ATTACK Zine #1.
cavities of the deep underground are bored! Yes,
it seems more and more peoples forget to dig in there,
to discover more and more cool underground bands, as
it's easier to remain under the light of the mainstream
laws and to keep on clicking as fast as pussyble, just
to spend time! If the once workers of the depth keep
on forgetting what once was the goal, I bet our beloved
cavities will keep on narrowing and blocking, and it
will become very hard to explore the depths unless you
have a personal wrecking crane!
I keep on digging, let's make some holes in the ground
of the Philippines with NOISE ATTACK Zine. This publication
is new on paper, but some fans of (s)extreme music might
know about it because the guy runs a webzine under the
same name. The content is rather focused on grindcore,
taking the part of this style that comes from the HC
side of the blast. You have the usual inties, reviews,
the whole written in a friendly style (It might be too
nice!! We need to be ass-kicked without mercy, especially
when it sucks or when we recorded some crap, dude! Thanx
from advance for the severe anal punishment!) plus some
not so usual stuffs such as the opinion of some underground
peoples about various subjects ("My first grind/
noise record"... "What motivates you to run
a fanzine"... "My first toped anal penetration"
(Just joking/ Gab). Not sure if everyone would dig it
so much, since it takes quite some space, but it sounds
quite 'new', so why not?) The zine is deep underground
focused (This means NO Relapse band), A5 sized (This
means I still haven't found the mighty APOIL sized zine!),
in English (Could be easier to read). A nice zine to
have your grinding band supported. Hopefully Philippines
aren't strictly filled with bloody Rip offs! I wait
for the improvements of next issue.
Symphonic Blast, Nihilistic Holocaust, Onanizer, Inner
Surge, Rotten Cold, Dick Stink.
Joselito Sional, MCPO Box 3589, Makati, 1275 Philippines. Url: