I wonder what happens in the inner of the initial motives
to create a zine. There are so much infos flying everywhere
on the web that zine-editors should fight to defend
their thing and find different ideas, personality, massive
specialized content... But some peoples do not seem
to care and release first issues that contain a whole
lot of not much at all... For example I got a copy of
TERVILLES, a zine focused on the old school (Better
said "true" in this case) kinds of black,
death and thrash metal. At first sight, it might be
nice, since the choice of bands is quite cool: VICTIMIZER,
the interviews are short and the questions so simple,
that it doesn't turn much interesting... The layout
looks like some A5 publications you could find 14 years
ago (Especially reminds me some stuffs Lord Puke/ THE
WAY OF FORCE did for his tape compilations), but the
font they choose pixelizes... It seems the zine was
printed on a personal inkjet printer, which will probably
make it more expensive and long to get a copy ready...
It seems to me this first step won't motivate TERVILLES
for various reasons (It will be too expensive to print
a copy, the content won't necessarily interest much
peoples, they apparently did very few promotions so
as always feedbacks will be even fewer...) and so they'll
have to improve quite a lot of things if they don't
want the zine to spontaneously extinguish and fall into
oblivion... Devotion and commitment are the only way!
Move your ass for Satan! I forgot to say my copy
(#11) was numbered with human blood.
VERTEY Stéphane, Chemin du for Bonnelle, 52200 LANGRES,
FRANCE. Email: War-crystallis@hotmail.fr