is a fanzine from Argentina talking about quite varied
genres in the underground metal world: Thrash, death,
black, grind, heavy... I'm not sure if it's focused
on the Argentinean underground, but as far as my knowledge
goes I can say it contains mostly south American bands. There's
nothing I found too juicy, but I don't understand the
content (It's written in Spanish or Portuguese), so
the lay out probably lacked of juice and "Metálico
eyaculación" (Thanks Mr Google, even if you're
becoming a big personal life intruder, your translator
is quite nice)... There are 14 reviews of records, 5
zine-views, 5 interviews that seem decently long (But
I'm not able to talk about the interest of its content...
Could you say if "BLABLABLABLABLA" is good
and interesting?), few articles that look like band
biographies and some flyers or advertisements. These
20xA4 pages are in black and white with a sober layout
that was probably made in Winword or equal. This
publication is said to be given for free, but I'm not
sure if it still exists or was really printed on paper
(I found a Pdf file somewhere), but at least you can
try to contact the editor here: Moisés Ruiz Diaz, Córdoba
634, Pieza 14, CP (3500), Resistencia - Chaco, ARGENTINA. Email: