sounds
quite intense/ energetic. I know the content will sound angry
and ugly enough for underground brutallizers. But there's too
much of HC for the cement mixer could vomit a really intense concrete,
I would have enjoyed this demo better if there had been more blastbeats.
Now this is my own perception, I have never been a fan of hardcore
(Except for grind) and I still think there's "something"
inside. This might be a cool demo for fans of the style. UP THE
PERPAINGS! http://slavepv.bandcamp.com

(Australia) Sluggard Demo 2014. Tape. ABYSMAL SOUNDS Recs. The
zombies circle in a vomit fiesta. Swallow your neighbor’s regurgitation.
Repuke it back. No loss of radioactive intestinal matters. This
is the infernal vomit recycling.
The style of this Australian
band changed a bit since the previous demo, while the whole remains
influenced by old school thrash (SLAYER "Hell awaits"
or early POSSESSED for example, if you call it thrash), there's
an appearance of "crust" à la old MASTER/ REPULSION and
the whole became a bit more extreme (With touches of grind for example). There
are also slow moments that could remind of the old mid-paced BATHORY
(Or does he like VENOM? Nope, it's not the same...) or perhaps some
mid old ENTOMBED ("Uprising") The songs are a bit more
complex than what I remembered, with more riffs, it's nice since
the changes come in a quite good manner. This is a solo project,
but you wouldn't notice... The playing doesn't sound cold, but rather
warm compared to usual solitary pleasures. While listening I
also thought about old RIGOR MORTIS (Usa) or NIHILIST (Swe). I
went back to my review of the previous demo, and saw the first track
was also the best one... So I guess the Sluggard guy is conscious
about what he's metallically doing (Perhaps we'll get a compilation
of first songs in 8 years when he has released 8 demos.. This could
turn into a very nice best of album AhAh) SLUGGARD remains a
cool project, it could please fans of underground thrash/ death
in a quite old school manner that could come with more morbidity
than usual thrash. https://abysmalsounds.bandcamp.com/

(Australia) Sluggard Demo tape. 2010. ABYSMAL SOUNDS Recs. Underground
is ultra fukked, only the music remains... So let's write a little
review. SLUGGARD is a one man project from Australia that plays
something like Thrash metal, with a little bonus of morbidity you
do not hear so often in the thrashing recordings. The first song
"With the flies" mostly reminds me of SLAYER ("Hell
awaits"), with a bit of POSSESSED ("Seven churches")
for some very early Death metal touches. It has fast parts, mid-paced
moments and varies enough to avoid boring you as an ugly bear. The
vocals are a bit harsher and more extreme than usual thrash. The
second track, "Scurvy", is the bad point: It's always
mid-paced or slow... Where's the accelerating button? We come
back to faster music with the third song entitled "Trotting
cob" that begins in a fast blasting manner… Is it black metal
or a reminding of INCUBUS ("Serpent temptation")? This
track is still like old underground thrash, with enough fast parts,
but fewer of SLAYER emerges. The last song "Too good to
rat" also reminds me of old SLAYER ("Hell awaits"),
with some NIHILIST and other ooold rotten demo stuffs from the past...
Not bad, but the opening song was better. You probably noticed
I quote SLAYER quite often in this review, maybe unreasonably… This
might be due to the fact I listen to fewer and fewer thrash metal,
and my knowledge of this genre tends to erase itself… (At least
it could remind you old old zines from the 80’s when every bands
sounded like Slayer AhAh) This tape could be a nice demo for
underground freaks who are a lot into morbid thrash/ very early
Death metal... It's not the brutal gangbang yet, and every songs
aren't as nice as the first one, but when I hear this first track
I imagine SLUGGARD could turn into a cool project in the future.
Email: thesluggard(a)hotmail.com

(Usa) Play faster Demo CD. 2022. Self-released. I was browsing
Youtube and searching for grindcore demos, then I saw one described
as "Drum'n bass grindcore" and started imagining a crazy
mix of electronic jungle/ drum'n bass/ techno beats with extreme
guitars, screams and blastbeats (Perhaps like Ahumado Granujo, but
with more electronics)... But then I listened, and this was only
a very first degree description of the sound "Drum & bass
grindcore": Understand played a regular way with only a drum
kit and a bass guitar... So I felt a bit perplexed, and went searching
for something else in the grind world... I'm now listening to
another band, it's the demo of SNAGG from Houston/ Texas which plays
underground and noisy grindcore the old way. It reminds me of very
early SUBLIME CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION (First demos… Without the
gore vocals), DESECRATOR (Fra)'s old demos, with a bit of early
NYCTOPHOBIC (Before the albums) and a bit of early grind NAPALM
DEATH's live bootlegs. The recording is quite raw & noisy,
which gave a noisegrind feeling of old noisegrind ANALCUNT... But
in fact the music has more to do with old 90's underground grind,
perhaps with a little of powerviolence. This is pretty decent
stuff you would have enjoyed to check out in your old noisy cassette
walkman in the 90's. I guess it could work for some grinders in
2023. https://snagg.bandcamp.com

(Can) Stubborn Demo tape. 2020. SORDID BIN Recs. Do you need
a massive kick in the ass? Then SNARLER might satisfy your needs.
This band brutalizes "Power violence/ Grind/ Fast hardcore"
in the rehearsal rooms of Halifax/ Canada... Well, to my hears they
sound more like grindcore, with more seldom touches of PV/HC here
& there, because it's not as rawly produced & screamy as
usual Power "Flower violence" (Hum, where's the morbid
florist?). Ok, this doesn't bother me: You hear fast, short songs,
with angry vocals, a good portion of real blast-beats, and few touches
of crust, HC, sludgey HC... The drums are quite present in the
mix, it's cool: This and the quite "heavy" snare sound
gives the whole a taste of old grindcore/ death grind. It reminds
me of old BLOCKHEADS, MASSIVE CHARGE (Fra), perhaps old INHUME (For
the brutality, there's no gore here) and perhaps very early NYCTOPHOBIC
(Before the albums). Well, perhaps the music is a little too
hardcore or sludgey for me sometimes (Only a little), and I must
confess I have been more listening to the quite ferocious drummer
than the riffs itselves, so I can't really judge on all the riffings
AhAh. Well, not bad, not bad. This is quite brutal and blasting
stuffs. This would probably be great to check out SNARLER live in
a local bar, but unfortunately there are currently no gigs... https://snarler.bandcamp.com

OUT (Usa) Ep 2020. Tape. MORBID AND MISERABLE Recs. Are
you snuffing glue while watching sniff movies? Are you telling
me to stop reversing words? Enuff is Enuff? SNUFFED OUT is
a nice and new grind band from Michigan/ Usa. Their songs are
quite old school, in the sense it reminds me the old days of the
style... But in fact the musick isn't pure grind, I'd rather describe
the snuff as a mix of old grind and crustcore parts (There are also
a few death metal riffs here & there). Perhaps it's time
to stuff the snuff with a list of name-stuffing: I hear some early
NAPALM DEATH (Rather "F.E.T.O"), FIEND (Usa), maybe DEBONED
(Canada) or perhaps old INHUME (Minus the gore... And it's not as
violent). Personally I would prefer to hear more blastbeats in
the style, but this is stuffed how it is snuffed. This is a nice
and neat Ep in the style, might please fans of grind and fastcore. GxLxUxEx
OUTSIDE. https://snuffedout.bandcamp.com


(Usa) Dead space Ep. 2024. Digital. Self-released. EXTERMINATION
What you have
here is underground death metal in a quite ugly and old school manner. While
I felt some old AUTOPSY cracking the skull and dripping in this
bowel, I also heard some old GRAVE crepitating in the perforated
stomach, and some remains of early ENTOMBED (First Lp) are also
punching the stomachs of the maggots. For some reasons, some fast
parts remind me of REPULSION (The dbeat drums is what I have in
mind, and perhaps some "sick" riffs). Some readers
will say to themselves: This looks like a quite very old school
and repulsive "cryptic menu"... But you also can find
touches of old "grind" and early brutal death on the later
songs (A track at the end really tastes like Cannibal Corpse's first
album)... But this remains old influences anyway ahah. It seems
this Ep was recorded "Live" in their cavern & I dig
it: You can feel more energy than on these semi-mainstream plastic
superproductions of boredom (HAIL THE PUTRID BOWEL!). Now I have
teased and tasted the worms from the front, from behind, and in
every holes, it's time to somewhat criticize the whole: This isn't
very original music, this is very much in the style of the old school
bands I quoted (and I don't blame them for that... These are bands
I enjoy!), I also feel the first half of the Ep is better while
the second half is perhaps not as "Straight to the corpse"
(Or not as energetic). Anyway, if you're a fan of underground
death metal you might/ could/ will enjoy the energy & heaviness
of SODOMY! TILL ONLY THE UGLIEST REMAINS! https://sodomy408.bandcamp.com

SOIL OF IGNORANCE (Canada Dry) Grindwinter Demo tape. 2012.
Self-released. This is quite kicking shit, dude. S.O.I. plays old school grindcore in a way I like, with influences of
old NAPALM DEATH (Steer/ Dorian era), not sold old REGURGITATE (Minus the gore)
for grinding examples, and a bit more "modern" influences for very
short blast parts. There's a good dose of fast grinding moments, some quite motivated dbeat
drums and a few other rhythms. I don't hear all the riffs so well because of the quite raw (But still
brutal/ heavy enough) production, but I like the straight to the point
structures, brutal breaks and the drums that can be quite kicking.
***Wait a minute, bandcamp has problems to stream the following song... Will
you fuckers stop downloading on Saturday morning and let me review by
This is regular old school grind, but done with some energy and aggression, so
I can dig the UPS express corpse package. You can download it
for free, so insert your penis in the slot and press the "CUT"
button! http://soilofignorance.bandcamp.com

EROSION (Usa) Demo 2024. Digital. Self-released. This
band isn't the french SOUL EROSION that released only a MCD in 2001,
and might be remembered only by underground death metal fans...
This new SOUL EROSION is a project from California, Usa, and their
music is influenced by old death metal waves. Their songs clearly
have 90's influences, but maybe the music isn't as totally old school
as you'd expect: It takes both from early Floridian DM, from some
old technical death of the old days, with touches of a more evil
death metal, and perhaps even remains of early "brutal death"...
So this isn't "pure old fashioned thrashing death". I
appreciate the 90's spirit that comes out from some of the music,
there are cool parts and nice ideas at the level of the guitars,
but my opinion about the whole remains unclear: Perhaps there's
a bit too much of guitar knitting by moments, or perhaps the cavernous
vocals tend to be monotonous? I'm not sure yet... I know some
readers will start to wonder if I'm writing a bad review, but it's
not the case, things aren't black or white. Here some riffs have
a cool 90's vibe of "death metal relief", I found nice
moments to sound like early 90's technical death (We called it "Techno
death" in France back then), but I'm not sticking to the whole... After
taking a bit of distance, I think I found what that bothered me:
This might be the fact the bass guitar is quite loud in the mix,
and makes the guitars quite "unclear" sounding (This idea
is quite surprising to me since I used to be a bassist, and never
thought about a bass guitar to be too loud ahah... But that might
be it). Anyway, to try and conclude more clearly, I think SOUL
DEVOURER is a project that could please some 90's death metal fans
who aren't against some old "technical" parts, but that
can also improve some aspects of their music to bring more pleasure
to the listeners. Let more peoples enter the pleasure dome :) https://soulerosion.bandcamp.com

Sovereign Demo. 2019. Digital.
I am the lord of alcohol free beer.
I am the king of soreless depravations.
I never involve, give of my person, neither face any risks.
I am the normal, modern, extremely smooth an unaggressive metal music listener.
SOVEREIGN is a new Norwegian band that plays pretty sweet death/ thrash metal
in a quite old styled manner. You can think about old PESTILENCE (Rather the
first Lp), old SLAYER (Rather "Reign in blood"), with some old
AUDIOPAIN for more technical riffs, and touches of AURA NOIR for thrashing
"crazy" guitars.
This demo of SOVEREIGN reminds me the first album of BLOODY SIGN for the old
metal influences, the production and somewhat of a "rigid" aspect in
the playing (But perhaps they have fewer black metal influences here). There
might also be a bit of MORGOTH ("Cursed") when they get slower, but
their main appeal is for the thrashing riffs, with a blackened touch.
This demo is quite neat to listen to, the songs are quite well built and the
(various) riffs fall quite well together... Now if you are searching for an old
school atmosphere, this might not be your graveyard alley: The music is rather
cold, quite kicking, but it remains "cold" (Perhaps like black
I can't say I was gut-enthralled by these 4 songs, but this is pretty well made
and kicking in the style, so those who dig thrashing metal with a blackened
touch might be interested.

(Ita) Horror, chaos, death MCD. 2021. NECROLATRY Recs. As
the morbid bowels keep on exploding, the sounds of the crepitating
& macerating cadavers we rejoice. In filth, crass, and dismantled
body parts. The town of Palermo is known for its ham (“Jambon”
in French), but I hope the guys of this new band don’t work in this
food industry (Or gore surprises might appear in your dish AhAh). This
first Ep contains pretty cool old school death in an early 90’s
manner. It reminds me of early AUTOPSY (Vocals & heaviness),
DR SHRINKER (Fast parts), old NECROPHAGIA (First album “Season of
the dead” only), or a bit of DEATH (“Leprosy” or the first one),
with a few blastbeats kinda in the ATROCITY (Usa) grind spirit.
I also felt perhaps a bit of very early CANNIBAL CORPSE (First album,
for some gore or sense of absurdity)... SPASTICUS doesn’t necessarily
provide the same level of juicy greatness than the bands quoted
before, but I dig their early 90’s atmosphere and spirit. I
also like the quite “heavy” guitar production and quite “fat” snare
drum. Now perhaps some riffs are a little too simple for my necro-libidinal
needs sometimes, but the musicians seem to be pretty “young”, so
they have the time to let the chunks of the dead macerate in parasitic
frenzy. This is a quite cool band to follow for fans of 90’s Death
metal/ Death metal/ Death grind. MACERATE. PENETRATE. CREPITATE. https://spasticus.bandcamp.com

(Ecuador) Impure goat worship Demo tape. 2022. ARS FUNEBRIS/ EVIL
second demo of this Ecuadorean band is quite old school, so I have
to plug the elder crackling tape player to enhance the necro/ retro
experience! Their style is old school black thrash, with elements
of old black metal and “black death”, the whole in the 80’s/ very
early 90’s tradition(s). Reading the band name you might imagine
an orgy of bestial blastbeats, but most of the rhythms are thrashing…
And it doesn’t displease my metallic hears! The music reminds
me of a cocktail between the first SARCOFAGO album (“Inri”… For
the spirit), some very early evil SODOM (“In the sign of evil”),
the very “metal” riffs of DEATH INVOKER (Especially from the tape
I released), the most thrashing parts of old ABSU (Perhaps less
“technical”), then also perhaps some old DESASTER (Ger) or some
SARAM (This is the deep underground touch)... I also happened
to think about the old MARDUK “Live in Germania” album for the most
thrashing parts, but maybe it has more to do with the production
than the music itself. The first two tracks (And metallic intro)
sound great, this is quite catchy and punching stuff. Then there’s
also a bonus song recorded live, the production is “deafer” but
remains ok (This song has a stronger 90’s BM vibe). This is a
quite great sounding demo, for fans of thrashing and spiked blackened
METAL. Now, shut the mouth and swallow… The SPERMOGOAT! https://www.facebook.com/Spermogoat

(Usa) Born in the crypt Demo tape. 2021. NECROLATRY Recs. One
zombie, two zombies, three zombies, dancing the one-legged decapitated
dance, in the womb. This 3-legged outfit from Pen(i)sylvania
plays pretty nice old school death metal with influences of thrash. The
early aural approach gave me an impression of a quite very necro
thrashing death à la early DEATH (First Lp), AUTOPSY or NIHILIST...
But with a more careful listening you hear more influences of old
thrash metal from the 80's popping up (I think about old NUCLEAR
ASSAULT, EXODUS' first album, or maybe even DARK ANGEL's first Lp...
The third and fourth songs are perhaps the most thrashing on a matter
of riffs, but it always comes with DM vocals and a quite uglier
sound/ atmosphere). Sometimes it feels like a motorheadish touch
is here and could remember of ENTOMBED ("Uprising"), but
that's perhaps partly due to the quite present overdriven bass guitar. Small
portions of very early PESTILENCE's acid guitars and old MASTER
(Early 90's punching stuffs) also made an appearance in my morning
porridge. Ok, zombie saliva slurpers, this demo is not the big
revelation of the year (2021), but it's still pretty cool to absorb
and might embalm the decrepited remains of old, quite ugly death
and thrash metal fans. https://spesimin.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Thrash N Splash Demo tape. 2010. SKULLFUCKING METAL Recs. Spewtilator
is a strange name... If you read it with the abstract delirium in
mind, it sounds like "VOMIT VENTILATOR! The mighty ventilator
that throws puke in everyone's face!"... Uh? So is the
music sick? It begins in a nice splashing manner: Motivated thrash
metal with appearances of short citron crushing blasts, and death
grind attacks with deep vocals that make it disjoncted like old
EXHUMED! This first track is short and it kicks. The following
songs are less compressed and pulp splashing, it's more along a
classical thrash metal manner with touches of death and death grind,
yet with something quite fucked in mind (Compared to regular thrash).
It still has the quite "strange" screamy vocals and deeper
vox, and it's ok underground stuff, but I feel less sickness to
press the fucking citron until total pulp explosion. So SPEWTILATOR
has shown their abilities to exhume the pulp, let's see how they
evolve in the fucked future. http://www.myspace.com/spewtilator

HOLOCAUST (Fin) Salute the death MCD. 2010. Self-released. I'm
not sure if this demo arrived at the best address... This is rather
mid-paced Death metal, tending to something quite doomy... And I'm
not a fan of this Death metal that remains mid-paced with quite
a lot of double kicks... This could remind of some BOLT THROWER
("IVth crusade" or "...For victory") meets old
SIX FEET UNDER with a touch of BENEDICTION ("Grind bastard"),
some GOREFEST (Between the second and third album), and some more
epic "doomy" guitars that could seem like they try to
reproduce SLUGATHOR's second album... Some quite "tortured
guitars" and riffs in the depressive genre have more to do
with indus metal or dark metal (Especially the second part of the
demo) and might be more appealing than when they try to be closer
to Death metal... You will regularly think about thrash metal
at the corner of a riff or a vocal part, it might feel a bit strange
in the middle of other "darker" parts, it could remind
of old SLAYER ("Divine intervention" maybe) or eventually
some TESTAMENT, SEPULTURA ("Chaos AD")... This might not
be a surprise since most of these guys played in a thrash/ death
band for years. You will also hear a few parts to be faster:
A riff in the first song sounds like Finnish DEPRAVITY (A shame
it comes with a shitty blast) while another one almost comes with
blasting drums, but accelerations aren't numerous. In the biography
they sent, influences of Morbid Angel, Nile, Vader, Bloodbath, Decapitated
and Hate eternal were quoted... But I don't see many common point
(Except for a few riffs to be linked to MORBID ANGEL or some old
BLOODBATH to appear...), the music is generally slower, less complex/
technical and also less energetic... Some riffs are quite nice
(And even cool), especially in the most "depressive" moments,
but I globally find it to be lacking of energy (And sometimes to
be generic) Some fans of doom death (Or not too savage older
Death metal) might find it cool, but my personal feeling is: On
one hand if they want to evolve into pure Death metal, I will need
more depths and energy to be thrilled, on the other hand if they
choose to follow the more depressive path of the last two songs,
I could be more inspired. http://www.myspace.com/spiritualholocaustfin

2019. Digital.
This band from Vancouver plays short songs.
I hope you don't have short erections.
This is quite old styled and raw.
I hope you don't hope for hopefulness.
This ten tracks demo sounds like a mix of short'n raw grindcore songs, with
some slower old hardcore riffs here & there. Global statistics: 75% of
blasts, 25% of slower parts.
I kinda dig the old school grind/ energy of the blastbeats, it sounds quite raw
the old way (I bet the band sounds this way live) (Ps: No superstar
overproduced metallic grind here).
The slower Hardcore (Sometimes a little "sludge") riffs are ok, but I
prefer the blasts.
Some songs are quite kicking, while a couple are a little too short to kick
(First a slow riff, then a blast-beat part, then that's all... ok? I heard more
absurd music).
This remains classical in the grind style, but I don't dig modern grind that
much, so it sounds better in my skull, and there's energy here.
It's not a bad demo in the style and could please the undergrinded bones of the
dirt-blast enthusiasts. Raw classical grindcore the old way.

AUTEM YUGGOTH (Chile) The plague of the aeons Demo tape. 2020.
NECROLATRY Recs. I have no clue what the name of this band
means in reality, but I imagine this could likely be a toxic flesh-devouring
bacteria hiding in the ugliest mushrooms of the Chilean darkest
forests... Or perhaps this is an invocation to an early incarnation
of Cthulhu... Anyway, the music of this Chilean band from Santiago
isn't that abstract... What you hear is nice sounding old school
death/ doom that reminds me of very early PARADISE LOST (First and
second albums), very early MY DYING BRIDE (The first death-metallic
Eps, as well as the first four albums... Depending on the songs).
I also heard a bit of the Russian band BLACK FOREST (The "Sadness"
album from 1999). Here you can find a cool gloomy atmosphere,
some guitars that can be epic, monolithic or more tortuous, then
some nice death growls from the re-opened coffin... In fact some
songs have a seriously death-metallic approach (A la "Lost
paradise") while others are a bit more melodic and sorrowful.
Sometimes the band can also be a little more "progressive"
(For more worked guitar parts) or somewhat "aerial", but
globally the music remains into the classical death doom approach. This
first demo tape comes with interesting moments, I enjoy the atmosphere,
but it also contains less interesting parts... SPORAE AUTEM YUGGOTH
clearly has doomy (And death metallic) qualities, but I'm not really
thrilled to death. Anyway, this cassette could please fans of
the 90's death doom atmosphere, and especially those whose minds
remain stuck on the early recordings of PARADISE LOST and MY DYING
BRIDE, in a just little more underground way. https://sporaeautemyuggoth.bandcamp.com

STARVATION (Can) 5 track
Demo tape. 2018. NO NAME Distro/ Label.
When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.
When you will stop sucking perpaings, the world might stop turning...
Cum slurping is not a vocation, think about it.
This band from Vancouver/ Canada plays fast punk hardcore, the old school way,
with a raw production.
Oh, it really sounds like an old demo, due to the crass escaping the speakers!
(When you reverse the letters of "RAW" it spells as "WAR"!
Most of the music is fast, typical of old punk Hc the fast way. When it goes
faster, it's almost proto-grind of some kind. Sometimes it's a bit more punk.
I dig the angry vocals, it shouts loud, quite low "pitched" and
revendicative. These vocals really bring a plus (You know, it's like a perpaing
landing right in the middle of your liquid sponge mind!)
STARVATION is really in the early punk HC/ Grind state of mind. I dig the
intensity and the vocals, but it's quite rawly played (as well) and I'm less
fan of the more punk parts (The slower ones). So this tape might be destined to
undergrounders only.

