(Fra) Gargouyllas Demo CDr'09. Gargouyllas, what a strange
name, in my mind it sounds like some "Ragout de gargouilles"
(Gargoyle stew in english)... Seems to be your local underground
stuff done an amateurish manner... But the music is better than
the odor of the moniker. It's some kind of thrash death, with
a quite technical (Yet not very technical) side. It evolves between
the fast and mid-tempo. Vocals are kind of regular death vocals. When
it's closer to Death metal I find it quite cool, when it's thrashier
(Or even closer to melodic thrash, yet not uber gay) it's less of
my pleasure. I wouldn't say it's old school, maybe just a little
"out dated" because more bands used to cook this kind
of stew only few years ago. The first song is quite cool, and
I have the feeling quality decreases a bit with each new songs (The
last one is quite boring to me). This could please those who
like quite controlled thrash death and dig underground demos, it's
not the most emotional or impressive stew pot I tasted, but it's
not so bad. I think with just a few more catchy parts and a little
focus it could taste much better for the enjoyers of the style. (When
the 4 songs are over, it repeats again the same 4 songs without
vocals... A bit strange... Maybe they want you to join the gargoyle
karaoke? So where are the lyrics? Huh!) http://www.myspace.com/gargouyllas

Demo tape. 1997. OVERFLÖD Recs.
Cinderblocks are my savior.
Crushing your face is my savior.
Throwing big perpains in your face is my pleasure.
Cinderblocks are my savior.
This band comes from Glasgow, Uk, and their music sounds quite brutal.
This is grindcore/ Powerviolence with a quite straight/ Brutal approach.
There are more technical / chaotic moments on the guitars, but most keeps a
right-to-the-point approach.
Contrary to quite a lot of grind/ Pv bands, GENDO IKARI didn't use a lot of
dbeat/ crust or sludge Hc influences, most of the riffing and drumming are into
the fast styles (Blasts, but not only) (Then some mid-paced hardcore moments
can appear, but it remains straight).
Sometimes there's something like a death grind feeling, when the musicians get
more "metal" they can remember me of some NAPALM DEATH or some old
brutal death bands (Not the newer stuffs).
Well, this is quite kicking stuffs, I'm not sure if I will remember the riffs
or some catchier parts in months of time, but at least this is quite kicking
stuff with no apparent flaws. This is quite brutal stuff.

(Usa) Malignant design Ep. 2024. Digital. Self-released. I
wasn't sure about the meaning of the word "Genestealer",
this seemed to be in a fukked up paranoid future necro-complotist
concept, but I read this is the name of an alien race in Warhammer
40K... So I can relax and keep on writing this review (AhAh). And
the music? This is grindcore/ death grind in a quite kicking manner.
With obviously a bunch of blasting or fast parts, but also some
more mid-paced moments like "Harmony corruption". The
music is rather old fashioned in influences, but sounds a bit "refreshed",
in the meaning it's quite energetic and rather current sounding. They
probably dig old NAPALM DEATH (Steer era) quite a lot, I also find
similarities with old BLOCKHEADS (Second album era). This isn't
the rawest and more fukked up recording, but I don't care. I didn't
request for raw powerviolence, this sounds rather neat and energetic. This
Ep lasts only 5:56 minutes, but you find no waste of space nor "funky
zumbacore"... So this is rather right to the point. This
is a quite good grindcore Ep for fans of blastbeats and grind energy. https://genestealergrind.bandcamp.com

SHRINES (Sri Lanka) Devanation monumentemples Demo tape. 2013.
CYCLOPEAN EYE Recs. Great death black metal in the vein of
early ARCHGOAT, with low-tuned guitars and deep vocals evoking the
spirit of ancient bestial bowels rumination. There are no high-pitched
screamy screams, no high-pitched "Where are the low strings?"
guitars... No influence that could have come from Norway in the
90's... This could also taste like early IMPALED NAZARNE at some
points ("Tol cormpt norz norz norz") for quite bestial
and low-pitched deformed-goat cavern-erucations. I see a voracious
grizzly of death blowing fuses at the top of gigantic mountains,
and screaming his rage! Now I wish there were fewer slow parts,
sometimes more blasts would enhance the deepness of demonic penetration,
and every moments aren't of the same defenestrating quality, but
it's often the case with new releases. There are a couple of occult/
ritual interludes, some will say it enhances the darkness, some
will say it dissolves the intensity. I'm usually not too much
into the death black/ war metal ways of the flesh, but I feel there's
something more in this tape of GENOCIDE SHRINES. HAILZ THE GRIZZLY!
Listen: http://cyclopeaneyeproductions.bandcamp.com

