you don't read paper zines, you're either a gay! or
a millionar fag owning a high tech palm/
wireless phone to visit the W.C in total serenity! (Total
metal isn't it?). Yes! face
the real deal and wake up from this hypnotizing computer
screen of shit that do not even look dark, underground
or sexually attractive! Don't you feel like a businessman
in font of it? Unholy and hardly readable scriptures
being hand written on old vomitted pages of rotten avulsion
are ways sicker! What we have here is the second
issue of a cool looking zine. These Norwegian forest
worshippers actually don't have that much content in
that issue, but the whole looks cool with long enough
(english written) interviews of KADAVERFICKER,
(What a crap "band"!), INTUMESCENCE, a German
Grindcore/ Death scene report... Can't tell much about
the reviews until now since I've rather been watching
the background attractive nude bitches! Héhé. Anyway
it looks full of Brutal death, grind and boring noisecore.
The snail mail contacts lacks though. If the zine editors
release other issues with more content, it can turn
in something interesting for those who like it Brutal
and Grinding in a rather new school vein! Nice one.
Renier Trenkill, Trompstr. 18, 2992 BR Barendrecht,
THE NETHERLANDS. Email: trendkiller@planet.nl