COLLAPSE (Swe) "Gothenburg rape" Demo CDr. 2008. Sweden
is not only about the current retro stuff. Even though "Gothenburg
rape" could let you think STATE COLLAPSE plays anti-melodic
morbid death metal, you're wrong because what I hear is more brutal!
Something between blasting death and brutal Death metal, with quite
a lot of blasts, double kicks and more undelicate tortures during
the alive autopsy... Some riffs have an almost grindcore, right
in the face approach with quite a lot of blasts and double nutt-kickings,
some are a little more technical or along the bruta-bruta way, while
some have a little more "old school" approach and tend
to be more along the "obscure" way; And there are groovy
parts (You know these quite corish grooves some beer metallers like
to deny) but it's packed with gutturals and keeps a brutal death
approach so I see no complain. Do you want some brutalizalike
names? No you don't want comparisons, because it has became so common
in reviews, but I will quote these anyway: SOILS OF FATE, SUFFOCATION
("Despise the sun"), current PYREXIA, old MISERY INDEX,
a little of DEVOURMENT (In the quite drowning heavier stuffs), and
also elements of mid old MORBID ANGEL or stuffs like mid old MALEVOLENT
CREATION (But the Pyrexia quote could have been enough) and maybe
a little of IMMOLATION (Yes the guitars doesn't sound clear or plastic,
and in some blasts it's quite obscure) I appreciate the band
didn't follow the "We're so morbid we didn't learn to play
our instruments" little trend as they have a decent level,
it occurs to be quite nice and kicking in drum-patterns for example. STATE
COLLAPSE didn't redefine the brutal death style every 30 seconds
(Are you joking?), but this demo is quite well packed and sounds
quite kicking. Those who like the genre and have half of their brain
trapped in the underground might want to offer themselves a nice
fist fucking! Don't hesitate, it's quite cheap, and your anus will
remember the pours of blood. http://www.myspace.com/statecollapseband

(Mexico) Gorging on mephitic rot Demo CD 2023. TEMPLUM OBSCENUM
Recs. RAISE UP THE ROTTING CORPSE. Here's a cool/ very
cool new project dripping the remains in the obscurish death metal
style, with fast parts à la AUTOPSY, slower doomy moments that doesn't
sound unlike FOSSILIZATION/ DISMA... And more body parts (Whose
flavors I will describe later). I was going to say "You
know the obscure deal", but it feels like there are a bit more
old school DM moments (And a little more of early gore/ goregrind)
than in your usual portions of obscure cavern cake. The production
is quite good: Quite obscure and dark, yet easily listenable &
round enough. Sometimes some slow/ mid-paced abruptish moments
sound a bit like BAPHOMET (Usa), some fast thrashing/ dbeat drummings
remind me of old EXHUMED (The split with Hemdale), some doomier
parts might sound closer to MORTA SKULD's first album (Which was
different & more old school than later releases), and there
are indeed remains of very old CARCASS at the corner of a couple
of riffs. Perhaps one could feel a lack of "power"
in the drumming during some blasts, but that remains ok & these
aren't numerous. Musically STENCHED isn't that original, but
remains putridly attractive and different enough from what we usually
get from the obscure cavern. This is a very cool demo with some
great moments from here & there, and it has chances to please
fans of old school and obscure Death metal... RAISE UP THE ROTTING
CORPSE! https://stenched.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Demo 2021. Digital. Self-released. "All the way
from Tampa Florida, OBITUARY..." Hmm, no, perhaps I should
stop listening to old death metal CDs before writing reviews... STINKER
is an old school crust punk band, and they actually come from Los
Angeles, California. Their style is simple crust stuff in the
way of old DISRUPT, STATE OF FEAR, some EXTREME NOISE TERROR ("Retrobution")
and a bit of DOOM (The band). The production is a bit sloppy,
but it sounds cool for a demo the old way (It has more bass frequencies,
same than when demos were recorded with a 4 track cassette recorder...
For this reason they sound a bit like old AGATHOCLES without blastbeats
(Uh, perhaps I should listen more to the music than the sound?)) This
is classical stuff in the style, with some fast beats'n riffs, and
some slower parts also. (Well, how could you get "true"
old crust punk an original way? If you add industrial noise or Chinese
traditional themes, it's not "true crust punk" anymore...
So let's keep it simple and right to the crumb (Of the bread)). Ok,
this demo doesn't sound over the top (Of the pile of rotting corpses),
but there's nothing wrong sounding in the style, and it's even cool
to pile up bricks! It's a quite encouraging first release and could
please fans of the style… Let’s finish with a crusty slogan: “EAT
THE CRUMB, NOT THE CRUST! (Or both)” https://stinkercrust.bandcamp.com

(Can) Merciless skull bashing Demo tape. 2011. SKULLFUCKING METAL
Recs. Well, I have left this tape sleeping under a pile of
other rancid cassettes for a couple of years... But maybe I shouldn't
have! This is pretty cool gore grindcore with short songs. This
sounds a bit like mid old DEAD INFECTION but with a somewhat "noisecore"
touch (Due to the length of tracks). Perhaps it also tastes a bit
like early NYCTOPHOBIC (Before the albums) for some brutality in
the playing or rawness in the production... Then, I also think about
ooold HAEMORRHAGE for some of the vocals, for the not "so serious"
side... (But vomitwise you also have some regular gore, some liquid
stuffs, and others…) Quite abrasive production, decent music...
Your penis loves the meat mixer! This was my short review. https://stockfeeder.bandcamp.com

TOMBS (Usa) Rip the abyss Demo 2021. Digital. Self-released. Rip
the abyss, or the abyss will rip you. Brrr. Here's another pretty
new OSDM band, they previously released two demos in 2018 and 2020
but I didn't hear about it. This newer recording is a digital release
and contains two songs. The first one "Mortal curse"
provides cool old school death metal in the traditional way of DEATH
("Leprosy"), old BENEDICTION, or MASSACRE. There's also
some BOLT THROWER during more epic themes or for a war spirit...
This is a very cool and quite well made song. The second track
"RIP the abyss" begins in a different manner, more based
on mid-paced heaviness à la old GRAVE or old ASPHYX, and then comes
back to a faster DM style (With a bit more of Scandinavian spirit
(I hear some old UNLEASHED)). There's also a nice kinda "desperate"
lead à la old MORGOTH. The music of the band might seem simple,
but you can hear nice details on playing tricks or structures, it
kinda "re-energizes the dead". This release contains
two cool/ very cool songs in the style. This is not extreme or super
aggressive, but death metal isn't always meant to be so. This morbid
carnal duet is rather destined to those who are into a nostalgic
trip or enjoy simple old death metal. The abyss is now quite
satisfied, and can go to rest in its giant bed of ruins and destructed
old castles' stones. https://streettombs.bandcamp.com

STRIGOI (Chile) Strigoi
MCD. 2019. FUKK Records.
Reviewing this Ep leads me to the conclusion: Someone located in Uk should
(perhaps) have interrogated Metal-archives or Discogs before choosing the
"STRIGOÏ" moniker... The fact your music is released on a mainstream
label doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention to what lies in the
"real" underground...
Anyway, here I'm talking about the Chilean obscure metal band called STRIGOI!
Their music is very cool darkened metal, located in the middle between old
school death metal, thrash, and old black metal, with quite good moments of
horror (To appear in some melodies and atmospheres).
It's interesting to hear this outfit doesn't really sound like the average Chilean
bands, their metal compositions are more varied (Yet old school all the way)...
Then the songs are quite well (de)composed, and there are good sounding ideas.
During the listening, I happen to think about old REPUGNANT, some SADISTIC
INTENT, some doomier death moments in the old Finnish style, with a bit of
POSSESSED (Second album), and perhaps a touch of GROTESQUE for some frenetic
riffs... (The whole with a bonus of horror and atmosphere...)
STRIGOI is a quite promising morbid metal band! Once again Chile strikes hard
in the mausoleum of forgotten entities!

(Bra) Humanidade = genocidio Demo CDr. Grindcore that rather
comes with influences of the old style (Early NAPALM DEATH) but
packed in a quite screamy way (Think Power violence), with some
mid-placed HC influences. The quite noisy aspect assorted with screams
could remind of old ANAL CUNT, while the freshness reminds me of
HUTT's first CD. This is quite compressed and motivated grindcore/
powerviolence, not bad on a matter of structures and energy... But
I miss something heavy and resonating (Obese grind? Hu!) or hammering
to split my head in half. A bit more blasts wouldn't displease me.
Big underground fans of the style might dig it, especially during
NATIONS! http://www.subcutgrindcore.com.br

(Australia) For the madness beyond MCD. 2021. BITTER LOSS Recs. From
endless death, to a journey towards beyond. Once the never-ending
resumption of demise will cease, you will finally embrace your final
death. Sufferance is a new death metal band from Victoria (Australia)
that plays a style of death metal to be very influenced by the 90's
American genre, somewhere between the old "satanic" style
and a more death thrashing approach. If you unfold the old parchment
of hidden mysteries, you could read the following lines: Think
about MORBID ANGEL ("Domination"), old DEICIDE ("Once
upon the cross") or ANGEL CORPSE ("Exterminate"),
mixed with some MALEVOLENT CREATION (The 90's albums), some old
MORTA SKULD (For heavier parts), with DEATH ("Leprosy")
or DEMOLITION HAMMER ("Tortured existence) in more death thrash
parts. The first band names that appear in the parchment might
let you imagine this release sounds quite infernal and filled with
blasts, but the drums are quite varied: There's a nice amount of
"thrashing" beats, and mid paced moments appear quite
regularly... When the drummer blasts it takes a taste of SUFFOCATION
(Effigy) because of kick & snare at the same time. At the
level of guitars, I hear some nice sounding morbid "polyphonies"
à la Trey Azagtoth and the somewhat "Domination" feeling
is present on a part of the riffs. Then another part of the guitars
takes a more "death thrash" approach, and few moments
are even quite "groovy" (Not unlike old Malevolent creation
of old Resurrection (Usa)). The production is somewhat morissoundish,
which is alright for this style. I hear some nice things &
moods at the level of guitars, but everything isn't perfect yet
composition-wize... I also feel the content sounds a bit too "relaxed"
and not totally destructive by moments, perhaps it's due to the
amount of mid-paced parts or the fact the production sounds a little
too "muffled"? I didn't decide yet, my crucifix compass
has lost the north and keeps on turning, but it's not a problem
for a fan of 90's death metal. This is a pretty sweet first demo
in the style, not infernally groundbreaking, but this tastes from
pleasant to very pleasant. (NB: Big underground freaks might
like to read one of the guitarists used to play in AMELUS which
had a demo tape released by TILL YOU FUKKIN BLEED Recs). https://sufferance1.bandcamp.com

SIGHTS (Chile) Existential realism Demo tape. 2019. Rereleased
2022. NEKRASSIOUS Tapes. Due to the amount of death metal
bands emerging from the bowels of Santiago, Chile, I'm starting
to wonder if this town isn't actually a country in itself! Some
peoples are talking about Chilean metal, but shouldn't we speak
about Santiago Death metal? Uh. Here you have the first demo
of a pretty young band that offers a very old school death metal,
that almost tends to thrash by moments. The listening sessions
reminded me of very early PESTILENCE (First album only, for some
thrashing, some "acid" guitars" and a kinda burning
atmosphere), early POSSESSED (First album only), and early SEPULTURA
(Rather "Schizophrenia" I would say) for the most parts...
Then I also heard some ooold PROTECTOR, or a bit of INCUBUS (Florida),
and perhaps a bit of early DARK ANGEL (First album, but I said perhaps)...
I think you got the death/ thrashing point. (Almost personal
quote: There are cool bass-lines to appear here & there). Their
riffings are not the most original ones, sometimes it could be a
bit more developed, but this tape was the first recording of a pretty
young band apparently... And it's not devoid of qualities: There
is a good thrashing intensity, some cool riffs, some good atmospheres
here & there... I believe SUFFERING SIGHTS is a band that
can still develop, but their music is quite promising and could
please fans of deaththrashing metal! OLD SCHOOL DEATH/ MORBID LIFE. (Ps:
I think their moniker stand for "VISIONS OF SUFFERING") Band:
https://sufferingsights.bandcamp.com Label:

PREACHER (Usa) Skill to kill Demo 2023. Digital. Self-released. I
guess this demo will please only the big underground fans of old
styled death thrash, but it doesn't matter since this webzine isn't
about mainstream metal (Neither "Mainstream underground"
AhAh). The music of Suicidal Preacher is quite cool/ ripping
sounding old death metal à la early DEATH (Scream bloody gore),
with some very old PESTILENCE (Maybe rather the demos?), perhaps
a bit of early OBITUARY, with more old American death thrash from
the beginnings... What makes this demo particularly underground
is the production: It's probably a live or rehearsal recording,
which is quite raw but remains enjoyable if you can deal with quite
rough cemeterial audio captures. Musically speaking there's no
surprise, the songs were composed in the old way, but there's some
energy and the tracks are pleasant to hear. The "screamed"
vocals à la early Death/ Pestilence add something. Notice there's
a Death "Torn to pieces" cover inside. The band is
located in San Diego/ California, so it would probably turn into
a very nice gig if you visit these local bars at the right moment...

(Denmark) Demo XII Tape. Serpent Pulse Recs. This new Danish
band plays Death metal in an old fashion, but contrary to many new
projects their style has no influence from Swedish death, they are
closer to end 80's/ beginning 90's dark satanic genres, and their
music is also faster even if slower moments regularly appear. There's
something from old MORBID ANGEL in the tremolo riffs, leads, and
some atmospheres (I'm rather quoting the recordings before "Altars
of madness"), with some moments that could remind the nice
heavier ENCABULOS (The "Dark divinity" Demo 98), some
INCANTATION (Not in the most doomy manner), something of Gene Palubicki's
guitar-riffing (I would rather quote Blasphemic Cruelty than
Angel Corpse which is too brutal for a comparison, even if the first
is too thrashy), a bit of BLOODY SIGN (Around the first album),
the whole with a quite "bloody" atmosphere with a dark
red color. There's also something of an "occult" black
death touch in the atmosphere and few riffs, an impression that's
quite strongly enhanced by the quite dark vocals closer to (Roughly)
old Incantation/ Vasaeleth, I think it wouldn't particularly
feel this way if it was only for the music. If I had to choose
between those two songs, I would prefer the first one: It is faster
and globally contains riffs that sound more "convinced"/
"inspired from the inside". While some tremolo riffs
are quite interesting and some leads sound nice, I find some guitars
to be a bit easy in the black/ death genre, and everything isn't
focused on the inverted cross. For a first demo it's not bad,
it contains an atmosphere and shows some underground qualities that
might develop into something conveying more blood resonance. Scourge
the autochthons, for more blood shall be served upon the altar. http://sulphurous.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Demo 2021. CD. Self-released. BRAINLESS MUSIC FOR
BRAINLESS PEOPLES. No, you livid worm-licker, this isn't Zombie
Metal, but brutal death a quite decapitated way. These five songs
sound like the old brutality of SUFFOCATION ("Effigy of he
forgotten"), with groovy beats à la REPUDILATION (Demo 96),
some typical US Brutality from end 90's/ early 00's, or perhaps
touches of early DISGORGE (Mex) in a couple of riffs, and a little
of MORBID ANGEL to close the jar of corpse marmalade. Sometimes
the playing tends a bit to the slow dripping grooves DEVOURMENT
had, but these "beat downs" are only an element of the
whole... Globally this is rhythmically varied. This is quite
well made brutality the American way, the way I knew it 15-20 years
ago... Quite cool to listen to, nothing wrong sounding, and it's
even well produced in the style. Now I couldn't guarantee if
your hooked-and-nailed body parts will crepitate in frenzy, because:
1) I don't listen to a lot of brutal death anymore. 2) I have listened
to so much of brutal death at one time that the novelty effect can't
be resurrected. 3) So many stuffs have already been done in the
style... But those who dig this kind of brewtality might be
interested. https://summonerdeathmetal.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Promo MMXVIII Tape. 2018. Self-released. FUMES OF REACTIVATED
pretty new band from New Mexico/ Usa plays old school death metal
in a quite satanic early 90's manner. While listening to the
two songs, I heard metallic similarities with the first DEICIDE
album (As well as the AMON days, well it's the same songs), the
early MORBID ANGEL recordings (Rather "Altars of madness",
even if the music isn't as violent), then I also found a bit of
the first IMMOLATION album here & there (Rather for some drum-playing)
and also thought about the first CENTURIAN demo/ MCD (Even if the
music isn't that much based on blasts here). On this tape, you
can find a quite balanced portion of rhythms: Some fast parts, some
mid-paced... This isn't the most extreme sounding demo, perhaps
the musicians are rather about setting up an atmosphere. The
music also remembered me of the old Swiss band AMON (The "Shemhamforash"
CD from 1995), but this is a so obscure (Forgotten) outfit that
I might have kept this quote for myself. SUPERSTITION doesn't
provide the most epileptic kind of satanic death, but some riffs
are quite good in terms of "evil sounding", and some guitars
sound a bit more elaborated than usual in the "devilish"
genre... Then other riffs taste a bit common in my old dusty hears. This
tape sounds like a pretty good demo in the style, with some atmosphere
& quite good riffs, but I also feel it lacks a bit of violence
or crazy ideas sometimes. https://superstitiondeath.bandcamp.com

Repugnant remains MCD. 2020. APOCALYPTIC Productions.
The Chilean metal scene really seems to be like an everflowing stream in
matters of death metal and thrash! One can wonder when they will reach the
point of metallic world domination...
(But maybe this scene will need a couple of bigger bands, and more facilities
to tour worldwide to really explode?)
Today we are talking about a new band from Santiago called SUPPRESSION. They
play strongly thrash-infused death metal, with a technical edge that reminds me
of old SADUS! (By moments the bass guitar is very present and had a good taste
of Steve di Giorgio). Another strong influence is also old PESTILENCE (Mostly
the first album, then some "Testimony...") for the riffings and screamed
vocals (And some little "acid" touches). Then I also found some
"minor" elements of mid old DEATH and old KREATOR ("Terrible
Their songs are quite "complex" but not too much, the production is
quite "clean" but not too much either (And remains cool in a 90's
point of view).
SUPPRESSION doesn't really play the most aggressive kind of death/ thrash, and
so might not really please those who long for bestial metal, but this Ep is
very nicely rounded and comes with enough qualities to please those into more
technical (Yet still old styled and kicking) thrashing metal! A very cool
NB: Members of RIPPER and SAMOT are in there.
SURGAT (Mex) Nihili Tape
To move your ass is the only way.
As extreme laziness leads to nothing more than ruminating mediocrity.
To extract the mind from the polluted obscure excrements of the whole planet.
To free the spirit from the weight of the world.
SURGAT is a pretty cool extreme metal band from Tijuana, Mexico, and they come
here with this third release. Their style is globally an excrement-free mixture
of death grind, dbeat/ crust, blackened metal touches, and some thrash roots.
During the sympathetic listening you can think about names such as NAPALM DEATH
(Utopia/ Harmony for some riffs, or later records for a more modern
production), LOCK UP for some blasting parts, mid old BEHEMOTH for fast death
metal moments, or mid old EXTREME NOISE TERROR for some dbeat... (Ok, this
isn't very precise, but you got an idea).
The riffs in themselves aren't really new, some parts remain a bit classical
sometimes, but the band can come up with moments of good emergency, some
blackened riffs are quite well-placed, and the whole globally flows without
stony problems.
Coming from a Mexican band, I would have expected either something very old
school and obscure, or extremely brutal and gory, but SURGAT are more on the
"death grind" NAPALM vibe... And the quite powerful production helps
to make it more "brutal".
This Ep is a pretty sweet piece of damage to inflict to your annoying neighbors.
The world in itself is enough of a gigantic ass vomiting monstrosities in
continuity, no need for the local tiny scrotums to fart out of time!

