zines. Pope her zines. Poppers zines! Oh yes, so all
zine readers are homo sexuals who take a lot of meds
to restrain their bloodyheadaches from exploding more
anal wars? Uh Oh... Anyway it's what some poofty smellers
might think once reading the zine name and seeing the
eroded toxicomaniac girl's face on the cover... But
hopefully we aren't into enjewelling our assholes with
heroic tools of penetration (Yet? Ah Ah) so just put
your voracious eyes into these 32 A5 cut'n paste pages...
And what we see rather deals with experimental and noisy
kinds of (no-)music like harsh noise and random electronic
chaos... If your retinas are hungry enough (And not
too fucked?) you might learn more about noise "artists"
(This word sounds a bit too "arrogant" in
during some okey interviews, or you could also read
some few reviews, or some flyers... I noticed there's
quite a lot of paste pictures, and some pages don't
contain many infos, it might be more for the decorative
side of the thing... But it doesn't bother me since
I got this zine for free in a noisy package (Maybe some
peoples would like to be paid some fee or something,
for the time they spent reading a FREE zine they didn't
really like? Ah Ah Ah! Now in 2008, some guys' pickiness
and egocentric views are too exhausting). This is
a nice noise zine, like many others, who kinda scream
for independence in a world where clicking has became
more than a habit... More paper... More paper... More
poppers! Where's the snail mail? Only found this email: