Hellish decimation Ep. 2014. WARFARE NOISE Recs.
This American band released two neat demos whose music was located between
thrash metal and death thrash. This Ep composed of two songs evolves in the
same style, quite neat old styled thrash located between old (But not early)
KREATOR ("Terrible certainty" mostly) and the Swedish MERCILESS...
With perhaps a bit of POSSESSED ("Seven churches").
The playing is fast, with quite a lot of sharp guitars that have fucking fast
tremolos. Perhaps the style a bit more technical than on the demos (Reminds of
KREATOR and AUDIOPAIN). Vocals are screamed. Some readers might like to read
the musicians are/ were a part of Imprecation, P.L.F, Morbosidad or Termination
This is a neat recording that comes without flaws. Nothing that justifies
wanking as if you were 16 and under huge sexual pulses, but this Ep could
please fans of aggressive/ sharp thrash metal that comes with quite powerful
Web page: https://www.facebook.com/OathOfCruelty

(Can) Demo'07 This is a new band that changed moniker from
"Sodomized corpse" to "Serpents spawn", and
finally choose OBLIVIATED and released its first demo in 2007. The
music is quite old styled Death thrash (Kinda like some very early
Cannibal corpse (Demos/ 1st Lp), Necrophagia (1st Lp), Corpus rottus
(?) with some mid placed stuffs...), with a touch of old Death grind
like early Broken hope, few "evil" riffs à la old Morbid
angel or some half melodic death/ black à la old God dethroned...
Their myspace page shows some more modern influences, but I didn't
especially hear it, the music of Obliviated sounds older... It might
be because of the muddy 4-tracker recording, the not very neat playing
or the kinda "amateurish" approach that makes it sound
80's? Maybe, because it doesn't musically seem to suck deep, but
I didn't clearly detect everything... They need to inject more power
and stress-urges inside, because it sounds quite flat. Well
I'm in front of a young demo band who plays in local bars and still
has many things to improve... For ex: To develop compositions and
increase their skills... You must burn the strings during infernal
rehearsals! http://www.myspace.com/obliviated666

(Chile) Ascension de la muerte Demo tape. 2020. INFERNAL OVERKILL
Recs. Chile strikes again! I'm familiar with a previous demo
(Released in 2014) of this thrashing outfit from "San José
de la Mariquina", back then they played quite raw old school
thrash with blackened vocals... I have to say I can hear some changes
and improvements with this newer recording: The music remains globally
thrashing, but you can find a bigger influence of the blackened
side at the level of the guitars, the riffs also sometimes sound
more technical, and the production is of better facture. (I might
add more ancient Scandinavian influences can be found in the riffing
themes). During the spiked listenings, I happened to think about
old AURA NOIR, old AUDIOPAIN, early POSSESSED (Seven churches),
perhaps old KEEP OF KALESSIN, or maybe a bit of old DISSECTION among
others. These four songs are quite well made and composed, to
be honest this wasn't the most thrilling demo I experienced, but
it remains a quite good effort. Fans of underground blackened thrash
and black/ death might be interested in stuffing their rusty crucifix
here. https://occisorchile.bandcamp.com

The omega of the alpha Demo tape. 2016. SOUL REAPER Recs. Occult Pantheon is a
pretty cool new death metal band from Chile that strikes your tape player with
this first demo.
The kind of death metal they choose to play is some kind of a dark mixture between
traditional end 80's/ early 90's death and a more "bestial" black
death metal.
For the more traditional approaches you can think about MORGOTH
("Cursed") for the mid-paced somewhat "doomy" riffings, or
a bit of very early GRAVE (First album or demos... This said the production is
For the more bestial approaches, I'm not an expert of the genre, but very old
ARCHGOAT (In the 90's when they had low DM vocals) wouldn't be misplaced, while
very early IMPALED NAZARENE (Demos?) might not be totally wrong.
The production is rather natural, a bit filthy and obscure.
The vocals are a bit different from usual death metal bands, of course you find
some regular morbid vocals, but it's also more varied as you can hear some exuberant
voices à la old MAYHEM ("De mysteris..."), sung vocals in an old doom
metal manner, or regular black metal screams...
During the listening, I also used to think about some very early SEPULTURA
("Morbid visions") or Chilean EXCORIATE (Well this isn't perhaps a
surprise because the drummer used to play with them, and also in Demonic Rage
or Profound Grave).
There are a couple of intros/ interludes with classical music, I have to say it
was a bit too long... Even if it's not bad musically, it kinda diluted the
"The omega of the alpha" is a pretty cool demo tape, traditional old
death metal coming with more "bestial" influences and some difference
sounding vocals.
I can't say I was thrilled on the altar of morbidity, but some MORGOTH alike
moments are kinda cool and this isn't bad for a first recording.

OF ZERO (Australia) The wake Demo tape. 2010. BLOODY OATH Recs. Look
what the cat dragged in... Another piece of plastic with two big
holes and various other smaller cavities... I had no other choice
than to introduce it in the player for the brutal rape begins! (Think
about it, each time you listen to a tape, it's deflorated by a rapping
machine and its erected pieces of iron or plastic!) The OCEAN
OF ZERO moniker reminds me some American brutal death or grindcore
influenced bands who released demo around 2002... So it this the
same genre? Did our cat forget the frolics through the park, or
is there something edible to gnaw as angry hungry rats from Hungary? Just
put your fingers on the table, and listen while I randomly strike
with the knife... The genre of this Australian band is located somewhere
between regular Death metal from the beginning 90's and old school
brutal death, but the playing is a bit more complicated than old
school revisionism and contains more technical elements... I
hear quite a lot of similarities with early CRYPTOPSY (When they
were good) minus the blasts and in a possibly more "evil"
manner, while I also happen to think about DEFLESHED's first demos/
MCDs for the early brutal death that came with evil touches, but
you can also hear the appearance of evil-mind patterns and chaotic
leads à la early MORBID ANGEL (Before "Altars of madness"),
a bit of midly brutal stuff à la old old DEICIDE, some regular US
brutal death from 1998, a touch of early ANGEL CORPSE ("Hammer
of gods"), and our malestromic shaker is quite full (Too many
ingredients doesn't make good cocktails... Unless you like the taste
of vomit). This might not be "old school" in the meaning
you expected, there's no AUTOPSY influence, not much of early DEATH
neither much Swedish riffing; But it's quite fast, it sounds quite
refreshing to listen and I guess some peoples will find it kicking. I
do not really enjoy of all their elements, some old Us brutal death
riffs in the "Fast and groovy" manner sound a little "goofy"
in my mind (Not the cookie monster, it’s not the same level) but
globally the structuring of songs is quite compact and OOZ are quite
catchy in the most epic technical moments. This demo is very
short, it contains 3 songs for about 10 minutes, but
at least it shows this band can make something dynamic and not too
generic... So let's cross our defleshed fingers and see what happens
in the future. (If you didn't notice, the first words of this
review were stolen to the glam faggots POISON... Fuck you! We hate
the pink!) Email: bloodynoize(a)yahoo.com

ODIOSO DIOS (Argentina)/
DESTINO CRUEL (Argentina) "Abolicion resultadista" Split tape. 2013.
ODIOSO DIOS: This is not the overproduced grindcore you can find in glossy
magazines... Quite seriously underground but quite well composed grindcore/
Powerviolence with quite a lot of riffs/ tempos changes... There are a bunch of
blast parts as well as slower Hc moments, the whole compacted in a right
manner. Reminds me of early NYCTOPHOBIC (Eps and demos, before the albums),
the gore). Not bad. Short side with only a couple of songs, but quite efficient
DESTINO CRUEL: This band globally plays the same style, perhaps a bit more hardcore
influenced? There are fewer tempos/ Riffs changes in the songs. The production
is deeper in the underground, sounds like a live recording. This sounds like
decent deep underground grind destined to big fans, but some slow HC moments
are boring and the music has less impact than the side of ODIOSO DIOS.

OLDSKULL (Thailand)
Oldskull of death MCD. 2016. INHUMAN ASSAULT Recs.
Could one seriously say a new skull is any good? It is far too fresh and bright
to please the morbid needs, since only the old and macerated bones can reek of
purulence and vicious stench... Hailz the old!
OLDSKULL is a new old school Death metal band from Thailand that counts
previous members of SHAMBLES or ZYGOATSIS for example.
The death metal they choose to entwine their putrid skulls in is very old
school and also quite simple sounding... No cheesy effects, no technical
wankery, and also no rawer-than-raw necro-posing... It's old school the way we
knew it 7 or 12 years ago, before it became more popular, and you can hear a
cool warm sound or feel good atmospheres.
The music is located between the mid-paced and the fast, yet most is mid-paced
or double-bass ridden.
During the deteriorating repugnant listening, you happen to view emanations
from the old releases of (In no occult order): DEATH (Early), BAPHOMET, old
OBITUARY, early SEPULTURA (When they were a good thrash/ death band, so an
eternity ago), MORTA SKULD (First album only), old MORTEM (Peru), with a bit of
ooold MORGOTH.
Except for a riff in the first song that sounds a bit too much like SIX FEET
UNDER (It's some kind of groovy stuff), I didn't detect something bad sounding
here... Perhaps it's a little too simple sometimes? It doesn't really matter.
This is a cool/ very cool maggot infested old school death metal with no fancy,
that could please fans of old
atmosphere-fueled death metal who are there before all for the music and to
rest under the pile of rotting corpses.
Web page: https://www.facebook.com/oldskullofdeath

OLD CHAPEL (Rus) Symptoms of possession
Demo tape. 2015. GROTESQUE SOUNDS Recs. Waves of spatiotemporal
distorsion blinding your vision. Is it the past or the present? Are you
being eaten by the old and horrendous?
This new Russian band plays a
quite "doomy" melting between old Death metal and old death doom. Globally, most
of the music is mid-paced, with some doomy riffs and typical fast DM parts here
and there. While during the listening you can quite regularly occur to think
about old ASPHYX (I have the pre-Van Drunen era in mind... The "Embrace of the
death" Lp) other death doom moments could remember of SORROW (Or also old
BENEDICTION), while the faster death metal parts can sound like early GRAVE
(Demos) or old MASTER. I also feel some doomy parts have something like an
old sloppy/ deformed Finnish feel sometimes. The best moments in my
decrepited rotting opinion are those with the doomiest guitars, then the band
occurs to write some nicely made up "melodies", some moments are also quite
powerful; The less good parts are some of the most typical DM moments because
it's too simple for my tastes. This is not exceptional metal, but there's a
quite nice putrid/ dark atmosphere and I think the music could please big fans
of underground mid-paced Death metal with a doomy flavor. Link:
I did a spoken review of this
demo, you can find it here (It's all in french): https://youtu.be/KlXXst5lK4w

COFFIN (Usa) Demo CDr'06. SWAMP OF PUS Recs. It's never
too late to SHAKE MY COFFIN!! Yeah, shake it hard and strong,
until the blood escapes my necrotic pores! More violence!! ONE
PER COFFIN comes from Usa and plays some kind of death grind with
a raw approach. While some blasts could remind of old CRYPTOPSY,
there's definitely some US Brutal death influence, and the quite
gory and disjoncted vocals reminds me of old EXHUMED! (And a bit
of old EXIT 13 from "Ethos musick"). Sometimes we aren't
so far from the technical grind hydro blast (Call it however you
want). Add some nice riffs à la old SKELETON OF GOD, some heaviness
à la old SKINLESS meets early DEEDS OF FLESH, and you have a nice
artifacted coffin vision of the way the rusty door of your tomb
will squeak. It sounds quite extreme, and some riffs are quite
fucked, but something lacks too really shake my coffin, and some
songs do not sound so well structured to kill the begging listener...
To conclude, I'd say it's not a bad demo, but it might get unnoticed
in the massive flows of coffins that try to infest the crowded crematory
house... The future will tell if ONE PER COFFIN will turn to really
bloody coffin-shakers. http://www.swampofpus.com

(Usa) Demo tape 2022. Self-released. "An ootheca"
is a type of egg made in big quantity by mollusks, mantises and
cockroaches". I hope the band members had your rotting body
in mind when choosing this word! Yurk. This is pretty cool old
fashioned death metal/ grind à la old CARCASS (Symphonies) with
a bit of strange 90's Finnish heaviness thrown in. Fast grind
moments, nice somewhat crazy leads, sudden breaks, semi vomiting
vocals full of reverb... This is what you find in the middle of
your cereals. Hum, there's also a very slow doom part on the
second song, sounds like DISEMBOWELMENT or something. The production
is quite "simple" but fits the criterias of the 90's/
early 00's. Sometimes this band/ project might sound similar
to very early PHOBIA (Usa) also, but the spirit is less grindcore,
and you can feel something of old "technical" gore death
metal here & there, perhaps like COPROPHILIA (Fin). This
sounds like a quite cool recording, two songs weren't long enough
to reach a full erection, but this demo entertains the rotting carcass
from the 90's... So keep an egg on their future infestations, which
might be quite pullulating & crepitating. https://oothecaslc.bandcamp.com

(Ita) Grotesque tomb MCD. 2023. FETZNER DEATH Recs. The past
is alive... But I'm already dead. Don't be fooled by the first
song " Corrosive Abyss" which contains a bunch of fast
drums/ proto blast beats, the rest of this release is different
and more traditional: This is old school death metal in a thrashing,
sometimes quite "doomy", and also quite natural sounding
manner. It seems like these Italian metallers were very influenced
by the old European style, while the old American genre also makes
appearances in their compositions. So while listening I thought
about old UNLEASHED (First two albums), early DEATH ("Scream..."),
plus some elements of old AUTOPSY, and a bit of old MORGOTH. Sometimes
I also felt like listening back to the first wave of new death metal
bands emerging from Sweden in the 2000-2005 era for "thrashing"
reasons. And it appeared to me the Italians might also enjoy the
first NECROPHAGIA Lp "Season of the dead"(But this feeling
might be more due to an atmosphere than the music in itself...) This
is a quite cool demo to listen to, ORBICATE can come up with cool
atmospheres, the songs are rather well composed and the natural
production is rather of my liking. But I wasn’t really thrilled
by an inverted cross rising from the depths, perhaps because the
music is a bit too "traditional" or lacks a little of
surprises by moments... I also have to say, maybe they were more
influenced by AUTOPSY than this recording lets me perceive it...
The more I listen to this demo, the more this influence seems to
appear in some of the heaviness or in some of the fast parts...
But the music contained here doesn't sound as fukked/ crazy as the
Reifert gang. This is a pretty cool/ pretty good demo, I believe
this is rather destined to peoples into very conservative kinds
of death metal, with an attraction for demo recordings ("The
real underground" as we called it once). So if you feel
like evocating death into Italian bars at midnight, let's wear your
darkest jacket and drive your ugly vociferous motorcycle down to
Calabria (Their hometown). https://orbicate-it.bandcamp.com

MALIGNA (Bra) Automated universal dictatorship- Absolute demoniac
oppression in 3666 Demo tape'03. IRON AVANTGARD Recs. The
strange intro reminds me the long teeth has gone; As neat as it
might be in 2008, where has the ugliness gone? ORDEM MALIGNA
remembers a lot of SUFFOCATION on "Effigy of the forgotten",
with possible hints of "Pierced from within" and fucked
up zests of FALLEN CHRIST in the judeophrenic guitars. It uses various
changes and variations on multibeats to make the quite technical
guitars sound more ejaculating by moments (Some axelerations are
nice for this): You find some blastasfuck, punching deathbeats,
heaviness, but never any mosh or pseudo groovy... The goal is to
be brutal as some kind of ugly, yet controlled, hungry bear. Notice
their song titles are quite cool, for exemple: "Mega Pazuzu's
Manifestation In Hologram Form", "Asphyxiated By Nebulous
Apparitions" or "Mechathronic Recrucifixion Of The Hebrew
Human-God"... Apparently this is brutal death metal with an
apocalyptic, futurist and demoniac state of mind (Who knows, cyber-goats
might be better in bed than the so usual traditional goats... At
least electronics rarely say no!) ORDEM is quite good at emulating
SUFFOCATION, but the songs are not on the same level of composition
and I can't say it was really catchy, just quite interesting to
listen. Some peoples will wonder "Why bother trying to emulate
a Pentium 1 with a powerfull 386 while you could get an used P1
for 5 or 10 euros?"... Maybe because the old 386 might be in
better conditions than a P1 that was too used and abused the last
10 years? At least ORDEM MALIGNA has skills and some sense of
the brutal song that might please your heads once in the right state
of punch... Hope their next recording will have a little better
production to make their songs sound heavier... Not sure if they're
still active. Email: ordemmaligna@bol.com.br

OS (Hungary) Demo XXVII Tape. 2017. FUNERAL
Here's a new cool Death metal/ Death doom band from Hungary that enters your
cassette collection with this first demo. This is clearly old school metal.
Their songs sound like a more sober version of early AUTOPSY, with some death
doom moments that could remember of mid old MORGOTH (Not so epic), with hints
of the first VOMITORY album (When they were more old school) for faster
parts. In my humble decrepited hears,
there are also riffs to be closer to the first DARKTHRONE album (When they were
a Death metal band).
This is raw simple Death metal in the old way, the production follows this
spirit, but the songs are built in a quite efficient manner (In this meaning
it's not really retro, but this way there is no repetition boredom).
There are some cool AUTOPSY alike riffs, and some nice doomy atmospheres.
I don't know what the name of the band means, but it stands for
"Bone" in French.
This is not an exceptionally rotting or bodily juicy demo, but it's a cool one
and it's encouraging for what could come later from the depths. Fans of
underground Death metal could swallow this morbid cassette without a problem.

OSMOSIS (Spa) Deciduous altars of obscure
liturgy MCD. 2016. ECLECTIC Productions.
When the worms dance, it can also be technical.
When the worms dance, it can avoid to be demonstrative.
When the ugly worms dance, it can remain in the dark and under the soil.
This Spanish band plays old school "brutal" death/ Death metal in a
manner that aims to be quite adventurous, but remains in my 90's/ 00's comfort
zone, with a bit of more "current" (But not too modern) approaches.
The playing isn't really based on brutality, even if blastbeats remain present:
About half of the music is more based on semi "progressive"
compositions that makes it a little "disconnected" (In a positive
manner), while the other half tends to evolve towards an heavier DM or 90's
brutal death.
You can feel the musician(s) listened to end 90's IMMOLATION, also perhaps
SKELETON OF GOD, MORTAL DECAY and a variety of old Brutal death (That didn't
totally lie towards the extreme), while some "black metal" approaches
remind me of MAYHEM (Wolf's lair) or aren't that far from SUFFOCATION
("Souls to deny", think about the opening track). Some heaviness and
dark moods aren't unlike MORBID ANGEL on "Gateways to annihilation",
while some fastest moments could remind of Australian ALTARS (Less fucked) or
perhaps mid old BLOODY SIGN.
Perhaps the "progressive" word I previously used can be misleading,
to be more precise I could say the compositions are quite complex with a
certain amount of changes at the level of riffs... The playing in itself isn't
really progressive, but the music doesn't sound instantaneous either, and so
could sound boring in the hears of those who need instantaneously catchy simple
old death metal.
There are some nice, or even very nice feelings when the band approaches more
black metal/ Depressive/ darker moods with quite cataclysmic arpeggios (A bit
more of it could enhance the sufferance).
I appreciate the production, it remains quite dark and "warm", no
plastic or clearness abuse here.
There are some interesting moments, some parts with more feelings, and the
whole is pleasant to listen to... Now this globally remains destined to those
like quite technical stuffs, even if the music isn't really.
Once the worms have developed, they can also turn into technical monstrosities
of the horrible, and remain ugly and disgusting at the same time.

POWER (Indonesia) Death becomes real MCD. 2022. GRINDER Recs. If
you have JavaScript problems, perhaps you should turn off your computer
and have a look at what happens musically in the town of Kediri,
located in East Java, Indonesia. OVER POWER is a band that seems
to be classified as grindcore sometimes, but my partly crepitating
hears also detect a good dose of death grind, and maybe touches
of black metal here & there. This is often fast, blasting
stuff, with a "punkish" edge on guitars sometimes, and
nicely produced drums (That also happen to play the "Tchuka
tchuka" death metal beat). The seven songs somewhat sound
like a mix of old ROTTEN SOUND, DR DOOM (The pre TEETHGRINDER band?),
NASUM, a bit of old HATEWAVE (Demo), and maybe old MORTALIZED (Jap)... The
content sounds pretty nice, the production comes with a somewhat
"HM-2" taste, but not as overdriven... Some blasting parts
are nice, this is quite energetic sounding. Then I feel some
moments lack a bit of power of become a little too "punk"
(Perhaps due to the guitar sound that can be less "full"
by moments?) to really grind your hears to deafness. But globally
this is a recording that might please those who like "quite
classical but not really old school" grindcore/ deathgrind
in the bottom-kicking manner. BIG BUTTS DESERVE BIG BLASTS. https://overpowergrind.bandcamp.com
