(Fin) Uhritoimitus Ep. 2023. Digital. Self-released. This
is quite raw and noisy shit dude! In my humble necroerotic opinion,
this sounds like a mix of powerviolence and a somewhat rawer/ more
noisy version of death grind... This is RAW WAR! I can feel some
violence and brutality in there. There's something quite "radical"
that reminds me of very early IMPALED NAZARENE in the spirit, but
the music is different. I think this might sound closer to early
NYCTOPHOBIC with a more powerviolence edge, or maybe some old INHUME
(first album) for some brutality but minus the gore... (Well, I
realize I don't really have the grinding references to decently
compare the content, so better to leave it at that). This is
perhaps not as fucked in structures than usual PxVx, but it's at
least as raw. I have quoted death grind for some kind of "rigidity"
or quite "heavy/ massive" aspects... But it's clearly
"rawer" on guitars and it doesn't sound as based on riffs. Notice
there are small harsh noise/ industrial interludes between the songs. This
is quite noisy PxVx/ Grind/ Deathgrind brutality that might please
the needs of the mind-sanding fetishists. RADICAL NOISE CHAOS
MENTAL CLEANSING. https://uhritoimitus.bandcamp.com

AGONY (Usa) Rotting afterlife Demo CDr. 2010. Rejoicing
on the delicate seepage of the mental hematoma, I take the time
to savor the subtle taste escaping the decomposition of the crepitating
necrosis. It's like good wine, the morbid things take time ;-) What
I’ll begin reviewing in few words might not be the most macerated
and accomplished piece of spiritual defibrillation, but at least
there's enough substance for me to extract something and rebuild
an image of necrosis. Ultimate agony is a young band from Usa,
and for some reasons I imagine it's some kind of solo project. The
style is located somewhere between old Death metal, faster obscure
death and doom... In a mixed common-grave order, you could think
As well as fewer elements of BAPHOMET, FUNEBRARUM’s first album,
or maybe the first ENTOMBED one... Of course it's not in a so accomplished
manner, but the influences remain. The vocals are deep and can
give an early brutal death touch sometimes (I think about ooold
MORTICIAN (Early days)), but it could be closer to old INCANTATION
with some bulldog days old GRAVE. The guitars are quite low pitched;
In the fast parts it sounds quite obscure, in the doomy parts it's
a bit dripping (Or is it the bass?) This seems to be a first
demo, and it has its defects... I think about the drum playing that's
not too impressive, the fact the songs lack a bit of dynamic in
the playing (This doesn't bother in the most doomy patterns, but
the traditional and fast Death metal parts can lack of kick or electrocution
and bore you after a while), and some songs structures could be
improved... This is an average first demo with some quite cool
moments but also less appealing parts... If the guy behind this
project keeps on making songs I think he'll be able to naturally
improve, so he should keep on macerating in the caves to emotionally
think the riffs and improve the scores of doom. The necrosis we'll
burn! http://www.myspace.com/ultimateagony

(Ita) Return to chaos Demo tape'09. No, this is not the come
back of the Spanish band who used to play brutal death metal 10
years ago. This new Death metal group emerging from the ashes
of MORBID UPHEAVAL (Average retro Death metal) plays a quite different
style. The music is immediately much faster, filled with blasts,
and contains more ferocious influences. All in all, UNCREATION could
remind something like INFAMY ("The blood shall flow")
mixed with early UNLEASHED (For some grotesque), some old INCANTATION,
and elements of 90's European Death metal (Fast and slow)... But
with a more rehearsal like approach. The quite frenetic low vocals
have something brutal death metal, but it isn't especially modern,
and the use of some high pitched screams adds a little IMPALED/
EXHUMED taste to the whole. For a first demo it's quite okey,
but remains a bit too average under some angles such as the playing
(Could be tighter, some moments sound a little out of place) or
the production (Which sounds a bit too "rehearsal" like),
but I feel this demo was kind of recorded in a rush, so don't take
it tooo much for serious. UNCREATION is currently an ok deep underground
band which offers nothing particularly burning, but might energize
some local gigs enough to keep you putrid. Their next release might
be cooler, so keep watching the growth of underground putridity. Email:

(Swe) The triumph of death Demo CDr. 2011. Self-released. This
demo has almost nothing to do with Swedish death, so you can immediately
leave the hole, you necro-hipster! UNDECAYED is a new band that
was formed from the ashes of 9TH PLAGUE, with the vocalist and a
guitarist who survived from the split up... I would say their
music isn't so different from 9TH PLAGUE, expect it has fewer fast
moments and contains more of brutal death metal... Don't be too
afraid if you don't like zillions of brain-smashing snares, I'm
talking about something close to quite old CANNIBAL CORPSE that
doesn't contain super fast blasts (It's more an heaviness of big
bastard who feels heavy, with an over-sized beer belly, even when
he's fast), and anyway you can still find quite a lot of mid-paced
parts with double kicks that remind me of MORBID ANGEL (Grossly
the Domination/ Entangled/ Formulas era... There's the same kind
of "heavy testosterone"). I could also draw metallic similarities
with the second ANGEL CORPSE album (Minus the blasts), some demos
from Dutch band VIRULENT I got about 7-8 years ago, and sometimes
it's not so far from the first recording of French THE SEVEN GATES...
Hmmm, this review could let you imagine this recording is all mid-paced,
while it's not the case: It's contains quite a lot of fast parts,
and most of the mid-pacing comes with double kicks (But it always
sounds quite heavy, even when it's fast). The color of
the atmosphere remains in something like an obscure red, if you
feel what I mean. The first song is the most brutal death metal
one (For one or two riffs it's even a little too much for me in
the brutal mental abruptism, you know: Boom Boom Boom) The 3rd
song is a bit more "groovy" and contains more classical
death metal parts closer to GRAVE on "Back from the grave"...
Few of these riffs could also have been written by a French band
few years ago, I'm thinking about buried VEHEMENS (Oh, if you don't
know what I'm talking about, view something mid-old, quite old styled,
but not too retro: It's quite "heavy" and I know some
peoples find it to lack of "freshness"). It's time
to conclude, are you ready? No, you never are... I always obliged
to wait for your fat ugly bottom! Anyway, this demo contains
some cool riffs and atmospheres, and the whole is built in a quite
easily listenable manner, but there are also parts I'm less fond
of, and I would have prefer to find a bit more of fast parts to
be the subject of a better entertainment. I will make no bet or
cadaveric suggestion concerning the musical evolution of UNDECAYED,
since it's not too exciting to loose, but I'd like to hear their
next demo. http://www.myspace.com/undecayed

(Denmark) Indhentet af Døden Demo tape'09. What this band
practices is quite surprising for something Danish, since it's more
disgusted than the usual... On a technical point of view they remind
me of the first two GRAVE albums, for the mindless abrupt and heavy
brutality; But the atmosphere is different, more gore swampy and
putrid... And the low tuned guitars make it sound dripping, maybe
close to some goregrind, CREMATORY (Swe) or old Finnish demos that
came with a fucked up sound on heavy frequencies (Which is a good
point since it makes the whole more spectacular and bombastic). Sometimes
they occur to blast and then they remind me of the first INHUME
album... There might also be a little of the very fist BROKEN HOPE
album "Swamped in gore" for some vocals or some early
MUCUPURULENT's putrid incestuous offerings... Now even if some
toxic putrid remains work quite well and make you feel the reeks
of the green fogs from the rancid body, and if some parts are crushing
and kicking enough for my putrid needs, I can't say every riffs
or moments are so good or nicely disgusting: After a while some
of the heavier is a bit boring, some old styled "melodies"
don't shake the dead, and maybe a brutal lifting would have been
good (To extract the essence of the morbid perfume and re-inject
that in fewer songs?). Anyway, for a first demo it is not bad.
Not exactly the best style for my rotten taste, but UNDERGAND offers
here a nice reekording for fans of heavy and senseless brutality. http://www.myspace.com/undergang666

(Por) After the domestication comes the manipulation MCD'08. Self
produced Crucistick impalements, smoking the crosses is so
funny once brutalizing in the centrifugous brain-mashing machine... UNDERSAVE
isn't the kind of band that would please the most old school listeners
since their music is mostly brutal death metal. Most reminds me
something like SINISTER ("Aggressive measures" and a bit
later... Yet with less melodic or "bright" riffs) with
a bit of DEVILYN's first album, older USBDM influences, zests of
NILE and elements from the current tech or brutarrrgh death (HATE
ETERNAL?). Some riffs are more "old school", some are
more modern. I have to cumfess gigloads of cum didn't flood my
face once the (Sterile and dry?) priest masturbated over my skull,
so I can't say UNDERSAVE was too soul-shaking or spirit intruding,
but the music sounds quite brutal... It could create a brutal buzzing,
as if legions of ferocious wasps were circling around my head trying
to find the nectar hole... So fans of quite brutal and often
changing, yet not too modern, brutal death might find it cool, even
if it's not exactly plants-flooding killer... It's a quite cool
underground band... Maybe they should try to be over the top under
and angle or another... http://www.myspace.com/undersave

IMPALER (Ita) To the daring forces MCD. 2022. IMPERATRIX MUNDI
Recs/ IMPALER Distrolist. I'm basically a fan of death metal,
and especially the old school styles from the early 90's, but there
are currently so many bands, projects, no-tomorrow recordings, or
musical chameleons flooding the "Death metal keyword"
that I need to check out something else from time to time... (This
very crowded death metal stream is most probably great for the listeners,
but when you're an activist and spend time (And money) to support
bands, it's quite desperating when the musicians split up or start
another new project so quickly...) So this time I choose to
review a band that already lasted more than a couple of daylights: UNHOLY
IMPALER is an obscure Italian band that plays black metal since
more than two decades, I remember getting an old demo from them
in the early 00's (Perhaps the "Belphegore" tape from
2001?). What the speakers spit out is fast and brutal black metal
in the simple manner. Sometimes it reminds me of the very first
IMPALED NAZARENE releases (First two albums), it's perhaps not as
destructive and crazy, but the brutal moments are somewhat in the
same spirit. Some vaginal crucifix injectors could also hear
similarities with 90's MARDUK (The fast songs, perhaps with fewer
melodies). Some thrashing guitars can also be found here & there. The
production is clear & quite powerful (I would have preferred
to hear real drums, but the beat-machine is programmed a way that
fits the style). This is the kind of simple & fast black
metal you heard quite often in the 90's and 00's, nothing original,
but this was quite fun and "brutal" to listen to. Enjoyers
of "Christ raping black metal" might consider turning
their local Jesus Christ statue upside down while listening to this
MCD. Listen:https://imperatrixmundirecords.bandcamp.com Label:
