(Ger) Still resting Demo tape. 2022. LIFE AFTER DEATH Recs. TOXIC
Here is a cool
death metal demo that focused very much on old death metal from
the early 90's. There's a big portion of old ASPHYX in there (Two
first albums), as well as some old OBITUARY, BOLT THROWER, some
old PESTILENCE (Second album but less technical)... And I also heard
a portion of GRAVE's comeback album ("Back from the grave"),
maybe more than I first thought. The style of the band is quite
simple, with as much of fast and slower parts (And little "epic
touches). The vocals are quite good sounding, it tastes like Van
Drunen in the early ASPHYX or PESTILENCE records. Ok ok, this
demo would be quite great to listen for fans of 90's DM, but some
less "interesting" points should also be quoted: The vocals
are too loud in the mix by moments, and perhaps the riffs are a
bit too usual? I'm not sure... Then this recording perhaps doesn't
sound as fucking old school as planned due to the powerful production...
This would depend on your tastes. I know that in 2023 everyone
seems to plays old death metal, and there's nothing revolutionary
in these songs, but I feel some enthusiasm in there and nothing
seems at the wrong place (Which is not always the case with the
new DM bands/ projects AhAh). Nb: Members of Mandatory and Iron
Kobra are to be found in there. https://rip-metal.bandcamp.com

(Ita) The passion Demo CDr'09. The title of this CDr demo
might sound a bit ambitious, because when I think about the word
"passion" for this kind of music, and more precisely about
the past works of Chuck Schuldiner, I view many waves of darkened
atmospheres and intense feelings, something incredible... And RAGESTORM
is not of the same heart-shaking caliber... But well they sent a
promo, so let's pay a closer attention to the content. A quite
big part of their music reminds me of DEATH (Rather of the "Symbolic"
era), yet less technical or bombastic. So you have something like
more or less melodic death metal and heavy metal, with some thrash
touches... There's also a bit of current NEVERMORE, maybe ICED EARTH
(Or maybe something more commercial? (I'm especially thinking about
few parts of clean vocals)). Most of the vocals are high pitched,
like later Schuldiner, but sometimes even higher, which is a bit
too much for me... Some parts are sung (See the Nevermore quote)
and sound ok. I used to like bands in this style, but from a
more technical sub-genre, like DEATH, ILLOGICIST and maybe GORY
BLISTER or also perhaps AD-MORTEM (?)... I didn't find this demo
that appealing: During the listening you navigate into quite okey
riffs that could have been ok for some hearing time, but there are
also other stuffs that dry down what remains of my milk bottle (Stuffs
reminding of the small local bands, or some heavier corish thrash
patterns in the first song...) and I didn’t hear the great ideas
that can boost your bottom. So in my humble putrid opinion,
it's just an average demo and more guts are needed! But maybe they'll
find a record deal next month if they insert a little more of this,
a touch of that, and a small "flower" concept (Things
are so sodomized and sodomizing nowadays) http://www.myspace.com/ragestormmetal
CADAVER (Uk) Flesh monstrocity Demo tape. 2022. DRY COUGH Recs. What
the black-cream filled maggots defecate in your mouth is classical
old school death metal/ Death doom with a strong influence of AUTOPSY.
It's clear as a mudbath that these guys macerated in the ugly sounds
of Chris Reifert, you can feel it in the doomy riffs, the angry
vocals, the filth... Then the quite raw (But also heavy) production
adds a touch of dirtiness. Then some doomier parts almost tend to
the spirit of old sludge by moments, which is nice. While inspecting
the maggots, I also happened to think about early DEATH (First Lp)
for some slow parts & accelerations, maybe a little of very
early PARADISE LOST (Demos only I'd say) for some doom riffs (But
not as melancholic)... Coming back to the Autopsy comparison, maybe
Rancid Cadaver isn't as fukked in the mind or fukked in the songs'
structures? But it sounds very close… This is a cool wormy demo
and it suits my needs for ugly doom/ death metal... But perhaps
it's a little too common to fully ingurgitate the 19:25 minutes
again and again?... Anyway of the worm, I think there would be no
doubt RANCID CADAVER could turn into a cool/ very cool band during
live conditions. Let's collect the worms and pile them into glass
jars, until the final vibrations of wormy resonance! THE LUMINOUS
the label a couple of times with no luck, so perhaps it's not very
active?) https://www.facebook.com/rancidcadaver

RANCOROUS (Usa) Stealth
dominion Demo tape. 2019. Self-released.
The merciless lacerations of the leather swift won't be enough to warm the old
dead fuck.
RANCOROUS is a great sounding old school thrash band with a blackened touch.
The core of their music is kinda located in the old albums of German thrash,
with SODOM ("Persecution mania") and old KREATOR, but you also find
the ripping riffs of early MERCILESS (Swe). Then the band adds a more
"modern" touch in the infusion of some riffs (That tease the
blackened thrash lands), and they even almost reach black metal sometimes. For
these last influences you could think about MERCILESS (The
"Merciless" album from 2002, which was a good mixture of death/
thrash and black), some AURA NOIR, a bit of old IMPIETY (I had the
"Skullfucking armageddon" CD in mind, minus the blasts...).
These songs sound quite kicking, but musically it's not always fast and
ripping, there's a bit of variety and some catchy guitar-parts to make it more
The style is a bit different, but RANCOROUS kinda gives me the same impression
than the US thrash band EXTINCTION AGENDA when I discovered them years ago (For
the thrash riffing and the level of composition) ((Ok, this is a quite obscure
underground quote, many peoples won't get the point, but I didn't spend my life
sucking the big labels' perfectly lined-up famous releases, so I'm talking
about what I KNOW and what I lived!))
As always with this style, I didn't follow the evolution of
"blackened" thrash metal, so I couldn't replace this demo in the
current thrashing context, but for what it is I would say "Stealth
dominion" is a great sounding release! BANG OR BE (GANG)BANGED!

(Swe) Necrotic cultivation Demo tape. 2022. NEURO HABITAT Recs. As
the corpsegrinding machine keeps on working endlessly, I have to
introduce you to a nice gore recording. The music this Swedish
duo procreates isn't really goregrind, to be more precise I would
rather say some kind of "gore death grind" (Yes, I'm a
bit splitting the hairs in half... But at least we still have ass
hairs! The butts aren't totally shaven contrary to some young peoples
who seem to have a hair phobia! AhAh) Musically the influence
of early CARCASS is obvious, but I hear other sweating similarities
like early and mid old GENERAL SURGERY, some old SANITYS DAWN (Gore
days), a little of old IMMURED (When they somewhat tasted like C.B.T...
But it's only seldom)... And perhaps this Swedish band sounds like
if early NYCTOPHOBIC (Demos/ Eps) took the path of pathologic gore. The
music of RASHES is globally quite classical and kicking gore death
grind, but I also hear nice crazy leads (Or some background guitar
"noises") that bring a touch of craziness here & there,
and some parts bring a bit of "sickness fun" that is entertaining
the entrails. The production is quite "clean" compared
to some unlistenable sewer garbagephiliac gore demos, well this
production has a somewhat death metal aspect which suits my defunct
hears (It's not so far from "Symphonies of sickness" for
the guitars I'd say, but a bit clearer). I would keep this release
for fans of grind, but if you pay a closer hear the music sounds
a bit more than just like "another grind release", it
sounds a bit more crazy and “fun” than the average. It's a nice
demo to taste and devour the sweating meat bullets. https://rashes.bandcamp.com

WIRE (Usa) Demo 2023. Digital. Self-released. I'm not
always a big fan when some bands melt death metal with some hardcore...
But in the case of RAZOR WIRE the content of the rotting bowels
is more inclined to please the CORPSE! Probably because their influences
are more old school than what you usually hear in 2024... This
band is located in Massachusetts, Usa, and their music consists
of early 90's death metal/ death thrash with a side of old beatdown
Hc heaviness. In my hears the whole sounds as a mix of old OBITUARY,
MASTER's first two albums, perhaps DEMOLITION HAMMER (First album),
and when the tempo goes more beatdown it might feel closer to old
BIOHAZARD or MORTA SKULD's second album (When it gets into the "groove"). There
are quite cool thrashing riffs or heavier guitars in there. Some
heavier parts sound like old Obituary, which is cool, or sometimes
it seems like they also dig the CELTIC FROST song "Circle of
the tyrants". The vocals aren't really death metallic, it's
probably closer to angry "thrash" (Like old Master, perhaps
Infernal Majesty) and also old punk hardcore. It's Okey, donkey.
Some moments come with quite abrupt tempo or riff changes which
is okey if you dig old/ early Obituary. The music of RAZOR WIRE
doesn't really sound original, but it doesn't ring like all the
new OSDM coming up either.... They might have more old school influences
than usual, for current American death metal. This is a pretty
good demo with some quite kicking songs and a quite powerful production. The
fans of old death metal/ death thrash who don’t dislike old hardcore
DIG OUR GRAVE. UNTIL THE DEAD SILENCE TAKES OVER. https://razorwiredeath.bandcamp.com

(Ger) The beastard Demo CDr'09. Bitch defenestrator! Even
though "RAW" might seem like a true black metal or old
hardcore moniker, it's the case of none as the nun would rather
face something like Thrash metal with crustcore influences. The
style is quite "old styled" or better said not much influenced
by the newer approaches since it goes for a quite simple and "Right
in the bitch" approach, yet with a neat and quite "surgical"
(Not ugly enough) porkduction. By moments I think about a cleaner
and tighter FARSCAPE, or let's better quote old KREATOR... But the
atmosphere isn't the same and I would rather point out what Petrozza
and friends did a few albums later ("Terrible certainty"
or a little of "Coma of souls") on a riffing point of
vrooom. You could also think about RITUAL CARNAGE's first album
or some MASTER ("On the seventh day..." for the extensive
use of double kicks) with some old crustcore, few blasting patterns,
and a little zest of rock'n roll or punk. It's quite kicking
and the production is neat, but I'm not particularly hooked by the
balls (Genital piercings aren't really fun) and didn't detect vibrations
of the dead. RAW might be a nice band to check out live, or if
you don't want to stress your mind too much, but the bitch is still
holding tight on the window and would need her well deserved final
kick! http://www.myspace.com/fuckingraw

(Bra) ...Mentes ressurgidas Demo tape 2002. MOONDO Recs. According
to the band name and their country of origin, you could have imagined
something like thrash black or vomit black metal, but you failed
lame looser! The style of this band is much closer to something
like the technical Death we could often hear years ago, I think
about a wave of bands that were influenced by DEATH ("Rather
the "Human" era, with a little of "Individual thought
patterns"), but this was something before computers dominated
every angles of "metal"... The production and style
aren't modern at all, this recording sounds quite natural: The guitars
doesn't taste like Deejay attempts to emulate metal, the drum doesn't
try be your next portable phone techno hit, apparently nothing was
computer manipulated and it sounds quite convenient (No stress in
your hears!). As said above, the listening reminds me of DEATH,
but it should be underlined the style is less technical and less
progressive influenced. You could also think about AD-MORTEM
(Fra), little touches of ATHEIST, little touches of black metal
that could materialize under the influences of early GOD DETHRONED,
and more and more (The bands who played this technical kind of Death
metal were numerous in the past). The technical level of the
musicians is quite good, the drummer sometimes adds something more
technical even if there's nothing ultra spectacular (Who really
needs that anymore?), the drummer has a classical playing with more
jazzy or complex touches... All in all I should say it's something
like the right level for the style. "...Mentes ressurgidas"
isn't a totally killer demo, I wasn't hooked or haunted by the riffing
thrill, but it's something quite convenient to listen when you're
in the right mood... ARGH! I just noticed this demo was recorded
in 2002, this clearly explains a lot of things about the style,
the recording and almost all the strange impression I had (I thought
this band was defending their own style against all, but I was wrong
ahah...) Hope they didn't adapt to all the new modern obligatory
influences and didn't feel force to plastify everything...

(Fin) Grasp Demo CDr. 2012. Self-released. Utopia corruption?
Harmony banished? Inside the exit wound? Words from the torn apart?
Doesn't it remind you of something? This Finnish band plays Death
metal/ Grindcore with a quite strong NAPALM DEATH influence at the
level of vocals and riffs (Roughly for what Napalm composed the
last 16 years, minus the industrial and more alternative elements). You
can hear songs with quite a lot of tempo changes: There are blasts,
mid-paced motivated rhythms or slower groovier "hardcore"
beats, in more or less equal portions. As I said there's a Napalm
influence, but it's not THAT obvious for the guitars (Approx half
of it), it's mostly about the vocals. The riffs are located somewhere
between Death metal and grindcore, with some older HC influences
in the middle. There's no real power-chord-violence-grind and the
fast riffs tend to be closer to Death metal than grindcore. The
drums aren't super-tight sometimes, but that's ok (Maybe I'm too
used to triggered drums?) On the last and 4th track they also
remind me a bit of the French band DEPRAVED (R.I.P or reanimated?),
for something a bit more "black metal" (If I could say
so). PRE-CONCLUSION: Some fast blast parts are energetic and
refreshing, and the angry vocals are great (I didn't see Barney
listed as guest vocalist, what happened? It could be him), but some
less refreshing riffs are a bit boring and some songs could be articulated
in a bit more efficient manner (To cut more gangrenous members (Even
if it's already okey at the level of song structures)). CONCLUSION:
I received more boring demos to review. This is not bad, but I wish
the riffs were a bit more angry sometimes... http://www.refusalband.com

TERROR (Usa) Septic disposal program Demo CDr'07. Some
bands like to play with reviewers, and especially these writers
who think they know everything too well and wouldn't bother checking
more than 1 song to write a review... For example, at the
very first approach you could think REGURGITATED TERROR plays ultra
brutal US death metal, but a closer (real) listening is enough to
realize there's more than ultra brews inside of the terrorized guts...
Between the bowels, you could also find portions of obscure
death metal à la old INCANTATION, remains of early Death metal touches
à la old DEATH ("Scream bloody gore"... Sounds like a
DEATH cover Incantation did on a MCD), mashed and mixed with old
school brutal death metal (Think about the 94-98 era... Maybe a
bit of SKINLESS?), with pus smashing Uhuhuhultra blasts, a bit of
EXHUMED ("Gore metal" for reasons almost unidentified...
Maybe the way the guy blasts and some grey deafness of the sound?),
a bit of old MORTICIAN, a bit of early DEEDS OF FLESH... As you
see, there's quite a lot of various obscure and brutal influences
inside. The tunes of REGURGITATED TERROR sound brutal and have
a nice obscure atmosphere, but something doesn't work: While some
fast parts have a bit of stagnancy that helps to develop an obscure
feeling à la old INCANTATION, this stagnancy also sometimes fucks
the efficiency and I got a feeling of not-so-tight affair. Plus
some riffs sound a bit flat in the middle of other brewtalizassionz,
and there's not so much to definitely hook your pierced tits (The
way it used to be hooked on the cover of the first CRUSHER album
(An okey (But just okey) French death grind band from the past...
Said to be reformed this year?)). So, to conclude, I might say
(Read well, I will say it) that REGURGITATED TERROR has nice arguments
in the matters of suffocated/ obscure brutal death and ultra blast
brutality, but they need to (re)work again (and possibly again)
the structures of their songs and riffs' quality to improve the
effects in the underwears of the listener. I wish them good luck,
because killing what occurs 'inside' is not a lost case (Hopefully).
Click to be teeerrroooziiiiized: http://www.myspace.com/regurgitatedterror

(Chile) Decadente mundo de divina tirania MCD. 2022. INVERTED INHUMATION
Recs. Welcome to the "CHILEAN METAL ASSAULT" Webzine!
A place where you can learn about all the new upcoming obscure releases
from these burning lands, without being financially raped by CORREOS.CHILE!
Oups, for a minute my mind was travelling in another country/
continent/ dimension... But there are so many new Death metal releases
emerging from Chile that your compass might lose the north sometimes... Here
we have the first recording of REPUGNANCIA from Santiago, which
practices a kind of "satanic" death metal I could locate
somewhere between old DEICIDE, early NILE, old MORBID ANGEL... With
something of old/ very old IMMOLATION... The outcome is already
quite professional for a first incantation. Musically most of
the tempos are fast and blasting, this is quite angry, but some
heavier parts appear here & there. You can hear nice moments
of "class" which could be linked to Morbid Angel's "Domination",
then some epic guitars lead back to old NILE (Not as technical thought...
It's not necessarily a bad point). I also happened to view old releases
of VITAL REMAINS by moments (Perhaps "Dechristianize"
or the one before). The first half of this Ep is the most interesting,
the guitar parts are quite worked (But not too technical), the second
half of the release sounds more "regular" musically speaking. This
Ep is a quite good first recording and contains hopes for future
blasphemic invokations. The burning eye of the beast keeps on watching. Fb:

(Swe) Excremental funeral Demo CDr'08. Fuck fuck fuck...
Some new bands tend to make Death metal more fuck fuck fucked...
Rawer and putrid as it used to be, but also more fuck and (fucking?)
fucked... REPUKED sounds like a rawer AUTOPSY that would have
eaten more shit and would decide to play it more punk, so in a way
these Swedish piss-worshippers might sound like some ABSCESS...
But to be clearer in my current excremental decomposition I would
put them somewhere in the middle of the gore & doom of AUTOPSY
and the urine brewing or crass-deliquescence of ABSCESS, with touches
of Death metal like early DEATH (First album, but not after), quite
raw "Rock'n roll" moments of ENTOMBED on "To ride,
shoot straight... and piss the puss", little slow moments of
early ASPHYX... And some old demos, to make you feel the production
is quite raw, not almost a rehearsal, but the guitars has the same
old crass frequencies... Now, everyone will agree fucking is
good, but maybe what I hear is a bit too much fucky-fucked... The
(gang) band has it's decent listening qualities, but they might
sound a bit too much like a side-fuck-project (The music you play
when you aren't inserting your penis?) and some things could be
improved (Some riffs are a bit too common, some fucked-up-ness could
be intensified, some drum patterns might be a bit out-of-cunt, etc).
I guess this is a young band and they could improve if they
take the time and will to insert their musical penises deeper and
harder. Dig the cunt! http://www.repuked.tk

REPULSIC (Chile) Ensayo
2015 Demo CDr. Self-released.
This band is not on Metal-archives at the moment I'm writing this review,
perhaps they are too underground yet, or perhaps their style is not considered
metal enough.
This is underground grindcore with elements of Death metal. I don't listen to a
lot of new grindcore bands anymore, so my opinion and comparisons might sound a
bit blurred... But their music reminds me of early PHOBIA ("Means of
existence" MCD), old BLOOD, UNSEEN TERROR, early NAPALM DEATH (Less
extreme, and not much crust influenced) or ATROCITY (Usa) for some "guitar
chaos" and some kind of Repulsion influence in the vocals (?).
There are a lot of blast bears, and not a lot of punk/ dbeat influences, which
is not so usual for grind.
This is underground grindcore, it doesn't suck because there's some intensity,
but in some fast parts the playing doesn't sound so tight (No triggers used
here), and I can't say I was really thrilled. I would say fans of underground
grindcore who like to pile up demos to feel stronger in this stressing would
could dig it.
Web page: https://www.facebook.com/Repulsic

MASS (Swe) Conjure apocalyptic pestilence MCD. 2022. BRUTAL
CAVE Recs. UPHEAVAL OF BLASPHEMY! This is great sounding
satanic and obscure death metal! It tastes like a mix of mid
old INCANTATION, old MORBID ANGEL, with parts à la early IMMOLATION
(First album), perhaps BEYOND FEAR (Uk), or old CENTURIAN! The
fast blasting parts deliver the evil and intensity of obscurity!
I'm in my bedroom ready to raise the fist (AhAh). This is quite
kicking stuff, with a bit more intricate guitars here & there. I
think the drums were programmed (Or triggered?), but it sounds alright
and I dig how the bass drums are sounding (Kinda like early IMMOLATION
in the spirit). Now I feel some doomier parts are a bit too "quiet",
it dissolves a bit the intensity (Seems like the kind of "doom
death" that comes with a love for "emptiness" or
seems "suspended over emptiness"). This demo sounds
great in the style, it's not really original and might somewhat
fall unnoticed in the mass of evil death metal coming out... But
it would be a shame because some intensity and qualities of obscurity
are there. Praise the monolith of the apocalypse. https://repulsivemass.bandcamp.com

(Chile) Black clouds Single. 2021. Digital. Self-released. Are
you reading? Or are you moving your eyes from left to right without
paying attention to the words? AhAh RESILIENT is a new band from
Santiago, Chile, which plays pretty cool old school death metal.
The two musicians used to be in other groups but unknown to me. This
is their first official recording, which is composed of one track...
So let's dissect the sole testicle ;-) The style is not a surprise
for a Chilean band: Death metal influenced by the end 80's and early
90's, with some remaining elements of thrash... It reminds me of
old DEATH ("Leprosy" and "Scream bloody gore"),
then also some OBITUARY, AUTOPSY (First Lp) or perhaps old MASSACRE.
Cool song! It's not really original (Yet?) but this is quite
well done and the atmosphere is cool. Keep a bowel on their following
releases? https://resilientdeathmetal.bandcamp.com

RESPAWN THE PLAGUE (Gre) Gathering of the Unholy
Ones Demo tape. 2013. TERROR FROM HELL Recs.
Phallos divine.
Totem of unchosen enforced beliefs.
We behold thee with hate,
As our infernal cauldron boils harder every day.
The merciless decapitation of the lacerating mouth will be ours.
Endless effusions of blood will satisfy our thirst for the mighty reversal of
RESPAWN THE PLAGUE is a new Death metal band from Greece that plays MORBID
ANGEL influenced death metal, taking equal portions from the fast relentless
and the heavier (Post-covenant) riffs, with touches of old PESTILENCE here and
One could hear similarities with CONVERGENCE FROM WITHIN (During relentless
moments) or ANGEL CORPSE ("Exterminate").
To come back to Morbid Angel, I would say the atmosphere is globally closer to
"Gateways...", with few moments closer to "Domination".
This is quite cool to listen to, I didn't experience post coital problems...
This said, this demo is quite short, it contains only two songs (That might be
too few for some), and during the first track I feel some slower parts lack of
double-bass drums...
But otherwise, this is a quite cool demo that could re-embalm the petrified
hears of those who dig the darkened sides of Trey Azagtoth.

(Serbia) Demo 2005. Cool Morrisound Death metal that especially
sounds like DEICIDE ("Once upon the cross" and the most
edible of "Serpents of the light"), with hints of BAPHOMET
and an heaviness that wouldn't displease those who dig the last
MORTA SKULD recordings. Most of the music is midplaced, with
double bass drums. It might seem boring to some brutalizers, especially
since there aren't many blasts (And DEICIDE has never been the most
extreme band on earth), but the good production helps to make it
more powerful and tender. I also happen to think about a bit
of BRUTALITY, old CANNIBAL CORPSE or VADER (For the wrist-playing
of once). The bassist happens to do nice things with what seems
to be a fretless bass, it's a shame it's so seldom because his playing
opens the gates to more abstract imagination. I'm not sure if
RETRIBUTION would sound enjoyable during the length of an album,
and there's nothing new or that crushing (It's just a cool and quite
professional band in the style), but the atmosphere makes this demo
quite good. A bit more energy and surprises (Especially on the bass
playing!) might significantly improve the impact of RETRIBUTION.
Let the demon seed burn! http://myspace.com/theretribution

(Can) "II" Demo tape. 2019. NIGHT RHYTHMS Recs. Revelator
is the somewhat new band of two musicians from BEGRIME EXEMIOUS
(Some peoples might already have crossed this name in fanzines or
distro lists). This is their second demo tape and the style is
clearly rooted in 90's black metal, with moments walking close to
black death, while others are closer to black thrash. Musically
REVELATOR isn't the most extreme band, you won't find an overdose
of blast beats, it's even rather varied on a matter of rhythms,
and a bit "worked on" on a matter of riffs. Sometimes
their music sounded like a somewhat simpler old ABSU (Less technical
& exuberant), while I heard fast parts and more worked up guitars
à la old DISSECTION, and the name of old DESASTER (Ger) wouldn't
be misplaced for some black thrash. There are also mid-paced parts
that might sound like... Old ACHERON (Usa) perhaps? I don't know... The
production is okay, sounds natural and without plastic. I hear cool
bass lines that happen to differ from guitars. There are also few
keyboards in the old style (It really sounds like early 90's, not
necessarily in the bad sense... It gives and old horror movie touch
Ahah) During these four songs, nothing sounded bad in the style.
I'm not an expert of the genre, but it seems to me this tape is
a cool/ pretty good release in these spiked fields. (This was my
attempt at writing a review). Ps: The fact I reviewed this demo
doesn't mean I'm legs wide opened to receive all kinds of black
metal promos... The fact is this band traded their demos with me,
two times, sending packages from Canada to Europe, so I was already
a bit exposed to their sounds... And this review could also be seen
as somewhat of support to those who move their ass to distribute
their music the old (Real?) underground way. TRADE OR DIE. https://revelator2.bandcamp.com

(Taiwan) Human vivisection Demo MCD. 2009. THRASH HARD Recs. This
quite new band plays brutal death metal à la CANNIBAL CORPSE "Butchered
at birth" with a quite big dose of old SEVERE TORTURE, touches
of (Mostly heavier) DEVOURMENT and zests of mid old DERANGED. There's
nothing over the top and ultra-over-mega-hyper-technically-brutal,
most could have been composed in 1999, and it doesn't bother me...
But it also doesn't move me like a nut in a massive shaker. The
music can be quite cool to listen to once you're in the mood for
quite old styled brutal death, it has a nice hot atmosphere and
the songs flow quite well, but there's also nothing particularly
piercing-catchy to the bleeding... Hmmm, the more the MCD goes on,
the more I feel some little old styled groovy "deathcore"
touches, or is it simply old USBM? Some things they could improve
are the drum playing (Not too fond of some blasts where kick drums
doesn't really blast), and the fact it's not that personal (But
well, it's old styled brutal death, and I'd rather hear a band of
this kind than an ultra modern wagon jumper). Nothing to cum
everywhere about, but you might like to have this band in your area
or see them live if you dig brutal death metal. DISSECT MORE HUMANS! http://www.myspace.com/revilement

(Ita) Eat the bastard flesh Demo CDr. 2013. Self-released. In
between the tits, he discovered small tentacles. Tentacles that
began to grow, grow surprisingly, once under the light. Until
it became quite huge, and started circling around his throat. It
needed only a few seconds to tighten harder and harder. His face
started to look blue and livid, and soon his brain wasn't supplied
in air anymore. The bastard rapist thought this would have been
a good fuck, a terribly good one...
is a quite new Death metal band from Italy who plays a style located
between the left tit of old school death, and a right tit to be
more brutal and blasting. While the quite heavy (But not slow)
left bosom happens to taste like old GRAVE's brutality, early UNLEASHED's
fast bastard feeling, early JUNGLE ROT ("Slaughter the weak")
or a bit of ENTOMBED (First album, but mostly for the brutality,
not the style), the more brutal right bosom could smell like CANNIBAL
CORPSE ("Butchered at birth"), mid old BRODEQUIN, with
touches of death grind (ROTTING HEAD?). The production is quite
brutal sounding, maybe due to the drums being quite up in the mix.
There's nothing plastic here, it might be close to the first VOMITORY
album for guitars and the first GRAVE one for drums (Or something). After
examining the right tit with warm precaution, I have to say something
isn't exactly in place during moments of brutal blow-job... The
drum-playing sounds a little "Out of womb" during the
most "technical" (Or sometimes blasting) moments... (To
explain this I might say: "This is how it is when you don't
use the plastic surgery services of the protools clinic"?). Notice
the brutal parts and quite heavy production could be a bit too much
for fans of regular old school death, so I wouldn't advise them
this demo (Unless they are able to split a corpse in half to rejoice
only the desired part). This would rather be for peoples whose tastes
are located between (old) death metal and (old) brutal death. Now,
what's my opinion about this demo? I didn't thrill like porn-fiesta,
I feel it lacks of atmosphere, and some moments could be improved...
But it also sounds quite kicking, comes with a nice brutal production
and doesn't totally sound like the regular new Death metal releases
of the last years. http://www.riexhumation.altervista.org

BLASPHEMER (Chile) Satanic ceremony Demo tape. 2020. EYACULATION
Recs. If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back
into you. If you growl into the abyss, the abyss growls back
into you. If you fornicate into the abyss, the abyss will fornicate
into you... Ok, stop here! AhAh.
This Chilean band practices
traditional old school death metal in the end 80's manner, with
remains of thrash and some black metal influences. Globally the
style could sound like traditional Euro/ US death-thrashing death...
But there's also a somewhat occult atmosphere, and some South American
touches can appear in some riffs. While watching the magnetic
tape turn, I thought about early DEATH (First Lp), old MORTEM (Peru),
some riffs à la POSSESSED (“Seven churches”, but not as extreme),
a bit of MORGOTH, and a bit of KREATOR (Pleasure)... The black metal
influence can take the form of early SARCOFAGO (Inri) for blasting
"bestial" parts, or also more 90's infused uitars. This
tape is pretty cool/ good to listen to, everything fits the criterias
of the genre, and I didn't find metallic displeasure... But RITUAL
BLASPHEMER didn't really throw oil on the fire, perhaps the music
is a bit too "diplomatic" (or "tactful") according
to the old metallic rules? NB: The lineup counts members of CANCERBERO,
VOMIT and a couple of outfits unfamiliar to me, so I can't say if
R.B. is a full band or a side project, but sharing musicians is
very common in 2022. https://www.facebook.com/ritualblasphemer

WARFARE (Can) Repulsive addiction 7 Ep. 2021. SEWERCIDE Recs. DISGUSTOHYDRON!!!
This is a new project of two musicians from HELLACAUST (That practices
quite intense black metal), but in this new incarnation you can
find Death/ Crust/ Thrash/ Black/ Grind in a quite punching way!
And since Canada has always been better for sick music than spacemen,
you can feel the twist of the chainsaw! The main kinds of rhythms
are "dbeat" and thrashing, it sometimes even have a "rock'n
roll" appeal (If I could spit so), but from time to time comes
some grinding blastbeats to chop your head in half. The possible
influences I have in mind are: Old MASTER, DISFEAR, old NAPALM DEATH
("Mentally murdered" for the dbeat), REPULSION (A bit),
with some blasting parts or crazy vocals à la early EXHUMED... They
might also remember of NEKROFILTH or perhaps some old/ early Razorback
records' bands... (Now, according to Ritual warfare's bandcamp description,
I imagine their whole set might contain more thrash metal influences...) Most
of the music is fast, but the third song is different, heavier,
and procreated into a much more CELTIC FROST alike world (Notice
the word "Procreated" wasn't chosen randomly here). It's
a quite short Ep containing only 3 songs, but it's also a quite
good release! I feel like saying it's a good sub-project, and perhaps
you should feel like checking their bandcamp page! FEEL THE TEASING
OF THE CHAINSAW. https://ritualwarfare.bandcamp.com

(Bra) Genocidal resolution Ep. 2022. Self-released. Digital. ROTBORN
is a new band that enters the gallery of underground suffering with
this two songs Ep. Their style is quite fast and kicking death
metal that evokes the 90's recordings of bands such as MALEVOLENT
CREATION, MORBID ANGEL, NILE (For some "epic" riffs, perhaps
the music isn't as extreme thought), SUFFOCATION (Mostly "Despise
the sun") or DEICIDE (Perhaps not so much)... There are
nice riffs in there, with some vigorous feeling of victory for example.
The drumming is kinda in the style of Dave Culross (Malevolent creation,
Suffocation...) which is nice. You get approx 50% of blasts and
50% of fast "thrashy" rhythms. The music in itself
isn't really original, but the tracks are well built with enough
of changes & tricks. In my humble rotting opinion, the first
song "Genocidal resolution" sounds more efficient than
the second one (Which contains a bit of "crusty" riffs
I find less kicking... but this remains okay in the package). Globally,
this is a professional and quite kicking recording. ROTBORN might
be a band to follow for the fans of this kind of Death metal. BORN
FROM ROT… THEN REBORN THROUGH THE ROTTING. https://rotborn.bandcamp.com

(Malaysia) Rotfuckinggut Demo tape. 2012. SUKMA Recs/ PURE MINDS
Malaysian band plays Grindcore with a powerviolence edge, and some
rhythmic touches of old HC. There are moments to remind me of
NYCTOPHOBIC (In a less "heavy" manner), while other parts
with a sharper edge sound like mid-old SANITYS DAWN ("Chop
copper" when they started to clearly forget gore and turned
into Power-violence). Sometimes, there's something like a "thrashcore"
feeling, in the sharpness of "thrashy" guitars. I imagine
this won't please those with a more metallic taste, because the
vocals sound quite screamed (Like a tortured cat) or hardcore. Some
beats in the "mid-paced" genre are a bit more rhythmical,
it's quite nice. Not a bad drummer (Sounds a bit Mick Harris influenced
sometimes ("Harmony corruption", or "Mentally murdered"
maybe) and perhaps he likes old ALIENATION MENTAL)). On a negative
point of rot, the vocals sound a bit repetitive after a while, and
I'm not a super fan of their faster "ultra fast" blast-beats
(A la early Brutal truth), because it's not very tight then... A
bit of rehearsARGH could help to solve this problem. This remains
average stuff and I wasn't hammered in the skull, but some rhythms
or fast parts make it quite dynamic and the songs are rather compact...
So it's not boring when you like rhythms and fast parts. https://rotgut.bandcamp.com

EVISCERATION (Peru) Raped and headless Demo tape. 2011. CRYPTS
OF ETERNITY Recs. Intense bowel maceration. Carnal corruption
of the inside wounds. The poisonous bleeding of self devourment
has begun. If you ask the hammer, it will answer with blood and
explain the Death metal of this Peruvian band is located right in
the middle between old school Death metal and old brutal death.
While the Death metal riffs remind me of old MORTEM (Peru), with
a zest of early POSSESSED (First album), and maybe some HADEZ, the
brutal death approach is closer to CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Tomb of
the mutilated" but less madly brutal, "The bleeding"
but less technical) and the first SOILS OF FATE demo (Which was
close to Cannibal Corpse). I could add few guitars à la DEICIDE
and ENCABULOS ("Dark divinity"), and maybe zests of the
last BROKEN HOPE record in the way songs are arranged, but it's
a minor point and I'm not talking about an over the top technical
thing. The vocals are very close to Chris Barnes before he went
six feet under, but it could also remind of some old AVULSED sometimes...
Some of their older Death metal influences mixed with these vocals
could also remind of old AVULSED, even if it's not really the same
style. Even if it's not so powerful and rather sounds like records
from 1998, the production kinda fits the needs of the wound (The
drums might need more power). This is quite regular Death metal/
Brutal death. I heard no brutal surprise or terrorizing guitar,
but ROTTEN EVISCERATION has nice riffs from here & there and
their songs were built a decent way. It might be a cool demo for
underground fans of old styled Death metal/ brutal death with an
atmosphere of bleeding. http://www.myspace.com/rottenevisceration

RUIN (Usa) Spread plague
hell Demo tape. 2015. NERO ONE Recs.
Bizarre heaviness.
In a gigantic soup of body fluids and petroleum are floating skeletons of
deformed Finnish bears. Swedish bones
are cracking under the caterpillars of the anti-melodeath tank.
In the beginning, the super heavy production makes RUIN sounds like a cadaveric
hybrid of ROTTREVORE and old Finnish Death metal, and then the tempo
accelerates in a fast old-styled Death metal that could remind of early GRAVE,
old FUNEBRARUM, a bit of old UNLEASHED, with some deathdoom or mid-paced riffs
full of double-kicks and guitars that vomit an abuse of rotten frequencies
(Sounds cool). There are also a couple of blasting obscure death moments à la
Well, the atmosphere is different from GRAVE, I don't feel the dark/ blood red
ambiance (Here it's cold, or perhaps quite dark). Maybe some peoples would hear
some early ASPHYX (The rack) in the mid-to-slow moments, but I would rather
point out early GRAVE. There's a crusty influence on a song, does it justify an
early MASTER quote?
Well, there's nothing exceptional here, and didn't thrill during the listening,
but this demo is quite entertaining and heavy enough for my tastes.
RUIN could please those who like it heavy and quite crushing, even when it's
UGLY MUSIC FOR UGLY PEOPLES. This is the voice of the obscure bear.

AGE (Usa) Hellscape Demo tape. 2022. Self-released. THE
DIServe is what you get DIStributed in the head! Very nice old
school punk hardcore/ crust in the dbeat manner, with a DISliciously
raw sound. DIS, DIS, DISTRUCTION. Quite punching and somewhat
DISgusted sounding. This is simple as the old days (No progressive
dbeat bullshit here!), but the production wich has a somewhat very
early 90's DIStorted taste, and a few rock'n roll guitars, give
it a taste of old DISFEAR. I dig the fast parts, it DIStributes
the facial punches quite well, and shows this is not DISneyland!
Some mid-paced punk HC parts the old way (DISCHARGE) are also DISclosed,
it's not a DISpleasure, but I prefer the fast/ fast/ fast. Pretty
cool demo in the style, if you DISagree you can always DISappear
in fucking DISneyland! DISOBEY, DISSUADE, DISSOLVE. https://ruinedagela.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Rehearsal Demo 2011. I downloaded this demo on a blob
blog because their moniker sounds cool, it reminds me of the "Ruminations
of debauchery" record released by MAGUS. The first song
"Leafs" sounds quite dark, a deep underground manner.
Fast and obscure Death metal reminding something like old INCANTATION
(For the low pitched darkness), NUCLEAR DEATH (For the blasting
noise, aka "I don't understand the riffs"), with a bit
of BEYOND FEAR (Uk/ “Haunted by vision of a third atrocity” MCD)
and a bit of the first IMMOLATION album. This is very underground
stuff, not always too tightly played, and I don't understand a big
50% of the riffs because of the rehearsal sound, but I foresee something
strange and obscure. Then I said to myself "With more rehearsals
and skills it might turn into something cool for your vitriolic
needs". But then comes the two other songs, and I'm not
certain what they try do achieve... The first one is something
like mid-paced experimental black metal, with a few doomy and blasting
parts. I feel like it could have been recorded in the mid 1990's,
and maybe ABSU weren't so far in mind (But not particularly in style)
on some ooold releases (Please don't blame it too strongly on my
deficient memory). Perhaps there's also something from the DARKTHRONE
"Soulside journey" album in the epic riffing researches,
but I don't know... It's less fast and less death-metallic... The
last song is something like slow to mid-paced, quite experimental
black metal, or 90's dark metal? (However you would call it) with
a bit more of doom in the middle, and apparently some riffing dissonances
(That might be due to the recording? Rehearsals can be misleading)...
Ohhh, it reminds me of some old bands from some compilation tapes
I got around 1996... But then I say “I need more Death metal!” On
one hand the first song lets me imagine RUMINATIONS might turn into
something strange and obscure enough for the fiends of the mentally
fucked deep underground, on the other hand the two remaining songs
are going in a very different way. The first thing they need
is to practice more to be tighter, the second thing is to have a
quite better sound... And then I'll see if they evolve in a way
that interests me or not... Link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ruminations/