GILGAXAR (Indonesia)
Aberration intentional Demo tape. 2019. BBT Productions.
I stopped listening to newer brutal death/ technical brutal bands when their
music became super clinical'n digital, very cold, or extremely abrasively
produced...It's not a new story, I prefer old school brutal death... But from
time to time I fall on the reekording of a band that kinda twists my dead brain
GILGAXAR plays quite twisted old brutal death, meets death metal, and comes
from Indonesia.
Their tunes remind me of early SUFFOCATION ("Effigy" or
"Breeding"), early MONSTROSITY (First album), ooold GORGUTS (First
albums), maybe early PYREXIA (1st album), REPUDILATION (Usa), with touches of
CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Tomb of the mutilated") and perhaps some ooold
CENOTAPH (Turkey) or mid-old SINISTER ("Aggressive measures")...
Pfew, this is a quite long list of name dropping, isn't it? ;-)
What you hear is a quite "technical" riffing in the old way, it
sounds quite "absurd" the way I can dig it...
The production wasn't digitally castrated, this really sounds like a reekording
from end 90's, and this is cool... I dig how the guitars have super heavy
frequencies with some low bass sounds being over-saturated! (Well, keep in mind
this is real underground music! Not for fans of digital protools overdose!)
Rhythmically this is quite varied, you don't find blast beats only, as there
are a lot of old fast "death metal beats".
This underground recording was a cool voyage back in the time of end 90's
brutality... Perhaps my enjoyment was partly due to nostalgic underwear
oozings? I don't know, there are cool moments to hear, quite "absurd"
guitars and nicely kicking fast DM beats... Then I can't guarantee if the riffs
are really catchy, and if every readers will have the same 90's cadaveric
impression (And it's a shame all the tracks don't have the same production).
Anyway, GILGAXAR provided me with some cool listenings, in the past of the
oozing bowels and juicy hot crepitating innards.

STALKER (Hungary) Headvig Demo pro CDr. 2011. Self-released. Here
you have nice death grind influenced by NAPALM DEATH (Minus the
indus), with nice moments of bulldogstress blast-beats, a couple
of dbeat moments and some heavier parts. It also reminded me
of mid old REGURGITATE (Minus the gore... So let's say "Carnivorous
erection" or "Deviant" (Without the old school vibes)),
and some LOCK UP. This is not original and I’m not so fan of
all heavier moments (It depends), but songs are quite well put together
and it can be kinda right to the juicy cunt... I know this isn't
the kind of "grindcore" that pleases the punk blasters
anymore (Too much of metal? Some of them hear metal everywhere...
But it's true this demo has a good powerful sound) and GOAT STALKER
has split up (The main member preferred to concentrate on other
grind projects)... So in front of this big spatiotemporal hole,
I will stop the review now. http://youtu.be/5tGPuspKN7o

TYRANT (Pol) Untitled Demo tape'08. It's globally the
same style than the demo'06, except the mid placed VENOM/ BATHORY
moments have decreased and the band apparently takes a more black/
thrash approach (Yet it remains old school and quite "putrid"...
It might be less "nostalgic" though, but more violent
and ugly). Sounds like some early MERCILESS (Less controlled
and more fucked) with some BATHORY spirit, old AURA NOIR, and NIFELHEIM
crap-fuck state of mind... Some thrash, some black, some really
old spirit... Crush the tape recorder, we're death and drunk... The
last song of the 2 ones (Yes, this demo is short, only 2 tracks
and an intro) reminds me of VICTIMIZER for some riffing style reason
and raw necro sound to fuck your bottom... I guess they are alcoholics
and proud of it. This might please the needs of bangers who like
it raw, necro, quite ugly and violent, and spend their lives in
underground caves of some sorts... I prefer the "Necromantical
curse" demo because of the convenient VENOMous laziness that
helps me to rest, and maybe the band needs to develop and improve
more to reach an impressive level in the (more "technical")
style they seem to target... I still hoped this tape would be the
same raw speed metal BATHORY did when copying MOTORHEAD on their
demos, but the band doesn't seem to evolve towards this style...
Once again my cock is trapped! Argh... c/o Micahl Dolinski,
Ul. Krakinskiego 18 B, 83110 TCZEW, POLAND Email: Complete_necro@vp.pl

VOMIT (Bel) Advance MMXI. CDr. 2011. Self-released. Extreme
bullshit bombardier. Obese
livid excrements plunger. Ass Teasing the fat cougar with strength and
When you don’t have the right tools,
unblocking water closets is like an ugly fist-fucking.
This promo CDr comes with a quite funny cover taking the old PUNGENT STENCH
artwork (Two cadavers kissing each others) and replacing the corpses with a
nazi and a communist, Uh.
In the letter they sent, the band said they play old school "Grind death
crust". In my humble ass-penetrating opinion this is partly true, or
perhaps I would change the order of the 3 words...
The music is mostly composed of simple crustcore and old death metal, then you
have a few blast beats here and there. This could remember of old MASTER, a bit
of HELLHAMMER, some DISSECT, early NECROPHAGIA (First album, perhaps due to the
production), some UNSEEN TERROR (For the not totally serious state of mind),
some DOOM (The band), mid-paced groovy beats à la early NAPALM DEATH/
DEFECATION, with blasts à la old NYCTOPHOBIC or something. And in some fast moments they remind me of
very old IMPALED NAZARENE (The first demos/ album or bootleg live from this
There are nice moments where tension grows here and there.
I like the fact the production is quite simple and natural, the drums are even
quite "deaf" which is quite nice for a rest... And guitars have a bit
of dust.
Well this is a quite cool promo, this isn't really extreme and it can be felt
this is quite relaxed, but there's an underground charm and there are cool
moments. This is a real underground recording that might please punk metallers
or drunk metallers who have some grind and some beers in mind. Web page:

WAR (Usa) Warwolf Demo tape. 2017. HEATHEN TRIBE Recs. Could
I describe the music of this band as "Thrashing goat metal"?
Not really, because you would think it's a very bestial matter,
while the audio content here is much closer to black speed/ black
thrash, with a lot of 80's influences. Think about something
in the middle between early BATHORY, old VENOM, early SLAYER, with
a bit of early CELTIC FROST here & there... (And maybe some
old BULLDOZER, but I'm not an expert in power tools of destruction
AhAh). Sometimes the music tends to touch old heavy metal, it's
due to the old Venom influence in the riffs, but also to some "speed
metal" vocal touches for example. The production is quite
"raw" in the meaning it sounds underground, perhaps like
a rehearsal captured with a 4 tracker (So it's listenable once you're
adapted). It's a quite cool tape to listen to, on one hand the
songs flow quite well and there are some cool guitars, on the other
hand sometimes the riffs are a bit too close to the original cult
Lps... But globally it's not a badly spiked listening. GOAT WAR
might be a good band to see live in cavernous darkened bar conditions! GOAT
INSIDE. SPIKES OUTSIDE. https://goatwar.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Parasitic Incineration Demo CDr. 2012. Sevared recs. In
the vomiting flow of Sevared released you happen to find something
quite cool. This time the gore mashmallow is called GOEMAGOT
and plays brutal death metal. Their music isn't the most modern,
and even quite "old styled" under some angles, even if
the taste for brutality remains the main approach. Listening
to the 3 songs you could think about old SUFFOCATION ("Effigy"
for the brutality and slam/ grooves), old DEEDS OF FLESH ("Trading
pieces" for the brutality), old DEICIDE (For some Death metal
riffs developing a darker or more "satanic" mood), some
REGURGITATION ("Tales of necrophilia" for the brutality)
and little crazy touches of old DYING FETUS, in a mixture that might
not be as brutallizing as you might imagine. You could also find
some old CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Butchered") but the style is
often different, and I would refer mostly to the production and
some atmospheres. It's not all brutal since the songs also contain
influences closer to regular, or better say 90's Morrisound Death
metal (Double-kick ridden or quite groovy stuffs like MORTA SKULD
for example) in a quite important amount (Let's say 1/4), it's quite
welcome. On a level of brutality/ intensity, we doesn't exceed
"Butchered at birth" to name an example, but it doesn't
matter and the listening is quite cool. What could be improved?
Even if the songs are quite well rounded, some riffs' concatenation
could sound more vaseline-fluid, and the third track is less cool
(It begins a bit like NILE, but huh?). This demo doesn't contain
a bleeding orgasm, but there is an atmosphere of blood and quite
entertaining body parts. GOEMAGGOT plays a kind of brutal death
that doesn't try to be extremely brutal or technical, and inserts
enough regular Death metal influences to be able to warm your "not-so-brutal"
hears with wet body parts. "Parasitic Incineration" sounds
like a quite cool demo. Feed the gore maggot! http://www.myspace.com/goemagot
(Fin) In Death Demo MCD. 2010. Self-released. I reviewed
the previous demo of this band a few years ago, when they were called
GORETEXX. They probably changed their moniker to avoid misunderstanding
with the Gore-tex clothes provider... And perhaps because of a forthcoming
musical evolution: This demo isn't really in the same genre, the
music is more dynamic and (maybe) more old styled in a way (I
should replunge in the previous demo...). I have read some reviewers
write how this recording sounded so Finnish and close to the old
Finnish Death metal bands, but I partly disagree (Maybe some peoples
shouldn't receive any biography or any other information than music
itself? Who knows Ah Ah) since I would see a mixture with some fast
(And sometimes quite evil) Death metal taking from old MORBID ANGEL
(Tremolo hatred) or old INCANTATION (Obscure blasting punishment),
with some old Finnish sounding Death containing quite strange melodies
or quite grotesque heavy guitars, and some regular slow Death metal
(Let's quote CONVULSE and other "cult" stuffs like that).
Sometimes I could also point the old recordings of ENCABULOS (Rather
the "Abandoning the flesh" MCD) when it's double kicks
ridden and sounds quite dark. This recording contains nice moments,
some fast parts should be quite rageful during a gig, an atmosphere
is quite present from here and there and the «mysterious» Finnish
touch should be developed for example... But I feel like I miss
something; Some arrangements could be more efficient, some riffs
could contain a bit more (Of more) and I sometimes feel a bit of
stagnancy(?)...Maybe this genre has became a bit too conservatively
self-phagocytosing for me? Anyway this demo could please big
fans of underground Death metal, coffin swallowers and macerators
of rancid craziness... I think if this band will do something great,
then it would be for the next release, when they have put everything
in the right order and the planets are all aligned... Check your
morbid puzzle! http://www.myspace.com/gorephilia

(Fin) Rotting Demo CDr'07. GORETEXX is a cool Finnish Death
metal band that plays it old school, but in a not so Finnish way
to die. I'd rather think about old AUTOPSY (First album) mixed
with some early DEATH, a doomy death touch (Sometimes OBITUARY),
some faster patterns with a taste of INCANTATION (But the drumming
skills don't really follow this blasting case). I found zests
of early VIOGRESSION (Call it old OBITUARY if you wish, anyway I
wish you hell!) while they sound quite close to the first demos
of TOMBTHROAT (Ger), and it seems we aren't so far from PUTRENANCE
sometimes (Some Finnish ways to die a morbid way might be there,
after all). There's nothing new at all in their riffs and it's
often more based on a quite "tranquility" atmosphere,
but the songs are built an okey way and a nice atmosphere emerges
from the pores of the rotting cadaver. The production is quite
deaf and doesn't follow nowadays' standards of pseudo virility,
but this is pleasant in my hears (It sounds quite natural). So,
GORETEXX has released a cool first demo, with its positive and negative
aspects. For most it might be only another average demo, but those
who dig the embalming atmosphere of early AUTOPSY (And especially
big fans of the style) might have found a livid enough place to
rest under the graves. I wonder what the band moniker means,
but in my hears GORETEXX strangely sounds like some label of sportsmen’s
clothes. http://www.myspace.com/goretexxband

BLASTOMA (Thailand) Grindsore MCD. 2013. BLOODLINE Recs. Transsphenoidal
resection of the pituitary gland. Mitral stenosis and mitral
insufficiency. Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis. This
wasn't a macerated gory medical intro, but a couple of song-titles...
I think you can imagine what will be heard inside :-) This MCD
contains a lot of songs. The whole evolves between old influenced
goregrind and rather 90's death grind. Of course the old CARCASS
influence is present when we talk about the infusion of old gore,
but I'll rather speak about old Carcass-clones because the music
doesn't sound as extreme as "Symphonies of sickness"... So,
concerning the putrid testicle cloning, I can list the names of
GENERAL SURGERY (Old... The MCD from the 90's, not the "newer"
stuffs), ooold SANITYS DAWN (The "Cryptic menu" album,
before they went more extreme and then powerviolence) with a bit
of old gory DEAD INFECTION (Perhaps the 1st album or Eps, anything
before "Chapter of accidents" I imagine) and perhaps a
bit of very early MUCUPURULENT. I also hear some more regular deathgrind,
or more death-metal-influenced stuff along the lines of NAPALM DEATH
("Harmony corruption"). The difference between GRANULOCYTIC
BLASTOMA and the average old, or new, gory bands lies in the amount
of tempos and riffs changes in each song: Here it is quite numerous,
and could even sound "technical" for this reason. The
music is quite often groovy, this lets me imagine the content was
designed in bowels and crepitation for fans of quite "bizarre"
sounding goregrind. Now my reproaches... I regret the blast-parts
don't sound more extreme, and the guitars would have deserved to
come with more bass frequencies to enhance the bizarrity. This
is not a thrilling recording, but I think it could be quite putridly
entertaining for the fans of gore who like the style quite correctly
played (And it's not so often the case if you talk about real gore) Url:

Demo tape. 2015. Self-released.
The moniker of this band might let you imagine their music is just composed of
obscure black death, as well as many new bands in 2017, but the content reveals
to be quite different and more interesting.
Roughly, this is a quite good mixture between obscure death à la INCANTATION
and old school Death metal in a 90's manner.
The impression you have is that the music is very much into the obscure side,
but this is partly due to the darkened production.
You have quite a lot of Incantation alike moments, for the fast barbaric
blastbeats ridden assault, or some heavier riffings, some peoples might also
hear some VASAELETH for the obscurity, but there's indeed quite a lot of cool
old school death that tastes like old AUTOPSY (For the thickness of some fast
and slow parts), then you find some early DEATH ("Scream bloody gore"
and "Leprozy" minus the melodies), a bit of infernal thrashing death that could remember of early POSSESSED
or early NECROPHAGIA perhaps...
There's clearly some feeling in there, some heavy moments are quite crushing,,
some fast barbaric parts are quite epic, and I like the "No
brainshaking" mindset of some old death moments.
Now, even if the production is quite thick and heavy (Which is a plus in my
morbid book) it is also quite obscure sounding and might refrain those who
aren't really into the obscure (Even perhaps "occult") side. The
track they put in first position might not be the best: First half is a bit too
long or quite "boringly" simple. Perhaps the whole also needs a bit
of an "original" or "particular" aspect, but well it's a
first demo... This is a quite good worshipping of death that comes with feeling
and some interesting moments. Fans of the style will dig it.

GRAVEHAMMER (Swe) Morbid obscurity Demo CDr'07. GRAVEHAMMER
is a new Death metal band formed by younger metallers who choose
a way of torturing the cadaver that do not sound especially Swedish...
but rather American and evil! I got a copy of their previous Demo,
"Rehearsal of death", that suffered from a too raw rehearsal
sound. With this new short recording, they hopefully improved the
recording (That sounds more edible) and the music (That sounds more
energetic). The songs are built on a basis of early thrashy Death
metal à la POSSESSED, with an addition of blast beats à la ABHORER/
early MORBID ANGEL, and few black metal touches for the necro (Like
old NIFELHEIM?). One could draw comparisons with some old SARCOFAGO
("Inri"), very old SODOM or early RIGOR MORTIS (Usa)... There's
a nice energy and the songs are structured a quite strict way, which
is unfortunately a bit wattered down by the not-so-tight playing,
but it remains okey for a demo. (Remember 80's Death metal self-releases
weren't produced in plastic surgery hospitals, but in the caves
with rotten tape players!). This is obviously demo-stuff that
won't please the plastic silicon metal business, but even if it's
not really killer or putrid, they evolve in the right way and begin
to procreate something that could please Evil death metal fanatics!
I appreciate the style they choose and a nice early evil death metal
atmosphere is touchable. Good luck in the future, keep the cross
inverted and burning! http://www.myspace.com/gravehammerswe

Recs. If things keep on evolving this way… Due to the amount
of Chilean bands I review and distribute, I might have to change
the name of this website to CHILEAN METAL REVIEWS, or CHILEAN METAL
INVASION AhAh... The review begins: I could listen to a previous
recording of this morbid band from Santiago, and this newer Ep is
in the same style: Quite crushing death metal in the old school
way. Their style is a bit different from the usual Chilean metal,
their morbid approach is much closer to ooold GRAVE, and especially
the "You'll never see..." album (Perhaps with a few remains
of the "Back from the grave" CD)… Are you putrefied? I
also hear similarities with an old demo tape of the Canadian band
ROTTING (Stuffs released before their album which was more "brutal")
but this was a somewhat “super-underground” band, so don’t search
too far in your old memories… Here the music is often heavy,
with a crushing "Swedish" buzzraw sound, and good obscure
atmospheres in the dark red tones (You want rotting blood... You've
got it!) I know some peoples might also hear some early ENTOMBED
(First Lp), some early ILLDISPOSED, or perhaps old WOMBBATH, but
these are rather "minor" influences. Perhaps this MCD
is more interesting and crushing than the older one GRAVERED released
in 2016 (“Coffins graves and tombs”), because I feel more atmosphere
and heaviness here... (This MCD also contains 3 live tracks
in the second part; Even if more studio songs would have been a
better gruesome rejoicing, the sound quality is quite good for a
live recording). GRAVERED didn't reach the same level of juicy
orgasmic morbidity than old GRAVE, but this is quite good death
metal to please the fans (Of the rather heavier style) in their
abrupt cavern. DEFORMED. DECOMPOSED. OBSESSED BY MOURNING. https://www.facebook.com/gravered.deathmetal

Conscious autopsy Demo tape. 2014. HEADBANGERS Recs.
The empty grave is mine.
I will be able to lock up the sexy babe(s) inside, and infiltrate the depths,
once their gasping for air has stopped... Sometimes it's so nice to be the
Globally this demo sounds like old death metal influenced by early DEATH (First
Lp), the demos of AUTOPSY, with a bit of early NECROPHAGIA, a bit of very early
CANNIBAL CORPSE (The demo from 89, or the most old school parts of the first
album), with old Swedish dbeat influences, and something like an early
"Grind" touch in the state of mind and the playing (A bit of
REPULSION or ATROCITY (Usa), even if blasts aren't numerous).
At the first approach I was first rather embalmed by the cool and old death
metal of the first track (The riffs aren't badly felt in the style, and there's
a relaxed/ no brain-shaking aspect reminding me the first HERPES (Fra) demo,
for example), then I wondered "What the fuck?" when I heard the bad
blastbeats of the second song... Hopefully this problem was only present on
this song (If they could come back in time, I would have suggested to put the
5th and 6th songs at the beginning (It's cooler), and the second track
towards the end).
This is a demo that sounds like old demos, as if it was recorded on a 4 or
8-tracker, and the influences make it tastes like 87-88 death metal with a bit
of "grind".
Personally I really prefer what came later in 89-90-91, for reasons of
heaviness and intense death metal power, and some of their songs are a bit
boring... But they also have quite cool and entertaining tracks, with enough
energy to please fans of old death metal "shits".
I think with more time and rehearsals GRAVE ROBBER could improve and release a
second demo that could contain only cool songs... I'm not dreaming, they only
have to open the right caskets and keep the empty ones carefully closed! So,
keep a salt-rubbed eye on this band if you're still into this kind of retro
(But not uber cult) death metal.

Subconscious lobotomy Demo tape. 2017. Self-released.
This new Greek band plays death metal in a rather early 90's fashioned genre,
but this isn't really what you would expect from an "old styled" band
in 2017. The music isn't too thrashing, neither too fast; You will find much
more mid-paced moments, stranger "grooves" mixed with a portion of
death doom.
The mid paced moments sound quite close to GOREFEST (Especially
"Erase"), mid old BENEDICTION (Perhaps due to the big sound), and
some peoples might hear BOLT THROWER due to high pitched guitars (But the
spirit here is more about sorrow than battles and war).
There are influences of very early technical death, well perhaps you won't hear
it if you aren't an old fart, but some quite strange structures,
"grooves" (Or way some riffs are built) tastes like ooold ATROCITY
(Germany/ "Blut" album), mid old DEATH, mid old DISARHMONIC ORCHESTRA
(Not so weird) and some very obscure demo bands from 94/95.
When Gravewards tends to be doomier, or more sorrowful, they can remind me a
newer band such as SOLOTHUS (I'm still not an expert of doom, so...).
What could the band do to improve their music? Perhaps use a few really doomy/
monolithic riffs to bring more diversity, or perhaps a couple of
"technical"/ strange riffs could be really stranger to counterbalance
with the whole (A bit of weird stuffs is good... Technical stuffs suck when
it's weird and strange all the time).
This is a quite cool demo located between the "doomier" and the
little more "strange" worlds of death metal, it's pleasant to hear
since it's a bit different... Even if I wasn't thrilled or led to a travel into
a thrilling infraworld, there are enough nice moments to make of it a cool
Web page: https://www.facebook.com/Gravewards

PAD (Hol) Grave matter MCD'09. Self released. I'm not
sure what their moniker could mean, but in my computerized mind
it sounds like "Grindcore joystick" or something like
that... Grindcore joystick? Joycore grindstick? Are we talking about
sexual tools and blasting vagina-teasing matters? Hmm, not really
you pervert dude, because this Dutch band has no porno influence
and their music sticks in the brutality. As a whole, I could
say their stronger influences reside somewhere between what MALEVOLENT
CREATION did few years ago ("Eternal", "The will
to kill" or a little of "The fine art of murder"),
SUFFOCATION (Rather "Despise the sun" for the impact approach)
or PYREXIA ("Age of the wicked"), then with few touches
of more thrashy stuffs (RITUAL CARNAGE?), more "conventional"
brutality (I thought about some mid old DERANGED), a little Hardcore,
few melodic touches (Between old GOD DETHRONED, or almost later
DEATH), while almost grindcore guitars could remind of LOCK UP or
some later NAPALM DEATH. So you guess right when you imagine
most is into the blasting world. There are some slow-downs and usual
Death (Or crusty) beats, but most is blasting a way or another. The
band has a nice sense of the brutal riff, and some parts are quite
strongly kicking! I think some riffings wouldn't brutalize a displaced
way on the last PYREXIA album for example. On the other hand,
few structures sounded a little strange in my hears (Kind of debrutallized
the impact of a brutal riffure, hu?), few blasts weren't of my liking
(Kick and snare at the same time), few slower HC parts aren't for
me... And, yes, you will read again the "Lowest-common-reviewer-denominator".
Are you ready? One, two, three... "Their music isn't very original"...
Ok, but what should one do? Insert Polka or waltz influences a Mexican
way, or Peruvian xylophone to play post classical music from New
Zealand? Not sure if it would be good... The production is good
for the style, nothing to say at this level. All in all, I think
it's an honest brutal MCD that might turn on those who like brutality
in a not too mind-shaking, almost "grind", manner. Some
parts are great, some parts are more common, but all in all I think
big fans of the style would kinda crunch it. http://www.myspace.com/grindpad

GUTVOID (Can) Astral
bestiary Demo 2019. Digital. Self-released.
If the worms had tentacles, their caresses would be bleedingly tickling.
What you have here is the first three tracks demo of a metal band from Toronto/
The first song entitled "They came dripping from the stars" sounds
great and quite super cool: This is strange death metal, with a Finnish vibe à
la DEMILICH (Less technical) and there's quite some demented groove to be
found! Yuck! Then the two following compositions are different, the style is
much closer to death doom/ funeral doom. This sounds quite nice and quite solid
in the genre, sometimes not too far from SOLOTHUS (I believe), perhaps with a
little black metal touch... But the atmosphere is more about sorrow, darkness
and despair, while after hearing the first song your soul requested more Finnish
demilichian vibes of the demented.
Well, the two styles the band approaches are quite different, there's quite a
gap between both... It might leave a couple of listeners a little perplexed I
I think if GUTVOID had recorded 3 songs in the same DEMILICH alike vibe, they
would already have a (small) label deal, because this genre is quite
"demanded" at the moment...
But composing music and having inspiration aren't always (Often?) synchronized
with popular demand... So perhaps The musicians could try to mix the two styles
in the inside of the same songs, it would make the whole more homogeneous to
hear, or it might create interesting "Russian mountains" with perhaps
a little more progressive structures, who knows?... The future will tell which
astral surprises you can expect from them.
