already wondered several times what the monicker of
this hungarian fanzine could stand for... Is it supposed
to picturize something in your smelly underwears that
would be shrunken and mummified? Or maybe it could simply
criticize the autist mind of the countless mollusk computer-clickers?
(You desperately spikeless sea urchin of metallers!
Ah Ah!) Anyway, might the jellyfish be venomous or
not, it's better to focus on this new S&M paper
releases: What this new Shrunkissue offers is in the
same style than the previous issues I could read: A
clear layout fanzine with an underground content taking
from various extreme music styles. No highlight on big
names that could sell better, just underground stuffs.
The interviews are quite interesting and well rounded
enough to keep me reading. (I kinda noticed that since
Shrunky spends more time with his distro, he also finds
more interest in questionning labels... That's a cool
thing to know about how some bigger labels actually
work). The reviews are in the same kind than previous
issues: it's rather describing (even very describing)
of a release under every sides... but unfortunately
I feel it lacks of personal opinion, and deepness of
death (Call it metallic delirias if you wish... Beer
is the key!). It's a nice fanzine in the continuation
of previous issues. An informative one, with cool interviews,
but unfortunately the reviews lack of criticism... Drink
more neer if needed! AHR! Execute them all! Ah Ah!
Mystifier, Beyond the rage, Rabbath Ammon, Vomepotro,
Soils of fate, Necroscope zine, Bucho discos, Ahumado
granujo, Paragon records, Vorkuta, Acodoty regulator,
mail: Erik Zöldi, Rakoczi Ul 118. 1/1, 3900 SZERENCS,
HUNGARY. Email: shrunky@freemail.hu