JACK (Hungary) Tour tape 2014. Self-released.
I'm the cinderblock in your beer.
I'm the ugly bear drinking your beer when you are dead thirsty.
I'm the hippopotamus pouring expired milk in your wine when you try to dance
At the first touch of claws, this tape didn't really turn on my
sickness-o-meter, because it didn't sound so grinding/ blasting...
But after all it doesn't displease my inner bear: Quite kicking death grind/
"proto" dbeat/ Grindcore with hardcore moments.
It reminds me of mid old NAPALM DEATH, with perhaps a bit of early MISERY INDEX
(For the early "deathcore"/ brutal/ however, and a couple of riffs to
be closer to mid-paced (But not modern) hardcore).
I regret there are quite a lot of fast hardcore beats (Those fast, but not
blasting drums) while I prefer faster blastbeats. But the songs are built in a
nice/ quite efficient manner, not so far from old NAPALM/ TERRORIZER (With
variations on riffs/ beats etc)
This tape could suit your needs for the dance of the ugly and angry beers.
This is not over the top of the ugly bears' pyramid, but it's not bad either.

(Usa) Stolen commissary razor Demo tape. 2023. DYSTOPIAN DOGS Recs. Watch
the spiked dragon skull. What this tape contains consists in
quite great sounding old school thrash, with a dose of black thrash,
and also elements of old punk Hc. In my humble tormented hears,
this release is similar to a mix of early Teutonic thrash (Early
DESTRUCTION, a bit of DARKNESS (Death squad), and old SODOM), with
some black thrash (Very early AURA NOIR (First album for "light
speed" riffs) or old DESASTER (Ger)), with something more punk
HC that sounds like the second VOÏVOD album "Rrrröööaaarrr"
for some reasons, or maybe old NUCLEAR ASSAULT. Sometimes JAIL
seems like if IMPIETY's second album ("Skullfucking...")
was more focused on thrash than black metal, but sometimes they
also sound closer to old SODOM (Rather the mid end 90's albums)
due to the powerful yet "raw" production (Fuck, my hears
are going to bleed AhAh). I saw the guitarist of the band also
played in SEKKUSU, well the style isn't too far if you are familiar
with this also quite recent band. This tape is a pretty kicking
release, with some great "light speed" riffs and thrashing
guitars. I feel the level of intensity decreases a bit in the middle
(But maybe coz I'm not a real sodomaniac AhAh). Any way of the
swinging axe, these four tracks of spiked-metal remain quite great
to hear in the style. SUCK THE SPIKED SKULL. And watch your tongue
bleed. https://jaildetroit.bandcamp.com