so open minded and experienced... You know... I read
many zines from many countries... But I didn't understand
most of it... Ah Ah Ah... As you probably noticed,
the list of reviews of foreign-zines-I-can't-understand-
and-keep-on-piling-in-delighting- disgust is growing.
This time we explore something coming from the hairy
hellish hole of Italia. The content of VIZIO EXTREMO
FUCKZINE isn't as extreme as the moniker could let you
imagine, the content would rather speak for "something
like a black metal zine who doesn't dislike melodies
and other kinds of extreme metal at all", so there
might not be your usual black-mass-goat-recipe and other
"How to religiously fukk your skull in 20 lessons"
articles, but interviews and reviews. The interviews
are sometimes of a normal length, but most often short
(He might have kept only the most worthy questions,
I have no clue). The reviews are of a normal size and
quite numerous. This fanzine is quite big as it contains
126 A4 pages. There's a bit too much of blank spaces
from here and there, but the font sizes are small so
it might counterbalance. The computer layout could be
improved, it's too rushed, a little of fantasy or graphic
delirium never killed a metaller. Being unable to
really read the bowels of this issue, I don't really
have an opinion; But I have a little morbid feeling
it can be improved on a matter of content (The G-point
on a fanzining point of view). The editor seems to
honor trades and stuffs like that... So if you don't
dislike receiving a ton of emails in 3 minutes, he might
become a contact of yours...
Infernal goat, Bestial carnage, Dead twilight, Cannibe,
Crossodomizer, Deadly carnage, Delyria, Bestial vomit,
Cast thy eyes, Dissected, forgotten tomb, From depths,
Viscera, Smashhead, Juglans regia, Golthoth, Hexenfaust,
Hieros gamos, Hobnailed, Mourning soul, Necrosis, Nurmen,
Vaginal tormentor, The bloodline propaganda, Tsubo,
Tumulus anmatus, Ultimo mondo cannibale, Vultur, Zora,
Disforia, Egomass, Southern drinkstruction, Abuser,
Exultet, Umba noctis, Worstenemy, Damned creation, Bestial
devastation, Scheimm, Mass obliteration, Ancient skin...
Alan Carboni, Via Crispi 21, Serramanna (ca) cap 09038,
ITALY. Email: esoteric666@alice.it