children of portable phone, hooray! This is one more
review of "The zines I can't understand"...
I'm sure some of you, slutty readers, turn out to be
bored with this kind of stuffs, but I'm busy installing
Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 on old computers, so what's
else could I do instead of watching the famous "Please
wait" messages? Hmmm? Inserting my trunk in the
pages of all these zines “I can't understand”, and hopefully
for my multilingual flair-appendix, TOTAL DEATH also
contains pictures such as logos, band photos, zines
or CDs covers... And also pictures of pornstars that
appear every two/ three pages... Since it's almost the
only thing I naturally understand in there, find enclosed
the list of porno sluts (In order of appearance): Jenna
Jameson, Veronika Zemanova, Crissy Moran, Briana banks,
Rita Faltoyano and Adam Stasiak... Hmm, not sure about
the last one (But maybe he did necrophile movies in
the past... After all: Necrophile + camescope = Necroscope).
As you see, I have recognized most of these girls, so
it's not so underground... But isn't that enough of
anal crumbling? Let's go back to the content, instead
of the cuntent: The zine is composed of quite long interviews
with Warfist, Wishmaster, Hypnagonia, Necroscope zine,
Unburied, and quite a lot of reviews... All is into
the deep underground w(h)orld. This is 24 pages of an
A4 size, quite strongly compressed, that might please
those who are in the dnuorgrednu (No, this is not a
german/ hungarian milf shake, reverse your eyes) and
speak pole-ish. For the next issue, even if he doesn't
translate the words into English, would be nice to have
something in Braille... Especially the porn pictures
héhé The voice of formaldehyde has spoken; Now it's
your turn to insert your eyes, and play it again Sam...
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