Nearly unintelligible scenarios Demo 2018. Digital.
I rip my balls with cinderblocks and I love it! More blood!
Pain Olympics is a grinding band from Virginia, USA, and what they play is
quite noisy.
This sounds located in the middle between noisecore and grindnoise. You have 8
short songs with a very noisy outcome, but an outcome that gives a kinda
"old school" grindnoise impression, and so it doesn't sound all raw/
noisy and BRRRRRRRR... It has a somewhat "deaf and compressed" feel
if I could say.
This sounds a bit like old ANAL CUNT without the funny or voluntary shit riffs.
Perhaps there's a little "stench" or gore touch... (It reminds me a
little of very early SUBLIME CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION demos, when they had a
very underground production).
This isn't the most destructive or intense stuffs I heard in the style, but
this sounds quite nice, might please those who dig "old school" noisy
grind stuffs.

PANPHOBIA (Fra) Fear of
death Demo tape. 2019. DUST AND BONES Recs.
Mysterious awakening of bodies at night.
Menacing whispers. Putrid feasts.
Necrophiliac somnambulism.
Panphobia is a new death metal project from the very north of France. The
composer/ guitarist previously released the demo of PARIAHDOM, which was
playing 'strict" Swedish death with a punk hardcore influence, now the
style of this new incarnation evolved:
While the old swedish death influence remains (very) strong, you'll find fewer
punk/ Hc/ Dbeat moments, and you'll also hear more blackened-death guitars
When listening to the 5 songs, I happen to think about old DISMEMBER (The
swedeath), early NECROPHOBIC (For some blackened/ Scandinavian guitars),
COMECON ("Megatrends in brutality"), I also have been thinking about
ooold MARDUK for a couple of blackened guitars, and you might perhaps hear a
bit of some early ENTRAILS (And maybe a bit of early EDGE OF SANITY in their
death metal days, before they went more melodic).
There are quite some improvements compared to the demo of Pariahdom: The
arrival of Scandinavian blackened "melodies" is a welcome addition,
the style is more varied than pure dbeat swedeath, and the production is also
I could also say, I would have preferred a real drummer in theory, but the
machine is fairly well programmed and discrete here, so I don't care too
To conclude, this demo is a quite good recording, with some interesting ideas,
and the composer shows nice improvements, so it could be a quite good idea for
deathfans to keep an eye (Or an hear) on the future recordings of PANPHOBIA.

PANICO AL MIEDO (Spa) Promo CDr. 2017.
This band sent me a promo because they're searching for a label to release
their first album, but since I don't release albums (In my opinion the
distribution and promotional impact of an album should be more efficient than
for a demo or MCD, it requires more work, it's not every label's opinion, but
that's another question...), this will end us as a review.
What I have between the hears is a 3 songs CDr with tracks that will probably
appear on their first album. The style is located between thrash and death
metal, but it's not the most old school genres: It will globally remind of the
mid-to-end 90's recordings. You can think about TESTAMENT, DEATH
("Symbolic"), a bit of more "recent" EXODUS, a touch of mid
old AT THE GATES, with a little of PANTERA ("The great southern"...
For southern metal touches), and touches of more "modern" technical
Most of the music is rather mid-paced, with a will to sound powerful, or
"half technical" in a 90's manner.
Well it's not a bad recording, the whole sounds professional and there are
nicely heavy riffs or quite colored technical guitars, but I'm much more into
uglier/ rawer/ darker, or simpler old school kinds of metal nowadays, and since
I didn't follow the evolution of the concerned genres it will be hard to come
up with a more precise or valid analysis.

(Usa) Celestial labyrinth Ep. 2022. Digital. Self-released. LACERATED
NO WASTE OF HUMAN SUFFERING. What I hear on this release is quite
solid sounding death thrash the American way, à la early DEATH/
DEMOLITION HAMMER/ mid old EXODUS... and more. This comes with
a quite big sound, which is nice for a first demo/ Ep (Call it as
you wish). But what make the whole sounding great are the quite
"screaming" and disgusted vocals! It really brings a plus
of power and morbidity (Not unlike old CANCER perhaps). I was
talking about death thrash, but maybe the music is closer to thrash
than death metal globally (It seems to depend on the songs), anyway
you can find elements of old DEATH ("Leprosy"), PESTILENCE
("Hadeon") for thrashing death parts, some mid old EXODUS
for the thrash with quite big guitar production, or something like
old RESURRECTION and mid 90's MALEVOLENT CREATION for some heavier
moments. This is a pretty solid demo/ Ep, I was more impressed
by the first songs than the following ones (Perhaps coz of the "initial
impact", or maybe coz there are/ seems to be more slower parts
in the second half?). Anyway PANPSYCHISM have the time to improve
and bring us something a bit more kicking and deadly with the next
release.. This is already quite efficient for a beginning. https://panpsychism.bandcamp.com

