me breath! There's too much of consanguinity in the
air! This minizine takes the form of a 16xA5 pages
newsletter dealing mostly with metal (Rather death,
black, thrash, heavy). Most of the content seems
focused on underground bands from Spain, it's written
in Spanish, and the cover says it's given for free. The
computer layout isn't super exciting, but it's quite
cool under some angles... Sometimes it reminds me of
French IN EXTREMIS minus the horror comics artworks
(But I didn't read this "zine" for some time
now, he became too tolerant with radical politics) or
some BESTIAL EXPERIENCE (R.I.P) Newsletters. Inside
of the fishnet stockings of the gothic slut you will
find an interview of TRANSYLVANIA, some live reports
(Brutalmeria festival and Nexus), a couple of reviews,
a little article about "La realidad almeriense",
some news, some forthcoming gig dates, lyrics of few
metal songs and some metal adds... I'm very descriptive,
and I know some peoples would have preferred me to describe
with more details what happens in the fishnets, but
this webzine isn't about fishermen and smelly fishes
of utter rottenness. Unfortunately for my hungry
hands, I found this issue as a Pdf file (Searching Google
for zines to download under various angles)... So I'm
not able to guarantee on Mr Vincent's underwears this
was printed for real, but I guess it was. I saw on
Metalmeria's website a third issue was released in 2010,
so maybe it's still active as a paper publication...
(And if you have doubts, you could fly to Usa and ask
Mr Vincent, he would be very pleased to teach
you the joys of pink underwears and other funny toys). Email:
Metalmeria(a)hotmail.com Website: http://www.metalmeria.com