(Usa) Dead inside 7 Ep. 2012. Painkiller Records. Love of
perpaings... I can't get enough of it! Underwear of perpaings. Pillow
of perpaings. Grindcore of perpaings! This American band plays
grindcore with a powerviolence edge that doesn't displease my love
for perpaings! This is fast, grinding, with enough "illogical"
breaks (And not too many slow parts). The guitars are rasping enough,
but it's not too noisy and contains enough lower frequencies to
scratch the cement. The tracks occur to be quite short, more than
half is around 30 seconds (It's not noisecore yet, but quite short
grind). This isn't intense perfection, this isn't original, but
it's quite kicking and contains enough intensity to keep my mental
perpaings in place. I could listen to this Ep a dozen of times
without feeling the appearance of maximum-dust boredom, so fans
of grindcore/ powerviolence might need to stand in line to get vaccinated.
BRING YOUR PERPAINGS! http://vaccinexxx.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Demo MMIX Tape'09. It's coming from another underground
world, or almost... Death black metal with old INCANTATION influences,
mixed with a deaf sound that makes it very obscure. Quite distant
and dusty guitars, unhearable drums, deaf occult aural deglutitions...
It reminds me the way I understood the first BESTIAL WARLUST album's
production 12 years ago. Wasn’t it voluntary underproduced? I think
they might sound clearer during rehearsals Ah Ah. It's not so far
from the GOAT MOLESTOR first demo (Now GRAVE MIASMA) on matters
of style and atmosphere. There are some nice atmospheres but also
some too simple riffs. This is a recording you could enjoy if
you get into the atmosphere and penetrate the intimate rituals,
because trying to listen to the playing and analyze would get you
instantaneously bored. Pure obscurity from the inner depths of the
deep underground. http://www.myspace.com/vasaeleth

HORDE (Usa) Vengeance horde Demo tape. 2022. STYGIAN BLACK HAND
Recs. 13 candles and a bottle of black clotted blood. This
is quite crucifying, violent sounding black death metal in the old
bestial style that once emerged from Australia... And more precisely
close to the second BESTIAL WARLUST album. Surprising are the
many similarities you can find with the old Melbourne act: The kind
of angriness, the vokallizing screams, the high-pitched epic riffs
of war, some tempo changes with "thrash" riffs, and perhaps
even the production... It really doesn't sound or taste bad in
the style, I dig the angriness of the whole... But I also feel it's
not the same level of quality than old Bestial Warlust (Sometimes
the compositions could be a bit more "right-to-the-klokked
G-point" (Understand the right riff placed at the best moment)
and a couple of guitars sound perhaps a bit... "Generic"? But
this tape remains pretty kicking and aggressive... It really tastes
like leftover recordings from BESTIAL WARLUST's second album "Blood
& valor", which will be a quite hellcome point for the
fans. Drink the blood. Drink the black clotted blood. Label
page: https://stygianblackhand.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Demo 2023. Digital. Self-released. HOT WATER IN YOUR
BEER? JUST VOMIT WITH TWO FINGERS! This is quite great sounding
old school thrash with somewhat spiked influences of the 80's. The
first band that comes to my mind while listening is old DESTRUCTION
and especially "Live without sense" for the quite powerful
sound and a part of the riffs… Then I also felt brutal moments closer
to SODOM, and a bunch of guitars in the style of old KREATOR ("Terrible
certainty" or perhaps "Coma of souls", but a little
less "modern" in the playing). In some mid-paced parts
the band approaches something somewhat like crossover, it reminds
me a bit of some old NUCLEAR ASSAULT, but other mid-paced moments
also sound similar to Kreator or maybe old Exodus… The production
is quite powerful and also a bit "crispy", which mixed
with the vocals might give a taste of "black thrash" like
mid old DESASTER (Ger)… or maybe simply the old brutal SODOM! I'm
not always a so big fan of the vocals, it's screamy somewhat scorched
and globally fits... But it sounds a big too high pitched by moments. It's
a pretty efficient demo and sounds quite great. It might please
fans of 80's thrash/ black thrash with yet a quite powerful sound. EPILEPTIC
VOMIT FORCE! NO MORE WATER IN YOUR BEER!! https://vigilthrash.bandcamp.com

(Croatia) Nest of vipers Demo tape. 2023. KELLERASSEL Recs. Please
brutal readers, let me review a recording that doesn't sound so
extreme, but remains in the fields of cool music for once! This
band from Zagreb plays old hard rock/ rock'n roll à la old MOTÖRHEAD
with a side closer to ooold punk (Like AMEBIX perhaps). This is
the kind of stuff that sounds so cool when you have eaten so much
of pizza that the level of gastric liquid is just under your tongue
(The belly ready to explode and splash! AhAh) Here's how the
label described this tape, and I think they were quite right: "Motörized
& punk-fuelled rock'n roll from the sewers of Zagreb. A truly
nasty bastard which will please all freaks who are into Amebix,
Girlschool, Hazarder, obviously Motöthead (Bronze ear) and also
outlaw movies like Satan's sadists". Well some songs are
a bit better than others according to my feelings, and this is definitely
simple/ no brainshake music... So you'd better tease the vipera
once you're very full or pizza or your brain is very liquefied (Maybe
ahah). This is a cool band and their music could please fans
of old MOTÖRHEAD meets (maybe) early CELTIC FROST/ HELLHAMMER and
simple old punk the "powerful" way. Burp. https://vipera666.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Viraemia MCD'09. Self released This is technical brutal
of PESTILENCE's "Spheres" for a jazzy state of mind. I
grew bored with most of this style, but VIRAEMIA kinda entertains
me... Maybe because their songs contain something quite "fun"
and quite cool sounding, the most technical parts always keep something
musical, and they don't hesitate to insert some very simple parts
in the middle of the tapping craziness to keep the listening quite
easy. Sometimes it's so fast and strange that it enters another
world than brutal death, maybe some crazy video game tone, or something
"funny" not so far from MORTAL DECAY ("Sickening
erotic fanaticism")... One could find some elements of PSYCROPTIC's
second album, or some mid old NATRON, but it's a different atmosphere. Of
course it comes with a very thin and neat production, and some peoples
could complain about the fact "It's music for musicians"...
But here I think it is rather quite cerebral music for focused listeners,
might they be musicians or not. VIRAEMIA hasn't procreated the
totally killer tunes yet, but for a "first" demo it has
a very good level and they have some touches of craziness that let
me imagine their next recording could be over the top. So keep tuned
to the viral pipe where all emerging sexy viruses grow under pressure,
to hear what kind of strange monster they'll become! http://www.myspace.com/viraemiaaz
AD NAUSEUM (Fra) "Disgusting cranial" Split CDr.
Here's a short
revieulsed for a not so short release filling your stomach a brutal
way. VISCERAL is the first to molest your libidinal zigzags
and plays common, but quite brutal death: Think CANNIBAL CORPSE
("Butchered at birth"), with DISGORGE (Us/ Less technical)
and touches of DEVOURMENT. It might stab the ass of the gore brutality.
inserts a darker seed with something more IMMOLATION influenced,
but with more brutal death influences à la (mid old/ old) DEEDS
OF FLESH, with a bit of NILE and some epic zests of fast INCANTATION.
Quite promising for the entrails of the French brutal underground.
something in the middle of blasting death and simple old Death metal.
The production makes it a bit close to some old MALEVOLENT CREATION
album (Was it the first, second or third?) while I thought a bit
about some JUDECCA (Slow) or RESURRECTION ("Embalmed madness").
Some riff/ tempo changes are a bit strange, sounds like if the CD
skips (??). Even if some mid-to-slow-paced parts are nice, DECREPIFY
is not much for me... Maybe a different production would help...?
plays something between blasting death and grindcore, surrounded
by touches of brutal death, older mid-paced Death, and few other
things... Some slow parts like old GOREFEST or mid old BOLT THROWER
aren't bad, but most of the time when they blast I don't care about
the riffs... Few Hc influences could visit the trashcan for permanent
vacations, and I'm not sure about some "Swedish melodeath"
influences... There's not much to say for now, it could please some
peoples but it's just another underground band that needs to wash
the average parts, develop etc...
The first half of the cooked monkey brain tastes better than the
second half. This quite cool bleeding split CDr that contains 4
demos for the (trading?) price of one, might please undergrounders...
So if your bottom if a bit more than a nut-crusher, trying to support
the underground could be a nice idea... Why not moving your ass
from the pile of nuts, you plastic cum slurper?

VIVISECT (Usa) Vivisect
Ep 2020. Digital. Self-released.
Coming from New Jersey/ Usa, this new band practices cool and quite putrid old
school death metal, and it reminds me a lot the chunks of old AUTOPSY! Then you
can also find some good portions of early DEATH (First two albums only) .
Most of the musick is based on this old and fast "thrashing" death
metal, with some doomier parts, it's often coming with a quite thick feeling.
(This said, the musick is less crazy and fucked than old Autopsy).
Sometimes, VIVISECT also reminds me of the french band HERPES (R.I.P/ For their
first and second demo), I also heard a bit of early ASPHYX during slower parts
("Embrace the death" Lp... When they had a lower pitched guitar tone
and more cavern vocals) .
Nothing original here, but it's a quite well rounded pile of morbid corpses and
bowels; If you're listening to Deaf metal of the dead for the bowelish
feelings, you could dig some nice putrid gloryholes with VIVISECT musick in
your boombox. BOOM, BOOM, GOOORE!
(Ps: I discovered this band on a live tape released by Contaminated tones recs,
but this newer release has a cooler production, so I choose to review this

VOMI NOIR (Fra) Vomi
noir Demo 2016. Digital. Self-released.
I wonder what someone should ingurgitate to puke black vomit... Delicate
petroleum cocktail? Subtle burial ground cake? Or is it simply about inner organs'
Anyway, what we're dissecting now is the first recording of a new French band
called VOMI NOIR and the style is located between goregrind and old school
I should immediately warn you this is not lofi goregrind, the music comes with
real riffs and the whole sounds quite great. Remind me of old REGURGITATE,
ooold DEAD INFECTION, early CARCASS (Demos & 1st Lp) with some
"grooves" emerging from the days of the HEMDALE/ EXHUMED split CD.
Quite neat drummer. Songs are structured in a quite right-to-the-point manner.
The name of the band is French written, in English it actually means
"Black vomit'; The song titles are also French written and could sound as
follow in English: Narcissistic pervert, Decomposed loves, open air sewer,
Rotten to the core, A re-opened wound.
The guitarist is Pierre from Braindead webzine, I must say I prefer VOMI NOIR
than his previous project BLUE HOLOCAUST, it sounds more efficient.
Fans of gore could dig this black vomit since it's above the average of the
current goregrind releases, and there are kicking moments.

TROUGH (Usa) It's grind! Demo MCD. 2007. HOT ORANGE PUKE Recs. Mummified
in toxic mushrooms. Since the name of this band doesn't speak
much to me, and the dictionary didn't help, let's change a letter
to make it look cooler... “Vomit through”... VOMIT THROUGH YOUR
being a grindcore band at the basis, the music of this philharmonic
vomitical outfit evolved towards something more complex and technical
that could be called "Death grind, in the quite technical manner":
The guitars contain as much "thrashy" tremolos, as grindcore
power chords, as technical and quite brutal stuffs. When I listen,
I feel and think about NAPALM DEATH ("Utopia banished"
and "Harmony corruption" as well as more recent stuffs),
some SKELETON OF GOD for the strange approach of some riffs, some
polish ROTTING HEAD (Is it one more quote of unknown forgotten band?)
for some Napalm Death inspired power chords, some SINISTER (Could
be the not-so-old releases) for some "regular" Death/
Brutal death, plus CENOTAPH (Turkey) and some early NECROPHAGIST
in the most technical moments. A particularity is the fact riffs
changes very often, and so there's no chorus (Some riffs could turn
into something like that with more "pop" structures, but
it's not the case... They prefer to change of riff before you think...). The
vocals aren't too deep or screamy... It's more like early thrash
metal/ speed death vocals meets a crazy touch... Roughly it might
remember of early NECROPHAGIA and early SADISTIK EXEKUTION (I said
roughly... Vomit rough?) This is a decent demo, it doesn't suck,
but it has its defects: 1) I didn't hear things too catchy. 2) The
riffs might change too often (That could explain I didn't hear things
too catchy?). 3) This recording is a little short (Maybe because
the riffs change too often?). 4) When I reviewed this record I had
to play it again and again (Maybe because it's a little short?).
So it could please some peep-holes, but I don't have a deeper or
more developed opinion for now... http://myspace.com/vomittroughgrind

(Uk) Devoid of divinity Demo CDr'09. Mega abuse of cock sucking
often tends to disgusted vomitous solutions! Ok, we don't care
about BRUTAL TRUTH's comeback since they left the world of Death
and early grind and won't turn back, but it's a decent introduction...
Need more of my vomit motives? VOMITOUS from Uk plays a mix between
blasting death, Death metal and brutal death that has its moments
of kicking rapidity. Think about something in the (gangbanging)
middle of FLESHTIZED, SUFFOCATION (Rather "Despise the sun"),
or even "early" SPAWN OF POSSESSION by moments. There
are a lot of blasts, double kicks (Yet never super abusive) and
few slower or "normal" Death metal beats, but it's always
quite fucking fast! Ahah. The production is clear; It's well produced,
not plastic like but maybe a bit too thin. This demo isn't bad,
it contains its moments of impacting efficiency and blasting burn,
but every parts do not work on the same level of carnal deflagration
(At least every riffs are decently thought).It shows a quite professional
band with some brutal potential. With a bit more personality
VOMITOUS could become a coolifying offering to underground fans
of the style. http://www.myspace.com/vomitousuk

(Uk) Abominations Demo CDr. 2010. I have a morbid question:
Did they voluntary xerox, the Xeroxed copy of a xerox picture so
that their covers looks more ugly and necro? Jokes aside, it looks
quite necro, somewhere between some Repugnant and old Carcass demos.
"So, does the music follow this first visual impression?"
Will you ask... Yes and no. Yes because it's the same kind of
morbid territories, no because VORTILICH is more convenient than
crushing, and it sounds like a first demo. It's mostly slow and
doomy Death metal influenced by old AUTOPSY (Less fukked and bizarre)
and very early PARADISE LOST (Demos or first Lp, less melancholic
or "epic"). The gory alike vocals (A bit like Impetigo)
and some riffs could let appear reminiscing fumes of very old CARCASS,
but sometimes it's closer to SANITYS DAWN's album "Cryptic
menu" (Which was in the same bowelish category). Some faster
parts appear, mostly in the second song (I think about DEPRAVITY
(Fin)), but wouldn't bet a ball on that), and also in the 4th one
(A CARCASS cover, but does it count in counting the fast parts?) Some
problems need to be underlined: The drum machine is very low in
the mix. The gory alike vocals aren't too impressive, it could come
from deeper in the throat because here it's more in the mouth... Those
who have at best one or two foot fingers in the putrid grave might
find this demo very average and utterly boring... It's a very deep
underground recording, sometimes amateurish. I think VORTILICH might
improve in a quite cool way in the future, because some doomy riffs
are quite okey in my putrid scum... This demo is limited to 59 copies,
so they might be conscious of their level. So let's keep the foot-fingers
crossed and see what kind of purulent efforts they will do until
next recording. http://www.myspace.com/vortilich

VULTUR (Gre) Vulture's beak Demo tape. 2016.
WAR Productions.
When your Hifi system is damaged and only one of the two speakers delivers
sound, it can bring a more old school experience: The fact of listening to
music in MONO!
It's more old school, because in the 70's some vynil players only had a speaker
and didn't deliver the whole spectrum... It can become quite surprising if you
try it with albums you know very well: Sometimes you expect a guitar riff on
the left, and there's nothing, just drum breaks AhAh
hopefully for my reviewing needs the music of the Greek metal band VULTUR isn't
particularly full of guitar polyphonies or strange things happening in stereo.
This is old school death metal, or should I say a mix between old
"satanic" death in a quite brutal 90's manner and the Floridian style
of once.
By moments the music can seriously remember of early DEICIDE (Especially the
first one "Deicide" and "Once upon the cross"), with a bit
of ENCABULOS ("Abandoning the flesh" MCD), some old SINISTER, perhaps
old ALTARS (Hol/ That might be due to the drum sound mostly), with a good dose
of 90's Floridian Death metal à la old RESURRECTION or MORTA SKULD.
Sometimes the music is fast and blasting, sometimes it's more mid-paced,
sometimes it uses the old thrash DM beat, so globally it's quite varied rhythmically.
The production is quite good in a 90's style, not to the level of a 90's/ 00's
album, but for a demo it's good enough.
Some riffs are quite cool, some parts are quite kicking, while some are less
interesting (I'm not so fond of all the more mid-paced parts); The band can
come up with cool (Or even very cool) riffs and nice guitars while some parts
are a little too common.
Globally it's a quite good Death metal demo that could please fans of 90 death
between the "satanic" and more US styles.

out now!
school death metal/ Thrash with technical touches. Check out
circuitry recs.