H.R.A (Usa) Violent
times 7 EP. 2019. NUCLEAR ASS Records.
My christmas gift was a belt of bricks.
How nice is that? Am I supposed to visit local punk gigs and stage-dive with a
belt of bricks??
This band is located in Houston/ Usa, and plays pretty raw & rebellious
fastcore/ Grind/ Hardcore. Their songs are pretty well structured and the
blasting parts sound quite energetic.
Their most grindcore songs remind me of early NAPALM DEATH (Dorian era) on some
"not-so-official" releases for the rawness (Think about some peel
sessions or bootlegs), but the music of HRA isn't all grind: You also have a
bunch of fastcore, and some regular old school punk hardcore parts.
Sometimes it also reminds me the spirit of the very first EARACHE releases (Not
the famous Carcass/ Morbid Angel, this label was more punk and grind than that
in the beginnings...). By moments it also sounds like an old Japanese bands
called NO VALUE (But I wonder if this outfit wasn't so super underground that
no one knows them?), for the rawness, blast-beating and scorched screamy
Now I must confess, I would have found more (extreme) pleasure if there were
more blastbeats (And perhaps some death grunts here & there), because as
far as I'm concerned fastcore/ old punk HC is okey, but Grind is better! :-)
HEAVY ROACH ACTIVITY could be a nice, or very nice, band to check out live for
headbangers into a mix of fastcore, grind and punk HC... Up the bricks!

(Usa) What's your excuse Demo tape. 2023. NO TIME Recs/ FUCK YOUR
LIFE Recs. Hey! Great sounding mix of Mincegore/ Grind grind/
Meat grind. I see the mixer vomits balls of meat that taste like
ARCHAGATHUS transgenically coupled with old HEMDALE (The split CD
w/ EXHUMED), with blast beats à la old PIGSTY/ Early BRUTAL TRUTH
(First album), also with some pieces of old DEAD INFECTION (Gory
Eps) perhaps... Then some moments also sound a bit less serious,
like more groovy goregrind or old AHUMADO GRANUJO (Castrate me if
I'm wrong). Some songs are kicking & kinda entertaining the
inner meatballs, and the vocals are quite varied (You have a lot
of gore, but also some liquid gore, more grunt death, some scream
grind, some "complain" core... And some bizarre effects
from Saturn here & there lol). I like the fact the drums
& structures keep a "Real grind/ death grind" aspect,
at least it sounds efficient and alive on the beats. Now I don't
like all the songs at the same level, the first ones are the best
according to my meatballometer (For example the first track contains
a great mix of vocals: More of this and I could feel like riding
a deformed obese pony in the name of gore! (MY PONY!!), but some
songs are a bit less entertaining the tennis player, or there's
a bit too much of groovy goregrind by moments (later songs) even
is that remains tolerable. So in my ballorotting opinion, it's
a quite good sounding Ep with a bunch of great tracks. Quite
kicking & entertaining... MEATBALLS FOR ALL. https://www.facebook.com/haggusmincecore

HAMVAK (Ger) "I" Demo tape. 2017.
I'm not a big fan of Norwegian black metal, so if you remove the high pitched
screams and high flying guitars it's a good beginning for me.
This German project kinda falls into the "black death category", I
would say a mixture of old school bestial black death, with touches of 90's
black metal in the riffs, and some death metal influences.
Most of the vocals are low pitched and quite cavernous, with a few screams from
here and there; The guitar tone is "regularly" pitched with some bass
frequencies from here and there, so it's a good beginning.
The most bestial moments could remember of early ARCHGOAT (From the 90's, when
they had DM vocals) or perhaps early IMPALED NAZARENE (Demos epoch), while some
more typically Scandinavian riffs can remember of IMMORTAL ("Pure
holocaust") for example; You can also hear some European death from the
past, and a bit of old INCANTAION as well.
I might add there is perhaps something of early DARKLORD ("By the
force..." Demo'94) in some guitars/ low frequencies, but perhaps it's a
too personal interpretation.
Most of the music is fast, understand about 3/4 of the drums are some kind of
blastbeats (Not the ultra-fast ones, but it remains fast in my view) and I find
it to be a little monotonous after a while. I think adding a super slow riff
emerging from the doom world would really bring some life (Or death?) to the
I found some interesting riffs and nice atmospheres during the playing of this
demo. Even if it's not perfect (A bit monotonous sometimes) this is quite good
for a first demo and could please underground fans of old styled bestial/ dark
black death with a Scandinavian touch.

OF DOOM (Peru) Cahuideath Demo tape. 2020. GUTS AND BLOOD Recs. LICK
THE BURNING HAMMER OF SOUR DOOM. Hands of Doom is a Peruvian
band which plays old school metal... Black thrash with a strong
early CELTIC FROST influence! The mid-paced "cold grooves",
the punk Hc accelerations, the doomy moments, the vocals... You
can find many similarities with the old C.F. trademark. I imagine
these Peruvian bastards might have planned to synthetize the (Now
extinct) same beer that Tom Warrior and evil friends used to drink
until chainsaw gutsfuck in the 80's, possibly to create again the
same old school evil... Well, while inspecting their alcoholic
cauldron I also found tastes of HELLHAMMER (This comparison wasn't
too hard to find, or was it?), SCEPTER (Usa), very early SODOM (In
the sign/ Obsessed), and more very early Teutonic thrash in some
accelerations... Ok, Mr Keeper of the cauldron, the last 15 years
we have experienced a certain number of bands that were influenced
by old CELTIC FROST, so this is not really a surprise in 2023, and
some parts during this demo/ Ep could be perfected (For example:
A tighter playing by moments), but this remains cool to very cool
music to hear & feel the burning atmosphere. So "Cahuideath"
remains an underground product, but with old school metal qualities.
Those who can enjoy imperfect releases will be able to appreciate
the ancient swing of the hammer. BLACK EYES OF HORROR. Listen:

ICHTHYOSIS (Usa) Demo CDr. 2009. Self-released. Even
if "Harlequin ichthyosis" is a genetic disorder, and would
in theory sound ok for brutal death, beginning anything brutal with
the word "Harlequin" is not the best way to make it putrid...
"Harlequin" immediately leads the mind to children candies
and grandma's old picture books... Anyway what we have here isn't
ultra brutal or ultra something, but closer to a softer IMPALED
or later EXHUMED (Without blasts), with a tendency to make it close
to CARCASS (Rather "Heartwork”, less heavy metallic), but also
with another tendency to make the riffing more melodic, melodic,
and to mellow your dick... Sometimes it could be quite nice as it
could vaguely remind of the first MORTAL DECAY album, or touches
of ooold CRYPTOPSY (I said touches), but in my opinion it's too
much as it lacks of Death metal (!) and (s)extremity... We cross
the borders of melodic death metal, let's roughly say "The
spectral sorrows" of EDGE OF SANITY (I said roughly) and other
less interesting bands. I think they try to be too “nice” to awake
real feelings… If I'm not wrong, they are not too far from modern
deathcore and bands like BLACK DALIDA MURDER (Didn't we get enough
of one French blonde singer?). The drums (Drum machine?) sounds
a bit too mechanic, I know plastic tits can be nice, but please
don't focus on plastic dildos! This recording shows they aren't
totally inapt and hand amputated when it's time to play music, but
it also displays they need to inject more and deeper feelings (And
to avoid the filler parts...). My hunger grows for something really
burning. http://www.myspace.com/harlequinichthyosisband