PARADOX (Usa) Paradox tape. 22017. GLORD Recs.
Some peoples like to throw balls, we prefer to play with concrete blocks!
Concrete block on your balls,
Concrete block on your car,
Concrete in your face!
PARADOX plays great old school punk hardcore that leads you back to the 80's
and early 90's!
There are a lot of dbeat moments in there, which makes it quite energetic/
captivating, could remind of EXTREME NOISE TERROR, DISRUPT with a bit of DOOM.
There are also a couple of motivated & energetic moments in the
"regular" hardcore genre, à la old SICK OF IT ALL or perhaps CRO
MAGS. Quite kicking stuffs.
The first songs are better than the last ones, perhaps it's due to the sound?
It's a compilation of two Eps; Anyway the first songs of the tape seem to have
more balls.
Why bother listening to death metal bands trying to sound dbeat, when you can
get it first hand?

(Jap) Cadaveral Putresceology. 2006. Bowel-stuffed chocolate
éclair? Raisins and eyeballs bread? Pudding of entrails? This is
what you will find in the gore pastry. This project plays corpse
compacting Goregrind/ Brutal death influenced by the fastest tracks
of CARCASS ("Symphonies of sickness") with touches of
SANITYS DAWN ("Cryptic menu"/ "Mangled in the meatgrinder")
and loads of blastbeats melted with gore vocals to spill the blood-filled
formaldehyde all over the breadboard. Their buccal unloading
of corpses surprisingly sounds more extreme than the averagely average
goregrind projects (Which can be very efficient at waking up boredom). You
often find high-pitched screaming guitar notes (It's nice, brutal
death metal bands don't use this too much anymore). According
to the use of a drum-machine, I'm tempted to say this could be a
solo project or something. I'm not certain about the brain-dissecting
qualities of every riffs, but a bunch of guitars sound bizarre enough
to be easily swallowed by the deformed corpse and the whole sounds
compact and intense enough to grind your brain cells. I know
the "Patisserie" name will sound strange to some, but
they have to take in account it is extreme 3rd degree... (And you
might wonder what could happen in a gore pastry: Undercover serial
killers selling body parts as delicate pastry? This could be a good
theme of horror movie) This is brutalizing all the way, without
many "catchy riffs" (In the common sense), so peoples
into softer or "more well-done" stuffs might not be too
interested... Only for fans of extreme brutalizing sickness! Apparently
this project was reanimated and two demos were released in 2013. (Nb:
I know these tracks were released as a split with ZILLION, but it
can be found on various file-sharing websites under the "Cadaveral
Putresceology" title, so I decided to go with this review). https://myspace.com/chuffedonpatisserie

(Usa) Perihelion Demo CDr. 2011. Self-released. Rotting corpse,
in a rotting world. Elongated, to the point of bones splitting. No
carnal resurrection possible. Your only future, a compost mollusk
of flesh, holds no consciousness.
It took some time for
me to decrypt the band name, in fact I didn't achieve to, and only
understood who it was when a piece of paper was found inside of
the demo. PERIHELION played a dark music located between dark
death metal and old "brutal death" from the beginnings. While
one could feel some tortured IMMOLATION, and this was probably their
bigger influence, remains of early SKELETON OF GOD, little heavier
touches of MORBID ANGEL (Rather "Gateways"), and even
smaller doses of older DEICIDE could be inhaled... (These two last
quotes aren't important ingredients of poisoning in the whole spectrum).
Perhaps the darkened corpse puzzle game isn't so far from the
first two ATROCITY (Ger) albums by moments, for the way of playing,
and maybe a bit more... There's a black, quite malignant atmosphere
here, you could even call the music "blackened death metal"
by moments. The 6 tracks contain quite interesting parts or
quite cool morbid "grooves". It's not really original,
but the band tried to inject a syringe of quite different ideas
from here and there, which helps to swallow the black bromide eyes
opened. This sounded quite promising for a first demo. Unfortunately
or not, the band split up and one of the guitarists went to form
SYMPTOM to play dooooom death.
In October 2012, the facebook
page of the band stated: "Perihelion rests firmly it its grave.
Any promoters or others that would resurrect will have a curse upon
them that their loved one should rot before their time". It
seems I am cursed again, but it was too late, this review was already
materialized in rotting flesh. http://www.reverbnation.com/perihelionmetal

EXILE (Usa) Demo 2. 2022. Digital. Self-released. MENTAL
As far as I understand, PERMANENT EXILE
is a solo project and here is his second demo. This comes with
an underground/ self-produced flair and sounds like grindcore/ technical
grind/ noise hardcore, with elements of thrash (And perhaps fastcore). There
are some qualities in there, such as some aggression in the grind
parts, the fact the short songs are quite well compacted (It's imbricated
in a quite efficient manner), and the fact more technical parts
could be quite brain ripping. Then some other parts are less interesting/
efficient in my humble hears, but the whole remains Ok. While
listening I thought about bands like PIG DESTROYER (Prowler...),
THE KILL, and you could add a bunch of grinding demos from the early
00's. The production is quite raw, but for a "grind"
demo it's not a problem, it's even nice to hear quite technical
moments with a raw sound (Ah Ah... Fuck pro tools and modern productions!) There's
something I don't like so much: The first and last tracks which
are respectively somewhat hiphop/ drum'n bass and 80's dark wave
gothic... Musically it's not bad, but I'd prefer more grind or something
more industrial/ noisy/ chaotic in this grindcore context... This
demo was a pleasant underground "grind" discovering, it's
not perfect or the most explosive, but I can feel the guy who composed
this had fun and this sounds quite aggressive. https://permanentexile1.bandcamp.com

CORPORATION (Ger) First Commandment MCD. 2018. TRAUMA Recs. POUM
TCHAK! What I hear on this CD is a mix of old death metal, fast
punk hardcore the old way, and thrash metal, in rather equal portions.
They call the style "Death metal/ Crust", why not? Most
of the beats are in the fast "thrashing" or dbeat kind
(Sometimes it's "Poum tchak", and sometimes it's closer
to "Poum Poum tchak"). On a matter of riffs, you could
hear similarities with EXTREME NOISE TERROR, DISFEAR, a bit of old
MASTER... And more bands with the old "dbeat" vibe. Personally
I found some NAPALM DEATH similarities, in some crusty parts, some
DM riffs or slowdowns... But there are no blastbeats here, so don't
take it too much first degree. Even if you hear dbeat/ crust,
it's not always the most "simple", some guitars have a
little more "dark emotional" touch (I'm not sure about
which sub sub sub category that is... Wasn't this called "Melodic
crust"? But these riffs aren't SO melodic...). The cover
artwork looks a lot like the VOÏVOD style (It's not surprising,
since it was drawn by Away), but the music has not much in common. PHANTOM
CORPORATION sounds like a quite kicking band, it's not bad, but
I think there's already a good quantity of quite kicking bands in
the style... So perhaps you'll prefer to check them out live in
a Germanic bar, or perhaps some guys will need to buy the CD when
they'll read the drummer and vocalist used to play in DEW SCENTED.

PHRENELITH (Denmark) Phrenelith Demo tape. 2015. EXTREMELY ROTTEN Recs.
The winds of glacial claustrophobia awake the centuries old sleeping dust and
the black sulfur, to unveil statues of long centuries-forgotten deities.
Deep in the ground, their time has come.
The tortured soul is lost in an infinite subterranean maze, built by the
ancients, the non-breathing mind is caught in anguish running for air.
This is obscure and cavernous death metal, plunging your head in the subterranean
world of definite darkness and unlight.
You will hear both moments of fast chaotic accelerations and slower heaviness
of power and crushingness.
Some decipherers of ancient scrolls might be interested to learn members of the
band use, or used to play in UNDERGANG, WORMRIDDEN, MOLD or perhaps SULPHUROUS.
The style is obviously influenced by old INCANTATION (I have "Mortal
throne of Nazarene" in mind), but I also heard some later ENCABULOS here
& there, plus some heaviness is detaching itself from this typical
obscurity as it creeps towards realms of older Death metal... Sometimes more
monolithic, sometimes a little more "majestic" or epic.
It could also cross a more Finnish style, the old way.
I know, some maniacs of death metal will think there is nothing really new as
obscure death tends to be more usual these days, but PHRENELITH displays quite
some obscure feelings and they tend to come up with great sounding riffs.
Not bad and quite promising for a first demo.

If you are afraid of shitty goregrind or scatophiliac brutal death, don't be
afraid, the name "PILE OF EXCREMENTS" should be taken with a gory
sense of humor close to AUTOPSY.
The music is not as shitty as some bullshit detectors could imagine, this is
globally old school death metal in an European manner; with dbeat/ crust riffs
here & there, some grind touches, and great vomiting vocals close to the
old AUTOPSY delirium.
Musically speaking you can think about old AUTOPSY, old MASTER, DEATH
("Leprosy" minus the melodies"), early BENEDICTION
("Subconscious terror"), with grind touches and a little something of
old SADISTIK EXEKUTION. The vocals can also remind of old MASTER when it's more
"motivated". The production is very good for a demo.
There are nice moments of vomiting delirium, he's clearly expurgating some
bizarre bowels from the throat, and some dbeat moments are cool for example,
but perhaps the music in itself is quite too usual (Adding more strange breaks/
structures or absurdity à la old Autopsy could enhance the delirium). Globally
this is a cool demo for fans of morbid doom grind/ Sewer Death metal.

PATROL (Cze) Demo 2021. Tape. PSYCHOCONTROL Recs. It
seems the underground gives birth to new old styled death metal
bands almost every day. The big putrid vagina keeps on ejecting
new atrocities, again and again, until your liver becomes a real
piece of putrid “foie gras” AhAh. This time the new band comes
from Czech republic, was formed in 2020, and here is their first
demo. Their style is in a quite “classical” death metal approach,
even if I can also feel the same heaviness more bands embrace lately.
You also find some regular “thrashing” old death, some blasting
parts, some Finnish influences, and a bit of obscurity… I hear
some mid old INCANTATION (Blasting parts), some VOID ROT (Heaviness),
old UNLEASHED (Thrashing parts), then a bit of thrashing PESTILENCE,
some mid old ASPHYX, some FUNEBRARUM… And the older stuffs of TOMBTHROAT
(Ger)… (This one was for the deep underground touch AhAh…) This
demo isn’t bad and quite nice to hear. The quite screamy vocals
à la PESTILENCE (Van Drunnen) are also nice. I might say “This
is nice like a mice in a big office full of rice”… But after a thought,
I also miss something like a spittle of acid cadaveric bowel to
feel really involved. But, I’m also kinda like an “old fart’ who
is sometimes a bit tired, so I imagine the younger fans might feel
more enthusiastic with this demo, and PLAGUE PATROL might be a very
cool band to check out live. https://plaguepatrol.bandcamp.com

WIDOW (Usa) Plague widom Demo MCD. 2012. Tattoo your
bones. For it shall appear when you die. Leave a post-decomposing
message to your inheritors.
This is quite
good. Blasting death/ brutal death a way that reminds me of mid
old ORIGIN (Less technical), with something of IMMOLATION ("Unholy
cult"), and a bit of French AMETHYSTE (But ways less Morbid
angel influenced). There's a grindcore edge for the length of tracks,
and few sudden stops on blasts that could taste like noisecore.
Most of the music is based on blasts. It has quite ferociously
savage moments. PLAGUE WIDOW is quite different from the whole
of current brutal death bands in the meaning their music isn't particularly
technical, both for drums and guitars, but they doesn't seem to
need it to impress the listener. My reproach would be a few riffs
are too usual (The more "thrashy" ones if I could say
so... There's no thrash metal influence) and it's a bit too cold/
black for my tastes. A little more emphasis on the short blasts
and "noisecore" parts could help to enhance the electrifying
of the brain. Not bad for a first spiritual defloration, they
already brought some oozings of angels' anguish. PLAGUE WIDOW
could turn into something interesting for those who like it brutal,
blasting, rigid and black, with some intensity. http://www.myspace.com/plaguewidow


GATE (Pol) Pass the gate of plerom Demo CD'09. The flying
happy goats are gathering in circles all around your putrid mind. Not
sure why I received this promo: This is some kind of black death
with a lot of keyboards. Think EMPEROR on "IX Equilibrium"
with less achieved compositions... And other stuffs I don't clearly
remember (Expect for a little zest of unwanted mid old orchestral
THERION). It's quite technical, rather fast most of the time. It
seems they listened to a lot of BEHEMOTH, production/ professional-wize
it might be their great inspiration... There are really a lot of
atmospheric keyboards. And that's all I'll say. P.G. shows some
professionalism and research, but I don't care for this style 360
days a year and it has to be the best of the best. No more goat. http://www.myspace.com/pleromsgate

(Bra) Poisonous Demo CDr'09. GENOCIDE Recs. There's syphilis
in the air! POISONOUS was born from the ashes of IMPETUOUS RAGE
to play a more old school kind of Death metal, their style is much
closer to the end 80's and beginning 90's, and they already offer
us this first demo (That unfortunately counts only two songs and
an intro). The first song entitled "Poisonous" contains
old styled and fast, yet always heavy or "big", Death
metal reminding me of PAGANIZER, with a little of GRAVE's heaviness
in the middle (Especially "Back from the grave") and some
slower occult Death metal that could remind of old ACHERON (Usa)
at the end. This song has a quite cool atmosphere and the adequate
production makes it flow like hot milk. That leaves pleasant hopes
for fans of the style. The second track is a SARCOFAGO cover
("The black vomit") that takes a more Death metal approach
due to the vocals and production, its not bad even if the original
reekording was more rock'n roll. This demo is not bad, maybe
quite promising, but it's very short to judge the soul-vibrating
potential of the band, so one should wait for another recording
to contain more substance to taste the real morbid flavor of POISONOUS. http://www.myspace.com/poisonousdeathmetal

(Australia) War machines Demo 2014. Self-released.
This is a "Grindcore" band from Australia mixing grindcore, death
grind, crust and other kinds of Hc. This is neither old school, neither modern...
Let's say it's closer to the "modern" grind from the years 2000-2004.
During the molestation of the cerebral sponge, I hear NAPALM DEATH (Mid old and
newer, minus the indus touches), some SAYYADINA, some old PHOBIA, a bit of
MISERY INDEX for more "brutal" parts... They say they like NASUM, but
I don't know/ remember this band enough to compare.
The fast (Grind) parts are nice, it can be quite intense, the style of drumming
isn't bad in the style, and the quite "neat" production fits the
scraping of the concrete.
Now there's also quite an amount of influences I'm not too interested in: Some
fast HC, some crusty (But not really crust) riffs, touches of quite dissonant
Hc... Even if it's globally correctly composed, I think more blastbeasts would
have been better for the energy.
I think the first half of the demo is better, more intense. This might mean (If
the last songs are older) that the band is progressing... (Or on the contrary
it might say they're already regressing? (Ah Ah, just bugging the population
control in your wireless keyboard)).
Not bad for a first demo, if they keep on inversing regression POPULATION
CONTROL might turn into a very nice blast machine for "grindcore"

POWERxCHUCK (Australia) Powerxchuck 7"
Ep. 2014/ PSYCHOCONTROL Recs/ GRINDHEAD Recs. 14 songs in 8
minutes. You could expect this 7" Ep to contain noisecore, but it's closer to
Grind/ Powerviolence (And sometimes HC), yet with shorter songs than the
usual. The fast songs are correctly shredding in the usual powerviolence
style, with enough of screams and abrasion, it's not bad! There are also a few
noisecore influences here and there (For the shorter blasts... That decently
accelerate on dementia); Sometimes you can find more elaborated songs and it's
quite well constructed. Now there's a bit too much of regular/ slower HC for
my tastes, I find this Ep could be more efficient if it lasted only 4-5 minutes,
without the HC, with only blasts and screams! (And there's a 15 seconds long
track that comes with an only mid-paced HC track, I don't really see the
point). Globally this Ep is not bad and contains quite shredding grindcore/
powerviolence, it could fit the grinding needs of those who burn in an urge to
sand down their mental cinderblock. CEMENT IN YOUR MIND. https://powerxchuck.bandcamp.com

(Bra) Demo 2023. Digital. Self-released. Since I didn't forget
to support the underground is more than managing the constant email
blattering of semi mainstream underground labels (That flood your
mailbox with constant review requests, and make so many webzines
look indistinguishable and all publish reviews about the same releases...),
but is also meant to pay attention to the newer, unsigned, sometimes
physically unreleased bands... I will this time assemble a few words
about the quite young Brazilian band PRECIPICIO. (Sometimes I feel
like I'm alone screaming in a cavern with no one listening, but
this is my duty: To scream in the empty cavern for the old underground!) This
is the second of Precipicio and the style is death metal. The main
influence is probably historic Brazilian death metal in the style
of old KRISIUN... I initially had a few doubts about this resemblance
because here the tempo isn't as relentless, but on a matter of riffs
this globally comes from the same cauldron. The main guitars rather
remind me of "Apocalyptic revelations" with a bit of "Black
force domain" perhaps, then the style is a bit more varied
and contains a bit more influences of 90's death metal, and maybe
some touches of "black death"... So I also hear similarities
with INFAMY (The blood shall flow)'s fast tracks, some very old
IMPUREZA (France/ First demos), perhaps BEYOND FEAR (But less "technical"
and not so Immolation influenced... So is that really a good comparison?
ahah), and maybe some SANATORIO (From Brazil)... Sorry for all the
deep underground band names I used as comparisons, this probably
looks too obscure/ somewhat hipstering, but this is my metallic
culture/ knowledge... PRECIPICIO isn't the most crushing band
in the style, but it's not a problem since I'm a bit fed up with
the most extreme groups that use so many blast beats... In replacement
of a "blast overdose" you can hear a quite cool demo with
quite "varied" tracks and some old death metal vibes.
I feel this recording has some kind of underground appeal. THE
PRECIPICE LEADS TO THE INTERNAL CAVERN OF INFERNAL FIRES. https://www.facebook.com/precipiciodeathmetal

Ronin Ex Mortis MCD. 2021. DYSTOPIAN DOGS Recs.
Wow! This sounds like great sped up old school metal.
This project featuring members of BORROWED TIME, SAURON or HARBINGER comes up
with 4 tracks in a well done way that were infused in a very 80's atmosphere.
They call their style "Pure US Power metal" but I don't know this
corner of heavy metal very well... In my hears it sounds like a mix of sped up
80's heavy metal, epic heavy and with guitars that almost sound thrashing by
It reminded me of early ICED EARTH, a bit of early KING DIAMOND (Guitars &
leads), some early VIRGIN STEELE (Very first Lps), a portion of ENFORCER (Swe),
some old IRON MAIDEN (Epic melodies), and perhaps touches of early INGWIE
MALMSTEEN... The whole coming with a dose of "thrash" (Or speed... Or
accelerations!) (Some beats are faster than others, but globally quicker than
regular heavy).
I do not own a big knowledge in heavy/ speed/ power, so doing a deeper analysis
will be quite impossible for me, but I can declare this Ep sounds great and
comes with well-built tracks. Perhaps the vocals are a bit too much by moments
(This is a bit "over the top"), but it didn't really bother the
metallizing experience.
Not bad, not bad. This Ep gathers quite good arguments to please maniacs of the

(Usa) Protrusion Demo tape 2023. Self-released. I was told
veterans of the old brutal death scene created this new project,
musically this two songs demo isn't really brutal death metal: It
globally contains early 90's death metal in a rather American way,
with some early brutal death influences on guitars, and brutal deep
vocals. This is a cool mix to shake the boombox! Sometimes the
content isn't so far from the first GORGUTS album, I also heard
some old ROTTING (Canada/ Demo 95) in heavier patterns, while you
can feel some ooold SUFFOCATION on heavier and a bit more technical
guitars... I should also quote some old USDM demos to make this
description more valid, would it be about GAFFED? ETERNAL TORMENT?
REGURGITATION? (The demo that came up before the CD, which was musically
different), I would have to check these old recordings again to
decently compare, but this is kinda in the same spirit... The
first listening gave me a more brutal death impression that it really
is: The deep vocals mixed with the grooves of the entrance really
tasted like the old REPUDILATION demo tape, then the rest of the
music felt much more like old school 90's death metal, which is
cool (Or even better?)... But then, the vocals and production still
kinda keep this demo in the "brutal death world" (Even
if the one of the early stages). This last sentence might sound
a bit unclear/ complicated, ok, I'm just trying to describe and
give an idea of what I feel :) The music is quite well packed,
and the production is cool/ very cool in a 90's manner. This
demo sounds very cool, so insert the scalpel deep and let's explore
the whole intestinal roads. https://protrusion.bandcamp.com

(Fra) Symbols of disgrace Demo tape'04. On. Off. On. Off.
On. Off... When the fuck will the remains of the underground let
continuously flow the dense vibrations of morbidity? When we, us
the putrefiers, will be able to completely rejoice in morbidity?
Boring, boring... I'm hungry for pure fucking death!! Boring, boring,
boring... Well since the real massive revelation of cadaveric entrapment
isn't scheduled for tomorrow, I'm hopefully able to introduce a
nice small band that might help the patience of your ugly needs...
PURGE is a quite cool Death metal band whose main influences are
old-styled and remind what used to be procreated years ago... To
clearly view the body of all sufferrances, you need to imagine some
early DEATH, old MORGOTH, few AUTOPSY, mixed with the US Death metal
of once (Like IMMOLATION's first album, some doomy DECREPIT, bits
of INCANTATION, or eventually DETERIORATE's first Lp). You'll be
served quite a lot of various tempos: Mid placed, fast (Almost no
blasts), slow, doomy... Some parts are cool or nicely energetic,
some doomy riffs or IMMOLATION influences sounds okey to drip in
a nice atmosphere... But on the other hand some riffs are a bit
too usual, and sometimes I feel like listening to the standard Death
metal bands that tried to evolve in France 12 years ago... All in
all, it's a demo with both cool and not so cool moments, but it
contains enough coolness for the listener to check the tape from
time to time and imagine quite good future underground promises. The
band was basically born as the Death metal subproject of some black
metallers, but since the recording of this tape-rape many things
changed in the line-up section, and it seems to me PURGE became
more than a sub-project... I'm waiting for the next recording to
judge what could morbidly occur in the depths of insane viciousness!

THE HORROR (Uk) Untitled Ep. 2013. Dissected Records. Porcine
gangbang. Will you be the juicy bottom in the middle of the circle
of pigs? PURIFY THE HORROR is something like a death grind project
of English musicians who wanted to remain anonymous and so have
hidden their faces behind masks of pork. Listening to the music
you could hear influences of NAPALM DEATH (For the blasting death
grind, but also mid-paced hardcore influence they got in the 90's),
with a shovel of HIS HERO IS GONE and some blasts that could remind
of old EXHUMED (The Eps)... But I would also like to add the name
of BRUJERIA for the not-so-fucking-serious state of mind, death
and grind influences or the quite natural recording. The vocals
are generally screamy and can be a bit more than fukked on the first
songs (If you want an idea it can happen to sound like some Macabre,
old Impaled Nazarene or Exit 13 (Ethos musick)) while on the following
it occurs to be more "traditionally" screaming. I would
say the music is composed of 1/3 blast beats, 1/3 of regular fast
parts and 1/3 of mid-paced stufs. I don't enjoy all their riffs
or all songs, but I would say the whole is "Sausage-ready"
and when the band is blasting they generally have a nice energy. When
porks eat human flesh it could produce nice gargoyle-gurgling sounds,
so I'm surprised this band don't have a song entitled "Regurgitation",
it could be assorted with beans, tomato sauce and quite nice lyrics
such as "We eat human flesh. We vomit your remains, on your
face." The music from this Ep is not original, culinary
innovative, neither aerospatialy ground-breaking, but there are
some nice pork sausages (With real pieces of brutal pork) inside.
Not bad for a parallel project! Face in the sludge, legs and
bottoms up, you will remember the ugly porks are there! http://dissectedrecords.bandcamp.com

(Ger) Optogram of the depraved Demo tape. 2021. Self-released. SUSPENDED
is a quite interesting project. The spirit and atmosphere of these
3 tracks lead me back to the first years of satanic and obscure
death metal from USA... I have in mind the first demos of IMMOLATION
(Before they went all complex and intricate), the first releases
of ABSU (Before they turned to black metal), or some very early
INCANTATION... Well, you get the spirit! This said, you can also
find elements of regular old school death metal, and some riffs
almost tend to black metal… Or black death if you wish (It happens
to remember me of ABHORER, even if bestiality isn't really the key
word here). There are quite well thought riffs, and some cool
atmospheres of the obscure... But this demo remains an underground
release with the "imperfections" you could expect. The
maniacs of underground filth might also hear similarities with AMON
(Switzerland), BEYOND FEAR (Uk), some old BLOODY SIGN (Demos or
Eps), or perhaps ABHORROT... But I won't dig too deep, in fear of
losing more readers AhAh. I found the production a little too
"raw"... Wasn't it captured on a 4-tracker (Or 8-tracker?
It clearly doesn't seem enhanced on a computer). This is ok for
OSDM, and perhaps gives a more cruel/ black metal taste, but I would
have preferred the guitars to come with a bit more of bass frequencies
and power. This is a quite good underground demo, quite interesting
underground project, let's see how they evolve with the next cavernal
morbidified demonification. https://putrescine666.bandcamp.com

(Swe) Morbid awakening Demo tape'09. From the early moments
of the cadaveric development, the coffin-shaking torment begun and
the dead could vomit his first nauseous clots... In putridity. PUTRID
is a new old styled Death metal band choosing to play it in the
end 80's manner, in the simple and quite necro waves of the genre. On
the first song, their music reminds a lot of NIHILIST with a little
of early UNLEASHED. The main theme of the fast riffs contain a nice
morbid efficiency that could intensify and resurrect some morbid
feelings from your putrefied soul. Nice song with a cool intensity
and voices from the morbid that shows some hopes. It lacks a bit
of punch and might be a little simple, but they have the time to
improve... The following songs aren't of the same level: The
second one is a bit more thrashy and messy, while the third one
takes from some AUTOPSY or REPUGNANT (With a nice doomy "spiritual"
moment) but doesn't contain the same intensity than the first effortless
cemeterial vomiturition. Sometimes they kinda remind me of the
first KATALYSATOR recording, with some elements from MERCILESS'
demos. They're in the early stages of the cadaveric game, it
can be heard... So, it's a first demo that shows some qualities
and nice influences, but also states some improvements are needed.
The second recording should follow in the next months, so we'll
judge the morbid improvements then. Tease the dead! http://www.myspace.com/putriddeath

(Fin) Visions from beyond Demo tape. 2022. MORBID CELLAR Recs. Hey,
here's a very cool demo of Death metal, mixing the old school "traditional"
style with some doomy touches, and some technical parts or quite
researched guitars, but the whole remains in an old styled approach
and atmosphere (Nothing seems to be post 1996 here: Cool). At
the first carnal approach, some parts sounded similar to old AUTOPSY
(2nd album "Severed survival"), but the style of the Finnish
cavelords isn't so drunk'n fucked, it's globally closer to early
DEATH for the most old school parts (A la "Leprosy") but
also for a somewhat "technical" side that might be closer
to "Spiritual healing" or some very early "techno
death" demos from mid 90's. You have you share or thrashing
"tuka tuka" beats, and if you enjoy this kind of rhythms
you could tap the feet on the floor! But you also have something
else: The guitar work can be quite interesting, sometimes if sounds
quite epic, not so far from the first DARKTHRONE album (The DM one),
but with a different atmosphere... There are also quite "majestuous"
polyphonies and perhaps remains of very early "brutal death"
(For some strange tones). At first I also thought they were influenced
by mid old INCANTATION, due to the first song's blastbeats and vocals...
But the tone isn't really about cavern obscurity here. The atmosphere
is warm, burning and somewhat "classy" (By moments). This
is a first demo, and you can kinda feel it at the level of the recording
(The four songs have a somewhat different production), but it doesn't
bother my crackling skull and I'm used to listen to underground
demos. "Visions from beyond" sounds like a promising
recording, so let's keep an eye on their next death metallic compositions! https://www.facebook.com/Putriditium