INSTINCT (Can) Fatal venin MCD. 2022. PERSONAL Recs. A
couple of years ago I got the first demo of this Canadian band in
the distro, and now comes the time of the review... With a new release,
of corpse! (I'm not so late with the reviewing process AhAh) As
far as my inner goat remembers, the style of the band didn't change
that much: What they bang their heads to is old school thrash metal,
with a somewhat crazy touch... (This said, perhaps an old 80's "speed"
influence now takes more importance). On a riffing point of view
I hear some old German thrash (Destruction, Darkness, Kreator),
some angrier and rawer riffs, plus a somewhat blackened/ black thrash
touch. They also incorporate more "technical" guitars
(In the speed thrash realm) that sound great... And fuck it! There
are GREAT metal LEADS that open gates to another world (The spirit
is close to later DEATH, or perhaps old KING DIAMOND). I couldn't
guarantee if Max Headroom would bang his head or react another way,
while presenting these 5 songs, but anyway this is quite energetic
and entertaining stuffs with some great moments (Some riffs, the
leads!). "Fatal venin" sounds better than their old
demo I previously got... So if you dig the energetic thrashing of
once: Insert their tape, or their CD, and push the METALLIZING button! https://survivalinstinct.bandcamp.com

Dödsögonblick Tape. 2020. HEADNOISE Recs.
I regularly have mixed feelings about the punk hardcore releases: If it's too
punk, I won't like it, if it's too hardcore, I won't like it too much...
But hopefully from time to time I fall on a band that sounds more efficient to
my (putrid) hears. Very often they practice "grindcore without
blasts", or some kind of old dbeat stuffs...
Now, we'll talk about this group from Stockholm/ Sweden that plays pretty good
old punk Hc/ Crust/ Dbeat... Well, the style of their songs is a bit
"varied" between these genres.
For example I dig some of their stuffs in the old DISRUPT/ E.N.T genre (Quite
efficient), but I'm less interested when they reach a somewhat DOOM-alike
approach (It has to do with a less "direct" beat), even if it doesn't
suck and remains "swinging".
Nice angry vocals. Quite nice production, it's quite raw but remains quite
powerful (not too fucked). Well there are good stuffs here and the fans of old
punk/ Crust/ Dbeat could be punkterested, or crusterested (Hu!). Songs to check
out first: "Krigets hundar" or "Terrorvag".

SWARN (Estonia) Tales
from terrorland Demo tape. 2019. TRASH CAN DANCE Recs.
Estonia isn't really famous for its metal scene, perhaps because it's a small
country, and so the amount of bands to emerge from these lands remains mechanically
This cassette is a promo tape limited to 30 copies, and contains 4 songs.
The style is old school death metal and takes the paths of the quite darker and
heavier approaches of the old Swedish genre. It makes the music particularly
close to old GRAVE (Rather "You'll never see..."), this is perhaps
their bigger influence, even if the playing isn't exactly the same. Then you
can also find some fast parts à la old DISMEMBER, perhaps some old FLESHCRAWL,
and also black metal touches can be felt in some atmospheres.
In case you didn't imagine it, the guitar sound is close to the HM-2, but
rather in the old GRAVE variation.
(Notice there aren't too many punk/ Hc influences compared to the average
ENTOMBED clones, but SWARN isn't an Entombed clone, so...)
The production is quite big for a demo, now there's perhaps too much of echo on
some vocals.
This is pretty decent stuff, but it's also perhaps a little too simple... This
said, I need to underline the fact I kinda grew "tired" with swedeath
and the HM2 production, so I might not be the best one to currently give an
opinion... The decapitated fans of the buzzsaw are free to judge on the grave
for themselves.

(Usa) Descensus Morte Demo CDr. 2011. Self released. The
universe of this new band tastes as something interesting. The music
is between doom metal and Death metal, but couldn't really be called
"Death doom" as it goes a bit more in the extremes. The
doom parts are closer to the funeral spirit of WINTER than anything
"rocking", while the Death metal parts (Both fast and
slow) taste closer to old INCANTATION, with seldom touches of more
regular old school stuff. Very early MY DYING BRIDE could also be
a decent comparison sometimes, both for some Death and doom. In
the faster moments, they could sound like SANGUINEOUS but that wouldn't
go so crazy on technicality and breaks... In fact it's less brutalizing,
sometimes even a little occult or "experimental". They
aren't afraid to downtune their guitars, it creates nice low frequencies,
and sounds a bit inhuman. I found some really nice parts, while
some were less inspiring (But sill edible). This isn't really
my kind of music since there's a bit too much of doom and suffocating
funeral state of mind (I try to avoid having the head stuck in the
cemetery for all the day, you know?) Even if their music isn't
perfect yet, it's quite interesting, with some good parts. According
to the "let's release anything" fashion in the current
underground Death metal world, I guess SYMPTOM wouldn't have too
many problems to be released on a label, at worse a fast-food machinery
such as Dark Descent.