(Fin) Irrationalize Demo tape. 2021. IRON CORPSE Recs/ BITTER INSECT
Recs. Fukked beyond solid limits. Brain plugged to 220
volts. BRAINOCUTION PAIN EPILEPSIA. First demo. This is powerviolence/
grind from Finland with a raw production that makes it abrasive
and filth decapitating. It blasts a lot, and there are also "punk"
parts but that sound more extreme due to the RAW guitars. I dig
the fast blastbeat parts, it leads me back to early 2000's grind
when bands like BIRDFLESH ("Night of the ultimate mosh"),
THE KILL, or maybe (maybe) OPENWOUND used to kick my ass. I hope
for the drummer these are not one-foot-blasts, or he might have
muscular troubles AhAh. There's clearly a more powerviolence
edge, I also thought about HATEWAVE (Usa- For the demo which as
BETTER than the album) or DISMEMBERED FETUS. This is a demo that
could please the needs of RAW/ GRIND mental agitators... Wait,
it seems this noise cures the flu... My nose isn't dripping anymore,
and the headache seems to be gone. Uh. https://harmer.bandcamp.com

(Bra) The ostentation of the eternal chaos Demo tape. 2007. HEREGE WARFARE
Recs. I noticed that for a change, some black metal labels
begin to release Death metal... And this is not a bad idea at all
if you ask me! This band plays a kind of Death metal that's not
so old school, especially since they are Brazilian. Their cross
is settled between the tombs of a thrashy Death metal and old DEICIDE,
very early HYPOCRISY or old GOD DETHRONED... And not so hard-beating
touches of early ANATA or mid old DEATH. Quite good powerful
sound, cool low vocals, okey technical skills. Some drums or
guitars could be more rrroooaaarrring (In some thrashy Death metal
parts, the drums doesn't kick enough, it sounds a bit too "autoplay"
the modern way... Some thrashy riffs sound also a bit too modern
to kill) but HAVOK shows they're metallically enabled, and globally
it's a cool Demo that might please those who could dig something
like 90's Us Death metal mixed with some old GOD DETHRONED. Label:
hellwarprod@gmail.com Band:

(Ita) Son of failure Demo CDr'07. Death metal keeps on creeping
in the depths of the underground, waiting with patience and determination
for the decline of black metal, metalcore and other kinds of trends
that reduce our visions... The group we'll talk about plays fast
death metal à la KRISIUN meets old DEICIDE, with evil touches of
old MORBID ANGEL (Altars); The tempos rather vary between the blasts
and punching old death beats, but you also have influences of 90's
death metal that materialize in slow-downs and create nice atmospheres
between DEATH (Old and mid old) or some MORGOTH. Some fast patterns
kinda remind me of MORTEM from Peru. The production is quite
good, according to the Morrisound standards of once, it doesn't
bother me at all. "Son of failure" is a cool demo,
nothing sounds wrong in the style, it's correctly arranged and there's
a nice atmosphere... But there's nothing especially new or neverheard.
It could be a cool demo in a voracious underground Death metal collection,
but HEADLESS wouldn't be placed in the priority of our hellish ordering
lists. This is only their second demo, so let's see how they
evolve in the future and if the fire increases its hellish manifestations
of apocalyptic carbonization. http://www.myspace.com/headlessband

DEATH (Australia) Headless Death Demo tape. 2011. Self-released. HAIRBAG,
This is
underground grindcore grinding your head, with a dose of death metal
located in the mental cracks. This is quite old school sounding
due to the production, but not only: To describe the whole I could
say this demo sounds like old school grindcore in a more accelerated
manner, then a more attentive listening lets appear more "modern"
influences here and there (Especially on the second half). While
I hear something closer to the old grind band ATROCITY (Usa) and
there occurs to be an emergency not so far from REPULSION, some
of the merciless blasts could remind your wounds of PARLAMENTARSIK
SODOMI, and the vocals occur to have a little of REPULSION and TERRORIZER...
Now, to quote less representative elements, some death grind riffs
sound like the best moments of OBLIGATORISK TORTYR's first album,
while the most modern patterns wouldn't be so far from DISCORDANCE
AXIS, and maybe a bit of BIRDFLESH is also in there (Don't remember
which album). Due to the raw demo sound I don't understand all
the riffs, but I can say a part of the stuff is quite intense. Ok
some of the guitars don't sound as appealing as others, but the
whole package seems intense enough to feel the pleasures of the
airbag one more time. Conclusion? It might be interesting to
listen to HEADLESS DEATH with a little better production, on an
undergrind point of view. Those who would dig something like
quite old styled grindcore, with faster blasts, might send their
chopped heads in Australia to receive something blasting in exchange,
when the future recording is released. Feel the edges of the airbag! http://headlessdeath.bandcamp.com

EARTH (Cze) Promo demo'08. The wound opened by IMMOLATION
years ago keeps on bleeding and feeding the microcosmic underground
with new bands who try their luck at making it obscure and quite
brutal. It seems HEAVING EARTH understood the style and feeling
of the Americans quite well; They sound quite abstract, quite hypnotizing
(By moments) and they pile quite a lot of cool riffs in their quite
complex (Or better said riffs-crowded) songs... Now these songs
sound more like a quite well put together pile of riffs than real
complex compositions that can kill and haunt your mind and soul
with good riffs and good know-how... This aspect of things might
improve with time. I also hear a bit of heavier MORBID ANGEL
(Somewhere between "Domination" and "Gateways...")
and some HATE ETERNAL's first album when guitars get more technical
(Second song especially) HEAVING EARTH might not be yet the perfect
microsolution to our underground megaproblems (Aka the lack of real
killer bands?) but at least the listening isn't bad and quite cool.
This promo/ demo is only 2 songs long, so I won't take many conclusions..
But for a first recording it's cool on matters of skills, production
and influences... So this is encouraging. http://www.myspace.com/heavingearthcz


(Can) Sepulchral lacerations Demo 2021. Digital. Self-released.
ONLY DEAF IS REAL! Uhg... I don't know what I will do
for a hobby when I'll be older and really deaf... Perhaps I will
review books, or comic books... Anyway, let's come back to the
present, and review more underground metal! HEDONIST is a death
metal band from Canada, that doesn't sound too Canadian... To
sum up the whole, I will say they are big fans of BOLT THROWER,
infused their compositions in this main influence, and then also
injected various other 90's death metal elements. To be more
precise, I will say their B.T. tastes seem to favor the 1991-1994
epoch (From "Warmaster" to "... For victory"):
You can find similarities in the epic "war battle" theme
riffs, the moments ridden by double kicks, but also some heaviness,
some faster parts... Then I also found elements from various
other old records, like GRAVE ("Back from the grave"),
HYPOCRISY ("Osculum obscenum"), GRAVE ("Soulless",
a bit), ILLDISPOSED (First album, a bit), ENTOMBED (First Lp, a
bit), DISMEMBER (A bit also)... Well, perhaps you notice these are
all bands with "big productions". Sometimes I have
a little problem to enjoy some later BOLT THROWER albums in their
entirety, because it's often slow or mid-paced... Fortunately for
me, this Canadian band injects more fast parts or "dynamic"
moments here & there (Even if their riffing isn't as catchy
or "cult" as B.T.,. but that's another horror story). The
songs of HEDONIST are compacted to make it sound great, and the
quite powerful production helps... But I also feel a part of the
tracks during the second half are less great/ energized in the composition,
even if remaining quite solid. But this is globally a great sounding
demo in the style. Well, I think I have said enough and a conclusion
isn't really necessary, or is it? (Do you need one more cliché ending?) https://hedonistdeathmetal.com

TORMENT (Peru) Untitled Demo CDr'07. Now the "goat"
word was worldly abused by many black metal bands, most of you readers
should be familiar with the entrails of the goat: From behind, under,
over, and every other holes! So many hymns and calls to goat-sodomy
have been spelled that the goat should become soon the most famous
pornstar for metallers! Even better than gothbitches, we have goatbitches!
It never says "No", it never says "Again!!"
and never pushes the stop button while your favorite crap metal
CD is played... I'm surprised so few metallers actually own goats
as their own little pets... Dogs and cats aren't metal enough! Well,
enough said about our best friend the goat, let's talk about the
first demo of a new band cumming with pleasure from the deepest
craters of menacing Peru: HELL TORMENT. This is bestial black death
metal with few Death metal and regular black metal influences. Think
about BLASPHEMY (Second album) with marks of traditional south American
extreme metal (This style that shows its 80's metal influences without
anguished-fear from the bank account! Ah!... If you know a bit the
current scene, think about SARAM for sexemple... Or simply target
some old (Up the legs!) SARCOFAGO). At first approach, the skills
aren't the most "up the mountain" and you might find it
a bit too "underground", but few short listening are enough
to get into the nice atmosphere and realize the songs are kinda
entertaining. I regret there aren't more real Death metal riffs,
because they have few cool tremolo guitars of aggression. The
vocals are screamed (With echo effects) or vomited. The embalming
procured by this hellish tormentation is cool, but I'd advice this
demo only to big fans of goat-molestation or not too demanding evil
metallers, because HELL TORMENT isn't the most blasphemous yet and
they haven't reached the level of the current best goat sodomizers
(Let's say, ANAL VOMIT). http://www.myspace.com/helltorment

VIEW (Usa) Demo 2021. Tape. DESOLATE Recs. If you eat
bricks, do you also shit bricks? HELLISH VIEW plays raw old school
punk hardcore and throws a big brick from Minnesota/ Usa. A good
part of their songs are in the dbeat style à la DOOM or DISFEAR:
Fast, crusty, and right to the broken hear. A couple of tracks are
more mid-paced in the ugly punk style (Think about the "Exploitation"
DOOM song once covered by NAILBOMB). The production is quite
fucking raw, this sounds between a rehearsal and the Swedish death
metal guitars (Perhaps). Audio corrosion, parasitic vibration, hear
disruption... This is raw war. I guess this pile of bricks won't
please every readers in there, but I have to say this tape sounds
quite efficient in the style. No subtleties, no subterfuges,
but raw dbeat/ crust punk the old way with some anger from the brick
raisers. https://hellishview666.bandcamp.com

(Usa) Demo 2023. Digital. Self-released. Don't judge an ass
by its cover... Sometimes it might be well rounded... And sometimes
it could be haemorrhoidal AhAh This new band from Oregon/ USA
plays death grind with a gore touch, and this is quite brutal. You
find mostly fast (blast) parts à la DEAD INFECTION (Chapters...),
BRODEQUIN (Festivals...), perhaps ARCHAGATHUS, with a bit of grooves
à la old Dead Inf. here & there. I also felt a bit of early
CARCASS (Leads), or some early NAPALM DEATH (Some old "death
grind" peel sessions). There are only 3 songs here and the
whole demo lasts 3 minutes, so it's hard to fully savor the flavor
of the rotting corpse, unless you play it several times in a row...
But it's what I did, and it wasn't a boring experience to play it
again and again. Nothing new, but this sounds quite solid in
the style. Gore penetrators & sickos, keep on an eye on the
HEMORRHOID. Ps: I noticed the band released an album since then,
but I didn't have the time to check it... I'm a slow "doomy"
reviewer :) https://hemorrhoid-us.bandcamp.com

(Usa) The hessian wolf children 7 Ep. 2016. BURNING TREE Recs.
You did it all, lived it all, felt it all.
What you need is a surprise.
You have swallowed alien semen.
You have wiped your ass on the hidden side of the mood.
You have travelled the seven seas and peacefully urinated in the most natural
watercourses of some isolated third world havens of peace.
What you need is a SURPRISE!
H.W.C is a kind of grinding band from California, Usa, and their style could be
roughly described as a mixture of grindcore & fast hardcore, with a
Think about blasting and quite raw sounding grindcore, with some moments of
fast hardcore (Fastcore? At least it's not really dbeat or crust), with quite
rasp sounding vocals, a punk touch, and a surprise.
There's quite some energy in the blasting beats, and the songs are built in a
quite efficient manner. (Perhaps it remains a little "classical",
even if this is quite efficiently composed in the style... We know you still
need a surprise).
Sometimes it's on the powerviolence edge, partly due to the vocals, but perhaps
it sounds a little less fukked than PxVx.
Ok, you have waited for this moment... The SURPRISE lies in the appearance of a
couple of crossover riffs that come in the middle, it sounds quite 80's in the
style (You know, this mix of thrash metal & old hardcore), and sounds quite
This is a nice grinding/ fast/ screamy release, with a few surprises. Perhaps I
didn't reach the point of dementia access erection, but this is enough to be
swallowed up.
Ps: Sorry, no word-play on cinderblock or perpaings this time.
Sorry no namedropping this time, but at least you discovered a new band.

HORDÜR (Fra) Detomour Demo CD. 2017. Self-released.
From the depths of the French grindcore underground comes HORDÜR.
This is fast music, and it doesn't always mean love.
This is a melting pot of many grindcore, powerviolence, fastcore stuffs, that
comes with touches of other hard musics: Crust, sludge, thrash, death grind...
The songs are often fast and come with many tempo changes, in this meaning it
could sound as "technical" but it's rather the songs come with many
During the listening I thought about french DESECRATOR (R.I.P), Brazilian HUTT
(The old stuffs), SAYYADINA, YATTAÏ or a zest of old BIRDFLESH... I don't
really find names for the more complex "technical" moments (I'm not
and HC expert), perhaps old HUTT would fit if they had fewer Death metal
influences and a bigger fast HC background? You answer.
The production is okey, perhaps the guitars could sound rawer or more
"grind"? For a first recording it's okey.
I like some blasts in there, some more complex moments aren't bad, and the band
tries to not always serve the same grind patterns, but I felt less concerned
with a part of the slower sludge moments or some punk/ crust stuffs (Perhaps my
spiked states speak here).
Not bad for a first recording, it sounds encouraging and quite kicking by
Fans of fast/ grinding music with a technical touch and a DIY underground
appeal might dig it.
(The French speaking readers might understand the subtlety of their band name,
but I won't reveal this grinding secret here).

SIGHT (Mex) Dark hallucination Ep. 2022. Digital. Self-released. This
is an express review, as quick as the high speed train that stops
at the station.. And starts again before you noticed it! I'm
now talking about the first recording of the Mexican death/ thrash
band HORRID SIGHT which contains two songs (Exactly two ones, as
well as what I have in the under... Wait...) This sounds quite
powerful and "massive" due to the production. More musically
speaking It kinda feels like the aggressive thrash KREATOR once
did (Perhaps on their third album? Or maybe "Come of souls"
equally?), mixed with mid old PROTECTOR (When they started to evolve
towards death metal), with a bit of DEMOLITION HAMMER... There's
also something like a modern CARCASS side mostly due to the production
& screaming vocals, and some guitars felt like the heavier parts
of old MALEVOLENT CREATION (Or later RESURRECTION)... So you understood
this is musically between death and thrash, with a somewhat "modern"
touch (That would rather point to the 90's or 00's than current
very-digital bullshit, so this is okey). This demo sounds compact
and aggressive, it fits well for a two tracks duration. I noticed
the band released a first album since I started to write this review
(Perhaps I should rename my webzine to "Slow turtle metal reviews"?)
so death/thrash bangers might be interested to check it out. See
you... In the high speed train! https://horridsight.bandcamp.com

DISEASE (Jap) 3 songs promo. 2012. Fierce matador of
the bleeding, we have thirst! Control the fury, to target and
extract the best blood from the bull.
I'm not certain if
this 3 songs "Mp3 promo" is something real or not, there
also seems to be a 7 songs MCD entitled "Disease from hell"
containing these 3 songs, but I'm able to write a review anyway. What
we have here is something in the middle between Death metal and
thrash metal, or quite "technical" thrashing death if
you prefer. You could imagine the most thrashing parts remind
of something like DEMOLITION HAMMER ("Tortured existence"),
FORBIDDEN ("Twisted into form") or some mid old TESTAMENT,
while the faster blasting parts are closer to old MORBID ANGEL or
FLESHTIZED. There's also a bit of DEATH ("Human") in the
approach by moments, but the atmosphere is different and it's a
less important element. I should point a bit of brutal death is
also present here and there. If these songs were released in
1998 to 2004 it could have been seen as "technical", because
it's controlled and not particularly easy to play, but the guitar-handling
is different from the current meaning of the word "technical":
There aren't zillions of notes or breaks per song, and the music
remains quite easy to listen. A good 50% of the beats are Double
kicks, more or less in the style of Gene Hoglan (Just to give an
idea, it's not as complicated). The production is clean and quite
compact, but hot, quite good in an end 90's manner. Vocals might
be the less Death-metallic element from the acoustic spectrum: It's
something like high-pitched controlled thrash metal vocals. No problem
with it, but it might not be the best choice for every Death-metallers. This
3 songs promo is quite cool to listen when your mind is on the wavelength
for controlled thrashing death, but I'm not certain if the duration
of a full-length album would be good for my brutalized hears. Matadore
del dolor, your bleeding job isn't over. http://horrificdisease.bandcamp.com

(Chile) Demo 1. Tape. 2013. TERROR FROM HELL Recs. Here's
a new old styled Death metal band with two (Current or previous)
members of DEMONIC RAGE... And other bands you might not have heard
of. This is old styled Death metal à la POSSESSED ("Seven
churches"), SADISTIC INTENT, with faster parts à la IMMOLATIION
("Dawn of possession"). They probably also dig early
DEATH (A couple of slower more doomy riffs, some fast regular death
metal) and early MORGOTH (First two MLps only). The vocals could
be deeper, more death metal, it's generally closer to black metal
or black thrash. In my rotting opinion, the first song is better
because it contains more intricate riffs à la IMMOLATION (Or something). There
are only two songs so it's hard to exhume all of the corpse (Half
of the carcass is still in the coffin!). There's a quite good
old necrotic Death metal vibe, this is not original but those who
were crucified by death could dig more underground morbidity with
this tape. https://horrifying.bandcamp.com

MEAT (Fra) Shape of happiness Demo 2020. Digital. Self-released. Human
Meat is a new "Death grind" project from France, and here
is their second recording. To be more precise, I will say their
style is a mixture of Death grind à la NAPALM DEATH, fast crustcore,
with some hardcore influences and some old death metal touches. The
whole comes with a quite raw HM-2 guitar sound, which is quite corrosive
and sometimes gives it an ENTOMBED taste, while the music sounds
more like "modern grind" in blasting parts (Not the modern
technical wank). At the first approach, I thought it would be
blastbeats only (I was afraid for my now fragile hears, you know),
but in fact the rhythms remain quite varied (There's even some kind
of "death'n roll' song). Even if I'm a little tired with
the HM-2 guitar sound (Sometimes it seem used to hide average music
behind a well of guitars), I can say the music here is not bad:
There are kicking moments, quite energetic parts, no repetitive
boredom (For the style)... Perhaps I also heard some old NASUM,
mid old DISMEMBER, old MISERY INDEX or COMECON (First album, for
the drums), but it's rather to give an idea... For me this isn't
a new revelation in brutality (I'm kinda an old fart, or not?),
but those who dig styles like mid-old school death grind, quite
raw hardcore, and the swedeath corrosive sound might enjoy the brutal
fist right between their two hears. (One of the band members
used to play in Ananda and Knut) https://humanmeat.bandcamp.com