(Swe) Devoured by the depths Demo tape'07. Whatever their
band name could mean in Sweden, KARYBDIS plays pretty nice old styled
Death metal that reeks of pus, morbidity and grotesqueness. In
my putrid mind, it sounds as swedish as it sounds finnish because
some of the grotesque is a bit too bizarre and doomy to strictly
emerge from Sweden... Comparisons are for fags? Ok, some of the
heavy would taste like some old (early?) UNLEASHED while some faster
is influenced by NIHILIST/ ENTOMBED (old). I can't avoid thinking
about (Not so fun) FUNEBRARUM in some morbid slow-paced patterns,
while the looow placed throat vibrations give it an early BOLT THROWER,
early BROKEN HOPE or ABOMINOG (Not sure at all about this one) feel. Some
morgue moments are nice, I appreciate some doomy (death) of the
grotesque, while some accelerations are nice... But this isn't the
new flavor of the morgue-month, because some mysterious mystic moment
lack, or sometimes a bit more energetik urges of acceleration would
be grave-cool. Now this demo was recorded in different sessions
that were quite distant in time, it might have caused little problems
to fully catch the atmosphere? Ok, even if this isn't the new
graven morgue revelation, KARYBDIS might suit the collections of
those necrocollectors of all 90's audio-deceases, and might even
be a sensation of the week (And not of the "weak") in
this current retro old school "Trend". http://www.myspace.com/karybdisdeathmetal

KOROIDIA (Usa) Apparitions Demo tape. 2017.
Tired of hearing all the new old school death metal bands sounding Swedish or
very obscure? You need a bit more of riffs and skills? You aren't against a bit
of blast beats?
So you might be interested in this second demo of this American Death metal
band that sounds very American (In an early 90's manner) for the music, and a
bit like the end 90's/ beginning 2000's epoch for the production.
During the listening, you regularly occur to think about BRUTALITY (A bit less
technical) for the riffs and vocals, then there's some MORTA SKULD, early and mid-old
MALEVOLENT CREATION (Faster parts), with a bit of DEICIDE ("Once
upon...") or old MORBID ANGEL.
Most of the music is mid-paced to heavy, often with double bass drums.
Blastbeats appear here and there, it's not the main point, and it doesn't seem
to be needed more :)
This is quite cool Death metal, with some heaviness, some catchy riffs here and
there, enough of riffs/ tempo changes, and a quite good production.
This cassette didn't awake the morbid Orgasmatron in my tape player, but this
is good enough to please fans of the style who could swallow this tape and
embalm their brains with these 3 tunes without a problem.
Web page: https://koroidia.bandcamp.com


(Mex) Caballeros de la sangre negra Demo tape. 2021. BLACK STEEL
WORSHIP Recs. Subtle flower and delicate perfume. What
this Mexican band plays is very old school, but this is not really
a surprise on this webzine... What I'm confronted to is old school
black thrash/ evil metal the old school way, with lots of 80's influences.
While I hear some SARCOFAGO (First album) in blast parts &
other "slower" elements, there's also a good portion of
very early SODOM in thrash parts, old DARKTHRONE in "thrashing"/
crusty parts, or also some HELLHAMMER in heavier moments. Well this
sounds quite really old school. Now, perhaps the impression it
gives is sometimes a little to "thin" or "quiet"
for black thrash? I think it might be due to the production and
recording in the studio, because the guitars happen to sound quite
"clear" (Understand not so distorted) and the music could
be a bit more aggressive/ destructive. But this doesn't mean this
first demo is bad, this is even quite well done/ built in the style
for an underground release, and I appreciate some of the influences
(Sometimes it really tastes like early Sarcofago or Hellhammer). So,
maniacs and archivists of the old proto extreme metal the evil way,
you might find some hearing interest in there... https://krucificadoresdelasantabarbara.bandcamp.com

Panoptikoan Demo tape. 2015. Self-released.
This is an old school punk hardcore band from the south of France, I discovered
them as they came to play here in the North of the same country.
Their music is quite strongly in the old school style, with many fast D-Beat
rhythms and no frills. I might compare their sound with old DOOM (The band, not
the video game), old DISRUPT or perhaps EXTREME NOISE TERROR, but my punk
hardcore knowledge is quite limited... (So don't take it for an "absolute"
Some of the songs have a rock'n roll touch that reminds me of DISFEAR or
ENTOMBED (The 'Uprising" album... It's funny a guitarist wears an Entombed
shirt on a photo)... Well perhaps the description with the Swedish band also
works for more "thrash" parts.
This is quite efficient music and a cool tape to listen to. I'm not the best
person to judge and analyze the so-what qualities compared to the global punk
Hc releases, but this tape could please fans of the style in the old punk Hc/
crust/ D-Beat genre with a nice rock'n roll, somewhat Motorheadish touch.

KURNUGIA (Usa) Tribulations of the Abyss Demo Pro
CDr. 2013. DISMAL Records.
Livid hands escaping the grounds.
KURNUGIA is a new Death metal band from Usa that might not be so new if you
look closer at the hole of souls. In fact 3 of the 4 musicians were a part of
the old band DECREPIT (R.I.P), and once you listen to their music you can say
it's something like a continuation.
Livid hands escaping the grounds.
This is something like old school and obscure Death metal, reminding of old
INCANTATION and the old European styles (The Finnish, a bit of Swedish, and
some regularly European).
Livid hands escaping the grounds.
I know some of you cemetery beholders might begin to be fed up with the new
Incantation-influenced projects appearing since a few years, but I have the
feeling KURNUGIA conveys something heavier than the average projects of the
genre (And this feeling doesn't escape my casket).
Livid hands escaping the grounds.
While the tracks contain quite fast patterns, it doesn't forget the heavier or
doomy moments, and there's also a bit of the grotesque. This is not
particularly original music, but it remains emotional or intense enough to keep
the "originality-seeking-brain" shut down.
Livid hands escaping the grounds.
This demo contains only two songs, but it's quite rottingly encouraging the
decrepiting listener to glue a rotting eye-ball in front their morbid vault, to
see what kind of morbidities will come out next time.
The livid hands escaping the grounds, it almost made devil signs.