in a giant pulsating pus pulsar of abstract atrocities,
your only escape is to strongly hang on something concrete...
Something that's not built upon a pile of electrons...
So a little fanzine will be the right affair, or it
won't? What you could see here is a small aficionadozine
composed of 16x A5 pages that generally seem to talk
about the current old school genres, but this issue
is more Death metal than anything. There are three interviews
with DOMAINS, ABHORROT and ASCENDED that are not so
long and contain the usual "old school" questions,
but at least I learnt a bit more about these bands...
It also contains some reviews, a live report and some
flyers. The layout is cut'n paste, some pages remind
me some issues HELLPIKE released few years ago (Maybe
due to the bullet belt margins or the fact texts were
cut and paste from words written with a typing machine
(Or something like that)). The first thing to be
improved is the front cover, this drawing is too average
to be the first visual approach, then longer interviews
could also be something good. This is a small fanzine
with the word "Fan" in quite bold letters,
it doesn't show so much ambition or stress to kill (The
editor even calls it a newsletter himself), somewhere
it's not very far from the first issue of ABHORRENT
DECAY if you want a comparison. If the editor wants
to make it bigger and become a real zine, injecting
more personality and inner pains would be needed, but
if he doesn't want to make it grow, this paper could
remain a small provider of deep underground information
to those who will get it for free (Wasn’t it for free?
Or in trade for a good box of emptiness? Ahah). This
was released by the bassist of ATARAXY.
Eduardo M. R., c/ Estacion 4 48, 50014 Zaragoza, SPAIN. Email: