- DEMOS - OLD STUFFS - FANZINES - GIGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------

(FRA) Demo’94. This band included some ex members of MUTILATED,
an old cult French death metal band that was totally blasting and
about 5 years in advance on the french musical extreme underground
of its time. What we’ve got here is a really good sounding demo
in the vein of MORBID ANGEL’s « Altars of madness »
album that was far better than all what the french Underground
could offer at this time. Good sounding tremolo riffs in the
vein of godly old school Trey Azgtoth with variations on two guitars
harmonies ANGEL CORPSE also uses nowadays. Good sounding apocalyptic
ill dementia lead guitars in the vein of very old MORBID ANGEL.
Good sounding vocals that wouldn’t be so far from MASSACRA or even
old MERCYLESS’s 2nd LP (but not sure for the second one). And there
was some real blast parts! Everythings sounds pro and well done
here. There are here no average parts used to hide a lack of inspiration. 8
years after the release of this demo, some riffs are still branded
in my head, and it’s very rare with demos!! At this time, I
heard from the guitarist they had to release a CD or a MCD on HEAD
NOT FOUND, but nothing happened and the band split up. I think the
guitarist played from some time in AGGRESSOR, but I heard no news
since this time. Why is the Underground sometimes so stupid
not to support a great band when there’s one and not to push it
very far to release a CD??? Was it to extreme for its time? I don’t
think so! It was maybe too much extreme for the so called french
undergrounders of ‘94 but there was in the world some as must punishing
bands that got a lot more support !! If you can check out this
demo, don’t hesitate! I saw some traces of this one in some forgotten
but still existing underground distribution lists.

SUICIDE (Usa) Flesh parade Demo tape. 1990. Self-released. When
I was 16 in the 90's, I thought there were only early PARADISE LOST
and MY DYING BRIDE that played Death doom. Some peoples will
say there was ANATHEMA, but they weren't Death metal enough (At
all?), and apart from some songs CATHEDRAL were something else...
(And perhaps AUTOPSY were too "fucked and gore" for me
at the time...). When you digged deeper in the underground you could
find bands like VIOGRESSION, a couple of slower OBITUARY clones,
but there weren't many... I didn't know about ACCIDENTAL SUICIDE
at all, I recently discovered their streams of internal agony and
was surprised: This is quite cool, and even perhaps very cool, Death
doom in an old manner with possible influences of the first PARADISE
LOST album (For the riffs of misery and coming sorrow they had then),
MORGOTH ("Cursed", for rampant mid-paced riffs) and very
early MY DYING BRIDE (Nothing after the first album... For "furious"
fast Death and other doomy reasons). This is quite cool to feel
the warm atmosphere of these songs, it could be located between
"Cursed" and "The thrash of naked limbs" (Early
MDB Ep), and what a surprise... The quite spacey/ hallucinated vocals
tend to remember of VIOGRESSION! No joke! Why didn't I get in touch
with this music 15 years ago? On a matter of tempos you'll find
some very slow, mid-paced, and some faster typical Death metal beats...
The whole with enough breaks and changes to avoid crucifying boredom. Obviously
this is 2nd/ 3rd rate Death metal, we all know and abused all the
best albums until the very end of the blood thirst, but I don't
have much to complain for a doomy demo, and ACCIDENTAL SUICIDE was
a cool doomy band that wouldn't displease fans of the style... I
could even advise them to check out this demo!

(Usa) A curse called life Demo Tape 1993. What the fuck are
you doing in the boring present, while the whole past of metal keeps
on screaming "AAARRRGGGHHH!!!"??! 20 years of non-stop
orgasms and billions of neck-breaks nothing could seriously match!
Especially not these "modern metal" craps! Superficial
music without balls remains over the surface and can't affect in
any way your rotting existence! As the flies of tasteless honey
keeps on flying, we remain under the rotten soil, hailing putrid
death, morbidity, and vomiting the serpents of nebulous glauco-maniacal
underground stench! And finally your drown! Deep in the tremendous
heaviness of gut-oppressing Death metal morbidity! ACCURSED played
a typical kind of heavy, tremolo ridden, Death metal regorging the
dead with heaviness à la early DECREPIT, and fastest influences
chopping the cunt in half à la "Scream bloody gore". Nothing
above the average for normal hears, but the bizarre deformity might
resonate in the atrocity infested hears of the deranged putrid minds.
There might be too much melodies wasting the morbid, and the vocals
weren't deep pitched enough! (Even if some bowel squashing old AUTOPSY
can be found). But it was a cool band for big fans of ancient rotting
death metal morbidity!
(Usa) Psychopathic Embryotomy Demo'93. BANISHED INSTINCTS,
ILLUSIONS OF EXISTENCE! No need to type more 'nice' words here since
this Demo didn't inspire me much! This is common Brutal death
grind in a more or less American Style with some old school Death
influences! Ok it blast, ok the guitars are fast, ok the growls
are cool... but hell it's common as fuck for most of it! Not enough
punch to blast out a big fat ass! Their slower parts are meant to
be heavy, but are too common in the style! The drummer have some
quite nice parts... Reminds me of old DEEDS OF FLESH, old CANNIBAL
CORPSE, old MONSTROSITY, old UNLEASHED, old OBITUARY (for slow parts)...
Blah! I'm bored! AFTERBIRTH is only a band whose goal is to play
brutal death, without anything special nor really brutal (as it
seems). It might be an Ok band to check live, but their compositions
are too common! Between the average and very average!
TERROR (Por) Disharmony in god’s creation Demo’95. This
quite old portuguese band played a Death metal reminding me of BOLT
THROWER (“Realm of chaos”). They had the same kind of old SLAYER
influenced melodies, breaks or gonna be fast riffs, as well as quite
heavy riffs with double bass drums and heavier/ almost doomy parts
that turns into a tremolo Death metal part. It reminds me the BOLT
THROWER “Peel sessions” LP for the style and for the fact it’s not
really tight. They lacked some epic melodies and really crushing
and catchy riffs, but for the time it was released I think it’s
not too bad. It’s almost an old BOL THROWER copy and it’s not so
pleasant to listen to it 7 years after its release, but at this
time some bands were really worth in the style.
DUSTER (Australia) Menstrual soup Demo’91. I downloaded
this demo on a "trendy" forum, "point, click: RELAPSE
board". I knew only the "Yeest" CD'95 of BLOOD
DUSTER that had some very good Grind rock tracks. And it's always
cool to hear some older stuffs of a band you enjoy! On a musical
point of spike, there are not much difference with what I know of
BLOOD DUSTER ("Yeest"). It seems more gore influenced
than their following stuffs. It was Grindcore that with Heavy death/
almost stoner parts that could eventually remind of MASTER's 2nd
CD "On the seventh day..." in the slowest parts, but the
main drill in here was Grinding Death à la very old CARCASS with
old NECRONY and GENERAL SURGERY elements. There are gory vocals,
and the pig disgorge screams on the 4th track are fun. The blast
weren't that good, didn't sound quite massive compared to the "Yeest"
ones, but it was one of their first recordings. Even if the music
was quite average, it wasn't bad for what I think is their first
BODY BAG (Usa) Spread the violence Demo tape. 1993.
Engulfed in an infinite magma of brain cells.
Sucked in by the voracious porridge of brain.
Eaten by a sea of neuronal hungriness.
Your corpse will turn into... The delicate marmalade stuffing the cake.
Lately I've been searching for old demos from Usa, unfortunately I found a lot
of bands that played brutal death metal influenced by SUFFOCATION (Yes, there
already were quite fucking brutal bands 20 years ago) and I don't really feel
like listening to this genre...
But I also found this band called BODY BAG which could be quite nice if you're
This is old death metal/ death thrash that happens to remind me of ooold DEATH ("Leprosy"),
(Fast parts), with some OBITUARY/ RESURRECTION (In the more powerful/ heavy
moments) and perhaps SICKENING GORE.
I can feel some old Cannibal Corpse in the riffing here and there, but the
style of Body Bag wasn't so brutal (There doesn't seem to be blast beats nor
the slower/ heavier moments).
The production is cool for a demo of this time. It's quite clear, with enough
of power and bass frequencies. It was a studio, or perhaps 8-tracks recording.
There's nothing exceptional in the music (Feeling-wize, intensity, zombies
climbing from the caves, etc), but the musicians decently handled their
instruments and the songs were built with enough changes to kill the presence
of the (dead) boredom.
BODY BAG could fit your anxious needs if you're trembling for your fix of 3rd
grade (Yet not shitty) 90's American death metal.

DECAY (Fra) More! Demo'89. Skateboard, beer and Thrash
metal! That was the way of life of many Thrashers during the first
and second French Thrash metal "waves" (If I could say
so). At this moshing epoch, BRAIN DECAY were quite present in
the small French Cut'n paste unreadable photocopied zines, while
their style was quite nice compared to some French bands I heard... Old
school Thrash metal à la KREATOR was their main high line, but can
I also feel a will of being somewhat technothrash like (with small
technical or various breaks), so they may have reminded a bit of
CORONER(old) or WATCHTOWER. Needless to quote some SLAYER and METALLICA
influences: these two bands were worshipped by the hordes of French
Speed thrash metallers! BRAIN DECAY also makes me think of D.B.C,
and a little bit of NUCLEAR ASSAULT and ASSASSIN. The sound wasn't
bad for its time, correctly produced and clear enough. That remains
a pretty cool Demo for its time... but don't listen to this if you
aren't in a nostalgic feeling! Lol If I'm not mistaken, most
of the BRAIN DECAY members later formed a Deathcore industrial band
called ACTING OUT who had few releases.

(Uk) Optical mass Demo’92. To review old demos is a good
way to revive a forgotten past and imagine you're years before,
headbanging in front of an old typing machine! An obscure aura emerges
from nowhere. You're ready to totally fucking die! Welcome to the
old school subterranean simulator v. 666! BURIAL was a cool Death
metal band petrifying the sufferance between the mid-placed and
fast paths of mortification! You happen to think about early DEATH
("Leprozy"), early NECROPHOBIC ("The nocturnal silence"),
NIHILIST, early UNLEASHED, early GRAVE with few doomed heaviness
à la early PARADISE LOST/ early IMMOLATION/ ROTTREVORE! Channeling
the deadly despair of the mighty cathedrone on a creeping point
of putrefaction! 100% Relicus Doomicus Metallicus! The vocals
weren't so deep, it was rather some kind of midly engulfed death-thrashing
asphyxiated Martin Van Drunen with a zest of sadism à la old SADISTIC
INTENT! All putrefaction taken in rotsideration, this demo wasn't
that killer or neck-breaking, but BURIAL was a fine Underground
Death metal band with good influences, the right atmosphere and
decently corpse-shredding songs! Only for the biggest underground
Death metal fans the old school way who like it underground! (Was
early Death metal ever meant to be anything else than drowning in
the deepest Underground? Ah!)

Frightmare Demo tape. 1985. Rereleased 2018. TRAUMATIC TAPES Recs.
Digging in the past, you can still find interesting old demos rotting under
decades of dust and analog degradation!
This tape is the second demo of BURN OFFERING from California/ Oregon, and the
style is very old school thrash metal.
This is located between early fast thrash, some kind of fast "speed
metal" (Not really the rock'n roll kind), with a couple of slower songs/
I kinda dig the nasty aspect of some fast thrash metal in the style of early
SLAYER and (perhaps) BLOODFEAST... You know, there's an angry, almost satanic
vibe in there.
Some putrid metallers might be interested to read this was the first band of
Chris Reifert (AUTOPSY).
This is a pretty cool tape for fans of very old thrash, I wouldn't sell my left
ball to order an original copy, but if you can find a bootleg or dubbed
cassette for a cheap price, why metallic not? The copy I found is a rerelease
from an American micro tape label called TRAUMATIC TAPES and is limited to 25
copies. Pretty cool, uh?

CORPSE (Usa) A skull full of maggots Demo'89. On this
fucking old Demo, Cannibal was quite different from the Brutal Death
band we all know! As well as their first LP "Eaten back to
life", this was so fucking influenced by the old BLOODFEAST's
stuffs and in particular by the "Face fate" MLP! Old school
Death thrashing metal with some splattering and butchering heavy
riffs! At the time the band was fucking promising as they ever
offered a fucking bunch of energy! Most of the time with Death thrashing
tremolos that makes the things run warm in your slip! Some guys
acclaimed their first CD as original and stuff, Ok it was a good
one I still enjoy! But Check the BLOOD FEAST's "Face fate"
MLP and you'll see Cannibal weren't so original! There were also
some old NECROPHAGIA influences for slower riffings! Obvious old
POSSESSED influences for some technical riffs! And the vocals of
Chris Barnes weren't Grunts nor gore! It was total Thrash speed
metal vocals! Ah! Nice demo to check, to have a good view of
what these bastards did in their very first days! It can be interesting
to check both this demo, the first CANNIBAL CORPSE Lp and the BLOODFEAST
MLP quoted before (If you can find some Mp3s...) to see where
they're coming from!
CEASE (Fra) Altered beast Demo'91. No milk please, it's
a waste of good headbanging! We've the beerternity for your flesh! I
was quite soarprized when this demo crossed the styx of my cadaveric
tape player! Good old energetic thrash metal with many riffs per
track and plenty tempo changes! CARDIAC CEASE kinda had the enthusiasm
(and teenage's rage) of KREATOR's two first Lps mixed with the complexity
of "Terrible certainty", with nice touches of DARKNESS,
early DESTRUCTION and thrashing old AGRESSOR! The guitarist had
allright skills and the riffs were well-thought enough for this
time. A shame the drummer wasn't totally tight (but he didn't suck.
It was probably due to his way of playing the "chuga-chugas"
with double bass drums) and the production wasn't heavier, because
CARDIAC CEASE could have kicked more than few ugly grandmas' bottoms! Of
putrid corpse this demo has grown quite old, but it remains a nice
item to listen nowadays, if you're into old school and old stuffs...
Especially since it is becoming one more time trendy to be into
the old school! Ah Ah! Next time I will listen to POISON (Us) and
switch a broken BON JOVI Lp in my arse while screaming "Yugha
Yugha"!! Ah Ah! Only pink is real! Ah Ah!
ROT (Spa) The soil Demo tape 1994. Conscious rot, as
the rot takes over your consciousness and becomes a totally independent
entity. Free of mind and decision, controlling your body and turning
your now uncontrolled acts towards the path of the vilest putridity! This
Spanish band would surely be just another average 2nd rate underground
ugly procreation for most, but I know some sickness-archeologists
will find enough obscure cavities of interest to dig, and nice influences
of death to satisfy their lust for the unknown and forgotten. Yes,
even if at first schizophrenic sight CONSCIOUS ROT is nothing catchy
or special, their nice mixture of "Old school" death metal
and "old" brutal death styles, evolving both in the fast,
mid placed and quite doomy, is quite cool. The whole isn't too
badly played and structured, I found some few nice doom melodies
à la early ENTOMBED, and some fast moments (Old styled death metal
beats or quite brutal death blasts) kicks quite well. The band
was somekind of "Multi death metal" influenced, taking
a bit from various things to build their own (Selfless?) songs,
so a detailed cryptic description would be quite dull. All in
all, there's both some cool and average stuffs (That waste my putridity).
I regret there's not a real dense atmosphere. Notice some of
these guys used to play in RUINATION and OSSUARY (Already heard
about these bands?… I had these on tapes héhéhé) To sum it up,
I should say this is far from being one of the worse demo I heard
from the Lithuanian underground, especially for this time! Only
for explorers of immured underground cavities and maniac death metal
CONVULSION (New Zealand) A pickled feast Demo tape 1993. Rereleased
Swallowed by the giant morbid vagina,
Your entrails all digested,
Your muscles all liquefied,
You will finally turn into a pile of putrid excrements.
The perfect ending.
CONVULSION played quite putrid old death metal that could remind of old
OBITUARY (The pre-Obi Xecutioner Eps or the album "The end
complete"), atmospheres of early NECROPHAGIA, and some seepages of
VIOGRESSION, all these bands in the rather mid-paced moments, with something of
very early BROKEN HOPE for some gore vomit and sudden blasting accelerations.
While some riffs are more "doomy", some take a little more American
manner (End 80's/ early 90's... I have
in mind some proto death and a few more "mechanic" guitars (For the
1992 riffing, obviously this doesn't sound like a machine in 2015 ).
Most of the music remains in the slow to mid-paced speed of the meat chopper,
with a few sudden blasting accelerations of the lard-shredder.
This really sounds like a demo from the 90's... Oh wait, it is actually from
1993 Ah Ah.
This is third grade old gory Death metal that won't please every current
metallers, this is perhaps only for the fans of old putrid death metal who were
already rotting at the time, but at least it's quite cool maceration music.
A decent way to conclude would be with a saliva-filled, splashing and
pustulas-infested "Burp".

Demo'91. Re-released 2019. CANCER CHRIST Tapes.
Oh well, I'm listening to underground death metal and digging in the world of
underground demos since more than 25 years, but how come I never heard or
listened to COPROPHILIA before? Perhaps the underground wheel was somewhat
broken? Or perhaps their band name didn't help?
Anyway, what you have during the 4 tracks of this demo is very cool old school
gory death metal/ death grind, with good influences of early CARCASS (The
morbid way), with strange old school death metal parts à la old CREMATORY (Swe)
or some old Finnish stuffs.
I guess this tape could also please fans of DEMILICH, TERRORGHOUL (Even if the
style is less innovative) or perhaps THOU SHALT SUFFER (The pre-Emperor Death
metal band... If there are any Thou shalt suffer fans... But this was rather a
point of comparison, there is some strange "groove" in common).
The music of COPROPHILIA is somewhat technical (For this time), in the meaning
the riffs aren't simple old school death stuffs.
Well, this isn't really a bleeding 'head-on-the-wall' punching revelation, but
COPROPHILIA sounds like very cool (and quite strange) death metal to hear in
Label: Necrocyst(a)

DECAY (Usa) Divinely impailed Demo tape'91. Dripping
in the unknown and forgotten might seem useless, but it's a good
way to extract the pulp and taste the true saviors of death. CORPOREAL
DECAY might have been a second or third rate band, but what they
played was quite neat. Death metal with technical and nicely embalming
thrash influences. The technical edge and some quite vibrating riffs
remind me quite a lot of early PESTILENCE (Malleus maleficarum),
while you could think about a more skilled old KREATOR, or
a bit of old MEKONG DELTA; while touches of OBITUARYor old MORTA
SKULD could be detected. The songs were seriously built and the
level of the guitarist wasn't bad, he had some neat sounding technical
riffs (With a bit of craziness and some heavymetallish leads). The
Death metal vocals were average (Just 'raw' old styled death), and
the drummer simply followed. A little discarding edge in the
riffs made it a bit more particular. What lacked to CORPOREAL
DECAY was probably some hooks, more burning intensity, and a vocalist
that would have stood above the average. I'm surprised this band
isn't featured on any website, because they were far from being
one of the worst demo bands I heard! This tape is a cool item for

(Usa) I'm bleeding Demo tape. 1994. Self-released. Downloading
is not (Always) a crime, especially when you want to listen to recordings
that apparently doesn't exist on the surface of the earth anymore.
The demo/ album of this old band (From Missouri) is apparently impossible
to get your hands on. This is cool sounding Death metal from
the 90's reminding me of the first albums of RESURRECTION ("Embalmed
existence"), GORGUTS ("Considered dead") and MALEVOLENT
CREATION ("The ten commandments"). The whole occurs
to take a more "technical" approach (For this time) that
takes them closer to the early techno death bands (Not necessarily
Pestilence/ Atheist/ Cynic, I think about old demo bands who mostly
released tapes and sounded more "obscure"), even if a
quite "thrashy" attack remains present. There are few
"doomy" touches that could maybe remind of VIOGRESSION,
or leads from the deep à la old OBITUARY, but it's not the main
subject. The production is quite cool, in an old Floridian/ Morrisound
genre: It has quite some bass frequencies and was quite "deafened"
enough to create some atmospheres. (I could also say more "melodic"
touches appear, and the bass guitar occurs to be more present here
and there). Since it was released in 1994, this album/ demo was
probably drowned in an infinity of death metal releases that sounded
close or quite close, but this remains a quite cool demo to check
out, and relax in the hot fumes of the cadaveric flesh. It was
uploaded by a net-label called Leftover Limb Pulp, so you could
download it as long as it's online:
(Fin) Nocturnal death Demo tape 1994. No, you are not reading
a review of the Swedish thrashing heavy metal band. Years before
some Swedish metallers rewarmed their cold beers and chose this
moniker, there actually was a Death metallic band brutalizing the
morbid skulls from Finland’s dust-saturated ground, and this wasn't
the worse Finnish band I heard! Quite tight and well built death
metal songs hitting you in a quite crazy way. Imagine some fast
brutal death à la CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Tomb of the mutilated")
with a faster playing, more tempo changes; some accelerations of
frenzy à la ATROCITY ("Hallucinations"), plus a bit of
old DEICIDE or DISHARMONIC ORCHESTRA (For strange touches). Some
riffs ripping the bowels over some blasts aren't bad, it sounds
quite bizarre enough. For some reasons, DECEIVER kinda sounds
like SOILS OF FATE's first demo recordings (Neat production, tight
playing and influences), but hopefully they injected more moments
of crazyness to refresh the skull... I feel like a part of the
songs is just average brutal death riffs, or too common stuffs,
and there's nothing especially emotional an embalming or haunting
way of death. So, many peoples will just consider this as "Just
another average demo"... I have some doubts flying between
the agreement and the disagreement... But hopefully for me, some
moments are quite energetic and crazy, so I can listen to this tape,
even if the hooks kinda flatten down after a putrid while... It
seems the bands was playing something softer on their earlier recordings,
apparently even not death metal (But thrash power whatever), so
beware were you put your coins, you fans of old brutal death metal.
DEMENTOX (Usa) Victims of hatred Demo tape. 1992.
If you dig in the past, you're still able to discover cool old Death metal
demos, even if it's not really the best bands... Underground metal archeology
clearly was a promising sunday activity :-)
This American band played early death metal/ morbid thrash/ proto death that
reminds me of DR SHRINKER, old SLAYER ("Hell awaits"), early
NECROPHAGIA, SEPULTURA ("Morbid visions"), with a little of CORPUS
ROTTUS, XECUTIONNER or even perhaps ooold MORTA SKULD.
There's a nice 3rd rate horror movie atmosphere that might please fans of the
frightening splatters occurring in the obscure rancid caves.
Sometimes the satanic vocals feel like early AMON/ DEICIDE.
Even if the content is not so "brutal" or thaaat death-metallic for
1992 (Sounds rather like the recordings you could hear in 1989-90, with more
thrash influences) this is a quite cool demo to listen, embalmed in slime and
crepitating pustular purulent juice. Not bad.
According to Metal-archives the band recorded only a demo and the musicians
didn't do more on a morbid point of view... This is surprising, hearing these
songs you imagine DEMENTOX could have developed and enhanced the deepness of
the horror and morbidity to procreate something more impressive.

(Fra) Anorexia Demo'93. This demo is 10 years old now! And
it's cool to hear the musical evolution of the band! I just got
it recently and didn't know the tracks, even if I was in their rehearsal
place every wekkends in 98-99 with the mighty beers! Ah ah! They
where then in a Brutal death style that was less technical. The
sound ain't bad, but it's hard to understand something when the
drums grind. Brutal Death metal à la old SUFFOCATION, BAPHOMET,
old CANNIBAL CORPSE, old GRAVE... Sounds like their next releases,
but less evolved, sounds more like an american band than like the
french scene of this time! (For those who didn't know the french
bands of the past, well... most of them were week and very boring!!) This
release could have turned into a cool CD if it had the benefits
of both more tightness and a better sound... It sounds outdated
in 2003, but for a french band of 1993, it was surely enthusiastic
and Brutal!

(Can) Into the horror Rehearsal Demo'93. Bestial urge of
necrosterones, ecstasy on the hormones of the dead and massive escalation
of violence! Dead, buried and ready to fuck up the pink metal morons! Eventhough
this old blasting Brutal death Demo doesn't embalms the burnt corpse,
nor awakes the cadaveric anger, I detected enough surface blasting
aggression to keep some of you putrid readers awaken. This second
demo sounds like fast death grind somewhere in hell between early
MROBID ANGEL, DEICIDE, and NAPALM DEATH (Utopia), with mid placed
splatters à la old CANNIBAL CORPSE and few old thrashing death behind
the chunks of green putrefaction. They remind me a bit of old SINISTER,
eventhough DISLOCATION didn't have the hypnotic side and was weaker
than SINISTER. The production was raw, the vocals were raw...
All in all, nothing special or catchy, it's average (or very average),
but I guess it was a pretty ok rotting tape for underground maniaxes
of Brutal death. Average and forgotten, but nice for the big maniacs
of the good old demo tapes' collection! DISLOCATION recorded
4 demo tapes and split up. I think none of the band members took
part in another orgy of mucupurulence later. Asatanos amigos...
(Usa) Demo 91. Tape. Self-released. Twenty years listening
to old school death metal, and I still find old demos that sound
quite good and even could have been quite promising at the time...
The 90's and 80's were clearly something else in matters of music...
Here, the first demo of EPITAPH from Tampa/ Florida contained
quite great sounding 90's Death metal influenced by PESTILENCE (Mostly
"Testimony..." with touches of "Consuming..."),
mid old DEATH (For the technical moments of "Human" and
"Spiritual healing") with something of old RESURRECTION,
and a little crazy touch of ATHEIST here and there. The scorched/
screamed vocals are quite efficient and rip the surface of the drained
grounds. There are nice acid guitars (Cf Pestilence). I didn't
hear much problems during this demo... Perhaps it only lacks a few
more fast parts. Now this isn't the first grade Death metal that
made you thrill like hell, but the songs were quite well built and
the production was very decent for a demo. EPITAPH is a nice
surprise. Listen:

TORMENT (Usa) Downfall of human existence Ep. 1993. Old world
Recs. Raped by zombies. Ejaculation of dust & filth. Morbid
capharnaum avalanche.
This band came from New York and released
a demo as well as two Eps in the early 90's. The recording we are
aurally infiltrating is the last one and contains old school death
metal, with a brain split in half between a slower/ heavier death
à la GRAVE ("You'll never see...") or old OBITUARY, and
an old death grind à la NAPALM DEATH ("Harmony corruption"/
"Mass appeal madness"). I know some peoples could also
hear some ooold ILLDISPOSED, old ROTTING (Can/ Demos), old VIBRION
(Minus the crazy drums). On this Ep, the first song is cool,
with a quite catchy grinding riffure, and some nice death metal
morbidity, not bad. The second song is less of my liking, perhaps
because of too simple riffs (Isn't that some kind of "proto
goregrind" à la early Carcass or early Mucupurulent?). The
guitar production is quite big, wasn't it some kind of metal zone
effect pedal? On this release ETERNAL TORMENT played 3rd rate
death metal/ death grind but remains cool to listen to for those
who dig this epoch and the old obscure demos. The previous Ep
"Confined within consciousness" was more influenced by
old death metal and contained fewer death grind influences, perhaps
this could be an interesting info for some morbid readers. PLUNGE
(Fra) Demo'94. Here's one of the first underground demos
I ordered! The band was playing complex techno Death metal, but
it was more extreme sounding than the techno Death bands of the
time! I'd rather say it was a Death grind band with complex breaks
put here and there. For this time it wasn't bad at all, all the
more the French underground cruelly lacked in guts and professionalism! The
guys were tight, no part sounded hesitating or shit... They hadn't
got the fucking approximations that were just the french mark! Ah! Total
discordance riffs that were quite original, Death/ Grind influences
à la old MORBID ANGEL; nice melodic leads inspired by classical
music, some BAPHOMET/ BANISHED for heavier riffs and some COMECON
can be evoked for some bizarre riffs as well as for screamed vocals! They
had some morbid "melodies" à la CANNIBAL CORPSE. It reminded
me of DEATH ("Individual thought patterns") in more complex
parts while some moments were catchy and fucking obscure with some
evocation Death metal screams! Soulful futuristic visions riffs
reminding me of PESTILENCE ("Spheres") and DEATH. There
may be a bit of BRUTAL TRUTH. Only their lyrics weren't that serious
and quite funny since they worshipped the cat eater named "Alf"!
Read a few tracks' titles :"Iron slip", "Brain chewing
gum" and "Eviterniclown". Quite cool and original
cover! But where were the labels at this time?? They later formed
a folk music band called STILLE VOLK I don't enjoy at all. A guy
(the drummer if I remember well) is in HYPOKRAS now. It's surprising
I still get some pleasure listening to it now!

(Fra) Promo tape 1994. Here's another one of the very first
underground demos I bought. I remember this 2 tracks tape was cool
at the time! Heavy Death/ Thrash riffs reminding me of old BOLT
THROWER with some high pitched melodies that were rather in the
same style that what could be found on "Realm of chaos".
Correctly constructed tracks with enough variations. Cool vocals
with some very low tuned ones, nice female vocals that were decently
placed and reminded me of old PARADISE LOST. Thrashing riffs à la
mid old KREATOR. A few melodic death harmonies. It has grown old
but I still can listen to it a bit without any dark and vast boredom
appearance. Well, there was nothing exceptional here, but there
was quite catchy riffs and it sounded better than the most of the
other French underground bands I heard back then... They're still
playing nowadays, but I think their style is more melodic with lots
of synths...

(Rus) Sacrificial bleeding Demo'94. This first EXHUMATOR
Demo became a real cult item in the Russian underground! These 4
tracks were composed and recorded with the anger of deadly hungriness
and thirst for blood as the demo was tape traded as hell in the
Bolshevik underground, instigating EXHUMATOR on the Perverse underground
Death metal throne of the cold East! Technical sadistik Death
metal influenced by early DEICIDE and old MORBID ANGEL! Tight as
fuck skillful musicians who know how to brutalize their instruments
and compose tracks with perfect structures! These songs were built
with many morbid or satanic riffs, including a bunch of ones being
technical, but that always kept a hearable and enjoyable aspect.
It was truly outstanding for its time! The only really negative
point was the production; it's not the best one I've heard, that's
clear... but at least it brings the music a pleasant raw underground
aspect. One could also find some old MALEVOLENT CREATION and few
early CRYPTOPSY, ALTAR (Hol) in these 4 tracks of controlled Death
metal attack. Later on, EXHUMATOR went to live in Belgium. Of
corpse they kept on playing this kind of satanic death, they even
recorded a second Demo around 1998, but this release missed the
catchy and brutally satanic anger of the first demo! The living
conditions are probably too cool in Belgium? Anyway "Sacrifical
bleeding" remains an important piece of Underground death metal,
the obscure way, and even if it wasn't really killer EXHUMATOR had
quite impressive and catchy tracks! I think the band split up.

(Australia) Clitoral vision Demo'95. I didn't enjoy that
much what FILTH did after this Demo ( including a 4 ways split
CD released on Bizarre leprous). It wasn't so much cool and the
sound wasn't that good. But on this pro demo recorded on 95 (same
both sides) their style was definitely cool! Grind death groove
à la BLOOD DUSTER meets old HAEMORRHAGE, with some good groovy rock
parts their blood dusted comrades used so much! Bizarous sexualo
invitations berserking the pussy love box of old MUCUPURULENT! There
was some vicious catchiness in here! The tracks"Tissue love
box" and "Vulgar taste of dusted blood" were the
best ones in my opinion, even if each of their tracks included some
nice ideas as well as catchy bizarrous perversion choruses! And
there were samples before almost every tracks! If I remember
well, a sample is taken from a documentary in which the guy who
speaks was a Judas Priest fan and shot his head with a gun in the
name of Rob Hallford's band and became somekind of an human Marshmallow!
Ah Ah... A good amount of riffs here were full of mid tempo groovyness
and there was some fun introduced in the love box of the vocals...
Nice demo for a bloody period party! So, this was a very very cool
demo at its time! Pussy lovers can prepare their artificial vaginas!

GAFFED (Usa) It hurts to be dead Demo tape. 1995.
Better than cadaver porn,
sexier than skeleton transvestite bone teasing,
there are old rotting 3rd rate obscure Death metal demos... And I still find old recordings that doesn't suck and even provide some
cadaveric entertainment!
This band played Death metal in a very American sounding early/ mid 90's
manner. Death metal the (Quite) brutal way evoking the early catapulters of
just a bit), early PYREXIA, with regular influences of MORBID ANGEL, as well
as touches of early brutal death metal from the Us (The tape stuffs I received
in 97/98: Perhaps Insatanity, Disfigured, Sanguinary or Skinned. Hu... This is too old remembrances).
(Also isn't there a touch of SKELETON OF GOD hidden in some crazy guitar
harmonics and screamed notes, or am I getting a little zombified?)
The beginning of the tape seemed to be very brutal/ US/ NYDM influenced, but
then it takes a more Death-metallic approach, so if you prefer the quite old
school ways don't surrender after a few minutes.
There is also quite regularly a quite rhythmic approach that might take them
closer to early "slam" or REPUDILATION, or UNCREATION (Spa)... (Or
something else that escaped the active cells from my memory... But it's very
far from modern "slam", and don't be
afraid, there's no shit groove or wanna-jump booty-beats inside)
I read the band used to be called RITUAL TORMENT, recorded 3 demos, then
changed their name to GAFFED, recorded two more demos, and then split up. Quite
totally obscure stuff. What I hear sounds like the band had reached a level that could have them
release an album without shame, and even get some success in the world of
disgusting brutality :)
The production is quite good and powerful for a demo.
The music is not really original, but it is unheard-before enough to not bore
the skull, and the listening provides some entrails entertainment.
Fans of the genres mentioned before could dig it, so try to hunt the sounds of
GAFFED on Youtube or some obscure blogs...

(Fin) Cradle of sorrow Demo tape 1994. 12 years ago, it was
quite usual to meet the paths of GARCHAROT on some flyers or in
some tape compilations. It seemed like the band was doing a nice
promotional work, or the underground enjoyed their Death metal.
And this wasn't necessarily a bad rotting affair, since the death
metal of GARCHAROT was solid and quite brutal! Imagine tight
death metal à la old DEICIDE, old KRABATHOR ("Lies"- When
they were brutal and quite obscure) with the most brutal parts of
HYPOCRISY's 2 first Lps (Not the already melodic stuffs, but the
most death metallic and rhythmic guitars) with some touches of fast
ENTOMBED (old)/ GRAVE (old) and a zest of fast BANISHED. The whole
was well packaged in quite efficient subterranean structures of
confinement. This tape is still worthy to dig some holes in your
walls, but there's not much to dig some graves thanx to some old
school feelings of nostalgia, since GARCHAROT was mostly focused
on the brutality and efficiency. Even if nothing is especially crazy
or demented (Yes, death metal was an abuse of pure craziness, you
sleeping old farts! It's pointless to bash today's extreme musics
because of its abusive craziness... Find other arguments that could
be worthy!) and nothing is that catchy, this tape remains enjoyable
and will sound quite efficient in the hears of those (Older or not)
who like the style. The band split up after various rehearsal
and demo tapes (This one apparently being the first) and never released
an album...

GLACIAL FEAR (Ita) Demo'93. Tape. Rereleased 2015.
Rehabilitated rusted mechanisms of the old broken skull can bring some nice
auditory moments once you dig in the right cemeteries.
I got this tape re-release from an Italian micro-label, it contains the first
demo (From 1993) and the first Ep (From 1994) of this Italian band.
On the first demo, the style is quite kicking rather old styled death metal
infected with a dose of thrashing guitars. It could sound like some old
SEPULTURA ("Beneath the remains") meets early UNLEASHED, early DEATH,
perhaps SADISTIC INTENT, with a dose of more thrashing affair.
The drum-playing is quite active and changing, the tracks come with enough
changes to avoid beardoom (No typing mistake), but sometimes there's a dose of
'groove" (In the early 90's death/ thrash spectrum, quite minor element)
and some moments sound quite average.
Then in comparison the Ep entitled "Secrets at the steam forest"
sounds less old school, but shows an improvement. It becomes more aggressive,
focused, and a bit more technical. It tastes like a mix of SEPULTURA
("Beneath..."), DEATH ("Human") with touches of NOCTURNUS
(Keyboards). I also feel there's some of the energy of old SADUS (Without the
technical "extreme wankery"), few blasts à la early DECIDE and
original touches from the lands of later CORONER (I would say last two albums)
or perhaps old SUPURATION. There are great moments in this Ep! This is a quite
good discovering.
This is a nice tape showing the first years of the band, and depicting
interesting improvements that occurred at musical levels.
I read GLACIAL FEAR later played technical death metal, I don't know how their
compositions currently sound but I feel like I should try their other early
90's releases, because the Ep from 1994 was a quite great improvement.

(Swe) Remonstrating the preserver Demo'91 There
are some band's names I've ever seen on some old tape trading lists
or on some old flyers printed in 90's zines, but I never had the
opportunity to put an hear on these as it will remain endlessly
forget for most and will remain somekind of crystallized through
dust thoughts lying in my decaying brain. HETSHEADS is one of
these names I may have crossed one or two times in an old sulfuric
Death metal past. Even if the style of the band has got its Swedish
Death metal influences, especially at the levels of the vocals that
sound like NIHILIST, the music was cat into some old Death thrashing
warlines that remained less dynamic in breaks/ structures and bombastic
than the Swedish style. If you dig my petrified words... the
style of HETSHEADS rather reminds me of old Thrashing speed metal
bands such as very old SLAYER, very old DEATH, MANTAS, GENOCIDE(?),
RAZOR with some Swedish Death like riffs in here and there (GRAVE,
NIHILISTIC, CARNAGE). ere's nothing really special here, only
Ok stuff in the style for this time. Compared to some other releases
of these years of primal Death metal rage, I think this HETSHEADS
demo has grown old a lot, and except from the archeological dust
breathing ultimate old school maniacs, I don't see who could be
(Fra) On stake and consume Demo'92. INFEST is a Death metal
band that drown in the abyss of the forgotten ones, even though
the band had a relative importance for Death metal in the North
of France. Their music was obscure old school brutal death à la
old SUFFOCATION, early IMMOLATION, BAPHOMET, with touches of ancient
Death metal à la early DEATH, ADRAMELECH with some early PESTILENCE.
The overall mood was mourning, abrasive, it's almost a true morbid
old school Death metal state of mind. The music was well constructed
with a bunch of cool deadly, strange and technical parts from here
and there. Morbid Death metal to awake the damned from its brutal
mourning and motivate the armies of nervous beer drinkers!! The
band was composed of Laurent (drums), who's now a part of DISGUST,
Christophe (Guitars) who was later involved in KHROMADEATH, DAZED,
SCARVENGER and another guitarist who left to form the gay FORLORN
EMOTION... Alcoholic reincarnation of morbid graven souls that
speaks to the guts of the beer injected ones! Brutal suffering overwhelming.
Gut crushing terror. Pus-filled liquefaction of the acidified entrails.
Sickening torso hallucinations. You fucking die!! A noticeable
fact for cock wankers: the cover artwork of this demo was supposed
to be the one of LOUDBLAST's "sublime dementia" Lp, but
INFEST chose it before! So they kept it! Anyway this info might
be useful for ass-lickers! Ah! Note: This isn't the same French
INFEST that recorded the very average "Any recall" Demo'93. INFEST
offered a totally cool and soulful Brutal death metal while they
were musically and technically ready to record a full-length CD!
If I don't mistaken what I heard, they even got some deal offers...
but the guitarist/ vocalist preferred to leave the band to form
the gay FORLORN EMOTION! This is a cruel damnation since INFEST
could have had a good impact on the French scene of its time...
but this is how trends work and kill the real Death metal bands
who deserve more than a local recognition!

(Fra) Any recall Demo'93. According to what I heard, there
was two French bands called INFEST at the time, and many bands used
the same name later... The cover of this demo is a nice drawing
with cool 'introspective' and imaginary ideas, reminds me some stuffs
I've drawn, at least it's cool to watch it. But the music of
the band was boring mid placed Death metal. They had double bass
drums and simple riffs... The leads also sound too much everheard!
Sounds a bit like DEATH (?). I may have no nostalgic feelings for
it since I didn't know the band at the time, but it remains too
much very average in the old boring style of this epoch! (And the
French scene was boring! trust me!) Just boring stuffs...

MAGGOG (Australia) Mouth full of maggots Demo tape.
1994. Self-released.
A thousand of newly released death metal albums are waiting for my hears on
obscure metal blogs, but I find more appeal checking out and dissecting the old
obscure demos!
This Australian band was very confidential, they released an only demo tape and
then split up...
The kind of Death metal they played was very influenced by the style you could
find in Florida in the early 90's... To sum it up, the content is a cross
between very early technical death, very early brutal death, and regular old
school death.
I hear similarities with ooold CANNIBAL CORPSE ("Tomb" or "the
bleeding"), early DEICIDE (Not so satanic or brutal yet), some
RESURRECTION, some MORTA SKULD, some mid old DEATH, touches of SUFFOCATION (For
accelerations of brutality) or zests of early GORGUTS (First album).
Even though they seemed to be pretty young, the musicians didn't have bad
skills and the songs were played/ structured in a quite nice manner.
I like the warm sound of the whole... And it's very cool to hear a very present
bass guitar, reminds me of the demo tapes I used to order in 94-95 that were
recorded by "Techno death" bands (It's how we called technical death
in France).
A shame there are no vocals, apparently the band had no vocalist, but it
doesn't bother me...
Well, this wasn't an outstanding demo, even if the musicians didn't suck MAGGOG
might probably have sounded like a cool band in the middle of a thousand of
cool bands... But anyway it remains cool to discover and dig the entrails of
these four songs, even 22 years later.

CORPSE (Jap) Baptisma Demo'93. Even before the strange
grind rock noise band C.S.S.O, there was MAGGOTY CORPSE! Buried
in the past and unknown by the modern metal cock-suckers, MAGGOTY
was filled with enough revenge and atmosphere of the damned to awake
your vilest castrated sociopathic fantasms! Nice second demo
of obscure Death metal with nice touches of death grind (NAPALM
DEATH "Utopia banished" and TERRORIZER) and some deadly
melodies of doomed existence awaking the morbid dead the way CREMATORY
(Swe), PARADISE LOST (very early), and MY DYING BRIDE (Very early)
could do! A shame it's not a bit faster tempos or more blast ridden. The
overall spirit of this demo is obscure with a little bizarre touch. All
in all the music wasn't that original (and ways less strange than
C.S.S.O, which isn't necessary a bad point if you ask me), rather
some cool and enjoyable Death metal with elements of Doom-death
and enough little wicked touches to turn on aids the fans of embalmed
Death metal obscurity!
(Swe) Demo'91. Here's a little paradox. Even if I'm downloading
MP3s as a voracious bastard, I surprisingly come back to a bit of
good old tape trading. The cool stuff with trading tapes is this
isn't your Mac Donald fast-food Brutal Death Devourment: you've
got to wait a few weeks before you can listen to the wanted item,
and as the days pass you can imagine how the band will sound as
a nice real envy grows... You don't download everything as a blinded
fool that checks every demo even before he thought about listening
to it... Now that this little introduction is finished, I can
review this old demo a friend of mine dubbed me even before I thought
about asking him so... I'm Cursed! Has the American cheezy clown
also possessed the tape traders? MASTICATION was totally in
the old school Swedish Death metal style, with the same kind of
compositions and kinda eroded sound. The music is very reminiscent
of CARNAGE's "Dark recollections" LP at every morbidly
assembled levels, but it also sound like old GRAVE very much! Nothing
exceptional, but it was a quite cool Demo for this time. For nostalgics
of the old style only! It may please the old school maniacs who
are buried by time and dust and need more than their old CARNAGE,
GRAVE, ENTOMBED (1st!) Lps they've played so much it's totally unhearable!

(Fra) Ties of death Demo'93. I heard a new track of the band
on the compilation CD of a French stupid and illusionist magazine
a few years ago, and their style is way more melodic than before,
if I remember well it's some melodic metal with a few synths. But
in 1994 they were far more into Death metal! It was an extreme style
that could remind of old MORBID ANGEL with some nice and quite technical
leads assorted to more melodic parts. But they had some original
touches such as some monks' singings, some Indus samples and few
more sorrowful riffs. It was Death metal with nice ideas reminding
me of POSSESSED, old MORBID ANGEL and MUTILATED for the tremolo
riffs while there was some quite catchy Doom death riffs à la very
old PARADISE LOST ("Gothic") assorted with both clear
and well sounding/ deep low vocals. Some DEATH influences were present
for more Death metal breaks with a nice melodic aspect. There was
maybe some old SUPPURATION influences also. The first track "Hecate"
was by far the best one... the following ones included nice or less
nice moments, it was more hesitating and sounded less "accomplished".
I would have liked to see them evolve in the way of "Hecate"!
The sound wasn't bad at all... The problem was the drums are low
in the grinding parts! The whole remained quite classical but
was enough well done and included enough cool ideas to make it worth
the listening for a demo, and it was better than most of the French
stuffs released at this time.
(Fra) Eyes of life Demo'94. Another old demo I bought directly
in the town of the band while I was travelling in the south of France!
It was cool to find a very underground demo in a so small town it
seemed to be the hole of France's ass! I guess it was distributed
to very few copies... Well, in my remembrances it was more extreme! It
begins with an intro that includes a discordant riff à la PITCH
SHIFTER. Then follows a Death/ Thrash reminding me of old LOUDBLAST,
SUPPURATION and a bit of DEATH. Their tracks were articulated on
quite complex riffs and structures. And they were tending to the
Techno Death metal style... But well, I remember I found it quite
obscure and complex at this time, it's only Death thrash with "original"
riffs à la SUPPURATION ("The cube"), for sure I was young! Some
parts aren't too bad as it reminds me old buried feelings and images,
but the music in itself wasn't that great nor special, and their
tracks were a bit too complex in my opinion... I'd better say it
lacked for example the highlight moments and melodies SUPPURATION
had on "The cube" (when it was still a good band, I can't
stand their following releases under the SUP name). It was ok for
its time.

MESTEMA (Fra) The way of
stupidity Demo tape. 1991. Self-released.
Oh triple fucks and spatiotemporal distorters! MESTEMA was a French band that
got a bit of attention in the French underground (And I mean this word: They
got attention in the world of tape demos and stuffs). I got a copy of their
first demo "Horrifying sight" years ago but it didn't move me on more
than that (It was much more thrash than Death metal) and their appearance on
the "Total virulence" compilation CD of once was more or less in the
same style...
It's only recently that I was able to download this second demo released only
(Approx) one year after the first one, and it's another affair! The style is
much more extreme and technical... This is simply real 90's Death metal with
influences of old techno death (The technical death metal of once) and extreme
blasting parts from the lands of madness.
The most Death-metallic moments can remember "Altars of madness"
(Blasts) or perhaps early ATROCITY (Ger- For something fucked in the mind)
while some peoples might hear current death black (The stuffs influenced by
ABHORER for example).
The technical side can remind of ooold ATHEIST (The most metallic days) when
the atmosphere is "brighter".
Fans of blastbeats will enjoy the numerous accelerations, sudden blastbeats and
quite tumultuous structures. For 1991 it wasn't too common.
Necro-archivists will probably be pleased to feel the band had this strange
touch the French bands once had when they included more original elements.
If you want more musical comparisons, I can provide the unhealthy names: ooold
THRONEUM (For the screams of agony), early ALTARS (Hol) or early CENTURIAN for
the Morbid angel influenced blastomania, and touches of ooold SUPPURATION (Fra)
for more "melodic" touches (Perhaps the "The cube" album,
but clearly not the early gorier demos).
For 1991 the music sounds quite fucking extreme and also quite technical...
It's surprising the band didn't get more recognition and even didn't get an
album deal, the music and playing sounds fucking professional... But maybe
1991/ 1992 was a bit too later to really get noticed in the "Pure death
metal" style (I remember in 1994 French peoples were already migrating
towards something original in the softer and more melodic form... While MESTEMA
goes here for extreme/ technical death with fucked structures and strange
ARGH. At least we can dig in the graves of the past and enjoy the recorded
musical testimonies! The king is buried since decades... Hail the king!
SKINNER (Usa) Stripped of flesh Demo’92. It's hard to
find some releases of the killer Grindcore band MULE SKINNER once
was! Their first and only album violently pierced my anus thanks
to its merciless grinding power! And more blasting energy was needed!
I was pleased to find this older demo in an obscure Death metal
hub, hoping it would be as crushing as the aforementioned CD! But
well it's not so powerful, I'd rather say MULE SKINNER sounded like
an average but promising band back then. Raw grinding Crustcore
with a bunch of mid placed parts reminding me of RIGHTEOUS PIGS
and the first era of NAPALM DEATH. The raw production makes the
band sound like a bestial war metal band in the vein of BESTIAL
WARLUST during the blasts! But we are talking about a core crushing
piece of shit that has also some punching beats à la REPULSION and
slow riffs à la old DEFECATION. The vokills are growled in a brutal
way! Quite gorgeous brutal death screams! Well, nothing really
special, but at this time MULE SKINNER was a quite promising band
with nicely rounded moments of Grind! :-)

(Fra) Psychodeath lunatics Demo'88. France, 1988. While most of the French scene of this
time is still deeply asleep and only few of the French metal heads
play thrash metal, some totally sick minds offer the most extreme
and total death metal a French band had offered until then! (Only
very few bands such as AGRESSOR, MASSACRA or NOMED had been considered
as a real extreme outfit until then!) It immediately explodes your
face with a chaotic lead à la old POSSESSED! Good Death thrash metal
à la very old POSSESSED that's surprisingly fast and good sounding
for this time in France! While the French Underground was conveniently
pleased by amateurism and chauvinist behaviors, MUTILATED kicked
more than one arse with this piece of true Death metal! Total Death
Metal morbidity in its purest form! Professional, with the old school
feel! The 3 tracks on this demo were definitely good, and still
sound very cool and morbidly energetic nowadays (even if there were
a few problems on drums' beats). Good technical leadzzz holocaust
that knocks the scum of some wanna be technical nowadays' bands!
Ah! It was technical and aggressive! This was a piece of Underground
Death/ Thrash metal with few speed metal riffs the old way! Total
cult! If you are a true Death metal fan and don't know MUTILATED,
you deserve to rot!!

DEATH (Uk) Demo '85 CDr Bootleg. Cool bootleg with NAPALM's
very first Demo. It's weird to hear how NAPALM could sound very
much into Punk/ early chatoic HxCx at it's beginning. Just imagine
the 1st side of "Scum" without any blast beats and only
mid tempos... and Mick Harris didn't do his mighty drum toms' rolls
at the time. IT was also nice to hear that Justin Broadrick who
later composed all the mighty GODFLESH albums ever had some depressive
(and disconnected from this world) riffs such as in the "What
man can do" or "So sad" tracks. These tracks sound
for me as the embryonic beginnings of GODFLESH for me. It's almost
sure if Justin had remain in NAPALM DEATH the band wouldn't have
turned into Extreme Death metal later! Think about it when you listen
to GODFLESH(R.I.P)! Anarcho Punk mixed with chaotic HxCx punk
à la "Scum" and depressive disconnections à
la GODFLESH. The sound ain't very good (of course) and the band
had improved a lot for the release of "Scum", but it remains
interesting for all Napalm Death fans and enjoyers of Grindcore
and Extreme music, to understand were a part of all the extremity
we enjoy comes from.

(Ger) Necrophagist Demo tape'95. Masturbation decreases the
size of cock... And it might be a real pain in the underwears for
the guys of NECROPHAGIST! Album after album, song after song, ejaculation
after ejaculation, their music became always faster, more technical
and more complex... If you follow the early principle of this chronicle,
I wonder what might happen in there, deep in the waters of the kangaroo-styled
underwears... maybe nothing? Ah Ah Ah! Anyway, before being a
strong addict to overabusive technicality, the composer of NECROPHAGIST
used to write good brutal death metal songs being catchy enough
to entertain the brutallers: not too fast, and injected with some
nice classical music influences from here and there. The songs
were played at the right blasting speed to punish you hears with
brutal, yet melodic riffs (that didn't abuse mellowdickness), haunted
variations of livid terror, screams of livid liquefying anguish...
the whole melted in efficient structures of spirit dissecting damnation!
The drum playing was performed by a real drummer of flesh and bones
(contrary to the not so sexy machine of the first album: things
turn hotter when it burns). I can say it, this demo was a KILLER
one when it was released! It stood as a good technical mix of old
DEICIDE, old CANNIBAL CORPSE (The bleeding), some old SINISTER,
few CARCASS and some European Death metal bands I won't quote to
keep you awake. Unfortunately, the German brutallers went for
a spermicidal and fast as a cold fuck brutal death on their first
album... and they re-recorded some of these demo-tracks in an abusively
fast way! What's the use to fuck as fast as fucking speedy Gonzales
if you don't let the feeling and heaviness of torturing horrific
death emerge from the inner embalments of "Tout Ankamon"
's voracious mummy? At least... let it flow!!! So, I can
say it now, NECROPHAGIST started and kept feeding the disappointment
in my hears! Of corpse, and as always, as it's played fast and a
professional way, with knowledge, many guys will claim it rules...
but as always it lacks the feeling it needs to naturally kick my
ass! The following to this demo was just listenable, or entertaining
when you're very much focused... This demo remains the very
best and most 'human' sounding NECROPHAGIST recording in my hears!
Not for wankers or sterile mind abusers! But for fans of really
obscure and horrific terrifying brutal death metal! Those who need
it straight from the guts! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!

(Usa) Indecent exposure/ Meals in the morgue Tape. 2021. KELLERASSEL
Recs. Yuuurk! It seems I didn't review old demos from the
90's since a while, and I got few copies of this cool tape release
in trade, so let's write a few words about it. First of all,
here's the label's bandcamp description that pictures it quite well:"NECROTOMY
from Texas were a short lived band in the early 90's. This official
re-release contains both their demo "Meals in the morgue"
(1991) and also the "Indecent exposure" EP, which was
originally released by Wild rags records in 1993. Expect some murder
obsessed noise on the edge of Death metal and old school Grindgore...
Limited to 77 copies on poison-green tapes..." In my hears
this sounds like a mix of old school death metal and some kind of
gore death/ grind the ooold way. Before the word "Goregrind"
ever existed. Musically this resembles a mix of IMPETIGO, old
OBITUARY/ VIOGRESSION (For the "slow" death metal parts),
a bit of early CARCASS (Not so extreme... But there something),
or a bit of very early MORTICIAN (Demo)... There is also a cool
old school horror atmosphere that reminds me of NECROPHAGIA's first
album ("Season of the dead", this one only) and also CARCASS
("Reek of putrefaction"). The old DM parts seem to take
more space than the "grind". This is somewhat simple
music, perhaps more than what we are used nowadays... But this is
cool to listen to! I would say this compilation of two demos/ Eps
is destined to fans of old underground demos only... But this holds
a cool vibe which makes it pretty corpse embalming, and the somewhat
gore-nostalgic feeling works quite well. "The decapitated
zombie was still snorting in the underground cellar, 30 years after
the beheading..." Listen: Label:

(Ger)/ ENTRAILS MASSACRE (Ger) Split tape’95 AXIOMA Prod. I
use the opportunity of 5 minutes of freedom to blow a black fuel
injected fuse on this review! Ah! Before turning to heavier
but ways more convenient Grindcore on "War criminal views",
NYCTOPHOBIC was a more aggressive Grindcore band that released a
few Grinding core kracked-brain pieces Cerebral molestation! (Some
demos, Eps and a split CD). You get here a split tape that was
recorded before this "War criminal views", the side of
Nyctophobic is an older live recording that keeps a good sense of
the electric Grindcore blasting explosiveness! Urban Grindcore
with many old school grooves and punches! Bizarre life vomiting
deep consciousness low pitched growls and classical Grindcore vocals.
That shredds and blasts the fuck out of your scumbag! Energy,
Grinding stress and passionating aggressiveness where the fucking
here! Why did they slow down on their first full-length that was
only Ok?
There are some
bands I happen to review several times not for the quality of their
music, but because they're featured on Split Eps with other cool
bands... And ENTRAILS MASSACRE is one of them! What I hear is
somekind of Grind/Crust that does nothing for me! They have some
tracks, but the riffs are noisy and the blasts are too fast! I don't
like their crust beats! Screamy vocals. Very average live sound
(not to say anything else). Well, that’s not for me! More energy
in your Grindcrust! Or stop playing this style! Very average band!

(Nor) Abduction of limbs Demo'90 This first OLD FUNERAL demo
is probably the one that remains the most raging, apocalyptic and
blasphemic! What you could hear, you perverse nun-fucker, it a complex
Death grind à la early MORBID ANGEL meets ABHORER! Skillful apocalyptic
shredding riffs that molest your brain as cut-razorblades and strange
sounding melodies the old morbid way! Plus a good dose of the clerical
vaginal blood is composed of good old complex and quite techno-death-metallish
death metal in the vein of what DARKTHRONE could play on their first
Lp and early demos: quite strange death metal with lots of breaks
and tempo changes! One could also detect few similarities with the
early Swedish death metal shredders who had the real and never matched
morbid enthusiasm for creating gut-tripping hymns of cold as fuck
and visionary Death metal!! Something really cool in this demo are
the spitting vocals of the illustrious unknown "Olve"
who later left the band for other winterish and forest induced considerations...
It's really scorched and sometimes were aren't so far from the brutal
and full of rancid bile spittings of some South American Black war
Death metal bands who blaspheme the Church at continuum crescendo!
Something cool about this early demo is some riffs sound strange
(discordances, strange changes). Early ATROCITY(Ger) could be quoted
as an influence for the semi apocalyptic accelerations in strange
3 foots sounding riffs being kicked in the ass by a virulent blasting
drumkit! Of corpse, some riffs and other stuffs could remind of
this or that band (few early Bolt Thrower for example), but I feel
like this demo remains fresh and cold as a dark winter in a Nordic
December! Needless to say I've played these 3 tracks over and over
at least 9 times the last two days! So move your ass and try
to find this nice piece of well composed ancient Death metal if
you like it fast, cold, bizarre sounding with plenty of old school
morbid riffs and spitting vocals from the abyss of ecclesiastic
castration! Hailz the Old Funeral!

(POL) Darklors Demo'95 I’m bored, another death metal band
trying to sound nice and melodic, usually I try not to care about
trends when it’s up to make a review but I’m really fucked up this
time. How can this be called death metal ( Death means morbid )
when this music is so funny, pretty nice and overall unaggressive.
Do not misunderstand me, this is correctly made and the sound is OK (
but it’s too clean and not heavy enough!), I’ve nothing againstt
this kind of music but I don’t like 99% of those bands and that’s
ever the beginning of a problem! The musicians play proper and they seem to have some
ok ideas which makes their thrashing melodical death not so linear...
But even years after I remain unconvinced, it didn't grow on me
to the contrary of what many labels like to say: "Check it
again! It will probably grow on you! Check it! check it!" They
only want to make the reviewer almost asleep and mentally abrupted
to get a good review! Ah ah
(Fin) Neutral forest Demo tape 1990. It's time for the vilest
putrefaction to awake again and take over the fallacious minds,
to spread the voracious underground gangrene one more time! Death
metal will be totally dead, totally putrid and disgusting one more
time! Any kind of mellowdick and watering down influence will definitely
escape the turmoils of pain to let escape and explode the strongest
revenge and pure hatred! Pure fucking death in your face!!
AAARRRGGGHHH!! But, I should slow down the insane dreams of prevailing
pure putridity, since most of the coming-back old bands disappoint
the strongest fans of death metal down to rotting agony (Pure damnation!),
and the newest bands, even if some are good, aren't able to match
the shredding enthusiasm of the end 80's… So, a wiser possibility
would be to extract again the morbid saviors from some older tape
recordings; even if some weren't the best, at least the obscure
feeling and enough putridity were there.
This time,
I'll exhume an old demo of the finish band PHLEGETHON. Before
all confining walls start to tremble, I should immediately state
they didn't sound that much like a Finnish death metal band of the
90's. In fact, the style of these fukkers of dead was much more
complex and technical. Imagine the first album of DARKTHRONE
(When they were playing quite technical (For this epoch!) and obscure
death metal) with some death thrashing influences exploding the
pustular agony right from the frustrated bowels of MERCILESS's first
album ("The awakening") and a bit of OLD FUNERAL (First
demo). Add few crazy riffs, some "dissonant" melodies
resonating a quite bizarre way, and your vision of death is focused
on the right maelstrom of pain! Well, to be a bit more realistic,
I should notice this tape wasn't that killer and emptiness-filling;
not sure if some current metal-listeners would like it that much,
but a good answer could be: FUCK YOU!! This sounds quite crazy enough
for my putrid needs, and the complexity of the thing, even if it
doesn't necessarily sounds composed the best way, makes it nice
for my traumatic brain! A cool tape for Death metal maniacs...
These words shall be your grave.
(FRA) Tape 97 Beware! This project isn’t being taken for
serious, imagine a couple of stoned friends recording their improvised
stuff on a 4 tracker! Total carp! Drum machine and buzz guitar sound! Total
crap! It’s funny
and laughable, if you’re interested by this total crap!

(Usa) Bathrooms rule Demo tape'87. Where has gone the good
crushing Death metal? My trembling scalpel can't wait for more. Are
the endless legions of current underground bands unable to write
any sincere and life-long killing riffs? This seems to be another
sad but true malediction! We might need to search anywhere else
for pure darkness and complete extreme sincerity. Some peoples listen
to something drastically different, secretly waiting for a killer
Death metal come back, some find a refugee in old and quite rotten
demo stuffs... This is exactly what we will do right now.
This old American
REGURGITATION (That has nothing to do with the second American Regurgitators
who used to play brewwwtal death... This one is some pre-incarnation
of O.L.D) played a cool sounding old styled Death metal with mostly
fast parts (almost blasts) that could sound like some REPULSION
with strangely high pitched vocals, and some shooted thrash hardcore
claims. I also think about ATROCITY (Us). This tastes a bit like
some kind of pre-Grind, with a not so serious aspect... Maybe for
some vocals that could remind of early NECROPHAGIA and especially
Killjoy who would have abused something being too saturated with
toxic strawberries. There are also few doomy riffs à la AUTOPSY,
this is what I prefer. I also happen to think about old DR SHRINKER...
Maybe for the production and most death metal edge. Some vocal
effects and few screamed guitar screams mixed with a not so easy
to understand production gives it an early Earache feel. I guess
there's nothing to please the younger fans of metal, or all those
who can't help but stick their ass at all costs to the homodernity,
but REGURGITATE sounds cool and quite more extreme than all nowadays
craps, once your head is flying in a world of old school spiked
sea urchins or when it's taken in a nostalgic old fart urge.

(Jap) Reignterror Demo tape'92. Sit tightly in your comfortable
cunt-armchair, and open another warming comfortable beer to fully
appreciate what will follow... And what won't be the next mainstream
metal revelation (Ah Ah). This demo didn't contain the most aggressive
or savage thrash metal, since REIGNTERROR choose to play a style
reminding of METALLICA (Especially "Master of puppets")
and so the result was quite neat and varied. There were both the
fast controlled (Or not) riffs, heavier parts, quite a lot of nice
sounding leads, technical breaks and a few acoustic interludes.
I also happen to find small similarities with old INFERNAL MAJESTY
or eventually early EXODUS. It was quite well played and built,
and nothing seemed bad, but according to the context of this epoch
while many bands used to emulate this kind of neat thrash metal,
I'm not sure if they could make a little hole for themselves, especially
since there wasn't anything personal or I'd call thrilling. Nothing
memorable, and the band apparently split up after this one and only
short recording (Composed of only two songs)... But it remains a
nicely listenable demo once you're brewing your metal in a cool
state of mind... I might notice the drummer also plays in
GORGON, few Japanese metal maniacs might find this info of interest.

in rotting flesh Demo'95 Well, I know this is an old demo
but this is a cool band so they need your support! They play
very professional heavy and brutal death metal with GRAVE, BOLT
THROWER influences, vocals sometimes reminds me of OBITUARY or even
AUTOPSY (R.I.P), Cool pro demo if you're into pure heaviness!
Their tracks might sound quite long, and with the distance I'm not
so fond of it (their CD is better and more intense), but this let
us see ROTTING wasn't a crap band! A cool Demo that could announce
some good things!
DAWN (Ger) Mortal consumption Demo tape'94. When I downloaded
this demo I expected Grindgore stuffs, full of blasts and bizarre
sickened ideas from the disfragmented brain of the putrid pervert,
but I was quite surprised: what you have on this 1st SANITYS DAWN
demo is mid-placed death metal for most of it. It sounds like slow
very fast and not much energetic, even though few accelerations
à la early EDGE OF SANITY were there. The vocals weren't much gore
of powerful, not extreme enough! Some of their riffs were quite
gore and strange for the band's level, but it wasn't the prevailing
element in there, so you might not hear these riffs as gore or bizarre
but common Death metal if you aren't in the schizogore process of
flesh ventilation (Bad joke...The weather is damn hot) uh? It
seems only the third track of this demo later appeared in their
first full-length "Criptic menu", it's actually the most
"bizarre" song of this tape. To conclude this demo
wasn't anything special, it only sounded as a new band playing average
death metal with touches of bizarre stuffs. The sound and the tracks
were quite clean, but I wouldn't ( have detected in this release
the intense aggression and bizarrity SANITYS DAWN would have displayed
later on their second and best album "Mangled in the meatgrinder".

(Fra) Demo'94. Here's the very first recording of SCARVE.
I got it in a shitty trade with an obscure as fuck distro that had
to get rid of some impossible to sell stuffs. This trade wasn't
so shitty since this demo isn't bad, and it must be hard to find
now! Ah... At this time the style of the band was different
from what they play now! But it was complex and 'in a way) original!
Somekind of Techno Thrash with little Death touches. And there were
a few melodic vocals in between the thrashing ones. It wasn't so
technical as they didn't own the technical guitar killings of DEATH's
"Individual thought patterns" (for example) more common
(but nice) riffs with variating ideas on structures and surprises.
Their tracks weren't bad, quite complex songs with a good amount
of breaks and variations. I may quote a bit of some musical elements
of these bands for you to get an idea of SCARVE in 1994: MEKONG
DELTA, very old ATHEIST, old FAITH NO MORE DEATH ("Individual"
without the technical edge) or even old ATROCITY(Ger) 's less technical
parts. There's a nice energy in here, some discordant tunes and
the drums' parts were quite alive and varied. It wasn't an amateurish
band, and it was one of the coolest bands of the French techno death/
techno thrash microcosm of this time (that included bands like Eviternity,
Thalidomide, Droys and others). If you enjoy their actual releases,
it can be interesting to put an hear on this demo if you can lay
one hand on it.

Kharkharamaphatic Regurgitator Demo tape. 1989. Self-released.
When you run a small underground label, sometimes the week-ends taste like you
turned into a dead rat rotting in (relatively) cold piss... Because it happens
to be very quiet, during all of the Saturday and most of the Sunday... Fucking
Q.U.I.E.T... And suddenly, you receive two quite big orders, an approval for a
trade request, in the next minutes you become busy like hell/ doing 3 things at
the same time (While the week end is over in two hours and everything must be
shipped the same day Ahah)
I will use this rat-o-matic opportunity to review an old grindcore band from
the rotting polish underground. Their name was SCHISMOPATHIC, they released
only a couple of demos/ rehearsals/ obscure splits or things similar (Stuffs so
obscure that some websites aren't clear about what is official or not), and
their style was good old styled grindcore with (some) death metal influences.
This sounds quite kicking and also raw, this reminds me of early NAPALM DEATH
(Perhaps rather the "F.E.T.O" days, but also some "Scum"
from the B-side), with touches of early SQUASH BOWELS (Demo, Ep, or
something... Something nice?) and perhaps also early BLOCKHEADS (France). I was
going to quote early DEAD INFECTION, but there's nothing gore to be found here,
the music is "only" cool/ very cool old grindcore...
Well, nothing original, but who cares? It can damage your hanging balls in a
quite severe way, and if you want something original you can plug a dozen of
rats on a damaged electric radiator to record their screamings at full volume!
(Oh, it seems the band has come back, but I didn’t listen yet…)

(Fra) Promo tape'92. After an averagely impressive first
demo in the thrash metal vein, SHUD Brutalized their metal to offer
your pure morbid fucking Death metal! The ancient feeling and riffs
emerging from darkened past materializes straight from your Hi-Fi
and haunts your depressed brain as the visions of the ancient necrotic
and sadistic deities torment your weak consciousness in agony! Pure
old school Death metal influenced by the following great names of
deadly metal: early DEATH, old and deadly MORGOTH, early MERCYLESS
(Fra), some very old MORBID ANGEL and some fucking MUTILATED (Fra)!
Fast pounding Death metal of Death with a burning bunch of fast
Death thrashing riffs, hellish or melancholic leads but also some
heavier doomy guitars and infinite darkness melodies that can evoke
the old days of ASPHYX!! I like the disgusted vocals of death! The
vocalist vomits right at the cross between these 3 incarnations
of Death: Marc Grewe (Morgoth), Martin Van Drunnen (Asphyx, Pestilence)
and Max Otero (Mercyless (Fra)). The true scourge of annihilating
existence! There are also some melodic interludes from here and
there, but it fits well since it remains deadly and obscure... à
la BRUTALITY (First albums) and MERCYLESS ("Abject offerings").
I think nowadays bands such as UNFRAGMENT or VEHEMENS share
the same spirit of Doomed death metal morbidity. SHUD wasn't
a really original or outstanding band, as many formations they did
mistakes from here and there, but this promo tape was and is still
enjoyable for fans of Death metal the morbid and mourning way! It
was done with enough knowledge of death and taste of the obscure
to be a very pleasant tape! One last line for the maniac hunters
of obscure metal: surprisingly enough this demo is still available
in few surviving distros that remains hidden from this reality of
shit! Search and fucking fester!

(Usa) Exiled at the well of souls Demo tape 1992. I have
no obscured clue about the rotting position SOLEMN could have in
the underground of the beginning 90's. After all, it might have
been quite common obscure death metal, drowned in the endless legions
of death metal bands endlessly escaping the vomiting mouth of the
underground at this time, and many current bangers would find this
demo as just "another old useless crap"… But I find some
quite morbid qualities in this quite sulfurous tape. The style
of "Exiled at the well of souls" evolves mostly between
the mid-placed and the slow, as you can think about IMMOLATION ("Dawn
of possession") or some old INCANTATION, with doomy touches
à la (very) early PARADISE LOST/ MY DYING BRIDE/ DECREPIT, and heavy/
quite mechanical brutal death riffs à la old SUFFOCATION with
a zest of old GORGUTS... But there are also some accelerations on
granitic frenzy between the blast and the old punching death metal
beats. All in all, the riffing and composition of songs sound
average, but I feel a quite good atmosphere of obscurity that helps
to make the rot a bit more than crepitating. This might be a cool
demo tape for big fans of underground doomy death metal (The real
doom in my rotting opinion! With heavy guitars of lividity and death
throats from hell). Nothing spectacular or that thrilling, but an
atmosphere and some claustrophobic riffs of doom are cool. (Notice
the drummer of this band used to play in DETERIOROT, and the music
of both bands isn't so far from one to another).

(Malaysia) Cryptic existence Tape Lp’93. VALENTINE SOUND Prods. It
might not seem so wiiiize or sex-appealing to do that, but
it feels safer to review older Death metal releases that do not
sound as professional or “good” than what the current standards
impose. Away you’re still free to leave! SUFFERCATION
might have been somekind of trusty valor of the brutal at the time,
since they sounded more right to the point than the past Malaysian
records I checked. And what could you expect? Fast, almost blasting
Death metal reminding of early DEICIDE, early SEANCE, with Brutal
touches à la SUFFOCATION, and mid-placed Death metal parts à la
old DEATH and early ASPHYX. The production wasn’t top notch but
rather quite gruffy (I have the same problem with a DETERIORATE
tape album… It might have been abused by a sadistic tape player!),
but it’s not necessary for the worst since some blasting parts earn
a little of the parasites some old Grindcore records had. To
sum it up, SUFFERCATION wasn’t an exceptional, but rather 3rd grade
or average underground band (Depending on the mood), but I happened
to play few songs during moments of boredom, so it might not have
been that bad, and for the time the band at least had some skills.
Notice they were previously called SUFFOCATION and changed moniker
for obvious reasons, plus I own another tape of their so a review
might come up in few years…

(Usa) Tumultuous travelings Demo Tape’92. I never heard
about this band until recently, and I absolutely don't understand
why! For its time, it was innovative Brutal death metal with a mix
of unexpected influences and real energy! Imagine a mix between
very early MY DYING BRIDE with touches of early GODFLESH and you'll
have a good overview of the THING! TIMEGHOUL married with success
moments of fast brutality, suffocating heaviness, obscure dark doom,
with a bunch of strange riffs à la early ATROCITY! Tortured visions
of a morbid future! This was promising and full of potential! This
is quite vertiginous to think about what the band could have developed
with few more years of practicing... But where the fuck where
the labels back then ??! TIMEGHOUL was probably too strange and
innovative (This means there wouldn't have been many immediate sells
and the album would have needed an adequate promotion... which needs
money! But some businessmen probably preferred to 'invest' on the
trendy shits of the time... all these craps most of us already forgot!)
Fuck the corporate "independent" music business... deep
in the ass!

MOSH (Ger) Greed and lust Demo tape’89. What the fuck
is that? I ordered this tape expecting some thrashing stuff (see
the band's moniker) but there's absolutely no metal... Uh!!! What
you have here is 20 tracks being mostly composed of very short grind
impacts à la early NAPALM DEATH (See "You suffer" and
"Dead") with some mid-placed Hardcore and Thrash/ HC.
The blasts sound fast as fuck, and it's probably one of the few
only qualities I could find in there. Guitarwize it's average and
unimpressive (Some punkish HC stuffs sucks). Vocalwise it's rather
Hardcorish spoken and half shouted (No guttural, no deepness). So
it's an average and quite useless tape (in my opinion) that might
refresh few minutes in the shitty existences of those who like stuffs
like SPAZZ, the less noisy of ANAL CUNT and half serious old Grindcore
recordings... It might have been an extreme and quite innovative
demo for its time... who knows... But we're in 2005 and I don't
see many points for headbanging on TOTAL MOSH.

UNDERTAKER (Usa) Necro Thievery Demo tape. 1994. CREEPO Recs.
Artificially maintained weightlessness.
The throat attached with a rope of glass.
Once this superficial state of levitation is over,
Your weight will be the cause of your demise.
UNDERTAKER played quite great sounding early brutal death metal, with strange
They had something in common with SKELETON OF GOD, both for the music and the
production (In the weirdest, strangely grooved and "jazzy tech"
moments it's quite clear, and some sudden accelerations are also in the same
kind of "hydro blast").
Now the style of the band wasn't so weird and I would currently classify their
music as closer to regular US brutal death metal from the beginnings (Some
riffs aren't far from early SUFFOCATION/ PYREXIA), even if it was probably not
regular at the time.
I could also notice little touches of IMMOLATION in slower "groovy"
moments (Think about strange guitars).
This recording was clearly modern for 1994, I wouldn't go as far as saying the
band was "ahead of its time" (Didn't we read these words too often
the last years?) but hearing this early brutal death metal in 2015 still
globally give an impression of "freshness". Now even if some parts
are great, and some "liquid" feelings are nice, some heavier moments
also became a bit boring.
If you want a bit of "crusty facts", UNDERTAKER came from the same
state than S.O.G (Colorado) and was also signed on the same label (Creepo
records), so every similarities were probably not due to genius accidental
apparitions happening during hydro-smoke sessions.
I saw two of the musicians went to play in WICKED INNOCENCE later (A band that
practiced a more modern kind of death/ brutal death, but I don't remember
liking their sounds too much).

(Swe) Scum of the earth Demo tape'93. VERMIN was a nice Death
grind band that might have rang some underground bells at the time,
but probably not much more. Their music evolved between some
kind of Death grind à la REPULSION, VIBRION, RIGHTEOUS PIGS and
older Death metal meets brutal death patterns like old DEICIDE,
quite old styled death formations. There are melodic Swedish
Death touches that bring a bit of mystery. I quite often occur to
think about early BROKEN HOPE (When they were more focused on brutality
and gore than technicality) for blasting or heavy reasons. In fact
there are a bit of many influences, and I could have quote many
names including CEMETARY (Early), ROTTING HEAD, CARNAGE (Crusty
parts), VIOGRESSION, DEATH (Scream bloody gore) and many others...
but what's the use of giving too much names? The sound of my
copy isn't very clear (It might be at least 6th generation), so
it doesn't help to check out every riff the right way, but one thing
is certain: At the time of this demo VERMIN wasn't more than a 3rd
grade Death metal band. There are nice ideas and quite raw parts,
but it lacked a touch of originality, overall coherence and catchy
feelings from hell to turn the breathers of death into addicted
beasts. I didn't listen to what VERMIN did later, but if I remember
well there's at least one album... It might be the best record to
tastes the blasting savior of the VERMIN.

(Usa) Darkened salvation Demo tape 1995. I used to read about
WITCH-HUNT and decrypt their nice logo in the 1st newsletter issues
of the dead and buried death metal fanzine LIQUID OF LIFE... Unfortunately
I was never able to lay my hands on any of their releases... Never,
no... But finally, more than 8 years after, as unreal as it
could seem, I finally found a copy of this demo tape in a cool US
distro who still carries few copies (The name: ETERNAL DARKNESS
Creations). The music is quite surprising if you ask me, coz
in my darkened remembrances WITCH-HUNT was clustered as somekind
of old school death metal, while the music you can hear on the tape
has more melodies. I could call it a mix between US Death metal
à la MORTA SKULD/ RESSURECTION, early DEATH, with an half of melodic
stuffs apparently taking from some heavy metal and what could have
been the melodic death of the beginnings...(But I won't quote any
name since I didn't give a fuck about mellow-dicks in death metal...
And do I give a fuck now??... Ah!!). I also happen to think about
a bit of some good old BAPHOMET (The heaviness), few VIOGRESSION
(Cool 1st Lp), with blasting zests à la PYREXIA (old) and some OBITUARY...
But the death metallic parts aren't SO dominating, and the music
is generally mid placed. It's a shame the band didn't focus more
on the extremes (Much slower or much faster than the mid-placed
beats of... Pop rock? ahah), and threw so much melodies in the pot
of rancid green jam, because they had some cool (Yet not original)
deah metal patterns. This remains some kind of average demo tape
that could turn on those who like it both melodic and not so melodic...
But it's too convenient for me, since I'm addicted to much more
intense urges of death and much more dense obscurity.
