- DEMOS - OLD STUFFS - FANZINES - GIGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-> D
/ E -> I
/ J -> N
/ O -> Z
Metal underground motherfluffer? Pissnot putting a zigzagging hear
on this new demo, before the old bitch of Obese Grind shall torment
your hears anymore with sarcastic flies? Then send me an hear, and
I'll put it on this OFFENDING Demo! That's not bad and would surely
vibrate enough with the brewwwtal to let flow the blood of impurity. To
keep it clear, and devoid of putrid zigzags, OFFENDING plays brutal
death metal. This band is a sub-project of some guys from the French
band ASMODEE (Black death). The style is all in all rather blasting
and much into Brutality (Think SUFFOCATION, DEEDS OF FLESH, SEVERE
TORTURE, older HATE ETERNAL) with some touches of technical death
(Think GOROD, DEATH). Some riffs are cool, some are complexly structured
enough to make it sounds bruuutal, while some are a bit too easy.
The vocals aren't so deep, it would rather give the whole some kind
of deathcore touch à la MISERY INDEX. The drummer blasts well,
has quite good double bass rumbles, and has a quite neat style.
The main problems of this demo lies in the fact it sounds a
bit too clean (While we need something more intense and rawer) and
there aren't that many catchy riffs... But some proofs of
real brutality are present, and the songs aren't badly constructed
at all... So I guess the band can only improve and reach some kind
of "Brewtal perfection" and more sexxxekuting power.
A good try for big fans of brutality who like their stuff tight
to the ass bone and quite complex. An album is scheduled some
time later, so keep on sending me your hears! You Motherfillers.
(Swe) Violence will dominate Demo CDr'03. More thrash metal
demos, more speed, more beer motherfucker!! Here's a quite nice
ass kicking demo of fast Brutal thrash in the SODOM way! It's
full of fast as fuck tremolo riffings to punch in your alcoholic
junkie's head! Several elements reminds me the good old all times
SODOM! Take some "Persecution mania" for the special bass
parts, "Agent orange" for the riffs, some "Til death
do us unite" for the vocals, some "Tapping the vein"
for the production and the fast tremolos that sound almost death
by moments. Of course influences of others bands such as old
KREATOR (Some riffs), old DARK ANGEL, mid old KREATOR ("Cause
for conflict" for some vocals and some riffs) can be found.
Finally there's nothing new, nor catchy... but this demo sounds
quite well done, heavily produced (it doesn't sound like a demo!
Hell no!)... and it sounds Brutal! A nice piece for fans of Brutal
Thrash metal who like good old fucking SODOM! The demo is downloadable
on their site; get if fucking M.O.R.O.N!
(Swe) Left to perish Demo'04. More thrash metal demos! More
beer motherfuckers! You thought the time for strawberry milk had
come, but one more time FUCK YOU ALL!! ONLY BEER IS REAL! Here's
the second OPPRESSION demo and I can hear a nice evolution! While
their previous one was in a brutal "SODOM" thrash metal
vein, this new one is a bit more worked and composed, but it remains
in the Thrash metal fields! Fast thrash metal riffings along the
lines of old SLAYER and old SADUS with enough riffs per track and
nice breaks or little surprises from here and there. It keeps
an old school thrash riffing as it may sound like ONSLAUGHT by moments.
The quite present bass lines is a thing that sounds cool in my putrid
hears! It sounds like the ones of SADUS on "Swallowed in black"
for example! The vocals could be situated between Tom Angelripper
and Mille Petrozza (old)'s many packs of beer!! Each musician seems
to apply himself on this demo: nice drummer, cool bassist (!), nice
guitars... the really disturbing point would be some of the leads...
Some riffs and moments see a decrease of intensity, but that remains
Ok. Eventhough it's a pleasant demo to listen to, I didn't hear
much riffs to really catch your attention... at best some parts
makes you band and you listen to the remaining riffs with metallic
attention! So it can be a cool demo for thrash metal fans who like
it fast the old way with nicely structured tracks! A cool demo for
the deadly headbangers!
GRINDER (Fra) Organ grinder Demo MCDr'04. If you ask
men this demo is more than underground! Sounds like an average Death/
Grind rehearsal with punk influences... sounds like a demo from
the past! It reminds me of early CANNIBAL CORPSE (Eaten back to
life), old INHUMATE, HYBRID VISCERY with some old Goregrind (early
MUCUPURULENT), some old punk and quite funny touches... The drummer
plays correctly (expect for weaknesses in blasts). The vocals doesn't
seem much serious: there are usual growls, but also some "funny"
gore and punk stuffs. This is very average, and half of the riffs
do nothing in my hears... but they have quite worth keeping ideas
(For example the mid placed death metal 'chorus' in "Abattoir
pour animaux", the MUCUPURULENT-alike mid-placed riff in "Les
autres dieux", the NAPALM DEATH/Scum influenced last 10 seconds
of "Mister deathroy and some correct grind stuffs from here
and there...) All in all, I'd rather consider it as a pre-demo,
as the band has ways to improve both its music and its raw production!
More rehearshards, selectivity towards their riffs, and a brutal
will to kill in songs' structures is what they need! This is very
underground and average stuff. Work hard and be really vomiting!
OF DISGRACE (Usa) Christ fails Demo CDr 2005. KARMA KAMIKAZES
WILL FEEL NO RELIEF! Double O D comes from USA but kind of avoids
the usual USBDM clichés, as their style sounds a bit rawer and more
incisive, like a potential mix of SKELETON OF GOD/ old CEPHALIC
CARNAGE, with some DEEDS OF FLESH, and few strange stuffs that might
come from Jazz (but sounds more extreme). It has some kind of stoned
aspect as the whole sounds like a wide opened sexy orange (No bottom
this time, sorry) but the state of mind doesn't seem stoned or mentally
stagnating in weed. Every songs do not have the same level in
extremity or research of originality, as some riffs could sound
like usual 90's blasting death or old CRYPTOPSY, and some mid-placed
moments introduce you to a decrease of intensity. Nothing really
branded my brain with catchy riffs or haunting jigsaw melodies,
but the whole sounds brutal, quite solid and motivated., with some
kind of will to find its own extreme personality. If ORNAMENT OF
DISGRACE follows the style of the songs opening this demo, I'll
be able to say: This is a promising band. A cool shot, but only
for fans of extreme stuffs.
(Fra) 7 ans de réfléxion Demo'03. Well, another kinda crappy
black metal demo with super screamy vocals the way I like it! Sounds
like it the guy is sodomized during the songs! This band might play
interesting gigs! Ah Ah! Even the most drunk and deaf tramp singing
in a cold black city would sound more miserable than many of these
so called "Grim black metal bands"! Because misery goes
far beyond senses and crosses any kind of material limits when it
deeply needs to spread its deadly and miserable message of agony!
When you think about that, ORTHANC doesn't sound much impressive
(anyway they don't...), but rather like some kind of well fed teenagers
who have problems to play their thing tight and should avoid to
sound quite happy! In my hears it's just another conventional demo
of average/ very average "Black metal" who would need
to face the real misery to play a music supposed to be depressed,
hateful and cold as a brutal rape! Unoriginal, unconvincing...
(Fra) Le troubadour nécrophagéophile Demo’05. Quite dirty
and old styled Death metal between the atmosphere of war the early
BOLT THROWER releases used to create, the quite hellish blasting
parts of FLESHTIZED and old MORBID ANGEL, and few elements of old
DEICIDE. An obscure atmosphere of almost ancient Death metal, blood
and atrocities of war is present and touchable, but nothing is really
extreme and over the top to the point of pressing the "Blow
a fuse motherfucker" button on your skinless face. The half-liquefied
muscles are flowing from the holes of your skull and your blood-saturated
eyes turn quite fast in round, but we didn't reach the point of
an hatred-induced oversaturated explosive dementia the best Death
metal bands use offer in their riffs. So, it's only average. I
think a little lifting would be welcome to throw away some less
cool riffs; and some songs structures could be improved. For
a first demo it's not bad, even if nothing is really catchy. I think
the listener's perception of this demo will mostly depend on if
he has this obscure Death metal atmosphere we penetrated before,
the hellish burn of the abyss' deepness. I'm interested in following
the evolution of OSSUAIRE, because the seeds of perversion contained
by this demo lets me think the band will probably emotionally intensify
its music, and then there would be high chances for they strongly
kick the ass of real Death metallers! Email:
(Fra) Pure thrash Demo'04. Did I expect this kind of cool
demo from France? Of course I didn't, since most of the French "Thrashing"
bands aren't cool or not thrashing at all! Ah! OUTBURST plays
quite "modern" Thrash metal reminding of mid old TESTAMENT
("Low"), old NUCLEAR ASSAULT, some METALLICA ("Master
of puppets", less complex) with death metal influences, reminiscences
of old school Hardcore, and some early MACHINE HEAD ("Burn
my eyes"). The vocals are the most hardcorish, it might
displease some metallers, but it remains in a quite "guttural"
and "vomiting" vein, so it's ok for me. The guitar
range of influences is quite varied, but always remains bound in
the past (before '95), that's not a problem for me. The quite
well rounded tracks are played by skilled enough musicians (Brutal
drummer! Almost fast as sharks guitarists). I'm not sure if their
songs will have a long life-length of thrashing power, but at least
the present and near future are cool. Even if OUTBURST doesn't
offer something new or memorable, they play it brutally and in a
right way. It's a cool Demo. OUTBURST is one of the few current
French thrash metal bands who achieve to play it decently... Try
to put an hear in there if you need it thrashing, brutal... your
hears won't be polluted with utter shit!
HOSTILITY (Fin) Neurasthenia Demo CDr'04. PLAGUE Productions. If
nicely rounded brutal death metal doesn't sounding too modern or
technical is what you're looking for, read this review... Eventhough
it's not emotionally shocking, this nice demo of the one man band/
project OVER HOSTILITY is nice enough to entertain those who like
their death grind being quite reminiscent of MONSTROSITY 's second
CD (Less technical), ALTAR ("Youth against christ"), or
some old SINISTER (Rather "Hate"). Few other names could
be quoted as a matter of influence: RESURRECTION, old CANNIBAL CORPSE,
few hints of old groovy FLESHGRIND or eventually early MALEVOLENT
CREATION. The production is fine for a self recorded demo, the
drum machine sounds ok. Of corpse, I'm not talking about something
new, original or killer, but these 3 tracks are correctly constructed
and none of the riff sounds shitty or boring. So it's an average
demo that's likely to please or entertain those who enjoy death
grind in a not too chaotic or destructed vein. If more guts are
displayed in the next one, OVERT HOSTILITY can turn into a brain
destructive band.
(Usa) Demo CDr'05. Cool and quite tasty mixture of SUFFOCATION
("Effigy") and early GORGUTS. It has what you need to
bang your skull: a well balanced variety of nice blasts, punching
death beats, double bass assaults and nice variations on the "bizarre"
or better said illogic elements. The band doesn't abuse technicality
or so-called "sickness". I like the quite deaf production
à la "Effigy of the forgotten", it creates nice zombifying
bass rumbles. I also found elements of early ORIGIN, NILE (1st
CD), PYREXIA (Somewhere between "Sermon" and "System")
and eventually some ATROCITY (Ger/ 1st CD). From this 3 tracks
demo, the 1st song is great and quite inspired, while the 2 following
are okey but do not contain this little zombifying something that
makes it more... Haunting! This is a quite promising demo!
(Bel) Infernal realm of chains Demo CD'06. Satanic Death
metal with a quite impious and claustrophobic atmosphere. The music
occurs to sound like old DEICIDE, POSSESSED, early DEATH, possibly
INCUBUS (Florida) with a bit of FALLEN CHRIST, and slower almost
doomy parts, while the vocals remind me quite a lot those of the
dead band AMON (Switzerland), with a bit of BLASPHEMY. PEK might
also be influenced by old Us Satanic Death like INFESTER, old INCANTATION
or MAGUS (The style isn't especially the same, but the state of
claustrophobicism isn't that far...). The songs are filled with
quite a lot of riffs. Some "technical" and quite crazy
touches aren't bad. The problem lies in the fact every riffs aren't
of the same quality, and the listening sessions has its highs and
lows... According to the amount of tracks (7) and riffs (I didn't
count it... Ah Ah), I think it might be a good idea to refocus on
the best of the best. This demo might please the biggest fans of
satanic Death: I'm afraid there will be too much average parts to
turn on those who do not regularly dig the style.
SOULS (Fra) Corpus christi Demo'03. Here's their first
demo recorded raw in the rehearsal cavern. PERVERSE SOULS plays
brutal death/ Black with strong influences of early DEICIDE, some
old CANNIBAL CORPSE and black metal intrusions of the un-melodic
kind. One could hear early BRUTAL TRUTH for the hyper fast blasting
parts. They remind me of EXHUMATOR's Demo 94 by moments. There
are approximations and the band doesn't sound original in the style,
but I found some quite cool riffs from here and there... The problem
is mainly due to the raw production that doesn't sound the best,
some tightness problems, and some drum patterns I personally find
strangely placed... uh? PERVERSE SOULS might improve into a more
punishing band with more rehearsals and experience! This is the
kind of band I'd support if they were from my area because with
more work and motivation they could impale more than a poser's face
during gigs! And Satan knows how much posers should be brutally
ass-fucked with spikes and burnt alive! Ah Ah.
(Bel) Demo CD'06. It's a long time since I didn't hear cool
new Death metal demos from Belgium, and I can't say I was expecting
for much since the (Full of artifices) musical influences of bands
like ABORTED couldn't lead to something much gut-impressive... But
lately, I received this cool demo of a band called PESTIFER. Their
music isn't the most gut-tripping or emotionally intense, but it's
cool enough for me to listen to their sounds in a sympathetic delight. Their
style evolves between the techno death metal of once, a semi melodic
technical death and brutaller death metal parts, as the influences
follow the lines DEATH (mid old: Understand "Human") drew
years ago, with an addition of various touches that could remind
of some old DEICIDE, old ATHEIST, AD-MORTEM (Fra/ R.I.P), some Us
styled brutal death (A bit of SPAWN OF POSSESSION), touches of black
metal (MAYHEM's Wolf's lair epoch) and various underground French
obscure bands from the 94-98 era (Just two names for the most curious
metallers: MESMERIZE (1st demo) and THALIDOMIDE). Some apparently
fretless bass parts are really cool and remind me some things Steve
Di Giorgio used to do! Really nice. Some high pitched black metallish
vocals aren't so cool, it bothers me a bit. Even if there's nothing
emotionally explosive, and some riffs or structures do not bring
much on an emotional point of view, the whole is nicely recorded
and there's a cool atmosphere to emerge from the burning land of
vacant planets. An heavier, not so clean, production and more hatred
or will to focus a bit more the essential might help PESTIFER to
make the next recording more interesting. Until then, big fans of
mid 90's technical Death metal (And especially DEATH) with a sympathy
for the underground might dig it. (Keep the frets away from the
bass guitar ;-) )
(Fin) Totems within Demo CDr'06. When I initially heard this
demo, I had doubts about the fact this could be the same old Finnish
Death metal band, because it seemed to offer nothing special...
But various sources shew me it unfortunately was the same band that
used to plague the underground death metal morbidity of the beginning
90's... What a deception! It lacks anything a Death metal maniac
needs: Where are the morbidity, obscurity, energy and insane growls
from the cavern? I don't know where it has fucking gone! What
you hear would rather sound liked polished semi technical death
thrash, with almost thrashy thin vocals, and melodic moments...It
(1st Lp), a bit of old VADER, and almost early Gothenburpish stuffs...
What about throwing grandad's convenience through the window and
facing the violence of metal once again???! Ok... It wasn't made
a bad way, some riffs aren't bad, and the production would be quite
good and clear according to nowadays' standards, but I don't need
that, and there's quite too much "Tiny and small" riffs!
Nothing comes from the guts of violence! Where has the instinct
gone?? GRRRR! I miss the craziness, fukked strange structures
and morbidity of once! Just another disappointing convenient comeback
as far as I'm concerned...
(Can) Metal manifesto Demo CDr'06. PILEDRIVER released two
cool and quite cultish albums with some good track such as "Sex
with Satan" that had its moments of vicious laughs in some
perverse moments... So it wasn't unpleasant to see them coming back!
But well, this tastes like another disappointing come back. This
4 songs demo follows more or less the style of the 2 albums, but
it sounds like average old styled heavy metal, and it's puffing,
nothing else nothing more. The satanic and perverse side has
gone, the quite burning touches of speed metal guitars are missing. This
is just another average demo on the pile. This is something you
will want to own if you are a dumb di dumb and (voluntary?) blind
fan of the band, or if you spend your life collecting anything with
the word "Metal" written on the cover. Fucking disappointing!
REDUCTION (Usa) Terror tactics Demo’04. Allright, there
are too many old surviving grandmas everywhere, what we need is
a bash of fresh air! Gas them with Napalm! They'll spit their greedy
dollars when they scream "AAARRRGGGHHH!!!" This is
crust hardcore with some grindcore influences. It could remind of
murdered" Mlp) and eventually some S.O.B. I'm sure some old
Hardcore-thrash or HxCx Grind band of the first waves would be better
descriptions, but I don't know that enough for an evil quote. Most
of POPULATION REDUCTION's songs are based on mid temp rhythms or
crustcore beats, while few moments tend to old school grind. I regret
there aren't more blasting patterns, because they sounds better
when they blast! Some slow riffs are predictable, and I'm not a
big fan of hardcore (boredom), especially when it's not over the
top! (Rare!) What we have here is a 'decent' underground demo
with both nice blasting accelerations and hardcorish boredom. Some
local grinders might get into the Population reduction and break
few necks live. This band might improve in something more impressive
if they focus much more on their most extreme ideas...
(Austria) Promo CDr 2005. The first approach can give this
feeling: quite old styled Death metal following the paths of BOLT
THROWER ("Cenotaph"), old BENEDICTION, with melodic riffs
lying somewhere between DEATH and some Swedish (Gothenburp??) stuffs,
and some touches of death doom and few atmospheres à la TIAMAT ("Clouds")...
But then, second feeling: Well, what could I say? As well as
many demos there's a little mood, and it sounds quite ok, but there's
also nothing special at any level (No burning riff, no catchy mellody,
no surprising structure...) and I think it's just an average demo
of a band that apparently tries to play it old school ("Pure
fucking death metal" as they say) but finally have too many
melodic and already disgested easy influences to impress fans of
real death metal. Average. More guts and fucking death are needed!
(Bra) Visions world apart Demo CDr'05. At the first approach
you imagine this demo evolves in a quite old styled mixture of Death
thrash and thrash death, but there are more than these two styles
inside: You could also hear thrash heavy metal, old styled "thrashcore",
few black metal touches, some early brutal death... I kinda like
the mid-fast to fast Death metal influences of early DEATH ("Scream
bloody gore") or old MASSACRE for some cool atmospheres, there's
a bit of old MORGOTH which is always a nice pleasure... You could
also find some old OBITUARY/ early SIX FEET UNDER slowness, a bit
of very early CANNIBAL CORPSE, some thrashing patterns I'd qualify
as KREATOR ("Pleasure to fill... the cunts" haha)/ DARKNESS
(1st Lp)... But the band could avoid some stagnation, usual average
stuffs and there's too much of mid placed patterns for my needs...
I need more energy and morbidity! And I'm not very fond of the vocals
that take an almost hardcore edge. This is decent demo stuff,
and some nice atmospheres are here... But I usually need my Death
metal packed with more energy and less convenience! I'm afraid it
won't be hard kicking or severely burning enough to help the problems
of the "Boucheurs de chiottes compulsifs"! Le prédateur
reste tranquille et ne terrorisera pas ses proies pour l'instant.
TO KILL (Bra) Thrash hell ultimate Demo CDr'04. This
demo begins quite well: fast thrash methane sounding like old SLAYER/
DARKNESS(Ger) with nice bass lines à la SADUS (Also sounds like
the Swedish OPPRESSION) eventhough the whole is less technical. But
then, the second song isn't as fast, it sounds more common and mid-placed.
The 3rd song also shows a decrease of speed as it's mostly mid-placed.
Same for the 4th song, also mostly mid-placed... There are some
nice bass-guitars from here and there, but I expected much more
adrenaline and cool bass-guit work according to the 1st song. It's
only average and rather stagnating demo stuff, while they potentially
can do much better! One could also feel some very early SODOM
riffs from here and there (not as drunk), and other influences of
early thrashing spiked stuffs. Notice a DESTRUCTION cover ("Curse
the gods) Hope they'll invest in more horsepower for their next
motor-assault and choose to always drive faster and faster, because
averagely fast motorbikes do not create a toxic enough methane propulsion!
If you see what I mean... Thrash methane means fast as a (well fueled)
(Ireland) Zealot MCD'06. Self released. PRIMAL DAWN plays a mix
between black and death metal that doesn't sound the most bestial
or impure even if the whole has a bunch of fast parts. It would
rather sound like some Norwegian stuff, with influences of early
ANGEL CORPSE (First album), and maybe some early VOMITORY (First
album). There are a bunch of blasts and "Poom tchak Poom
tchak" parts, with few slow downs, and vocals at the right
border between death and black. Some leads sound quite wrong,
as if there were some problems in the higher guitar string or something. Even
if the whole sounds quite correctly built, and quite professional
(Apart from some possible weakness in the tuning, or some blasts
that do not always exactly kick), there was not much to catch my
attention or apparently potentially haunt my soul. I can listen
to this MCD, but nothing special happens on any emotional level.
It's only an average MCD with lack of personality and/ or intense
(Fra) Illegal surgery Demo’04. In the ancestry of times,
erosive, convulsive, a magmatic maelstrom of burning forces melts
in overdriven synergy. The absolute force of abstract hatred will
finally resurge and take over our subtle but fragile void of thoughts.
Consciousness volatile, awakeness fragile, fear the fury of the
ancient forces! PSORIASIS practices a cool sounding brutal death
metal at the right border between 90's Brutal death (DEICIDE, early
PYREXIA, BROKEN HOPE) and Brutal deathcore (DYING FETUS) that has
the benefits of a good production, all in all cool sounding riffs
and a well balanced enough architecture of aggression. Few elements
could almost come from the fields of Hardcore grind. The musicians
decently handle their spiked axes, tools of ancient hatred evocation. The
problem would be I didn't find much really catchy, and some real
erosive brutality lacks, especially in moments that sound like a
flat low-tuned bass chord. Even if there's nothing Really good
or inspired as hell, it's a cool and well rounded demo that has
a nice mood and a quite good potential to please those who like
their Brutal death not abusively broootal of frog-squashing. Cool
pro cover. Nice try guys!
(Fra) Psychobolia Demo CDr’03. Even though their band's name
evoked in my brain some tropical Mexican forest beer or any kind
of vicious corpse devouring disease, Bacchus isn't behind them! What
you try to drink here is somekind of Death grind influenced by old
3 tracks are more or less correctly played, with mostly tremolo
riffs, but there isn't much more delirium tremens success here!
The tracks are quite common and no riff enlightened the "B.E.E.R"
signal in me head! (The 3rs tracks is too common and not tight enough!)
Thy need to drink more original and brutal beers if they want to
do something better! (Forget any kind of "pop" brevages
like water or milk for sure!) I found some quite nice drum patterns
around the 2nd track, but there isn't enough feeling of death nor
real ideas for a first demo, neither for an album (!) More feeling
and brutality are needed! It's rather the kind of band you can watch
in a live package than to listen on a CD, if you see what I drink!
(Fra) Sculpted by scars MCD'06. What I read about PSYGORIA
in some boards or live reports let me imagine something brutal,
somekind of fast brutal death with big nuts (And a massive portion
of toxic jam)... I'm not sure if my imagination was the cause for
a surprise at the first listening, but anyway what I hear couldn't
be placed in the "Ultra brutal" folder. PSYGORIA rather
choose to play it groovy, and mid placed, in a way that could remind
some old (More or less) Morrissound Death metal bands like OBITUARY
("The end complete"), MORTA SKULD (Last albums), JUDECCA,
with quite old styled deathcore grooves, hints of DYING FETUS, an
heaviness à la BOLT THROWER and some old school death metal that
could evoke some early DEICIDE or a bit of MORGOTH. A song has
a more black metallish approach and the ambiance follows a taste
that isn't so far from SOLEKAHN's first album. Most of the time
the music isn't very energetic, but rather focused on the grooves,
the quite dark atmosphere and the fact of building quite well articulated
songs. I regret there isn't more punch or will to kill, and some
moment sounds quite long or not broken enough in my brutalized hears...
On one hand I happen to wonder where the brutality has gone, while
the other hand suggests this would surely please me much more without
the groovy/ deathcorish parts, and with the darkest death metal
only (Maybe some epic polyphonies à la BOLT THROWER would
make the whole more catchy, at least it wouldn't disfigure the whole)...But
this might be the style the band choose! So to write a more objective
conclusion, I'd say PSYGORIA has released a cool demo that might
please those who like it mid placed/ groovy or quite dark, with
90's Death metal influences, and need something else than the current
standards of ultra brutality or high technicality. It might suit
those who rather choose their music for the cool atmosphere (Rather
a dark green in this case), but don't want it too abusively old
school either... Your truly evil panda.
DE CHARNIER (Fra) Conglomérat de bulles irridescentes et du
petit polyèdre kaléïdoscopique Demo'03 SIS Prod. Here’s another
project of a guy who plays very average Thrash/ Death/ Black in
his main band CRUENTION. What we have here is some computer programmed
music (done on a mod tracker), the style is quite varied as there's
some Indus, Electro, video games like themes, jungle and other influences.
Some samples and loops are ok, but there's nothing that turned me
on. Sounds like the stuffs most of us can compose with a PC and
a bit of musical experience. I don't like the lyrics since it
sounds too demonstrative. So, I think it's very average stuffs
that doesn't deserve much promo and should remain on the websites
that are specialized for week end musicians to exchange their music.
(Philippines) Vomit The Abdominal Pus Demo CDr'05. US styled
brutal death grind with both blasting moments, heaviness and a groovy
moshy side. The vocals are between the guttural, growling pig and
water-splashing. Some grooves and mid placed brutality are quite
enjoyable, but about half of the blast aren't that extreme and the
heaviest moments are often everheard a lot... The whole reminds
me the heaviness of old SKINLESS while the fastest moments could
sound like REGURGITATION's only album ("Tales of necrophilia").
some old CANNIBAL CORPSE in the package, and you have a decent overview
of the thing... They are most probably fans of UNITED GUTTURAL Records. The
fist half of the demo is nicely produced, the other half sounds
rawer since it was live recorded... Fuck! It shows that their drummer
is a double bass drum maniac... And PUS VOMIT sounds more extreme
on this rawer recording! This demo sounds better than most of
the stuffs I heard from Philippines, but some riffs are too fucking
everheard, and there's nothing catchy... I could only appreciate
some grooves and some brutality. This is mostly brainless brutal
stuff for the zombies who need a good decapitation to bang their
putrid heads. Average.
(Fin) Sublime metrics reallocation Demo 2003. Hell this is
a quite enjoyable deathrashing band from Finland I got to review
here. Really, PYURIA sounds tight, fresh, spontaneous and efficient.
It is quite much GROTESQUE/AT THE GATES oriented, but a bit less
melodic than ATG though, and sounding a bit more modern from time
to time, reminding also these new thrash metal bands from Sweden,
à la THE HAUNTED, TERROR 2000, etc. The band describes its own music
in a quite good way by saying that: "musically PYURIA integrates
influences from several decades (even centuries) and styles creating
different views to play metal. Lots of pace changes, technical-,
melodic- and rockin' riffs". The guys know how to handle their
instruments and they also use in an efficient way the playing between
the two guitars. PYURIA has definitely the good rock and heavy metal
roots which allow such a good and clever song writing! For a band
that started back in 1996, I find that it sounds quite mature and
very professional, especially when you consider "Sublime metrics
reallocation" being an auto production!!! Labels might get
in touch with PYURIA quite soon, because this band deserves to be
supported. Maybe not the most original band around, but the quality
and the professionalism are definitely here, which tends to become
seldom these days. Cuntact: Oskari Mäki, Perttelinkatu 50 F 47,
24240 Salo, Finland.
AMPUTACIO (Hungary) Demo 2004. UUURRRGGGH!! The fucking angry
asocial bastard vomits his green beer!! What you have is dirty and
ugly death/ grind meets gory grindcore and some nasty chaos the
old way. Imagine ultra underground big crass-bastards grind influenced
by the first CARCASS and REGURGITATE Lps, plus some nauseous early
DEAD INFECTION (Hospital!!!) and you have a deliquescent pus emanation
of the bizarre mood and state of mind. URGH! I like the big vocals
of the regurgitator who vomits on life as a big frustrated bastard
who has all the shits of this nasty world falling down on the edge
of his face! This demo creates some real noise, even if the musicians
seem to know how to play gore decently; the sound is quite fucked
up and overdrives your bowels into orgasmic asphalt castration!
Sounds very underground, average and will please some nervous frustrated
guys who like their grind blasting, gore and angry, with a dirty
production right from the cave of a putrid abandoned and morbidly
overcrowded morgue! You can download the whole body parts from their
website: don't hesitate, the odour of putrefaction remains very
(Swe) Mangel ist krieg Demo'04. Nice crust grind power lacerating
your face with raw d-beat attacks. The whole apparently emerges
from the Crustcore scene and was blast-boosted with a bunch of distressed
power, but you can find as well some blasting grind energy reminding
erection"). The songs are correctly strangulated, eventhough
some lacerations could be more efficient and right from the scalpel!
A more soarprising and mutilating autopsy would be a finest torture
in my pain. But hell in hell this sounds like a quite extreme
demo! It's the kind of band I'd brutally support with motivated
neckbreaks if they were from my subeerb! Not over the top or orifixinal,
but better than the usual crap and extreme enough for nice headbangings!
(Usa) Demo tracks 2004. Eventhough this band's monicker might
sound strange for some French readers, RE-CREATION 's music might
sound cool in the hears of those for whom Death and thrash metal
means something old school. This time, it will be needed to tear
the juicy cunt in 3 bloodily different parts to decently dissect
and inhale the old school mood emanating from there. The first
spiked death thrashing piece of internal mucus defloration sounds
like some Death-thrashing SEPULTURA (Beneath/ Arise) with few heavier
touches of early CANCER/ DEATH, some few more modern touches (CORONER
"Grin"), and vocals that could sound a bit like some old
MASTER/ early INFERNAL MAJESTY. A cool track, if you ask the opinion
of the juicy sacrificial cunt! It's well rounded, and some warm
liquidus splashes from the tender vaginaxe! The second track
repustulates the cunt-nektar in somekind of heavy BAPHOMET (R.I.P)
meets old OBITUARY vein, with some early DEATH/ DR SHRINKER stuffs
and few average Death metal accelerations. Some cool ideas are there,
but this track is less entertaining than the 1st one. It remains
more or less quite cool, but more acceleration sickness are needed! The
third track is the one awaking the fewer interest in my. Most of
it follows somekind of Heavy metal meets mid-placed thrash... even
if I appreciate some of these old influences (old METALLICA, FORBIDDEN?),
convulsive accelerations are needed! It's always mid-placed... All
in all, it's an average Demo with nothing new, but with some cool
stuffs. The first track is the only one to really attract some metallic
friction from the steel vagina, as well as my attention. My advice
would be to use more fast parts and suprising accelerations sickness
such as in "Idol Worship". Anyway I'll try to pu a
beer on their next recording! To re-create the waves of the warm
COLLAPSE (Bra) Bodily harm Demo'03. What
we have here is an American style Brutal death metal band. It's
tight and correctly articulated. And here could stop the review!
Unfortunately these brazilian guys sound like the many other bands
of the style: blasting with some heavier parts, quite obscur growling
vocals etc. A lot of their riffs sound too much like CANNIBAL CORPSE
(Again...), and few stuffs reminded me of INCANTATION. Nice cover.
Cool sound. There are some approximation, even if it's not so bad
there's nothing new nor special! What could I say more? Stop copying
CANNIBAL CORPSE: so many bands ever do so I kinda want to vomit!
It's common stuff even if there are worse bands.
(Swe)/ KAAMOS (Swe) Split live in Stockholm. Tape 2003. Yeah
! Thanks to Konstantin from KAAMOS, and Johan…oups, I mean Sid E.
Burns from REPUGNANT, I could get this pure recording of a deathcult
orgy ! If you’ re not into death metal, you are not my friend !
uh ! This is my wet dream that became true ! On the cult tape format
comes this really underground split live. The sound is raw, you
can hear the bands as if you were at the pub were the concert took
place. It’s so cool to hear the songs from these two leaders of
the new wave of Swedish old school death metal scene in a live situation.
Death metal live recordings rule! ! ! ! ! I don’t know how many
copies have been done, but hurry up to get it, or use the good old
tape trading way! This is absolutely essential for each real fan
of Deathcult! So, the REPUGNANT side, is really an interesting
one. I only regret it’s to short, but hell, the track list is fucking
cool, as you can hear 2 NEW songs, still unreleased (when shall
we have finally our ears blown away by the “ Epitomy of darkness
” album ? ? ?). The songs available here are: “ Hungry are the darned
” (new), “ Spawn of pure malevolence ” (from the first demo), “
Premature burial ” (new), “ From beyond the grave ” (on the “ hecatomb
” ep), and “ Rapturous genocide ” (both on the demo “ spawn of pure
malevolence ”, and on the “ hecatomb ” ep). Uh ! The new songs have
the typical REPUGNANT feeling we all know, and fans won’t be disappointed,
the dudes don’t thread the path of faggottry!
On the side
of KAAMOS, you got to listen to more songs. And here also you have
got the really cool present consisting of 2 new songs, which will
appear on the next album (recording sessions in march, if everything
goes well… No I won’t tell you the title nor the studio were it
shall be recorded. Hehehe !). So the track list is quite excellent
(in all objectivity ! hahahaha !), and features the following death
hymns : “ Curse of aeons ” from the same titled demo, “ Khem ” from
the same demo, Blood of chaos, from the ep, “ Circle of mania ”
from the album, “ Cries of the damned ” from the album, “ Khtonic
” and “ Gnostichon ” which are the NEW songs ! ! ! ! Here
as well, the fans won’t be disappointed by the new material. KAAMOS
really knows how to compose death anthems full of morbid feeling,
and from what we can hear on this live recording, I think that the
next album shall be a killer. Hail death ! Oh, I forgot to say that
this release is totally “ pöserfritt ” (poser free in Swedish),
and brings back the spirit of the old days without giving you a
bitter taste in the mouth like when you hear bands like INFERNO
from Norway! ha! Eat maggots, slaughter some posers and get this
unholy tape of death metal cult or die! Takk for oss for fa’n !
! ! !
(Ger) Shroud of ashes Demo'04. Some bands regress... while
some bands progress with each release! Hopefully RESECTION have
progressed since their last demo as their music sounds more brutal
and professional. Brutal death grind in an American way that don't
abuse on technicality and core! This reminds me of early CRYPTOPSY
(for the blasts and tremolo riffs), SEVERE TORTURE, a good dose
of CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Tomb of the mutilated") while some
touches of MORTAL DECAY, old HATE ETERNAL and old DYING FETUS can
be felt. By moments the band sounds a bit approximate, the accumulation
of many brutal death breaks leads to the confusion of the listener
in some parts... aren't there too many blasts? By moment I'm
not far from naturally saying "Cool!", which is a good
point for RESECTION! So there's nothing new nor really killer
in this demo, but it has some cool enough riffs and a nice Brutal
death know how! RESECTION has its chances to please Brutal death
metal fans who like it blasting!
DECAY (Bra) The Christ's Rotten Flesh To Hell Demo'03. After
a burning and resonant introduction in witch the witches burn and
the damneds suffer enough to make me smile, begins the old school
blasting Death metal offering. What you hear is good old Death metal
à la MORBID ANGEL meets early DEICIDE, with the same kind of guitars
(even though REVEL DECAY is more polished and controlled). Some
old KRISIUN can be felt in the blasts, when the band sounds like
the never-ending blasting ones from Brazil opening wide the unholiest
craters of the moon's hidden side; but R.V. don't blast that much
at the end, which is a good point. They have a bunch of variations
towards the rhythms which is a cool point, but sometimes they should
restructure their songs coz some riffs are sued for a too long time.
Some few old Brutal death like early SEVERE TORTURE (demos) can
be found. The vocals are deeper than the death metal bands quoted
before, it's kinda gore, even-though it keeps a growling side...
After these comparisons and beer licking matters comes the critical
point of sabbatical bewitchery and Gnostic criticism! Okey, this
demo sounds decent and even beer-cool by moments, but REVEL DECAY
didn't write the kind of riffs that make you thrill or raise high
your beer and scream like a possessed evil masturbator! This is
a cool sounding riff that strictly follows the influences of the
killer ancient and unforgettable Death metal bands quoted in the
beginning. Nothing bad, but nothing awaking the crazyness in
my flesh! So, it will be a cool demo that might please the die hard
satanic death metal underground fans and those who need a lot of
unholy demos of evil to feel alive in this rotten world corroded
by moronic valours! But REVEL DECAY needs more fucking inspiration
from hell if they want to record a professional album that deserves
to be released! A demo that remains quite cool anyway, nice production
and decent tracks with the good old influences. For big underground
fans only! c/o Helano Oliveira, Av. B N° 147, Conjunto Ceara,
Fortalea, Ceara, Brazil.
(Ukr) Five bullets - One grenade Demo CDr'05. Submited
to a big revolting cock, your local semen-burping bitch has no other
choice than to ass-tick the thorny one! IN SEMEN-BURP WE TRUST!
Uh? I expected REVOLT to play some kind of old school thrashing
metal... with spikes... bith beers and muscles! But in fact, I was
burping wrong, since the music of these metallers is much more into
an old school Death metal kind, with some nice technical touches
from here and there. So, the whole could remind of old VADER ("De
profundis") with touches of early DEATH. The whole sounds quite
'solid', and powerfully produced enough in terms of guitars. The
vocals are Death metallish, quite raw. There are also some thrashing
touches, you mother-burper, but it isn't the main riffing line. It
sounds ok, even if nothing branded my putrid mine... and there are
some things I'd like to improve, such as the drum sound (that could
be heavier), and some riffs with more guuuts. Notice a METALLICA
cover ("Seek and destroy") that comes with double bass
and an accelerated tempo; I can't say if I like it, but at least
they changed the song quite a lot. All in all, you have a neat
sounding Death-thrashing demo, it might please fans of the style
and enjoyers of nicely produced Polish Death metaaawl, but it lacks
the final kick in the nuts to make you scream with enthusiasm your
ugly forced fed diner. Nice shoot for a demo anyway.
MORTIS (Jap) Betrayal Demo CDr’03. This could be a nice
demo to entertain the thrash metal fans, coz the music is quite
correctly played, the production is nice... but the high pitched
screams and nasal vocals waste it in my face!! It sounds annoying
and misplaced! The music could be a bit more energetic and surprising,
coz it's quite decent thrash in the tradition of the style (no more,
no less): might be ok for the big fans, but probably uninteresting
for spikeless and sober metal heads! Please, give your vocalist
more beers or anything that could radically alter his throat! (Necrosterones?)
Coz it's hard to stand his "Niah niah niahh!!" Hu!! All
in all: very average. Email:
(Tur) Saldirmak Üzereyiz Demo CDr'06. Here's the demo
of an apparently young band called SAKATAT. It's so short (2 minutes)
that it will be quite hard to have a real idea of the style and
relevant feeling about what it tastes like, but it seems they play
underground grindcore with a political edge and plays it quite "old
school", with things reminding of old S.O.B., early NAPALM
DEATH ("Scum") for the punk side, some NO VALUE for the
very underground grind approach and almost rehearsal production. A
bit of powerviolence and thrash HC could be there... The logo looks
quite cool, quite liquid and nauseous... The following statement
is written on the booklet: "Includes three songs from our upcoming
release"... Hope this demo will be more than 10 minutes long!
More content is needed for a demo! ARGH!
(Bra)/ KRUEGER (Bra) Split tape 2003. TIME BEFORE TIME Recs. SANCTIFIER
plays correct Death metal à la old DEICIDE, mid old MORBID ANGEL,
with some brutal death touches and some old evil Death metal guitars. There's
a cool obscure atmosphere, and some 'macabre sounding' riffs aren't
bad, but it lacks of ass-kicking energy and accelerations of cadaveric
dementia. Too much mid placed stuffs and "convenience"
to extract the undead from his seriously locked grave. The recording
is quite neat for a live one, but I think they could sound more
extreme and obscure... Macerate the seeds!! In my rotting opinion,
this live recording is average. Throwing a piece of macabre hear
on a studio recording of theirs might not be bad.
The side of
KRUEGER contains an old live recording dating back to 1995. The
production is quite raw, but I can understand every riffs so that's
not a problem. The style of the band could be decrypted as death
thrash with mid-to-end-80's influences, and some early brutal death
patterns. The Death/ thrashy aspect sounds like some PESTILENCE
(Demos) meeting old KREATOR ("Pleasure to kill") and early
DEATH ("Scream bloody gore"), while few heavier moments
sound quite gloomy (And a bit too long). Even if the guitar playing
isn't always so tight (Maybe coz of severe headbanging?) and there's
nothing I didn't listen before, I heard worse songs in the style.
For most, it would only sound as a very average/ okey/ common
band, and I don't know if I could say it's muuuuch better, but I
wouldn't be against checking out a later recording of KRUEGER. For
big maniacs of old death and underground worshippers.
(Peru) Metal mayhem genocide Demo tape'04. AUSTRAL HOLOCAUST Recs. SARAM
embraces an old styled black death metal following the paths of
the early Brazilian ferocious drunk metal warfare: they often sound
like old SARCOFAGO ("INRI") both in terms of Holocaustik
rotative axes of warfare, epyleptic hammers of damned fate, unholy
summonings of maximized Deathfukk, with some touches of early KRISIUN,
SEPULTURA (very early) and few early SLAYER riffs. There are also
some cool sounding mid placed riffs that almost tend to warming
alcoholic arpeggios... (Feel the exotism of the Peruvian beer motherfuckers!),
while some other midplaced thrashy riffs don't sound so cool. The
screamed vocals are aggressive enough and display freneticism and
epyleptic distress. To convince some doubting metallers, I might
add the guitarist "Noizer" also plays in ANAL VOMIT. Notice
an ok SODOM cover ("Proselytism real"). Conclusion:
SARAM is a cool black death metal band that sounds good when they
blast and scream as fuck, but a bunch of their slowest parts aren't
the most convincing (and also average). There's nothing new (We're
talking about something with ancient influences, right?) or massively
killer, but once all spikes out it's a cool demo that might burn
the bangers of death who need more old-styled bestiality! The sexxekuting
enthusiasm and exxxtreme defenestration by the force of the unholy
IMPIOUS (Bra) Flames In Darkness Demo'03. This is true
weak Black metal the way you hate it! Flat, uselessly fast and overall
everheard as FUKK! SARDONIC IMPIOUS tries to play something between
old EMPEROR, old ENSLAVED and old DARKTHRONE, (just to name a few)
but it sounds everheard, unimaginative and totally expectable! I
have nothing against Black metal beginners who try to do it Brutal
or evil, as long as it sounds decent, but in the kase of Sardonik
impious there's absolutely no evil: DARK BURGER Rip offs who try
to do it symphonic or necrorawflatanushit. By moments it sounds
as nice as a Black metal version of ANGRA, if you see what I mean!
On the bloody evil reincarnation of the spectral anus infinite we
ride!! Only Dave is real! I was shocked by the thunder sample
they used! It sounds so EVIL I was frightened as a little kid in
his cold bed during a rainfull midnight! Yes: this sample is nothing
more than the wav file Windows plays each time I open my computer!!
Ah! True frightening evil fart forest metal! Their band name is
probably the only decent element I found in there. One advice: Kill
your keyboard player and burn his body on stage! In the spectral
anus we trust! Konklusion: this is truly under the average "melodic
black metal" that needs years of practice and good lessons
of REAL METAL to offer something decent for the true evil ones!
CDr'06. NOISE ANNIHILATION Recs. This noisy split CDr wasn't
really released, it was done only for promotional purpose. The label
will release some stuffs of these projects later... SBM plays some
kind of noisecore that could sound like a grindcore drummer who
would play hardcore techno on an electronic drum kit. There are
a lot of gabber alike blast beats, and some noisy guitars in the
background. It sounds quite noisy and brutal, but it seems that's
only ok in the style. Nothing special to grab my zigzaging nuts. Hopefully
there happens to be some escalades in noisy samples or few military
snare drums to make it a bit more dynamic, but I expected more... GROUND ZERO
DEATH TRAP offers only 1 minute of music, but it's sicker and more
compressed. It's noisecore, noisegrind, with obviously a lot of
noises, fucked up computer souunds and other maelstroms of hungry
samples. What makes it interesting is the fact the whole sounds
dynamic, and there doesn't seem to be weak parts during these 60
seconds of castrated noise staccato. Not bad, fans of the style
will dig it.
AFTERBIRTH (Usa) Promo CDr'04. Even if the Goredeath
grind of SCREAMING AFTERBIRTH can sound quite professional at the
first approach, there isn't much more to impale your brain on the
spiked altar of perversion! This is some kind of Death grind
with gore and crust touches plus vocals that tend to any kind of
gore (Grunts, growls, macerated crepitations, rancid meat splashes...)
with some riffs that don't mean much nor would definitely kill a
Chinese chicken on the threshold of the yellow fever. Only riffs
meant to be brutal that lacks of impact and brutal hatred! SCREAMING
AFTERBIRTH could remind of AHUMADO GRANUJO (For the nasal pitchfukks
and some heavy gore or blasted riffs), SUBLIME CADAVERIC DECOMPOSITION
(For some gore vocals that almost loop), DEVOURMENT (For the US
Brutal death riffs and blasts), old BRUTAL TRUTH (Blasts) and some
gore bands like PURULENT SPERM CANAL. That remains a listenable
promo with a cool production, but nothing special at the level of
what almost makes it all: the guitars! This is ok on a brutal point
of view; but more brutal guts, purulent bowels and disjoncted postmortem
cacophinies are needed in the riffs to cross the average/ very average
threshold of putrid brutality!
(Fra) To rot by the words of god Demo CDr'05. The vaginal
waves of the song SEPULCRAL uploaded on their website let me think:
"Cool. It seems to be a quite motivated band with fast parts
à la early DEICIDE, some chuga chuga à la early DEATH, and a zest
of thrashing motivation à la HIRAX/ D.B.C. But unfortunately
for my hears' failed embalming, the following songs are less cool.
It sounds like some kind of average old blasting death taking influences
from early HYPOCRISY, old DEICIDE, with some old Death metal and
a zest of Black metal. It's not as morbid nor deadly as I could
have imagined... Too "melodic" to awake undead feelings.
And little by little, the energy decreases. SEPULCRAL might be
a cool live band to check out in your beer-vomiting pub, but more
morbidity, brutality and work concerning the riffs is needed if
they want to make themselves a name in the current French brutal
underground. At least they can handle their songs. Wish them good
(Fin) Rehearsal tracks 2005. SEPULCHRE. This moniker sounds
Death and totally rotting in the deepness of dust! This is opposite
to half the visitors of this webzine who remain "fresh"
and "high-flying", as they never read anything! (No gore
in their milk! It would be a waste of strawberry... But since there
are almost no pictures in there... what's their masturbating motive?).
Anyway I would mock them for months, they wouldn't notice! Ah! So:
pure fucking mourning SEPULCHRE plays old school Death metal the
obscure way! Putridity of death for those who like it rotting! (In
the bowels of death!) Imagine slow doom death riffs à la early DEATH/
AUTOPSY, a big portion of old CANCER and fast accelerations à la
VERMINOUS/ NECROVATION. This is decent stuff in the style: as
said before nothing is fresh, nothing is new, the obscure mood is
here and the tracks are correctly executed, with fewer cool and
slow moments. SEPULCHRE will sound old for some guys, but who bloody
cares!? I'm quite surprised a current band could sound this way
in 2005, because it sounds old school and really seems like these
stuffs were recorded 15 years ago! Average, with a quite dull production,
but nice morbid death for huge fans of early CANCER/DEATH/MORGOTH!
(Swe) Bone ritual Demo’03. After one minute of nice sounding
doom death the old way (early PARADISE LOST!!) begins 4 tracks of
a rather heavy death metal along the way of MORBID ANGEL ("Domination"
and "Gateways...") that sounds quite cool but bring nothing
new to the burning cauldron of infernal vomiting death! Other elements
around the lines of CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Gallery of suicide")
could be found while some other minor influences such as old UNLEASHED,
old JUNGLE ROT, or some old BOLT THROWER could be mentioned. What's
this "jumping" metalcore passage in the 2nd track?! All
in all SHADOWBUILDER's music consists of quite generic and everheard
death metal with quite heavy cool ideas from here and there. The
sound isn't bad, their influences are cool and the musicians seem
to be quite young. They could improve if they seriously work on
their riffs and inject a brutal dose of obscure hatred! Average.
HORROR (Gre) Promo 2003. The drummer of NIGHTFALL surprisingly
left his high-flying lands of tiny happy fairytales to enter the
land of tears! What would you expect? This is not old school death
metal, but technical brutal death with touches of techno death that
seems like it will appeal mostly to musicians and those with fast
brains. Brutal death grind reminding of old NECROPHAGIST, INSISION
(1st Lp), with touches of old DYING FETUS, old MORBID ANGEL and
a good portion of strange riffs in a techno death way apparently
influenced by early ATROCITY, some CYNIC, some ATHEIST, MARTYR (Can)
and PESTILENCE's "Spheres" (for strange leads). They might
have been influenced by GORGUTS' discarding heavy riffs. I like
some of the bass lines that do not strictly follow the guitars and
sound like some techno death/ thrash bands from around 95-98. For
sure a bunch of these riffs sound different from nowadays' ultra
brutal death bands, but something catchy and memorable lacks to
hook me: it's interesting on a technical and cerebral point of view,
but I need hints of catchiness and some burning sickness to enjoy
this kind of stuffs. Sometimes the whole sounds a bit confused,
because of a too technical playing? SICKENING HORROR sounds better
than the average and they're outstanding on a technical point of
view, but their music remains average in my hears since it lacks
the catchy edge of shocking death! Try some tracks if you like brutal
and bizarre sounding death since it might turn on some guys... but
these months I heard cooler technical bands such as PAVOR or CAPHARNAUM,
so the clash of guitar wankers might be hard and painful! Ah!
(Usa) Demo'04. Blasting and quite technical brutal death
with enough balls to awake your putrid mind from the whole Internet
boredom! SKODAG sound fast as they have a quite powerful blasting
drummer! There are good angry sounding vocals that remind me of
SUFFOCATION/ MALEVOLENT CREATION, plus they have an hardcore grind
edge reminding me of ANANDA (R.I.P). There's a touch of obscure
and heavy IMMOLATION, sounding quite similar to CARMINA (Fra). This
is s short but quite worth hearing demo in my brutal opinion! Nothing
really new, but it's quite well felt and brutal enough for my tastes!
SKODAG might be an impressive and quite apocalyptic live band! Many
New York's Necks will break in blood. Nice for those who feel
the intense magnetic attraction of brutality. Quite promising, in
(Col) Suramerica hasta el hueso Tape'05. KURAVILU/ TRAUMA Recs.
After a simple introduction à la very early SODOM, it begins...
and the fact it sounds so old school is quite surprising... Think
about rock'n roll influenced old styled thrash metal, with some
old styled speed metal (No homosexual accelerated FM hard rock)
like old MOTORHEAD, VOÏVOD ("War and pain") or BULLDOZER
(Some chorus could be on some Bulldozing Lps). I also happen to
think about some LIVING DEATH, NASTY SAVAGE, a bit of RIGOR MORTIS
or even some traces of EXORCIST, but these influences weren't proven
in black blood. The atmosphere emerging from the tape is quite
dark and ugly... It would be impossible to hear such kind of stuff
from a French band, things are too mellow and modern in there. SKULL
still needs to rehearse and inject more skullcrushing energy in
their songs, coz even if I appreciate some facets of the thing,
it remains a bit too amateurish and the foot is not really in the
starting blocks for a big kill. Of corpse nothing original, but
the style SKULL bound in flesh sounds a bit more personal than many
current retro thrash metal bands (who strictly follow the first
thrash metal wave: Sodom/ Kreator/ Destruction...) and it might
be appropriate for some beer drinking or older bastards.
(Swe) Suffer in perversion Demo CDr'05. The biggest putrid
patterns and the raw production reminds me of EXHUMED ("Gore
metal" and "Slaughtercult" era... The vocal portion
ripped in half between the vomiting and the screamed, the quite
raw production, the kind of riffs). But if your dirty hands search
well enough in the putrid bowels of the dead, you could also find
some technical touches à la INSISION, SPAWN OF POSSESSION of few
coagulated stuffs à la mid old DERANGED. Of corpse you happen to
feel the odor of good old CARCASS, but not a that putrid much. This
is solid stuff, but it doesn't sounds like it turned to cheap plastic
death metal in some golden cash and honey studios... It tastes more
like the music was korrektly built, and the band is able to tightly
squash the bowels during rehearshards (!) A shame there's not
much to catch the morbid aura or to stand out from the pile of rotting
cadavers... So, SLAUGHTERCULT is a quite pro and well built torture
motor, but it's musically and emotionally average.
(Swe) To gash the skin Demo CDr'04. Black Grind Death from
Sweden. Do not expect a burning icon of mixture between BLASPHEMY
and BEHERIT. SLAUGHTERCULT would rather sound like the black grind
of HATEWAVE (R.I.P)'s demo with some death metallic and blasting
moments of mid old EXHUMED, some REGURGITATE ("Carnivorous
erection"), HELLACAUST and maybe some old MARDUK. On an
aggressive point of laceration, SLAUGHTERCULT does its rot, and
the raw abrasive production helps them to shred your guts, but on
a vomiting emorguetional point of feast there isn't much to catch,
possess and torment my skull in abrasion. After a while the screaming
vocals tend to annoy my hears a bit. This demo might entertain those
who need it aggressive, compressed and abrasive, but something timeless
is lacking. Nice for underground fans of chaos abruptism and blast
as fuck attacks. The aggression is here, but it won't please
every undergrounders... Average, but with a nice aggression.
TORTURE (Fra) Ecartelage Demo CDr'06. The flyer says
"Death metal in Mortician style". Their first approach
isn't very promising, since I didn't enjoy something MORTICIAN did
since about 1998... The demo begins with an horror movie intro,
then the music comes, and in fact it's influenced by MORTICIAN.
They try to follow the same paths of brutality: Ultra fast drum
machine, downtuned guitars, grunts... But where MORTICIAN were impressive
because of their massive production, almost mechanic drum-playing,
intense riffs and quite inhuman death grunts, SODOMY TORTURE has
problems with a thin and too high-pitched guitar sound, not so well
programmed drum-machine and rather usual riffs... I didn't understand
every riffs because of the quite "black metallish" production,
but a part was quite cool in the brutal death style while the remaining
was too average. I don't know how they recorded this demo, but
with a computer it's actually possible to offer something much more
impressive (And with real low frequencies, it's important for this
style) without a lot of efforts! I like some old brutal death
and horror movies' spirit in there, but that's most probably a nostalgic
feeling that leads me back to a time when brutal death and death
metal where so underground in France... So it shouldn't be taken
in account. Finally, it's average/ very average US Brutal death
that doesn't sound so serious (Rather like some kind of subproject,
just for fun) and could be improved on various levels. Some UG
brutal death fans might dig it, but they would need to be big MORTICIAN
worshippers or something like that...
(Pol) Promo CDr'03. My mailbox being bombarded by one of
their emails (and some of you know how much I hate spams! Ah Ah!),
I asked for a promo having in mind the American Death thrashing
SOULLESS. But this SOULLESS comes from Poland and their style isn't
Death/ Thrash. It's Death/ Grind with low vocals and heavy riffs
that could remind of MORTICIAN while some blasts may sound like
BRODEQUIN's 1st CD. Their stuffs may sound like a bit of DEEDS OF
The 2 demos of the band are included on this CD. Their riffs have
got the feature of going nowhere in my hears. It's done in a will
to sound Brutal, but nothing kicked my arse and there are a bunch
of approximations. Unfortunately nothing stands out. An average/
very average demo.
MORTUARY (Den) Necrophilist art Demo'05. Surprises aren't
always the most brutal and castrating, unfortunately for our poor
pain addicted and trembling organs. This demo begins in a blasting
death metal way à la early HATE ETERNAL. Quite compressed
and nicely structured enough to entertain the fans of blasting Death
metal! But the morbid souls have to know an heavier melodic death
metal touch slowly takes its place in there. This aspect (that could
remind of DEATH (last album, quite obvious for opened hears), the
most melodic of INSISION or some old ANATA) transforms this demo
into something different than what the opener could let you expect.
and some NECROPHOBIC could also be drawn. All in all, you have
a mix of blasting death, melodic death and quite old styled end
90s European death that sounds decent and correctly played. But
it lacks of surprises and ass-kicking power! Nothing to take you
above the 7th skies, but probably a cool band to check out live...
If you don't expect to see blasting as fuck supremacist power or
a morbid incarnation of purulent pestilence. Nice for the metallic
hears balancing between the brutal beer and the half-melodic milk.
(Pol) Spiritual Dope Demo'04. This demo begins quite well
with old school death riffs showing a deadly motivation and a will
to cleanse the church from its unwanted believers! (It's commonly
known, a decent church is an empty one). Understand it sounds like
some early DEICIDE, with a zest of VADER, some old thrash touches
and few arrangements à la LUCIFERION (old). But where has the
power and rotting motivation gone once the 2nd track shows its tiny
half-melodic ass? Yes, this second song would rather sound like
some DEATH ("Symbolic"), but with almost nothing special.
Hopefully, the last third of this track turns in a more deadly metallic
vein, with influences à la early DEATH, DEICIDE, and early ATROCITY
(Hallucination)... The band also happened to remind of ALTAR (1st
CD), mid old GOD DETHRONED, some SINISTER... The following song
is balanced between some heavy, faster and blasting patterns...
Some cool ideas are there, and some sound cool, but our local church
remains very much crowded! Something is lacking so that the soul
and the mind shall be only one! I advice SPHERE to focus much
more on the quality of their riffs and compositions, because if
they keep only the best of the best, there might be a potential
to build something really good. (Massive burning steel). Anyway,
this is currently average varied death metal with some cool ideas
from here and there, and a good production. Only the hardly satisfied
one shall conquer!
(Pol) Announcement of forthcoming desecration Promo 2004. Is
it the same STILLBORN hailing from Poland who released this fukk
brutal CD "Die in torment 666" in 2001? I hardly think
it is, because the skeleton remains vacant in the closet... but
it's the same band... The music is still around a Brutal death
grind influenced by DEICIDE/ KRISIUN and some MORBID ANGEL, but
this is played with less brutality, intensity and crushing enthusiasm!
The riffs are more common, some sound very average, and the structures
are less efficient than before! Some riffs sound quite interesting
though. STILLBORN has turned on this promo 2004 in an average
and quite common Brutal death grind band. Not so bad, but nothing
special that would give me the need to listen to this one more time!
Hope they'll turn fucking nervous again! Their next release must
be more intense than this promo! Please choose the path of extremely
intense brutality!! Shall the guts morbidly explode and the undead
awake from its silent sleep ! We need pure fucking violent death
metal to annihilate this world of perverted shit! Pure fucking death!
(Swe) Withering existence Demo'03. Here's
the 2nd Demo of this Swedish Brutal death grind band. The style
reminds me a lot the Brutal death of CANNIBAL CORPSE on "Vile":
Fast blasting obscure monolithic brutal death with some heavy riffs,
few melodies and quite deep vocals. Some parts also sounded like
FLESHGRIND and a bit of SUFFOCATION, while some moments sounded
a bit like INSISION or old DEICIDE. The sound isn't bad, it's quite
heavy and the drums are triggered. You get it: it sounds very
American influenced! I can listen to it, I can understand it's cool
to play it... But well it's the kind of riffs I have ever heard
a lot before and it can't turn me on anymore unless there's something
really special! So STRANGULATION might be nice to see live, but
apart from the big maniacs of Brutal death grind, I don't see many
people interested in having their demo at home. Not bad but average:
More blood and tears in your compositions!
MESMERIZED(Pol) Split CDr. This split CDr wasn't really
released yet. I got it as a promo, since the bands search for someone
to release it on tape, CDr or something... Since I'm brutally engulfed
in the pile of rotting and suffocating demos that try to bite my
ass everytime I sit in my torture chamber, it's definitely not the
right moment to think about new releases... So let's write a review.
It could only be safer.
is a side project of the main guitarist behind SOULLESS/ SOULLESS
PROFANATION... So what you could hear is quite obviously Death metal.
It could sound like some mid old INCANTATION, with some old MORBID
ANGEL (Tremolo riffs and heavier parts) and some thrashy guitars.
The quite "Raw underground" aspect and some old influences
could taste like CRUCIFIRE by moments. It's okey stuff. It could
sometimes sound like a less elaborated out-take of some SOULLESS
works; that's a reason why I like STURM666 less than the main band. Some
riffs are cool, but something doesn't work... It might be due to
some drum playing (Not the tightest) or rots in the putrid fact
the whole could be a bit faster to reach the right tit-warming speed.
It's quite kicking stuff, and might please big maniacs of underground
obscurity of death, but Satan needs more to awake his legions from
almost eternal sleeps... As a bonus, there's a VENOM cover that
blasts a bit ("In league with Satan").
The other part
of the split opens the gates to another Polish band who uses the
MESMERIZED moniker. The style also kind of lies in the cadaveric
fields of death metal, but the whole is more black metal infested
and faster (The drummer blasts very often). I could say it's
half death and half black, even though the production and dominating
deep screaming vocals gives it a rather death-metallic approach. The
approach of the black metal guitars sound like some old MARDUK meets
old DISSECTION, for the kind of 'Old northern, cold, but quite melodic
riffs', if you understand in which kind of old grave I'm digging...
Some Death metal riffs could remind of BRUTALITY's second album
for the "Half melodic" and almost "Epic approach"...
I know, you read all these "Melodic" words, but in fact
the whole doesn't sound so mellow, this is more like decorative
cherry on a brutaller cake... There's a little obscure atmosphere,
and it's not played a bad way... But I don't see the use of so much
so fast blast beats! In this context; it wastes the efficiency of
what could have been cooler! Some ideas are not bad, but after all
there's nothing to stand out from the 'average' demos of the style...
I think this band should rework their architectures of aggression
or to retarget the whole, to reach more skulls, right in the G-points
of suffering.
(FRA) Embryoworms Demo CD'03. Here's a new french Brutal
death grind band! I must say their website and their demo cover
looks very cool! But I couldn't be so positive about their music. Their
riffs sounds too much common and ever heard so many times before
into the Brutal Death style. Some guys who haven't listened to thousands
and thousands of promos may find it cool in parts, but I can't be
attracted. I have the feeling I know all their riffs! And after
the 2nd track it sounds more hesitating as I fall in boredom! Some
riffs are Ok and few constructions are cool, but their riffs are
just too common! Their style can be defined as Brutal Death metal
in the american vein. They remind me of UNCREATION for some fast
blasting parts while Mexican DISGORGE can be quoted for the fact
it goes fast with quite gory vocals. They remind me a bit of the
french band MACHIAVELIK for the Brutal Death style. CANNIBAL CORPSE
("The bleeding") can be quoted of corpse! There are also
some touches of SLAYER for some thrashy Breaks. More time and
real energy is needed to make better compositions! So they have
to find more personality and work their thing if they want to do
something more than playing gigs in their suburb!
(Fin) Epitaph of nauseation Demo tape'08. DETEST Recs. Worms
are running, hungry and vicious, all around your skull. Worms
are oozing, vomiting and spiting, the digestive acid green and
nauseating bile. Epileptic mutation, they assimilated the steel,
they incorporated the rusty. More voracious than ever, they're
teasing your fleshed bones, they’re eating your bright eyes, with
their iron teeth...
a new young Death metal band being very influenced by AUTOPSY, it's
more than obvious. I'd say they incorporated as much elements
from the three first albums (Even though they are less fucked than
"Acts of the unspeakable") and are influenced by all aspects
of the AUTOPSY spectrum... I mean some bands such as ANATOMIA rather
take the cake under a precise angle (The doomy) while SWALLOWED
takes a bit of all aspects (And so could be considered a very good
2nd/ 3rd grade clone?): You find the doom (Both monolithic and more
hypnotizing) the Death metal (Mid placed and quite shocking on life,
or faster and more punching), the sludgy, and also a bit of an aspect
of deliria and "strange humor". The listening flows
quite well, but some riffs sound a bit strange, as if the band tried
to be a bit too close, or built new riffs taking those of AUTOPSY
"inside out" (I mean listening to an AUTOPSY CD, choosing
a riff and playing it on your guitar again and again to get in the
mood, then deform it while you're in this mood... Is it sincere
composition or retro-brewing of the necro? At least a nice mood
remains). The vocals lack of gore and depths for the style, Chris
R. used to be much more vomiting and crazy! I can't say SWALLOWED
is killer, but rather a cool demo-band with nice vibes. Their
riffs are not as deep or emotionally intense as old AUTOPSY, and
there are no really catchy parts to thrill your existentialism..
But the band improved since the first demo and I think "Epitaph
of nauseation" could be a honey-cool item for comfortable cats
of the AUTOPSY worship.
(Gre) Maviokata... Demo CDr'04. I'm used to receive DIY
releases of various kinds, so there's not much to really turn into
a surprise at this level... But a guy from FLESHMANGLER sent me
this demo, and the packaging is so fucking DIY that I wondered what
the fuck he sent in the package! Did I became his new snail mail
thrashcan? Was there some anthrax in there? But I was wrong, this
unidentified DIY object was in fact a demo! The cover is composed
of a piece of big paperboard, folded, and glued with tar, and there's
a bolt to keep the CDr in the right place... It's more than DIY,
it's handyman do it yourself! haha The music of the band is some
kind of Grindpunk, with touches of hardcore and chaotic hardcore
grind, with a strong garage aspect for the playing and noisy side
for the recording. They happen to remind of some old BATHTUB SHITTER,
early MIXOMATOSIS (For the chiken grind punk), or eventually old
BLOODUSTER, but it's more fucked and noisy. Some of the blasting
moments doesn't sound bad for the style, it's quite energetic and
mixed with some ugly screams... but there is also a solid bunch
of bad and quite funny punk brewster riffs and too high pitched
vocraps that do not help to kill much chiken! I've quite undecided
feelings about it: Are these chaos and noise volunteer or not? Did
they voluntary fuck up their guitars and amps (They seem to quite
decently handle their instrument)? Is it provocation or due to an
abuse of wasp-filled beers? There's quite a lot of craps that could
be considered as flying bullshits, depending on if you like it noisy
or not. Well... Some fast moments aren't bad, but the punk parts
are quite crappy and a bunch of riffs doesn't seem to be serious
enough... Too much beer? It's very underground and garage stuff
that might appeal proudly drinking fans of very underground and
chaotic grindnoise, but I wouldn't advice most of peoples to put
their hears into this DIY maze.
(Pol) Storming the house of god Demo'04. This decent sounding
Black metal demo I got from the Polish paper zine NECROSCOPE sounds
a lot like some Swedish Black metal albums once killer bands procreated
few years ago. The first thing to come to my mind is MARDUK ("Heaven
shall burn") for many elements of the blackened spectrum: the
fast parts with semi-melodic riffs, some slower moments of semi-heaviness,
the screamed vocals... This sounds a lot like MARDUK and might be
considered as a "clone", eventhough TARAN has a more melodic
approach (the riffs aren't as rageful). Other names to cross my
sores are SACRAMENTUM (1st album/ some fast melodic riffs), old
DISSECTION, few WAR (which was a 3rd rate MARDUL copy) and few NOMICON.
Some of the riffs are quite well-thought and the whole flows quite
well as this is decently articulated, and the drummer has a cool
sounding style most of the time...But some problems could be found
in weaker moments that waste the superficial embrace during some
tracks that might enjewel you in its "enjeweleries". Some
slow drum parts are weak sounding and lack of rhythm, some heavier
parts aren't the best thought... after all TARAN sounds a lot like
its strong influences and doesn't play something much personal.
It's only a decent demo with some well-thought riffs and nicely
structured tracks. But it's ever quite rare to listen to demos of
this "kind" (understand: Black metal that do not force
me to push the next button every 8 seconds). So I guess TARAN might
please the underground Black metal fans who like nicely produced
decent music that rather lies around the semi-melodic and blasting
sides of the thing; because we aren't in front of an abysmal or
totally underground band being totally disconnected from society
and spitting its sociopathic despair during hymns of grim-revenge,
it's rather cold with real melodic touches and many tempo changes. Nice
one, but not killer. Good for big fans of the style!
DROME (Gre) Pre-production CDr. 2006. ALL PURGED BY THE
new recording of TERRORDROME, not really a demo, but some kind of
pre-regurgitation for a future release. They keep on playing
brutal Death metal, but they have progressed as the whole sounds
a bit more brutal, more complex and I can see the appearance of
stranger sounding riffs (Not really a personality, but the ones
listening with a closer hear will detect something). While you
putridly listen in pusfilled splashing bile emanations, you will
notice similarities with DEEDS OF FLESH (Old and mid old/ Not as
melodic as their later stuffs), SUFFOCATION, SPAWN OF POSSESSION
(For the complexxx), old HATE ETERNAL (Minus the mood of pure hell),
few old CANNIBAL CORPSE (Of corpse), a bit of mid old DYING FETUS,
and other bands playing their brutal death complex and as tight
as an hard ridding bone of demonic cock in the sweet pussy of the
virgin Mary! The songs are fulled to fuck with many riffs. The
guitars are quite polyvalent and make the whole flow nicely. I
think some terminal brutality or haunting riffs of pure catchiness
are lacking, to convince the listener to play it again and again
(Sam), and those who don't like complexxx brutality will feel fucked
in the head (Ahr Ahr!), but TERRORDROME are on the right way to
kill mellow poofters! Hope they'll keep on progressing, coz they
improve the way of the brutal. Orkviciously, only for fans of Brutal
death metal!
(Gre) Sane-in-sane Demo CDr'04. Pretty brutal Death metal
music that slurps and cums the American way. Read and understand:
old SUFFOCATION/ PYREXIA, DISGORGE(Us) (Less multicum and cumplex)
and early DYING FETUS. Unfortunately some mid-splashed kind of
deathcore "jump 'n slam" riffs decrease the intensity
and destructive density of the corrosive semen. The production
is nice and has a little deaf "Effigy of the forgotten"
aspect. All in all, there's nothing new or especially killer,
but it's a nice demo with cool influences, decent musicians, and
some pretty brutal moments. A cool demo for big underground
freaks of US broootality. Good luck guys! Email:
(Ita) Megadi thedi Demo'03. Must
be the 3rd time I got one of this band's releases. This still sounds
old. Old thrash à la BULLDOZER, KREATOR, very old SODOM, DESTRUCTION...
but the style is still basic and so simple. The vocals sound a bit
more Black metal by moments. They seem a little better, with some
blasts and a more Death metal approach, but it remains average and
common riffs! Still sounds like some very old Demos of 86-87. It
seems they write at least 12 tracks a year! Too much! What could
I say more??? Please stop sending your yearthly promo here!
(Usa) Demo 2004. This demo begins in a cool way: old school
sounding Death grind à la old ANGEL CORPSE with quite complex morbid
melodies and cool enough breaks in the drum playing... but fucking
disappointment! At the 15th second the band uses a melodic death
thrashy riff that wastes the morbid entrance! Sad damnation! All
in all THORNLORD uses quite a lot of more melodic riffs tending
to melodic stuffs à la NECROMICON/ DISSECTION/ SACRAMENTUM or eventually
some DARKTHRONE... what about the Brutal power of ancient Death?!
Hopefully remains about 40% of old school riffings à la old ANGEL
CORPSE meets some heavier MORBID ANGEL. The vocals sound kinda like
a less scorched Pete Hellkampf, the drummer has a quite good style
with enough variations. But the melodic parts are too nice for me!
It wastes the real power of Death! Remains a quite clean demo
that has nice ideas, constructions and could be pleasant for those
who'd like a mix of old school death and more melodic black metal.
Be more brutal and rawer please!
SHRAPNEL (Usa) Demo 1. 2006. You need some hydro-smoke
to decompose your mental-vault? Here you have strange
music taking both from grindcore, brutal death, old styled core
and other horizons of depravity I don't enough for a triggered quote. THROWING
to control" and "Sounds of the animal..."), ADNAUSEAM
(Usa- Strange death grind band from 96-98) plus a real similarity
with the strange sounding brutal death of SKELETON OF GOD(R.I.P)!
And eventually the weirdness of early ATROCITY (Ger) and few MORTAL
DECAY ("Sickening erotic fanaticism"). With these kinds
of influences, you can imagine the whole sounds quite smoke and
fukked up! (Legalize nuclear mushrooms now!) The riffs aren't the
usual kind of guitars that can catch the understanding, it's more
into something unlogical that develops a strange little feeling
of bizarrity emerging from the dust... Probably not for the usual
open-minded fools who like their legs wide open, but rather for
the minds being opened to dementia! Sometimes the songs happen
to stagnate, and some highlights of aggressive explosive stress
kinda lack to definitely brand my brain with sulfuric acid, it might
also sound like a "rough try" and something definitive
lacks, but it remains a promising first demo with something really
bizarre! I'm curious to follow the future evolution of THROWING
SHRAPNEL. With some developpement and more intensity, they can turn
into something totally ravaged and ravaging! Keep an inside out
eye on them.
(Bel) Hate fulfilled Demo'03. Eh. It's fun when you run a
band's website since you get in touch with many guys. For example,
I run the website of the French TORMENT and I got in touch with
(or knew about the existence of) 4 other TORMENTS! So, here's
the Belgian TORMENT who plays Brutal death metal, in the American
fashioned way. The style is very much in this style, and it's not
original as many other bands. They have some Ok or quite cool riffs,
but some tracks' structures could be improved and I personally find
some drumbeats not very Brutal! Their Brutal death also have got
a quite dark touch, but a bunch of riffs reminds me the fact I've
ever listened to a bunch of Brutal death metal and many bands sound
the same... So, TORMENT reminds me of old DEICIDE, old SUFFOCATION
(less technical), DISAVOWED, and some old ENCABULOS' stuffs. So,
it's your classical Brutal death demo with both cool and less efficient
parts. It may be a quite cool Demo for big Brutal death maniacs,
but unfortunately not much more! Conclusion: my next project
will be to do a TORMENTS fest with all the TORMENT bands playing
during a bloody afternoon... There are ever some talks about a big
sodomizing party of hell after the gigs... (Don't take this festival
info for more than a delirium!)
PERVERSION (Usa) Rehearsal tracks 2004. GROOOMPHIE IN
CRAPLAND! This promo isn't a real release, I downloaded 2 rehearsal
tracks on their website and thought it was cool enough to be reviewed.
What you hear is quite roughly recorded Death grind with intrusions
of Brutal death and grindcore: old and mold old EXHUMED for the
grind and gore meets very old NAPALM DEATH, MALEVOLENT CREATION's
death grind, and pathological melodies excarnated from the rotten
embodiments of good old CARCASS! The musicians all seem to have
a decent technical level, the drummer blasts and rumbles the right
way: Skillful and Brutal! the "production" doesn't let
me hear 50% of the riffs, but there doesn't seem to be boring craps. The
riffs, vocals and rhythms are quite varied, and even though there
doesn't seem to be much memorable or beer shocking ideas, I hear
enough to say TORSO PERVERSION is a deeply underground and quite
promising band! At least they have the right influences and regurgitate
that a cool way! So visit:
ETERNAL (Swe) Sickness and dismembered Gutsorgasmus Demo'03. Sounds
like a mixture of old Death metal and old Brutal death. My balls
have been clinging to most glorious crass bastard's melodies, and
I can say some of their riffs sound boring and uninspired! It lacks
of energy and real brutal enthusiasm in my putrid hears! What about
kicking the ass of the dead with real ancient power of the morbid?
It's needed! Some cool riffs have the grotesque heaviness of
early GRAVE, or some AUTOPSY/ ABSCESS... but do not wank too gorgeous
too fast, you putrid reader, there's a lack of something. TORTURE
ETERNAL could also sound like old DERANGED, slowed down CANNIBAL
CORPSE (Vile), early SANITYS DAWN... To cum it up, TORTURE ETERNAL
doesn't sound cool, for the riffs lack of energy, and for some old
school feeling can't be detected (I didn't find a mood of death
in here), but there are some nice riffs of big bastard's heaviness
from here and there. Between the average and very average, and
boring for a part of it, but some underground fans might enjoy it
live, and get in the razor-filled glory hole. I didn't hear what
the band did since this demo, hope they have improved.
(New zealand) Rehearsal 2004. Old school American Brutal
death metal coming from the most obscure and putrid rehearsals rooms
of New Zealand! What you have here is far from being abusively technical
since we're talking about the good old Brutal death some bands were
playing around the mid nineties! Imagine fast death grind parts
à la BRODEQUIN with a bunch of cool sounding mid-placed or heavily
groovy guitars in the vein of old BAPHOMET (Us)n old FLESHGRIND,
old DISGUST (Fra) and few old MORTICIAN. There are old school death
influences à la GRAVE or early DEATH. During most of the blasting
parts, I can't clearly detect the riffs. That's probably due to
the raw rehearsal sound that makes it taste like a spectrum of noise
with blasting drums and unhappy growls. So the fast parts sound
quite boring. Some mid-placed parts could sound like some midly
groovy MUCUPURULENT, if you smell what I reek. All in all the
tracks sound correctly arranged, a shame I can't hear properly the
fast parts since a bunch of heavy or mid-placed riffs sound punishing
and right in the heavy self afflicting terror! Of corpse some mistakes
are there, and some riffs sound quite strange while some pussies
seems to have been fucked many times before, and after a while the
tracks sound the same, but I heard bloody worth rehearsals! I have
absolutely no information about TORTUROR, no contact adress, no
release info, absolutely nothing!! (Things have changed since then,
check the link) But when I listen to this rehearsal I think this
band might warm up the alcoholic bars of New Zealand the hellish
way, and if they release a demo one day, it surely won't be original,
but it might be punishing and heavy enough to please frustrated
maniacs of real heavy US Brutality from the past! Email:
HOLOCAUST (Usa) Evil never dies. Official bootleg. CDr05. Ah!
Since all the "Evil never dies" Lps are sold out, Joel
Grind had the nice idea to bootleg his own release himself! That's
a cool standard in my opinion (at least cooler than a pro CD): total
underground with a nice simple cover being xeroxed on toxic yellow
and heavy paper! The music hasn't changed of corpse: totally
old school Thrash (with hints of speed) reminding of early DESTRUCTION,
early KREATOR (Endless pain), with hints of DARKNESS, possibly RAZOR
and a zest of early BATHORY (1st Lp). Some riffs are well felt and
some guitars could directly emerge from "Sentence of death"
or "Infernal overkill". On the other hand some riffs
are too simple, easily findable and would deserve more alcoholic
work. Sometimes it's a bit too convenient as well. I think a good
thing for TOXIC HOLOCAUST would be to find a real line up of spikes
and leather, so that more metalheads bring their own ideas in the
toxic thrash metal brewery! All in all, it's a quite cool album
with both its weaknesses and well felt enough riffs... But since
it's now undergroundly rereleased and sold for a cheap price, underground
worshippers of old school thrashing metal do not have many reasons
left not to have an hear on TOXIC HOLOCAUST! You will have to BANG
HELL (Australia) Alcoholic desaster Demo tape’04. Here
you have a new thrash speed metal band from Australia. Of corpse
it’s old school styled. I thought their moniker meant something
like “cut heads like hell” (Thanks to my French roots) but it is
linked to the massive common grave infesting the depth of hell. In
my hears, TRENCH HELL sounds like a mix between early SLAYER (Military
thrash metal), with some old DESTRUCTION, DARKNESS (Death squad)
and touches of early KREATOR, HELLHAMMER. There’s only 3 tracks,
including a cover of HELLHAMMER (The third of the storm’s… Sounds
quite close to the original). Maybe some spike-eating poofters
will find it generic, but the atmosphere helps to make the beer
better. In my hears it lacks of energy and steel-burning riffs
to match the power of cult metallic assaults from once, but it’s
not bad, there are cool influences and a nice mood. More energy
and dynamic in songs’ structures might help TRENCH HELL to reach
the next underground level. Only for underground thrashers!
(Fra) Pain's threshold Demo'03. Underground metal shops fucking
rule!! I probably wouldn't have noticed this cool death band without
the help of the mighty DISTORTIONS! TREPALIUM plays somekind
of modern Brutal death meets technical death metal! This sounds
influenced by formations such as CANNIBAL CORPSE, early PYREXIA,
NECROPHAGIST, with some early HYPOCRISY (for the simple aspect of
the blasts) mixed with quite technical melodic death metal in the
vein of the last DEATH releases! TREPALIUM plays nothing new since
this kind of riffs was ever played by Cannibal Corpse, Necrophagist
and the likes, but they structured their tracks in a cool way, with
enough nice ideas towards melodies, to remain cool! A powercore
touch is present in here, it could remind a bit of old MESSHUGAH,
but I'd rather point out SINISTER's "Bastard saint" MCD
if you see what I mean. Nothing memorable, but slightly above
the average. Those who like their Death metal quite brutal and very
professional with touches of melody and technicality should put
an hear on this cool as fuck demo! Support them or be totally fist
81 (Hol) Promo 2006. CDr. Well, I guess my musical background
won't help me to review this short 8 minutes demo. What you have
here could be situated between blasting core (almost Grind), mid
placed parts with kinda chaotic (but not too much) guitars, some
old school HC heaviness, some grooves, some old styled thrash (The
one of the old HC scene) and touches of punk HC's funny cynicism. I
could eventually talk about SPAZZ or some TOTAL MOSH (RIP) for the
blasting noisy parts, and some mid-placed moments could remind me
of early HELMET (Trying to find similarities), but I'm not the right
pisspole to compare core things. This is quite garage and underground
stuff with an UG (Nothing to do with indians) production. TRIAD
81 is able to make some noise, scream enough, and the blasting moments
could please grinders, but I wasn't impressed more than that.
(Swe) The ascending dead Demo CDr'05. The name of this band
caught my attention as I imagined some old school metal bastards
whoreshipping POSSESSED in massive alcoholic feast. After few weeks
of wait, I could hear their music. This is old school and underground
Death thrash metal reminding of early DEATH, with some PROTECTOR
("The heritage")'s death metal blasts and riffs, with
some old brutal death à la CANNIBAL CORPSE (old) and a zest of RESSURECTION
(R.I.P). Some elements of TRIBULATION reminds me of MERCILESS (vocals),
some REPUGNANT or MORTEM (Peru)'s first album. Some riffs sound
cool and the screamed vocals do not displease me. On the other hand
some parts are too cliché or waste the possessed energy of the hellish
beer. There's obviously nothing new or really catchy, but I guess
with more experience and will to crush your skull, TRIBULATION might
record a really cool demo! The band is currently hidden in the fog
of the deepest underground, somewhere between the average, the cool,
and the 'could be better'. But a nice mood and some cool influences
are there, so wish them good luck! And keep an eye on their morbid
future if you're into underground Death metal.
September Demo tape'04. THE FORCE Recs.
“A radical ideology has a central objective: To
finish with the peace accords, reason why their enemies are the moderate
society, through satanic-jihad” – that`s the plain and simple statement of
Terrorist, the man behind TROOPS OF DEATH, the person that entitles himself as
being responsible for the “radical attitude” of this “group”. The band logo
looks similarly uninspiring as the whole layout and, last but not least, the
music: Imagine a mixture between DARKTHRONE, the primitiveness of early CELTIC
FROST/ HELLHAMMER and the straightness of early VENOM. Ok, when mentioning those
bands as influences, one might expect something really traditional and nod to
the old school, but TROOPS OF DEATH offer only a primitive and uninteresting
mixture between all these bands, nothing extraordinary and musical-wise too weak
sounding. Sometimes even the guitars don`t sound too well-tuned, the
“production” of the last few tracks is simply horrible! All in all, having only
an “extreme”, provocative image doesn`t make a good band at the same time – it`s
a shame that `Black September` (guess what “September” is exactly meant with
this expression – you`re making me tired, ah…!) is limited to 1,000 (!) copies!
– Who needs this? Contact: The Force Records, c/o: Villa Del Este, Pasaje 1
#2198, Iquique – Chile. Email:
(NZL) Promo 2003 One
more time I move my old carcass to exhume some ass-blasting extreme
stuffs! This New Zealand band's demo was found on obscure Grindcore
Mp3s-trading software. Despite of the ripping cancerous band
name "ULCERATE" that could let one imagine some cancerous
vagina devouring grindcore, their style is ways more American Brutal
death! Brutal death grind reminding me of old CRYPTOPSY, SEVERE
with many breaks. The drummer is technical. My reproaches are their
tracks are too long, and they try to include too many breaks! The
efficiency gets kinda lost! They have some quite ripping grind riffs
à la old PHOBIA I like, and some parts are quite cool, but please
try to favor the raw impact and intensity! My old carcass remains
corroded by the whole human stupidity! An average Demo band with
some good ideas from here and there.
(Por) By flesh Demo CDr'05. Eternal forces of the underground,
I summon thee! Send me more cool demos from hell!! Since their
previous demo that was quite boring, and lacked of energy, UNDERNEATH
has evolved in a cool way. The style of the band is a bit more
elaborated, and a bit more varied, but it drowns much more in the
depths of obscurity. Think about a mix between 50% of Death metal
and 50% of brutal death, a mixture that could remind of old CANNIBAL
CORPSE (Butchered), the abstract aspect of IMMOLATION/ old INCANTATION,
heaviness, some BLOODY SIGN (For the mix of black and death metal)...
And maybe a zest of PESTILENCE (Consuming impulse) for some chuga
chuga rhythms and few guitar chords. I appreciate some old obscure
melodic and almost "techno death" influences, with cool
bass lines, that remind me some demos from the past I used to dig
(to dig deeper in the internal infraworld). But the band still
needs to inject more energy and to target more efficiency, because
even if some ideas sound nice and create a nice aura, there's also
some stagnancy and too ever heard riffs. And they can sound weirder
and more extreme! UNDERNEATH isn't supreme or catchy yet, but
they evolve in a right way. So, good luck!
(Usa) Unmerciful Demo’05. When two current and two former
members of ORIGIN decide to join forces and form a band... what
you have is ultra brutal death metal! Skillful and tight as a machine,
blasting death sounding as an immense war-spaceship at full bombing
regime! It takes some influences from MALEVOLENT CREATION, SUFFOCATION,
ORIGIN, old NILE (for the ultra brutal), DEICIDE (Legion). The vocals
remind me of Corpsegrinder ("Vile" epoch). There's
nothing that seems catchy, emotional, thrilling... but it's fucking
compressed as fuck and professional to the inside of the skull! The
fans of ORIGIN already know what to expect! I wouldn't advice a
bombstrike of UNMERCIFUL to those who don't like American brutal
death, because there are in there many brutal ways for a radical
brutal castration of their skull and fragile hears! Ah Ah! Only
for the brutalest fans of brutal death metal!
(Ita) Numbers Demo CDr 2003. URTO doesn't play the kind of
thrash metal you'd expect from an underground band. This doesn't
sound Germanic, nor chaotic, nor black metal or speed metal influenced.
This is rather "rhythmical" thrash metal reminding of
ANTHRAX (Belladonna era) with some good dose of METALLICA (Most
rhythmic guitars from "Master of puppets"), few melodies
à la HEATHEN/ AGONY (Swe), touches of DEATH ("Symbolic")
and unexpected sung vocals à la Joey Belladona! I have mixed
feelings about URTO's music: on one hand some rhythmic thrash riffs
have their share of aggression (and it works), on the other hand
the Joe Belladonna alike vocals aren't much of my taste (and happen
to cause listening problems). I also think their songs are a bit
too long; to shorten a bit these and keep the essential would
help them to be more efficient. This thrash
metal could be called "Rigid". I didn't feel an atmosphere,
as it seems cold. The production is clear and powerful (Notice the
snare drum sounds unusual for 2005). I think this release is
average, it has its share of thrash and will probably seem good
or not depending on your tastes for thrash.
(Fra) Feast of the cannibals Demo'04. This promo begins with
a Death grind riff à la ABHORER/ old MORBID ANGEL, so you immediately
know what kind of ancient spirit of death will haunt the CD! Morbid
death metal with blasting frenezy and a martial will to kill! VACARMES'
Death metal is situated right in the middle between grinding death
metal and thrashing death while few newer influences can be found.
Most of the music is reminiscent of early DEATH, early MERCYLESS
(Fra) and MORBID ANGEL while some brutal death is injected. Some
blasts remind me of early VIBRION while Death thrashing influences
à la MASSACRA could be found (for some riffs and the vocals). The
first track I spoke about earlier is the best one, being more direct
and "surprising" than the remaining ones. Some of these
Death metal riffs sound too much ever heard and I regularly have
the feeling something is missing. All in all this isn't bad! Correctly
articulated grinding Death metal with cool ideas from here and there,
it only lacks more real killer ideas and guitar riffs emanating
from the guts of hell to possess you as a damned perverted priest!
A band situated between the average and the 'cool' that would need
really killer ideas to be more than just another experienced Death
metal band you listen to confortably. A shame the following tracks
show less efficiency... but I appreciate the first track, their
old school influences and some of the ideas/ structures in here!
VACARME has a good potential of brutal evolution and they might
please the guys who like quite old school death grind!
PURULENCE (Fra) Misogynist orgasm Demo’04. Now the weakest
parts of their previous demo were thrown away in the garbage can,
you can hear something more decent for the listener! VAGINAL PURULENCE
stills plays some kind of simple Brutal death à la old CANNIBAL
CORPSE (Eaten back) meets DERANGED (III) and ROTTING (Crushed),
with some raw and simple old school Death à la old GRAVE. ( Some
riffs almost sound like heavy goregrind coz of the gore vocals.) Even
if guitars riffs sound more intense than before, and some quite
heavy ideas towards the perverse architecture or the way the drums
beat are cool, there remains some mistakes and a lack of catchiness!
In some parts the blasts are flat, and some morbid riffs à la Cannibal
Corpse sound too much like Cannibal (It's over abused themes in
my opinion). More energy and burning hatred please! They have an
heavy eroded sound that helps! (Remember ROTTING's first full-length?
The guitar production isn't that far...). All in all, it's an
average demo being procreated through desecration by a band who
progresses, but won't actually please more than those who like it
undergroundly brutal for the simple fact of playing it brutal! For
brutal underground heads only! I feel like they have many possibilities
to intensify their brutal parts and to find more old school riffs
to display a cult Death or mourning atmosphere! (Work on that dudes!) The
style they chose is actually underpractized. Eventhough this demo
isn't that great, it's a decent one in my opinion. Which them courage
for they keep on progressing and rise above the seldomly inspired
PURULENCE (Fra) Demo 2003. This new French band chose
a name that could let you think they play grindgore: VAGINAL PURULENCE.
But there's nothing gore in here! The band plays a Death metal that's
rather old school when they don't witch on to "Old school brutal
death". On one hand you have some raw and simple Death metal
patterns along the lines of early GRAVE (it almost tends to Doom
by moments) while some more Brutal death riffings sound like old
CANNIBAL CORPSE. The problem is the band really lacks of punch
in parts, plus some riffs lack of brutal supremacist hatred and
vile darkened power! (Too cliché riffs à la Cannibal corpse! And
the drummer needs to improve his blasts!). By moments the band also
seem to be influenced by BAPHOMET and a bit of old JUNGLE ROT. Some
riffs in the last tracks would really need an injection of brutal
gorgeous beer, but V.P remains a young band, so they have their
time to let the purulent beer reach the mighty "G point"
of love and let the vagina macerate in its purulent decrepit secretions
until the rotten pulp of gore emerges from hell and re-materializes
under the form of haunting necroharmonies that shall haunt the legions
of undeads until the terminal bloodfeast! But before a brutal carnage
of this kind, they might have to work for several years. To conclude,
nothing that stands out as the bands is situated between the average
and very average! But I don't dislike some of their influences and
the raw production isn't the worst for the first demo of a Death
metal band. They might improve with more rehearsals, drastic selectiveness
towards their riffs, and of corpse many packs of beer!
(Malaysia) Raging force Demo tape'06. FINAL PUNISHMENT Recs. VAULT
might play decent thrash depending on your standards of neck-aggression,
but I don't know if many metallers will break their bones with this
tape Demo. The music is ok old styled thrash, that could be situated
between early Bay area and old German assaults; It can be listened,
but nothing special or emotionally soarprizing occurs. (Some DESTRUCTION
alike riffs are nicely done, though). The guitars are generally
riffing a common old way, generally too common in my hears because:
Why would I choose to play the VAULT tape while there's already
a pile of good thrashing tapes in front of me? Some riffs wouldn't
be too far from an old Crustcore approach, while some speed metal
à la old MOTORHEAD/ early BATHORY can be found, but it's generally
thrashing. Conclusion: This is average but listenable underground
thrash that might please big fans of the style... But I need more
than usual headbanging to break my bones anymore...Also oppress
me mentally!! Email:
(Fra) Reincarnate Demo’03. Here’s a quite new French Death
metal band that’s at least new to me. The band includes previous
and current members of the French death metal band UNFRAGMENT, so
a bunch of similarities can be felt. VEHEMENS’ death metal reminds
while they seem to have some more old death thrashing and few black
metal influences. I’d reproach them a lack of cool catchy riffs
compared to UNFRAGMENT. It’s tight and correctly built metal music,
but I didn’t find much riffs to catch my attention or brand my consciousness
with obscure melodies. I think they try to fit in convenient
death metal lines while they probably could do better with some
more personality. There are nice riffs from here and there in this
demo, but a bunch of their ideas sound too common to me. So it’s
a demo with cool parts that might be nice for rather old school
death supporters, but I need more energy and burning hate from a
Death metal band.
DEATH CELL (Ireland) Fiends "Demo" CDr'03. This
is an incredibly crappy Demo! The sound is pure crap! And so is
the "music"! A big part of it isn't even music, but a
teenage screaming on a TV sounds background! Some tracks are played
by a band, but it sounds very bad like the first year of a musician
and the sound is very bad rehearsal quality! All the more the "cover"
looks like a 5 years old children drawing! It probably took me more
time to listen, review and upload Demo's review than they needed
to "compose" this pure crap! There's absolutely no interest
here! These guys could have had the decency to keep if for themselves!
Avoid at all costs! Url: Are you joking?
(Venezuela) Promo tracks 2003. Raw Brutal death metal with morbid
'melodies' à la old CANNIBAL CORPSE but a slighty more creeping
deadly energy! The music of VERMINOUS both sounds inspired by some
old and more current Brutal death bands, you can find both blasting,
heavy and double bassdrum ridden elements that could remind of names
such as DISGORGE (Mex- Necrholocaust), UNCREATION (R.I.P), DISINFECT,
old MORGUE (Fra), with a zest of early DEATH and early GRAVE. I
kinda enjoy their research in building a morbid mood that results
in sometimes quite evil battles of two guitars' disharmonies and
could evoke some old INCANTATION's works. The vocals are raw low
pitched screams for most (rather Chris Barnes (old) influenced).
The musicians decently handle their instruments and the tracks are
correctly built. All in all, nothing original, nothing really
killer or space-cake punching, but these tracks are quite enjoyable
thanx to the blood atmosphere and quite morbid necroharmonies. Relaxing
for the big underground fans of obscure brutality.
(Nor) In the abyss we dwell (Sermon XXI) Demo CDr'05. Little
sized phallus searches for cocksuckers to have jelly fun! -No
flesh biting mouth wanted. -Please, we want no lacking-tooth. -Gargling
is great. -You're supposed not to spit our liquid. -You must
be used to smelly organs. -If you follow these agreements, write
for semenized considerations and include some cock-juice samples!
Email PONY Records at: with
the following subject:"METAL GIG OFFER!". Be fast:
it's never too soon to cum! 10 lines of crap to mean VHULVUR
sucks big dicks! Underplayed, underproduced and self-overestimated
indescribable "black metal" piece of shit a noisegrind
'fan' wouldn't even use to prop his coffee-machine up in a corner!
Avoid it like the flesh-shredding mouth if you have any taste for
decent music! (And aren't one of these usurpers wearing spiked-dildos).
(Malaysia) Flames of hate Demo CDr'03. Let's compare the
sizes and impacts of the fists! While the Brazilian VIOLATOR plays
somekind of energetik and "clean" thrash influenced by
OVERKILL and ANTHRAX among others, their Brazilian comrades in rape
choose to play a style that can be drunk in older patterns of Shark
metal. The thrashing brewery displayed in there would rather taste
like some beermix between some early German assault, and some almost
speed metal technical parts à la early MEGADETH. You drink, and
vapors of DARKNESS, early KREATOR, very old METALLICA are emanating
from the wounds of weak poseurs lying on the floor Of beer, this
is underground stuff, and the production isn't top notch and over
the average, it rather sounds like an Okey clear 4 tracks recording
(with a nice old styled chorus effect on guitars... Maybe like old
CARNIVORE?). The musicianship isn't always the most strict (huh),
and the deathboot not perfectly in the starting block; so it will
sound quite cheap in the hears of many current homodernist cyber
metawwwlers, but for an underground demo it doesn't sound sooo bad:
a nice atmosphere emerges from the mortal wounds of the previously
quoted (and molested) poseurs, and the influences are cool. I guess
big fans of the style might find what they need to rest and find
a good enough nostalgic moment in comforting thrash. Only for big
fans of the style! In my hears it sounds average (A more perfect
playing and few choruses would be needed) but some deadbangers will
like it. Kristus: Ingat tu pukimak! Ps: When will
one of the thrashing VIOLATORs release an album entitled "Depeche
mode"? Héhé
(Bra) Violent Mosh Demo tape'04. GRIM ART PROMOTION. Beer
is your saviour! Banging is your will and thrashing is the healer! Cool
sounding thrash metal or your infested hears! This cool band sounds
both influenced by the early bay area scene (old METALLICA, EXODUS,
TESTAMENT) and the old Germanic tradition (KREATOR, DESTRUCTION.).
VIOLATOR is a cool sounding band with a good positive energy and
quite professional songs. They'd rather follow the old EXODUS guitars
("Fabulous disaster") with a little touch of melody and
the riffing precision of old METALLICA ("Master of puppets"),
even if the mood doesn't remind of these bands. There might be an
old ANTHRAX's moshing spirit... Ok, this sounds cool, but there's
nothing new or really catchy, just cool riffs decently drunk in
the style... but it's already a lot when you compare them to the
many asleep sounding revival thrash bands! So, that's a cool tape
thrash-bangers might embrace as a welcomed big pack of unholy beers!
DRAIN (Fra) Between life and death Demo CDr'06. VITAL
DRAIN is a new French Death metal band ran by younger guys who are
about 18 years old, and it's quite surprising to hear they have
quite old school Death metal influences that actually sound right
(After all, there might be a future for our "old fart"
music ahah). The goal of their compositions is rather the development
of atmospheres, through more or less old school Death metal influences...
So you won't find a lot of brutality, but rather mid placed heaviness
and tranquility that happens to embrace some faster Death metal
beats and some melody. Think about some early SIX FEET UNDER, BOLT
THROWER, GRAVE (Rather the second or third Lps), early HYPOCRISY
(The most gloomy parts and few blasts), mid old HYPOCRISY (Quite
'fresh' riffs), old LOUDBLAST, a bit of mid old to old PARADISE
LOST, and some old French demo bands I might quote for the strictly
decorative purpose (SATYRIASIS, DISTASTE... Remember them? Uhuh). There
are also few melodic Swedish black/ death touches, some thrashy
core heaviness, few blasting death... But in my hears, they could
do without the thrashy core or the most blast metal touches, as
the quite epic or dark riffs sound better. The tracks are quite
long (A brutal lifting to focus the efficiency would help, it's
not needed to last for so long on the same ideas...), it can be
felt the musicians are quite young (There are hesitations and errors
in the structures), and some parts are really boring... But for
the first demo of a young local band it's not a bad shot! I can
hear some quite good taste for death and some nice atmospheres...
So it seems VITAL DRAIN has the potential to evolve in a right way,
good luck!
(Singapore) Promo CDr'05. BRINGER OF GORE Recs. Even if I
have mixed feelings about this one and the Fludrocortine didn't
help much to clear my putrid mind, a review might be worthy for
the fans of the gory and crusty grind style. Not even sure I
can call VOLITION a grind band, coz a lot of patterns are mid-placed
or heavy. Anyway, this sounds like some midly funny crusty grind
à la very old HAEMMORHAGE, some old GENERAL SURGERY, almost early
SANITYS DAWN, with strong old CARCASS influences. It could also
sound similar to some current BUTCHER ABC. Some riffs sound average,
while some are cool enough to superficially embalm the rotten malt
from your dried out beer. It's not always the tightest... One
can find some lazyness, some easyness, as well as some coolness.
All in all, a cool underground demo for undergrind fans of the groin
who aren't against few funny grind jokes (but no crappy interludes). In
few years of development, I think VOLITION might suit well the catalog
of RAZORBACK records... My putrid verdict will be: cool for big
fans of undergrind. Emails:
(Bra) List of the Dead Demo'04. VOMEPOTRO has quite improved
since their previous demo, and the putrid cadaver is now embalmed
in a more appealing way that wouldn't displease your rotting grand
mother who is now used to wormy sexual intercourses the subterranean
way. The band still plays some kind of US brutal death à la old
CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Butched at birth"), early DEEDS OF FLESH,
but this time the appearance of quite strange sounding riffs à la
early SANITYS DAWN ("Cryptic menu") or early IMMURED ("Languid
obstinancy" Demo, not their boring current crustgrind) makes
them more enjoyable a quite cynically cryptic, and (a little bit)
pathological way. All in all, this is brutal death with many
changes everywhere that do not stand out from the legions of rancid-cadaver
embalmers, but some of the riffs make it sound cryptically cool
enough to please the brutal death fans who want it cool, with some
bizarrity from here and there (and a cool sounding bass guitar).
It remains average in my putrid hears, but I must salute the putrid
evolution, wish them a good cryptic fun, and I will keep a putrid
eye on their forthcuming malignant defecations! Email :
(Swe) Yog-sothoth Demo’05. Deep down in obscurity, the massive
wheel of torture keeps on turning, endlessly crushing the remains
of hundred banished tortured souls... Awake motherfucker! VOMINATION
plays some kind of a cool mixture between old school Death, Brutal
death and raw Black metal. See some early DEICIDE, with few early
CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Butchered"), some impious INCANTATION,
mixed with mid-placed and heavy MORBID ANGEL, the most Death metallic
parts of mid old EXHUMED and a zest of 90's US Brutal death and
some fast Black metal à la MARDUK (old) and HORNA (old). Eventhough
nothing new is embalmed in there, the obscure atmosphere and a pleasant
aura of sulfur are there to let you feel you are in front of a cool
underground band. Average with some interesting hellish ideas of
impiety. The right influences and some feeling are there! Wish them
good luck and courage for they keep on working and improving!
THE SOUL (Ita) Human insanity Demo'03. It's
now obvious every country has a bunch of cool bands to offer! But
they are not always easy to find since some are pure underground
hidden in the darkest pits of unknown countries (some bands even
have nothing recorded!) and they're drown in an incredible amount
of craps! What I'm in front of is a quite cool Demo of an Italian
Brutal death grind band called VOMIT THE SOUL. As always the style
is influenced by the American Brutal death stuffs, the blasting
music of Vomit the soul evokes some darkened remembrances of old
CANNIBAL CORPSE (3 first releases of corpse!), some old double bass
drum ridden DEICIDE, some touches of MORBID ANGEL ("Domination"),
and few other bands such as FLESHGRIND, ROTTING or CYANOSIS who
had a quite big name in the incinerated underground few years ago. These
3 tracks (and an intro) aren't bloody original, nor personal, but
at least the band plays their brutal shit correctly and they doesn't
try to sound as technical as possible! There are few tightness problems,
some parts aren't always the most clever... but it's correctly done
and brutal enough to be a nice Demo for Brutal death maniacs. Clear
and powerful enough sound. An honest demo to drink a beer on, relax,
and feel the pleasant obscure mood of ancient death!
(Usa) Warcry Demo’03. Decent crustcore played the old way
à la DISRUPT/ STATE OF FEAR/ DOOM with many simple yet punching
enough riffs, as well as typical beats à la early EXTREME NOISE
TERROR. (This could also sound like some DISFEAR). This is very
reminiscent of the early days of the style: full of dust, aggressively
urban and as friendly as a grandmas sodomizing gang! The whole sounds
ok and punching enough in the style, but few surprises would have
been a boost! For example some shot slow old school HC breaks would
have increased their power. Sounds quite repetitive after a while.
The drums are quite too linear though, and I prefer angrier vocals.
There are high-pitched rock'n roll chaos guitars ENTOMBED also usually
uses. One of their tracks sounds like the DISCHARGE track NAILBOMB
covered. WARCRY doesn't offer something new, or really memorable,
but they sound fucked up, disgusted and energetic enough! All
in all, a decent crustcore demo that might be worth an hear for
big UG fans of old school crust like DISRUPT! WARCRY fucking must
be a fucking cool fucked up live band! fucking shit! Beer fucked
(Ita) Marching on the warpath Demo CD’03. Yes! It reminds
me the old school thrashing speed metal bands I was listening with
over-flowing beer in my youth: But I was to young for this in 85/86!
Eh Eh... Anyway the style of WARMONGER is totally old school
Thrash metal around the thrashing warlines of old KREATOR, old SODOM
and old DESTRUCTION. I could compare them to "Pleasure to kill"
for the rebellious and quite harsh side, while some old SODOM ("Agent
orange" and "Persecution mania") can be necro detected
in some tremolo thrash pukes and vocals! They remind me also of
ASSASSIN and old DESTRUCTION! Even if there are some few approximations
on guitars, that's ok, that's a first demo! And there are quite
catchy thrashin' choruses. The tracks are done in a quite cool way
and the nice thing with WARMONGER is they doesn't sound like old
thrash metal bands' ripp offs (remember the "revival"
thrash bands who stole riffs to DESTRUCTION and KREATOR? Uh!) they
sound like a band influenced by the old Thrash metal masters. Cool
drum playing, nice riffs, screamed and harsh enough vocals! The
sound ain't bad, clear and thrashing enough. WARMONGER can be a
cool band for bangers who still hail the old school speed metal
war! Drink beer and rise up your spiked fist!
(Bgd) Within the flesh of the satanist Demo tape'04. IN COFFIN. If you like
it well played, well produced, pussy-appealing and enjewelled with
milky melodies, it's high time for you to go away! WEAPON plays
black death metal, raw and crude à la old ABHORER (demo days), BEHERIT
and BLAPSHEMY! And the band sounds like an old demo from the 90's!
Both in terms of production, music and skills. So you understood
it's chaotic in many senses of the word, BUT somekind of truly deep
underground atmosphere emerges from these songs, and the vocals
sounds good with this real FUCK OFF attitude of old BLASPHEMY! There's
also an old HELLHAMMER touch in some slow riffs while some thrashing
stuffs can remind of very early SODOM. Some guys will say the music
is poor and sucking their beer-sack, but if you keep in mind Bangladesh
is a poor country, and the guys probably have to work hard just
to be able to rehearse, and their metal scene is under-developped,
you'll realize WEAPON might sound more authentic than many "Life
is easy, just form an "hate metaaawl" band" leisure-projects
from the old continent. Anyway, I prefer when WEAPON blasts,
gets it faster and quite bestial, because some slower or mid-placed
songs do nothing for me, it's just very average! And I would have
prefered all the songs to be fast and blasting like the first one!
Ahr! It might be an interesting demo if you are a big maniac
of ancient satanic raw black death metal, but I don't see many peoples
getting into this one! That's for sure! Ah Ah! Email:
(Fra) Demo'04. Here's a new Grindgore/ Grindcore band from
the North of France with an ex SERGENT SLAUGHTER musician. I recently
bought this demo for the ultra cheap price of 3 euros in an underground
shop. This isn't my kind of grind and gore, but it sounds underground
so why not reviewing it? What you hear is chaotic grindcore/
grindgore that could remind of old LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY with some
GUT, some old SQUASH BOWEKS and few early EXHUMED! Moments of blasting
grind and heavy gore are assorted with screams and some gore emanations
à la early EXHUMED. Seems like some crust and hardcorish influences
are used. This isn't my kind of Grind coz the heavy gore putridity
doesn't turn me on most of the time, and some grinding moments aren't
far from noise. All the more some passages sound like confusion.
Not very tight and rather chaotic, but it's a first demo. I think
it's an average/ very average demo with decent vocals and few cool
riffs. Some tracks & riffs really waste the intensity. Boring. But
those who enjoy the perverse crass emanating from the chaotic production
of a raw Grindgore demo might get into this! While I know these
chaotic stuffs would be annoying for some those who need it straight
to the point and catchy as hell, some underground noise junkies
might get into WHORETORN...
OF SHIT (Usa) World of shit Demo'05. What happens in
there? This is quite ultra brutal sounding stuff, between brutal
death, power violence, grindcore; all mixed with a lot of screams
and many riffs changes. The riffing is both technical, powerchorded,
or sometimes discarding (DISCORDANCE AXIS and some NAPALM DEATH)
and sounds quite chaotic coz of the overdosed on overdrive production
and accumulation of many riffs. I can't say some riffs branded
my brain, since it didn't, and and it's quite too much things at
the same time for me, but it sounds more extreme than most of current
demos! Nothing for the anal masqueraiders queering for the comeback
of glam in the emopop! Ah Ah! Beware if you love it mellowdick,
because WORLD OF SHIT will probably fist-fuck your lazy consciousness!
Ah! Nothing special enough in my hears, but some fans of modern
extremity might get a grip.
NOIZ (Fra) Nekrofog Demo Tape. 2006. At last some French
bands decide to play old school thrash metal without any modern
plasticizing influence... It's at least the feeling they could give
at first sight; But after a while I don't feel only thrashing guitars
but also old black death metal... The style of ZOLDIER NOIZ is
quite basic, not over-played, not over-produced, not over-anything...
It almost sounds like a demo from the 80's/ beginning 90's. I
hear possible influences of old NUCLEAR ASSAULT (Simpler), early
ONSLAUGHT (First album), a bit of SEPULTURA ("Morbid visions"),
few early Death metal touches (For example Early POSSESSED for some
leads) and a black death side à la BESTIAL WARLUST. Sometimes this
band sounds quite close to the first demo of current bands such
as NOCTURNAL GRAVES or VOMITOR... Notice my thrash metal knowledge
isn't very refreshed and some cool bands are almost forgotten in
my skull, so this review can't be really right... ZOLDIER NOIZ
has some cool vibes and some riffs are nice, but half of the riffure
doesn't do much and I feel the vocals could be improved... This
is a typical old school demo, with its positive and negative points. Nothing
to especially blow fuses and devastate your fridge when the thirst
for milk is too strong, but it would be nice to follow their evolution
(To check if their increase the little feeling of evilness).
