time for printed fanzines is over..." Ah Ah Ah!
Let me laugh!! I receive new paperzines every week,
a bit too much to read everything! So the time for funzines
isn't exactly over, you fucking fucker! Those who want
zines will get zines, those who want to print zines
will be more or less able to do it... This is "simply"
not as easy as it once was, every metaller won't mistake
you anymore for a well-rounded lovable playmate simply
coz you're a "Zine-maker" and it will need
some pain to correctly distribute the funzine... Ok,
we're in 2007 and it's obvious editors need to adapt
their asses to the new piss-millenium, so why not adapting
themselves to the new laws of funzining on paper instead
of turning online and translucent? In fact I just
told you about my inability to read everything from
the zines; This doesn't only result from a too big quantity
of evil scriptures to invade my mailbox, but also from
the fact every zines aren't exactly English written...
lol... In this precise case, it's all Polish spoken
and I don't get most of the words... But I can tell
you this is an underground focused zine, and the editor
is mostly into black metal (With some death and thrash).
The interviews seem to be quite long an talkative (Absurd,
Sauron, Holy death, Moloch lethalis, Pater noster, Morysian
fog, Embrional, Hail satan, Total war prod...), the
reviews aren't especially short... And there's a nice
little surprise for you, evil black metaller! Adrian
had the funny idea to offer something special inside...
No, this isn't the usual poster you'll stick on your
putrid walls... No! With this kit you'll be able to
build your own little church of paper, and then to burn
it as if you were Norwegian for real! Killer!!! (A matchstick
is even enclosed! Lol). You'll be able to say it, with
the very necro and darkened face, "I DID IT! I
isn't especially ultra big, but the 48 pages are packed
with enough small fonts to make it compressed and tight
like a juicy little... Something that doesn't look like
a cunt! You putrid pervert!! The layout is too clear
and simple in my opinion. I'm more or less in touch
with the editor, and he seems serious with writing back
or trades, so if you want a bit more underground support
in Poland, send a snail mail with many flyers here:
Adrian, PO BOX 20, 02919 WARSZAWA 76, POLAND.