(Usa) Inside/ Outside Demo CD. 2022. Self-released. Inside
the apparently endless maze, your brain is drowned in confusion. Inside
the infinite maze, your mind is gasping for a solution... Before
the final surrender...
Here is a quite great sounding demo.
This is not the kind of thrash I'm the most used to (The one I dig
sometimes seems to be an excuse to listen to more death metal AhAh),
but this first demo of LABYRINTH from Houston/ Texas isn't devoid
of qualities. Here you have 3 songs of great 80's American thrash,
which (for me) sounds like a cross between old FORBIDDEN (2nd album),
old EXODUS, old DEATH ANGEL, perhaps RE-ANIMATOR (Uk) and a bit
of DARK ANGEL... I think you got the spirit. I feel a nice, quite
"paranoid" vibe of terror (It feels like an imminent cataclysm
is coming). This is not the rawest kind of thrash, so some kind
of "melodies" and technical parts appear at the level
of guitars, and the vocals aren't the most extreme, but this is
related to the genre they play, I'm only describing... For me it
sounds well done and composed in the style. Now I'm not the biggest
expert in 80's US thrash, so my opinion is worth what it's worth,
but I was quite happy to find this demo browsing on Youtube, and
it comes without apparent fails for an early recording. So, thrashers
and evil pizza reversers, get your ticket and enter the maze! (The
Minotaur is waiting for you, patiently...). https://labyrinthrash.bandcamp.com

Imitation Demo tape. 2018. ROTTED LIFE Recs.
Reviewing isn't a crime.
Reviewing metal records isn't a crime.
Reviewing metal records of bands that talk about bowels isn't a crime.
Reviewing metal records of bands that scream about chopped bowels and
meticulously torn apart entrails isn't a crime.
Reviewing chopped bowels and meticulously torn apart entrails isn't a crime...
Or is it?
LACERATION is a nice death thrash metal band located in California, Usa.
Their style can remember of DEATH ("Leprosy") in the heavier and
thrashy parts, while a lot of fast moments have more to do with DEMOLITION
HAMMER, some old NERLICH (The demos) or some old MALEVOLENT CREATION (First
The vocals can sound quite screamy and angry, it might please the fans of
PESTILENCE (Van Drunnen era) even if the vocalist doesn't always ripp in this
On can also hear a couple of blast beats à la early DEICIDE or old ALTAR
(Holland), but most is about "death thrash".
The style isn't really morbid or too raw and cavernous, this is rather about
being kicking and "efficient" (Yes, this word can mean a lot of
things), and in this meaning the old DEATH comparison fits quite seriously well
(The old MALEVOLENT C. quote works also quite well, even if this aspect of
efficiency has more to do with the structure of songs, while the DEATH quote
was more about kicking your balls... Well...)
The production is quite clear, perhaps only the drums are a bit too loud (The
snare sound works in the heavier moments, but when the tempo is faster I'm not
totally sure).
LACERATION didn't reinvent the wheel of torture, but this tape sounds quite
efficient and the DEATH alike moments were somewhat of a pleasure to hear.
It might be cool to check them out live, and breaks a couple of bones from your
neck (If you're really drunk).

(Usa) Marianas Demo 2010. PALE HORSE Recs. This kind of Death
metal isn't very far from what I released on split CDrs few years
ago. This is something like decent Death metal, with a quite
classy touch that reminds me of MORBID ANGEL around the "Domination"
era (And some "Gateways..." for heaviness). Yes, mid old
Morbid Angel is a quite strong influence, but you also hear some
NILE (In a less ultra technically brutal manner), some DEICIDE ("Once
upon the cross"), the atmosphere and style aren't so far from
Norwegian EXECRATION sometimes (But it sounds a bit less savage)
and little touches of black metal arpeggios are used here and there. This
is quite controlled music, but it's doesn't sound particularly technical.
There are quite a lot of fast parts (Aka blasts), as well as some
slower ones that rather reside in the double-kicks ridden mid tempos.
The production fits quite well for the style, quite heavy and relatively
clean, but not too much. I feel some riffs are a little too common,
especially in some fast parts. Sometimes you're kinda digging the
atmosphere, but a little of frenzy or energetic idea lacks to refresh
the interest. I also think the first half of the demo is better,
as the last songs sound less appealing or efficient (Maybe it shows
the band will improve with time). This demo isn't really a Cosmos
Liberator, but for a first recording it's quite encouraging: Nothing
bothers the voracious Death metal head and some nice atmospheres
are developed from here and there. Hope LAGO will learn how to catalyze
more cosmos and darkness in their forthcoming compositions. http://www.myspace.com/lagoaz

LANDFILL (Usa) Landfill Demo. 2017.
The first demo of this Us Grind/ Powerviolence band contained decent grind
without boriginal (Boring + original) influences… Some parts where quite neat
or kicking.
Now comes the 2nd release. First strike: I’m surprised with the
bigger production and improved playing level. The blasts are more efficient, and
there’s some grinding kicking.
Compared to the previous demo, it’s not musically so different, there’s more growl
and gore power at the level of the vocals.
Now after a couple of songs, you heard some crust, you heard some mid-paced,
and some fast parts…But you miss some grinding blast parts! Uh.
The production might make them sound like early INHUME or FIEND (Us)’s second
demo sometimes. Some gory vocals give it a taste of new ARCHAGATHUS, which is
Well, there are some improvements, the blast parts are more kicking and the
gore vocals bring some power… But it lacks of blasts to shred the mental walls
and reach cerebral paradise/ freedom.

HAND PATH (Ger) Time to die! Demo CDr. 2010. Using the
titles of old Death metal albums as band names isn't always a good
idea, for example if you choose "Like an ever flowing stream"
you could be taken for modern deathcore... Hopefully for them,
the Germans we are talking about didn't make the worse choice as
"LEFT HAND PATH" sounds quite kicking for a Death metal
band, but unfortunately for the listener their music doesn't match
what you'd expect from this name... The 3 tracks from this demo
are located somewhere between old Death metal and old blasting death,
and still need some improvements... The problem lies in the fact
some of the riffs sound too much like regular-regular Death metal
in my hears, or maybe some parts aren't played at the right speed
(Or something?). Anyway, during the listening I thought about
some old BOLT THROWER in the slow "steamroller influenced"
riffs and faster "Epic war" blast parts (I mean their
old albums, before and including "The 4th Crusade"), some
slow (But not doomy) riffs like old ASPHYX, a bit of fast old INCANTATION,
the old REGURGITATION "Conceived through vomit" Demo tape
for mid-paced Death metal, and a portion of faster parts that could
sound like regular blasting death or ooold brutal death... Some
riffs aren't necessarily bad, and I feel there's a little atmosphere
that might strengthen with time, but maybe the songs aren't built
the most embalming way... There are two kinds of vocals: The
regular death vox which takes 50% of the oral affair, and the higher
pitched ones that could remember of some ASPHYX (Drunnen era), or
eventually VIOGRESSION (Not to quote Obituary, it's not so deep) This
is just an average demo from a young band... There's a little atmosphere,
and some riffs could sound better when they will be tighter, but
they still need to work and improve the efficiency and morbidity
to reach an higher level of mausoleum vibrations! They need to AWAKE
the dead, the mummified and the malignant spirits. http://myspace.com/lefthandpatheastfrisia

(Bra) Horrorreahction Demo tape. 2021/ 2024. UNHOLY DOMAIN Recs. It
came to my attention that some bowel-noises erupting in my reviews
weren't to the tastes of every readers... So I will spread more
bowels of repugnance and rancid gastric juices to repulse them further!
What are you doing into death metal if gore, putridity and "shocking"
words appearing in metal reviews feel offensive? Didn't you realize
these "ugly words" are an outlet from reality? So let
us regress in peace (And festering slime!) while you "progress"
in mainstream anal slurping! It's now time to devour the liquefying
flesh with LEPROVORE from Brazil which plays old school death metal.
Their style is very old school, thrashing death metal influenced
by very early DEATH, AUTOPSY, old MASSACRE, old BENEDICTION, with
a touch of REPULSION in the fast blasting beats. This is obviously
not very original music, but there are enough crepitating moments
of the bowel, some heavy "big bastard" parts or some thrashing
death metal ugliness played by the ugly... In some fast parts they
also sound like traditional South American death/ black (Old Mortem
for example), perhaps more on the third track than the two other
songs. This is a cool demo that could please fans of old school
underground death metal. No big sunglasses, no core, no mosh, but
cool band anyway! Notice body parts from the corpses of musicians
OF THE MAINSTREAM RIGHTEOUSNESS! https://leprovore.bandcamp.com

(Ireland) DEMO MMX. Tape. 2010. WAR COMMAND Recs. There are
multiple ways to discover cool new music. For example, I bought
the cassettes back stock of a french label that stopped its activities,
and in the package of 120 cassettes there were some "surprises",
including this demo of LETHIFEROUS. This (is/was) a solo project
from Dublin, Ireland, that (plays/ played) quite sulfurous metal. Even
if the music is listed somewhere as "black death" there
are quite a lot of death metal influences in the riffing. The
first song "Serpent embodiment" is nice, to me is sounds
like a mixture of early IMMOLATION (First album), early DEICIDE
(First Lp, or the AMON days), perhaps a bit of INFESTER (Usa) for
the strange side, with some "sarcastic" vomiting vocals.
Nice song to enforce the gates of your local church :) The second
composition, even if it remains in the path of old DEICIDE, contains
more mid-paced beats and a part of the riffs is more usual... It's
not as sulphurously "crucifucked" as the first song. The
more you advance in the listening, the more I find the playing to
contain classical 90's DM, with more double-kick moments... Perhaps
quite close to what we had in France for DM or even "techno
death" in the mid 90's, but with a more evil/ black metal packaging...
Some peoples might also hear a bit of mid old VITAL REMAINS ("Forever
underground"), AMON (Switzerland), or perhaps JUDECCA... Oh
fuck! After writing half of this review, I realized this demo actually
came out in 2010 and not 2020 (Thanks to the Latin numbers AhAh)
and LETHIFEROUS didn't release anything since then... Well, anyway
I finished this review, and it's finally published in the name of
the obscure underground! These words might serve as a "testimony"
for this pretty nice demo...

FOR AN ANSWER (Spa) Buscando una respuesta Tape. 2003. HAUNTED
HOTEL Recs. Bleuuuuargh, bleuaaaaarging the dead, bleuuuuaaaaaarrrging
the remains of the burnt carcass... This shit doesn't stop blablablasting
my hears all day long. It's not even torture but pure wide opened
mouth vomiturition! ARRRGH! I need a cryptotherapy! To plunge deeper
into undersoil symphonies of cavemen vibrations... To blast your
ass and decapitate the mortal scrutiny from the top of nightmarish
bowels... Let flow rancid visions of torn irreality! For those
who might be looking for an answer, they might need first to ask
themselves the right questions... And my most important question
on a musical point of puke is "Does it suck?". In the
case of these Spanish seekers of blasting response, the answer is
rather no. L.F.F.A sounds like some old styled but accelerated Grind
the "modern way", so this isn't particularly old school
or modern but kinda in the middle of both (Depending on how your
head is turned inside out). There are also some death metallic riffs
and grooves, but most is fast in the blasting way. Some ideas or
breaks would be influenced by some powerviolence or "Modern-core-of-6-years-ago". I
think the low death metallish screams are cool while the high pitched
vokarghs are only ok. I find the whole quite a(r)g(h)ressive
sounding; Some parts are enjoyed by your pustular demo retriever
while some are less zig-zaging in my cannibal dog-eating spheres...
Globally I could say it's a quite solid tape, even if it didn't
really catch my abdominal-attention or violently punch my face to
explode the brain and paint the wall with new red colors... It's
this (is it) this is it (beer!) the kind of stuffs that could turn
on grinders. Shake your local black market dog supplier for more
infos. Your pustular demo retriever has prepared an interview,
hope it will work, otherwise I'll have to order a new boomerang...
DOG EAT DOG or GOD EAT GOD? Who cares, it's always cannibalistic
stuff at the end... http://www.myspace.com/lfaa

TERROR (Usa) Whip till you faint Demo tape. 2015. SERENITY Now
Recs. This is old shit, but who gives a shit? This band
plays (Or played?) quite good Grind/ Crust/ Deathgrind the old school
way... The old way infused in the names of ooold NAPALM DEATH, old
all kind of cool stuffs like that, mixed in an underground shaker.
(With all these "old" mentioned before each band name,
I think someone should really start a band called "OLD",
release some great demos then change their style on the first full-length...
So I will be able to quote "old OLD" or "very old
OLD" in my reviews! ahah) Let's come back to the musick:
This is quite kicking and motivated old styled grind/ crust/ deathgrind...
In fact, I hesitate to use the word "grind" alone, because
I expected to hear more blastbeats: The drummer is a bit more often
in the "thrash/ dbeat" style, but at least it doesn't
"borether" (Bore + bother) since it doesn't sound weak. You
also have quite angry vocals in a "deep way", a couple
of quite cool groovy parts in the early style... This is not bad
in the old school style! It seems this band from New York released
only a demo, on a short-lived label (That released 4 tapes in 2015/2016,
then stopped, apparently). This is not reekvolutionary musick,
but at least it sounds quite kicking, with a quite good underground
production. It (is/ was) probably cool to shake your skull live
hearing the sounds of LUCID TERROR. Now it's time to go to bed,
and rest in a sea of endless hungry leeches. https://lucidterror.bandcamp.com
