- DEMOS - OLD STUFFS - FANZINES - GIGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Fra) Signs of the decline CD'92 PHONOGRAM. MASSACRA has
always been a band being avoided by the French metal medias, sure
these bastards prefered to fullfill their deaf hears with some full
of shit French demos and CD releases! Because MASSACRA was far better
than 97% of the french bands that's for sure! And it just seems
strange to me the band is actually cult in foreign countries while
it's not really the case in France... What's this shit?? Here's the
3rd release of the band, their most Brutal, pro and efficient effort!
Their two previous ones included in my opinion some catchy riffs
and a good amount of cool tracks with an old feeling, but on these
"Signs of decline" they had reached new levels in efficiency
and expression! (Some apocalyptic revelations weren't so far!).
Check the tracks "Evidence of abominations" or "Defying
man's creation" (with its good opening riff)!! The band
played quite long tracks with a good amount of riff that at least
had a cool Death metal feeling, the kind of full of tremolos stuffs,
but still with thrashy influences. They started to own Death
metal ideas that were just evolving into something different, it
was just on a few riffs, but something different seemed to be appearing.
Some riffs reminded me of old SINISTER (but less technical). They
had at this time a drummer that brought quite good touches in his
drumming. This CD procured me excellent Death metal feelings!
And there are still some riffs I sing in my head while driving!
you don't enjoy MASSACRA, then fuck you and go back listening to
(Usa) Master Lp’90 Nuclear Blast. MASTER=Paul Speckmann.
It is just a useful reminder for the ones who would have forgotten.
And if I ask you what bands like X-ECUTIONNER (pre OBITUARY), PESTILENCE,
and generally the majority of the death metal bands born in the
end of the 80´s have in common, what is the answer?...... Yes, they
all have taken the MASTER demos as a big inspiration, as well as
the stuff of SLAUGHTER, POSSESSED and DEATH. As a matter of fact
Paul Speckmann already released 2 demos under the moniker MASTER
in 1983, and was himself strongly influenced by.... yes you get
it: MOTÖRHEAD. So, I ant to say to every little motherfucker around
who pretends that MASTER never was really a major influence in the
creation of death metal to fuck off deeply (Yeah, I´ve heard such
ignorant persons...). But come back to the music. As a matter of
fact, Paul Speckmann was occupied with his other bands ABOMINATION
and DEATHSTRIKE and remained in the underground when he finally
got a deal with Nuclear Blast in the end of the 80´s. Then he was
able to release his first album under the cult name MASTER, and
what an album! Argh! If you like it strong, straight in your face,
with sound that only Paul Speckmann knows to produce and a drums
that’s almost crust, then why the hell haven’t you already got this
album in your collection? The highlights of this cult piece of vinyl
are songs like "Pledge of allegiance" where Paul is mocking
on his country, the USA, really fun to read these lyrics nowadays
with the actual situation in Iraq... Songs like "Funeral bitch"
or "Mangled dehumanization" will stick in your mind until
you blow your head off with a gun! ha! Personally, I enjoy more
the "Funeral bitch" version on the solo album of Paul
called SPECKMANN PROJECT, in all humility! Ha! Otherwise, after
a not so needed bass solo, Paul plays one of the best BLACK SABBATH
covers I have ever heard: "Children of the grave"... Fuck,
it’s totally "materized", and it fucking rule. Once you
hear this cover you immediately feel how much BLACK SABBATH was
and remains extreme. After this cult piece of vinyl, Paul continued
with MASTER, and released several albums, whose "On the seventh
day... God created MASTER" is maybe the best (and features
Paul Masvidal on guitar-ex DEATH, CYNIC). He keeps on releasing
albums nowadays that aren’t so godly nor so thrilling than this
one. But the guy deserves an immense respect for what he has done
for the scene, and for always having sticked to his roots, and also
for being the "Lemmy" of Death Metal. Brutal, primitive,
efficient and true to the bone.
(Usa) Collection of souls CD'93 NUCLEAR BLAST. Before Paul
Speckman went to live in Czech republic and started to and MASTERize
the declining Death metal of KRABATHOR, he was also the frontman
of MASTER and ABOMINATION. And well, MASTER's demo days were
very influential for the old school Death metal scene, including
bands such as X-CUTIONNER, OBITUARY, DEATH and others... But the
following of their productions (except from their first self-titled
Lp) wasn't that good in my opinion. There's not much to say about
this 3rd MASTER Lp, and this isn't this one of their releases I
discovered the first that would have gave me the need to get some
more interest in the band! The music here lacks of aggressiveness,
power and anything... Compared to the Super Brutal Lps that were
released at this time, it wasn't that decent for an extreme CD release!
good part of the riffs is simple as fuck tremolos with some "melodies"
you have heard too much before... and it sounds forced, as if Paul
had to release a CD for several reasons (despite it wasn't sincere).
Flat and boring riffs for 90% of it. Anyway the drum playing
isn't bad! Fast double bass drums, tight guy. Some tracks include
some Heavy metal/ Rock touches and it seems there's a CD/DC cover
here ("Jailbreak"). And there are a few Ok tracks... But
the whole is definitely not worth the fucking price of an Lp!! Even
the cover doesn't look good... If you're very curious and want to
hear it, don't buy it you fool! There are thousands and thousands
of better Lps! So try to find it in a friend's collection, or simply
don't listen to it!
MEATHOOKSEED (Uk) Embedded CD'93 EARACHE. Meathook seed, c’était le premier all star band du death metal.
Mitch Harris, Trevor Peres, Donald Tardy, soit pour les incultes,
Napalm death et Obituary réunis. De quoi appater le chaland donc.
Mais de death metal il n’est pas question sur Embedded, ou seulement
de manière très résiduelle. Si la musique reste raisonnablement
agressive, elle situe plutôt au carrefour de l’indus sauce Ministry
et du hardcore qu’à celui de Napalm et Obituary, même si on retrouve
quelques riffs assez Napalm. Malheureusement, le résultat n’est
pas à la hauteur de ce qu’on pouvait attendre d’un tel line up et
a les défauts de bien trop des side projects : des morceaux trop
vites torchés, qu’on joue pour se marrer entre pote sans prendre
vraiment garde au fait qu’on va faire envoyer 100 balles dans le
vent à des milliers de petit hardos. Ils ont peut être bien rigolé,
quant au public, c’est une autre paire de manche…
(Fra) Abject offerings CD'92 VINYL SOLUTION. Throw
away your melodic thrash crap! And take this pure death thrashing
metal gem right in your little poser's face! On their first and
best LP, MERCYLESS melted altogether the extreme brutality of death
metal, the aggression of thrash metal and some melodic touches to
make it more interesting in an excellent obscure mood of pure Death
metal! Their compositions were top notch as it included some catchy
riffs and melodies (with some worked on riffs or harmonies) and
the whole was well structured! All the more the vocalist ("Max
Otero") has some vocals' part that were near of John Tardy
(Obituary)'s ones, it was more personal than your usual ultra low
grunts! The death metal frenesy was here! It reminds me of old
MORBID ANGEL, MUTILATED and old SLAYER! The obscure mood of death
and good morbid arrangements were here! It reminds me of old DEATH
and very old MORGOTH! The catchy melodies were here, both skullcrushing
or ancient and epical! It sounds like DEATH (all times) and some
old BOL THROWER (a bit). A good classy touch of well-arranged
compositions was here! MERCYLESS was one of the best bands of
the 90's French scene as they stood above this country's musical
averageness! This is a sincerely good LP that has the needed qualities
to please the fans of Death metal who love it extreme, obscure,
well arranged and well done! The second CD of the band was less
impressive, and their following releases that were more "original"
didn't turn me on! The spirit of this band seems to bee dead since
years... R.I.P MERCYLESS!
(Swe) The awakening LP’89 Deathlike Silence Productions 001 I
know people who would almost kill me to get my original copy of
this MERCILESS first and surely best album to date.Hahaha!!! 1989
seems to be a good year for thrash metal with albums like this one
and CORONER´s "No more color", SODOM´s "Agent orange",
DESTRUCTION´s "Live without sense"... A Norwegian guy,
who seemed to be less stupid than the average population of this
country, called Øystein Aarseth (Euronymous) started his label and
decided to promote a Swedish thrash metal band because of its unmatched
aggression and high quality in repugnance... Yeah, MERCILESS was
the first band signed on DSP, and remains a cult act until nowadays
thanks to this first LP and to the demo from 1988 "Realm of
the dark" (whose 1 song was not re recorded on the album).
So, this album with a famous Gustave Doré´s artwork showing
"the awakening" of the deads delivers nothing but pure
aggressive and dirty thrash metal whose terrific vocals are handled
by Rogga. His voice sounds morbid as hell, and once you have listened
to songs like "Pure hate" or the eponym "The awakening",
I don’t know if it’s possible to dislike this band! ha! Aaaaargh!
One more time, some 10 years old boys are teaching to the actual
bands how to thrash ´till death! These kids have digested their
METALLICA, KREATOR, SODOM and DESTRUCTION lp´s and really managed
to deliver the finest quintessence of Thrash Fucking Metal on their
demo and first lp. I mean, if you want to hear frenzy, aggression,
speed, feeling, hate, and of course pure thrash metal the way it
has to be... Then, what else should I advise you to check than the
first MERCILESS LP in the underdogs bands category? Simply as it
is, MERCILESS is as cult as the German ASSASSIN, DEATH ROW or DARKNESS,
but they push the boundaries in the sense where the speed of the
compositions and the agresivity of the voice had hardly ever been
heard before, at least in Sweden. So you understood me, and
then go to buy the re-release of this excellent masterpiece of thrash
metal by Osmose, and put it next to "Bonded by blood",
"Darkness descends", "Raining blood", "Pleasure
to kill" and "Infernal overkill". I said.
Nuns have no fun MLP'82. Here's a nice jewel from my slowly growing
collection! I got it for a correct price in a second hand market... the guy
didn't know what a jewel he owned! Ah Ah! It seems to me it's the first
recording of the band! Very nice Heavy metal with lots of well-placed breaks
and variations, it's in the same style than their first good LP "Melissa"!
Yes! Everythings were ever here to make of them a strongly good Heavy metal
band! Quite aggressive riffs with enough punch, good drumming ideas that makes
the thing more alive, good sounding and varied vocals, technical leads that were
fucking promising, and lots of breaks and well put surprises in the tracks! The
vocals of King Diamond weren't always as screamed and cynical as a few years
latet though... Some good leading melodies à la old IRON MAIDEN were there and
there was some speed metal riffings! It was both melodic and Hard'n heavy! It
can be felt passion was ever here! And I've got in my ears the proof of an
everflowing creativity! A shame you can't listen to this! Ah Ah... It doesn't
sound old compared to the Heavy metal bands of these years I've heard. It just
sounds more passionate and energetic! This MLP includes the following tracks:
"A corpse without soul", "Nuns have no fun", "Doomed by the living dead" and
"Devil eyes". If you can't find this very good MLP after years of blood and
tears of a search, you still can come to my house and kill me with your big gun!
Ah Ah!
MESSIAH (Swi) Hymn to Adramelin
LP'86 Rerelease 02 MASSACRE. Uuuaaarghhh!!! This is really a dirty piece of real ugly metal
that could only be heard in the 80's. 1986 is not only the year that saw
the birth of "reign in blood", but it's also the year when one of the most
cult underground acts unleashed its unholy tunes of hate. Yes, MESSIAH
simply kicked serious ass and definitly had an own identity that made them
as godly as their country mates from CELTIC FROST, whose ex roadie Marco
"Dinosaur" Suremann produced "Hymn to Adramelin". The way of riffing might
remind early DESTRUCTION and KREATOR, as well as the atmosphere emergin
through these morbid tunes. Yeah, MESSIAH was really extreme, and traced the
way for a lot of death metal bands. Imagine the agressivity of the
aforementionned bands mixed with the raw side of early PROTECTOR, and
you might have an idea of how cult this release sounds. This is something
totally unique and that has not lost its efficiency and charm. MESSIAH
kicked serious ass at the time, and could have kept on doing it if they had
stuck to the quality of "hymn to Adramelin" and their second effort
"extreme cold weather". I think that one should forget the platitude of
their latest works like "Rotten perish" and "underground". On this
Massacre recs re-release one has also the chance to listen to some more raw
material from the early days of MESSIAH. Namely, the inofficial demo from
1984. It reminds me a lot the first BATHORY effort, due to its simple
efficiency and the way the drum is used. Still, the typical MESSIAH's
touch of the god era are here, and it's fucking cool to hear to this
embryo of the excellent "Hymn to Adramelin". A must!!!!!
ANGEL (Usa) Altars of madness CD'89 EARACHE. Here's the
album of a guy who totally understood everythings to Death metal!
All the tracks here simply excellent and now cult! All the riffs,
ideas, breaks, leads comes straight from the guts! Excellent Death
metal with incredibly efficient and original (for its time) compositions!
The dark and sulphurous spectrum of Death can be smelt in all these
tracks that include moments of pure domination, brutality, aggressiveness,
satanic viciousness and heavier soulful researches! It still makes
me hail Death! All the more, purely inventive and intense drumplaying
that surprises you at each new listening! The drummer was tight,
skillfull and expressive as few drummers were before! And the
vocals aren't gore nor Brutal growls, it simply sounds viciously
satanic with some excellent evil spells! The "metal heads"
into extreme music who don't enjoy this album simply can stop listening
to Death metal!!
MORGOTH (Ger) Cursed CD'91 Century media. Premier album pour les espoirs de Morgoth, qui en a déçu plus
d’un. Pourtant, c’est peu de dire que cet album a joué un rôle important,
car si la plupart des groupes européens misaient clairement sur
le doom pour se démarquer, Morgoth avait lui choisit une voie alors
beaucoup plus originale : celle de la lourdeur extrême caractéristique
des Samael et autres Alastis, en un mot comme en cent, celle du
black au sens originel du terme. Et ça tombe plutôt bien, parce
que c’est un style de musique qui a été très vite délaissé et qui
a donc le mérite de ne pas trop saouler dix ans après, quand bien
même Cursed n’a rien d’un album extraordinaire. Je me demande ce
que peut bien penser quelqu’un qui n’aurait pas été élevé dans l’amour
du thrash extrémiste de cet album un peu vieillot, mais pour les
amateurs de cette période, Cursed est un album très recommandable,
où tout ce qui est emmerdant chez beaucoup d’autres séduit.
MORGOTH (GER) Feel sorry for the fanatic CD'96 Century media. Changement de cap pour Morgoth qui abandonne le Death metal de
ses débuts pour se lancer dans une musique beaucoup plus variée
et mélodique quoique toujours aussi sombre. Une chose est sûre : nos gaillards ont beaucoup biberonné Killing
Joke pendant les trois ans qui séparent Feel sorry de Odium. This
fantastic decade est donc l’entrée en matière parfaite : sur fond
de riffs somme toute classiquement métal (Slayer les aurait-il renié
sur Seasons ?) se détache un chant qui évoque immanquablement Jaz
Coleman. On poursuit avec l’excellent Last Laugh, toujours dans
la même veine, puis avec un Cash qui évoque Prong ou un instrumental
purement électronique. Disque courageux donc, au titre on ne peut
mieux trouvé à destination sans doute des “ puristes ” du death
metal. metal (où en serait-on d’ailleurs si on les écoutait ? à
Death strike ?). Même si il manque souvent à ces morceaux le petit plus qui vous
transforme un titre honnête en classique (au niveau des refrains
notamment), Feel sorry est un bon album qui ne peut que faire regretter
que Morgoth n’ait pas poussé plus loin dans cette voie prometteuse.
(Swe) In the arms of... 12'Ep 91. MORPHEUS was the
perfect band to review before goind to bed! At least their name
could sound nice before drowing into hellish thoughts and unhallowed
fantasms. What we had here was old school Death metal with a
cool swedish sound. I really like this quite corrosive and aggressive
guitars with heavy (yet compressed) and tight drums' production.
Their style was very much influenced by old GRAVE with some CARNAGE
occurences. Nothing excellent, but it sounds rather like a cool
copy compared to the amount of very shitty stuffs released at these
times. There are a few synths used in an old way... it's very
much into old GRAVE both for the fast parts and mid tempo riffs
with an underlying guitard chord. There was also a few old MASTER
touches in the vocals as well as a few old DEICIDE/ VIBRION (Erradicated
life Ep) Death/ Grind elements thrown in. So the final question
is: should the nostalgic old School Death metallers ruch on this
piece of vynil if he finds it in a second hand market? No, I wouldn't
cross this point, it's not too bad if it's not sold for more than
a few bucks! It's enough copied on an old rotten tape that will
decease and explode its inner guts in the very few next listenings!
(Usa) Adipocere Ep'91 SERAPHIC DECAY. Some old average release
are nice for the mood it procures and for some nostalgic thoughts
it awakes, even if the music isn’t very good. This American MORPHEUS
(Not the Swedish one) played some Death thrashing metal in the style
of this epoch: MASSACRE, old DEATH, OBITUARY. Quite simple stuff
with punching beats and few heavy parts. Their music in itself was
quite common (there were worst stuffs of corpse, in this case it's
Ok/ quite cool) but I surprisingly found some nice stuffs in the
drum-playing (a bunch of cool breaks and rhythms). MORPHEUS may
have sounded similar to CANCER, SUFFER and VIOGRESSION for several
Death metallic reasons. (Just a few tracks' names for your little
morbid pleasure: "Accelerated decrepitude", "Triformed
limbs", "Stigmatic crucifixion"). Notice the band
later changed its name for MORPHEUS DESCENDS because of the Swedish
MORPHEUS. This nice looking double grey Ep was then released
on SERAPHIC DECAY, and it was a nice double piece of roooaaarrring
vynil to review!
SKULD (Usa) As humanity fades CD. 1994. PEACEVILLE Records. Let's
make a little break from your usual scuntinavian cumswallowing metal,
you slutty wongoloïd! We'll go into something hotter, something
more mellow, more morbo and testosteronized that had a lot in common
with the old morissound genre! More rounded guitar sound, more heaviness,
more riffs... And simply more riffs! Probably not original and
personal enough to be enjoyed so much at the release date, I must
admit I ordered this album in a second hand fingers market few years
ago, and keeps on listening from time to time... Regardless of a
leprozy infection, the atmosphere is cool, the production is quite
nice and hooot, and the quite red colors escaping the little piece
of plastic make nice views for my eroded eyes. If you don't shake
the mixer too hard, you could hear quite strong similarities with
DEATH (Rather "Human" but a bit less technical and less
"jazz" infusioned, both for the riffingalure and the productional
materialization), some LOUDBLAST (For the "Disincarnate"
album, the only release on which they really sounded like Death
metal... Think about the various kind of riffs in each songs, the
melodic touches, the production (More or less)... But also think
the atmosphere is different), a bit of old RESURRECTION ("Embalmed
existence" in a not so compacted and motivated-to-kick approach),
a bit of ooold BAPHOMET (For "deathcore" parts, with a
different atmosphere), maybe a bit of heaviness à la 3xold KONKHRA
(Without any Carcass influence), and some older Death metal touches...
But keep active in forefront of your mental prosthesis the fact
something like a groove often remains present. The production
is typical of the Death metal records and demos you could find around
the 1994-1996 (or even 1998) years: Quite deeply tuned (Yet not
ultra deep), it was just quite cool, quite "dark", heavy
and pleasant to hear. Jellyfying the corpse, it was sometimes
heavier, per moments fast, sometimes filled with double kicks, and
per moments groovier... The bass guitar also happened to appear
and insert its nice touches... The vocals were the usual death growls,
but didn't bother... I couldn't really say the music embalmed the
dead in a perfect atmosphere of deep soul liquefaction, that's why
"Jellyfying the corpse" could be the right cadaver manipulation
to fit. Very cool cover artwork. Some necro-perfectors might
not find this release extreme or raw enough, but the cool atmosphere
emanating from these 12 songs is enough to say something like "Cool!"
when you hear the music, and keep it coming... Ok, I agree it might
sound a bit quite convienent sometimes, but it might add a bit to
the "Well rounded" and relaxation-appeal of the whole
wool. Definitely not a classic, but a cool album to own, and
listen again and again, from time to time...
SKULD (Usa) As humanity fades CD’94. PEACEVILLE. Second
hand markets happen to have some positive sides. I knew an only
MORTA SKULD album released around 1996, and it did few in my spiked
as hell hears (too slow and too much CORE influenced!), but I found
this earlier album of the band offering it's sexy low price services,
lying legs closed, between some crap pop-asslick and r'n'boobs insipidity!
Uh! This one sounds cool. Here you have some nicely packaged
American Death metal with plenty of riffs and tempo changes. The
whole can remind of RESSURECTION (R.I.P), old OBITUARY, BAPHOMET/
BANISHED, some early DEATH, early MALEVOLENT CREATION and some early
GORGUTS. Nothing gut shaking, but these Death metal tracks are
finely structured, every song have its cool moments, and the quite
obscure atmosphere warms up my cold Christmas beer. Notice a
part of the riffs could sound equal to the "Deathcore"
bands like BAPHOMET, OBITUARY or RESSURECTION occur of happened
to have, but it has few to do and sounds much cooler than the current
Deathcore (that has few to do with 'Death', it you ask me). It's
a fine album with a cool (but old looking) packaging, a good production
and nice songs. Nothing original or (bloody) killer, but it might
fulfill its cool job if you're a fan of the bands quoted before;
especially if this album opens its legs for a low price. Ah Ah!
Turn loose the swans CD Re-release. PEACEVILLE. This is from far the most
depressive MY DYING BRIDE ‘s album and seeing it rereleased today is quite cool.
It’s a mix of Heavy Death Metal/ Tremolo D.M riffs and doom parts that could
sometimes seem a bit long but there are ultra depresive life ends riffs of doom
that will make you absolutely and surely bad tripp if you’re under hemp’s
influence. This is an album every Death Metaller and every sorrowfull man on
this earth should know because it’s « here in the troath ».
WHIPPER (Ger) Naked whipper Ep’93. UNITED FORCES Recs. Total
porno satanic black war metal Grind! Influenced by the chaos and
filth of early BLASPHEMY, NAKED WHIPPER used to warmetallize the
Grindcore of early NAPALM DEATH to spread its satanic decrepitude
during troll-rapping tracks like "Pagan pussy gore intruder",
"Anal queen" or "Hyper incest". This is raw
as fuck and chaotic à la BLASPHEMY, early BEHERIT and few old SARCOFAGO!
With some typically vomiting vocals. Hell isn't so far, my little
gothobitch! It sounds more honest than many current bands trying
to imitate BLASPHEMY, because the sound really sucks (Ah!), there
were no shitty trend flying around the goatfucking warmetal of BLASPHEMY
around 1994 (like flies around shit!), and NAKED WHIPPER had the
old school Grind touch many bands who try to copy BLASPHEMY lamely
forgot! A nice piece of destruction for maniacs of... BLASPHEMY!!
DEATH (Uk) Fear emptiness despair CD'94 EARACHE. Here's
the album that made me discover NAPALM DEATH. It surely wasn't the
best way to begin with and to get a good overview of their style,
but that's the way it is! On this one, Napalm started to evolve
into something seriously different from their two previous very
much Death/ Grind Lps. A lot of new influences appeared and it hadn't
so much to do with Death metal anymore! They added a lot of new
influences coming from Crossover, old Hardcore, Sludge and bands
such as HELMET. A good part of the riffings and rythms is composed
of mid placed stuffs with mechanical drumbeats, an element that
became very important in their following albums. The whole remains
quite blurry to listen to as it may sound like the beginnings in
new experiments. This isn't an album to advice to those who aren't
NAPALM DEATH fans as it may be interesting to judge their evolution.
There are also some riffs the musicians would find interest in. One
point that personally pleases me is the quite numerous amount of
depressive riffs and vocals thrown everywhere! Even the cover artwork
looks bizarre, and the back cover is apocalyptic! There are
some truly excellent tracks here! The second part of "Remain
nameless" that begins with a technical riffs and is followed
by an "End of life" simple discordant riff mixed with
keyboards is great! The second part of "More than meets
the eye" includes an heavy riff that's so full of sense and
so excellent! Total deceptive realism and strong disillusions! (Some
nice depressive riffs were added on this track!). "Thrown away"
is excellent in the Death/ Grind style! What a kick in my face when
I discovered it! So this is a quite average album (for NAPALM
DEATH) I for it's most depressive sides but also because it was
the first Napalm CD I've been listening to! It's not their best
CD, an average Napalm Death CD with some very good tracks!
DEATH (Uk) Harmony corruption Lp'90 EARACHE. After some
important line up changes, here was the new era of NAPALM DEATH.
Bill Steer definitely left to fully consecrate himself to CARCASS
while Lee Dorian blew another fuse and smoked so much hash he created
the total Doom band CATHEDRAL. The new members being Mitch Harris
(Guitar) who came from the Grind/ Death/ HxCx band RIGHTEOUS PIGS
and Barney Greenway who left the lame "asleep" Death metallers
of BENEDICTION after their "Subconscious terror" Lp. Only
Mick Harris remained from the original line up of the band's punk
beginnings. This album was much more into Death/ Grind with few
Crust and some old Grindcore touches. While this new Lp was more
in the traditional fields, their previous ones were far more creative,
original, energetic and aggressive! And here was the problem of
this Lp! While a lot of fans awaited some new excellent Grindcore
à la "F.E.T.O", they were offered some Death/ Grind that
wasn't so great. (A friend of mine was disappointed when he saw
them live at this time, he thought he'd see Lee Dorian crushing
everythings on the scene, but he wasn't aware of these changes and
saw Barney growling instead of Lee...). There were still some
good drumming moments aka Mick Harris (Even if he sounded less crazy
and totally disjoncted than before, much more academic) and if there
were some good riffs, I consider 'Harmony corruption" as one
of the N.D albums that are the less worth the listening! (Some riffs
are too boring...) The sound lacked in aggression, the music
lacked in craziness. As well as "Utopia banished",
it wasn't a bad album, but I do not listen to these 2 Lps very often
(At best one or two times a year). To conclude, this was a quite
good album for its time, but it has grow old! It was somekind of
an introduction to a new band that would evolve into something more
interesting (better said original or different?) later on "Fear
emptiness despair" or on the more fresh "Inside the torn
(Swe) Pathological performances CD'93 POSERSLAUGHTER. Some
grinding friends of mine told me the NECRONY Eps were better, but
it's damn hard to find! So here we go with the review of this freshly
downloaded CD! (My old NECRONY tape has totally agonized the dead
as its sweety bowels finally was the light of the deadskin thrash
can...) Their style is a Goregrind/ Death grind that doesn't
remind me much of CARCASS even if some riffs may sound like Bill
Steer's formation. Their music reminds me ways more of the SANITYS
DAWN first CD "Cryptic menu", it's rather fast (and sounds
quite disjoncted) than aggressive or brutal! Some GENERAL SURGERY's
quite funny riffs were detected by my vaginal third eye's decrepancy! There
are some blasting moments, heavier more bizarre sounding riffs as
well as punching Death metal beats. A few melodic tremolo Death
metal riffs à la old HYPOCRISY were assorted as well. It's
not a bad album and some catchy riffs are there, but there's nothing
to bestially rush on some years after its release!
(Usa) Seasons of the dead LP'87. Rereleased 97. I've ever reviewed this NECROPHAGIA
LP, but fuck the hell shit! There are some nostalgic feelings in
here! And NECROPHAGIA had something really obscure, wicked and DEATH
METAL in these passionating years when Death metal was still Underground,
fresh (and rotten!) Most of the new bands emerging from tape
traded tapes were fucking killer, catchy and obscure! Ah! NECROPHAGIA
played total Death thrashing metal with the real Morbid feeling
that awakes the zombies! Even not needed to say there were a bunch
of catchy grave-robbing riffs in here! Morbid Death thrash catchy
parts with the ancient feel! Tremolo stress of death speed thrashing
skull metal riffs that blew out more than a thrasher's head! A shame
the drummer wasn't that good, with some real fast, tight and unrelentless
drumbeats some parts would have been totally killer! But drummers
weren't always so skilled in these times of beer overdose and Morbid
devourment!) The vocals weren't bad also, quite sick, yet clear,
but also screamed with disgustfull and wicked evil spells! Black
blood vomitorium! Chaotic leadz were also tormented into obscure
decay! Obscure death metal despair. Notice they used the "Night
on the bare mountain" theme (MUSSORGSKHY) that was later used
by MEKONG DELTA and MARDUK. Some guys I know who listened to
NECROPHAGIA in their early days told me the band was killer, technical
and quite original at this time! And I gladly trust these metallic
words! This is old stuffs, but there were a bunch of really aggressive
riffs and the tracks were well composed! And I have a good nostalgic
pleasure listening to this piece of abominated sickness! It has
something from what I call "True Death metal"! Thrashing
speed death aggression from above! But for fans of old school only! A
shame they "forgot" the feeling when they reformed years
later! Sterile riffs lead to almost no Morbid devourment nor schizoblood
insanity! Anyway, the "Seasons of the dead" remains a
very cool LP with the obscure mood of death, and many consider it
as a cult one! It deserves its 666 skulls!
Season of the dead CD’97 RED STREAM NECROPHAGIA groupe culte de death/
thrash underground, les vocaux de son vocaliste KILLJOY, violeur de tombes sont
l’incarnation de tout ce qui est le mal et le profane! Le groupe prépare
actuellement un nouvel album alors soyez sur vos gardes, vrais fans de death
métal! Encore une fois un disque des années 80 plus malsain, morbide et
satanique que tous les faux groupes de black actuels! WHORSHIP NECROPHAGIA!
(Uk) Incarnate CD'92 BLACK MARK. This band was the kind of
formation tat takes a bit from everything and that doesn't offer
something very impressive. Their music could be defined as a
mix of old POSSESSED, old DEATH, with a bit of ASPHYX and BRUTALITY.
There's too much reverberisation on the drums, it makes it sound
more blurry while some parts sound hesitating and confused. The
point that quote my attention is the vocals that sound like a mix
SUBMISSION). Scorched and screamy, that's clear! My opinion is
this album was composed and recorded in a rush! (Almost every American
bands had an album released at this time...) and they could have
offered something better with more time and rehearsals! Nothing
to cum on, just try to check it in an old friend's collektion if
you're a lot into Death metal and if you've reached a certain maniac's
kollektor threshold!
(Bel)/ VR (Uk) split Ep'94. GENET Recs. If it's too fast,
goddamn got to bed and sleep! NEUTHRONE is a nice instrumental
doom band I met at the corner of an underground metal shop, it fits
exactly the kind of deadly doom that has its place in my webzine:
Monolithic doom with strong influences of very early PARADISE LOST,
early MY DYING BRIDE and the slowest moments of good old AUTOPSY!
(One could hear the 2nd/ 3rd generation influence of early Celtic
Frost). Most of the music is situated between the slow and the
mid placed, it always keeps a depressed and obscure side. Some deadly
vocals from hell could have turned this curious track into an haunting
one, but the use of vocals was probably too concrete for them...
In short words, Doom death à la "Lost paradise" that might
be a nice curious piece for fans of real doom! (The death metal
influenced one!). Other side,
other kind of music, less interest. VR plays somekind of alternative
rock with some core and eventual 70's or depressive influences.
Well it sounds quite correct, but I find nothing special in here
and I don't give a fuck about this kind of music unless the songs
has a really killer feeling. Already Forgotten.
(Swe) Drowned Ep’89 Bloody rude effect records. Here we are
with one of the most influential death metal bands from Sweden.
A lot of you have surely already heard the name of this cult pre
ENTOMBED/UNLEASHED act, but never had the chance to listen to the
music... Well, I can only say to you to get in touch with some tape
traders, or to pray Satan during nine moons in order to get the
chance to find an original of the NIHILIST demos on tape or on 7´´
vinyl. hahahaha!!! Yeah, I am a motherfucker as I have found the
original of the last NIHILIST demo called "Drowned", that´s
proposing two titles "Severe burns" (later appearing on
the CLANDESTINE LP), and "When life has ceased". A certain
Lars Göran Petrov (COMECON, ENTOMBED...) sings on this demo, and
the rest of the line up is the same that plays on the two first
ENTOMBED albums... oups, I mean classics. So if you are already
familiar with the song "Severe burns", you´ll find a version
that’s a bit longer and different at the NIHILIST times, but the
general structure and arrangements are quite all already there.
I find this version better than the one to be found on the "Clandestine"
lp... Well, I guess it’s a matter of taste. The production is
quite clear for a NIHILIST demo, maybe the best to date. And one
can feel that the difference between NIHILIST and ENTOMBED is then
not so big. What remains totally amazing is that these dudes were
something like 17 years old when they released "Drowned"!!!
Fuck, someone has to explain to me how it’s possible to be so young
and to play such an innovative and mature music... The same goes
for bands like VENOM, SLAYER, DEATH ANGEL at their beginning. Otherwise,
the artwork has been drawn by Nicke, the drummer, and if you are
lucky enough, maybe that you possess the SLAYER mags from 91/92
featuring his artworks. It´s really in the ultimate underground
vein: black and white, ugly, raw, hand made, but full of charm!
ha! Yeah, NIHILIST is not just a cult name that makes you proud
to have in your collection, it’s also a very good band which played
a definitely major influence in the creation of the Swedish death
metal. Highly recommended!!!! You only have to hope that all the
NIHILIST/ENTOMBED demos could be re-released some days.
(FRA) Troop of death MLP'87 DAMAGED RECORDS. Old school
french thrashing metal! Yeah, at its time this was a good release
for a good french band. Old school thrash metal with hardcore touches
and real aggressive vocals not so far from old KREATOR ("Pleasure
to kill") and MERCILLESS' first album "The awakening"
(the swedish band); some DESTRUCTION's stuffs of the beginning could
also be a bit felt for the riffs. It wasn't a boring one, cool variations
on nicely energized riffs, one more band that deserved more recognition?
(But of course the labels weren't as strong as nowadays...) The
thrashers were in the skateboard stuffs at the time. AAAARGHH!!
The guitarist actually plays in FATAL (Cool old school Thrash).
Get it in the second hands markets
if ya like the old stuffs!
(Fra) Live Ep'89 BAD CARD Records. I'm happy that I found
this live Ep in a crappy second hand market! NOMED was one of these
very cool French thrash metal bands that were forgotten while some
quite crappy bands where hailed by the scene! That's another malediction...
but anyway this Ep is cool! Total Thrash metal the old way with
influences, plus a good dose of thrashing moshcore in the vein of
old ANTHRAX! On this piece of Ep, the band plays 4 fucking energetik
and fast as fuck tracks! This was far more aggressive than their
"Troops of death" MLP! With much more riffs and tempo
changes per track. Even if the band wasn't always all tight, this
is a good dose of fucking thrashing energy! The musicians as well
as the public seems totally into it! ("ça joui dans la salle!"
said the vocalist, Jean Luc, Ah Ah!). Of corpse some speed metal
touches were there. It's bloody cool to hear this live Ep sounds
more convincing and ass-kicking than a big bunch of new old school
thrash metal bands! Even though it was recorded the 07/05/89. NOMED
Wasn't a very original band, but they did play thrash metal with
a lot of enthusiasm and they had some crushing tracks! Argh! The
guitars sound aggressively raw! NOMED is a band the French new old
school maniacs should know, at least for this Ep! An advised Ep
if you want to bang your head , if you can find it of corpse! Eh
OBITUARY (Usa) Cause of death CD'90 ROADRUNNER. Passées les poussées de fièvre de l’adolescence, Obituary s’inscrivait
avec Cause of death dans le courant général de l’époque en proposant
une musique plus élaborée (on n’osera pas dire raffinée), plus technique
(le jeu de batterie devient superbe, le petit prodige James Murphy
échappé de Death remplace Allen West et pose quelques solos biens
sentis et très mélodiques),et en général plus lente et moins bourrine
que sur Slowly we rot. Mais la violence insidieuse de Cause of death n’a rien à envier
à celle de son prédécesseur, car Obituary, grâce à un sens marqué
du rythme et à son toujours aussi phénoménal chanteur, élaborait
un death metal véritablement dansant (« Chopped in half », « Dying
») qui allait faire le bonheur des fosses de toutes les salles du
monde et poser de nouveaux standards de puissance, le groupe s’avérant
avec Sepultura le seul à faire à l’époque sonner de manière aussi
incroyablement heavy la bête et méchante Mi grave (plutôt du ré
en l’occurrence). Cause of death est, avec le premier Grave, un des disques
où l’on comprend le mieux pourquoi le death metal est le métal de
la mort, paradoxalement servi en cela par la production relativement
plate de Scott Burns. Les tables de la loi version death metal,
ni plus ni moins, avec en prime une reprise magistrale du célèbre
« Circle of the tyrants » de leurs idoles de Celtic Frost. Et
la pochette demeure une des plus belles que j’aie jamais vues.
OBITUARY (Usa) The end complete CD'92 ROADRUNNER. The End Complete est, je crois, le parfait résumé du drame
du « grand public » et du conformisme ambiant . On tient là un des
albums les mieux vendus de l’histoire du death metal (le premier
à avoir dépassé la barre des 100 000 exemplaires si je me souviens
bien), et pourtant, pour ne pas tourner autour du pot, ce disque
est une merde. Le retour d’Allen West laissait augurer le meilleur, la présence
du chanteur de Possessed aux chœurs aussi, mais il n’en est rien,
les solos mélodiques de James Murphy sont remplacés par des tentatives
assez piteuses, et rien ne vient compenser son absence. Obituary
est revenu à la simplicité de Slowly we rot, mais très certainement
pas à sa qualité. Le chant est toujours aussi énorme (bien qu’en
baisse de régime), mais il ne suffit pas à faire oublier la nullité
des riffs, particulièrement peu inspirés. Obituary se lance dans
l’ultra lent à la Autopsy ou à la Paradise lost, mais rien la dessus
n’aura la quart du dixième de l’impact du rouleau compresseur
que pouvait être un morceau comme « Dying ». Inutile de s’étendre,
à part le relativement bon « I’m in pain » , il n’y a rien à sauver
du désastre.
Lost paradise CD’89 (Re release) PEACEVILLE Hellish intro with
the screams of the damneds in a bouillon of blood. This album
offers some great melancholic
Doom/ Death that has always inspired me in my mourning Death Metal
days! Obscure mood of Death, entering the empty casttle of
pure sorrow and feeling the emptiness breath your flesh, feeling
the cold statues in mourning! Darkened Mourning! Most of the music is slow or mid placed,
with a bunch od Death metal influences, but the really Death metallic
parts are few since it remains slow, doomy and morbid most of the
time.. This one counts
great high pitched fear-possessed screams + some Death harsh growls,
Nick Holmes sang like he was possessed by an inhuman mourning cold
morbidity back then!
Interesting long songs with enough variations to keep you hanged
up. I remember myself experiencing some nice full of sorrow darkened
emotions while listening to this one and reading pure underground
occult Death Metal fanzines such as TALES OF THE MACABRE, NIHILISTIC
HOLOCAUST(lol) and LIQUID OF LIFE. This is a classic.
PESTILENCE (Hol) Malleus maleficarum LP'88 Roadrunner. Groupe majeur de la première vague du death metal, Pestilence
se démarquait de ses consorts en jouant un death-metal beaucoup
plus proche des pionniers de Slayer et surtout Possessed que de
Morbid Angel. C’est donc plus aux recettes du thrash (guitares ultra
rapide, 4x4) qu’à celles du death metal ordinaire (batterie furibarde
et guitares plus pesantes) que Pestilence fait appel, même si le
résultat trouve clairement sa place dans le métal de la mort. Si le groupe pêche encore par immaturité (la conséquente
surcharge pondérale des structures), il fait déjà montre d’un talent
impressionnant, si ce n’est de la créativité débordante qu’on lui
connaîtra par la suite. Quelques morceaux vraiment réussis ont remarquablement franchi
les âges, et même si la production a pris un gros coup de vieux,
Malleus maleficarum semble pouvoir encore séduire un public plus
large que celui des seuls nostalgiques de l’époque.
CD’93 THE ALL BLACKS/ ROADRUNNER. Even if it’s not their best
one, I wanted to review it as it seems to be forgotten now. On
this one they’ve evolved a lot since their 3 previous albums ( and
even denied it…). Here, it’s techno Death including some various
musics such as jazz, progressive rock, atmospheric free jazz but
some (few) parts are still mid fast Death Metal ones in the vein
of « Testimony of the ancients ». Their’s a bit
of ATHEIST’s « Elements » on some mid placed jazzy drumbeats. Even
more parallel and interesting variating bass lines, some 70’s space
acid influenced metallized righteous brainside demonstrative keyboard
parts reminding me some old HAWKWIND LP covers but their is a more
scientific and serious touch here. They include some parts that
sounds totally senseless and absurd, or it’s maybe not the common
sense and they’ve reached new « Levels of perception
». It’s like a space transcending spacionaut with a great
dose of liquefied cocaine injected air in the breathing system and
some guitar and tape recorder in the right hand so that we would
be able to get « Surfing with the alien » by hearing
these strange visions. I like the track title for the song «
Voices from within » that’s more or less atmospheric, instrumental
and interesting. There are some distorted old 70’s crackling TV
screen vocals and some cool expressive interludes and atmospheres.
sounds sometimes as if their was something hidden behind the wall
of guitars and drums that we couldn’t hear. ( But it’s maybe due
to the high quality of my stereo system…). Even if it could
be fastly boring for fans of efficiency, some parts of this album
still sound fresh. This is just interesting to hear the evolution
of PESTILENCE when you have been a fan of their three previous albums.
SHIFTER (Uk) Submit MCD'92 EARACHE. While
GODFLESH gave birth to a totally new depressive and tortured industrial
metal style, a bunch of bands were strongly influenced by this new
original way of composing extreme music, but few did it with enough
feeling and personality to be convincing. PITCH SHIFTER are
one of these bands who were very influenced by GODFLESH; and this
second release showed the way of better compositions in terms of
creativity and personality. The 6 tracks of this MCD offering a
more accessible style than GODFLESH, the guitars being less tortures
en enormously crushing, the whole sounding more classically constructed.
Cold Industrial metal with feelings such as semi depression, crushed
machinal walk, cold sorrow, black hole anger, strong deception...
Interesting and sensed lyrics that deals with the inner deconstruction
of a human being, societized deviances, abuses towards humans' lifes
and virtues, various kinds of conditionnement... The deep vocals
were a nice addition since it made the music a bit more inhuman
by moments. The track "New flesh P.S.I" stands out
from this MCD because of its deeper and darker depressive mourning.
It's slower, less rhythmic than the other tracks; simply hopeless
and more inhuman. PITCH SHIFTER weren't as visionary as GODFLESH,
but they had some good visions of a depressive society and crushed
inhumanity. "Submit" remains the best PITCH SHIFTER
release out of their first epoch (the most industrial one that includes
the "Industrial" CD'91, "Submit" MCD'92 and
"Desensitized" CD'93); this MCD hasn't grow old much and
it's still largely enjoyable nowadays. A good choice for those
who doesn't search only for brutal and extreme emotions in music,
but also need pessimistic visions of truth. And overall a realistic
state of mind.
(Usa) Open up and say… Ahh! Lp'88. CAPITOL. Johnny has always
been Metal as fuck, a true die hard in he old sense of the word.
Worshipping the most cult ancient thrash deities since (well almost)
day one and banging his head whenever possible. But this morning
when he woke up, he didn't immediately realize some strange things
occurred during the night, the pink fog wasn’t the most suitable
for auroral headbanging, and some strange odors of sexy metal babes
were teasing his crooked nose… Johnny was pretty sure he didn’t
bring a woman yesterday night, but was he sober enough to remember? It was time
to clear the mourning atmosphere up, and put a flow of thrashing
power in the turntable… First problem, where the fuck is this godamn
«Kill’em all» album, and who has forgotten his glam Lps collection
on the floor? And are there sexy metal babes visiting gigs and metal
discotheques with all their Lps? Johnny is quite confused… It’s not before
he watched in the mirror he realized some strange things occurred
in the night. His long hairs turned to pink, his morbid and necro
tattoos changed into pictures of Hanoi Rocks, Poison, and other
love love glam fags, the 'sexy' make up covering his face couldn't
be washed and his body was covered by some green nylon trousers
that can't be worn off or shredded. Confusion, Anguish, «What the
fuck is this shit??» Johnny worked
hard to change this shit (hot-blooded flow of detergent, massive
headbanging in oil paints, hellish licking by the dog) but realized
quite soon a bath of acid wouldn’t be enough to wash away the queer. How
could he walk in the streets and decently work at GORY Records without
being the laughted and pissed on? Would the local citizens need
another mundane looking bagman or superfag? If Satan doesn’t help
him, how could he be a little bit ignored and left leaving in reclusion,
since respect became out of question? One more metallic damnation
chose to freeze the hell in blasphemy. The gods of metal, if they
only exists, have one more time left a true warrior of steel being
torn in blasphemy… or maybe are they full of cynicism and sarcasm? If the existence
of some metallic gods can’t be proven or down-to-earth trusted,
the traces of a glam come-back can be found from here and there:
I heard about some «glamorous festivals» in Sweden (It’s not surprising
when you take in consideration the past Gotenburp craps… All the
fags begin to leave metal to reconvert to Glam or emoqueer… Ah Ah!)
or some strangely dressed bands in Japan… My conclusion is simple:
if you don’t want the metal scene to be polluted one more time with
glamorous queering (as it was in the eighties) and if you couldn’t
deal with what Johnny had to face: fight the return of glam before
it shall be more than few pink seeds in the bottoms of current mellow-dick
(USA) SEVEN CHURCHES .red lp, Century media 2000, licensed from
Relativity records. POSSESSED est considéré comme le père du death métal,
et ce n´est pas moi qui vais contredire cette pensée. Une pochette noire
avec un logo mythique, et 4 jeunes possédés avec du sirop rouge partout sur
la gueule pour faire croire à du sang, le tout, en 1985. Jeff Becerra, Mike
Torrao, Mike Sus, et Larry Lalonde (aujourd´hui chez PRIMUS!!! Comme quoi ca
mène à tout le death métal.) ont créé un bâtard du thrash fortement
empreint du côté "evil" de SLAYER (croix renversées, cuirs et clous,
riffs speeds, textes sataniques, la totale quoi!). Mais POSSESSED a un côté
plus sombre encore que tous les groupes de thrash de l´époque, et un
chanteur bassiste doté d´une voix de maniaque qui hante encore les oreilles
de tout bon vieux fan de old school! D´ailleurs Jeff Becerra n´a en rien
perdu sa hargne vocale. Il le prouve bien sur le ep "Morbid faith" de
SADISTIC INTENT (Iron Pegasus recs) qui reprend magistralement "The
exorcist" de POSSESSED, avec Jeff himself aux vocaux. Argh! La reprise de
CANNIBAL CORPSE sonne plate à côté. Et quand on sait que Jeff Becerra est en
fauteuil roulant et n´a plus qu´un seul poumon, suite à une agression
par des junkies, ca force le respect. La musique de POSSESSED est rapide,
sale, agressive et composée de riffs incroyablement géniaux... Réecoutez
vous les titres "The exorcist", "Seven churches" ou le cultissime "Death
metal" pour saigner du nez de plaisir. Ces mecs ont posé une des pierre de
fondation d´unstyle qui a explosé au début des années 90... Tout bonnement
indispensable et encore tellement efficace. Allez faire un tour sur ce site
tenu par un fan, vous ne serez pas décus Si
vous ne connaissez pas encore ce groupe, je vous conseille de combler cette
lacune au plus vite... Tout l´esprit est là! Mais n´oubliez pas non plus les
géniaux "Beyond the gates" et "The eye of horror".
THE WIND!!!!!!!!!!!! Nathaniel
The heritage CD'93 ROUGH TRADE PROTECTOR is an old German
death/thrash band. I even don't know if they're still "alive".
In fact, their stuff is very much DEATH influenced (mostly
"Spiritual healing") but the way they apply the drum beats
on the riffs makes them sound like MORTEM (Peru - also strongly
influenced by Chuck); I would have added quite mid/slow placed rum
beats with double bass drums in the vein of "Leprozy",
they would have sounded maybe not as fast, but surely more powerfull.
There are also some KREATOR ("Coma of souls") for the
thrash/ heavy parts and for some melodies (not sure for the melodies).
They use some fast blast beats with double bass drums in the
vein od CANNIBAL CORPSE and a few OBITUARY ("Causes of death")
touches can be heard. The last track includes some interesting double
bass drums variations on a techno thrash riffing idea in the vein
of MEKONG DELTA ("Dances of death") but it's shamely too
long! I would say this band had some nice and interesting ideas
but their songs wasn't constructed to get the best efficiency (as
it sometimes could be long). Not uninteresting.
(Usa) Sermon of mockery CD'93 DROWNED. Ok PYREXIA sounded
a lot influenced by old SUFFOCATION with this release, but it was
more than a blatant copy as some of my brutallizing friends think! They
had some full of sufferance and fear heavy tremolo riffs that sound
just cool! The heavy suffocated riffs Suffo are very known for,
the tremolo Brutal death riffs (American style) and the technical
Suffocation touches are also present! Hellish well hidden riffs!
Ah! Don't like too much the way the drummer blasts (with both
snare and double bass drums at the same time) and the snare sound
is too much present and thin. But it remains Ok, it's a professional
recording with powerfull guitars. The whole is melted in quite
complex tracks' structures, it wasn't original but offered a few
really catchy parts. A quite good CD for fans of the American Brutal
death style! I still enjoy listening to it while I'm quite bored
with the Brutal death trend, it's just a good sign...
(FIN) Bootleg CDr. Here's another bootleg of a band I
didn't know before. It includes the RESIST Ep'89 and the "Ignorance
is bliss" LP as it includes 25 tracks of old sounding punk
with some few Crust elements. Nothing is aggressive or punching
on their Ep and it has grown old a lot in 13 years! But their tracks
on the LP sounds more crusty and a bit efficient. Ok/ Cool drummer
on this LP, some vocals remind me of some old THE EXPLOITED/ old
HIRAX (an old thrashing band with blast beats of had a some Hardcore
touch in some stuffs) and some riffs sounded a bit à la DARKNESS
(The old thrash band, can be an ok comparison as the first thrash/
speed bands were influenced by the old punk/ pre hardcore scene).
A bit of some DISRUPT can be found here. This is just an ok band
that may have been important for some guys at the time, but I don't
find it good nor specially interesting as it has grown old a lot!!
Only for old Nostalgic crusty bastards...
(USA) Embalmed existence CD’93 NUCLEAR BLAST Good death metal
band with old OBITUARY ("Causes of death") influences
for some double bass drums mixed with tremolo riffs parts but also
some all times OBITUARY for the death/doom sides. They brought
some interesting and a bit fresh sounding ideas, and some intros'
arpeggios parts were a bit "flying" for me. In a way,
it also makes me think about VIOGRESSION (A band that was very much
into OBITUARY) for the doom and the vocals. I don't know why,
something in this CD makes me think a bit about old MALEVOLENT CREATION
(2 first CDs), it must be for the way it sounds and for some arrangements
and breaks (not for the grinding side). Notice there is not a blast
part on this CD! There are a bunch of heavy Brutal death elements
(BAPHOMET(USA)) mixed with both heavy and rumbling drums. A negative
point on this CD is the quite long spoken intros before each song.
But it was a good CD that's still worth of your attention.
PIGS (Usa) Live and learn LP'89 NUCLEAR BLAST. Old school
Grind you bastard! This B- zone underground Grind band wasn't
bad! Fast Grindcore à la old REPULSION with heavier moments that
were not so far from HxCx and Thrashcore! The surprising point
is the vocals were clear (not growls nor screams), rather old school
Hardcore punk vocals with few old DEAD KENNEDYS touches. The sound
was fucking raw, bot very understandable, it made it sound even
more underground! Some heavier riffs remind me a lot of old
DEFECATION and old NAPALM DEATH (And this isn't a coincidence! Ah!
Mitch played in these two great old school Grind bands later!) Nothing
really excellent, some nice tracks and riffs, a rather cool band
for it's time! Good for Grind maniacs! And old traded tape will
be enough... an Lp bought for a low price in a second hand market
would be cool, but it's not really worth the full CD price in my
(USA) Iniquitous CD'93. This old band played a Brutal death
that's very low tuned and sounds very low! I thought some tracks
were cool at the time, but it has grown old into a very average
stuff! This is very heavy Death metal that would need a big kick
in its ass to sound convincing in 2003! Simple Heavy Death metal
or traditional sounding riffings à la old GRAVE (3 first
CDs) but it lacks something special for 95% of it! ROTTING(Can)'s
first CD can be quoted for the heavy moments, while a bit of old
heavy GOREFEST wouldn't be misplaced as an influence. The riffs
remains too common and the structures aren't original, just boring
in parts! And it's a shame since a few doomy death melodies had
something really catchy! So it sounds boring now, maybe absolute
GRAVE fans will find it cool? 1 or 2 tracks to fill the end of a
tape will be enough!
