is a quite fukked metal zine, with an underground Metal
Metal state of mind even the worst malignant underground
termites wouldn't despise. This said, and taking in
akkount the Malay origin, you immediately imagine the
mixture of brutal music with not-very-good English (It's
his first English written issue... So it can be excused),
quite brutal cut'n paste layout (Yet clearly readable)
and all texts were written with a type-writer (I guess
he feels like a terrorist behind the writing machine
Ah Ah). The interviews contain the usual underground
subjects, with some opinions and integrity (Maybe more
than usual... The underground becomes quite more polished))
and it turns out to be quite long enough and quite informative. This
115 A5 pages zine isn't perfect, but contains enough
qualities in its style to please the underground heads
who liked Metal Metal before it turned to chocolate. FUKK
OFF is here.
Devastator, Nefarious azarak, Aka Sari, Shrunken &
mummified zine, Envenom, Virus zine, Christicide, Negatron,
Moder, Mantak, Antacid...
Rithzali Nasir, Petit surat 50789, Pej Pos Putatan,
88725 Kota Kinabalu, Saban, Malaysia.