name of this fanzine could strongly remind of goregrind,
bondage, sexual torture, juicy ball castration... But
once you think about the meaning of the two words, the
kinds of music immediately largen, as the goal is to
tease your hears with hot sounds from the underground.
So the cuntent of the pages is quite varied between
brutal death, Death metal, grind, a little of black
metal and few other extreme "metallic" neighbors...
But after all the whole could be listed under the "Death
grind zine" category. Even though some inties
seem to be with some upcoming local hear-oes (And so
are quite short), most is of a quite good length, and
a few are quite long... There's quite a lot of reviews
indeed, urgh, I didn't have batteries left for my countometer
so I can't tell exactly how many, but there should be
enough for those who like to read in Hungarian... Wait...
Hungarian??... Yes! This is another review of "the
zines I can't understand"; I know this little "blind-review"
game might turn off some readers, but ORAL CLIMAX seems
to be a cool zine and I feel quite close to this mix
of brutal death/ Death and grind... To conclude,
I'll say the 48 x A4 pages were visually put in order
thanks to a computer, it looks quite nice even if a
little more variety or demonic pill could enhance the
size of your cock (Yes, you know this bird that sings
"Cocorico"). I noticed no contact address
was given in the CDs/ fanzines review sections, which
could be changed (Grrr). This is all I can say from
what I can gather from this issue. If you live in hunga
hunga Hungary (Sorry, I have an apache libidinal pregnancy
these days), try to get a copy and make your own prosthetic
Age of agony, Arson, Catalepsy, Decaying purity, Despondency,
Distorted impalement, Dög, Fostartäly, Goblin gore,
Incubus (Mark Lavenia), Jack, Kill with hate, Long pig,
Malediction, Masachist, Massacre (Michael Borders),
Megazetor, Messhugah, Misery index, Paedetrician, Rotten
sound, Sayyadina.
török Janos, Oriszentpéter, Kovŕczsser 23, 9941, HUNGARY. Email:
rpg7 (a) freemail.hu