just treated me of nazi and homophobic because I had
the good idea to write "No melodic gay froot loop
metal" somewhere! Ah ah! Some peoples are so devoid
of humor and have problems to think before clicking
the "Send" button... Fuck! Now I need to review
a fanzine written in German to look even more NS and
detestable! So, this nice looking A5 zine that comes
with a golden cover is focused on old school heavy metal
and have a slightly different approach from the usual
metal zines, in the sense it's rather something for
collectors. A part of the content contains the quite
detailed infos reminding me what some vinyl-sellers
cherish in their: Complete label catalog, precise vinyl
infos (Green, marble, test press, amount of copies,
serial number, and apparently the weight or the thickness),
... Uh, it's quite detailed infos for the music listener
I am. But don't be too afraid, many albums from the
"JAPAN SPEZIAL" comes with a little review
and the cover picture (44 Magnum, Action, Akira, Bow
wow, Color, Fatima hill, Lazy, Loudness, Outrage or
Sabrabells are some of the bands), same for the article
about O.P.M Records (Deuce, Mx, Roc Lochner, Armed forces,
Commandment, Ironcross, Appollo ra are enclosed) that
also comes with an interview. There are also few articles
("Des metalheads ideale") and the zine counts
40 pages as a whole. My opinion will remain flat
as water since I don't read German and don't feel too
concerned with quite meticulous collecting, but I think
some heavy metal fanatics might like RARE RECORDS, to
discover some albums or rediscover some listening pleasure
from the past.
Jens Häfner, Wolliner Str.1, 26215 WIEFELSTEDE, GERMANY. Email: