will say they have so much guts, that they have iron
balls. But I must confess, thanks to my right hand
I have cum beyond recognition, probably more than your
favorite porn actor... I have crossed the triangle of
flames and my balls have turned more ethereal than glass.
It's all translucent. The spirits of a two decades of
dead spermatozoids are gathering inside, in an haunting
feast... I can now reveal the truth... I have crystal
balls! Is that vociferating enough or not? Only your
favorite death metal porn actors could answer this question...
But at least I imagine the previous sentence could be
quite sulfuric... Now you know the truth, it's possible
to start the review of a new underground publication,
in a totally updated spiritual condition. Sulfuric
Vociferation is a newsletter that looks like an Ep at
first sight (You know, the small sized vinyl, not what
some actually use to call demos), but it's just a little
smaller. The visual aggression looks quite necro, with
quite nice drawn margins (Reminding the inside pages
of DEGIAL's demo tape, if you want a modern "cult"
reference) and a quite well chosen (Even if not that
easy to read) font. This seems to be quite appealing,
and the logos makes it quite ugly... The content is
focused on old school extreme metal bands from south
America (Chile, Peru, Colombia, Paraguay). But once
you begin to read comes a little disappointment... This
is not filled with interviews, neither packed with reviews,
but simply fed with biographies of bands. Argh, this
is not the most passionating thing to read. I have no
problem with biographies, but I expect something a bit
more personal and filled with manifestations of crystal
balls when I lay my eyes on something that was printed
on paper. Now that we're conscious about the content,
I could say it might be interesting for metal worshippers
who would like to learn their south American lesson,
you can get some informations about bands you perhaps
didn't know about, and the pro-printing and visual aggression
"embellishes" the feeling of the reader...
But in the depths, that's only a regular newsletter. Next
time, please send a couple of questions to each band
and try to make their souls cum on your pieces of paper.
Black hordes scorn, Wrathprayer, Hadez, Ejecutor, Hell's
veins, Necranastasis, Insurrexion, Crocell, Caligula,
Box 03, Sucursal Matucana, Santiago, CHILE. Email: