worship sometimes tend to strange masochist pathologies...
While some dream about seasons in bed with MADONNA,
some would rather choose to "rest" in bed
with SATAN! Ahr! Of corpse, it's all a matter of choice
and sexual affinities, but I'm not sure if the overactive
and thorny burning member of the evilest demon would
be a pleasant nocturnal soarprise... Anyway of the spiked
leg, here's a new fanzine printed on real paper, with
the real black ink you have almost ceased to dream about,
and a nice cute and paste layout. As you have probably
noticed, the content is rather old school metal focused,
with cool interviews of HELLACAUST, HORDE OF WORMS,
SKITZO, TERMINAL DESCENT, F.A.T.O, few movie reviews,
some flyers, and a bunch of demos/ albums reviews being
too short! (Some length and more descriptions/ criticism
are needed! Most of the time, you only learn the style
of the band and if the editor likes it or not. Work
on this next time!) Please don't notice the raw cover
drawing was bestially vomited by myself. So, for
a first issue it's cool (and it's sold for a low price)
but I hope the next one will have more content and longer
reviews. (A POSSESSED interview is sheduled, so that
sounds good in my beer).
Keegan Irvine, 40 1/2 Greenside Ave., Toronto, Ontario,
M6G 3P6, CANADA. Email: anarshee@hotmail.com http://www.geocities.com/skullfnmetal