if the Brutal death scene do not have as strong old school
valours as the old school death or black metal scenes,
some enthusiasts keep on releasing their issues on paper.
Quite cool isn't it? So, SEWER is mostly focused
on Brewtal Death metal, might it be Hewltra Brewtal
and blablasting; or quite old styled (there are also
few old school death appearances). In this issue, the
DEVOURMENT interview is quite long and informative...
well, a shame all interviews do not follow this exemple
and are not more worked. That's not a generality: half
of the time the chat is rather focused on the "Cool
bro, we're brewtal" or some questions that do not
suck enough worms from the nose of the speaking victim,
while the other half can be paste in the "Quite
long and informative enough" folder. There are
also a live report, and some reviews (that would deserve
to be a bit less enthusiastic and draw more criticism...
Yes! Do not hesitate to kick their ass! Ah Ah!) All
in all, I think it's a fanzine with an okey computer
layout that might be cool for underground brutal death
junkies. Beware, because he's already working on
issue 3! So I guess you won't wait too long for another
dose of the brewtal. héhé
Devourment, Malamor, Kaamos, Sanatorium, Godless truth,
Cenotaph, Putrid pile, Carnal redemption, Inhuman dissiliency.
Manos Michaelides, Nick Kazantzaki 37, Mykoniatika,
Agioi Anargyroi, TK 13561 ATHENS, GREECE. Email: