- DEMOS - OLD STUFFS - FANZINES - GIGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-> D
/ E -> I
/ J -> N
/ O -> Z
ALIVE (Usa) Eaten to deformity Demo'05. Average and everheard
brutal Death metal that follows a quite old US Brutal death style
(understand 96-98) and doesn't offer something intense enough to
scratch your head. But the tracks will sound efficient enough
to entertain the big undergrounders who aren't against some fast
DEEDS OF FLESH (early), old SUFFOCATION, with touches of heavy SKINLESS
(old), few early CANNIBAL CORPSE, and few old MALEVOLENT CREATION. The
blasting drumming might decrease the intensity of some riffs! (It
sounds strange!). Some riffs sound cool enough, but the whole
remains very underground (yet nicely produced) and will probably
turn on the biggest fans of the style only! (Or those who aren't
very close and used to US Brutality). It's average demo stuff. Anyway,
good luck guys, coz I heard really worse Brutal death demos. The
local headbangers might get into a brutal chaotic pit for EATEN
(Pol) Promo 2004. These advance tracks from their forthcoming
split with BLOODTHIRST (Polish old school thrash) taste like an
introduction to more substance in EBOLA's music. Quite obscure and
old school Death metal seemingly influenced by old BOLT THROWER,
stuffs lack in real brutality and outstanding riffs, there are some
nice underground harmonies of sulfuric banishment and the band has
improved guitar-wise since their previous demo. Sometimes they sound
like 9TH PLAGUE (Swe)'s 1st demo. There's a zest of BESTIAL WARLUST's
epic war harmonies by moments. EBOLA still lacks of punch in
my hears, but they seem in the right way to offer something always
better and better to finally kick some major laziness ecclesiastic
bottoms! Until then, these tracks sound like an average but quite
enjoyable obscure Death metal demo recording.
(Mex) Heresy recordings Reh'97 + Live in hell with Satan '98. Tape
Lp04. ALASTOR REX. Allright. Since I have to dub di dumb
dumb dumb this tape for some underground business, why not using
this hellish musical background of a pus-filled opportunity to write
a thorny cock-sucking review? Don't be afraid, I won't say all fucking
rules, contrary to some metal-webshops who need to SELL! No! What
you have here is an average black metal infected "old school
brutal death metal" that especially sounds average coz of the
average (rehearsal and live) sound and the repetitive blasting drums.
It would rather sound like some "old brutal death bands"
from the USA who had an obscure aura (for example old INCANTATION
or FALLEN CHRIST (but ways less technical)). We are not far from
raw black/ war metal (CORPSE MOLESTATION, early BESTIAL WARLUST,
early IMPIETY and old ABHORER (demos)). The whole lacks or precision,
conviction and diversity to be impressive. Ok, a small hellish mood
of obscurity is there, but that's not enough in my flesh. So
it's an average/ very average release I wouldn't advice to anyone,
expect to those who remain deeply fermenting in the sulfurous cauldron
war metal likes) and who like it blasting as fuck.
SOULS (Bra) The temple of bizarre cult Demo Tape'05. Finally
I'm able to put my hands on a copy of this band's releases... What
I read in zines such as MUTILATING PROCESS (R.I.P- The zine of the
lazy Death metal "supporter" Nathaniel who might have
questioned the potential Sustainability and coherence of his underground
will, before involving peoples into his short efforts...) helped
me to build an imaginary picture of what EMBALMED SOULS' audio performances
might be: Cryptic? Very morbid? Creeping? Ultra deadly Death metal?...
But the truth often lies in your own listening sessions as no reviewer
seems apparently able to exactly approach your own inner feelings
(At least, it's how I often feel towards metal of death). To sum
it up, the sounds of EMBALMED SOULS definitely smell the engravement
of 90's Death metal, but this isn't to be named with the word "Ultra",
to be followed by an obscure adjective of your choice... Musicalwize
it's more melodic, even though it remains Death with a reasonably
big "D", and so you could occur to view the first works
of NECROPHOBIC, CEMETARY (Strictly "An evil shade of grey"),
MORPHEUS (Swe), possibly early DISMEMBER, few Deaththrashing riffs
à la early DEATH, with some doomy touch that occurs to turn to lyricism
(View some early MY DYING BRIDE or PARADISE LOST ("Shades of
god" era)). The feelings to be found the most often are
this death metal glory ridden by punching old death thrash beats,
or the nice melancholy of doom quoted before. This tape recording
is a very nice item to explore once you're into the right mood for
this kind of spirit, and the music is well done, but I regret there
isn't more urges of Death thrashing metal, real morbid attacks from
the inner of the damnation-entrails or more emotional intensity
to match the "genius"; After a while, I'd really feel
like shredding this beauty to pieces and open up the gorges of sufferance;
Yes a part of this demo might be seen as beautiful (Following some
doomy aesthetics). This isn't a bad recording, it could offer
you quite many qualities; But this isn't the most energetic band,
as you probably have noticed; Something quite good to rest and feel,
but not to kill. I have to notice the band doesn't seem to be
very serious concerning answering mail. I wrote at least two letters
the last years (Asking for possible trade, wholesale...), but never
received an answer... Maybe I'm not old school enough to awake their
considerations? (Since I released about 50% of Brutal death, 50%
of "shitty" CDr, and own several web-pages, I'm probably
too "modern" for some peoples...).
THEATRE (Swi) I can smell that they are dead CDr'03. Nice
looking brown cover! But despite of the anal colored cover, this
CDr isn't shit! Eh. This CDr includes some tracks taken from
various releases of EMBALMING THEATRE (Eps, Demos and a live recording).
The shit is still disjoncting, raw and simple Grindgore à la old
GENERAL SURGERY meets old DEAD INFECTION! That doesn't stop blasting
on the catapult of steaming cadavers! I like the way the bastard
blasts on the thunder machine! Of corpse there are some slower and
mid placed riffs, of corpse there's some gore from here and there.
Some riffs could be more Brutal and intense as it's kinda average
by moments. The riffs are raw and simple, some of it could sound
almost Black metallik! EMBALMING THEATRE sound a bit like old CARCASS
by moments ("Peel sessions" and "Reek of putrefaction").
Their riffs aren't hyper Brutal nor killer, this isn't an internal
morbid devourment, just Ok riffs with nice blasts. Nice stuff with
enough energy to be worth a grinding underground interest. Notice
this CDr is limited to 50 copies.
(Mac) Execution of fallacy Demo CDr'05. Does any of you readers
who feel a strong repulsion for anything embalmed with honey know
much about the sexiness of Macedonian underwears? Probably not. Since
the scene of this country seems so small, let's penetrate deeper
their metallic infraground, and face what could have been really
worse in my tortured hears. For what I guess is a first demo,
it could have been worse. EMBRYOTOMY plays some kind of old school
Brutal death metal, with flying reminders of DEICIDE (old), CANNIBAL
CORPSE ("Vile") and forgotten underground names such as
UNCREATION (For the drumming). There are few "melodic"
tremolo riffs that could sound like... GOD DETHRONED? Notice there's
an ok cover songs of DEICIDE ("Lunatic of god's creation"). This
is correctly done underground brutal death with an average demo
sound. More brutality and conviction would be welcomed to avoid
the presence of mediocrity, but even if the most demanding brutallers
might hear flows of mistakes in there, I think EMBRYOTOMY might
flow nicely during a malt infested gig. They have the potential
to improve with more work and brutal rehearsal... It's currently
average underground Death metal. A note for
the band: Don't pay attention to the global metallic "Flower
powerviolence" homosexuality, and work hard to be always more
intense and hateful! It's the only way to play worthy Death metal,
the only way it was ever sensefully meant to be!!
(Ul) Promo 2004. Revere any principle! Can't accept the irreversible
branding. Reverse any principle! Until the so-called sanity lies
totally erased. In darkness I dominate! Why being the crawler who
creeps? Dark insanity I embrace in global despotism! Obscure anger
and long forgotten hatred takes over my body and mind! The moron
will be definitely pulverized! Emerging from England as a massive
urge of cold inhuman hatred, EMACIATE performs a kind of technical
brutal death that will at least reverse a bunch of moronic volatile
convictions down in the bath of self afflicting acid! What you
have here is rather modern sounding Brutal death with a good amount
of technical (But always hearable and not technically abusing) riffs.
The strongest Death metal influences seems to be SPAWN OF POSSESSION
CAPHARNAUM, mid old CANNIBAL CORPSE, while some moments reminds
of NILE, INSISION and some old NECROPHAGIST. Something in these
2 songs of EMACIATE reminds me of DEICIDE for an unknown reason,
it's not the style but maybe a cold atmosphere... The tracks of
EMACIATE are nicely structured with a lot of riffs and tempos changes.
I didn't find much shocking on a deeply emotional point of view,
and no new riff was detected by my memorabilia-meter, but EMACIATE
has much more punch and brutality to offer than the average Brutal
death bands! EMACIATE lies above the average for its technicality,
its brutality and a good taste of the extreme music, not for its
sense of the burning killing riff or emotional kataklysm. But that's
only a first demo I guess, so they seem to be in the right way!
Worth the listening for underground fans of technical brutal death
metal! Download the promo on their website!
(Swe) Evil attacker Demo CDr'05. Olof, a Swedish underground
thrasher who mostly plays in CORRUPT, and CAUSTIK STRIKE/ LEPROSY,
decided to create this solo project to revisit the days of 80's
heavy metal! And this is not a bad idea. Expect it to be quite
well rounded, with nice riffs ( A good amount of thrashy guitars
that happens to have a rock'n roll speed metal edge) and good sounding
sung vocals an 80's way. He played every instruments, but nothing
sounds wrong (Only the drum-playing could be more alive but that's
ok), it can be felt the guy is a fan of old school metal and plays
it with pleasure. You have 3 songs, including "Mistress of
hell" and its quite catchy chorus, and "Let it loose"
with the quite sensitive vocals. Nothing is that killer to the
point of burning the metal masses, but it sounds alright, and might
be a good entertaining item for the fans of style! Smells like ENFORCER
will provoke a bunch of hot skull banging. An Ep vinyl release is
scheduled on some label, so keep watching the glam albums burn!
(Ger) Beneath the cross Demo tape'05. I read in few webzines
this new German band was some kind of new "old school jewel",
and this and that... So, when I got the opportunity to get this
demo tape in trade with a German distro, I said "Youplaboom
mousaillon! It's time for more Putrid Death metal!". The
band name ERODED could let you imagine their music is influenced
by early GRAVE, CARNAGE and early ENTOMBED (or some ALTAR(swe)),
and you wouldn't be wrong, since these influences are as obvious
as a nice dose of pepper under your big nose. Maybe I should
be nice with this kind of demo, because it's basically my fave kind
of death metal, and the original spirit of NIHILISTIC HOLOCAUST
keeps on rotting in pure fucking death metal... But I hear more
and more demos of bands trying to sound old school, but cruelly
failing as they only sound uninspired, flat, asleep, and almost
like ripping off the riff of the elder bands! So here are my own
inner feelings: The music lacks of energy and (any?) burning creativity
and running sickess! I happen to feel like ERODED sounds like early
GRAVE, minus the guts, minus the worked up variations and corrosive
energy. Too convenient Death metal isn't able to kill! It might
be cool to relax or mourn on your damnation, but there's not much
more for you there! Once your head has emerged from the obscure
atmosphere, there not much remaining to kick your ass on a musical
point of view! The riffs and drum-playing are very simple... I wonder
how long it took them to compose these 4 songs (Where are all the
riffing and drumming variations of early GRAVE?)... And some riffs
are boring, yes! I must say it: BORING! Old school doesn't mean
asleep!! So, ERODED is probably bound to exclusively entertain
big nostalgics of old Death metal from the past who have reached
a point of religious worship, and who need anything that sounds
old school... Between the average and very average. For very
big "fans" of the style exclusively.
(Pol) Genocide Demo'04. Attractive slogan: Do not underestimate
the heaviness of an evil fart! Poland, Brutal death grind. ESKHATON do not exactly plays the style of Death metal you could expect. This
band plays a kind of Brutal death grind both influences by the US
Brutal death and Polish scene. That could remind an evil list of
bands like: early CRYPTOPSY, BRODEQUIN, DISGORGE (Us), VADER, some
GOD DETHRONED... Most of it is blasting, your plastic bosoms feel
quite molested, but I'd rather call it semi old school brutal death
than US Brutal death since there aren't much groovy, moshcore or
too technical parts. Quite "obscure" sounding, even if
a miasmatic evil aura doesn't emerge from hell. It's an Ok piece
of blasting brutality to listen to, the riffs are ok while the tracks
are correctly constructed, but no really inspired riffs that smells
deadly disease catches your mind. Only ok stuffs in a quite professional
way. The drummer is fast as fuck! And tight as hell! There are few
Black metal influences. The last track being almost into pure Black
metal sounds quite misplaced and unconvincing in here. All in
all, this is an ok but average demo. You won't die by the attack
of the acid farts, but I guess some Underground brutal death fans
might find some interest in there. ESKHATON rather seems on the
right way of brutality, they deserve some underground support and
some improvements. Shall the miasmatic obscure aura of pain and
brutal diseases be their evil muse!
VIOLENT STYLE (Jap) Exactly Violent Style Demo CDr'04. Have
you ever wondered what it’s like to have sex with a gorilla? After
one single listening of this album, you’ll wonder no longer. This
is some seriously sick, yet rare material. Not surprisingly, EVS
are from Japan, this strange country where schoolgirls can produce
1 meter high fecal matter geysers out of their asses, also
the home of my personnal favourite sickos, Noism. Although the bands
share little in appearance (Noism is-or was?- a 2 guys project while
EVS is a full line up, thus with a much more “live” sound), both
of them have this insane/psychopath feeling that make them stand
immediately appart of the rest of grind or death scene. And if you
think Gorguts’ and Cephalic Carnage’s masterpieces ‘Obscura’ and
‘Exploiting Dysfunction’ are unlistenable chaos, then what can you
say about this. It’s simply the sickest stuff I’ve heard in the
last 5 years, and I mean it. Unlike Noism, EVS’ devastation is not
instantly perceptible. In the first place, it’s just very weird
and twisted. There’s even a pretty strong sense of humor to it,
some passages almost sound like grunge or alt-rock parody. There
are few blast beats, few screams/grunts (mostly shouted/spocken),
even some not distorded but dissonant riffs. But as time goes, the
overall heaviness (everything is suggested here, never demonstrated)
begins to crush you just like a lead burden. All this dissonance
and chaos, seemingly unharmful, slowly start to have a negative
effect on your brain, and leaves you in the end crushed and disgusted.
It’s much like listening to Godflesh’s immortal masterpiece ‘Streetcleaner’
but even more depressing and crushing, and 100 times louder. The
first image coming to my mind while listening to it is a sort of
post-apocalyptic contemporary painting, all greyed by industrial
dust and pollution. To be honest, this album is not very addictive
and like Noism used to say, ‘not for everyone’. But if you sick
some intelligent (not to be mistaken with ‘pretentious’ or ‘elitist’)
extreme music, this band is a must-check for their totally unconventionnal,
yet greatly effective approach, somewhere between the sickest moments
of a doomy Gorguts (‘Clouded’) and the utter negativity and post-urban
heaviness of early Godflesh, mixed with that very specific Japanese
insane feel. Highly recommended!!! T.G.
(Chile) In the darkest anguish Demo tape 2005. VOMITO Recs. A
guy from DEMONIC RAGE had the cool idea to thrown this nice Death
metal release in a package filled with a CDr and covers of his own
band's demo… The state of mind of deep underground keeps on breathing
in some distant places! EXCORIATE plays cool old school death
metal being very influenced by early DEATH (First two albums), MORGOTH
("Cursed") and MORTEM (South America/ First album), while
other similarities like some early NECROPHOBIC (1st Lp), or little
doomy touches à la early MY DYING BRIDE can be drawn in ashes. I
appreciate the influences of EXCORIATE, there's a cool atmosphere
and the songs flow quite well. Some peoples will think it lacks
of energy and brutality, but an atmosphere is here. Even if there's
nothing really intense or killer, to grab you by the nuts and lead
you to putrid sessions of infernal vomit, the music leads me back
to the many cool demos I could hear in the mid 90's, and I still
like to discover this kind of very underground, almost unknown,
old styled bands from hell. For fans of the style only, but it's
cooler than what the current homo standards could let you imagine
it is... Obscurity comes from the soul, not from the expensive production
or skills of your (Full of labelmaker's excrements) bright fingers.
TO ETERNITY (Usa) Demo’03. While so many bands are still
trying to play as fast as possible, some guys come back to the good
old school thrash metal with enough success to be impressive! EXIT
TO ETERNITY is a quite young Thrash metal band who plays a style
influenced by old SLAYER, old TESTAMENT and the early Bay area wave.
This is total metal motherfucker! The band has everythings to be
at least decent for thrash metal maniacs: good guitarists, good
drummer, an okey vocalist, some strong enough and some times catchy
riffs, the whole melted in quite strong structures that will surely
make EXIT TO ETERNITY sound as a quite solid live outfit! Notice
the band sometimes slows down and they have kinda "melodic
thrash" riffs that could sound like old FORBIDDEN (Would better
to say TESTAMENT). Of course some riffs sound less inspired or
quite everheard, but the whole is packaged with enough rebellion
and know-how! Keep it moshing motherfucker! This is a cool band
that doesn't sound like a "wanna play old school thrash formation"!
A cool surprise of steel! YOU ARE CAUGHT IN A MOSH! SO KEEP
(Ita) The call of the scythe "Demo" CDr. 2006. I
sometimes wonder why, and how, some peoples are able to dare spreading
their so minimalistic and devoid of interest personal projects. This
CDr contains electronic, experimental music that tries to make you
"afraid" with little atmospheres... But the whole is so
stripped and minimalistic... It lacks a lot of work concerning the
atmospheres, the few rhythms and sounds that were pasted really
seem to appear by hazard, and the samples sound very common (And
easy to do: Just put a classical echo on a common sample)... The
whole cruelly lacks of substance and is totally unstitched. Experimental
and improvisation aren't synonymous with "Absence of work and
ideas" or "Do it fast/ do it bad"! Finally, there's
nothing to remember: This project probably amuses only and exclusively
the guy who spent less than 30 minutes to shit that behind his computer...
If I search well, some peoples who would have never ever heard anything
else that binary pop music could find it quite "refreshing"...
That's to say absolute zero is knocking hard on Extrematica's door.
(Bra) Facada Demo CDr'05. Punishing grindcore the old way
with a great energy and punching style! The influences are clearly
located in the albums of NAPALM DEATH (“From enslavement…”, “Mentally
murdered”...), DEAD INFECTION (“A chapter of accidents”), TERRORIZER,
REGURGITATE (“Carnivorous erection”) as you get face-punched by
an old styled (Yet not retro, nor atmosphere-based) grind urge full
of blasts the energetic way, stressful riffs, cool crust beats,
and punching power chords the way of the impact. Sometimes they
could also remind of current SQUASH BOWELS, HUTT or the best of
OBLIGATORISK TORTYR... I could say every riffs aren't as impressive
(On a gut-power point of view... I’m not talking about skills...),
and it doesn't sound new (Well, it's real grindcore...), but it's
one of the best GRIND demos I heard the last years, and it could
easily compete with many current CDs of the style... And I'll conclude
with: AAARRRGGGHHH!! (Blast scriptum: It seems they later released
an album, and it's the same style... Héhé)
(Pol) Severe hypoxia Demo CDr 2005. Contrary to what their
kind of gorenoise grind moniker could let you imagine, FAECES has
nice meat-burning attributes to entertain underground fans of brutality.
On an half-chopped cunt the music sounds brutal enough, on the other
cunty half a bunch of the riffs lack of vaginally defenestrating
brutality! (Understand your fist remains blocked in the farting
vagina). FAECES are influenced by various kinds of brutal death,
and could remind of old CANNIBAL CORPSE, early YATTERING, SPLATTERED
CADAVER, UNCREATION, old SEVERE TORTURE and other American or European
Brutal death bands. The technical level is quite good, but some
riffs could be improved (too easy or ever heard). There are a lot
of riffs per track, which isn't a problem, but these riffs aren't
articulated the best, so it doesn't flow really well half of the
time, and it can seem long from here and there... It isn't really
right in the face! Notice an ok cover of DEATH ("The philosopher")
but some riffs aren't the same... Was it volunteer or not? I'm not
sure... This is en encouraging demo, but I'd really advice them
to let flow the... excrements! Ah Ah! No no, please don't turn to
shit embalmed goregrind! Let flow more brutality and work on the
efficiency of the songs! Ok?
(Fra) Christianicide Demo CDr’03. Some of you may have noticed
I'm not the biggest Black metal fan, some may also have noticed
folkloric "Black metal" and keyboard ridden symphonic
shemale distorted rock aren't welcome here, but well when I hear
a Black metal band that doesn't seem bad, it can be a nice idea
to review on of their releases! FERA is a band from my suburb
whose demo I ordered during a local gig, after the recommendations
of a friend of mine. This Demo is composed of 5 Black metal tracks
in a rather 90's Norwegian style that has both its raw and more
melodic moments. The music can remind of old IMMORTAL, old SATYRICON,
early DARK FUNERAL, DISSECTION, SACRAMENTUM (a bit), as it evolves
between blasting and mid placed raw parts or more worked on semi
melodic things. No traces of gayness was detected, no wimpy keyboards
nor shemale vocals were used. This is a rather "pure"
demo for a band who chose to do it the old way. Between the correct
and the professional. Even if not much kicked my ass, even if
I thought some parts aren't of my lickings, I found some cool riffs
and FERA seems to be an honest and serious band that might please
underground Black metal fans! I'll try to see them live!
(Pol) Overthrown divinity Demo CD'06. As I have been dormant
and asleep for quite a too long time, almost drowning in my own
putrid carcass, the strongest hammer of metal took all its power
and fury to kick my balls in bleeding agony! AAAARRRGGGHHH!! Needless
to say it was high time to move my ass and write more reviews if
I didn't want to be definitely castrated! Héhé As
you might have got it, obscure fornicators of the deceased, this
Polish band FEROSITY plays quite ferocious music... What you can
hear has a cool aura of quite old styled death emerging. It's midly
old school metal of death taking both from mid old MORBID ANGEL,
old MORGOTH and some stuffs like old IMMOLATION. The whole cryptically
evolves between the fast, the mid placed and the slow. It's never
that fast or brutal a modern way, as their goal seems to recreate
nice atmospheres of obscurity, and it's quite cool for this reason. But
I must also say it is music done by fans of the style who do not
aim to create something new or specially personal; it's cool stuff
with the right atmosphere, but nothing really thrilling to the ass
bone of sodomized sarcasm. I think FEROSITY will be cool for underground
fans of the style and especially putrid bangers who constantly rot
and always need to torture their necks more and more during putrid
AID (Ger) Promo CDr'04. On the risky paths of promotional
items, I received this demo that would nicely fit on the pile of
“ What the fuck could I say about it ?” items. Old school thrash
metal comes back a little bit more every days, at least in the deep
underground, but there aren’t only nice surprises… What you can
hear in this promo is thrash metal reminding of early METALLICA,
for it’s mostly midplaced, simple, and the vocals aren’t so far
of James Ulrich (or was it Lars Hetfield?). It also has touches
of early OVERKILL, old RAZOR, old BULLDOZER, and a little putrid
zest of HELLHAMMER hidden in some raw simple parts. All in all,
it sounds ok/ correct for the style, but I didn’t detect anything
emotional, adrenalized, new or catchy… Just old thrash with the
right influences. Average demo stuff. I don’t think I’ll listen
to this again.
(Gre) Studio rehearsals 12/2005 and 01/2006. Demo CDr. You
got it all stuffed to the assbone, now motherfucker: VOMIT YOUR
SEX!! FLESHMANGLER plays old styled Grind crust with death metal
touches, with the strong intravenous influences of good old NAPALM
DAVE, NECRRORIZER, plasmatic urges of old DEAD INJECTION, convenience
à la GAGATHOKYST, with some ARRRGHMORE ACHE thrown in some
kind of "funnier" stuffs. FLESHMANGLER has more grind
influences than many current so called "Grindcore" blasting
death or chaotic hardcore bands trying to fit the Cow grinding moniker
at all costs... This is decently played, nicely built, some vocals
aren't bad at all and the influences were all nicely injected, but
various coagulating elements kind of waste the incisive pleasure:
The production sounds quite too deaf and lacks the scorching frequencies
of grindcore, there's no real soarprise, and the whole kinda sounds
too convenient to kill. This is currently and okey demo (Might
sound cool, considering it's only a studio rehearsal) some XXXL
Grind junkies will like to listen during a convenient rest with
bloodfarting jokes, but I think the band is able to do much better
with more energy and will to crush everythings! So, good grind to
them. Email:
(Rus) Demo CDr'05. Homonyms are better than Homodernity,
and the Russian FLESHRIPPER sounds better than the German one. Смерть
и гниение! Brutal death metal is what you have here, and the
band chose to play it technical and complex, in a way that kinda
reminds me of SPAWN OF POSSESSION's first album, quite early NATRON,
plus some SEVERE TORTURE, CAPHARNAUM, with touches of early SUFFO/
PYREXIA. There are quite a lot of breaks and time-changes, some
stuffs that sound voluntary absurd, but also some effect of stagnancy
that doesn't seem to be voluntary. The vocals are low enough.
You already guessed the whole sounds quite complex and technical
( I hope so, if you read the beginning of the review...), quite
well built enough... But as often with this kind of stuffs, I didn't
detect much catchy riffs from hell to impale you on a spiked altar
or a putrid efficiency to blastasfuck your brain until a delicious
cerebral liquefaction... Unless you're very focused, this might
sound like too much stuffs at the same time for your poor slow brain
(Uh! More steroids please!) Even if the whole might sound blurry
coz of the accumulation of riffs, the music is tightly played and
there's enough brutality and blasts to keep fans of the style entertained.
In my opinion this is average music, because of a lack of something
that stands out, but fans of brewtal and teknikawl music might have
found a new bowel squashing item for their blablablasting brewtaaarrrgh
deeeaaath metawwwl needs! Email:
(Usa) Promo 2006. FLESHTIZED are back and reunited to plunge
your head, again, in massive flows of corrosive cadaveric vomit!
YEAAARRRH!! Prepare to hate, hate and hate again until your mouth
spits dried out blood! At the first hear there aren't obvious
differences from what they procreated on their good first album:
Quite obscure, blast ridden, death metal with MORBID ANGEL influences.
But a closer auditive penetration lets me hear the fact some technical
guitars have grafted over the obscurity of once. So the band sounds
a bit more "modern" and not as obscure (Even if this last
feeling might not be so realistic, as I didn't listen to their first
CD since some time). This is good stuff to listen: It rages quite
hard and some riffs shake the fuse-blowing deal, but I miss something
that used to awake a quite terrorizing fury in me: It seems the
whole doesn't sound so obscure or embalming to metallic dementia.
The manifestation of skills isn't top notch, but for a demo recording
it's very good. It's not a bad demo, it's quite intense and massive,
but I expected something more gutblowing... But for somekind of
"comeback" demo it's not bad at all, so my mind suggests
I should wait and hear how the forthcoming album will sound, because
some good intensity that might overtop this release could explode
your consciousness (of death).
CULT (Fra) Promo demo 2006. Quite good newcoming obscure
death metal band à la mid old INCANTATION, IMMOLATION, with
some MORBID ANGEL, FLESHTIZED and a zest of old NILE. The feeling
isn't as intense and the style isn't as developed as the bands mentioned
before, but there's a nice atmosphere, it's quite well packaged
and some quite "chaotic" riffs aren't bad. The band evolves
between the concrete aspect of hard riffing, and a more abstract
approach à la INCANTATION's "Mortal throne of nazarene"
(For example). I regret the whole isn't more intense, and the snare
drum sounds a bit too thin (A la CRYPTOPSY). Not bad at all,
and even quite promising for a first demo from the depth of the
underground! More experience and rehearsals of agony might help
them to write more extreme songs. Hailz Death metal! Email:
THE FACTS (Can)/ BANZAI 606 (Malaysia) Split tape'03. SUKK
Prods/ FIRST AID. Power-violence grind death crust with strange
influences and jazzy breaks à la EXIT 13. I've never been a FTF
enthusiast; it was to varied and lacking of gaysus-nailing-riffs
for my tastes, but this release might no be their worst: the guys
play decently and the tracks are correctly built. Of putrid corpse
there are riffs to be found as tomb-fillers or "Let's-finish-this-song-in-20-seconds-max".
Some stuffs sound fresh enough for 1 or 2 bearable listenings, but
yet I've not found real dense feelings in F.T.F. For big fans of
the noisy power-violence grind whatever style... BANZAI606:
Very underground Grind Crust with an aquatic sound! Yep, the production
has some kind of plunging low quality Mp3 texture and the guitars
taste as if many meatallers brutally ejaculated on the tape! Aquatic,
I told you! The music is quite old sounding, à la old S.O.B, DEFECATION,
with a semen zest of old NAUSEA (Usa) and some punk parts. Between
the average and very average. This might please some cumslurpers
and dustsuckers but big underground fans and local supporters only! SUKK Prods: c/o Semih Orhan, Fethiye Mah. Isiktepe Cad. Akkent Sitesi n/3 Nilufer, Bursa
BOMB (Uk) Promo 2004. Thrash also revives in England!
Motherfuckers! This nice two tracks promo consists of a mid placed
thrash metal along the lines of old KREATOR, early DARK ANGEL (1st
album), ONSLAUGHT (2nd Lp) with a good touch of old DESTRUCTION
for the early German thrash metal touch! Surprisingly, these 2 tracks
entitled "The survival option" and "Mutually absurd
destruction" aren't so fast but rather mid placed, yet with
some crazy motorbike's accelerations. Contrary to a bunch of
Thrash/ Black bands, GAMA BOMB's vocals aren't screamed, it's some
vocals the old way between those of ONSLAUGHT (2nd Lp), DARK ANGEL's
1st Lp... I kinda regret it's not an ultra fast ripping thrash
assault... with ripping riffs à la MERCILESS (1st Lp) and some real
turbo stress compression of hell! It even sounds too convenient
by moments: correctly played, well constructed... but what about
the maximum urge of a massive beer ingurgitation that gives you
the early power of ancient thrash metal and is still able to severely
kick the ass of the most Brutal death metal infected junky? Yeah!
The really killer music has no limit, especially when it's so full
or urge and and raw enthusiasm than early Thrash metal! The scene
needs raw and simple music to kick its fat ass and raise hundreds
of beerpacks up the sky to infest heaven with our might liquid of
death! But no, in this case it's only convenient and quite cool
sounding, so I guess fans of pure brutality, harsh death metal and
Aggressive grind won't find much evil shoes for their ugly feets
in here. This is a nice promo to listen into beer injected tranquility...
A cool band for those who need an old nostalgic feeling in their
thrash metal. GAMA BOMB will release a split Ep quite soon, so keep
updated if you're interested.
TERROR (Fra) Ruins... and then? Rehearsal demo tape 2004. Cool
band name, cool influences, but nothing special or groundbreaking. GASMASK
TERROR seems to be a young crustcore band who chose to play it simple
and old school à la DIRSUPT, DOOM and early EXTREME NOISE TERROR. This
demo in itself sounds decent (Some riffs could have a good place
in killer compositions while some are average or too ever heard!). The
production is garage, rehearsal like. I'd advice them to work a
bit more on their tracks and bring more energy in da house of pain!
(Drink more beer!) and to inject some few drumming breaks. Their
future doesn't seem so darkened by Napalm clouds, but more intensity
is needed to impress me! Cool band name, cool influences, but
nothing special or ground breaking.
GRINDER (Ita) Genital grinder Demo'03. Abstract putrefaction
and triplefuck! The mucous deepness of the Underground still happens
to vomit refermented vicious toxic giblets! Here is some kind of
old school Brutal death (if I could say so), blasting stuffs reminding
of early EXHUMED, early MORGUE (Fra), with chaotic old INCANTATION
and touches of old CANNIBAL CORPSE, DISINFECT and old INHUMATE. A
shame the whole isn't that tight (and the drummer has problems in
blasting parts), the vocals are average (Deeper or sicker would
be better) because GENITAL GRINDER sounds more energetic than the
average! The production is quite raw and boxerful, but the whole
sounds a bit too chaotic. Nothing new or original, but I guess
with more rehearsals they might do something as pleasant as a purulent
vaginal caress! Good luck and keep courage! At least they sound
more energetic and impressive than the French GENITAL GRINDER that
displays flat Death grind and stupid lyrics! Ah! Email:
BORKEN (Jap) Murdering your guts open demo CDr'05. Very
underground brutal death metal that doesn’t sound too technical
(understand no wanking) and could rather remind of early SUFFOCATION,
early PYREXIA and old BROKEN HOPE (The quite raw first releases).
The raw production, and half vomited fuck off vocals gives it a
gore-grind touch. They have a too strong tendancy to penetrate
the mid-placed or heavy abdominal patterns for my putrid tastes…
And they doesn’t sound so tight, nor like splashing the green pus
from the obese pustular intruder. All in all, even if some riffs
doesn’t seem bad, it sounds like average brutal death (Yes, more
urges of blasting adrenaline and vicious crushing heaviness are
lacking!). The band might improve into something more impressive
with more rehearsals, when they’ll reach the perfect tightness of
executing autopsy. Until then, this band is only for very big underground-freaks. Wish
them good luck.
(Jap) Test recording Demo'03. Morbid erection through
your speakers! Bang bang bang your face! Insane impalement of sanity! GLOSSECTOMY
finally happens to have a recording with a good production, even
if it's not an official one (yet?). Most of the tracks sound short
(too short for the style) making me wonder if it wasn't shortened
for this test recording. What you have is US molded and focused
brutal Death metal sounding professional and heavy enough. GLOSSECTOMY
sound very much like their American brothers in brutality (No quotes
for your metal babe, she'll forget metal in 6 months!), but what
helps them to distinguish from the pile of rotting corpses and offer
cooler tracks are some quite strange ideas and few bass lines. Apart
from the quite too few, you have your share of blasts, groovy TXDM
and heavy SKINLESS alike drippings, the whole melted in many tempo-changes. I
think GLOSSECTOMY could have developed much deeper some of the strange
ideas nailed before, it sounds unusual for US styled brutal death
and could turn into very catchy obscure moments of cerebral escape
and ghoulish self-mutilation. To conclude, I'll say GLOSSECTOMY
might sound boring, cool or brutal as fucking, depending on if you
dig the ossuaries of US Brutal death. It's a very expressive conclusion,
isn't it? Ah! Send me samples of your semen collections and I'll
open my filthy mouth! Ah Ah!
MOLESTÖR (Uk) Ancient barbaric assault Demo’03. This
demo begins in an obscure vein with a cryptic and fear-burning riff
being totally in the style of INCANTATION. Fast and heavy with real
obscure deepness. GOAT MOLESÖR performs some kind of obscure
and old school death metal meets some old raw black metal that could
evoke the likes of INCANTATION ("Blasphemy"), ENCABULOS,
while some simple raw black riffs could remind some old IMPIETY
(1st album) or ARCHGOAT. The tracks of GOAT MOLESTÖR are composed
of as much cool sounding riffs than average and quite flat ones.
The main problems are the fact the band is a bit slow/ blurred in
the fast parts, the drums are a bit lost in the mix (Can't hear
the blast clearly) and some of the riffs in furnace are too average
or were ever bestially fornicated before! To simple or "easy"
to unfrigidify the lordgoat, mother of the vilest human affliction.
But some of the riffs and obscure necroharmonies let me think GOAT
MOLESTÖR can go farest (In hell!!) with some intense and sulfuric
rehearsals! Not the promising, but average with both real weaknesses,
the right atmospheres and cools ideas. I might keep a putrid perverted
on them! Blasphemic goatsaw graveraiders! C/o G.M, 8 highfiled
Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 8LE, UK. Email:
(Fin) Demo tape 2005. Massive assault of the kamixxxaze orks! Dixxxusting
deglutition of beer filled vomixxx! Goats, fear our sodomizing
spiked hammers of retalliation!! GOATSODOMY = Blast as fuck
bestial black death metal sounding like a tighter old BLASPHEMY,
meets a bit of BEHERIT, with some almost grindcore influences in
some fast riffs and heavier moments... with fukked up vocals! This
throat of spiked nightmare happens to sound dehumanized but also
bestial, despotist and obscure à la VON! Ahr! Satanic blood!! GOATSODOMY
sounds more efficient than many current war black metal metaaawl
bands, because the drummer knows how to blast as fukkk, and the
whole sounds more sexxxkompressed... Sexxxistik Spiritual Sexxxsodomy! Notice
there's a BLASPHEMY cover ("Atomic nuclear desolation")
and GOATSODOMY seems to be the project of guys from other Finnish
metal bands. Some hard to satisfy deniers of the spikesukk kvlt
will notice the riffs aren't katchy or something sexxxualy special,
it only sounds sexxxbrutal and lackkks of sexxxekuting riffing axxxes
from the deepexxx pits of hellish sexxx! So, konklude in the mighty
sixxxsixxxsixxx konklave sexxxtorture chamber: this ixxx average
musixxx with a bestiaxxx blastixxx power and kool bestiaxxx fukk
fukk fukk vokals! Only for Fukkterranean maniaxxx of the bestialataxxxing
vomixxx style! But not bad if you axxxe me! Ahr! The Rotatixxxe
Axxxe keeps on Sexxxmolesting! Email:
THROTTLER (Uk) Das goat Demo’04. GOAT THROTTLER doesn't
totally sound like death, it doesn't sound much like black metal...
but it doesn't sound modern! That's for sure! On this first self
recorded demo, GOAT THROTTLER plays a convenient mix of good old
Death metal in the old vein (old AUTOPSY, some early DEATH), some
mid placed black metal that could remind of the earliest works of
ABSU (less worked and not as Death metallic), ARCKAN OBSCURA's 1st
Demo (A once cool band from my suburb), and some old VOÏVOD influenced
stuffs. Most of the music is mid placed, which sounds quite boring
after a while since explosive moments of stressed pig accelerations
à la AUTOPSY would be really welcome! Hopefully the band happens
to be faster, such as on the 2nd track that has it heavily fast
like early DEATH meets AUTOPSY! Some morbid riffs are cool and remindable...
but of corpse there's nothing new or that shredding. This might
sound like some kind of Black metal because of the production being
underground and quite raw. I enjoy the vocals: most of it being
composed of screams (a bit like early DEATH or CARCASS), with decent
appearance of growls. All in all, it's an average Demo with both
nice moments (such as the doomed AUTOPSY influence, the fast 2nd
track or the quite sick vocals) and 'nothing special' riffs... But
the band plays it too much mid-placed to entertain me! As ever said
before, some stressful alcoholic accelerations would diversify and
improve their songs.... and more rehearsals are needed for a better
tightness. This demo rather sounds like the old demos of the
past, when the bands were recording it themselves on a 4 tracker
to let their friends hear their music, and I like that! No overproduced
demo nor an unrealistic will to promote, nor an often crossed imaginary
superstars behaviour! Only underground the underground way! Between
the average and the almost very average, but with nice enough moments
for me to say "Cool!" and want to hear their second demo!
For old school underground death metal maniacs who don't need it
too fast or full of revenge, and don't demand too many beers in
the demos they actually listen to! All Mp3s are for free on their
TYRANT (Pol) Necromantical curse Demo tape'06. Black
thrash metal that sounds a lot like early BATHORY (Demo days) on
a first approach, during the first seconds... Which sounds promising,
with the same nice 4-tracker sound, and so I imagined a thrashing
speed metal fury... But in fact the style is a bit different: The
simple drumming and some riffs makes them sound more like some old
VENOM, mid placed BATHORY (Songs like "Raise the dead"),
some blasts give it a NIFELHEIM taste, and the very loud-in-the-mix
vocals would be somewhere between dead (Mayhem... Less tortured)
and maybe some old Burzum (?). So it's a mixture of mid-placed old
ugly black metal, thrash metal riffs and fast black metal the 90's
way. I expected something a bit more energetic (The thrashing speed
metal way) and I'm not as interested in the other influences or
the Abaddon alike drumming... But it remains okey and convenient
if you like to rest with the slow riffs and quite dumb rhythms of
old VENOM... So the conclusion for me will be: It's only Ok underground
stuff that might anyway please some quite fucked drunk bangers. c/o
Micahl Dolinski, Ul. Krakinskiego 18 B, 83110 TCZEW, POLAND Email:
(Usa) Promo 2003. Not
being so familiar to GORGASM's music, I can't compare this new release
to their previous stuffs. This nicely rounded new promo is composed
of two Brutal death grind tracks entitled "Corpse fiend"
and "Seminal embalment"! Expect Brutal stuff in the American
vein! I mean Brutal death metal à la SUFFOCATION with 'melodies'
à la DEEDS OF FLESH (last releases) but it's not your overabusive
hyper-technical crap! Rather right in your face Brutal death with
enough complex touches to make it easily understandable and face
punching! The band also have some darkened riffs à la MORBID
ANGEL ("Domination") while some riffs remind me of MALEVOLENT
CREATION's last releases or old DEICIDE, but the main influence
is really SUFFOCATION! Old school tremolo Death metal riffings,
technical guitar attacks and heavier crushing grooves! It sounds
pro! Even if I didn't find this promo exceptional nor original
(it's Brutal death), it's more Brutal than most of the bands who
merely try to sound Brutal! GORGASM stands above the countless bands
trying to rip-off the American style but forget the guts! Brutal
enough for all fans of Brutal death who need a minimum of quality
to get their slips inside out!
(Fra) Demo'05. The beginning of this demo could let you wonder
what you have here, coz it's not that efficient, but the following
is cooler. GORO is apparently a quite young band that chose to
play its brutal death quite technical and varied, both influenced
by old brutal death (Deeds of flesh, old Cannibal corpse), quite
modern brutality (Intervalle bizarre, old Yattering... or Malignancy?)
and old blasting death (Old Morbid angel). I kinda enjoy some
of their fast death grind parts with quite infernal riffs, on the
other hand some US Brutality is too cerebral to impress and comrpess
me in bile dejecting dementia! Even though I attentively listened
to their 4 tracks, I didn't detect a lot to grip me on the mighty
meat hook sodomy. Even if the band does it correctly, I'd advice
them to deeper explore the inner metallic realm to search for catchy
riffs and more interesting "melodies". It might also be
a matter of tracks' structures: half of the riffs doesn't sound
bad, so deleting the unnecessary and retargeting the brutal goal
of each song might improve the impact! All in all, GORO is a
band with a quite good technical level, and some quite good potential
to putrefy the brains of brutal death fans, but it lacks of catchiness
and personality. It might be a cool live band! With them good luck! Email:
(Fra) Promo 2005 CDr. If the GORYPTIC moniker probably sounds
unfamiliar to most of you, this is because the creation of the band
under this name dates back to few months (September 2005). In fact
they were previously known as HERESY, a band from the north of France
that was active since the end of the 90's in a more or less death
or thrash register, depending on the epoch. The change of moniker
opens the gates to a musical radicalization in the style of the
band, that nowadays uses the Brutal death sticker. This promo
CD lasts less than 7 minutes and contains 2 tracks, we have to deal
with a death meant to be efficient and showing a quite complex side.
1st point, the structures are both developed and condensed, to me
that seems the essential element for each band claiming to belong
to brutal death. The influences are purely north American, with
both fast and heavy riffs of which origin can be tracked down to
New York, to the exception of the vocals, maybe, that seems to be
inherited from an older thrash/death tradition, rather than the
currently common 'gurgle-blast' style. The production is also clearer
and less monolithic than what the style generally « requires »,
this isn't necessarily bad because it gives more thickness to the
drums that don't sound too much 'taca-taca-tac', if you see what
I mean. In terms of
composition, the first song is the most interesting because it includes
well placed variations on tempos and breaks, as well as few discarding
harmonies that diversifies the whole. On the other hand, the second
song is more linear in its structure, and drowns a bit in its search
for pure brutality that do not bring much anymore nowadays, regarding
the overdose of the scene. Few unwanted clichés also subsist in
few riffs (see the screaming harmonics between heavy power chords.)
and this is what leads me to say Goryptic is a good student, but
needs a lot of work before being the master. Their music lacks a
bit of personality in my opinion. But it's a 2 songs demo, not an
album, so it's a bit short to have a definite opinion. Obviously,
this band already have good basis and a solid background, hope they'll
uses these opportunities to settle and find their own musical identity.
GHOUL (Bel) Coming of war Demo'03. What a brutal production!
The sound of guitars shreds and molests the speakers as rusted razorblades
while the bass guitar is distorted the way I like it! And the music
of GRINNING GHOUL doesn't displease the listener in need for Thrashing
Brutality! Yes, here's one more thrashing metal band who chose to
play it brutal in a way that could remind of the early Thrash metal
godz SODOM and KREATOR (early). I've to add these Belgian beer drinkers
play their thrash/ death in a way that sounds quite "modern"
but remains free from any boooring new shool thrash metal influences:
no gay melodic trash or too much THE HAUNTED whoreship and trendy
craps like that! Only good old thrashing mania, with old school
death influences, constructed in a right way with cool influences
quoted before, plus some old SLAYER and some Death metal influences
that could remind of early DEATH and other morbid pleasures. The
vocals follow a quite black-thrashing way that could remind of Mille
Petrozza's early screams of anger, or many current Black-thrashing
bands who keep it scorched in the guts of agony. There are few mid-placed
Brutal death touches that sound ok in the whole. On the other
hand, after you read these lines of apparently endlessly flowing
positive golden beer, some mistakes need to be quoted: the tracks
of GRINNING GHOUL aren't always structured the best way as some
riffs kinda waste the whole energy, and there's nothing bloody new
or surprising: finally we aren't talking about a classic demo in
the style, but rather of a demo performed by fans of the style who
do it fine and brutal enough to please the bangers who like it with
a powerful sound. Not outstanding, but quite worth the listening
for underground thrash/ death fans.
(Usa) Demo'05. Decent blasting satanic Death metal à la DEICIDE
(old), HATE ETERNAL, MORBID ANGEL (Old), CENTURIAN, with moments
of Death grind and riffing touches à la old SINISTER ("Hate")
and CANNIBAL CORPSE (old). HABORYM also reminds me of some Brutal
Death bands from the past that got forgotten for some obscure reasons...
So, there's nothing new school or that modern, you putrid hibernator! There's
nothing original, or new, and some moments are quite stagnating,
but there are also quite efficient and brutal moments that help
to erase the malignant radioactive shit fighting to take over your
pusfilled consciousness! The vocals are quite deep and obscure (with
a nice harmonizer effect). Konklusion: nothing new or killing
the efficient way, but there are enough brutality and taste for
Death metal for a nice assfuck nail crucifixion! With more work
and experience, they might evolve in something more than an average,
yet extreme, demo death metal band. They seem to be a cool band
to see live. You can check out their songs in there:
(Swe) Demo CDr'06. Even thought the putrid fucker who tries
to sell you underground demos isn't a black metal fan, there happens
to be some nice demos emerging from the floating infinity of recordings
that would never awake anything in my grave of skull. HAEMOPHILIA
is one of these bands, I won't easily describe, coz of lack of musical
background, and I can't say the 4 songs awake some real emotions
in me, but the listening is pleasant, thanx to the fact the band
decently plays, builds and recorded their songs. During the listening,
I occur to think about ABIGOR's later, faster and lesser atmospheric
black metal recordings, some MAYHEM, AUDIOPAIN's most blackmetallic
riffs, (old) MARDUK's fast and mid placed parts, few guitars à la
early AURA NOIR... There's some kind of thrashy death metal touch
in some riffs. Some black metallers might find it too "clean',
might think it remains over the surface of the ugly malignant abscess,
and the drummer isn't always fast and destructive enough in the
blasts... But in my hears, it's not bad. An okey demo that was built
a nice way. What lacks is probably a more intense feeling. Good
luck to HAEMOPHILIA! (And don't forget to cut your flesh for Satan!
Ah Ah!)
FACE (Fra) 7-8-06-03 Demo CD'03. GRÖMPH! Here's the new
HAPPY FACE Demo. The style of the band is still somewhere between
Hardcore, Grindcore, Death metal, Chaotic Hardcore and Crustcore,
and the whole is more mid tempo driven, groovy or heavy than anything.
What I don't like in here is some strange "unlogical"
tracks structures make the whole loose some efficiency, and some
new school Grind influences made their arrival (Discording grind
parts and too bizarre sounding stuffs). Some Grindgore vocals have
appeared. There are some cool ideas thrown from here and there
(such as some heavy parts and good drums patterns), but I'm not
so much into their whole stuffs: too much core for me! They could
remind of NAPALM DEATH's most hardcorish parts, PIG DESTROYER for
the chaotic/ new school Grind touch. The first track "Milles
mulles en meule" is the best one here! Brutalhardcore Crust
with powerful heaviness and right breaks on drums. (A shame the
end of the track sounds quite strange). The sound is powerful
and very good for a demo. I prefer this 2nd demo than the 1st one.
As I said, there is a bunch of too strange discarding riffs or breaks
for me. Those who like core driven stuffs with some weird or bizarrely
original stuffs may enjoy this demo because the brutality is here!
(Ita) Promo CDr 2005. The band has changed a lot since
their previous average and mid placed Demo'00 that lied in the dust. In
this new demo, you have 5:40 of well-built and quite energetic Death
metal taking from various US and European styles. The biggest lines
but there are also some mid old USBD influences (mid old DEEDS OF
FLESH), and touches of (mid old) GOD DETHRONED, MORTAL DECAY of
FOREST OF IMPALED for the quite worked guitar lines. The whole is
well built, fast, and some riffs sound well thought enough to give
you some kind of the feeling something new always happens. The
drummer blasts well. I'm not sure if it's really catchy or emotional,
but at least that works. It lacks the final touch of craziness (in
the vocals or the tiffs), something thrilling to the nerve or flash
catchy to make it great. This is cool to receive this kind of demo
that stands above the average! 5:40 for 3 tracks is short, so
you have to play it again! (At least 3 times for each session héhé).
HATEFUL will obviously and hopefully find a label soon!
(ITA) After the last breath Demo CD'00. Even if the cover
makes me think a bit about some GODFLESh's artworks, it's not at
all the same style of extreme music. HATEFUL play slow Death metal
reminding me a lot of D.A.B (Delayed Action Bomb- Now GURKKHAS)
at the time of their demos and 1st CD "Stormbringers". The
vocals sounds also kike D.A.B's ones (Hey J.F, don't forget to send
the awaited GURKKHAS hand numbered tampaxes and girlie panties!
Ah Ah!). Their style could also remind the slower parts of OBITUARY,
and some DxMx riffs aren't very far from Hardcore Metal by moments.,
some riffs are almost Thrashy. Their are some Heavy metal touches
on some leads. As lot of mid places Death Metal of this style
has ever been played on the thousands and thousands of Death metal
demos released in the past, I need something really good in the
style to be impressed. HATEFUL is just average and quite boring
by moments (at least for me!)
(Ita) The first strikes of hate Tape Lp'04. KURAVILU Prods. What
you're currently banging your head on is a nice pro-cover tape containing
HATEWORK's "Thrashers attack" Demo'00, "Total war"
Demo'01 and a bonus track (Misfits cover). This begins hellish à
la POSSESSED/ PESTILENCE, and then follows a quite punching piece
of thrashing metal with ancient technical touches, and the most
important, a good old school atmosphere! HATEWORK has nicely rounded
tracks reminding of early KREATOR, DESTRUCTION, some DARKNESS, or
the technical side of early PESTILENCE/ POSSESSED (even though the
music is much more speed/thrashing). That disbeers enough rage to
please maniacs of the old school mania! Some speed is metal is here!
(Some hell is here!). Sometimes they reminded me a bit of RAZOR
(old) or BULLDOZER (old). The quite screaming rageful vox happens
to remind me of early SLAYER meets early VOÏVOD (Black city!!).
Some tracks could be a bit more worked on, and the riffs are not
really catchy or as inspired as "Seven churches" (For
beersample), but for some thrashing metal demos, I think it's as
cool as a severely broken neck! héhé. This is only cool stuffs done
by the fans for real beer addicts! At least it's more convincing
than the few tracks I heard from their first full-length. Resume
& consume: Cool old school thrashing speed thrash with some
technicality, an evil death-metallish touch and some entertaining
energy. A nostalgically and energetically cool tape!
(Hol) Chaos in the flesh demo CD’02. This Dutch band that
plays Death/ Grind suffers from a lack of personality. Their music
reminds me of old school Death metal bands such as DEATH (old) or
MORBID ANGEL (old) in their fastest parts. It's Death metal riffs
in the style, but it always reminds me of something else. On several
parts they also reminded me of old BRUTALITY, same kind of melodies
and tremolo Death riffs with double bass drums background. They
also make me think about VIRULENT (Hol). I may quote some old
ALTAR as well, but HATRED's music sounds less aggressive and compressed.
The not so good logo could be worked on. It's listenable, but
nothing new or catchy appears as their 4 tracks sound almost the
same. So, this band that plays Death metal for "fun"
during rehearsals doesn't suck, but they should put more of themselves
into the compositions to reach the next level! They're actually
only somekind of a tribute band that plays a music influenced by
their musical tastes.
ABLAZE (Usa) Sanctimonious pestilence Demo CD’04. The
first sexual approach between the legs of the "Sanctimonious
pestilence" isn't repulsive. A nice obscure atmosphere can
be felt, and nice influences of old INCANTATION, old IMMOLATION
and DECREPIT are present. But after a few vicious ups and downs,
some problems begin to materialize in the inside: the drum playing
doesn't sound the best, I feel like a bunch of the riffs are average
or too hesitating (Few are even crappy, and some melodic parts sound
strange). Nothing that kept me locked and screaming in the inner
deepness, and their Death metal needs to be worked and developed
to reach more tightness and sulfuric efficiency, but I heard worst
(long playing) demos: an atmosphere can be touched from here &
there, and there are quite raw blasting parts. An average underground
demo, but it might not displease big fans of underground obscure
Death who aren't against things played a raw way.
(Hol) Demo CD'03. Spill the blood motherfucker! Spill the
blood!! This 6 tracks CDr is a demo I got in trade few months
ago; now the band has offered me enough cash I can spill a few words
about it! Haha What you have here is a kind of Death thrash black
that sounds quite obscure in parts. Some kind of mix between old
ANGEL CORPSE and more thrashy stuffs. But I can't avoid thinking
it lacks of energy! Sounds flat in my ears! The black metal riffs
doesn't sound good in my ears: too 'happy'! The guitar production
isn't bad, clear guitar sound. Even if some riffs sound ok, most
of the riffs and structures don’t turn on my morbid enthusiasm! HELLGOR
needs to inject o Brutal pulse of gluttonous beer and aggressive
testosterones in their Death metal so that it might be a bit more
deadly! For now it's very average.
(Fra) Thrasheurs Demo tape 2003. Yeah! If you’re not a French
speaking reader, I think that you could hardly get the point of
what HELLRAISERS is. The music is quite primitive mid paced thrash
metal with a really great sound, very compact like a bag of bricks!
Ha! And it’s sung in French. The lyrics are pure jewels of the French
literature since Molière! Hahahaha!!! It’s so fucking simple and
effective, with a huge touch of humor, that it’s quite difficult
not to bang your head to these metal hymns like “True metal”, “Thrasheurs”,
“Métal impérial”, or “Petit pédé d’enculé de ta mère la salope”.
The refrains are so fucking cool. I translate one for you: “thrash
is real metal for true men, all day long we booze like hell!”. The
spirit of TANKARD is not far, and it’s always cool to read the lyrics
when they deal with the nostalgia of the good old times when metal
was not so infested by posers! Ha! The music is so simple, but so
effective that after two listenings you already know the songs better
than your ABC! Ha! I read some negative reviews of the first
demo, which I can understand to a certain extent, but be sure that
this second demo is really a compilation of hymns to the gods of
Rock’n’Roll! Moreover when you know that the guys in HELLRAISER
are only 18 years old, and when you know them personally, you can
only open ten more cans of beer and bang your head until you fucking
bleed! ARGH!!! I fucking love this stuff! Ha! Cuntact:
(Usa) Ghosts of the past Demo 2003. UV DA SUBCONSCIOUZ SUBTITLES!
DA STREET BURN! HELLSHOCK is a cool band I discovered recently
and why not giving them a little review as a lack of beer can be
felt?! What you have here is cool old school hardcore/ Crust correctly
done in the gimmicks of the style, but HELLSHOCK sounds at least
ok: even if nothing is original here it sounds quite honest, correctly
built, and it has more balls than the melodic rock pop bands who
can't stop claiming there are "Hardcore"! HELLSHOCK
sounds like an urban mix of old EXTREME NOISE TERROR; SOD, SICK
OF IT ALL and metal with balls! D-beat ass-fuck, hardcore heaviness,
thrashing crossover slip-moshing riffs and disgusted raw HxCx vocals
in the old way. Fuck that! There are real metal influences from
here and there! SLAYER, ANTHRAX and some old heavy metal touches!
Notice a riff on the first track sounds a lot like VENOM's "Witching
hour"! I'm almost certain Hardcore maniacs were listening to
VENOM and old METALLICA back in the early times of the style, this
would explain that. I like the fact HELLSHOCK uses several kinds
of Crustcore, Hardcore, Crossover, almost Thrash metal: the tracks
are more varied. This isn't the fucking killer demo of the year;
but enough punch, drum-kickings and kicks are here! This is brutal
beer core! Check them live you fucking fukker!
(Pol) Demo CDr'05. Obscure are the livid path to eternal
damnation. You, little cock sucker of the perverse cybernetic thorns,
you have no other choice than to fucking drown in the shame of the
voluntary neglected ancienty! Voracious Death metal entities from
the past now see their elder hunger for feeble souls full-fed with
some endarkened burning meat of carbonic sulfur... The Hellspawn
is slowly but surely awaking from it's long and silent petrified
underground sleep... Beware little metaaawl wanabees, your little
game placed you right in the line of what's soon to devour you from
the inside! HELLSPAWN plays old styled blasting Death metal following
the impious path of MORBID ANGEL (Old), IMMOLATION and some HATE
ETERNAL (Old). The leads and some quite 'majestic' sounding riffs
especially reminds me of "Domination", but there are also
some nice moments of quite good obscurity materialzing in some quite
heavy riffs and blasting parts. The drum playing could be
a bit more varied and creative, as it could enpower the rendering
of some riffs... On a matter of guitar-playing, there's nothing
original, but the band has reached a quite good level (No riff sucks
the dirt from your skull, and some guitars sound obscure enough
to be quite inspiring). Rearranging some tracks structures could
severly improve the impact of the Hellspawn. The production is
quite powerful, and a bit "deaf" but that's far from behing
a problem for a death metal demo. I guess it's a cool band
to see live! HELLSPAWN is currently a band with a quite good
level, and some interesting ideas from here and there, even if they
play nothing new. They have a potential to interest the fans of
underground obscure Death metal and to kick your ass during gigs.
I'm curious to follow their evolution. The translucent horse
of darkness we ride! Hu? Not enough beer?
SLAUGHTER (Usa) Diabolical necromancy Demo tape'01. Re-released
2004. NORTH CABIN Recs. This sub-project
of a guitarist from COLD NORTHEN VENGEANCE (Us black metal) plays
old styled underground Death metal with doomy touches à la early
ASPHYX ("Embrace the death") and few blasts. This was
recorded and sounds like demos from the past. It reminds me of
and maybe some old DEMONIC CHRIST. There are some black metal
riffs... The more you engulf in the length of the tape, the more
black metal influences seem to appear. There's nothing exceptionally
morbid, obscure or that energetic, it's just an ok sounding demo
but I know some bangers will like to rest and sleep with this metallic
(Bra) Miserável Demo'03. I started to ask myself some real
questions about the South American Grindcore scene, I know nothing
from here that's intense enough for my tastes! Hopefully I've discovered
this cool band on an Argentinean webzine. HUTT is a quite young
band that plays Grindcore, and this less than 10 minutes long demo
is a nice beginning! Raw underground Grind that reminds me of BIRDFLESH,
THE KILL, old BRUJERIA and the early days of NAPALM DEATH (a bit).
The drummer who nervously blasts the grindcore beats isn't bad!
Tight intense bastard! They also have got some mid placed grooves
or crust touches that could remind of NASUM, RIGHTEOUS PIGS or old
DEAD INFECTION (1st CD). Their lyrics are in Portuguese. Most
of the tracks are less than 1 minute long. Some tracks could
be improved, some riffs could be more aggressive, and the mark of
averageness is here, but fuck off! The intensity is here on some
tracks and that's the most important! HUTT is a nice surprise and
these Grinding bastards have got their chances to be very cool for
the big Underground grind bastards! Grind the bones and squash the
bowels of the incredibly greedy politicians!
(Jap) Promo track 2005. This is the only single track circulating
in the file-sharing underground grinding Mp3s black market... Not
even sure the band has a real releases yet... But a little review
was needed. Quite promising Brutal death metal that has enough
punch to let you imagine a since demo of theirs could be intense
as fuck! Sounds like a mix of blasting PIGSTY, with few old ALIENATION
MENTAL and some heavier US styled Brutality that could remind of
ROTTING (Can) and some more typical US Brutal death bands who liked
their heavy riffs of the perverse-crush being filled with screaming
guitars. A cool brutal track. Intense enough, nicely built and
well produced. Nothing rememberable yet, but let's see what will
happen with a first real release of HYONBLUD!
(Fra) Evilution Demo CD'03. The bands who try to mix Death
metal with electronic music very often see their heads severely
beaten in the dust ! But this HYPNOSIS demo isn’t bad, we can’t
talk about a failure! HYPNOSIS plays a nice mix of extreme metal,
and especially Brutal death, with various electronic music styles
such as techno, jungle… The Carcass of the music is articulated
around riffs that remind me of CANNIBAL CORPSE, FEAR FACTORY (Mostly
« Demanufacture ») and also STRAPPING YOUNG LAD (A bit). On this
carcass are transplanted the nicely felt electronic elements, some
of it included in between the riffs and drumbeats itself make the
whole sound more rythmic, a bit in the vein of the more technoish
parts of FEAR FACTORY on « Demanufacture ». Various samples and
keyboards are nicely included from here and there. Some Ok clear
female vocals are here, it doesn’t sound gay : it’s sung and shouted.
Some of the riffs sound too much à la CANNIBAL CORPSE in my opinion
(morbid melodies, etc) but their music is quite varied and composed
in a not repetitive way. In a way, they could remind of the latest
EMPEROR releases (complex structures, few tremolo Death/ Grind riffs,
quite obscure mood) or CARNIVAL IN COAL’s most serious Death metal
elements (coz HYPNOSIS’ music ain’t funny). This HYPNOTIC demo
is a cool surprise! Those who like extreme metal and who aren’t
against electronic music, some core touches and some originality
may find some interest in this demo!
(Fra) Blind are the eyes of servitude Demo CD'03. This demo
was a part of a promo package I received from Zombeast of death,
the editor of the total cult and old school as fuck death metal
bible LIQUID OF LIFE! I had no other choice than to scream "One
more beer motherfucker!" ILL DIVINE who comes from France
hopefully doesn't practice melodic thrash or nu-core, that's for
sure! They chose a band name taken from a FLESHTIZED track, so you
can expect only pure Death metal! What you can hear on is a rather
old school death metal with the right influences emerging right
from Florida's excellent 90's Death metal! old DEICIDE, old MORBID
morbidly reincarnate through the form of heavy obscure riffs, mid
placed double kicks ridden guitars and faster blasting moron fuck
blasphemies. One could find nice heavy riffs, leads or more melodic
guitars reminding me the first releases of BRUTALITY, if you see
what I mean! Old and mid old DEATH can be found for mid technical
riffs, tremolo guitars and nice leads that will make you make you
think about "Human". The music isn't hyperfast since
the band rather focuses on a dark mood or a mid-placed Death metal
that sometimes evolves in more melodic depths (à la ATHEIST, PESTILENCE
and early SUPPURATION). Some will find some old IMMOLATION in slower
creeping riffs and sulfuric guitars. ILL DIVINE reminds me a
lot their suburb brothers of Death, UNFRAGMENT! The two bands share
the same Death metal influences from the hellish past! Ok it's
now time for a brutal beer dejection! ILL DIVINE sounds like a cool
band with the right influences, but there are structure problems
that tens to decrease the intensity, not much new was found, some
riffs lack of ass kicking punch. Nothing that definitely marked
me to death, but it's cool to hear demos of this kind since the
band knows how to handle their instruments! I think ILL DIVINE must
be an interesting and cool band to check out live! And some beer
drowning Death metal fans will find this demo very cool!
(Ita) Dissonant perspectives Demo CD’03. Only one year after
their first demo, ILLOGICIST are back with a second one and the
improvements are quite important: the whole is more pro and more
technical! What you have here is melodic Death metal à la DEATH
("Symbolic" and "Individual") with a technical
edge and some thrashy (sometimes almost heavy) touches. There are
some more experimental touches that could make this think a bit
about "Spheres" of PESTILENCE. Some bizarre melodies could
eventually remind of COMECON (a bit of "Converging conspiracies")
and some old ATHEIST. The vocals are quite harsh and screamed à
la Chuck Shuldiner. The track I like the most is "Knowledge
curse" as it includes a bunch of cool riffs that remind me
both the melodic, technical or heavier touches of DEATH, but also
some parts of DESTRUCTION's "Live without sense" live
LP. And this catchy track is well constructed (it's the less experimental
one). The bad points in my opinion are the music is too "experimental"
by moments (3rd track especially) and the tracks could sound quite
long. But it sounds pro, and there are a bunch of nice parts. ILLOGICIST
is a very cool band in this style, and they have their chances to
find a label!
(Bra) Ritual macabro Demo CDr'06. IMOONTERK from Brazil plays
blasting Death metal with a bunch of old school death riffs that
sometimes tend to a thrashy edge and could remind of early MORBID
Some riffs could also remind of early SARCOFAGO or very early SEPULTURA,
but the whole isn't as crazy or vomiting... And after all, the whole
doesn't sound so hellishly blasting, since a bunch of mid-placed
and "regular" 90's death metal riffs are there (Think
about mid placed DEICIDE, or slow early DEATH/ MORGOTH for exemple). The
kinda murder-wasting problem lies in the fact everything isn't tight
enough (Guitarists and drummer doesn't always seem very synchronized...
That's not really a problem in some blasting moments that sound
quite bestial, but some fast and mid placed parts sound a bit forced,
as if the guts weren't naturally flowing from the inside of the
murdered piece of shit) and the structures of the songs show some
weakness (Riffs that decrease efficiency, mid placed stuffs that
do not flow very well). Some riffs sound quite well in the evil
kind of death, few could even open old gates to an hellish death,
and few leads sound nice, but the mark of averageness is too present
to really kick the ass of demanding death maniax! My final feelings
follow: IMOONTERK is an average band with some cool burning ideas
from here and there, but also a global lack of murdering musical
conviction. The improvement of death is wanted: More rehearshards
of hell and a more strict selection between their riffing ideas
shall be the key. Email:
DISGORGENCE (Usa) Demo'05. At the first listening you
could imagine IxDx are pretenders to the "throne" of the
most brutal death grind outfit, since the first track hits your
head with multiple blasts, rumbling snare drums blasts and ultra
guttural vocals... but it's not really the cadaveric case: between
the blasting stuffs, IxDx also has a bunch of heavier moments that
could remind of old SKINLESS or early DEEDS OF FLESH. One could
also hear Brutal Death à la CANNIBAL CORPSE, Death metal stuffs
à la DERANGED and few EXHUMED/ CARCASS influences. Some of the
heavy or fast riffs sound quite cool, and quite dripping & drowning,
and the production sounds good for the style (ultra-triggered drums,
heavy guitars), but something is really lacking to inspire me and
really kick my ass! This sounds Brutal, but some riffs could have
been more worked while some tracks' structures aren't well finished.
All in all this sounds as a correct Brutal death demo that might
turn on the fans of US Brutality. This is over the average of the
current crass-underwears-sucking brutal death demos, but it might
no please those who don't like ultra brutal US Death. Only for big
fans of the style!
(Fra) Ruina de la penitencia Demo CDr'06. This new IMPUREZA
demo shows a real improvement at various levels! While the band
still plays brutal death metal, the style has evolved from something
obscure à la Immolation/ Incantation to a music being much
more like NILE (But less technical, and so maybe less 'demonstrative')
yet while keeping an IMMOLATION like drive. The new drummer alos
has a better technical level than the previous one, his playing
full of double bass drums and blasts makes the whole sound more
extreme and professional. The production is also much better: it's
tighter, cleaner and more powerful! This demo sounds cool during
all the length, and a nice plus are the little flamenco and melodic
touches thrown from here and there. It sounds kinda refreshing without
sounding gay. And I must notice a riff from the first track, it
has something special, almost touching, that sounds almost personal.
It could remind me something like some old ATHEIST or some DIVINE
RAPTURE (I didn't find something wiser). This is a path they should
explore much more in the future for sure! If they keep on improving
this way, IMPUREZA have strong chances to become a real hope for
the Spanish (oups... French héhé) Death metal scene! That's a
band I could advice to maniacs of death metal in the vein of NILE
or IMMOLATION, who are a little bit open minded. Needless to
say I'm very happy to feature this really cool band on a very soon
to come out release!
(Fra) Y correra tu sangre Demo'05. Some bands need a bit
of time to get into. Approaching this demo with your metallic
knowledge in a overall mental assault would be a mistake since you
could have the fooling feeling IMPUREZA lacks of personality and
catchiness, that it would be some kind of average obscure brutal
death band... A more inner emotionnal approach, with the feelings
of death (You know, these gut-feelings inside that makes the difference
between those who are into death, and those who vaguely listen to
the music... This isn't a reproach; someone interpreting this simple
fact as spitting probably has problems with his metallic consciousness!)
lets you feel and embrace the varieties of feelings the band explores;
it could even be called "personality" by moments, even
if the band still needs to developp and intensify its mixture. They
evolve in a kind of brutal death that can remind of mid old IMMOLATION,
mid old INCANTATION, old NILE, and maybe old DECREPIT (R.I.P- For
the heaviness), some early EXHUMED (split w/ HEMDALE), BLACK BLEEDING
(last demo) with some flamenco influences that do not especially
sound obvious if you do not really listen to the music. The style
of the band isn't really hateful or aggressive, even if they have
a good amount of blasts, their music would rather picture something
relatively obscure and quite enormous happening to crush you. Yes
this enormous entity couldn't be called monolithic since IMPUREZA
is too alive and varied for this. Allright, IMPUREZA has released
a cool 1st demo; even if it isn't perfect and would need to be intense
all the way, the band shows us a nice beginning of personality I'm
quite curious to follow. Anyway, I want to conclude with: Play
it again and again Sam! Never stop the betrayed roadrunning madness!
(Swe) Disciples of sodom Demo'03. Since their previous demo,
INCINERATOR has changed quite a lot, the two words coming to my
mind are: BRUTAL IMPROVEMENT! They changed two of the musicians
and their thrash metal the old way sounds much more compressed,
aggressive and full of riffs everywhere! Fast thrash à la old KREATOR
("Pleasure to kill" and "Terrible certainty")
with touches of old beer banging SODOM and old SADUS (For the structures:
full of riffs!). If tight as fuck thrash metal the old way is what
you need, if you don't like the Gothenburp melodic "Thrash"
and if you feel a bunch of new school of old school thrash bands
sound asleep (better said unmotivated?) you might have found a good
deal with INCINERATOR! Eventhough this new Demo might sound a bit
less catchy than their previous recording, it has much more punch
from the guts! Nothing really catchy, memorable or killer, but it's
done with enough aggression and power to keep the bored drunkers
alive! So the subterranean thrash maniacs should leave their packs
of beer for a minute and drop a line to Lenny: Lenny Blade, Duvgatan
(Swe) Global Death Sentence Demo'04. Raw Grindcore emerging
from the depths of the black cities! INFANTICIDE plays it fast and
brutal in a rather old school Grindcore style, and for a demo band
it doesn't sound bad! And even quite energetic with a touch of good
old corrosive human annihilating social stress. Quite aggressive
Grind reminding me of early PHOBIA, early NYCTOPHOBIC and some MASTIC
SCUM, early NAPALM DEATH, some later SANITYS DAWN (Powerviolence
epoch) with few hints of AHUMADO GRANUJO. The style especially reminds
me of early PHOBIA both for the raw guitar sound, the tremolo riffs
and the blasts, as well as early NYCTOPHOBIC for the kind of explosive
stress compressor and brutal urban aggression. Most of the music
is blasting, but some moments of Crust or Hardcore/ Grind can be
felt. Add a quite powerful production and you have a cool Grindcore
demo to explode the heads of Underground Grindcore blowers! Not
the most killer or original, nut some energy of Grind is here and
many irongang bone-suckers will see their ass kicked! Ah! Better
than the low average! Support them!
OF DEATH (Pol) Heretic hellspawn holocaust Demo CDr'03. Once
zombified and swimming in the decomposing volatile substance of
gore, I can listen to this demo from A to Z, and imaginary cum between
the golden tits of the decapitated Egyptian queen... Butt! Once
your head is a bit out from the sexy vibrations, things are not
so appealing...It sounds like average and everheard. This demo
is announced as brutal death on some (ho)modern metal websites,
but the rotting head floats between waters that belong mostly to
the lands of mid old brutal death, old school death metal (Kind
of old Swedish style... or are there two many floating body parts
misleading my attention?) and few vapors of crepitating brain chewing
gum lets me snif the fact touches of quite technical and more modern
brutal death are also inside. Well, as said in the beginning,
I can listen to the demo once the putrid head is submit to the waves
of sadistic appeal, but to be hornest, there's nothing catchy, or
new... Just decently brutal stuff that might appeal your metallic
wheel during gigs, but not much more... So, it's some kind of cool
average underground band, for big fans of the underground style
only. (Others will probably be bored).
MALIGNITY (Jap) Demo'05. Japan. Totally brutal death
grind. Totally pro. Totally in the US Style! Even if INFECTED MALIGNITY
doesn't bring something new to the massive cauldron of global flesh
consumption, their brutal death is over the average on a professional
point of view! It could remind rancid deathbags of DISGORGE (US-
Lex complex), DEEDS OF FLESH (Trading pieces), PYREXIA (Early),
CINERARY, with cool touches of MORTAL DECAY (1st CD). Did you get
the Brutal point? The vocals sound low and guttural, the guys
play it varied (blasting, heavy, groovy) and brutal enough. Nothing
new or passing the test of time, this is only your usual brutal
death riffs, but big US Brutal death fans will probably find in
here an heavy and brutal enough band for their underground likings!
For big brutal freaks only!
HATE (Spa) Demo CDr'04. Blasting death metal in a rather
old styled way reminding of the first KRISIUN albums, with an hateful
fuel of burning fog reminding of early DEICIDE, a bit of NILE'd
fast and furious moments and even some BYATIS (Fra- R.I.P). The
atmosphere of hatred and apocalypse usually felt in KRISIUN is present
in a good amount of riffs. When the band blasts, it sounds okey
and wouldn't displease big fans of the style, but the energy turns
down in a bunch of slowdowns, as the slower riffs sound too common
in my putrid hears. More sickness is needed to really turn infernal...
Invokate the infernal hatred and summon the infinite force from
the abyss!! The snare-drum doesn't really fit, it's too thin
to heavily molest your skull and keep it obscure. It's a shame,
since the drummer knowns to decently blast (That's not the case
of many bands trying to emulate KRISIUN...). All in all, nothing
special or catchy, and the music can be improved, but I think it's
a pretty decent demo that might turn cool in the cavernous hears
of underground blasting death metal hatred fanatics. I've heard
newer songs of INFERNAL HATRED that sounds better: a bit more energetic
and faster, but there's still nothing catchy and the snare drum
still kicks too high pitched... At least they progress in a right
way, the way to hell! Email:
(Fra) Demo'05. Threesome dismemberment, tectonic disphyncterisation
and brutal balls elongation with rotten razors! Isn't it the grotesque
coolness? INFEST seems to have taken their time to compose their
songs and record a demo; the result is some nicely constructed pillaging
at the right urban border between old school grindcore, death grind,
hardcore, powerviolence, crustcore... It could remind some old school
grind like old NAPALM DEATH/ S.O.B, plus newer sounding stuffs like
NAPALM DEATH (blasting, mid new), HUTT, MORTALIZED, as well as a
bunch of Hardcore induced influences I don't know enough for an
evil quote. The songs are submitted to many changes of riffs &
tempos. I don't like that much their old school hardcorish patterns
(I never dug many graves on an HxCx background) or most of their
slow downs. In my rotting opinion their blasts and fast parts are
the cooler moments. The tracks display enough aggressiveness
to remain entertaining. The production is quite good, even though
it lacks of corrosive heaviness. I don't find really explosive
power or massive will to crush the whole humanity in their songs
(Crazy catchiness and a weird punch in the face are needed to awake
the grinding troops) but I guess the jumpers who dig dig their core
core in the pit pit might be quite interested in INFEST. Sorry it's
quite too core and "light" for me, but it's not bad for
a first demo.
(Fra) Promo 2003. Some
members of this band played in CARNAL FEELINGS few years before.
It was a technically correct but common Death grind band. This promo
features only 1 track, so I'll keep it short. This is Brutal
deathcore grind with a lot of breaks in the new school HxCx Grind
style (DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN)...) It can remind of the following
the Math-core. It sounds Ok but nothing exploded my guts, and I
have the feeling it goes a bit everywhere... So it's average.
DISEASE (Usa) Inherit disease Demo CD'03. Average, common
and uninspiring US Brutal death... And it just got signed to UNIQUE
LEADER. There's no surprise in this heavy groove most and blastind
demo, with deaf production à la "Butchered at birth".
Some heavier riffs do not suck, but most of the blast... Uh! Nothing
to attract your beer-filed attention, unless you're an enormous
fanatic of the style collecting every single demo as an orthodox
stamp maniac. (Some webzine-makers seem to use demos to build new
walls in their houses... maybe it's cheaper than bricks. Ah Ah). The
introduction taken from "Clockwork orange" has already
been used at least 15 times. Well, this demo is already few years
old, let's hope the band has improved, otherwise nothing especially
captivating (but rather Boring!) will come out...
HATRED (Bel) Sickening entertainment Demo CDr'03. Fuck
that godamn beer that don’t stay in its bottle until I drunk it!
It’s pure alcoholic waste! Pure blasphemy of the beer’s demon!! I
knew INHUMAN HATRED from their name and I recently received their
promo between two horny German beer packages… and Hugh! To be honest
I expected more impressiveness since this beer lacks a real morbid
feeling of hell! What you can hear on this demo is somekind of 90’s
Brutal death grind with few old school touches… Somekind of mix
between old CANNIBAL CORPSE, old MONSTROSITY (1st CD and less technical)
ANGEL. But hell! It sounds average (to say the less putrid!) and
quite confused in parts! Most of the riffs are ever drunk as your
usual daily vine: no surprise. A bunch of breaks are useless (Keep
it straight to the point !!) some parts aren’t so bad; but some
structures and breaks are wasting the intensity of what could be
drinkable putrid beer. Some old Death metal riffs sounds kinda like
old GOREFEST. INHUMAN HATRED’s beers need to deeply ferment and
rot in pure corrosive malt until the acid juice of alcoholic hatred
flows under the schizophrenic form of Brutal alcoholic riffs!! Between
the average and very average.
(Fra) Demo'04. Even if the first approach could let you think
this newcoming band plays somekind of black metal, their tracks
evolve between fast Death grind, "raw black death" and
some semi melodic death black. It always follow fast rythms. You
could think about some demo versions of mid old ANGEL CORPSE, DIVINE
RAPTURE, GOD DETHRONED ("The grand grimoire") and some
early IMPIETY ("Asateerul awaleen"), but in a less intense
and extreme way, the atmosphere seems cooler, not extreme as fuck.
Some riffs from here and there sounds common or lack in power. (The
cooler sounding riffs are the most deathgrind or semi melodic ones
while some "Raw black death" sounds too common). Some
problems might come from the drum-machine that sounds too low and
happens to be too fast... I must say the not that controlled Black
metallic vocals sound misplaced in my hears!! It wastes some of
the cool riffs. To conclude, this is an average demo and some
work has to be done towards more surprising structures and towards
a higher level of selectiveness concerning their riffs. But there's
a cool atmosphere, and with some work they might improve. Good luck!
(Pol) Into rotten coma we drift Demo MCDr'06. METAL RULEZ Prods. Please
fuck me! Yes! Inseminate my big slimee Ass with your putrid metal
of Death! RRRHAAA!!! INSEMINATOR plays old styled Death metal
like old THRONEUM or early DEATH (There's a cover of "Evil
dead" turning into "Beyond the unholy grave" (MANTAS
song)). It's correctly done, but there's nothing special, and
I already heard some of the riffs zillion of times before... Just
kicking enough to keep you awake... But I need more guts and pusfilled
rotting intensity of unholy flesh cremating Death! Average Death
BLEEDING (Usa) Pure American fury Demo’03. Your mother
likes it hard! Your mother likes it deep in her fat round slimee-ass! Your
mother has a never-ending lust for putrid sex and hard ridden Crass
fukk Uber alles! Your mother loves to sodomize with her bloody
spiked dildo! Until it fukking dark bleeds! You are a real motherfucker! But
as you were too busy with your years long incestuous anal bleeding,
you probably didn't notice INTERNAL BLEEDING didn't record an album
since a bunch of years. Ok, I understand a hard-ridden ass-fuck
can be a good excuse for some, but I was pleasantly surprised as
I saw INTERNAL BLEEDING had recorded a new promo! This band is still
ass-pounding! Yes motherfucker! INTERNAL BLEEDING still sounds fresh
and flowing from the inner saturated wound as they did in 98/99!
this is still American Brutal death the Us style with a bunch of
burning SUFFO riffings and a bunch of riffs filled as fukk in each
track. This band has a really cool sense of the fat-ass-dancing-grooves.
All the more the tracks are nicely articulated in their Brutal megamix
of Brutal US Death, Deathcore and others that can also be similar
to old PYREXIA, DYING FETUS, REPUDILATION's 2nd Demo (Dance motherfucker!
Dance!!) and FATE (Fra). Allright putrid motherfucker! This isn't
bloody original and the band sounded more brutally impressive on
their later releases, but it's total pro groove brutality with burning
cool ideas that can only rewarm a cold beer! This 2 tracks demo
is cool news and I imagine their next full-length will be at least
allright for a bunch of total beerfukks! This is probably not a
lifelong ass-branding beer, but groovy enough fucker! Groovy enough!
(Fra) Initiate mind regression Demo'05. This freshly released
demo of an old school thrash metal band could be seen from two points
of axe! First savage pierce: The hardly satisfied thrash metal
enthusiast will think the "chuga chuga" rythms lack of
defenestrating power and the drummer would need to drink more evil
beers; the black metallic screams would need more conviction and
a bit of rework is needed for some burial ground. Second savage
pierce: The drinking drunk neanderthalic burning head might feel
a quite cool old mood whole some quite death metallic tremolo riffs
have enough hatred to pleasantly tickle his sharp teeth. Of corpse
he wouldn't find anything new, but since he's into thrashing thrash
the ancient way and underground stuffs, he think this demo is cool
enough. The production is ok, there's an old sounding chorus
effect on guitars, sounds quite strange... All in all, it's a
quite decent first demo. Eventhough there are milky-mistakes, the
band do not have a very intense feeling, and if they don't have
"the swing of the axe" it might sound cool for some undergroundly
trapped old school thrash enthusiast and other maniacs of metallic
archeology. Those whose thrashing expectations are high-pitched
won't get in the ring (Nothing new or really ass-kicking for their
burning metal needs) but I guess INVOKER might find a nice underground
place in the almost desperately dead Thrash metal French scene.
