might wonder if the appearance of a new paper zine would
help them to find their way through the legs of the
bitches of forever filth, but it's a tough question
since these paths are very menacing and full of dangers;
Of course the final pleasure is worth the effort Ah
Ah. So will this new zine help you to find the right
way to the so lusted-after entrance to the "V"
cavern? Unfortunately no, necroboy, SCREAM BLOODY GORE
might sound like the name of a mutant whore with very
painful periods, but we are in front of a first issue
that contains it's share of defects. I enjoy the
fact it's a fanzine, with the 3 first letters in capitals,
and it can be felt as the editor seems to spend a cool
moment, but there will be things to improve such as
the length of interviews (Questions are short, so...)
and the visual aspect (Because he "recycled"
the cover of the "Swedish Death metal" book
for his backgrounds and own cover). At quite many levels
it reminds me some A5 zines you could find in France
around 95-96, including the fact the layout was computer
done (In my opinion the tool doesn't matter, too much
of sterile crappy "shred and glue" doesn't
mean it's good!) and the "let's have fun, don't
stress too much" state of mind. This first issue
wasn't unpleasant to read, I kinda liked the UNLEASHED
intie for example, so wish him good luck, good work,
and let's see how he will improve the scream, the bloody
and the gore for next issue.
Daniel Ekeroth, Asphyx, Devastation, Unleashed, Sulphur
Feast, Morbid breed, Body snatch...
Antonio Lucio, Rua Avelina Pires Leitao, Lote 16A 2.°
Drt, 2955-137 Pinhal Novo, PORTUGAL.