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not a fanzine, but a book about a fanzine. SLAYER
mag was an important do-it-yourself publication in the
early days of thrash, black and death metal, as it was
one of the first obscure medias to deal with these kinds
of music (At least in Scandinavia) and helped many very
small bands when no one cared about them... The name
of the zine was often associated with the cult stories
surrounding the existence of early MAYHEM, and Metalion still
publishes issues from time to time, which probably helped
to build a cult aura of some sort. French editor
CAMION BLANC had the idea to publish the content from
the first issues of SLAYER in a book, from the first
one to issue 5, which is cool! When I learnt about
it, the temptation was too strong and I automatically
needed to order a copy! No thought, no mind, just send
the money as soon as possible and get it immediately!!!
Zombie reading!! Zombie reading!! Zombiiiiie reeeadiiiiing!!!
Addicted to the fanzinal skin! But even if I was
enthusiastic, some doubts remaint... "Would the
initial pages be included? Would it be modified? Would
the translations be written in the initial pages? How
good would be these translations?" And other questions
turned in my head... Hopefully, the content is not
bad: It contains all the initial fanzines’ content (Without
any modification! Important!) on the left page, while
a French translation is on the right one. These translations
are quite useful, since the first two issues and half
of issue 3/4 are in Norwegian.(The fifth one is totally
in English).
first issues are quite representative of underground
metal fanzines from the 80's, it contains enthusiastic
but short articles/ reviews/ interviews (Quite logical
considering the few amount of informations one
could find about such bands back then, and (Maybe?)
the younger age of editors…) and a fresh spirit of thrashing
madness. In the beginning it was more about thrash
and heavy metal, but with each issue it turned out to
be more involved into thrash, with a bit more Death
metal each time... The content of the writing also developed
into something more informative: More (And better) interviews...
think some translations are a little bit too "literary"
(A little bit more of "let it flow" would
have made it closer to the original), and the layout
of the French written pages could have been a little
embellished to look less serious, but it's ok: I know
it's not so easy to translate metal interviews, the
meaning remains, and we kept the initial fanzines' pages! More
stories of Metalion such as in the introduction would
have been great! (His meeting with MAYHEM, their first
contact, a travel to Germany to meet ASSASSIN etc) but
it's not a Metalion biography, it's a book containing
the content of the zine, don't you remember? It's
something like deep underground from the 80's/90's available
in many french bookshops, which is quite funny.
A5 sized book will be a quite interesting reading for
fans of underground thrashing metal who want to learn
and feel more about these early days of thrashing madness!
I think it would especially be an interesting order
for French readers, even if it's not really a "Buy
or die" item. Personally speaking, I think I would
be more interested in a book containing issues 6 to
10 (With more old Death metal and early Norway Black
metal), because as you probably remember: ONLY DEATH
seems NUCLEAR WAR NOW Recs will release a book with
many old SLAYER mag issues, so keep tuned if you don't
read French or Norwegian...