super Death metal fanzine, this is kinda what the editor
of MYSTICAL MUSIC achieved to do with this new issue,
because it contains many of the looked-after bands from
the current "half underground" scene, featured
in quite good articles, and so if you like this kind
of metal there would surely be something for your interest
somewhere... The interviews are quite long and cool.
The layout is clear (Maybe a bit too simple), computer
made with drawings in the margins (A la Slayer mag).
There are also quite a lot of reviews. Now one could
complain about the interest, quality or morbidity of
this or that band (DEICIDE in 2008? DISFEAR in a pure
Death zine? Etc...) but as often it's matters of tastes
and one should be a bit more than a "critical listener"
to release this kind of big, death devoted, 86 pages
zines, and must have crossed at least few degrees of
morbid fanaticism... It's his first English written
issue, as he quotes SOD with "Speak english or
die", there probably weren't enough German readers
anymore... There's also a CDr compilation inside. So,
even if it's not totally perfect, this new issue will
contain enough quantity and passion to catch the interest
of death metallers at the corner of more than a few
pages... Do you own your copy?
Resurrection, Deicide, Bloodbath, Facebreaker, Daniel
Ekeroth, Hail of bullets, Spearhead, Unanimated, Disfear,
Arsis, Treblinka, Mr Death, Fatalist, Graveyard, Grotesque,
Deranged, 21 Lucifers, The rotted, Demiurg, Mourning
Ralf Hauber, Emerlandweg 11, 73529 Strassdorf, Germany. Email: