by tomb reactivity. Putrid fixation on the juice
of the corpse. Distill the gore and extract gruesome
I have in the hands is a new fanzine from Brazil talking
about Death metal and black metal, in an old school
manner. The interviews seem to be correctly long,
but I don't understand more than a couple of words from
Portuguese, so I won't be able to extract the cadaveric
cranial content from these 34xA4 pages. It also contains
some reviews, some flyers and few other metallic stuffs. The
layout was cut and paste with fingers and scissors,
from pictures and computer printed texts; Some pages
look quite cool (And the reviews were all pasted in
inverted crosses, if that moistens your livid underpants),
while some would need a bit more of "sepulcher
jewelry" or smaller-sized texts (Compress your
death!). I promise to stop reviewing fanzines written
in unknown foreign languages... The day I turn blind! This
doesn't seem to be a bad first issue, I imagine that
with some layout improvements (And a bit more content?)
TUMULO MALDITO could become a cool coffin-teaser for
old school underground maniacs.
Sodomizer, Verdugo, Tormento bestial, No fashion zine/
Cursed productions.
José Antonio, Rua: Mauricio teles,686, AV. Juracy Magalhães,
Alagoinhas-BA, 48040-300, BRAZIL. Email: satanic666war(a)hotmail.com